june 27th, 2021

Post on 06-Dec-2021






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Parish Office……………701-775-9318

Hours: ….Mon—Thurs. 8:00 am—4:00 pm

Friday 8:00 am—12:00 noon


Web Site:.……………stmarysgfnd.com


Holy Family/St Marys School…775-9886

Religious Ed……………………775-2842

Prayer Chain…………………….772-3770

Parish Staff�

Pastor Rev. James Gross


Deacon Dcn Samuel Pupino

Liturgy Coordinator Virginia Wilson

Business Manager Ellen Rose

Office Manager Vicki Schreiner

Office Assistant Laurel Ann Dukart

CCD Director Don Palmiscno

ECC/Preschool Director Ashley Morris

Music Ministry Alyce Stokke

Parish Nurse Virginia Esslinger

Bldgs & Grounds Mtnc CJ Rose

**St. Mary’s Lay Directors**

Russ Prochko and Steve Zidon

Weekend Liturgies

Saturday 5:30 PM

Sunday 8:30 & 10:30 AM

Weekday Liturgies

Monday — NO Mass

Tuesday - 12:10 PM

Wednesday—12:10 PM

Thursday & Friday - 8:00 AM


6-6:45 PM Wednesdays (when RE classes)

9:30 AM TO 10:30 AM Saturdays:

Half hour before Saturday 5:30 PM &

Sunday 8:30 AM weekend Masses or by


Baptism - Contact parish office.

Marriage — Contact parish office 6

months in advance.

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

Earlier this month, the Bishops of the United States held

their Spring General Assembly meeting, and one issue

on their agenda captured the majority of the media cov-

erage. The Bishops voted to proceed in drafting a docu-

ment addressing what they are calling “Eucharistic Co-

herence.” I wanted to briefly touch on what they mean by

this phrase.

In a recent article in the National Catholic Register, publisher Michael

Warsaw explained it very succinctly: “Eucharistic coherence doesn’t

apply only in the case of abortion, even though it’s especially salient in

the context of this preeminent moral issue of our time. Eucharistic co-

herence is not primarily a question of whether…any politician should

receive Holy Communion. It poses a question of truth and fidelity each

and every communicant needs to ask themselves, each and every time

they present themselves to receive the Sacred Host.” Warsaw goes on

to quote Mother Angelica, the founder of EWTN, who wrote the follow-

ing in a meditation during a Holy Hour: “Lord God, if I truly appreciated

the majestic humility of the Eucharist, if I fully grasped the opportunity

to participate in Your very nature, it would change my life forever.”

The bottom line is that receiving Communion is not only a recognition of

the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, but also a desire to em-

brace and live the whole of Christ’s teachings handed down through

the Church. Any other argument, from the Bishops or anyone else,

would be dishonest.

God Bless You!

Father James Gross

June 27th, 2021

Liturgical Assistants:�

Saturday, July 3rd @ 5:30 PM

Altar Servers: Ellyn Johnson, Evelyn


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy

Comm: Only Father distributes

Lector: Don Votava

Sacristan: Don Palmiscno

Sunday, July 4th at 8:30 AM

Altar Servers: Rilan Korynta, Garret

Korynta, Bryce Korynta

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy

Comm: Only Father distributes

Lector: Michael Bibow

Sacristan: Virginia Wilson

Sunday, July 4th at 10:30 AM

Altar Servers: Paisley Worden, Leah

Kennelly, Jaris Restad

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy

Comm: Only Father distributes

Lector: Aida Wakefield

Sacristan: Virginia Esslinger

St. Mary’s News�


St. Mary’s Parish Office will be closed

Monday, July 5th for the 4th of

July holiday.

Last weekend, Saturday, June 19th and Sunday, June 20th was St. Mary’s

Food Offering Weekend, 945 pounds of food was donated by St. Mary’s Par-

ish Family. Thank you to all who were part of this sharing.

Our Hospitality Campaign is ongoing. We are halfway to our goal of

$60,000. The new downstairs restroom that will be located in the

social hall is for the convenience of those participating in events

downstairs such as funeral and wedding receptions and other parish

gatherings. It is also for the security of our little ones attending our

daycare. Our tile in some areas downstairs is just plain worn out and

needs to be replaced. If you have not yet given to this campaign we

ask that you would prayerfully consider a donation today. To those of

you that have already donated, we thank you for your generosity.

Summer is here, It’s warm/hot. Our children are out biking, walking, skate

boarding and all. Please be aware of them and drive safely for them and

for you. Be Alert!

PT Director of Religious Education�

St. Mary’s Church in Grand Forks, ND has an opening for a Director of

Religious Education.� This person will administer, direct, develop and

supervise activities for the youth of the parish.� The DRE will work with

youth from K�12


�grade.� This is a 10�month part time position with an

anticipated starting date of August 15, 2021.� �A job description is avail-

able in the parish office.� � Please send resume to St. Mary's, 216 Bel-

mont Rd, Grand Forks, ND 58201 or email

at�stmarysgfnd@gmail.com� Position is open until filled.�

"You are called to stand

up for life!...You are called

to work and pray against

abortion.” St. John Paul II

Bulletin Holiday Schedule


Bulletin for:

�� July 11th, 2021

deadline is Friday,

July 2nd—by 10:00 AM

Pray…..that we turn our daily focus

to God and others to develop a

“God�centered” lifestyle.�

1st Friday Adoration at St. Mary’s will be Friday, July

2nd, 2021 @ 8:30 AM to 12 Noon. Everyone is wel-

come to come and spend time with the Lord for an

hour or even a half hour.

Monday, Jun 28th: NO MASS

Tuesday, June 29th:

12:10 P.M. † Patsy Votava

by Pam & Bill Olmstead

Wednesday, June 30th:

10:00 A.M. † Bishop Ronald Herzog

by Fr James Gross

(At Parkwood Place)

12:10 P.M † Paul Helgeson

by Katie & Jason Lay

Thursday, July 1st:

8:00 A.M. † Duane Rivard

by Joan & Tony Scheett

Friday, July 2nd:

8::00 A.M. † Dan Scheett

by Laura Spicer

Saturday, July 3rd:

5:30 P.M. ** Special Intention—for

our Family

by Dave & Cabrini


Sunday, July 4th:

8:30 A.M. † Catherine Adam

by Ron & Julie Spale

10:30 A.M. For the Parishioners




Sacrificial Giving

Received June 19th & 20th





Total……………………………… .$5,385.63

Weekly Collection budget

$ 6,913.46

“…as a matter of equality your abundance at the present time

should supply their want, so that their abundance may supply

your want, that there may be equality.” � �


One of the tenants of living a grateful and generous lifestyle is

giving without expecting anything in return. It is important that

we not only grow, nurture and share our gifts; but that we also

teach our children and encourage others to do the same. This is

the communal aspect.�

Attention Catholic Women! Take a little time away for yourself, to

nourish your faith life and enjoy fellowship with other women of faith!

Magnificat Morning will be on Saturday, July 3rd at St. Michael’s

Church. As we prepare to celebrate our country’s independence, we’ll

be learning about and being inspired by the example of St. Junipero

Serra, who served the native peoples so faithfully.

� Morning Schedule Come for part or all:

� 7:15 AM Mass (rosary prior)

� 7:50 AM Light breakfast and Fellowship (Church Basement)

� 8:20 AM Video presentation

� 8:45 AM Discussion �

Trinity Youth Camp

Summer will soon be here and so will Trinity Youth Camp. "Who Do

You Say That I am?" is our theme and we invite you to join us as we

explore how our words and actions can show others who Christ is

today. Register now for a great Catholic camping experience at one

of three locations throughout the state! More information and regis-

tration can be found on our NEW web-


Dates and Locations for 2021:

** July 14-18 Pelican Lake | Bottineau, ND

** July 28-August 1 Pelican Lake | Bottineau, ND�

St. Mary’s Parish Family: Please notify the Parish Office (701�775�

9318) or (e�mail: stmarysgfnd@yahoo.com) or (complete this form and

place in collection basket) if you change your phone number (example:

drop your landline), get a new cell phone number, e�mail address, change

of address etc. �

NAME: _____________________________________________�

ADDRESS CHANGE:__________________________________�


LAND LINE PHONE #: ________________________________�

CELL PHONE #: ______________________________________�

E�MAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________�


MISC. INFO: _________________________________________�

“Many folks want to serve

God, but only as advisers.”

“The glory of the Lord will dwell in our land.” Psalm 85�


Calvary Cemetery Association is seeking a Ground Mainte-

nance Worker. Duties would involve mowing, trimming and

other landscape and ground maintenance duties. Must have

the ability to operate the applicable equipment. Working 25 to

30 hours per week. Starting salary based on qualifica-

tions. Submit your resume to Calvary Cemetery Association

216 Belmont Road, Grand forks, ND 58201 or e-mail

to calvarycemeterygfnd@yahoo.com or drop off at the Ceme-

tery Office at the same address.

Putt 4 a Purpose � Golf Event:

Bishop John Folda invites you to Putt 4 a Purpose, at the 15th

Annual Bishop’s Charity Gold Classic, benefiting Seminarian Ed-

ucation and Youth Programs. Join the fun and fellowship by

heading to Rose Creek Golf Course in south Fargo on Monday,

August 2nd for a round of golf, dinner and prizes. Register three

golfers and bring your Priest, Deacon or Seminarian as your 4th

player for free! Register online at:


If you are not a golfer, please consider sponsoring a priest or

seminarian or a hole on the golf course. Your contribution will

help support the event and defray costs. Register online at:

www.fargodiocese.org/puttpurpose. For further information,

please contact Steve Schons in the Stewardship and Develop-

ment Office, at 701�356�7926 or

email: steve.schons@fargodiocese.org. �

"Any country that accepts abortion, is not teaching its peo-

ple to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants."

Mother Teresa


Every three years, the Catholic youth of the world (ages 16-35)

come together for one incredible week as one body, one faith,

one voice. World Youth Day 2023 (WYD) will be held in beauti-

ful Lisbon, Portugal’s capital and largest city. Pilgrims will come

to celebrate with one another, deepen their faith, hear from

the Pope himself, and be inspired. Dates are yet to be an-

nounced but the Diocese of Fargo has already begun planning

a WYD pilgrimage! Join us for a fun, one-hour virtual info ses-

sion where you'll hear from diocesan leaders, get a rundown of

the trip itinerary by our pilgrimage leader, Verso Ministries, and

learn why YOU should plan to sign up for this trip of a lifetime!

Past pilgrim, Kristina Lahr, will also be on hand to share her

experience of attending WYD.

Readings for the week of

June 27, 2021�

Sunday: Wis 1:13�15; 2:23�24/

Ps 30:2, 4, 5�6, 11, 12, 13

[2a]/2 Cor 8:7, 9, 13�15/Mk

5:21�43 or 5:21�24, 35b�43�

Monday: Gn 18:16�33/Ps

103:1b�2, 3�4, 8�9, 10�11 [8a]/

Mt 8:18�22�

Tuesday: Vigil: Acts 3:1�10/Ps

19:2�3, 4�5 [5]/Gal 1:11�20/Jn


Day: Acts 12:1�11/Ps 34:2�3, 4

�5, 6�7, 8�9 [5]/2 Tm 4:6�8, 17�

18/Mt 16:13�19�

Wednesday: Gn 21:5, 8�20a/Ps

34:7�8, 10�11, 12�13 [7a]/Mt


Thursday: Gn 22:1b�19/Ps

115:1�2, 3�4, 5�6, 8�9 [9]/Mt


Friday: Gn 23:1�4, 19; 24:1�8,

62�67/Ps 106:1b�2, 3�4a, 4b�5

[1b]/Mt 9:9�13�

Saturday: Eph 2:19�22/Ps

117:1bc, 2 [Mk 16:15]/Jn


Next Sunday: Ez 2:2�5/Ps

123:1�2, 2, 3�4 [2cd]/2 Cor

12:7�10/Mk 6:1�6a

2021 Holy Family�St. Mary’s 5th Grade Graduate �


“A Schoolteacher injured his back and

had to wear a plaster cast around his

upper body. It fit under his shirt and

was not noticeable. On the first day of

the semester, still with the cast under

his shirt, he found himself assigned to

the toughest students in school.

Walking confidently into the rowdy

classroom, the teacher opened the

window as wide as possible and bus-

ied himself at his desk.

When a strong breeze made his tie

flap, he took a stapler and stapled the

tie to his chest. Discipline was not a

problem from that day on.”

� Made for Greatness

� Men’s Retreat

Would you like to be closer to

God, but He sometimes

seems distant?� Can prayer

be a battle for you at

times?� Join us for the Made

for Greatness Men’s Re-

treat on July 16�18 to learn

how to go deeper in friend-

ship with God.� This will a

time to explore Catholic spirit-

uality specifically as

men.� There will be com-

radery, great food, and the

chance for real spiritual

growth.� The retreat will be

held at Stiklestad Lodge, a

corporate hunting retreat cen-

ter near Fort Ransom, ND, so

there will also be opportuni-

ties for trap shooting, camp-

fires, sports and more.� To

find out more or register, vis-



Lincoln Hoaglund

A favorite memory of mine was playing Star Wars with my

friends every day at recess on the playground.

What I am most grateful for at Holy Family-St. Mary’s Catholic

School is my friends and teachers because they help me when

I most need it.

Something that makes my class special is getting into off topic

conversations in the middle of class, which is always awe-

some, but sometimes drives our teachers crazy!!

Holy Family-St. Mary’s School is a good school. My advice for everyone in this

school is you shouldn’t want school to be canceled because of a snowstorm. En-

joy everyday, because pretty soon you will be graduating and moving on. I’m going

to miss this school, and I’d like to say a goodbye to the best school ever! �

I am a Disciple of Christ�

Those who hate me for no reason �

are more numerous than the hairs of my head. �

My enemies tell lies against me; �

they are strong and want to kill me. �

� � They made me give back things I did not steal.

� � I am Lincoln Hoagland, and I am a Disciple of Christ.

This verse tells me that I should keep my faith in God no ma�er what people do to

me. It says that life will have many obstacles in my way. Some of the obstacles will

not be fair. This is when I need to ask God for help. He will help me get through hard

�mes. He will also help me help others. I try to stand up and help other people who

are ge ng picked on whenever I can. That's because God gave me that courage. If

people are mean to me, I should go to God and ask for help.

One �me, I saw a young boy ge ng picked on. I thought to myself, I don't like it

when people pick on me, so I should help other people that are ge ng picked on. I

wanted to help, but I was scared to. I prayed for God to give me courage to stand up

for him. I did stand up for the boy, and it felt good a$er I helped him.

Standing up ma�ers, and we should try to do it whenever we can. I try to help when

I can, because it ma�ers to me.

� � I am Lincoln Hoagland, and I am a Disciple of Christ. �

**************************************************************** �

On June�9th, 2021, Holy Family � St. Mary’s Catholic School an-

nounced�that it has earned accreditation by Cognia™, a nonprofit organization

that provides quality assurance for schools, school districts, and education

service providers. Cognia, formerly AdvancED, nationally recognizes districts

that meet rigorous standards focused on productive learning environments,

equitable resource allocation that meets the needs of learners, and effective

leadership. Earning accreditation from the Cognia Global Accreditation Com-

mission means that the school is accredited, and that Holy Family � St. Mary’s

Catholic School is recognized across the nation as a school that meets Cognia

Standards of Quality, and maintains a commitment to continuous improve-

ment. “School accreditation as conferred by the Cognia Global Accredita-

tion Commission provides Holy Family � St. Mary’s Catholic School a na-

tionally recognized mark of quality for our school,” shared Katie Mayer, princi-

pal. “It demonstrates to our community our commitment to excellence, our

openness to external review and feedback, and our desire to be the best we

can be on behalf of the students we serve.”To earn Cognia accreditation, a

school district also must implement a continuous process of improvement, and

submit to internal and external review. Schools in good standing

can maintain their accreditation for a five�year term.�

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