junit 5 - new opportunities for testing on the jvm

Post on 22-Jan-2018






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New Opportunities for Testing on the JVM



@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Sam Brannen •  Spring and Java Consultant

•  Trainer, Coach, …

•  Hardcore developer at heart

•  Java Developer for about 20 years

•  Spring Framework Core Committer since 2007

•  JUnit 5 Core Committer since October 2015

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Experts in Spring and Enterprise Java

Areas of expertise•  Spring *

•  JUnit 5

•  Java EE

•  Software Architecture

•  Code Reviews

Where you find us •  Zurich, Switzerland • @swiftmind

•  http://www.swiftmind.com

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Agenda •  Impetus for Change

•  JUnit 5

•  Spring 5

•  Q & A

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Show of hands …

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Why a new version of JUnit?

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Impetus for Change •  JUnit 4.0 was released a decade ago

•  a lot has changed since then…•  testing needs have matured

•  expectations have grown

•  Modularity à big ball of mud (i.e., only THE junit.jar)

•  Test discovery and execution à tightly coupled

•  Extensibility à lot of room for improvement

•  Let’s not forget Java 8 and Java 9

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

JUnit 4 Runner API •  Very powerful

•  In fact, it can do anything

•  But… you can’t combine Runners

•  Parameterized + SpringRunner à no way

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

JUnit 4… Rules… are meant to be broken •  JUnit 4.7: MethodRule à @Rule•  JUnit 4.9: TestRule à @Rule / @ClassRule

•  Great for simple use cases

•  Can even be combined

•  But… a single rule can’t be used for method-level and class-level callbacks

•  Plus… zero support for instance-level callbacks

•  Case in point: SpringClassRule / SpringMethodRule

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

JUnit Lambda – Crowdfunding Campaign •  Initiated by Johannes Link and Marc Philipp

•  Later joined by Matthias Merdes, Stefan Bechtold, & Sam Brannen

•  Ran from July to October 2015

•  Raised 53,937 Euros from 474 individuals and companies

•  4 companies donated 6 weeks of developer time

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5


@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

The Kick-off Team

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

JUnit 5

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Roadmap •  Prototype à December 2nd, 2015

•  5.0.0-ALPHA à February 1st, 2016

•  6 Milestones à July 2016 – July 2017

•  2-3 Release Candidates à July 2017 – August 2017

•  5.0.0 GA à September 10th, 2017 ✅

•  5.0.1 à Today! (October 3rd, 2017) ✅

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

JUnit 5 – in a Nutshell •  Modular

•  Extensible

•  Modern

•  Forward and backward compatible

•  JUnit Platform supports JUnit 3.8, JUnit 4, and JUnit 5

•  New testing frameworks can be run with JUnit 4 infrastructureo  @RunWith(JUnitPlatform.class)

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

JUnit 5 – Java Versions •  Java 8

•  baseline

•  but can be used to test application code compiled against previous JDK versions

•  Java 9

•  #WorksFineOnJDK9

•  every artifact has a stable AUTOMATIC-MODULE-NAME•  module-path scanning support coming in 5.1

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

JUnit 5 = Platform + Jupiter + Vintage •  JUnit Platform 1.0.0

•  Foundation for launching testing frameworks on the JVM

•  Launcher and TestEngine APIs

•  ConsoleLauncher, Gradle plugin, Maven Surefire provider

•  JUnit Jupiter 5.0.0•  New programming model and extension model for JUnit 5

•  JUnit Vintage 4.12.0•  TestEngine for running JUnit 3 and JUnit 4 based tests




@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Launcher API •  Used by IDEs and build tools to launch the framework

•  Central API for discovering and executing tests via one or more engines

•  LauncherDiscoveryRequest•  selectors and filters

•  Feedback provided via the TestExecutionListener API

•  ConsoleLauncher for command-line support

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

TestEngine API •  Test engine discovers and executes tests

•  for a particular programming model

•  Automatic registration via Java’s ServiceLoader mechanism

•  JupiterTestEngine

•  VintageTestEngine

•  Implement your own…

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Third-party TestEngines •  Specsy

•  Spek

•  Cucumber

•  Drools Scenario

•  jqwik

source: https://github.com/junit-team/junit5/wiki/Third-party-Extensions


















@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

IDEs and Build Tools •  IntelliJ: ✅ IDEA 2016.2+

•  Eclipse: ✅ Eclipse Oxygen 4.7.1a (to be released next week)

•  NetBeans: 🙉🙈🙊

•  Gradle: interim solution from JUnit Team•  to be taken over by Gradle team (end of 2017)•  Android JUnit 5: third-party Android support

•  Maven: interim solution from JUnit Team•  being taken over by Maven Surefire team

See user guide andsample apps for examples

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

JUnit Jupiter – Extension Model •  Extension

•  marker interface

•  org.junit.jupiter.api.extension•  package containing all extension APIs •  implement as many as you like

•  @ExtendWith(...)•  used to register one or more extensions •  interface, class, or method level

o  or as a meta-annotation

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Extension APIs •  BeforeAllCallback

•  BeforeEachCallback•  BeforeTestExecutionCallback•  AfterTestExecutionCallback

•  AfterEachCallback•  AfterAllCallback•  TestExecutionExceptionHandler •  ExecutionCondition•  TestInstancePostProcessor•  ParameterResolver•  TestTemplateInvocationContextProvider

Lifecycle Callbacks

Dependency Injection

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

JUnit Jupiter – Programming Model org.junit.jupiter.api (org.junit.jupiter.params)

•  Annotations and meta-annotations•  Assertions and Assumptions•  Custom display names•  Visibility•  Tagging•  Conditional test execution•  Dependency injection for constructors and methods•  Lambda expressions and method references•  Interface default methods•  Nested test classes•  Repeated tests, parameterized tests, dynamic tests

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Annotations •  @Test / @TestFactory and @Testable for TestEngine implementors•  @RepeatedTest / @ParameterizedTest and @TestTemplate•  @Nested•  @TestInstance•  @BeforeAll / @AfterAll•  @BeforeEach / @AfterEach

•  @DisplayName•  @Tag•  @Disabled

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

JUnit 4 Rule Migration Support •  @EnableRuleMigrationSupport

o  located in experimental junit-jupiter-migrationsupport moduleo  registers 3 extensions for JUnit Jupiter

•  ExternalResourceSupporto  TemporaryFolder, etc.

•  VerifierSupporto  ErrorCollector, etc.

•  ExpectedExceptionSupporto  ExpectedExceptiono  minor bug in 5.0.0; fixed in 5.0.1

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Assertions org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions

•  Limited set of core assertions•  assertEquals(), assertNotNull(), etc.•  assertThrows() – λ•  assertTimeout() and assertTimeoutPreemptively() – λ•  assertAll() – λ

•  Supplier<String> à λ for lazy failure message evaluation•  message is now the last parameter

•  For more power, use AssertJ, Hamcrest, etc.

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Assumptions org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions

•  Limited set of core assumptions

•  For aborting tests mid-flight

•  Otherwise, favor a custom ExecutionCondition for skipping

•  assumeTrue() / assumeFalse()•  BooleanSupplier, Supplier<String> – λ

•  assumingThat( ? , () -> {} ); – λ

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

LIVE CODING DEMO from JUnit 4 to JUnit Jupiter

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5


@Tag("fast")@Testvoid myFastTest() {}

•  Declare @Tag on a test interface, class, or method

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Custom Tags

@Target(METHOD)@Retention(RUNTIME)@Tag("fast")public @interface Fast {}

•  Declare @Tag as a meta-annotation

@Fast@Testvoid myFastTest() {}

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Composed Tags

@Target(METHOD)@Retention(RUNTIME)@Tag("fast")@Testpublic @interface FastTest {}

•  Declare @Tag as a meta-annotation with other annotations (JUnit, Spring, etc.)

@FastTestvoid myFastTest() {}

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Test Names •  Names default to test class or test method names

•  characters limited based on Java syntax

•  Custom display names à @DisplayName•  Can contain spaces, special chars, and even emoji 😱

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Dependency Injection •  Extension Model meets Programming Model

•  ParameterResolver extension API

•  resolves parameters for constructors or method

o  not just @Test and lifecycle methods

•  can register multiple simultaneously

•  only one wins

•  Use cases

•  server URL, DataSource, Spring ApplicationContext, etc.

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

TestInfo •  TestInfo: inject into constructor, @Test, @BeforeEach, etc.

•  access display name, tags, class, method

•  TestInfoParameterResolver•  eating our own dog food ;-)

•  See also:•  RepetitionInfo for @RepeatedTest•  TestReporter•  MockitoExtension•  SpringExtension

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

LIVE CODING DEMO tags, display names, and dependency injection

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Conditional Test Execution •  Extension Model meets Programming Model

•  ExecutionCondition

•  @Disabled•  DisabledCondition

•  eating our own dog food ;-)

•  Deactivate via Launcher, system property, or junit-platform.properties file

•  junit.conditions.deactivate = org.junit.*

Game Changer

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Interface Default Methods •  Introduces the concept of a test interface

•  Enables multiple inheritance in tests•  a.k.a., testing traits

•  @BeforeAll / @AfterAll•  if using @TestInstance(Lifecyle.PER_CLASS)

•  @BeforeEach / @AfterEach•  @Test / @RepeatedTest / @ParameterizedTest / @TestFactory•  @Tag•  @ExtendWith

•  See StringTests and TestInterfaceDemo examples in user guide

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

DEMO default methods

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Nested Test Classes •  Enables logical, hierarchical grouping of test classes

•  with shared initialization and state from outer classes

•  Declare @Nested on non-static nested classes

•  i.e., inner classes

•  You can even combine nested classes and test interfaces

•  See TestingAStack example in user guide and Bowling Game Kata by Tim Riemer

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

DEMO nested test classes

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Repeated Tests •  Annotate a method with @RepeatedTest instead of @Test

o  and specify the number of repetitions

•  Optionally have the RepetitionInfo injected as a method parameter

•  Optionally override the display name

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

@RepeatedTest in Action

@RepeatedTest(5)void repeatedTest(RepetitionInfo repetitionInfo) {

assertEquals(5, repetitionInfo.getTotalRepetitions());}

@RepeatedTest( value = 5, name = "Wiederholung {currentRepetition} von {totalRepetitions}”)void repeatedTestInGerman() {

// ...}

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Parameterized Tests (junit-jupiter-params)

•  Annotate a method with @ParameterizedTest instead of @Testo  and specify the source of the arguments

o  optionally override the display name

•  Sources

o  @ValueSource: String, int, long, double

o  @EnumSourceo  @MethodSourceo  @CsvSource & @CsvFileSourceo  @ArgumentsSource & custom ArgumentsProvider

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Argument Conversion •  Implicit conversion

o  Primitive types and their wrappers

o  Enums

o  java.time types (JSR-310)

•  Explicit conversion

o  @ConvertWith and custom ArgumentConvertero  @JavaTimeConversionPattern built-in support for JSR-310

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

@ParameterizedTest in Action

@ParameterizedTest@ValueSource(strings = { "mom", "dad", "radar", "racecar", "able was I ere I saw elba"})void palindromes(String candidate) {


@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

LIVE CODING DEMO repeated and parameterized tests

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Dynamic Tests •  Conventional tests are static (i.e., known at compile time)

•  @Test

•  A DynamicTest is registered at runtime – λ•  as lambda expression in a stream, collection, etc.

•  by a method annotated with @TestFactory•  Can also register a DynamicContainer for dynamic nesting

•  Somewhat analogous to parameterized tests

•  just more… dynamic 🤓

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Dynamic Tests in Action

@TestFactoryStream<DynamicTest> dynamicTestsFromIntStream() { // Generates tests for the first 10 even integers. return IntStream.iterate(0, n -> n + 2) .limit(10) .mapToObj(n -> dynamicTest("test" + n, () -> assertTrue(n % 2 == 0)));}

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

DEMO dynamic tests

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

What’s Missing? •  Scenario tests

•  Ordering

•  Parallel execution

•  Execution in user-defined thread

•  Declarative test suites for the JUnit Platform

•  Java 9 module-path scanning

•  …

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Spring 5 + JUnit 5

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Spring Support for JUnit Jupiter •  Fully integrated in Spring Framework 5.0!

•  released last week 😎

•  Supports all Core Spring TestContext Framework features

•  Constructor and method injection via @Autowired, @Qualifier, @Value•  Conditional test execution via SpEL expressions

•  ApplicationContext configuration annotations

•  Also works with Spring Framework 4.3


@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Configuring JUnit Jupiter with Spring •  SpringExtension

•  @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)

•  @SpringJUnitConfig•  @ContextConfiguration + SpringExtension

•  @SpringJUnitWebConfig•  @SpringJUnitConfig + @WebAppConfiguration

•  @EnabledIf / @DisabledIf•  SpEL expression evaluation for conditional execution

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

DEMO Spring 5 and JUnit Jupiter

@EnabledOnMac / @DisabledOnMac

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Spring Boot 1.4 + JUnit 5 – Custom Config


@ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)@SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = MOCK)@AutoConfigureMockMvc@Transactionalpublic @interface SpringEventsWebTest {}

•  @SpringBootTest + @AutoConfigureMockMvc + @ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class)

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Spring Boot 1.4 + JUnit 5 – MockMvc Test

@SpringEventsWebTestclass EventsControllerTests {

@Test @DisplayName("Home page should display more than 10 events") void listEvents(@Autowired MockMvc mockMvc) throws Exception { mockMvc.perform(get("/")) .andExpect(view().name("event/list")) .andExpect(model().attribute("events", hasSize(greaterThan(10)))); }}

•  @SpringEventsWebTest + method-level DI + MockMvc

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

In closing …

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

JUnit 5 Resources Project Homepage à http://junit.org/junit5

User Guide à http://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/user-guide

Javadoc à http://junit.org/junit5/docs/current/api

GitHub à https://github.com/junit-team

Gitter à https://gitter.im/junit-team/junit5

Stack Overflow à http://stackoverflow.com/tags/junit5

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Spring Resources Spring Framework à http://projects.spring.io/spring-framework

Spring Guides à http://spring.io/guides

Spring JIRA à https://jira.spring.io

Spring on GitHub à https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-framework

Stack Overflow à spring, spring-test, spring-mvc, spring-boot, …

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Additional JUnit 5 Talks @ JavaOne 2017 JUnit 5 BOF

Tuesday, Oct 03, 6:45 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. | Moscone West - Room 2016

JUnit5: Features, Architecture, and Extensibility

Wednesday, Oct 04, 2:45 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. | Moscone West - Room 2009

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Demos Used in this Presentation https://github.com/sbrannen/junit5-demo

@sam_brannen #JavaOne #JUnit5

Q & A Sam Brannen


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