jwt, was elected secretary-treasurer of the 4a's at r ^ a

Post on 21-Feb-2022






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Vol. Ill, No 15 April 12, 1948

) HENRY M. STEVENS (NY), Vice-President of t\£<> y\. JWT, was elected Secretary-Treasurer of the 4A's at "* y ^ the organization's 30th Annual Meeting last week at • N ^ ^ Virginia Beach. In this position he will serve as r

"TVU^ __,C i one of the three principal operating officers of the 4A's.

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^^^--^JWT-London has been appointed the advertis­ing agency for JACK OLDING, LTD., who are distribu­tors for Caterpillar and other products. ... JWT-Cape-town has added to its list of clients V0N0, LTD., (Card tables, bed springs, etc.) and J.W. JAGGER & CO., LTD. (CROWN BOOT & LEATHER WORKS) (Shoes & Boots).

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FORD PARTS AND ACCESSORIES (NY) has embarked upon a unique "Identical Twins" campaign. Using the comic-strip technique in newspaper advertisements (see illustrations at right) and the cartoon technique in magazines (see il­

lustration at left), Ford tftg began early in March to |L W ijf« urge Ford Owners • use of

"Genuine Ford Parts." The newspaper panels are a series of pantomimes with just one spoken line at the very end.—In most instances there is a double bal­loon which carries the payoff line, "They Are Identical Twins." It is being spoken by one of the characters in the strip and also by the Ford repair man as he displays the "identical twin" Ford parts he holds in his hands. "They are twins of the parts built into your Ford."

Copy urges readers to look for the "Genuine Ford Parts" sign, a replica of which is reproduced in every advertisement.

The newspaper insertions, which are appearing in 62 news­papers, (Metropolitan Group, Puck, Independent Papers) call for 1/6-

page size. Because it is not possible to buy this odd size, the "Identical Twin" campaign is being run below the Ford Co.'s regular "Al Esper" cartoon strip. The magazine schedule, which began March 15 in Life, will also include Look and Collier's.

ONEIDA, LTD. (NY) will begin using JWT advertising in Fall publications. Preliminary plans, copy and layouts have been approved by the client. The pro­posed media schedule for Heirloom Sterling calls for full-color bleed pages

throughout the remainder of 1948 in Ladies' Home Journal. Harper's Bazaarf House & Garden. House Beautiful. Bride's Magazine, Mademoiselle, Mademoiselle's Living, and Vogue. 1881 (R) Rogers will be featured in 4-color pages for the last four months in 1948 in Life, the Fawcett Women's Group, Macfadden Women's Group, Dell Modern Group, and True Story magazine. Collateral material for dealers has been prepared for both campaigns by JWT. Plans are being formulated for a thorough consumer research job on silverware.

PARKER PEN COMPANY (Chi.) was the unnamed—but-very-evident fountain pen manufacturer featured by the Saturday Evening Post in its advertisement in the March 15th issue of Advertising Age. Copy refers to "America's best known, best selling fountain pen" and says that "49 years of steady advertising in the Saturday Evening Post may have had a lot to do with this particular pen's en­viable position."

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4A«S-ANA JOINT CAMPAIGN FOR ECONOMIC UNDERSTANDING of the U.S. Way reports considerable progress. To date eleven adver­tisements have been prepared to "sell" our Free Enterprise sys­tem, four of which were written and produced by JWT-NY. All 11 advertisements are expected to be released about mid-May as a part of the campaign which will be carried out by the Advertising Council. The JWT advertisement shown at left emphasizes the fact that the secret of America's greatness is its "Most unique combination of qualities." —

These qualities include "Free markets and competition" — "Know-how and our ability to invent things" — "Labor's right to organize" — "The machine which multiplies production" — "Our government of the people, by the people and for the people," etc.

RCA VICTOR (NY) has asked JWT to assist in plans for their Golden Anni­versary Celebration starting next October. This occasion will be marked by in­tensive merchandising activities for both instruments and records. Four-color spreads may be used in leading weeklies to tie in with the celebration. Special plans are being developed for the RCA Victor network show to also feature the Golden Anniversary during the celebration period. National window-display con­tests and many other related trade activities are being planned.


Iferper' s Bazaar and Junior Bazaar announced last week that the two maga­zines will be combined beginning with the June issue. The Junior magazine will re­tain its identity a* a fashion publication for the youth market although published under the same cover with its adult partner. Combined magazine is expected to have a circulation in excess of 350,000 compared to 315,000 for Harper's Bazaar and __46,694 for Junior Bazaar. Present advertising rates will remain in effect through the August, 1948 issue. Increased rates for subsequent issues will be announced at a later date.


J. C. Cornelius, retiring Chairman of the M's, in making complimentary remarks about the present Board of Directors last week said, "Apparently the Board of Directors have always been an amazing group. In 1918, Harry Dwight Smith (4J_' s first secretary) said at the first annual meeting:

'Perhaps the one outstanding phase of all the year's work that will mean the most to our Association in the future is the spontaneous unselfish­ness which developed at the Board'6 first meeting and has been maintained and strengthened each time we have come together. The members have acted with remarkable sincerity and harmony of purpose. If this example of unselfish and unstinted cooperation is followed, as it surely will be, by future Boards, there will be no question as to the place our Association will occupy in the world of advertising and of business.'" (Mr. Stanley Resor was a member of that first Board of Directors.)


The 3,500 N.Y. job printers who had been on strike for 16 days went back to work last Wednesday after employers agreed to remove the 40-hours-a-week notice, the posting of which had caused the strike. They will work a 36£-hour week while negotiations for a new wage agreement are continued. ... There has been no strike as yet among the newspaper printers, (Publishers* Assoc, of NYC) whose negotiations for a new contract are also continuing.

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EASTMAN KODAK'S "Functional Advertising"

The average JWT'er would be overwhelmed by an inspection of Eastman Kodak Company's overall advertising. For, in addition to the regular consumer advertising with which we are familiar, there are 21 completely individual cam­paigns, running simultaneously, that are a part of Eastman's "Functional Advertising." ... Month after month, each of these specialized campaigns demonstrates to individual industries, busi­nesses, or professions how photo­graphy is a working partner in that particular field.

In engineering publications, Kodak explains photography's part in research and product development. ... In metal working magazines, it shows how metal products and processes can be improved through photoanalysis, etc. ... In medical journals, it shows how photography advances techniques of diagnosis and teaching by pictures of patient's progress (above, left). ... In radiographic and dental publications, Kodak shows how x-ray films and equipment are used. ... In business, banking, re­tailers', railroaders', librarians'. newspaper poibll*_<era' and hospital managers' books, it shows how Recordak (rekker-dak)mlcix)filming brings new speed and accuracy to copying of documents and reclaims vaBt amounts of filing space hy "de-bulking" records 98% (above, right).

In magazines directed to the flr..-..r,^ gflTJfigt industry, Kodak dramatizes the movie makers themselves, and shows how Eaetou_u action picture films have helped them in their work (below, left). In adverti6&__ JjfaftfM^ it present* the advan­tages of films in sales promotion and public relation*. ... In office manage­ment magazines, Kodak shows hov photography improves office-copying with Koda-graph photographic papers. (Other application* of thie ttmu Kodak Una are advertised in engineering*and photographic trade publications.) In packaging pub­lications, it demonstrates how Kodapak Sheet—developed from a basic photographic material—can be fabricated into containers that both protect and display. ... In scientific journals, Kodak shows how photography aids the researcher by re­

cording nuclear fission "traces," etc. In industrial management periodicals, it tells hov photo­graphy improves plant relatione through motion pictures and slide films (illus., right).

In all of these—and in many other magazines repre­senting specialized sub-divi­sions of the broader classifi­cations—Kodak advertising shows readers how their products, pro­cesses, and knowledge can be ad­vanced by using photography's functional techniques. ... And, in a special campaign that has been running in Fortune, Time, etc., Kodak sums up the case for functional photography to a wide­spread, management-minded audience



O'Meara's progress from desk-in-the hall apprentice to 4-window thinker, wri­ter, executive has been steady, spectacular, and a shining refutation of "The Hucksters." Ability, decency, humility are not — con­trary to the gospel portrayed by F. Wakeman— insurmountable barriers to success.

Back from the war — number one, that is, — O'Meara was unencumbered with

life's goods. He set about, therefore, to accumulate some and started doing so at JWT- Chicago. A wife, four children, and a few years later he was senior group head with a long list of advertising successes behind him.

The big city called with the voice of Benton & Bowles. He took over the job of copy chief with Jim Young's characterization of him, "the most creative man I know" ringing in Chet Bowles' ear. The rather resounding title of "Vice-President in charge of art, copy, traffic and production" didn't bend his back any. He just went his usual way, being better than anybody else at practically everything. Those eight years saw O'Meara turn down several opportunities to start his own agency, and left him with a desire to retire, which he did at the rather implausible age of 41«

But if O'Meara could leave advertising alone, vice versa didn't work. So, in 1942 at the urging of his first boss, he returned to JWT New York Office as in-again, out-again, 6-months-on-again, head of the Review Board.

During the Second World War he was first Deputy Administrator of OPA in charge of Information (lift that ration, tote that coupon); and, second, head of the OSS Planning Board (Look out, the man has a knifel).

More recently he occupies his leisure time writing novels (1 published, 1 with agent, 1 in the works), short stories (see an early issue of the Saturday Evening Post) and stalking over Canada with a canoe on his head.


NORM STROUSE (Det.) left last week for Denver, Seattle, S.F., L.A. and Phoenix to assist Ford Dealer Advertising field men in presentation of national advertising plans to Dealer Committees in connection with "later-this year" Introduction of the '49 Ford. JOHN HEINEY (NY) was in Houston last week on radio business for Shell. MRS. CECILIA BARRY (NY) sailed last Tues. on the Nieuw Amsterdam for a six-weeks' trip to Holland, England, France and Belgium. PERRY DRIGC-S and BILL BREWER (Chi.-DAD) will be in Fargo and Minneapolis on April 19-20 for Ford Dealers. The ROBT. CURTIS' (NY) announce the arrival of little Miss Lynn Ellen Curtis on April 6. GEORGE REEVES (Chi.) left on Fri. for a trip to N.Y. and Wash. JOHN VAN ZANT (Chi.) is in San Francisco. JOHN KUNEAU (NY) has been flat on his back for 10 days with a torn back muscle. (Possible explanations—(1) carrying bundles of GCMI charts, (2) playing squash. MATTY HUFFNAGEL (NY) leaves for Det. on Wed. for Shell. SAM DOBBS (NY) goes to Toledo Apr. 15-16-17 on Owens-Illinois. GLADYS BLAIR (Chi.) was a member of the panel discussion on "Consumer Panel Habits" at the Nat'l. Retail Bakers Meeting last week. JIM MC GRATH and PEARL MUHL (Chi.) will be married this month. VIRGINIA SPRAGLE (NY) left Fri. for a 2-week's trip to H'wood, S.F., and Chi. on Lux. CAROL DERBY (NY) has returned to the office after a long illness. KELSEY DENTON (NY) will be in Chi. Apr. 18-21 for Scott Sales Meeting. BILL MILLER has joined the New York Office Copy Staff. VICTOR HASSELBLAD (Distributor for Eastman Kodak in Sweden) will visit the NY Office May 1-8.

The Thompson TERRORS (NY), by virtue of winning third place in the Adv.-Publishers-Insurance League were awarded a handsome basketball trophy.


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