
Post on 12-Jan-2015






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Religious diversity: a threat, something to be afraid of or a positive sign of our times?

Ever since the people started to migrate, they are forced to face a phenomenon called religious diversity. The more we travel, move, discuss and exchange ideas, the more we get to know other points of view, cultures and religions. Throughout the centuries everybody used to be extremely afraid of it, as it might shake the frail balance of their lives. This led to persecuting all the “pagans”, “witches” and “heretics”. Nowadays, we live in societies based on tolerance and equality. We are bound to live on good terms with everybody who differs from us. Is it a good thing? And does it really work in practice?

To me, there is barely anything more interesting and valuable than diversity. Development is one of major aims in human life. If we want to broaden our minds we can’t stay in the same place forever. We have to change and the only way to do it is getting to know something that varies from us. This is particularly important in terms of our faith. Lots of us fear of getting accustomed with other denominations. If our faith is weak, seeing other customs and beliefs can weaken it even more. People are afraid of changes afraid of seeing a value in Islam, Buddhism, Judaism etc. because if they liked it they might dream of conversion. And this would mean a sin. I guess this is a very easy explanation for how prejudiced are born: people simply want stability. For someone who thinks that way, religious diversity actually becomes a threat.

I do not believe that spiritual safety is worth such a sacrifice. Getting along well with the others seems to be far more important than feeling secure. If we let ourselves notice everything that's worthy in another religions, we can even enrich our faith.

However, even those who are eager to meet people of various denominations can sometimes find it very hard. Poland keeps being a far more uniform country than United States, France Germany or Great Britain. Nearly 90% declare to be Roman Catholics. The rest are mostly Protestants are Orthodoxies. They all originate from Christianity and have many similarities. The religions of the South and East remain a curiosity. Hopefully, our country is developing economically and immigrants from Asia and Africa start to come to live in Warsaw, Gdansk and Cracow. They bring with them their Gods and ideals. Maybe, in a few years, we will live in a country where everybody has Jewish, Hindu and Muslim friends and stays away from stereotypes. Now the only thing we can do is learning about the others and broadening our horizons. Let's do so!

Summing up, I am definitely for religious diversity and all its benefits. I am looking forward to the day when we all not only accept every denomination but also think of diversity as a normal and healthy state. Let’s forget about biases and become a part of a new world, where everybody can be whoever he wants to be. Where everybody can freely cultivate his customs. Where ideas are exchanged every single day. Where we know our place, we don’t feel lost and we respect the others’ places. I hope this will come soon. I hope this is already coming.

Julia Chabasiewicz

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