june 2014 pdx pug: ways to plug into the puppet community

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June 2014 PDX PUG: Ways to Plug Into the Puppet Community by Eric Sorenson, Puppet Labs


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ContributingThe dos and don’ts of

con·tri·bu·tion noun: contribution plural noun: contributions !!1. the part played by a person or thing in bringing about

a result or helping something to advance.

2. an article or other piece of writing submitted for publication in a collection.



from late Latin contributio(n-), from Latin contribuere ‘bring together, add’

But notice that this is not very prescriptive: !

nothing about having to write code, or what degree you have, or where

you’re from, or what you look like

If you can move things forward, we’d love for you to get involved!




Bug reports Documentation fixes Testing Mailing list/Ask help Community building Comment on proposals Code!

On bugs

Search for duplicates File a good bug Metadata Updating your bug

This works for both old and new bugs! !

adding info to existing tickets helps a ton!

Feature requests help too, especially with use cases. !

focus on the problem

On documentation

Docs are hugely important; thousands of people look at them every day! !

how many of you have used Google as a debugger?



Perfection is not required; content is king! !

don’t need perfect grammar or speling; focus on building new and updated content

On testing

Software is only as good as the people that test it

Test new builds, release candidates, experimental features !

and try out fixes for bugs you’re following!

On performance

How many people think puppet is as fast as it can be?

Profile our stuff! Send us results! Tell us what’s slow, and when we regress!

Need more input!

On community

On code

"This is the Puppet community. There are many like it, but this one is ours."

Core platform

FactsProviders Modules Layered tools



What happens after you file a pull request?

PR triage

Announce on mailing list Start hangout Pick a PR

Discuss Merge!


Submitter follow-up

Committer follow-up

Needs more discussion


Show up to the triage, Respond to comments, Be your own advocate

There are many reasons why a pull request may not get merged

Basic form, Quality, Correctness, Verification, Consensus


Incorrect code helps! Incomplete code helps! !

you are not your code, and discussing ideas as a group can be

highly valuable


Being impatient won’t get your bugs fixed more quickly.

Being hostile or overly confrontational does not help.

Wanting to be right at all costs is "scorched earth" collaboration.

Claiming to represent all puppet users is wishful thinking.

Expecting other community members to do work for you is unlikely to work.

Food for thought

We’re looking for more maintainers!

How can we improve ticket triage?

How can we get better diagnostic information from users when they encounter bugs?

How can we help new contributors find things to work on?

We’re all in this together, people!

deepak giridharagopal

eric sorenson

original talk by

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