kct ad book 2013

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Ad Book for KCT Annual Dinner, October 27th, 2013



Annual Banquet7Annual Banquet7Annual BanquetthAnnual BanquetthAnnual BanquetS U N DAY, O C TO B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 3 6 : 0 0 P M R E C E P T I O N 6 : 3 0 P M D I N N E R



in Tribute to Anne and Sy Okner


Dr. and M�. Justin Gordon

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Letter from the Rabbi b

Dear Friends of KCT,Having finally settled into our new home, the time has arrived to celebrate this most remarkable achievement. Since August of this year we have not only moved into an extraordinary edifice, but more importantly, we have established KCT as a center for Tefila, Torah study and Chesed.

Our minyanim have expanded to incorporate a growing and diverse membership. We proudly offer Ashkenazic and Sephardic services as well as a monthly teen minyan. Each week men, women and children participate eagerly in parsha classes, daf Yomi, chavruta learning and a variety of other Torah offerings. I am also proud to share the fact that in a short amount of time our shul has become a vessel for acts of tzedakah as well as a place in which friendships are formed and continue to flourish. And finally, our shul now benefits greatly from the wisdom and leadership of our Assistant Rabbi, Rabbi Etan Ehrenfeld, as well as our Youth Director, Elie Hale.

We pay tribute this year to two families who represent unflinching dedication to these very ideals and accomplishments. Sy and Anne Okner z”l, leaders of a previous generation who serve as inspiration to us and our mission, will be fittingly commemorated as the namesake of our new campus. We also acknowledge Dr. Justin and Aviva Gordon, deserving recipients of the Avodat HaKodesh Award whose unpretentious generosity and commitment help to keep us afloat as we continue to pave the way in Jewish communal life.

Thank you to Chaya Gordon Burstyn and Vika Stein who have once again collaborated to generate such a memorable evening. And thank you to the incredible planning committee, Karin Felix, Elisha Rosenblum and Ramesh Soleymani.

And to each of you who have dedicated time, effort and finances to support our shul, thank you for everything that you have done and continue to do.

Mazal Tov to all and may we share in S’machot in the spirit of our Torah and holy tradition.


Rabbi Shaanan Gelman

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a ba Letter from the President b

Dear KCT Family,It is truly an auspicious occasion for us to be able to join together for our first shul dinner in our beautiful new building. This building stands as a testament to the dedication and generosity of the members and friends of KCT that worked so hard over the last few years to make this dream a reality.

It is therefore quite fitting, that we come together this year to present the KCT Cornerstone Award in tribute to Anne and Sy Okner z”l. Born and bred Chicagoans, Anne & Sy spent their lifetime devoted to growing and strengthening the Chicago Jewish Community at their synagogues, by founding NCSY in Chicago and the numerous of other organizations and projects they were involved in over the years. It was through their generosity and support that KCT was able to construct its new home and our synagogue has been blessed with their legacy of dedication, support and care for the Jewish community which has been passed on to their children.

Every year we pay tribute to members of KCT that go above and beyond in their commitment to the shul. This year we are thrilled to recognize, Dr. Justin and Aviva Gordon as recipients of the Avodat HaKodesh award. Justin and Aviva have been members of KCT since its founding and their dedication to our shul is immeasurable. From setting up seudat shilisheit, attending shiurim, volunteering at shul events and purchasing supplies they embody the essence of Avodat Hakodesh and do so in the most humble manner.

We find ourselves at an incredible moment in our synagogue’s history as our membership continues its substantial growth and we work on laying the spiritual foundations of Torah, Avodah and Chesed to go along with the amazing physical structure we have built. Our honorees embody these characteristics and serve as inspiration to our entire congregation.

A special thank you to our dinner committee for their hard work and dedication in the production of this beautiful dinner. Congratulations to our honorees and their families and thank you to all the supporters of KCT that have made this day possible.

Yitzie Sommer

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Tonight’s Honorees b

The KCT Cornerstone Awardin Tribute to

Anne and Sy OknerAnne and Sy Okner OB”M both grew up in the Chicago area. Sy grew up in Berywn and Anne in Albany Park. They were happily married for 59 years, blessed with three children, Sam, Ellyn and Jœl, and 11 grandchildren. Sy began his professional career as an insurance agent for New York Life. He later became one of the pioneers in the field of telemarketing with Montgomery Ward. Active in their shul, Sy served as president of the Ezras Isræl Men’s Club and Anne as president of the Ezras Isræl Sisterhood, and was a travel agent for Kwik Travel for over 20 years. Sy and Anne were founders of N.C.S.Y. in Chicago. They recognized the need for Jewish teens to come together, have fun and stay connected to their Judaism. Together they worked with commitment and devotion to support and strengthen the Chicago Jewish community in a myriad of capacities. The Okners were instrumental supporters of KCT since its inception and were very proud of its growth and of the building project.

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Tonight’s Honorees b

The Avodat Hakodesh Awardin Tribute to

Aviva and Justin GordonAviva and Justin Gordon have been married for 35 years. They are the parents of Eitan & Rebecca Gordon, Adina & Yisrœl Isenberg, and Sara & Shmuel Farekas, and have two grandchildren, Batya Rena and Shalom Tzvi. Justin grew up in West Hartford, Connecticut, and is a graduate of the University of Connecticut and the Illinois College of Optometry. He opened his first office in Ravenswood Hospital in 1977, and opened his Rogers Park office in 1990. Justin has been the President of The Ark and organizer of the eye clinic at the Ark. Justin also served as a past President of the Society of Isræl Philatelists. He also is a Postal Historian specializing in Holocaust Philately and has lectured extensively on the subject. Aviva is from New Kensington, Pennsylvania, and works for Integrated DNA Technologies in Skokie. She received a B.F.A. from The Art Institute of Chicago. Aviva was a Co- President of the Hillel Torah PTA for two years, and Co-Chairperson of various committees for the Yeshiva Parents of HTC. As a Hillel Torah Co-Chairperson, Aviva received the Woman of Valor Award from HTC. Aviva and Justin and their family have been loyal and dedicated members of KCT since it started in 2005. Both Justin and Aviva are fixtures of the daily minyanim as well as regular participants in a multitude of Torah classes. Their acts of tzedakah extend far beyond their financial generosity, as they eagerly volunteer to set up for programs, shop for much needed supplies, and fill in voids wherever they may be found.

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion



Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Emerald b

Do not go where the path may lead, Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. Ralph Waldo Emerson

We, of the KCT community, have blazed a uniquely beautiful trail in the biography of the greater Skokie Jewish community.

May the magnificent edifice which we now enjoy be a source of light, inspiration,

and joy to all who enter its portals, and may the rich traditions of both communities we serve therein create

new meaning to the dream of Acheinu Kol Beit Yisroel, a vision and now

a reality which gives honor to the lives and memories


Anne and Sy Okner

Joan and Shael Bellows

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Emerald b

Congratulations to

Dr. & Mrs. Justin Gordon Upon receiving the

Avodat Hakodesh Award.

Tireless workers for KCT in so many different activities

who give of themselves totally beneath the radar zones.

We thank you for all that you do.

Joan & Shael Bellows

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion



Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Diamond b

In honor of

our wonderful parents and grandparents

Sy and Anne z”lWe are blessed to have

had you as our guiding light.

It is fitting that your names will continue to inspire Jewish life in Chicago for many years to come.

The Okners

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Diamond b

Dr. Justin and Aviva Gordon

Your contributions towards our Shul are one of a kind!

All that you do behind the scenes is deeply appreciated, in particular

the setup and cleanup of shaleshudos each week without fail, your

(Justin and Aviva) regular presence at minyanim and your warmth and love

for members of all ages and backgrounds.

To many more years of dedication and acts of Chesed!


The Okner Family

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Diamond b

Congratulations to the

HonoreesWith much gratitude for their

many and generous contributions to the community’s growth

and continued success.

May all of you continue your good work and enjoy all of

Hashem’s bountiful blessings.

Amy and Mark Marshalland the entire

InPath Devices Team

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion



Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Gold b

Anne and Sy Okner z”lTo call them pillars would

be an understatement.

They lit the torch which paved the way in Chicago in education, informal

and formal, Chesed and Jewish life.

Spiritual patriarch and matriarch of Kehilat Chovevei Tzion.

We are grateful that your children have continued in your blessed path of generosity and good will.

We are proud to have known this great couple!

In appreciation,

Rabbi Shaanan and Tziporah Gelman

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Gold b

Mazal Tov to our

dear friends

Dr. Justin and Aviva GordonWho have quietly contributed

so much without ever making a splash.

Every shul needs a couple like the Gordons, we are proud to call them our own!


Rabbi Shaanan and Tziporah Gelman

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Gold b


Rabbi GelmanWith deep appreciation for all

that you did for me during the times I sat shiva for my parents.

From personally carrying boxes of siddurs, to setting up chairs,

you went over and above what is usually expected as a rabbi.

I will always remember your kindness.


Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Gold b

A Kol Hakavod to

Rabbi Shaanan and Rebbitzin Tziporah Gelman

Whose dedication on behalf of KCT is unmatched.

You have brought 7 years of work to fruition.

Justin and Aviva

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Gold b

JoelWith fondness we recall

your parents meeting with Mom and Dad in Hollywood, Florida.

What a perfect setting for the Snowbirds.

May their memory be for a blessing.

Justin and Aviva

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Gold b

In Memory of Our

Beloved Friends

Sy and Anne OknerWho touched the hearts of all with their kindness and chesed, and the

minds of those who knew them with their plain speaking, wisdom, and wit.

Sy and Annie opened their home to the entire Jewish community.

They enriched the neshamot of all those who cherished them.

May the beautiful mikdash m’at that is KCT flourish in their zechut.

Bethia Straus and Paul Quintas

Joseph, David, Sarah, and Rebecca

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Gold b

Mazel Tov

Aviva & Justinon this

much deserved honor.

Your acts of Tzedakah and Chesed are an inspiration to all.


Ellen and Sandy Abramowitz

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Gold b

Thank you to

Ben, Jen, Elliot and

Amrami Design GroupYour efforts, dedication and love

for the KCT community are evident inthe gorgeous new building we now enjoy.

You have made our dream a reality.

The KCT Community

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion



Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b

Dear Mom and Dad,From our very first steps,Getting us off to school,And the trips where we saw the road.You planted the seed for our growth.

The high school days came,The hours got long,And homework and reports were a daily.The plants started to grow.

And college years came, Then degrees in hand,Stress came out at its best.The small plants are now saplings that were put to the test.

Now each of us married,With homes of our own,Each one flourishing in their own special way.The seeds, now full plants, became fruit-bearing trees.

Now it’s our turn to say we are proud of you for this very deserving honor.Little did you know, that the seeds you planted many years ago-With your kind deeds and open arms,Has turned into a mighty strong orchard.

May you continue to help the community plant and grow their own orchards.

We love you!

Your loving children,

Eitan and Rebecca GordonSara and Shmueli FarekasAdina and Sruly Isenberg

And the best grandchildren around

Batya Rena and Shalom Zvi

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b

In Loving Memory of

Anne and Sy Okner z”lPillars of Our Family

Pillars of the Community

Phyllis and Martin FingerhutGlenn and Karen Fingerhut

and FamilyLaura and Neil Quinter

and FamilyJill and David Loshin

and Family

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b

Mazel Tov and

Yaasher Koach to

Aviva and Justin Gordonand their family

Best Wishes to


Barbara, Howard, Chava and Sammy Blivaiss

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b

Mazel Tov to the very deserving

Honorees We are fortunate to be

part of such a special shul.

Nora & Matthew Koenig

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b

We would like to offer our Hakarat Hatov to

the Hakadosh Baruch Hoo and the entire

Okner Familyfor making the reality of this project possible.

May your name and memory always be a blessing

and a source of Nachat.

Thank you,

Chaim and Roslyn Kohanchiand the

Sephardic Minyaners

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b

Yasher Koach to

Ben and Jenny Amramifor all your

hard work and sincere dedication.

May you be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor for years to come with peace,

good health, and for many Semachot.

May we all grow in the Makom Kodesh in the way of Torah and Mitzvot.

Our Love and Admiration

Chaim and Roslyn Kohanchi

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b

We are proud to join KCT in paying special tribute


Anne & Sy Okner OB”MKCT Cornerstone Award


Dr. & Mrs. Justin GordonAvodat Hakodesh Award

Mazal Tov on the inauguration

of the new KCT building

Stanley and Linda Weissbrot

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b


Chaya and VikaChairing any function takes skill and finesse.

You have both in abundance.

May you continue to share it with every new undertaking.


Justin and Aviva

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b


Elisha, Karin and RameshThere is a saying that

good things come in threes.

All of you prove that this is true.

Thank you for everything you have done for this stunning banquet.

Justin and Aviva

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b

To all the membersof the Dinner Committee

Mr. & Mrs. Ben AmramiMr. & Mrs. Elisha Atkin

Dr. & Dr. Robert AppelsonMr. & Mrs. Yoni BellowsDr. & Mrs. Asher Gelman

Dr. amd Mrs. Stuart GoldmanRabbi and Mrs. Michael Gottesman

Mr. and Mrs. Sean KatzMr. and Mrs. Ari Kellman

Mr. and Mrs Matthew KoenigMr. and Mrs. Chaim Kohanchi

Mr. and Mrs. Ed PlotkinMr. and Mrs. Kenny RipsteinMr. and Mrs. Nate RubensteinMr. and Mrs. Howard ShapiroMr. and Mrs. Josh Shpayher

Mr. and Mrs. David ShyovitzMr. and Mrs. Howard Weiss

A Yasher Koach!

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b


Toby and YossiThank you for being the best

shalosh seudos assistants ever!

Kol Hakavodfor a job well done.


Cousin Justin

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b

In tribute to

Anne and Sy OknerFor all that you did for KCT and the Jewish community

Yasher Koach to

Dr. and Mrs. Aviva GordonOn receiving the Avodat Hakodesh Award

Mazel Tov to all the members of KCT.

Wishing you continued success in your beautiful new home

Dorie and Gene Chez

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b

Mazel Tov to

Dr Joel Okner and Family

on this prestigious award.

You are the true Cornerstone of our shul.

May hashem award in kind for all you have done for our Shul and our Community.

With deep admiration and appreciation,

Your Brother from another Mother.


Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b

Mazel Tov to

Dr.Justin and Aviva Gordonon receiving

the Avodas Hakodesh Award.

With true gratitude for all the little things you do,

(which you think go unnoticed.) well they don’t.

Keep doing what you do.

Your friends

Elisha & Donna Atkin

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b

In tribute to

Anne and Sy

Who continue to be in our hearts and fondest of memories

of a never-ending summer.

With continuing love and admiration

from your Michiana family:

Ken and Sandra BergRoy and Ellen Bernstein

Marc and Debbi GellerKeith and Sandy Kanter

Ralph GrundelGabe and Shoshana Kroll

Rabbi Stanley and Shelly KrollStu and Phyllis Muller

Scott and Leesy Rosenzweig David and Sue Strulowitz

Paul Quintas and Bethia StrausLester, Ethel and Ira Sutker

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

a Silver b

In honor of

Anne & Sy OknerAnd

Dr. & Mrs. Justin Gordon

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion


Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

The honoring of

Dr. Justin and Aviva GordonIs much deserved for all the

monetary and physical contributions they give to the shul.

We are honored to have them as true friends.

Pearl and Nate Rubenstein

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

In Honor of

The Gordon and Okner Familes

Your commitment to the founding and growth of

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion is truly exemplary.

May Hakadosh Boruch Hu grant you strength and Siyata Dishmaya

to continue your Avodas Hakodesh.

The Routman Family

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

What a beautiful tribute to two very special people,

Anne & Sywho touched our lives

in many ways.

Sue & David Strulowitz and Family

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazel Tov to our

most deserving

Honorees We would not be the shul we are today without you.

Special thanks to Justin for the Dr. Pepper,

it is always appreciated.

Yitzie & Ami Sommer

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Although we never had the pleasure of meeting

Anne & Sy OknerWe hope and pray that their legacy

lives on through their beautiful family, and our beautiful shul that will bear their name for many years to come.

Dr. Justin & Aviva GordonHave given more

to our community than most people

(including ourselves) are aware.

Their tireless devotion to the values of family and community are a

model that we should all try to emulate.


Rabbi Etan & Tamar Ehrenfeld

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazel Tov to

Dr. & Mrs. Justin Gordonon this

well deserved honor.

Thank you for your dedication and commitment

to the needs of our community.

In loving memory of

Anne & Sy OknerYour support & chesed

is instilled within us forever.

Avi & Lily Bereliani

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Congratulations & Continued Success to

Kehilat Chovevei TzionMazel Tov to our Friends

Justin and AvivaCongratulations

on a well deserved honor.

You are two special people that bring goodness and kindness

to everything you do.

It has been a privilege to know you for many years.

Dr. Dovid and Galia Lapson and Family

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazel Tov to

Cousins Justin and Aviva on this

well deserved honor

Allan and Chaya Gordon Burstyn and Family

Julian and Ilka Gordon and Family

Estelle Gottlieb

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

We would like to acknowledge the generosity and achdus of

Anne & Sy Okner They left a legacy to build great institutions

in the Chicagoland area.

They were such a kind couple and never turned anyone away.

Also, we would like to congratulate

Dr. Justin & Aviva Gordon on receiving the Avodat Hakodesh Award.

They have demonstrated their generosity to the Chicago & Skokie communities by helping many


They helped the Ark, their schools, and their synagogues.

They are not wallflowers, they are doers.

Mr. & Mrs. Akiva GoldsteinMr. & Mrs. Colin Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Geoff WinnerMr. & Mrs. Izhak Eisenberg Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Hurwitz Rabbi & Mrs. Laibel PolskyMr. & Mrs. Zevi DavidMs. Bina TarkieltaubMs. Odelia ShemerRabbi & Mrs. Dov SingerRabbi & Mrs. Sruly Langer Rabbi & Mrs. Tzvi Yaakov ZuckermanRachel Hull-Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. David Stern Rabbi & Mrs. Nesanel Siegal Chana Martel KeefeMs. Ruchama RabinowitzMr. & Mrs. Bob Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Mark CampbellRabbi & Mrs. Avrum SiegalMr. & Mrs. Ted FishmanMs. Chaya IsenbergMs. Carol BailensonMr. & Mrs. Robert KandelmanMs. Brenda WishnerMr. & Mrs. James BergmanMr. & Mrs. Paul Feit

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Aviva and JustinA hearty מזל טוב

on an honor so richly deserved.

We feel privileged to have friends such as Justin,

who works so tirelessly on behalf of the shul and with such care and concern and chesed towards the community at

large, and Aviva, whose sincere religious devotion is such an admirable

rarity in the times that we live in.

Shira and Art Roth

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazel Tov to our

dear friends

Aviva and JustinMay you continue to be able to do all

you do for our Shul, community, and AMIT.


Rabbi GelmanThank you

for all you do.

You’re the best!!!

Beth, Michael, Ryan, Meira, Jeremy, Josh, Yael, Noam and Margalit Gottesman

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion


Justin and AvivaThank you for your very special friendship

and for the many acts of chesed you do in the community.

May you be blessed always with health and happiness.

Charlene and Bob

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Justin and AvivaYou help us see the world through a special lens.

Congratulations on this honor.

Your friends,

Stu and Jan Goodman

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazel Tov to the

Okner Familyupon receiving The

KCT Cornerstone Awardin Tribute to

Anne and Sy Okner Anne and Sy

would have loved our shul.

Mazel Tov to

Dr. and Mrs. Justin Gordonon The

Avodat Hakodesh Award

Thank you for dedicating yourself to the needs of our shul and community.

Vika and Jeff Stein

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Dear Joel,Mazel Tov to you on this special occasion!

We are honored to share this simcha with you.

We read a beautiful biography of your parents’ achievements.

Seeing the type of person you are, juggling a busy life and your devotion to KCT -

always with a kind smile and a warm hello, gives us a little inclination of how special your parents must have been!

We know they are smiling down on you and your family.

May their Neshamas have an Aliya!

Dear Justin and Aviva,Mazel Tov to you on this special honor!

We have had the pleasure of getting to know you over the past few years

and discovered what special people you are. Your kind ways and giving nature,

are attributes we know personally and hold a special place in our hearts!

May you continue to have nachas from all life’s great gifts!

Ben and Jen Amrami

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazel tov on this

great occasion.

A most fitting tribute to a wonderful couple

Anne and Sy OknerWhose life served as a cornerstone of

Jewish values in numerous institutions and an example for generations of

young adults and the entire community.

You are sorely missed.

All our love and appreciation,

The Bernstein Family

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Justin and AvivaMazal Tov on this

great honor.

With love,

Shahrem and Soosan Kohananoo

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazel Tov to our

children and grandchildren…

.Karin, Michael, Jacob, Joshua, and Emma

on the opening of your beautiful new shul.

May it bring you many simchas in the years to come.


Bubby and Poppy

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazal Tov to

The Okner Familyand

Justin and Aviva GordonThank you for your dedication to KCT

and for the countless things you do on behalf of the Shul.

You are an inspiration to us all.

Karin and Michael Felix

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazal Tov to

The GelmansAnd

Kehilat Chovevei Tzionon

their new Shul.

Tami and Shlomo Drapkin

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

In honor of

Justin and AvivaServing the Community

is part of your family legacy.

In the tradition of Bea z”l and Yale z”l Gordon

you both strive to make a difference and you have done so in many ways.

We share in celebrating with you!!!

Hal and Sue Gordon and Family

Barry and Donna Gordon and Family

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

In honor of

Dr. & Mrs. Justin Gordonwho devote countless hours

to works of Tzedaka and Chesed

Mimi and Sam Seleski

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazel Tov

Aviva & JustinStarting with your wedding

we get to celebrate another simcha together

Susan & Irving Zagorin

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

The Korman Family wishes

Rabbi Gelman and Tziporaha

Mazel Tov

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazel Tov to

Dr. & Mrs. Gordonfor a

well-deserved honor.

Your work on behalf of KCT and the entire Jewish community

is exemplary.

Tara and Brian Roffe and Family

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

In honor of

Justin and Aviva Gordon Thank you for your constant efforts

and making our shul so comfortable and welcoming.

You are a true blessing for the shul.

Besty and Howard Shapiro

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

To all the well deserved

Honorees on their dedication to Chovevei Tzion.

Kenny and Yael Ripstein

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

With gratitude to the

Okner FamilyAnd

Justin and Aviva GordonYour dedication to tzedakah, chesed

and always being there when needed has made you truly deserving of these awards.

Ed and Suzy PlotkinLauren and Paul Levin

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

To the

Okner-Robbins familyWe feel privileged to be part of the

community honoring your beloved parents

Anne z”l and Sy z”l OknerJust as they were devoted in

their love for each other so too have they devoted their lives to Jewish causes.

May their memory be a blessing to us all

Rita and Howard Debbi and Marc Geller

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

With gratitude to

Anne and Sy Okner ob’mand to the

Okner family for their support of the shul and

commitment to the Jewish community.

Congratulations to

Justin and Aviva GordonThank you for all that you do

for the shul and the community.

Ben and Laura Friedman and Family

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazal Tov and

Best Wishes to

Dr. and Mrs. Justin Gordonon their

well deserved honor.

We also pay tribute to

Anne and Sy Okner z”lwhose Mitzvot and Maasim Tovim are a meaningful legacy for their

family and community to continue.

Yoni and Allison Bellows

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazal Tov to

Kehilat Chovevei TzionOn

your new home.

Yasher Koach to all who helped

make it possible

Edy and Jacob Kupietzky

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

We fondly remember

Anne and Sy as we were neighbors

for many years.

They helped build a strong Jewish community here in Chicago.

Their generosity extended to other communities in the country

and in Israel as well.

It is quite fitting that this Synagogue will be dedicated in their memory.

Gilda Allswang Marilyn AllswangEisenberg

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

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Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Innovation & Precision in Nucleic Acid Synthesis

Supporting Academic Excellence For the Future

Dr. and Mrs.Yosef Walder and the IDT Family

Salutes Kehilat Chovevai Tzion

On Your New and Beautiful Shul

May it be used for many joyous occasions and merit to serve as a place where Jews come to grow in their Torah identity

and appreciation of our wonderful heritage.

We give tribute to Anne and Sy Okner OB”M, KCT Cornerstone Awardees,

a visionary couple, who enhanced so many areas of Jewish life in our city including this shul building project.

And we absolutely appreciate our precious friends

Justin and Aviva Gordon, The Avodat Hakodesh Awardees

Who, on an ongoing basis, give their ‘all’ to the shul, making our simchas go smoothly and enjoyably and caring

that everybody enjoys the shul.

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Midwest NCSY joins Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

in honoring the Okner family through the KCT Cornerstone Award,

In Tribute to

Anne and Sy OknerAnne and Sy were true cornerstones of

NCSY and their children continue to inspire hundreds of Jewish

teens each year through the NCSY Anne and Sy Okner

Winter Conclave Convention.

We wish them all Hatzlacha in everything they do

in carrying on their parents legacy.

Rabbi Micah Greenland Rabbi Moshe Isenberg

Rabbi Donny Schwartz

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion


Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

In paying tribute to

Dr. and Mrs. Justin Gordon Avodas HaKodesh Awardees

Their decades-long commitment to

Numerous Torah, Avoda and Chesed causes Have been of great benefit to so many Mosdos in our community.

Dr. Gordon was a wonderful neighbor and we wish him all the best in his new location.

May Hashem reward them for their dedication to Chinuch, Tefila and Chesed needs

With Brocha, Hatzlocha, Gezunt and Nachas

& In Tribute to Mr. and Mrs. Sy Okner

The KCT Cornerstone Award

Their leadership, vision, energy, and hard work were instrumental in the development and advancement of so many Torah and Chesed causes. Their dedication on behalf of so

many knew no bounds. They are sorely missed.

HoRavYehoshua Eichenstein, Zidichover Rebbe ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

HaRav Pinchus Eichenstein, Nasi HaRav Zalmen Leib Eichenstein, Rov Rabbi Tzvi Bider, Executive Director

Rabbi Daniel Muskat, Director of Programming

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazal Tov

Justin and AvivaOn a

well deserved honor

It is our privilege to consider you our friends.

We hope to be able to celebrate simchas and derive nachas from our “children”

for many years together.


Rabbi Gershon and Brandy Schaffel

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Ida Crown Jewish Academy joins the entire Jewish community

in honoring Kehilat Chovevei Tzion on the occasion of its 7th Annual Dinner

and the inauguration of its new building.

Under the direction of its dynamic mara d’atra, Rabbi Shanan Gelman,

KCT has become a powerful force for Torah and mitzvot in our community.

We also remember with great fondness the lives of

Anne and Sy Oknerzichronam livracha.

They were role models to so many, pillars of our community, and together

helped to set the cornerstone for so much that is good

and meaningful in our world.

May their memories continue to serve as a blessing.

Rabbi Leonard A. Matanky Dean

Dov Pinchot President

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Thank you everyone who made this dinner a wonderful success

It would not have been possible without your time and effort

Chaya, Vika, Ramesh, Leesh, Karin and Rabbi Gelman

To our dearest

Bobbie and GrumpsyMazal Tov!

You loved us all so much and we are so proud to be your grandchildren.

You were the kindest, most loving people to everyone and especially

to the Jews of Chicago and Israel.

The Shul you helped build is beautiful - Thank you.

We miss you so much.


Sara, Noa, Matti, Jon, Avi and Jodi

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Congratulations to

Dr. Gordon and AvivaIn appreciation for who you are and what you do,

your acts of chesed touch everyone you meet.

May the Almighty bless you with much nachas, good health, and all the best

for your exemplary good works.

The Staff at Eye on Devon

Dr. Stacy OlswangDr. Eve (Betsy) Shapiro

Kim Melinda, Monica, Craig and Helen

Mazal Tov to the


Dani & Miriam Katzman

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

“Whoever has these three traits is one of the students of Avraham Avinu:

a good eye, a humble spirit and a satisfied soul” Pirkei Avos Perek 5

Justin and AvivaYou are a beautiful and shining model of these traits; we admire you so much.

Congratulations on this much deserved honor.

Marty and Sandy MiretzkyFaith and Dan Harris

Len and Sharon Friedman

In honor of our close friends

Dr. Justin and Aviva Gordon They are outstanding people who

continually support the entire community.

Our bracha is that they continue to go from strength- to- strength.

Cookie & Sheldon Schaffel

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

In honor of

our children

Lanie and Ari Kellman

Rona and Ira Kellman

In loving tribute to

Anne and SyYour warmth and friendship is

affectionately remembered and deeply missed.

May your memory continue to be a blessing for your family and an inspiration for our community.

Aviva and Nate Lichtenstein

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

To our friends

Aviva and Justin GordonWho are a shining example of humility and goodness.

Barbara & Bert Goldstein

Mazel Tov to

Dr. Justin and Aviva GordonThank you to our “Tallis Man”

for your devotion and friendship

Rabbi Lawrence Montrose

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazel Tov to

Justin & Aviva Gordonfor a very well deserved honor

as the Avodat Hakodesh Awardees.

Chaim and Roslyn Kohanchi


Madraigos Midwest wishes Mazal Tov to Kehilat Chovevei Tzion upon the  Inauguration of their magnificent new building and, together with the entire community,  

recognizes this evening’s distinguished awardees  

The KCT Cornerstone Award, in Tribute to Anne and Sy Okner, a”h 

who were cornerstones of the community, and of a beautiful family who carry on their legacy.    

 The Avodat Hakodesh Awardees Dr. and Mrs. Justin Gordon 

who inspire all who know them with their many acts of chesed, tzedaka and avodat Hashem.    

May the members of Kehilat Chovevei Tzion continue to take pride in their communal and  individual accomplishments and growth for many years to come. And may they, together  with the Rav, Rabbi Shaanan Gelman, continue to uplift and inspire the community to  

reach even greater heights in Torah, Avoda and Gemilut Chasadim.      

The Staff and Board of Directors of Madraigos Midwest 

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Just YELL if you want eye-catching invitations,

print, & web design.




To the

Okner Family thank you for your contribution

to make a dream come true for our community.

To Dr. and Mrs

Justin Gordonthank you for all your hard work

in behalf of KCT.

The Rischall Family

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

In fond memory of

Sy and AnnieTheir influence and impact on our youth was immeasurable.

Howard and Linda Lichtenstein

Congratulations to

Justin Gordon! You are a shining example of what is good in our community.

You serve as a role model for our devotion and commitment to the Chicagoland Jewish Community. Thank you for all that you

have done and may you continue from strength to strength!

Rabbi David Sherman & The Board and Staff of Yisraelink

In honor of

Aviva and Justin GordonThe Okner Family And the beautiful new

KCT Building

Robin and Barney Davis

To our dear friends

Justin and Aviva Two very worthy, hard working, and outstanding

people in our Jewish community.

Jeff and Chay Lustig

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Wishing mazal tov to

Kehilat Chovevei Tzionand the

HonoreesMay you enjoy many years in your new building!

Jeff and Sima Neiger

In Honor of

Aviva and Justin GordonWith admiration and appreciation for their commitment

to the Chicago Jewish Community.

David and Lauren Silverman

Mazel Tov

Justin and Avivaon a well deserved honor.

Thank you

Chaya and Allan for all the hard work you do for the shul and your community.

Vera and Hyman Burstyn

Mazal Tov to

Dr. Justin and Mrs. Aviva Gordonon this well deserved honor.

We all benefit from the Avodat Hakodesh you do for Chovevei and all so many other organizations!

With Best Wishes,

Mitch & Ilene Cutler

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

In loving memory of

Anne and Sy Okner

Nettie and Abe

Mazal Tov to the


Faye and Sid Levinson

Best Wishes to

Justin & Aviva

Howard and Marcia Weiss

Mazel Tov on the new building

and a special thank you to all who were involved.

Dan and Debbie Eisenstein and Family

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Mazel tov to

The Gordons on this well deserved honor

and yasher koach to

The Okner Family for all they do

for the Jewish community.

Levi and Alissa Zeffren

Mazal Tov to a

wonderful couple!

Amelia & Mark Schmidt and Family

Mazal Tov to

Justin and Aviva GordonA most deserving couple, on being honored with

the Avodat Hakodesh Award.

Ted and Helene Levine

It is our pleasure to join your shul in paying tribute to

Justin and Aviva Gordon!Mazal Tov!

Alan and Jodi Gershman

Mazal Tov to

Rabbi and Mrs. Gelman and the entire

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion community

on the inauguration of your new building.

Rabbi Yitzchak & Rachel Falk

Mazel Tov to longtime friends

Justin & Aviva.

With love,

Arleen & Steve I.

Best Wishes from

Jonathan and Yocheved Neuman

Congratulations to

Dr. and Mrs. Gordon on your well deserved

recognition in helping our community grow and thrive.

Erin and David Lowenthal

Kehilat Chovevei Tzion

Congratulations to the

well deserving


Rose and Bruce Sharon

Mazal tov to all the

Honorees! We are deeply grateful for everything you do

to make our community such a wonderful place.

Adina and David Shyovitz

Mazel Tov on your beautiful new home.

May we go from strength to strength

and continue to grow together.

Michelle & Randy Trubnick

Mazal Tov to the

Gordonsand the

Okner Family

Laura and Jeremy Goltz

Mazel Tov to

The Gordonson your well deserved honor.

Neeli and Ari, Charlie, Natie, Max and Ezra


Mazal Tov on your beautiful

Mikdash M’at.

Ada Kahn

In Honour of

Rabbi and Rabbanit GelmanMay you receive strength to

continue your accomplishments for your Congregation

and Klal Yisrael.

Rabbi Herschel and Esther Karp

Congratulations on this well-deserved honor


Aviva and Justin Gordon

The Sandalows

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