kaze legacy 1.2

Post on 19-Nov-2014






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Second Part


Welcome to the second installment of the Kaze-Koumei Legacy with the money La Shawn brought into the household I was able to contruct this awesome house [/sarcasim] anyways lets dive right into this!

La Shawn got a makeover so she fit more with her husband. Skimpy clothing FTW.

La Shawn: I don't exactly feel comfortable in such a short skirt.

Uhhh....so? Kaze will love it soo...yeah

La Shawn: Ohh...ok for Kaze

So I got them woohooing but I forgot to take a picture untill AFTER...XP

La Shawn: Uhh...Kaze...your wings in the way I...I can't cuddle with you...

Kaze: *snore*

Yeah real nice Kaze....ahh well....

La Shawn: BABY! Ugh....

Hehe my sims are actually smart and know they got pregnant. Yes La Shawn baby <3 Kaze baby <3 <3 I envy you....wait...no I don't HEHEHE

Meanwhile Kaze is off to work and of course got a chance card witch I felt obliged to do I don't know why I do these things......

This is of course why....

For someone who lost there job you seem pretty happy!!!! HOW ARE YOU GOING TO SUPPORT YOUR WIFE AND FUTURE KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Kaze:....I got demoted a level....I MEAN....You what? But the chance card said fired. @.@Kaze:....I pulled some strings....and the black mail of the general and his boy toy didn't hurt. Your evil....

Remind me never to piss off Kaze....anyways back to reading...I told you he is an epic bookworm he spends most of his time either reading or going to work.

Kaze: that *censor* woman turning me down the first time for marriage....

OKAY! Yes he is still furious at her for that whole thing haha....><;;;

Gotta get those body point up for the military buddy <3 <3

La Shawn WAY TO GO! Kaze seriously you should learn from this woman. She got a promotion rather then losing a job level <3

La Shawn:...it's fine I don't expect him to provide he's just eye candy....



Kaze:....Eye candy my ass....

Haha had to prove her wrong Kaze-sama?

Kaze:....I will not be beaten by my wife...I am the provider....

Kaze: *prepairs for a second promotion*

He's so determined when the compition is on. Even if it's with his own wife LOL

But of course while he is distracted with skill building lighting strikes the chocobo and it catchs on fire proudly standing awaiting it's death...you poor brave bird you *saluts*

La Shawn: NOOO I CAN'T LOOK *sobs*

La Shawn: I-It didn't die?

Nope gotta love the rain <3 it saved our poor chocobo form death

La Shawn:...Thank you rain!

The next day Kaze when off to work and got another dreaded chance card this cannot end well!

Wait...what? The world didn't implode? You actually gained something? O.O adshkjadskjhf KAZE ILU <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Second Baby bump didn't actually get it so I snapped a shot to show it had happened at some point XP

La Shawn: it feels like I have a watermelon shoved into my bladder....

Lets hope the kid doesn't have a big head then....


Ahh ok...just......I don't know! Just have the kid pop it out *nods*

La Shawn: I did it....she's cute...

Lets not hope for to long....Meet Amelia Pond Kaze-Koumei She has mom's eye and dad and mom's black hair.

She's such a cute little bugger I hope not for long....but you never know....I took a risk by using La Shawn's face since I personally like it....lets hope she fuglifies

To commerate the first child of this generation I bought them another Chocobo so they have two now hahaha.


La Shawn: YES!

Hehehe yes give me more babehs <3

A day later


La Shawn: Another one?...

That same night

Kaze: ...you make a wish...then blow out the candles...*blows out candles*

Kaze:....she learned float?

No she's ageing up Kaze haha <3


Amy: No...it's a brown hair binned in black that looks like it's red....

...oh....well...then that needs to change.

And after her make over given truely black hair Kaze tucked her in good night I think this is as good a time to leave it as any. Next time....Will Kaze actually have an ugly kid becuse Amelia is cute! Or will this pairing prove to be less distaterious then I thought!

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