juror questionnaire murray trial

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 Juror Questionnaire Murray Trial


    Juror 10#: _


    Thank you for your participation as a prospective juror in this case. The purposeof this questionnaire is to provide information to the court and counsel regarding yourability to serve as a fair and impartial juror and to make the jury selection process moreefficient.

    It is not our intention to embarrass anyone. While the questionnaire will be partof the public record of this case, your name will not be disclosed. The names of allprospective jurors are confidential and will not be available to any party without priorcourt approval. If you feel your answer to any particular question might be embarrassingor sensitive to you, you may request a private hearing with the judge and the attorneysto answer that question. Please mark such a question "Confidential". This is anextremely time consuming process and should be reserved only for questions that willcause extreme difficulty.

    This written questionnaire is the first stage in the jury selection process.PLEASE PRINT YOUR ANSWERS CLEARLY SO WE CAN READ YOUR WRITING.ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS CAREFULLY AND COMPLETELY. Do not leave anyblanks. If a question is not relevant to you, please write "N/A" for "not applicable" in thespace provided. If you have trouble reading, understanding, or filling out any part of thisquestionnaire, please put a "?" next to the question. Additional space will be provided atthe end of the questionnaire for added responses. During the second stage of juryselection, the judge and attorneys will have the opportunity to follow up on some of thesequestions in court. At that time, you will be given an opportunity to explain or expandany answers, if necessary. Although the questioning of jurors will be conducted in apublic courtroom, all jurors' names will remain completely anonymous and will not bedisclosed without prior court approval.

    Please answer all questions by yourself, giving your very best effort to answereach question thoughtfully and honestly. DO NOT DISCUSS THE QUESTIONNAIREOR YOUR ANSWERS WITH ANYONE ELSE, INCLUDING YOUR FAMILY, FRIENDS,OR FELLOW JURORS. When you have completed the questionnaire, please give it tothe attendant. You will not be able to leave without turning in your completed jurorquestionnaire.

    Print the last four digits of your juror number at the top of each page in the spaceprovided. Please write on the page itself and/or in the margins. Do not write on theback of any page. YOU MUST SIGN YOUR QUESTIONNAIRE. YOUR ANSWERSARE SIGNED UNDER PENAL TV OF PERJURY AND HAVE THE SAME EFFECT AS

    ( J O N P O R I 1 W I I D . T(9UptUNDER OATH TO THE COURT.t o~~~ '~~~~~~~~ n e .' ~. .... Thank you for your full cooperation. t .I..-A~ ,JO 1.,$,J)~l(; r f J . .A ~ R ~ "I r a t . , / -r If ,

  • 8/7/2019 Juror Questionnaire Murray Trial


    ' . .Juror 10#: _

    GENERAL INFORMATION1.Do you have any difficulty reading, speaking, or understanding English?

    Yes NoIf yes, please describe: _a. Do you feel that you understand and can communicate in English wellenough to fully perform your duties as a juror?Yes_No_

    2. Do you have any emotional, physical, or medical problems that would interferewith your ability to serve?Yes NoIf yes, please describe: _

    3. Are you regularly taking any medication that could affect your ability to serve?Yes NoIf yes, please describe: _

    BACKGROUND INFORMATION4. Juror 10 (last four digits only):5. Age: _ Gender: __ Male __ Female

    Ethnicity / Race: _6. Where were you born?: _7. General area in Los Angeles where you live: _8. How long have you lived in the Los Angeles area?: _9. Do you: __ Own __ Rent __ Live with others and do not pay rent

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    Juror ID#: _

    10. What is your highest level of education completed?No SchoolGrade School_ High School Graduate or GED

    _ Some College, Major:_ Associate Degree, Community/Junior College, Major: __ Bachelor's Degree, Major: __ Graduate or Professional Degree: Type of DegreeField of Practice: ------_ Technical, Trade or Business School, Field or Major: __ Other special training


    11. If you are a student, complete the following:a. Major Area of Study:b. Degree Sought: _

    12. What is your current employment status (please check all that apply):_ Employed Full Time_ Employed Part Time

    HomemakerFull -Time Student_ UnemployedOther: _

    _ Looking for WorkRetired-When? ------Disabled_ Self - EmployedPart - time student

    What is your current occupation or past occupation if retired I unemployed?

    a. Job Title: _b. Duties (describe briefly): _

    c. How long have you worked at your current job? _d. Do you supervise other persons? _ Yes Noe. If yes, how many? _f. Do you hire and fire employees? Yes No

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    Juror ID#: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -g. What other positions have you held there? _

    13. If you have been at your current job for less than five years or you checkedunemployed, retired or disabled above, please answer the following questionsabout your last job:a. Job Title: _b. Duties (describe briefly): _

    How long were you at this job?_____ Date you left? _Reasonyouleft: _

    14. Please list other previous jobs or occupations you have held as an adult.Job General Field of Employment Approximate Dates

    15. Have you ever declared bankruptcy?Yes No

    If yes, please describe: _

    FAMILY16. What is your current marital status? (Check all that apply):

    _ Single and never marriedMarried_ SeparatedDivorced

    _ Life partnerWidowedOther: ___

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    Juror 10#: _

    Pleaseanswer the following questions with respect to your current spouseor partner. If separated, divorced or widowed, please answer with respectto your former spouse or partner.17. What is the highest level of education that your spouse or partnercompleted?

    Current Spouse Former Spouse(DivorcedlWidowed/Separated)- No School - No School_Grade School Grade School_High School Graduate or GED _High School Graduate or GED_Some College, Major: _Some College, Major:_Associate Degree, Community/Junior _Associate Degree, Community/Junior

    College, Major: College, Major:_Bachelors Degree, Major: _Bachelors Degree, Major:_Graduate or Professional Degree: _Graduate or Professional Degree:

    Type of Degree: Type of Degree:_Technical or Trade Technical or Trade

    Field or Major: Field or Major:_ Other special training (i.e. certifications) _ Other special training (i.e. certifications)

    Describe: Describe:

    18. If your spouse or partner is a student, complete the following:a. Major Area of Study:b. Degree Sought:

    19. What is your current spouse's or partner's employment status?Employed Part TimeHomemakerFull-Time Student_ UnemployedOther: _

    Retired-When? ------_Disabled_ Self-EmployedPart - time student

    20. What is your spouse's or partner's occupation? Or, if he/she is now retired,unemployed or disabled, what was his/her past occupation?

    21. What previous jobs or occupations has he/she held?

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    Juror ID#: _

    22. Do you have children _ Yes _ No, step-children _ Yes _ No,grand children _ Yes _ No?a. If yes, how many? _

    Males Ages _Females __ Ages _

    c. If your children/step-children/grandchildren are adults, what are theiroccupations?

    23. Please list anyone else living in your home:Relationship to you Sex OccupationAge

    INTERESTS AND ACTIVITIES24. Please list any organizations or groups that you I your spouse I your partnerbelong to, participate in or donate money to (please include, school groupschurch/temple/religious organizations, social, fraternal, service, professional,business, political groups, sporting or athletic clubs, unions, andcommunity/neighborhood organizations):

    25. Have you, a family member or close friend ever participated in, donated to,belonged to, signed a petition for, or supported any group concerned with thefollowing:

    Victims' rightsMADDBrady BillNational Center for Victimsof Crimes

    Defendants' rightsPrisoners' rightsCivil rightsAmnesty InternationalThe Innocence ProjectACLU

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    Juror ID#:

    Yes No

    If you marked any of the above, please describe:

    26. Have you ever held a leadership position in any of the above organizations?

    Which one(s)?: _27. Have you ever campaigned for any proposition, referendum, or lawconcerned with reforming the criminal or civil justice system?

    Yes NoIf yes, please explain: _

    28. What are your hobbies, recreational interests and/or spare time activities?

    29. What is your primary or main source of news?NewspaperTelevisionRadioInternetMagazinesFamily/Friends_TwitterFacebookMySpaceOther (please describe ) _30. What newspapers or magazines (news, entertainment, science, etc.) do youread on a regular basis?

    31. How often do you read a newspaper?Oaily_ A few times per week_ On Sundays_ Rarely or never_

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    Juror ID#: --------------------_

    32. What internet sites or blogs, if any, do you visit on a regular basis?Cnn.comDrudgeReport.com _FoxNews.comMSNBC.comPerezHilton.comRadarOnline.comSmokingG un.comSplashnews.comThedailybeast.comThewrap.comTMZ.comOther(s)33. Do you access or post blogs on any internet sites?

    Yes No _If yes, which one(s)? _Have you accessed or posted any blogs concerning Michael Jackson orConrad Murray?If yes, please explain: _

    34. Do you listen to the radio on a regular basis?Yes NoIf yes, which station(s) / program(s) / host(s)?

    35. Do you listen to radio news on a regular basis?Yes, national news_ Yes, local news_ Yes, both_ NoIf yes, which station(s)/program(s)/host(s)?:

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    Juror 10#: _

    36. Do you watch television on a regular basis?Yes NoIf yes, to what station(s)/program(s)/host(s)?

    37. Do you regularly watch news on television?Yes, national news_ Yes, local news_ Yes, both_ NoIf yes, which station(s)/program(s)/host(s)??

    38. Do you watch television shows that discuss or focus on criminal cases?Yes, regularly_ Yes,occasionally__ No__

    If yes, which ones? _

    39. Over the past several years, have you followed any publicized cases?Yes No

    a. If yes, which one(s)? _

    b. Why did these case(s) interest you?

    TRAINING AND EXPERIENCE40. Do you have any law enforcement training? Yes No41. Have you ever served in any branch of the military, including the NationalGuard, the reserves or ROTC?

    Yes_ NoIf yes, which branch? _

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    Dates of service? _

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    Juror 10#: ~ _

    What rank did you hold at time of discharge? _Nature of discharge (honorable, dishonorable, etc.)?

    42. Were you ever subject to military court martial or any other disciplinaryaction while in the military?

    Yes__ No If yes, please explain: _

    43. Have you or anyone close to you ever worked in any aspect of the newsmedia (television, newspapers, radio, internet news, blogs, etc.), entertainmentnews media (TMZ, Extra, Us Weekly, People Magazine, etc.), or theentertainment industry (TV, Movie, Music, Recording, Concert Promotion)?Yes No

    If yes, please explain: _

    44. Have you or anyone close to you ever had a job that required a professionallicense (for example, Lawyer, Dentist, Physician, Nurse, Emergency MedicalTechnician, Pharmacist, Realtor, Security Guard, etc.)?

    Yes NoIf yes, please explain: _

    45. Was that license ever suspended, revoked, restricted, or the subject ofinvestigation or inquiry?Yes No

    If yes, please explain: _

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    Juror 10#: _

    46. Have you or anyone close to you ever worked in a doctor's or dentist's office,a hospital, a clinic, a pharmacy or in any other aspect of the medical profession?Yes No

    If yes, please explain: _

    47. Do you, your family, or anyone close to you, know anyone, have anyemployment, education, training or experience in the following areas?

    ParalegalPrivate InvestigatorBail BondsJudge/Com missionerAttorneyBailiffLaw ClerkCourt ClerkCourt ReporterCourt Security OfficerCoroner/Medical Examiner, Coroner InvestigatorLaw Enforcement OfficerMedia or NewsEntertainment or Music/RecordingForensicsPsychology or PsychiatryMedications for Psychological TreatmentSocial WorkFirefighter / EMTPublic Relations or PromotionsAlcohol or Drug Treatment (Substance Abuse)Medicine / DentistryAnesthesiologyCardiologyPrescription MedicationsPain ManagementPharmacyNursingHospice Care



    48. If yes to any of the above, please explain: _

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    Juror 10#: _

    49. Do you consider yourself to have special training or knowledge or to be anexpert on any subject? _ Yes NoIf yes, please explain: _

    LIFESTYLE AND HEALTH50. Do you have any familiarity with the following medications?

    Ativan/LorazepamAmbien/Zolpidem TartrateAmoxicillinAzithromyocin8enoquinDemerol/MeperidineEphedrineFlomaxFlumazenilHydroquinoneKlonopin/ClonazepamLidocaineMidazelamOxycontin/OxycodonePercocetPrednisonePropofol/DiprivanTemazepamTizanidineTopamaxlTopiramateTrazadoneValium/DiazepamVersed/MidazolamVicodin/HydrocodoneXanaxlAlprazolam/NiravamZanaflexZoloftlSertraline

    Yes _NoYes _NoYes NoYes NoYes NoYes NoYes NoYes No_Yes NoYes _NoYes NoYes NoYes No_Yes No_Yes _No

    _Yes _NoYes _NoYes _NoYes NoYes NoYes No_Yes NoYes NoYes No_Yes NoYes _NoYes No

    51. If yes, please explain: _

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    Juror 10#: _

    52. Have you ever taken any of the medications listed above?Yes No

    53. Has an immediate family member or close friend ever taken any of themedications listed above?

    Yes No54. Would your familiarity or experience with any of the medications listed aboveaffect your ability to make a fair and impartial decision based only on theevidence in this case?

    Yes NoIf yes, please explain: _

    55. Do you know anyone who is or has been addicted to prescriptionmedication?

    Yes NoIf yes, please explain: _

    56. Have you or anyone close to you ever participated in a drug (prescription orother) or alcohol rehabilitation program?

    Yes No57. Has your life or the life of anyone close to you ever been affected by thebehavior of someone who had a drug (prescription or other) or alcohol addiction?

    Yes NoIf yes, please explain:

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    Juror 10#: _

    58. Are you or someone close to you currently taking medication for pain,anxiety, depression or insomnia? (over-the-counter or prescription)Yes No

    If yes, when was it prescribed and what kind:

    59. Have you ever been prescribed medication by a friend who is a physician?NeverOnce2-5 timesMore than 5 times

    60. Have you ever been a caregiver for another person?Yes No

    61. Has a physician ever refused to prescribe a medication that you specificallyrequested?

    Yes NoIf yes, please explain: _

    62. Have you had any particularly positive or negative experiences with doctors?Yes No

    If so, please explain: _

    63. Have you or anyone close to you filed a lawsuit or a complaint against adoctor?

    Yes NoIf yes, please explain: _

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    Juror 10#: _

    64. Do you tend to rely on your doctor's advice without doing furtherinvestigation?

    Yes No65. Have you ever been involved in an incident that necessitated emergencymedical care provided by a medical professional (paramedic, nurse, doctor,etc.)?

    Yes NoIf yes, explain: _

    66. Have you ever undergone a medical procedure that required an anesthetic?Yes No_If yes, was it local or general anesthesia? _

    a. Where did the procedure take place (hospital, out-patient surgerycenter, dental office, home, etc.)?

    b. Is there anything about any such experience that would affect yourability to be a fair juror in this case?

    EXPERIENCES WITH THE LEGAL SYSTEM67. Have you ever served on a jury? _ Yes _ No

    a. If yes, please provide the following information:Year Civil or Criminal Matter Charges or Type of Case Was there a verdict?

    (circle yes or no only)Yes or NoYes or NoYes or NoYes or NoYes or No

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    Juror 10#: _

    68. If a verdict was not reached in any of the above cases, why not?

    69. What did you think of your jury experience(s)?

    70. Have you ever served as a jury foreperson? _ Yes _ Noa. If yes, how many times? _

    71. Have you ever had any interaction with the court system?Criminal Court Civil CourtProbate Court __ Family CourtOther

    _Small Claims CourtTraffic Court

    If yes to any of the above, do you think you were treated fairly?Yes No

    If no, please explain: _

    72. Have you ever been a witness or given a statement in any type of legalproceeding? _ Yes _ NoIf yes, please explain:

    73. Have you or anyone close to you ever been the victim of or a witness to anytype of crime?

    Yes Noa. If yes, please explain: _

    b. Was anyone arrested and/or charged with the crime?Yes No

    Please explain the situation: _

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    Juror 10#: _

    c. Was there a conviction? _ Yes _ No _ Awaiting triald. Ifthere was a conviction, was there a _ jury trial(judge only) or a _ guilty plea? bench trial

    e. How has this experience affected your feelings about the criminaljustice system? _

    74. Have you ever called a law enforcement agency to assist you in anymanner?

    Yes No

    a. If yes, please explain: _b. Do you feel you were treated fairly?

    Yes NoIf no, please explain: _

    75. Have you or anyone close to you ever been accused of, arrested for,charged with, or convicted of any crime or been the subject of a criminalinvestigation of any type?Yes No

    If yes, please explain the circumstances and how the matter was resolved:

    Do you feel you/they were fairly investigated, accused, arrested, chargedor convicted?

    Yes NoPlease explain:

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    Juror ID#: ~~~~_~~~~~_

    76. Do you feel that you or a person close to you was ever treated badly,unfairly, or unprofessionally by law enforcement, the court system, a lawyer, orthe legal system?

    Yes NoIf yes, please explain: ~~~~~ _

    77. Do you think our legal system unduly favors the prosecution?Yes No

    If yes, please explain: _

    78. Do you think our legal system unduly favors the defense?Yes No

    If yes, please explain: _

    79. Do you have any anger, resentment, negative feelings/opinions toward anylaw enforcement agency in Los Angeles or elsewhere?Yes No

    a. If yes, please explain:

    b. Would this affect your opinion of a law enforcement officer who testifiesas a witness?Yes No

    If yes, please explain:

    80. Would any of your experiences or opinions affect your ability to be a fair,unbiased, and impartial juror?

    Yes No

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    Juror ID#:

    If ~i' please explain: ~-----------

    WITNESSES AND STATEMENTS81. Listed below are individuals who are potential witnesses or people who mightbe mentioned during the case. Are you or anyone close to you acquainted withany of the following people? Please place a check next to the name anddescribe your relationship in the space provided below.

    Janice Adams Elissa Fleak Cherliyn Lee Tohme RamsesDavid Adams Susan Etok Robert Linnell Toby RidAIberto Alvarez Eucen Fu Jaime Lintemoot Janet RimicciNicole Alvarez Nathan Gibbs Simon Lo Steve RobelDan Anderson Antoinette Gill Kimberly Love Christopher RogersSade Anding Paul Gongaware Timothy Lopez Am ir Dan RubinJohn Andrews Mark Goodwin Gene Loveland Richard RuffaloErwin Azurdia Carroll Greuel Nenita Malibiran Stacey Howe RugglesEdgar Barrios Haraszti, Joseph Stephen Marks Robert RussellRudolf Bedford Hoeffler, Steven Orlando Martinez Grace RwaramabaBehnke,Detective Quan Hadonq Stephen Marx Karl Sanner

    LakshmananMichelle Bella Reynoldo Henry Allan Metzger SathyavagiswaranJacquelineBenjamin Brett Heron Dan Meyers Richard SenneffMartin Blount Richard Holly Jeffrey Mills Spencer SheltonDonald Boger Steven Howard James Moore Russell SherwinGary Brigandy Blanket Jackson Bridgette Morgan David SiavitVanessa Brooks Jackie Jackson Marshall Morgan Scott SmithJulie Brown Janet Jackson Faheem Muhammad Alon SteinbergRobert Budd Jermaine Jackson Roselyn Muhammad Jeff StrohmSteven Burdick Joe Jackson Connie Ng Diego TabaresAndrew Butler Latoya Jackson Thao Nguyen Leah TannerSelma Calmes Katherine Jackson Blanca Nicholas John ThomasKai Chase Marlon Jackson Jimmy Nicholas Jukka ToivolaChristopherClonen Paris Jackson Sarah O'Leary Larry TolbertLesley Contreras Prince Jackson Edward Okwueze Patrick TracyRichelle Cooper Randy Jackson Kenny Ortega Shawn TrellDaniel Cruz Rebbie Jackson Phillip Patel Gerard WhiteJenna Daddario Tito Jackson Jason Phiffer Paul WhiteHarry Daliwal Bob Johnson Randy Phillips Timm WhooleySarahDeQuintana Graham Jones Oscar Pleitez Louis William

    People v. Conrad Robert Murray, SA073164 19

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    Juror ID#: ----------------------Frank Dileo Kathy Jorrie Porche I ~tl W' lA1 Michael Amir WilliamsAshraf Elsayegh Arnold Klein Joshua Prager Jason WillisKaren Faye Philip Larson Joanne Prashad Ed WintersThomasFerguson Cathy Law Stephen Pustilnik Michelle Zeidler

    If yes, please describe: _

    82. Experts will be witnesses in this case. Do you feel differently about expertscalled by the Prosecution versus the Defense?Yes No

    If yes, please explain: _

    83. Would you automatically accept as true everything an expert says relating tohis/her field of expertise?Yes No

    Please explain: _

    84. Would you automatically find the testimony of a law enforcement officer to bemore credible, less credible, or about the same as any other witness?

    More credible __ Less credible About the same85. Would you automatically find the testimony of a firefighter/EMT to be morecredible, less credible, or about the same as any other witness?

    More credible Less credible About the same86. Would you automatically find the testimony of a doctor to be more credible,less credible, or about the same as any other witness?

    More credible Less credible About the same

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    Juror ID#: ------------------------

    87. Would you automatically disbelieve the testimony of a witness who has givenan interview to the media (for money or otherwise)?Yes NoIf yes, please explain:

    ATTITUDES ABOUT CELEBRITIES AND PEOPLE IN THE NEWS88. Please select one option to indicate your agreement or disagreement witheach statement.

    Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly NoDisagree Agree Opinion

    a. Celebrities and high-profile people feel theyare entitled to act however they please.b. Celebrities and high-profile people thinkthey can bend the rules.c. Celebrities and high-profile people abusetheir power and status to intimidate othersinto giving them what they want.d. Celebrities and high-profile people in LosAngeles get away with crimes because oftheir status.e. Celebrities and high-profile people in LosAngeles are treated the same way by thepolice as anyone else.f. Police are more lenient with celebrities andhigh-profile people.89. Do you think that people of wealth or fame are treated differently in the courtsystem?

    Yes NoIf yes, please explain: _

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    Juror ID#: _

    CASE KNOWLEDGE AND EXPOSUREThe defendant is charged with the involuntary manslaughter of Michael JosephJackson. The defendant has pled NOT GUILTY. This section of thequestionnaire will ask you questions about what you have heard about this case,the defendant, and the alleged victim.90. Do you know or recognize the defendant, the prosecutors, the defenseattorneys, the judge or any other court personnel involved in this case?

    Yes _,_NoIf yes, please explain: _

    91. Are you aware of news coverage regarding this case?_Yes, very aware _Yes, somewhat aware NoWhat have you seen, read or heard about this case?

    92. What has been your major source of information about this case?

    93. How closely have you followed this case?_Very closely _Somewhat closely _Not at all

    94. With regard to this case, have you seen or heard any of the following:(check m ! that apply)_ TV, internet, magazine and newspaper coverage of this case_ News reports when Michael Jackson died_ Comments about Michael Jackson's background and lifestyle_ Comments about Conrad Murray's background and lifestyle_ News reports on the investigation into the death of Michael Jackson_ The arrest of Conrad Murray_ Comments by Conrad Murray's attorneys with regard to this case_ Comments by police, investigators or the prosecuting attorneys with

    regard to this case_ Court proceedings in this case_ Comments by other attorneys or legal experts about this caseInterviews with witnesses or others involved in the case

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    Juror ID#: _

    _ Interviews with people who know Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson orothers involved in this case_Interviews with the Conrad Murray_ Coverage of the preliminary proceedings in this caseDid you attend in person? _ Yes _ No

    _ Coverage of legal developments in this caseThe memorial services or funeral of Michael Jackson_ Other topics related to this case or any individuals involved in it: __

    95. Stories and articles about this case have appeared in many newspapers,magazines, on television, internet, blogs, and radio programs. Please indicatebelow where you have received information about this case or any of the personsinvolved in it:TelevisionNightly News ProgramsCNN Headline NewsGood Morning AmericaEntertainment TonightShowBiz TonightLarry King LiveBill O'ReillyGlenn Beck

    Local News eN NFox News MSNBC NewsToday on NBC _ E! EntertainmentThe Insider _ Access HollywoodInside Edition ExtraTM2 Geraldo RiveraThe View 60 MinutesPiers Morgan

    Other television show(s), please list:

    MagazinesThe EnquirerThe National ExaminerNews of the WorldNewsweek Magazine

    The GlobePeopleUs WeeklyStarIn TouchTime Magazine _

    Other magazine(s), please list:

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    Juror ID#: _

    NewspapersLos Angeles Times _ New York Times New York PostLos Angeles Daily News _ New York Daily News _ USA Today_Other newspaper(s), please list:

    RadioTalk Radio Programs (please list): _News Programs (please list): _---:-- _Other Radio Programs (please list): _Other SourcesFriends, relatives or other people __TwitterFacebookMySpace __Other sources generally (please list):96. Do you have any personal knowledge of or have you had any involvementwith this case?

    Yes NoIf yes, please describe how you gained the knowledge or had involvement,and the scope of your knowledge or involvement:

    97. Have you ever considered yourself a fan of Michael Jackson or the JacksonFamily?

    Yes No98. Have you previously seen in person Michael Jackson, the Jackson Family,or Conrad Murray?

    Yes NoIf yes, please explain: _

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    Juror ID#: _

    99. Did you ever watch "This Is It" (the documentary of Michael Jackson'sconcert tour prep)?

    Yes NoWhat was your reason for watching? __,-- _

    100. Have you ever purchased, owned, or currently own any books, magazines,DVDs, CDs, tapes, memorabilia, or attended any concerts, of Michael Jackson orthe Jackson family, or attended/participated in the lottery to attend MichaelJackson's memorial service?

    Yes NoIf yes, please explain: _

    101. Have you already formed an opinion about the guilt or innocence of ConradMurray?

    Yes NoIf yes, please describe what your opinion is: _

    102. Do you have any positive or negative feelings or opinions about ConradMurray or Michael Jackson?a. _Conrad Murray Positive _ Negative NeitherIf positive or negative, please explain:

    b. Michael Jackson Positive _ Negative NeitherIf positive or negative, please explain: _

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    Juror ID#: -------------------- _ _103. Regardless of any opinions or feelings, are you able to disregard them anddecide the case fairly and impartially, without bias or prejudice, and based onlyon the evidence?

    Yes NoIf no, please explain: _

    104. This trial will be followed closely by the news media. Do you think this willaffect you if you were chosen as a juror in this case? _

    105. There will be portions of the trial when cameras and reporters are allowedinto the courtroom. Jurors will not be filmed. Is there anything about thepresence of cameras or news reporters that would make it difficult or impossiblefor you to be completely fair and impartial during this case?Yes No

    If yes, please explain: _

    106. The trial will be covered by the media. You are instructed not to read aboutthis case (on the internet, newspapers, etc.), access or post any blogs, listen toanything, text anyone, tweet anyone, or watch any coverage of this case fromnow on. Do you promise to follow this instruction?

    Yes NoIf No, please explain: _

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    Juror ID#: _

    OTHER EXPERIENCE107. Is there any reason (for example, a relationship, a life experience, aphilosophy, or a religious belief) that would prevent you from engaging indeliberations or returning a verdict of guilty or not guilty in this case?

    Yes No Not SureIf Yes or Not Sure, please explain: _

    108. It is a fundamental principle of American law in a criminal case that adefendant is presumed innocent. Would you have any difficulty following thislaw?

    Yes_NoIf yes, please explain: _

    109. It is a fundamental principle of American law that in a criminal case it is theprosecution's burden to prove the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.Would you have any difficulty following this law?

    Yes_NoIf yes, please explain: _

    110. It is a fundamental principle of American law that a defendant has anabsolute right to remain silent and not testify, and that you cannot discuss oreven consider the exercise of this right. Would you have any difficulty followingthis law?

    Yes NoIf yes, please explain: _

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  • 8/7/2019 Juror Questionnaire Murray Trial


    Juror ID#: _

    111. Both direct and circumstantial evidence are acceptable as a means ofproof. Neither is entitled to greater weight than the other. Would you have anydifficulty in following this law?Yes No

    If yes, please explain: _

    112. You must decide the case without regard to punishment or penalty. Willyou comply?

    Yes NoIf No, please explain: _

    113. Would you like to serve on this jury?Yes No- -Please explain: _

    114. Is there anything about you that this questionnaire does not address thatyou think might be important for the attorneys and the judge to know?Yes No

    If yes, please explain: _

    115. Is there anything about you that would or could affect your ability to decidethe case based only on the evidence and follow the law?

    Yes NoIf yes, please explain: _

    People v. Conrad Robert Murray, SA073164 28

    ..... __ ... _. .. _ _ .. _ - _ . _ . _ .

  • 8/7/2019 Juror Questionnaire Murray Trial


    Juror ID#: _

    116. In fact, do you promise to decide this case based only on the evidence andfollow the law?Yes No

    If No, please explain: _

    117. Is there anything you would like to add?

    Yes NoIf yes, please describe: _


    People v. Conrad Robert Murray, SA073164 29

  • 8/7/2019 Juror Questionnaire Murray Trial


    Juror ID#: _


    I declare under penalty of perjury that my answers to this questionnaire aretrue, correct and complete, and that I have not received any assistancefrom any other person in completing this questionnaire.

    Juror ID No.: _Date: _Signature: _


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