kek belacan lumut cheese.docx

Post on 07-Jul-2016






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Kek Belacan Lumut Cheese

Saiz tin: 9" persegiBAHAN2 KEK BELACAN:170g Butter3 bj Telur50g Gula90g Tepung Gandum1/3 tin Sekaya1/3 tin Susu Pekat100g Horlicks1 sb Gula Hitam100g Milo250g Coklat MasakanEsen Vanilla 

BAHAN2 KEK   LUMUT 170g Butter3 bj Telur50g Gula90g Tepung Biskut Marie1 sb Tepung Gandum1/3 tin Sekaya100g Horlicks1/2 botol Pes Pandan

BAHAN2 KEK CHEESE:750g Cream Cheese150g Gula3 bj Telur1st Esen vanilla2 sb Tepung Gandum

CARA2:1. Setiap lapisan kek di adun seperti biasa.(Along pukul butter dan gula sehingga kembang, masukkan telur satu-persatu dan lain2 bahan). 2. Kukus kek belacan 1 jam.3. Tuang adunan kek lumut & kukus 1 jam.4. Tuang adunan kek cheese dan kukus 2 jam sehingga masak. 

Snow Cheesecake

Ingredients 材料(A)

5 Egg Yolks 蛋黄20g Castor Sugar 细砂糖60g Corn Oil 粟米油100g Cake Flour 底筋面粉 (sifted 过筛)

65g Milk 牛奶B)

5 Egg Whites 蛋白1/4 Tsp Cream of Tartar塔塔粉60g Castor Sugar 细砂糖


250g Cream Cheese 奶 油 乳 酪(softened to room temp 室内暖化)

50g Sweetened Condensed Milk 练奶120g Whipping Cream 动物性奶油

(D) Decoration 装饰外面Cheddar Cheese 切達乾酪 (shredded


Method 做法 Line and grease the base of a 21cm square cake pan with parchment paper.

在 22cm方形烤盘铺上烤焙纸 (烤盘喷一些水或抹少许牛油固定烤盘纸).Preheat the oven to 180C degrees.

烤箱打开䂋预热至 180C.

In a mixing bowl, combine egg yolks and sugar from ingredients (A) with hand whisk till combine.

将材料(A)里的蛋黄加入细砂糖先用打蛋器搅拌均匀.Add in corn oil until well combined. 

将粟米油加入搅拌均匀.With a spatula, gently fold in the sifted cake flour and milk respectively. Set aside.

再将过筛好的粉类, 牛奶分次交错混入, 搅拌成无粉粒的面糊. 放冰箱冷藏族备用.(For The Cake)In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites from ingredients (B) until foamy. Add cream of tartar and castor sugar in 3 additions and beat until stiff peaks forms. 

材料(B), 蛋白先用打蛋器打出一些泡沫, 然后加入塔塔粉,糖分三次加入, 打至尾端稍微弯曲的蛋白霜。Using a spatula, gently fold in the egg whites to the egg yolks batter (A) in three additions until just blended (Being careful not to deflate the batter).

将 1/3的蛋白霜 混入蛋黄糊中,用橡皮刮刀搅拌拌均,然后将拌匀的面糊倒入剩下的2/3的蛋白霜中混合均匀。Pour bater into the prepared cake pan. Tap the cake pan on the counter top several times to knock the air bubbles and bake in the middle tack of a preheated oven for 25 - 30 mins or until evenly cooked.

将面糊倒入铺上烤纸的烤盘, 进炉前在家桌上轻敲几下, 敲出较的汽泡. 放入已经预热的烤箱中焙烤 25 - 30 mins. Unmould cake onto cooling rack. When cool, slice the cake vertically into 3 equal parts. Set aside.


(For the Frosting)

For ingredient (C), cream the cream cheese with condensed milk until light and fluffy. Add in whipping cream and continue beating till well combined.

将材料(C) 里的奶油乳酪和练奶打至松发成奶白色,后加入动物性奶油拌均.

Apply one layer of cream cheese frosting evenly on top of each layer and sandwich with the 2nd layer. Repeat the process until the 3rd layer has been placed and the entire cake evenly frosted.

每一层蛋糕都铺上一些动物性奶油抹平, 盖上另一片蛋糕. 使用同样方式做完 3个夹层.

用抹刀将鲜奶油抹上蛋糕, 表面及周围利用刮板及抹刀尽量整平.

Gently coat the whole cake with shredded cheddar cheese. Chill for 2 hours before serving

最后把刨丝切達乾酪装饰在整个蛋糕表层上. 放置到冰箱冷藏 2 ~ 3小时定形再取出.

YOGURT CHEESE CAKECake batter:250g butter

5 nos Gred A Eggs200g cake flour150g castor sugar1-2 tablespoon milk1 cup yogurt (mix berries) 135g

Cheese filling:250g cream cheese1 egg50g castor sugar

Method:1. beat butter and castor sugar until fluffy. Then add in egg 1 by 1. Add in

milk and mix. Then mix with flour using spatula. Finally add in yogurt. 2. Separate batter into 2 parts. 1 part add in 2 tablespoons strawberry filling,

another one add in blueberry filling.

3. Steam layer by layer, each layer 8 min. cheese layer 15 min. 小火。4. Cheese filling: beat cream cheese and sugar til smooth then add in 1 nos


黄梨卷 Pineapple Nastar Rolls


饼皮:无盐牛油 681克 (温室回软,我用两块Anchor和一块 SCS)

面粉 1公斤幼糖 120克卡士达粉 2汤匙 [Custard Powder]

奶粉 3汤匙云尼拉香精 1/2汤匙蛋白 3粒盐 1/2茶匙

馅料:黃梨酱 约 1.5公斤

搽料:蛋黄 7粒(打散)

可做大约 137粒

做法:1. 先将黄梨酱搓成椭圆形备用,每份大约 1/2汤匙(平匙)的份量,重约 11克左右。把所有的粉类过筛备用。

2. 将牛油和糖粉打发,然后加入蛋白和云尼拉香精搅拌均匀。

3. 加入筛过的粉类和盐,用慢速度搅拌至均匀。

4. 将少许的饼干面团放入黄梨卷花嘴里,然后花纹面朝下,将面团挤出形成长条状,在面团的前端放上一粒黄梨馅,轻轻地卷起把黄梨馅包入,切掉多余的面团,将卷好的黄梨卷铺排在放了烘焙纸的烤盘里,黄梨卷面团重叠的部份朝下,这样看起来比较美,排放每个黄梨卷时须留点距离。

5. 重复步骤 4直到完成为止,卷好所有的黄梨后即可在黄梨卷的表面涂上一层蛋黄液。

6. 将烤盘放入预热 170°C的烤箱里,烘烤大约 20分钟或至熟即可。将烤盘取出,待凉后才可以收纳进罐里。



10 nos2tsp200g300g


SP 起发剂Condensed milkHong kong flour


12 oz butter



Taro fillingCoconut santan milkSantan powder (cocolin)Yam paste


300g200g1 bottle

Coconut santan milkSantan powder (cocolin)

Glory nonya kaya (400g)

Method:1) beat A until light and fluffy (7-10min) then slowly add in B mix well by

hand.2) Divide cake mixture into 2 portions, i) add in C ii) add in D3) Use 9’square tin steam layer i) and ii) until finish.

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