kah capstone

Post on 03-Jul-2015






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My America

By: Kailey Hensala

America has two sides

The admiral and the amiss

It sees two faces in the mirror

That’s why the real America is unclear

Today you will see those faces exposed

All written down and composed

Maybe your conception will change

Or maybe your America will stay the same

America is like a deep black hole

It sucks you in and takes your soul

Your sense of emotion is taken away

For we tend to ignore all things that are gray

If people think America is so lovely and grand

Then why do we never lend out a hand

Homeless people roam the streets

But we’re too busy on vacation retreats

Is it really the land of opportunity?

When there’s unemployment everywhere we see

People who’ve lost everything they need

Because they can no longer succeed

Another drunk teenager takes the wheel

Killing a person will never heal

Since when were drugs actually cool?

And since when was it okay to drop out of school?

Everyone wants power and fame

It’s like we’re all stuck in a game

Let’s see who can outdo the best

Please will you all just put it to rest?

But like an injured runner in a race

America doesn’t run a steady pace

It has its ups and downs

Sometimes we see good things around

America glows with pride

Its independence is alive

We stand for love and freedom

And look to each other for wisdom

We stand up for what we believe

We console each other when we grieve

Sometimes all it takes is heart

To get on your feet and move to the start

Liberty travels from coast to coast

One thing America is proud of most

We celebrate our love for life

Even when we’re full of strife

They say home is where the heart is at

And I am very sure of that

America is a home full of family and friends

Where we look at ourselves and make amends

Nature makes this country beautiful

One part of the land that is primal

It has been a part of us for so long

Could you imagine if it was gone?

The mountains are frosted with white tips

As if they were touched by angel lips

The blue tint they carry from far way

Remind us of the peace portrayed

The greenness never goes away

For eternal life is here to stay

We push on through the tough times

Because we know life is full of climbs

So this is the America that I see

Would you agree with me?

America has many ways to be perceived

This is just what I believe

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