kerr county people magazine - november-december 2009

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The Premier Magazine - Celebrating the People & Life of Kerr County






PeopleKerr County

T H E P R E M I E R M A G A Z I N E C E L E B R AT I N G T H E P E O P L E & L I F E O F K E R R C O U N T Y

an izzi bearchristmas

PeoplePeoplePeoplePeopleT H E P R E M I E R M A G A Z I N E C E L E B R AT I N G T H E P E O P L E & L I F E O F K E R R C O U N T Y

PeoplePeopleT H E P R E M I E R M A G A Z I N E C E L E B R AT I N G T H E P E O P L E & L I F E O F K E R R C O U N T Y

PeoplePeoplePeoplePeopleT H E P R E M I E R M A G A Z I N E C E L E B R AT I N G T H E P E O P L E & L I F E O F K E R R C O U N T Y

PeoplePeopleT H E P R E M I E R M A G A Z I N E C E L E B R AT I N G T H E P E O P L E & L I F E O F K E R R C O U N T Y


2 Nov-Dec 2009

Nov-Dec 2009 3

Vis i t us on l ine at kerrcountypeople .comDiane FerrellEditor &


Mark A. JacksonStudio RioArt

Kerr County PeoplePO Box 291402Kerrville, TX 78029

KCP reserves the right to edit and/or refuse any submitted materials. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of KCP. Ads created for this magazine are copyrighted by Studio Rio and and may not to be used in other publications or print without permission.

All Rights Reserved Copyright 2009 Kerr County People Magazine

Dear Friends and Neighbors,

It's hard to believe it's been two years since our fi rst issue. It really is true that ti me fl ies when you're having fun. Entering the Thanksgiving and Christmas season seems like a perfect ti me to relfect on what we appreciate. Here at KCP we feel so blessed for the fun we've had with this

magazine, for those of you who promote your business through our pages, for all the loyal readers and for those of you who help us out when we need it. It's our intent to promote a sense of community, to promote local folks and businesses. Every day you make us feel that we are an important part of "community" and we are truly grateful for that. We wish you a bounti ful Thanksgiving, a wonderful Christmas and hope the new year is your best yet.

NOV-DEC 2009


Cover Photo Luke & Calee Matt hews Reid Clarkson & Vickie Ogilvie

Apparel Provided By Izzi Bear

Photo byPortraits by Jenn



6 The Arts

9 The Arts Calendar

16 Restaurant Review

4 KCP Inbox

23 Savvy Traveler

24 Kerr County Cuties

34 Women's Health

36 Health & Wellness

39 Women's Fitness

5 Self-Directed IRA

8 All You Need is Love

12 Saving with Windows

14 An Izzi Bear Christmas

17 Holiday Cheers

17 From Stressed to Blessed

18 Landscape Remodeling

19 Location, Location, Location

20 Fixing Aging Eyes

22 Dry Hair

23 The Savvy Traveler

26 401K Questions

27 Title Talk

27 Whole Life Insurance

28 Your Hometown Florist

30 Hospice is Lifegiving

31 Healthcare - Who's in Charge?

32 Healthcare Reform

33 Hospice Care

37 Mentoring Opportunities

38 Peterson RMC Volunteers

10 Baubles & Beads13 Hill Country Wild Game Dinner28 Any Baby Can29 KLRN Wine Tasting








PeopleKerr County

T H E P R E M I E R M A G A Z I N E C E L E B R AT I N G T H E P E O P L E & L I F E O F K E R R C O U N T Y

an izzi bearchristmas

2 Nov-Dec 2009 Nov-Dec 2009 3

24 Kerr County Cuties

36 Health & Wellness

4 Nov-Dec 20094 Nov-Dec 2009

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I am an avid reader of your publicati on and I would like to suggest that you do an arti cle on the volunteers who deliver the meals on wheels from the Dietert Center. If you would contact Pat at Deitert Center, she could tell you all about them.

Lorraine Wilson

Thank you for the opportunity to be on cov-er of Kerr County People. The publicity brought recogniti on to the Offi ce of Mayor and let the Citi -zens of Kerrville know what their elected offi cials are doing in their community. The coverage cre-ated a lot of positi ve conversati on. Putti ng a name and a face with the ti tle actually prompted several citi zens to approach me to discuss local politi cs. I was overwhelmed with feed back and phone calls, from local socials to pizza parlors. Thank You,

Todd A. Bock, Mayor, Kerrville

I met you at the "appreciati on dinner" and preview of Greater Tuna held recently at the Hill Country Arts Foundati on's Point Theater. I menti oned to you that I had read your publicati on and found a picture what could be a friend from the past and actually made contact with him. Today we had lunch and reviewed old ti mes. I am glad that I picked up the issue of your publicati on and scanned it while waiti ng at the doctor's offi ce. Seeing Fred's picture of 35 years since I had seen him certainly did not speak with certainty, but prompted me to look him up in the phone book. Thanks for your publicati on's involvement in this "reunion" and thank you for providing something useful in the doctor's waiti ng room. It sure beats Time Magazine.

Maurice Collins

J.R. Alexander has a show on KVHC called the Hill Country Sports Wrap Up. He has been doing this for nine years. J.R. goes out on Friday nights to our Family of Hill Country area schools and brings football highlights to the area live on KVHC. He started this because our Family area will NEVER get any att enti on from any San Antonio or Austi n TV stati ons. He wanted to give these kids hard work some recogniti on and yet give our area a sports show about OUR area. Please consider J.R. for a spot on your magazine. Thank You for your dedicati on of bringing Real people arti cles to our area.

John Kocurek

I remember when you fi rst started your magazine. It just gets bett er and bett er. You are doing a wonderful job!

Barbara JohnstonKPSF

This is going to be so great!!!!! I am thrilled with wherever you put me in this uptown publicati on.

Sheryl WhitworthCurves

Great shot [cover]...I was there that night...he[Paco] looked very handsome for his photo shoot...and it was very busy that evening; Mia did a great job!

Holly Alfeld

…got the new magazine and am really impressed. The TV stati on has plugged you and your magazine on the last two Sun Up Saturdays.

Geri Hodges

I had to take a moment to compliment you. I sti ll have your fi rst issue. Madelyn was a Kerr County Cuti e [November 2007] and you have brought this so far. I am very proud for you! ... just wanted to let you know how awesome the new magazine looks!

Noel Eddy

I love what you’ve done withthe magazine thus far. Keep upthe good work!

Lati sha Ferguson

I just got several copies of the new People magazine today. Great job! Very classy looking. I got a few extra copies to show our brides when they come to discuss plans with us.

Theresa Whitf ieldWhitf ield Photographics

Thanks so much for running the arti cle on the Western Arti sts of America exhibit at MOWA. Hope you've had chance to go see it - it's really impressive! Nice issue, as always!

Nancy FosterPublicity Manager, Kerrville CVB

The new mag looks great! Love it. Evelyn Hickey1550 Gallery

I love it! Susan Clark Fager

I am reading Kerr County People Sept- Oct 2009 editi on. This is a fi ne magazine; very impressive both in content and layout. Take a bow, Ms. Ferrell, for I am certain you have earned it. How could I have forgott en to menti on Mark Jackson and Mia Church...fabulous work! Best wishes for conti nued success.

Wanda Kemp MaxsonRiverhill, Kerrville

Received the looks FANTASTIC. Congrats!

Sue Talford, KPAS

I picked up a copy of this issue yesterday at HEB. It's amazing how much diff erent it looks--it looks and feels great!

Shirley Bell

I love the look of the magazine. The arti cles conti nue to be ti mely and interesti ng and you were very kind to put the picture of our granddaughters on the page of your Kerr County Cuti es (Caitlin and Chloe O’Brien). You are a great additi on to this community!

Carolyn Carlisle

Thank you for you wonderful, enjoyable magazine! I truly look forward to each issue…this current Sept.-Oct. issue is an extra treat, being on new paper. The cover feature and the pictures of Paco are really outstanding. As a long ti me member of the German Dance Club, I especially thank you for the coverage of our 75th anniversary.

Cora Bell Nunn

Awesome magazine!Phyllis Ricks

Ricks Furniture

Lookin' good, Paco!Armen Babajanian

Email Us With Your Thoughts, Comments and Suggesti ons:

InboxPeopleKerr County

Just a few of the many comments regarding our new glossy format.

Many articles have been written on the mass of “baby boom-ers” reaching retirement age in the near future and how it

will affect our society. The biggest concern for the typical “boomer” is how they will fi -nancially manage their individual retirement. Many experts have a dim view on the ability of Social Security to exclusively address the “boomers’” retirement needs. A “boomer” is expected to live longer and retire at age 65. Each “boomer” may need to budget 20 years of retirement income in order to survive a golden age of 85 or more. This issue was partially addressed by Congress with the en-actment of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974.

IRA is an acronym for “Individual Retire-ment Arrangement” and is part of the lexicon of ERISA laws and the Internal Revenue Code. IRA’s and other retirement accounts like 401(k)’s are heavily invested in the stock market. There are various estimates, but gen-erally it is calculated that at the end of 2008 there was up to $3.7 trillion in IRA accounts and perhaps as much as $10.8 trillion in other kinds of retirement plans, all made possible by ERISA. Approximately 98 % of all IRA money is invested through traditional mar-kets like the stock market, CD’s, etc. That is because most of the IRA investment market is controlled by fi rms who do not let the IRA account holder wander into investments they do not market.

Recently, these traditional IRA investments were severely bruised by dismal stock market returns. A lot of retirement account owners are now nervous about restoring their account balances to the previous highs, but distrust in the market looms. IRA account holders should consider a non-traditional approach to investing their retirement funds. Though not commonly understood, under current law,

IRA’s may be invested in any kind of asset with the small exceptions of collectibles, life insurance contracts, and Sub “S” corporation stock.

In order to take advantage of the non-tra-ditional investments with IRA funds, the IRA owner needs a Self-Directed IRA account. There are a few specialized IRS approved custodians whose operations anticipate and

cooperate with IRA account owners to make non-traditional investments. With a properly funded Self-Directed IRA, an owner can in-vest in practically anything. For instance, several years ago, the Independent Bank of Austin, Texas, was started partially with capi-

tal from Self-Directed IRA accounts. The predominate investment for Self-Directed IRA accounts is real estate.

Self-Directed IRA’s are not simple. You cannot buy a house with your IRA and live in it because that violates the ERISA and IRS rules. In general, any IRA investment that gives you or a close relation an immediate di-rect or indirect benefi t is prohibited. Don’t let the rules discourage you though. The benefi ts of a Self-Directed IRA can be well worth the costs associated with laying the proper legal and fi nancial foundation for self-directed in-vestments. Start with a team of profession-als like accountants, attorneys, and fi nancial planners knowledgeable about Self-Directed IRA’s and put your investment idea to work.

Doyle Weaver earned his JD degree from Regent University School of Law in Virginia Beach, Virginia and is licensed since 1990 in the Commonwealth of Virginia and since 1997 in the State of Texas. He is the owner of Weaver Law Group, P.C., a full service law fi rm in Kerrville.

IRA’s may be invested in any kind of asset with the small exceptions of collectibles, life insurance contracts, and Sub “S” corporation

In order to take advantage of the non-tra-ditional investments with IRA funds, the IRA owner needs a Self-Directed IRA account. There are a few specialized IRS approved custodians whose operations anticipate and

cooperate with IRA account owners to make non-traditional investments. With a properly funded Self-Directed IRA, an owner can in-vest in practically anything. For instance, several years ago, the Independent Bank of Austin, Texas, was started partially with capi-

tal from Self-Directed IRA accounts. The predominate investment for Self-Directed IRA accounts is real estate.

Self-Directed IRA’s are not simple. You cannot buy a house with your IRA and live in it because that violates the ERISA and IRS rules. In general, any IRA investment that gives you or a close relation an immediate di-rect or indirect benefi t is prohibited. Don’t let the rules discourage you though. The benefi ts of a Self-Directed IRA can be well worth the costs associated with laying the proper legal and fi nancial foundation for self-directed in-vestments. Start with a team of profession-als like accountants, attorneys, and fi nancial planners knowledgeable about Self-Directed IRA’s and put your investment idea to work.

Doyle Weaver earned his JD degree from Regent University School of Law in Virginia Beach, Virginia and is licensed since 1990 in the Commonwealth of Virginia and since 1997 in the State of Texas. He is the owner of Weaver Law Group, P.C., a full service law fi rm in Kerrville.

Broaden Your Retirement Options With

A Self–Directed IRA

by Doyle Weaver

Approximately 98% of all IRA money is invested

through traditional markets like the stock

market, CD's, etc.

WEAVER LAW GROUP, P.C.A Professional Corporation


Doyle WeaverAttorney At Law

830-896-3000843 Sidney Baker St., Suite 101 • Kerrville, Texas 78028


830-896-3000843 Sidney Baker St., Suite 101


830-896-3000843 Sidney Baker St., Suite 101

4 Nov-Dec 2009 Nov-Dec 2009 5


Hours: Tues. - Sat. 10–4, Sun. 1–4 228 Earl Garrett - Downtown Kerrville 830-895-2911

T E X A S Furniture Makers S H O W®

T E X A S Furniture Makers S H O W

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Unique, Custom Crafted Furniture by Prize Winning Texas Furniture Makers

October 22 - December 5, 2009

Reception & AwardsSaturday, November 7, 6–8 pm.






te S



PRESERVATION HALL JAZZ BANDIn Concert with theSymphony of the Hills


7:30 PM January 23, 2010 at the Cailloux TheaterTickets $35 Call 830.896.9393

Nov-Dec 2009

6 Nov-Dec 2009

in Kerr County


PeopleKerr County



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Wayne Este, Owner

T he Spirit of theT he Spirit of theT he Spirit of theSouthwest

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Open Monday-Saturday 10-5832 Water St. Kerrville, TX 78028

Rivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeRivers EdgeGALLERY FRAMING AND PRINTING

Large Format Scanning and Printing available at A� ordable prices...Bring us your disc, photo or piece of art. We can enlarge your photo or artwork and print it on

Canvas,Watercolor, Heavy Litho and photo papers up to 42” wide.

"The Take Off " by David Wheeler

Nov-Dec 2009 7

Tim Love, that is. Native Texan, Chef Tim Love, worked in restaurants throughout the country before settling down back home in Texas. His Lonesome Dove Western Bistro in Ft. Worth met with overwhelming success after its opening in 2000, and it consistently achieves the highest Zagat rating of any restaurant in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. In 2007, Love opened The Love Shack adjacent to his White Elephant Saloon in the Stockyards district. Another big hit, the Shack’s award-winning record includes three stars from The Dal-las Morning News, the rating of the most perfect burger on the planet by The Fort Worth Star-Telegram, and a place on CondeNast Traveler’s 2008 Hot List for restaurants. You may have seen Love, with his charming southern personal-ity, cooking alongside Paula Deen, Rachel Ray, Top Chef Mas-ters, and on Iron Chef America. Peterson Regional Medical Center is bringing Chef Love to Kerrville for its Legacy Gala, celebrating 60 years of health care in the Hill Country. He will conduct an instructional cooking class at Inn of the Hills on November 12, and he and his culinary team will prepare a multi-course dinner for the Legacy Gala Din-ner and Wine Tasting on November 14 at Inn of the Hills. Tickets are limited to both events. Call 258-7411 or logon for ticket availability. To learn more about this en-tertaining chef, logon to

All YouNeed Is


Hill Country Cares, formerlyHill Country Crisis Council, will be sponsoring

"The Ultimate Hill Country Shopping Experience"at the YO Resort Hotel, November 19-21.

Proceeds to benefi t Hill Country Cares.

Visit their website,, or call the offi ce at 257-7088 for all the details.

Don't miss it!

Le t ' s go

shopp ing !

Museum Hours:Tues-Sat 9am-5pm

1550 Bandera Hwy.Kerrville, TX 78028 for ticket availability. To learn more about this en-tertaining chef, logon to

Museum Hours:

Charles M. RussellMaster of Western Art

October 8, 2009-January 2, 2010

Charlie Russell completedapproximately 4,000 works of art during his lifetime. He was the fi rst "Western" artist to live the majority of his life in the West. For this reason, Charlie knew his subject matter intimately, set-ting the standard for many western artists.

8 Nov-Dec 2009

It's more than you think!

Thanks to Guadalupe National Bank for sponsoring “The Arts”


8 Nov-Dec 2009 Nov-Dec 2009 9

Thru Jan 2Charles M. Russell

Master of Western ArtExhibiti on

Museum of Western Art1550 Bandera Hwy


Thru DecemberCowgirl & Cowboy Giclees

by Colin TurnerRivers Edge Gallery

832 Water Street830.895.5184

Thru NovemberEstate Jewelry in

Turquoise, Silver &other beauti ful stones.

Rivers Edge Gallery832 Water Street


Thru November 28Holiday Wearable Art & Jewelry Show

1550 Gallery1550 Juncti on Hwy


Thru December 5Texas Furniture Makers Show

Kerr Arts & Cultural Center228 Earl Garrett

Nov 5 - 14Foxtails

at the CaillouxPlayhouse 2000


Nov 735th Annual

Christmas Bazaar9am-3pm

Hill Country Arts Foundati on120 Point Theatre Rd S

Nov 20 - Jan 9Desti nati ons Exhibiti on & Competi ton

featuring college student artworkRecepti on Nov 20, 6 pm

Hill Country Arts Foundati on120 Point Theatre Rd S

Nov 20 - Dec 12Christmas BellesFri-Sat 7:30 pm

Sun 2 pmHill Country Arts Foundati on

120 Point Theatre Rd

Nov 21 - 22Nutcracker in the Hills

featuring theSan Diego Ballet


Dec 88th Anniversary Celebrati on

Celebrate 8 years of thebest in contemporary art

6-8 pm1550 Gallery

1550 Juncti on Hwy830.257.1550

Only love interests me, and I am only in contact with things I love. Marc Chagall

10 Nov-Dec 2009






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Now TwoConvenientLocations

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Baubles & BeadsLuncheon and Style Show

October 20th at the Inn of the Hills. Proceeds benefi t local breast cancer pati entsand the Executi ve Women's Clubscholarship fund.

Linda Imel

Harley Belew & Cathy Scozzari

Shannon Montgomery& Billie Daily

Kim Finch, Emily RussCecil Baldwin

Bobbie Nauss & Ginny Bull

Greg Richards & Pat Patrillo

Linda Imel

Baubles & BeadsLuncheon and Style Show

Donna Keeling & Darlene Bannister

10 Nov-Dec 2009 Nov-Dec 2009 11

Creative DesignExcellent Selection

Quality CraftsmanshipProfessionally Trained Staff

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Custom Picture Framing

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Appraisals Estate JewelryBuyers and Sellers

Mary Woods & Sandy Speed

Keri Kropp & Tricia Hamil

Jo Ann Hagemeier, Mollie Scherer, Jeanna Biermann

Ernestine Sutherlin& Karen Young

Beverly Bond & Sudie Burditt

12 Nov-Dec 2009

by Brett Guzardo

Saving MoneySaving Energy




During the recent economic crash,the new home building industry took a nosedive in the last quarter of 2008. Many homeowners have been trying desperately to fi nd ways to cut energy costs by updating their homes.

What about windows?Windows are a way to allow the outside in without the outside conditions effecting the inside conditions. If you were to do a survey that asked, “What are windows?” you would most likely have answers such as...

Windows are so I can see the outside worldfrom the interior of my home.

Windows are so I can allow fresh air in, whenI desire to do so.

Windows are to allow natural light into theinterior of the home.

The big question is,can this be done without gouging your pocket book and fading your furniture and/or fl oors by damaging UV rays? The answer is yes. With the proper windows and coated insulated glass, you can protect fl oors and furniture while saving up to 30% on your monthly utility bills.

Take a few minutes to evaluateif your windows are performing up to your expectations. When a builder creates an opening in a solid wall, why would he just throw any old window in place that is inferior to the surrounding wall area? Why not consider putting in a window that would at least perform to a minimal standard?

A window should provide a safety barrier from mother nature. Homeowners may believe that replacing their windows is a major remodel and costs tens of thousands of dollars. Such a project, however, is really economical and replacing the windows takes only a few days on the average home (12 to 16 windows). An investment in new vinyl windows for most average homes is less than ten thousand dollars. And right now is a good time to take advantage of the 30% Federal Tax Credit, you can receive up to $1500.00 towards your taxes with this great opportunity.

One of the fi rst things homeowners notice about their new windows is how much quieter the home is. Aluminum windows not only conduct heat and cold, but also dampen outside noises. There are so many benefi ts that can be achieved by replacing your old aluminum windows with a good quality vinyl window—lower utility bills, minimize outside noise, and that tax credit.

Brett Guzardo has a total of thirty three years in the home building industry. Nine years as a framing sub contractor, twenty years as a custom home builder and four years in home building product sales. Along with being a design expert, Brett is hands-on in all phases of home construction including drafting, estimating, negotiations, writing contracts, and consulting on all types of styles and architecture. Don’t hesitate to give Brett a call and he’ll be happy to come out and give you a free evaluation and estimate before the Tax Credit expires.

You can reach Brett at 830-377-9498 or stop by the showroom, Home Building Resources, at 516 Jefferson St. in Kerrville.

Nov-Dec 2009 13


DinnerBrian Thomas & Paul Hinson

Marsha & Randy Olson

Roger & Kimberly Rodriguez

Susan & Steve Hamilton

Danielle Snow &Dr. Cuatro PattersonMichelle Layton & Rick McRaeTim & Darlene Kuhler

Dorothy Smith, Sandra White, Joyce Braden

Mike & Nadine Saur Luke Potter

Ed & Keitha Felts

Hill CountryGrand Slam

Member FDIC

Security StateBank & Trust68 Years of Service

Bank & TrustBank & TrustSecurity StateSecurity StateBank & TrustBank & Trust68 Years of Service

Security StateSecurity StateBank & TrustBank & Trust

HappyHo l i d ays

Kerrville1130 Junction Hwy

212 Sidney Baker South830-895-2000

Ingram3241 Junction Hwy


Other Convenient Locations

Blanco • Boerne • BulverdeCanyon Lake • Comfort

Dripping SpringsHarper • Fredericksburgs

Kingsland • Lago VistaPaleface Park • Marble Falls

Kerrville Sunrise Lions Club& Kerr County 4-H Clubs

October 3

Photos By Mia Church

by Diane Ferrell

ome of Vickie Ogilvie’s fondest memories of growing up in Longview, Texas include Alyce and

Fred Monsour. The couple owned a children’s store called Young Town where Vickie’s parents bought her clothes. Over the years, the Monsours became like family to her—and today she’s following in their footsteps as the owner of Izzi Bear at 227 Earl Garrett in downtown Kerrville. You’ll even see Young Town’s Santa in Izzi Bear’s display window at Christmastime.

“Alyce has been such an inspiration to me,” Vickie recalls, when asked what prompted her to open Izzi Bear. “She was always so happy and gentle.”

As proprietor of her own children’s store, Vickie says she loves to watch the young women who’ve just found out they’re going to be mothers. “They come in and they want to see and touch all the soft, beautiful baby things. They’re so full of anticipation and excitement. I feel so blessed that they want to share that exciting journey with me.”

From East Texas to Hill CountryIn her soft, melodic drawl, Vickie explains that she never dreamed she’d leave Longview where she’d grown up, married Dean Ogilvie, and raised her two children. She and her husband had traveled to some of the world’s most scenic places––London, Paris, Hawaii, and the Mediterranean islands to name a few––but they loved East Texas and were proud of their heritage. Then one hot July day in 2005 they found themselves in Kerrville.

It was love at fi rst visit. In January 2006, Vickie and Dean moved to Kerrville.

“It’s like being on vacation all the time here,” she says. “It’s such an easy place to live. The people here are honest, friendly, and just basically happy. Family and friends continually want to come to our beautiful area to visit. I even feel better physically in the drier climate.”

ome of Vickie Ogilvie’s fondest memories of growing up in Longview, Texas include Alyce and

Fred Monsour. The couple owned a children’s store called Young Town where Vickie’s parents bought her


The Izzi Bear GirlsVickie Ogilvie, Leona Turner, Pam Blommers, Brianna Miller and Frances Sanchez.

Photos By Mia Church

Brianna Miller and Frances Sanchez.

Vickie admits she couldn't run Izzi Bear without

her wonderful group of dedicated ladies.

14 Nov-Dec 2009

an izzi bear christmas

Nov-Dec 2009 15


Although Dean still spends part of his time in Longview, where he’s an investment portfolio manager and Sr. Vice President with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, Vickie quickly became an important member of the Kerrville community.

The Birth of Izzi BearOnly a month after relocating to Kerrville, Vickie launched Izzi Bear. The proud grandmother of three, she named her store after her fi rst grandchild, Isabel, known as Izzi. “Izzi’s six now, her brother Joseph is fi ve, and my newest grandchild, Madeline, is two.”

Before opening Izzi Bear, Vickie had managed several retail stores in Longview and worked in real estate. This savvy businesswoman noticed “there seemed to be a lot of growth here, and a lot of people with grandchildren.”

From the start, she knew she wanted her store to be in the heart of downtown Kerrville. “People who own businesses downtown all know each other. We’re like family,” she says. “We share information, help each other out when needed, and discuss what we think would be good for our downtown. Those of us here really care about what happens downtown.”

Proudly Made in TexasMost clothing these days comes from China or southeast Asia, but Vickie strives to stock Izzi Bear with locally produced goods whenever possible. She feels strongly about supporting the economy at home, and many of her products, such as Swankie Blankie blankets and sleeping bags, are made in Texas. A line of hair bows Vickie carries is fashioned right here in Kerrville.

“Winter Texans are especially fond of buying Texas-made things to take back home,” she points out, such as the adorable children’s chairs painted like cowboys and cowgirls.

Izzi Bear also offers an organic line. The items contain no synthetic materials, no artifi cial dyes, and no chemicals of any sort. “Quality is important to me,” says Vickie, who goes to the Dallas Market to personally select what she sells in her store.

Some of the greatest products are designed out of necessity by mothers who can’t fi nd what they want. “It’s my favorite part of the market,” Vickie says enthusiastically. “Moms create some fabulous new products.” One that Vickie especially likes is a circular foam mat covered with hospital-grade vinyl, called Soft Spot, that babies can lie on comfortably instead of getting tangled in a blanket.

Something for EveryoneIzzi Bear specializes in layettes and soft, cuddly items for newborns. The Mothers-to-Be Registry makes shopping for baby gifts easy. Each mother’s choices are displayed on a table along with her name, so friends and relatives can pick the perfect gift right off the table. They can even view the Registry online at

But babies aren’t Vickie’s only business. Izzi Bear carries clothing for little boys up to size 4T––jeans, T-shirts, and camoufl age garb––and girls’ items up to size 12–14. She’s even created a “ladies’ corner” where women shoppers can buy something for themselves, too. Check out the Barefoot Dreams throws––they’re a favorite of Oprah’s. You’ll also fi nd a clever line of shoes with interchangeable straps, bows, and tops, a hot new handbag

collection by Glenda Gies, and eye-catching jewelry by Jill Reno––one piece even features a vintage coin found on a ship and recast.

Vickie quickly admits she couldn’t run the store without her hard-working staff. Pam Blommers, a native of Kerrville and retail expert, had more than twenty-fi ve years of experience working in area stores before joining Izzi Bear. Frances Sanchez, who takes care of much of the behind-the-scenes work, not only helps mothers with their purchases, but also watches the kids so the moms can shop.

Leona Turner and Jo Poe (who recently retired) have been friends for more than fi fty years. When Jo, a Canadian, wanted to become an American citizen, Leona sponsored her. According to Vickie, “Leona is so dependable, and she really enjoys helping customers.” And even though Jo is no longer on-staff, “she’s still very much a part of the Izzi Bear family. She always greeted everyone with a big bright smile and we really miss her.” Brianna Miller, a senior in the work program at Tivy, “brings youth and sunshine to the store,” and former employee Chelsea Vernor still shows up frequently at Izzi Bear when she’s home from college.

This Christmas, let Vickie and the wonderful women at Izzi Bear help you fi nd what you’re looking for––whether you’re shopping for your children, your grandchildren, or yourself.

14 Nov-Dec 2009

an izzi bear christmas

Katie Harrison and six month old Marley pick up Christmas packages as the popular Elf on the Shelf peeks out from behind. The Elf on the Shelf, along with everything else in the store, is 25% o� until Christmas.

Many of us remember Jay and Cassandra Harman as a hard working and respected couple who once owned Sew What? in Kerrville. After selling their business, they moved to

North Dakota. A few winters, and Jay claimed it was time to return to the Texas Hill Country. Jay and Cassandra, along with son, Kyle, and daughter, Katie have opened a new business—Bubba J’s Take-N-Bake Pizza—where they create great pizzas, cheesy bread appetizers, and Bubba Buns desserts.

The Business is located at 936-C Junction Highway in Kerrville, across from Taco Casa and Dairy Queen and has easy in and out ac-cess at the traffi c light.

If you have a craving for fresh pizza at home, and don’t want fro-zen, you’ll enjoy their fresh, spicy pizzas. Their dough is made daily in-store and all toppings prepared fresh. It’s all assembled on an ex-cellent tasting sauce with secret herbs and spices and covered with a generous amount of cheeses.

You are given instructions for baking at home—usually 425º for 18-24 minutes on the included baking tray. I like crispy dough, so I add 2-3 minutes. That is what’s great about baking at home, you can have it your way.

You may choose from seven signature pizzas or build your own. Three sizes are offered: the 13 inch small, the 14 inch Large, and the 16 inch family pizza. You may choose a cheese pizza or one of the signature pizzas called Kitchen Sink, with nine toppings. Others are called Bacon Cheeseburger, Road Kill, Taco Pizza, Big Tex, Bubba, and Vegetarian.

One night, we had the Big Tex with pepperoni, Italian sausage, mushrooms, and black olives, all in a wonderful herb blend. Excel-lent!

On another evening, we enjoyed the nine topping Kitchen Sink. Again, Excellent!

You may also wish to take home the Cheesy Bread with dipping sauce as an appetizer. It will go great with any meal. Enjoy Bubba Buns of home-made dough and cinnamon-sugar spread as a dessert or breakfast pastry.

Love good pizza? Give Bubba J’s a try and like us, you’ll return. Imagine great fresh baked pizza with your favorite bottle of wine in your own home, with family and/or friends.

Prices range from $9.95 - $13.95, which I consider a real meal deal.

Open Monday – Saturday 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM; Closed on Sundays. Call them at 830-890-5680.

Wayne and Pam are residents of Hunt and own Texas etc., located at Inn of the Hills, Kerrville. To read Wayne’s previous reviews, go to

by Wayne J. Este

F O O D a n d R E S T A U R A N T R E V I E W


L u n c h 1 1 a m 3 p m M o n - S a tD i n n e r 5 : 3 0 t o 9 p m T h u r s - S a t

16 Nov-Dec 200916 Nov-Dec 2009

Queen B’sEng l i s h Tea room & An t iques

Fine English TeasSalads • Soups

Sandwiches • Pastries

Tues-Sun 11amtill Last ReservationSunday Lunch 11-3pm

3375 Junction Hwy.Ingram, Texas830-367-4184

225 Earl Garrett • Kerrville • 896-0107

"We have something for all appetite sizes!"


SALADS • BREADSM-W 7 am – 3 pm • T-F 7 am – 7 pm • Sun 11 am – 2 pm

16 Nov-Dec 2009 Nov-Dec 2009 17Nov-Dec 2009 17

Queen B’sEng l i s h Tea room & An t iques

Fine English TeasSalads • Soups

Sandwiches • Pastries

Tues-Sun 11amtill Last ReservationSunday Lunch 11-3pm

3375 Junction Hwy.Ingram, Texas830-367-4184

hristmas and the holiday season are quickly approaching—my favorite for many reasons, one of which is the food (es-

pecially dad’s smoked turkey). The right wine pairing can only enhance a great holiday meal.

Gewürztraminer and Riesling are easy choices when it comes to turkey, as both grapes are very versatile due to their spicy and fl oral characteristics. Chenin Blanc is a wonderful wine that has fl oral notes and sometimes a hint of melon. White wines that are blends of several different grapes also make great choices, as they possess a slightly sweet to dry fi nish. Avoid wines that exhibit many citrus notes like Sauvignon Blanc and Pinot Grigio. Red wines also are popular choices for Holiday meals. I recommend Pinot Noir as a great light-bodied choice. Pinot Noir is low in tannins as it is a very thin skinned grape and when grown and made correctly, it makes a fantastic wine; they can be pricey, but there are some great values to be found if you don’t pick the cutest label in the store. Want red wine with a more body? Petit Sirah (not Syrah) has a berry taste that complements the traditional holiday meal without overwhelming the fl avor of a turkey. Full-bodied red wines will overpower the foods served—although they are great choices for pizza after you get tired of holiday leftovers. When having parties, planning enough wine for each guest is always important; the standard 750ml bottle is 4-5 glasses. Providing non-alcoholic beverages such as tea and soda is as important as watching how much guests are consuming; stop serving alcohol about an hour before the party is over. As a rule of thumb, taxi fare is always cheaper than jail time or the consequences of driving while intoxicated. The key is to celebrate responsibly.

by Matthew EstéSommelier/Chef

Matthew Esté earned his Bachelor’s degree in Culinary Management from the Scottsdale Culinary Institute’s Le Cordon Bleu program and is a Sommelier through the Court of Master Sommeliers. He lives in Hunt and does wine & food

The holiday season is offi cially here and along with it added stress. So what can you do about it? You may not be able to control the coming chaos of the holidays, but here’s 7 tips to help you survive and go from seasonal stressing to holiday blessing.

Simplify. Most of us don’t really need or want more “stuff”, instead consider giving the gift of time. Whether it’s a special date with your friends, a home-cooked meal, or a gift certifi cate for a massage. Try gifting without clutter or battling holiday returns.

Bless Their Hearts. Forgive someone. Try saying this small phrase: bless their heart. It’s a short and simple reminder that the person you’re angry with is human and could probably stand a little forgiveness.

Be Kind. Offer a hand. Smile. Let your light shine and brighten someone’s day.

Treat your Feet. Take a break with a refl exology session. Refl exology relaxes your whole body—not just your feet. No time for a session? Even a 15 minute DIY foot massage feels great.

Breathe. Even if there seems no possible moment you can claim as your own, close your eyes, breathe deep from your belly several times, exhaling from your mouth. Do this whenever you need a "moment."

Rest. Just be. Meditate. Take a nap. Lack of sleep can lead to major stress and weaken your immune system. No time to catch up on your ZZZs? A one hour massage is equivalent to 7 or 8 hours of sleep.

Remember the Spirit. Seek out that which inspires you. It might not cross anything off your to-do list but it will give your spirit a lift.

When it's all said and done, no one will remember if the holidays didn’t go off without a hitch. What do they remember? The precious moments with family and friends – for these are the things with which we are truly blessed.

Audrey, owner of Wild Woman Works, located inside the Dietert Center at 451 Guadalupe Street in Kerrville, is a licensed massage therapist, refl exologist, Reiki Master Teacher, aromotherapist and has a bachelor’s degree in Alternative Systems of Medicne. Experience body bliss with a therapeutic massage or refl exology and shop in Wild Woman Work's unique boutique for natural aromatherapy products and other curiosities. Gift Certifi cates Available.Call today 830.792.3690

by Audrey Stadler, LMT, CBP, RMT, BASMby Audrey Stadler,

From Stressedto Blessed

A Holiday Survival Guide

hristmas and the holiday season are quickly approaching—my favorite for many reasons, one of which is the food (es-

pecially dad’s smoked turkey). The right wine pairing can only enhance a great holiday meal.

Gewürztraminer and Riesling are easy choices when it comes to

by Matthew EstéSommelier/Chef



There are two people, you and John. You each have nice hous-es, like to entertain, love to kick back and relax. You have an 8 x

12 concrete patio, a BBQ grill from the Nixon administration and an ice chest with deer bloodstains. John, on the other hand, created an outdoor living atmo-sphere when he built his house, complete with built-in grill, sink, fridge, seating, a water feature, a dining area, mood light-ing, and outdoor stereo system. I wonder why everybody goes to John’s house to hang out?

ATmosphere's ImpacTAtmosphere makes all the difference in the world. It is the reason people pay dou-ble to eat at a fancy restaurant or stay at a nice hotel. Your atmosphere can infl u-

ence the way you feel, your attitude, your state of mind. So why would you want a depressing atmosphere right outside your back door.

COST CONCERNSBut these are challenging times economi-cally, you might say. You don’t want to spend the money now in a recession. But consider these facts—interest rates are at all time lows, labor is more affordable, and grills, outdoor furniture, and other construction materials are on sale daily. With government policies changing from minute to minute and the stock market taking us for an uneasy ride, many are looking for something more stable to put their money into.

ReTurn on invesTmenTOne of the best investments these days can be real estate, especially improving the real estate you already own. A well-designed outdoor room can provide an instant return, not only in monetary value, but also in effi ciency, function and per-sonal satisfaction. Think of all the money you have spent on vacation spots with a special “vacation-y” atmosphere, only to leave your money and memories behind. Instead of wasting that hard-earned mon-ey, why not invest it in a permanent va-cation, a place that reminds you of good times every time you glance out the back door, a place of relaxation and enjoyment, a place that will pay you dividends when you sell your home.

Good DesignEven if you prefer to do your outdoor liv-ing space in phases, a master plan from

a design expert is a must. Trial and error is not the way to go on such a project; you need someone that knows what looks good, what doesn’t, how people use out-door spaces, what will actually work, and all the pitfalls along the way.

During the past 15 years, Kerrville Landscaping owner, Zack Derese (The Outdoor Guy), has landscaped all size properties–from tiny city lots to projects as big as the San Antonio Airport's 3 city blocks.

Listen to Zack discuss topics like this and others at 8:30 Saturday mornings on KERV 1230AM.

Kerrville Landscaping is located at 512 Jefferson Street, Kerrville. 830-896-6981. Call Zack for a free initial consulation to learn what options might work best for your outdoor spaces.

Landscape Remodleing 101

K e r r v i l l eL a n d s c a p i n g . I n c

18 Nov-Dec 2009

ATmospherea. a surroundinginfl uence orenvironment.

b. the overallaesthetic effectof a work of art.


by Zack Derese The Outdooor Guy

BOH0454_KerrPpl_July09_Fnl.indd 1 6/19/09 8:52:30 AM

Nov-Dec 2009 19


Locationby Kevin & Linda Pillow

Did you know that most backyard birds have different feeding preferences? And that offering a variety of different foods at different

levels will attract a wider variety of birds? Most birds fi nd their food by sight and tend to choose feeders that are at the same level at which they would normally feed in the wild. Chickadees & titmice feed in trees or bushes and would more likely visit an elevated feeder. Birds such as painted buntings & towhees fi nd their food on the ground and would be comfortable eating at a tray feeder. Some birds will dine at various levels, like cardinals & jays. Birds play well together so you can easily place feeders close to each other. But encouraging birds to eat at different levels does help to reduce friction. The easiest way to achieve this is with a pole system. You can fi nd a variety of hardware out there to hang feeders on. But you want to look for one that is sturdy and won’t bend or lean. Look for a system that will allow you to add hooks at different levels or that will accommodate a squirrel/raccoon baffl e. Ideally, a tube feeder, Nyjer feeder, suet feeder & tray feeder would attract and accommodate most of our backyards birds. There are a few things that you should consider when setting up your bird feeding station. In order to prevent window strikes, your setup should be either 10 feet away from a window or no closer than 4 feet. As for squirrels, the 5-7-9 rule comes into play. Squirrels can jump 5’ high, 7’ across and 9’ down. Just something to keep in mind! Whatever method you decide on, make it one that will enhance your surroundings and encourage birds to visit. Happy Birding!

Kevin & Linda Pillow are the proud owners of Wilds Birds Unlimited Nature Shop located at 855 Junction Hwy in Kerrville. Each staff member is a Certifi ed Bird Feeding Specialist and can help you discover a refuge in your own backyard. 830-895-7393.

by Kathy Dietert, RN, BSNand Ode Young, MD

the secret to fi xing aging eyes

You’re standing in front of your bathroom mirror, you see a handsome guy, but you lean

forward for a closer look and remember a more youthful face.You place your thumbs on your temples, your fi ngers on your forehead and press upward.

Then you think, "If only my eyes looked that way again." And then you start dreaming of looking as young as you feel, but thoughts of some of the complications of plastic surgery you’ve seen on the news, in magazine, and TV shows enters into your mind, so you quickly dismiss that idea, feeling that it’s just not worth the risk.

So are you trapped looking older than you feel or is your only option for a more youthful appearance plastic surgery? No, there is another way. You’ve probably heard of BOTOX, but may not know exactly what it is or how it works.

What is BOTOX Cosmetic?BOTOX has been used therapeutically for more than 17 years to treat a variety of medical conditions. It’s approved in more than 75 countries and remains the most-studied botulinum toxin and one of the most widely researched medicines in the world. In 2002, the same formulation—under the label BOTOX Cosmetic—was approved by the FDA for treatment of moderate to severe frown lines between the brows in people ages 18 to 65.

How does BOTOX Cosmetic work?Extremely low doses of BOTOX cosmetic are administered by a few tiny injections directly into the muscles responsible for frown lines between the brows. This blocks the release of a chemical which causes these muscles to contract, enabling them to relax. The effects are very localized and when administered by an experienced physician, you'll have a very natural, more youthful appearance.

Who is being treated with BOTOX?All kinds of people! Men and women of all ethnicities have been treated with BOTOX, in fact, BOTOX Cosmetic was the most popular physician-administered cosmetic procedure in the United States for the fi fth year in a row—nearly 3.2 million treatments in 2006!

Will I still be able to make facial expressions?I’m sure you’ve seen people who seem to have no facial expression or at least read about them. But when BOTOX is properly administered, you will simply see reduced lines and more awake eyes. You will still be able to frown, smile or look surprised without the wrinkles. You’ll look perfectly natural. You won’t look “done.”

How do I know I’ll like the results?While no two humans are alike, a 2005 survey by the Aesthetic Surgery Education & Research Foundation shows that 97% of patients were satisfi ed with the results of their BOTOX treatment.

Ask some of your female friends if they’ve had it done—if they look better than they did, chances are they had BOTOX treatments. Every offi ce that provides BOTOX treatments will have before and after pictures. And be sure to talk with your doctor. He or she should be able to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

Most men will never consider plastic surgery but many men in this diffi cult and challenging and ever younger marketplace are taking the time to use BOTOX to bring back some of the youth time has borrowed. Wives, girlfriends, families and even employers appreciate the newer younger looking men who do safe and effective BOTOX.

Kathy Dietert, RN, BSN, has been a nurse for over thirty years with an extensive background in aesthetic medicine. Dr. Ode Young, MD, has been a physician for over twenty years with a concentration in aesthetic medicine for the past three years. Kathy, Dr. Ode and their trained staff provide a full range of aesthetic services at their state-of-the-art and beautifully appointed spa, Bella Luz. 1411 Water Street, Kerrville.

Call 792-3552 today to schedule your complimentary and completely confi dential consultation.

50 is today's New 35.Why not look like


the secret to fi xing aging eyesM E D I C A L A E S T H E T I C S & L A S E R C E N T E R

The intelligent alternativeto nip & tuck.


Come and Glow.

Call today for yourfree consultation.

Gift Certificates Available!

Unretouched before and after photos of a 55 year old Kerr County woman. Fine lines diminished, eyelids and brows lifted. After photo one month post BOTOX treatment.


Unretouched before and after photos of a 55 year old Kerr County man with drooping eyelids and deep forehead furrows. Furrows greatly diminished and eyelids lifted, creat-ing a more awake, youthful look. After photo two weeks post BOTOX treatment.


Timeis nowon yourside.

2 2 Nov-Dec 2009

Organic Gardening Products


“We have everything you need!”

2 2 Nov-Dec 2009


“We have everything you need!”“We have everything you need!”


“We have everything you need!”“We have everything you need!”


“We have everything you need!”“We have everything you need!”ThePlant Haus 2

It's theMagic of the


528 Jefferson St., Kerrville



Moroccan Oil Treatment is a unique serum which is instantly absorbed by hair to create a beautiful shine and long term conditioning. For hundreds of years, Argan Oil has been used by Moroccan women to treat hair and nails in order to

counteract the effects of the hot climate. The Argan tree, found only in the southwest of Morocco, called the

Argana, blossoms in desert like conditions. It produces fruits much like olives, yet larger and rounder. Inside the fruit grows a larger nut that houses up to three almond shaped kernels, which is the source of this miraculous frizz-controlling oil, protects hair from environmental pollutants, hydrates and detangles hair, softens thick unruly hair and strengthens dry brittle hair, improves elasticity, and is a powerful an-tioxidant rich in vitamins. Moroccan Oil in not tested on animals and has no animal ingredients.

The entire line includes Moroccan Oil Treatment, Moroccan Oil Hydrating Cream, Moroccan Hydrating Styling Cream, Moroccan Oil Intense Hydrating Mask, Moroccan Oil Intense Curl Cream, Moroc-can Oil Shine Spray and Moroccan Oil Moisture Repair and Condi-tioner.

Arrival of the Moroccan Oil and the global market has forever changed the hair care industry. Moroccan oil is the leader in hair care and styling products. Given the scale of its benefi ts, Moroccan oil is also used as a skin moisturizer. It hydrates and smoothes the skin instantly. Whether applied on hair or skin, it absorbs immediately. Moroccan oil does not contain alcohol. It is an amazing product that coupled with many of the Osis styling products on a regular basis produce incredible results for dry, damaged, unruly hair.

Holley Alfeld is the proud owner of Studio 8—an upscale hair spa and more. Studio 8 is located directly behind Jack In the Box in Guadalupe Plaza in Kerrville, Texas. Stylist include: Holley Alfeld, Kari Davis, Katie Caddell, Elizabeth Theis, and Katherine Zeiblein. Studio 8 is open Monday thru Saturday. Give them a call at (830) 257-1311.

by Holley Alfeld

Dry Hair…Need Hydration?

Q: What is the advantage in booking travel through a travel agent versus doing it online myself? When I get online I always get so

confused, but everyone says that’s the only way to fi nd the best deals.

A: The internet is a wonderful tool that offers vast amounts of travel information at your fi ngertips. However, there are so many search engines and information to deal with, that often fi nding the best fare or the lowest vacation pack-age is a daunting task. Have you ever been online for hours researching fares, only to fi nd they’ve gone up when you reach the bottom line?

You get great value by using the services of your local travel agent versus the cheap deals offered online. The focus of a travel agent is to meet all of your travel needs by getting you the very best value for your money. The prices your travel agent can get you are every bit as competitive as the online deals, but all the work is done for you! You can give a travel agent a call, and take a big sigh of relief.

Also, one the greatest advantages to using a travel agent versus booking online is that we are your advocate if you have to cancel your trip, reschedule, or if you encounter a problem while traveling. We have helped countless valued clients through all sorts of travel needs, and we can do it for you too!

So, next time you need help planning and booking your next trip, give your local travel agent a call, and then just sit back and relax while everything is taken care of.All you have to do is go enjoy your trip!

2 2 Nov-Dec 2009 Nov-Dec 2009 23

by Linda Imel & Brittany Way





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“Come To Gibson’s For All Your Shopping Needs!"“Come To Gibson’s For All Your Shopping Needs!"

ThePlant Haus 2

It's theMagic of the


528 Jefferson St., Kerrville

2 4 Nov-Dec 2009

Beaux Allison Briggs, 1 weeksubmitted by Grandmother Jody TolmanKerrville

Braden Hunter & Natalee Alison Cardwellsubmitted by grandparents David & Sheryl CardwellMountain Home

Hinley Addison Imelnewbornsubmitted byGrandparentsRon & Linda ImelKerrville

Lawson Layne Richter,9 days old

(Lawson was born6 weeks early!)

submitted byGrandparents

Larry & Gracie RichterKerrville

submitted by Grandmother Jody Tolman Braden Hunter & Natalee Alison Cardwellsubmitted by grandparents David & Sheryl Cardwellsubmitted by grandparents David & Sheryl CardwellMountain Home

6 weeks early!)submitted by

GrandparentsLarry & Gracie Richter


Kerr County Cuties County County County Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties Cuties County Cuties County County Cuties County County Cuties County County Cuties County Cuties

25 % OffChristmas

Including A Collection OfFine Ladies Wear & Mothers-To-Be Registry!

Deco BreezeKeep the breeze blowing on your little one with a fun fi gurine fan from Deco Breeze. Available in a variety of styles.

Glenda Gies PursesAnd don’t forget mom! Glenda Gies brings old Hollywood glamour to a whole new generation of fashionable women with her line of upscale handbags. Richly textured vintage fabrics, joined with elegant hardware and fi ne leather. Available in a variety of styles and fabrics.

CarstensRock`n Animals & Lounge PillowsYour little ones will love theserocking animals and lounge pillows designed by Frances Carstens. Handcrafted to ensure the highest quality.

Lindsay Phillips

Choose a shoe, add a snap. Classic fl ats, interchangeable snaps...perfect for every occasion.

227 Ear l Garret t • Kerrv i l le, Texas • 830.896.1033 • Open 10-5 Mon-Sat

The Most Complete Children’sStore in the Hill Country

Izzi Bear

Your Gift FromChristmasChristmas

Including A Collection OfFine Ladies Wear & Mothers-To-Be Registry!

227 Ear l Garret t • Kerrv i l le, Texas

The Most Complete Children’sStore in the Hill Country

Izzi BearIzzi BearIzzi BearIzzi Bear

Your Gift From

on your little one with a fun fi gurine fan from Deco Breeze. Available in a variety of styles.

Rock HoundsJewelry

Colorful, sassy, fun, a little fl irty. A little sophisticated.Semi-precious stones and beads...bold chunks...small sparkles. It's up to you.


• Open 10-5 Mon-Sat

Lindsay Phillips

Choose a shoe, add a snap. Classic fl ats, interchangeable snaps...perfect for every occasion.

sparkles. It's up to you.

% Off % Off CarstensRock`n Animals

% Off % Off % Off % Off2525 % Off % Off25 % Off2525 % Off25

glamour to a whole new generation of fashionable women with her line of upscale handbags. Richly textured vintage fabrics, joined with elegant hardware and fi ne leather. Available in a variety of styles and fabrics.

on your little one with a

women with her line of upscale handbags. Richly textured vintage fabrics, joined with elegant hardware and fi ne leather. Available in a variety of styles and fabrics.

Deco BreezeKeep the breeze blowing on your little one with a

Deco BreezeDeco BreezeKeep the breeze blowing on your little one with a

2 6 Nov-Dec 2009

Because your retirement planning is so important to your future well-being, you should ask questions about the retirement plans available to you and

how they work, as well as how best to use your retirement dollars. Below are answers to several commonly asked questions about 401(k) Plans.

Q. How do my 401(k) contributions lower my in-come taxes?

A. Your 401(k) contributions are made on a pre-tax basis. This means that they aren't re-ported to the Internal Revenue Service as cur-rent income on your W-2 form to the Internal Revenue Service. For example, if you earn $25,000 a year and decide to contribute 10 percent of your salary ($2,500) to your 401(k) account, only $22,500 will be reported as cur-rent income for income tax purposes.

Why does the government give you this excel-lent tax break? Because it wants to encourage individuals to save as much as possible with their own dollars today so that they are better prepared for their retirement in the future.

Q. What is a Roth 401(k)?

A Roth 401(k) is not a type of plan, but rather a type of plan contribution. If a 401(k) plan offers this feature, employees can designate some or all of their elective contributions as designated Roth contributions, (which are included in gross income) rather than tradi-tional, pre-tax elective contributions. Mean-ing that Roth contributions are taxed in the year they are contributed to the plan. Upon distribution, Roth 401(k) contributions are received tax free. Earnings on Roth 401(k) contributions will not be taxed upon distri-bution if the Roth account has been open for at least 5 years and distribution occurs after

59 ½ , death or disability. Traditional 401(k) contributions and Roth 401(k) contributions are subject to a combined limit of $16,500 for 2009 ($22,000 if age 50 or older).

Q. Am I able to contribute to both a 401(k) and an IRA?

A. Yes. Many individuals contribute to their 401(k) Plan and to an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or Roth IRA. It may be best to maximize your traditional 401(k) contribu-tions fi rst, since they are made with pre-tax dollars. (Your IRA contributions may or may not be tax deductible, depending on your an-nual salary and other qualifi cations.) If your employer offers matching contributions and you qualify for a Roth IRA or deductible IRA, it may make sense to contribute enough to your 401(k) to attract the maximum employer match, and then contribute to an IRA or Roth IRA. If you have not exhausted the maximum allowable contribution and can afford to do so, contribute again to your 401(k) Plan.

Q. If I change jobs, may I take my 401(k) money with me?

A. Yes. All contributions you have made to your 401(k) account are 100 percent yours. Contributions made by your employer (if any) may be yours depending on a vesting schedule. You will need to check your plan for specifi c vesting schedules.

In addition, if you do change jobs, it may be a good idea to consider either rolling your 401(k) money over into an IRA or another qualifi ed plan (such as a profi t-sharing or 401(k) Plan) at your new employer. Other-wise, you may incur taxes and early with-drawal penalties. Be sure to check with your tax adviser before taking any distributions from your 401(k) Plan.

If you’d like to learn more, please write or call Marianne Wofford, Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, 1304 Junction Hwy, Suite 300, Kerrville, TX 78028, phone 830-792-2100. Marianne Wofford is a Vice President and Fi-nancial Advisor with Morgan Stanley Smith Barney in the Kerrville, TX offi ce. She has been a registered representative in the fi nan-cial services industry 18 years and spent 8 years in the banking industry before becoming a Financial Advisor. She helps clients develop strategies to manage their personal fi nances. Marianne has lived in Kerrville 25 years and is active in the community. She is past presi-dent of the noon Rotary Club of Kerrville.

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated and Morgan Stanley Smith Barney's Financial Advisers do not provide tax or legal advice, are not “fi duciaries” (under ERISA, the Internal Revenue Code or other-wise) with respect to the services or activities described herein, and this material was not in-tended or written to be used for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed on the taxpayer. Individuals are urged to consult their tax or legal adviser before establishing a retirement plan or to understand the tax, ERISA and related consequences of any investments made under such plan

This article is published for general informational purposes and is not an offer or solicitation to sell or buy securities or commodities. Any particu-lar investment should be analyzed based on its terms and risks as they relate to your specifi c circumstances and objectives.

Investments and services are offered through Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC,member SIPC.

Commonly Asked401(k) Plan Questionssubmitted by Marianne WoffordFinancial Advisor

Welcome back! In the past two issues I wrote about term and universal life insurance. Before we proceed to the next subject, whole life insurance, let’s take a look back at term and universal life.

Term is the most affordable insurance. It sets death benefi ts for a certain number of years (i.e., 10, 15, 20 or 30) and has no cash buildup. This is best for new families and to cover things such as mortgages and debt. Then we have universal life insurance. With this type, one could have a fl exible premium and fl exible death benefi t with a cash buildup commonly known as cash value. This is ideal for the family who wants fl exibility with their insurance premium and death benefi t as family needs change and it gives one peace of mind knowing they are building a cash reserve. Now we’ll take a look at an insurance program that has been around since insurance was created some 200 years ago. This product is whole life and has stood the test of time. Simply put, whole life gives you a guaranteed death benefi t, guaranteed cash value and a guaranteed premium for the life of the contract. This product is best if one is looking for a time in their life where one can discontinue the premiums of the insurance and still know that they will have a death benefi t and cash reserve. These are options called seven and twenty year pay whole life. Nearly all life insurance companies in the United States offer this type of insurance. You would need to contact your

agent for details on how this would work best for your situation. Here is a good rule of thumb when buying any type of life insurance—the sooner you lock in your age for the premium cost of the insurance, the better off you will be in maximizing your insurance program for your family’s benefi t. There are policy options for every budget and every situation. Do not think for a second you cannot afford life insurance. There is no better way to say you love your family than providing for them even after you have left this life. And there is no better way to do that than with an affordable life insurance program. Till next time, may God watch over you and yours!

Arnold spent 25 years with the Kerrville Police Department, protecting and serving. Let him continue to protect and serve you with all your life insurance needs. Arnold is a licensed agent with Woodmen of the World and may be reached at 550 Earl Garrett, Suite 208, Kerrville, 830-896-7432 or 377-5427.

Whole Life Insuranceby Arnold Harst

Nov-Dec 2009 27

There’s no doubt that the slow pace of the national economy has caught up to many of

us in the Hill Country in some way. In diffi cult times, there are still opportunities to make wise fi nancial decisions. Recently, mortgage rates dropped below fi ve percent for the second time this year. Right now, refi nancing is advantageous for many homeowners. When you refi nance, the lender considers it a new loan, and will require a new title search to look for any problems with the title. Lenders usually require you to purchase a Lender's Policy to protect their investment.You won’t have to purchase an additional Owner's Policy, though. When considering a refi nance, determine your break-even point. Because there are costs associated with refi nancing (ask a lender or title company for estimated fees), you should divide your refi nance costs by your monthly savings. The result is the number of months it will take you to recover your costs. Make sure you can recover your costs while you still own the home.

There are several benefi ts to refi nancing, including:

Lower monthly paymentThis will give you the chance to re-direct some of your income to other expenses.

Change Loan typesIf you have an adjustable rate mortgage, now is a good time to fi nd a lower fi xed rate.

More EquitySwitching from a 30-year to a 15-year note will quickly increase the percent of ownership you have in your home.In the next issue, I will answer common questions about refi nancing.

Email your questions to

Diane Green, Kerr County Abstract & Title Company owner, moved to Kerrville in 1972 with husband, Bob, and immediately began her title insurance career at Kerr County Abstract & Title Co. Diane and Bob feel grateful to have raised their family in the beautiful Texas Hill Country. This is Diane’s 37th year in the title business. To learn more, call 257-5151 or visit

There’s no doubt that the slow

by Diane Green

Title TalkRefi nancing Can BeEconomic Opportunity

To fi nd out more about this worthwhile charity and how it assists disabled children in our area, log on to or callChuck Del Toro at 792-4222.

Any Baby Canof the Texas Hill Country

Castaway Bay FundraiserHeld at the Inn of the Hills, KerrvilleSeptember 12th, 2009

Doug & Angie Clark

Nedra Crenshaw & Dee Elliott

Dan & Amy Tarnowski

Brian & Lauren Cowen

Chuck Del Toro &Dolores Vinas

Don & Merri Jean Seibel Melissa & JR Hoyne

Kathy & Cody Holmes Jeff & Lezlie Sirianni

Broklyn Morales &Caroline Legg

28 Nov-Dec 200928 Nov-Dec 2009

Karen Kordzik discovered her love for cre-ati ng magnifi cent bouquets at a young age. Aft er graduati ng from Comfort High in 1979, she immediately went to work at The Rose Shop and received hands-on training from owner Bill Fair, who opened the shop in 1954. Sonia Centeno, a Kerrville nati ve, began her career at The Rose Shop in 1999 as delivery person. Before long, she was multi -tasking, learning all aspects of the fl ower shop busi-ness. In 2005, Karen decided to make The Rose Shop her own when Bill Fair reti red. Karen and Sonia have conti nued to work side by side every day since 1999, making not only Telefl ora and FTD arrangements, but creat-ing personal, one-of-a-kind arrangements for weddings and other precious occasions, as well as bouquets “for that special some-one.” Whether you call or drop by, you will always feel welcome when greeted by their smiling faces. Karen and Sonia’s love for what they do is refl ected in their top-notch customer service and fabulous arrangements. Stop by 410 Main in Kerrville or call 257-8311.


Rose ShopThe

Sonia Centeno and Karen Kordzikof The Rose Shop spend their days creating beauty.

410 Main in Kerrville or call 257-8311.

The Rose Shop is offering 20% off all local orders to Kerr County People readers through December. Just bring this copy of the magazine

in and remember to tell them you saw them here!

Nov-Dec 2009 29

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September 29, 2009

bank of the hills

Have you ever passed by a place and said to yourself, “I’ve never noticed this before…I have been going this way for years and don’t remember seeing it…has it been there all this

time”? Life is speeding us by and we are trying to outrun it. We focus on the grind of daily activities. There is so much in life we take for granted and when we fi nally do look up and really see what we’ve never seen before, is almost like an awakening.

People diagnosed with terminal illnesses feel that very same way about their lives. Hospice patients explain these awakenings as colors being more vivid, sounds more distinct, love more intensifi ed, and an appreciation of life as the ultimate gift it is. They begin to live—really live—with a purpose above the daily routine.

These awakenings are the true miracles of hospice care. Although time may be short, a life-awakening gives patients the opportunity to soak up all they can. Most patients want to take control of their life and squeeze every bit of joy and purpose out of the last few months, weeks, days, or hours they are given. Hospice allows its patients to say, “This is my life! I choose…I decide…I get to pick what the rest of my life will be about.” Watching a patient awaken and begin tak-ing control of their life, is an amazing and powerful gift we are able to give our patients.

But these awakenings aren’t just for the hospice patient; but for those who surround them as well. Every day hospice workers have the distinct honor of caring for extraordinary people with extraordi-nary lives—war heroes, veterans, concentration camp survivors, pol-iticians, doctors, Olympic gold medalists, co-workers, friends and even members of our own family. Each one is precious and each one awakens something in us as they take control of their remaining life

journey! Hospice care is not about death, it’s about life. It’s about tak-ing control of every precious second of life.

During this season of giving thanks, and as we celebrate National Hospice Month, we encourage you to embrace your life now! Say what needs to be said now; look up and around while you still have the time and live each moment with joy and purpose. Remember, it doesn’t matter whether your journey has days or years remaining—it’s never too late to awaken to life!

Cassie Alex is the Director of Peterson Hospice. Peterson Hospice is the community’s local non-profi t hospice and a part of the Peterson Regional Medical Center Family of Programs. If you have any ques-tions or need support don’t hesitate to contact us at 830/258-7799. We are located at 1121 Broadway, Kerrville. Remember we are here and you are not alone.

30 Nov-Dec 2009

by Cassie Alex

Hospice is Life Giving

So what is a quality life for you?

30 Nov-Dec 2009 Nov-Dec 2009 31

Voyager of the Seas

Nov-Dec 2009 31

“Over 40 skilled nurses, therapists, home health aides & other professionals provide personalized quality care

to our Hill Country neighbors.”

Locally Owned & Operated

Serving Bandera, Bexar, Edwards, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Medina and Real Counties for more than a decade.

“Over 40 skilled nurses, therapists, home health aides &

Health care can be complicated; however, each of us can make health care decisions and diagnoses less complicated by actively participating with our physician.

How do we do this?

Before your physician visit, write down problems, symptoms and questions. Take the note with you and review it with the physician.

Keep a current list of your medications including all over the counter medications: (take the list with you to any physician’s appointment)

a. Name of drugb. Dosage and frequencyc. Date startedd. Name of physician who prescribede. Date you stopped taking the drugf. Reason you stopped taking the drugg. Allergies to any medications

Take your current insurance cards and driver’s license to any physician or out-patient appointments.

Ask your physician to write down their instructions in regard to medications, diet, exercise, and diagnoses.

These simple steps will help both you and your physician.

With all the national debate over a centralized health care record data base, each of us should make a conscious effort to be our own repository for personal medical information. After all, it is our information as well as our responsibility and it helps our physicians see the whole picture when we are seeing several specialists.

Keep a simple three ring binder with the following information in sections:

ProvidersList of all your physicians, dentist, home health provider, pharmacy, DME Company. Include their telephone numbers and fax numbers.

Insurance InformationCopy of insurance card and driver’s license

MedicationsList of current medications

Notes from providersYour questions for the physicianYour physician’s instructions to you

Lab ReportsX-ray ReportsImmunization Record

Take your three ring binder with you to every medical visit. When you are having blood work done or x-rays, ask for copies of lab and x-ray reports for your personal health care record.

Remember,our health care and medical records are our responsibility.

by Annabelle Lindner, RHIT & Kathy Dietert, RN, BSN

Stop by Tri County Home Health for a sample Medication List to get started with your personal health care record.Tri County Home Health has been serving our friends and neighbors in Kerrand surrounding counties since 1994. Kathy Dietert, RN, BSN, is Director of Health Services and Annabelle Lindner, RHIT, is the Administrator.




HEALTH CAREWho's in charge? You or the government?

Locally Owned & Operated

895-3100 or toll free 800-506-5557117 Hugo St, Kerrville

“ The Hill Country Leader In Home Health”

32 Nov-Dec 2009

Healthcare reform is a confusing issue. Even though you may be

exhausted and perplexed by numerous reports regarding President Obama’s Principles for Health Reform, it is important for you to understand the pros and cons. Regardless of your political affi liation, your voice and educated opinion concerning an issue that will affect every citizen and legal resident of the United States needs to be heard.

Here are a few issues that will hopefully spark your interest to search for your own answers regarding Healthcare Reform.

So what is wrong with the healthcare system we already have? Or, did you know that...

46 million Americans have no insurance.

30 cents of every dollar is wasted on unneeded tests, ER visits that are not emergencies or care given that does not improve one’s health.

Individuals without insurance will have to choose no treatment or pay cash out of pocket for healthcare.

Our focus is on interventi on instead of preventi on. We provide a soluti on without addressing the root of the problem; we fail to promote healthy living.

What can we do about the problem? The Government is looking at lots of ideas.

Guarantee anyone can get insuranceregardless of their health.

Require everyone to have coverage, so people don’t wait unti l they are sick to apply for insurance.

Start all over and let governmentadminister healthcare.

Let people choose between a private planor a government plan.

Require employers to provide health insurancefor their employees.

Create another way; for example: Health Insurance Exchange where individuals can compare health plans, buy coverage and simplify enrollment.

Keep things the way they are.

Change Medicare and Medicaid coverage and eligibility.

How can we make the system less costly? (The Senate Finance Committ ee just approved an $829 billion health care package).

Helping people to exercise, eat right, and take bett er care of themselves to avoid getti ng sick; emphasizing preventi on as well as interventi on.

Creati ng and monitoring electronic medical records for effi ciency.

Paying doctors and hospitals for quality care instead of the amount of care they provide will help people get the type of care they need.

The government is currently reviewing many different ideas about healthcare with unclear direction. There is no simple answer to Healthcare Reform. Nevertheless, your opinion counts, and it must be an informed opinion. Here are a few websites that will offer some insight on healthcare reform proposals and will assist you in making your opinion known to your members of Congress. Contact your senators and representatives; they want to know what you think.Yay or Nay…


Your Voice Matters.

Shelby Braswell has been serving the Hill Country as a licensed insurance agent since 1990. She owns and operates an offi ce, Farmers Insurance Group, Inc., located at 260 Thompson Drive, Suite 3 in Kerrville. Shelby provides home, auto, business and life insurance.

She represents Humana, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Unicare and Southwest Service Life Insurance Company. You may reach Shelby at


Healthcare reform …Yay or Nay?by Shelby Braswell

Palliati ve Care and Hospice

Nov-Dec 2009 3332 Nov-Dec 2009

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What is palliative care? Palliative care is medical care that focuses on the treatment of pain and other symptoms that often occur during a serious illness. The goal of

treatment is to prevent and ease suffering, and to strive for the best possible quality of life for patients and their families during a diffi cult time. Palliative care can be administered at the same time as other treatments that are meant for cure. Therefore, the important thing to know is that palliative care can be useful during any stage of illness, across the spectrum of care. This is the difference between palliative care alone, and hospice care, a benefi t which includes palliative care and focuses on the last several months of life.

Who provides palliati ve care? There are physicians that specialize in palliative care, but with

hospice, palliative care is provided by a team of experts. These include the physician specialist, nurses, social workers and chaplains. In addition, nurse’s aides, pharmacists, nutritionists, massage therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and others may be involved at some point as part of the team.

What can you expect from palliati ve care? Because serious illness often interrupts your daily life and routine,

palliative care addresses many of the symptoms that are affecting your quality of life. Symptom control helps you through your medical treatments and to carry on with your daily routine as much as possible. Serious illnesses commonly dealt with in hospice and palliative care include cancer, heart disease, chronic lung disease, neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, stroke, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease), Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, kidney failure, and AIDS.

Symptoms like pain, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, diffi culty sleeping, nausea, and constipation are common, and you should expect relief from these symptoms whether you are attempting to cure or simply live as well as possible with an illness. In hospice care, psychological, spiritual, and social issues are also addressed in order to facilitate an understanding of your condition and options for your comfort, as well as supporting the whole family. The most important thing to remember is that palliative care can be provided at any point during the treatment you are receiving for an illness. Symptom relief is a reachable goal for most—whether experiencing a short-term, chronic, or terminal illness.

Michael R. Schlabach, M.D., M.P.H., is Medical Director for VistaCare Hospice of Kerrville. He is certifi ed by the American Board of Internal Medicine in both Internal Medicine, and Hospice and Palliative Medicine. He also has a Master of Public Health Degree in General and Preventive Medicine & Public Health. Dr. Schlabach has practiced Internal Medicine in Kerrville since 2006. VistaCare is located at 1001 Water Street, Suite B-100, Kerrville. 830-792-6200.

by Dr. Michael Schlabach

410-A MainKerrvi l le ,

Karen & Terry Kordzik

Thomas Kinkade's Sleigh Ride Bouquet by TelefloraHand-painted resin cottage with 3-D figures.Includes starter batteries to light up inside cottage.

Thomas Kinkade's Sleigh Ride Bouquet by TelefloraHand-painted resin cottage with 3-D figures.

starter batteries to light up inside cottage.Hand-painted resin cottage with 3-D figures.

starter batteries to light up inside cottage.Hand-painted resin cottage with 3-D figures.

410-A MainKerrvi l le , TX

Rose ShopThe

hat is palliative care? Palliative care is medical care that focuses on the treatment of pain and other symptoms that often occur during a serious illness. The goal of

treatment is to prevent and ease suffering, and to strive for the best possible quality of life for patients and their families during a diffi cult time. Palliative care can be administered at the same time as other treatments that are meant for cure. Therefore, the important thing to know is that palliative care can be useful during any stage of illness, across the spectrum of care. This is the difference between palliative

hospice care, a benefi t which includes palliative care

Healthcare reform is a confusing issue. Even though you may be

exhausted and perplexed by numerous reports regarding President Obama’s Principles for Health Reform, it is important for you to understand the pros and cons. Regardless of your political affi liation, your voice and educated opinion concerning an issue that will affect every citizen and legal resident of the United States needs to be heard.

Here are a few issues that will hopefully spark your interest to search for your own answers regarding Healthcare Reform.

So what is wrong with the healthcare system we already have? Or, did you know that...

46 million Americans have no insurance.

30 cents of every dollar is wasted on unneeded tests, ER visits that are not emergencies or care given that does not improve one’s health.

Individuals without insurance will have to choose no treatment or pay cash out of pocket for healthcare.

Our focus is on interventi on instead of preventi on. We provide a soluti on without addressing the root of the problem; we fail to promote healthy living.

What can we do about the problem? The Government is looking at lots of ideas.

Guarantee anyone can get insuranceregardless of their health.

Require everyone to have coverage, so people don’t wait unti l they are sick to apply for insurance.

Start all over and let governmentadminister healthcare.

Let people choose between a private planor a government plan.

Require employers to provide health insurancefor their employees.

Create another way; for example: Health Insurance Exchange where individuals can compare health plans, buy coverage and simplify enrollment.

Keep things the way they are.

Change Medicare and Medicaid coverage and eligibility.

How can we make the system less costly? (The Senate Finance Committ ee just approved an $829 billion health care package).

Helping people to exercise, eat right, and take bett er care of themselves to avoid getti ng sick; emphasizing preventi on as well as interventi on.

Creati ng and monitoring electronic medical records for effi ciency.

Paying doctors and hospitals for quality care instead of the amount of care they provide will help people get the type of care they need.

The government is currently reviewing many different ideas about healthcare with unclear direction. There is no simple answer to Healthcare Reform. Nevertheless, your opinion counts, and it must be an informed opinion. Here are a few websites that will offer some insight on healthcare reform proposals and will assist you in making your opinion known to your members of Congress. Contact your senators and representatives; they want to know what you think.Yay or Nay…


Your Voice Matters.

Shelby Braswell has been serving the Hill Country as a licensed insurance agent since 1990. She owns and operates an offi ce, Farmers Insurance Group, Inc., located at 260 Thompson Drive, Suite 3 in Kerrville. Shelby provides home, auto, business and life insurance.

She represents Humana, Blue Cross-Blue Shield, Unicare and Southwest Service Life Insurance Company. You may reach Shelby at


Healthcare reform …Yay or Nay?by Shelby Braswell

Board Certified by the American College of Obstetrics and GynecologyBoard Certified by the American College of Obstetrics and GynecologyBoard Certified by the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Paul H.Kocay,M.D.Melissa G. Wampler, M.D.

M. Elizabeth Ruiz Wilfong, D.O.Annette Jones, RN, CNM, MSN

Kathy Bogie, RN, WHNP

Wo m e n ’s H e a l t h c a r eS p e c i a l i s t s


895-7755New Patients Welcome

1331 Bandera Hwy Ste 2

34 Nov-Dec 2009

ne in fi ve women in the United States suffers from unusually heavy and/or prolonged menstrual periods. This condition, known as menorrhagia, is one of the most

common complaints in contemporary gynecology. Women with the condition face a number of embarrassing accidents and restricted activity. Many miss work or athletic events and according to a survey, four out of fi ve women believe their condition has a negative effect on their sexual relationships. Most women suffer in silence with these symptoms. In the past, the only methods of treatment were hormones or hysterectomy. While these options work well for some women, others experience side effects or do not want the fi nality of removing their uterus. A procedure known as endometrial ablation (EA) reduces or eliminates excessive bleeding by safely removing the lining of the uterus. Historically this has been done in an operating room with anesthesia. However, due to advances in technology, the NovaSure Endometrial Ablation System can be performed in an offi ce setting with a gynecologist. The entire procedure typically takes less than fi ve minutes,requires no incisions and recovery time is minimal. Clinical results demonstrate that 91% of women returned to normal or lower than normal levels of bleeding, 93% treated with NovaSure were satisfi ed with their results and 97% said they would recommend NovaSure. According to a new study published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine, the effi cacy and safety profi le of EA over a 10 year period suggests it should receive greater consideration. Previous studies have

demonstrated that early EA can help achieve better outcomes and greater improvement in health-related quality of life than traditional treatments. In May 2007, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issued revised guidelines about who should be considered for EA. It suggests that EA is an appropriate fi rst-line treatment for women with self-perceived heavy menstrual bleeding. In other words, for women who feel that their heavy bleeding is a problem, doctors do not need to try hormones fi rst to see if they will work. The NovaSure System is only appropriate for pre-menopausal women with excessive menstrual bleeding due to benign causes who have completed childbearing. The NovaSure System does not replace birth control for the prevention of pregnancy. If you have been suffering in silence, now may be a good time to discuss this simplifi ed offi ce procedure with your gynecologist.

Annette Jones is a certified nurse midwife (one type of nurse practitioner), which means she specializes in women’s health and also provides pregnancy and birth care. Annette has twenty-six years experience and has been with OB/GYN Associates for the last six years.

New Opti onfor HeavyMenstrualBleeding


by Annette Jones RN, CNM, MSN

New Opti onfor HeavyMenstrualBleeding

W O M E N ' S H E A L T H


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Nov-Dec 2009 35

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by Dr. John Bilderback, Chiropractor

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New Patients &Walk-Ins Welcome


36 Nov-Dec 2009

Do you lack energy?Do your joints ache?Do you have trouble withyour digestion?It could be you’re thirsty!

Our bodies are composed of 70 to 80 percent water. We utilize two to three quarts of water a day for respiration and elimi-nation. About 20 percent of the water we need comes from

the food we eat, but the rest we have to drink––about eight to ten eight-ounce glasses of water each day. Our bodies cannot function without water; all chemical reactions depend on it. Consider this:

Water lubricates your joints so theyoperate smoothly.

Water is the base of saliva.

Water regulates body temperature through perspiration.

Water moves food through the intestinal tractand eliminates waste, detoxifying your system.

Water regulates your metabolism, so the food you eat can be broken down and turned into proteins and nucleic acids.

When you don’t drink enough water, dehydration occurs and your system can’t effectively carry out these functions. Do you feel thirsty? Is your mouth dry and sticky? These are the initial signs of dehy-dration. Even mild dehydration can drain your energy and leave you feeling tired. Over time, dehydration can cause physical pain and dis-ease.

Staying hydrated also helps control your ph balance. Stress and en-vironmental pollution contribute to the build up of excess acid in the body’s tissues, which can lead to serious health problems. Maintain-ing your body’s acid/alkaline balance by keeping your fl uids at the correct level can enable you to overcome disease, increase your vital-ity, and slow the aging process.

Sodas, Gatorade, coffee, and alcoholic beverages aren’t substitutes for water and shouldn’t be counted as part of your daily fl uid require-ment. In my opinion, these beverages increase acid build up in your system, making it harder to control your ph balance.

Watch what happens when you water a drooping plant. Drinking water can perk you up the same way. Remember, you are what you eat and drink!

Call Dr. Bilderback today and mention this article to receive your initial exam free of charge.

Dr. Bilderback received his degree from Western States Chiropractic College in Portland, Oregon in 1985 and has been serving the folks of Kerr County and surrounding area

for more than twenty years.

It is my pleasure to serve on the local board for Big Brothers Big Sisters. Having been involved

with Big Brothers Big Sisters for the past 5 years in a variety of capacities, it seemed only fi tting to become involved as a board member. The work done by the staff, the board and particularly the volunteers, is very signifi cant in our community.

A recent study released by Harris-Interactives fi nds that adults mentored as children in Big Brothers Big Sisters are better educated, wealthier and more fulfi lled than their peers, suggesting that Big Brothers Big Sisters can break cycles linked to poverty. I observed the importance of the program fi rst hand when my oldest daughter Caitlyn joined the High School Bigs Program her senior year. She gained so much satisfaction from helping her Little Brother and being a positive infl uence in his life. It would be great if schools made this a required program!

Kerr County is fortunate to have so many programs that involve our youth. In addition to BBBS, there is Kerr County 4-H, the Hill Country District Junior Livestock Show and the Kerrville Lions, just to name a few.

The common denominator of all these organizations is that they involve working for children in order to make their lives and the community a better place. The core of Big Brothers Big Sisters is mentoring. Many of us can refl ect on our lives and pinpoint one person—a teacher, a parent, a minister or simply a friend who provided us with positive direction and guidance.

If you are retired, and looking for something to do, why not share your experience with a child who is waiting for a Big Brother or Big Sister? If you are still in the workforce, simply do as many others have; shave out an hour or so a month and make a positive difference for someone in our community. You are probably just waiting for the right opportunity to come along, well, these kids have framed, hinged and hung the door, all you have to do knock.

To become involved, simply call Big Brothers Big Sisters at 830-257-2447 or visit

36 Nov-Dec 2009 Nov-Dec 2009 37

Thanks To Wells Fargo For Sponsoring Big Brothers Big Sisters

When everyone comes together, wonderful things can happen. The spirit of community is alive and well, right here and now.

Kerrville MainKerrville SouthIngram

Communities are like families������_�����


�c � ���� Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. Member FDIC. (������_�����)

124264_13809 7.875x2.4688 4C 1 8/17/09 2:48 PM

by Jeff Talarico BBBS Board Member

Mentoring Opportunities

Big Brother Micah andLittle Sister Brendan

38 Nov-Dec 2009

Keeping The Spirit Aliveby Martha Kies

Volunteer Auxiliary CoordinatorPeterson Regional Medical Center

Volunteer Auxiliary Co-Founder, Marj Nicholson, gave graciously of her time and her heart from 1949-2009, providing assistance to countless patients during those 60 years.


Gene Pope & Phyllis Spencercheerfully greet visitors

at PRMC’s front desk.

Skip Ferguson helps Sue Low keep abreast of local news by de-livering the Kerrville Daily Times to her room.

Ronnie Woods delivers localreading material to Bo Moss.

It’s hard to believe we have turned the page of our calendars and are entering fall. Autumn seems to be a time of refl ection, so naturally as I watch our volunteers, I think of

all the years some of them have served the hospital, bringing fulfi llment to themselves and brightening patients’ days.

The volunteers not only get enjoyment out of helping patients and visitors, but they are very loving and caring in assisting each other with their assigned tasks.

Our volunteers are a very special group and they are ready and willing to do whatever needs to be done. For example, they packed up all the supplies, storage rooms full of fi les and equipment when we were moving to our beautiful new facility. I can personally say that I have the best job in the world!

The volunteers just fi nished assisting with our fl u clinic, where 2200 folks received shots. The fl u season is here again and the fl u shots, along with frequent hand washing, is a great way to prevent its spread.

Co-founder of the auxiliary, Marj Nicholson, lovingly gave her time as a volunteer for 60 years, brightening the days of countless patients over that time. Marj is certainly missed by all of us at the hospital and our condolences go out to her family.

Marj considered her volunteer work a true blesssing. It was only a few months ago that she said, “I consider myself very fortunate to have been a part of the Volunteer Auxiliary for all these years.”

We want to keep alive the spirit with which Marj Nicholson and Millie McWhorter founded the auxiliary all those years ago in 1949. If you’d like to consider joining this great group of volunteers, please give me a call or stop by for a visit.

Martha Kies, Volunteer Auxiliary Coordinator for Peterson Regional Medical Center, bring to PRMC her love of helping people, as well as expertise in volunteer coordination from serving 11 years as Asst. Volunteer Coordinator of Community Relations with Kerrville State Hospital. You may call Martha at 258-7495 or email her at

Volunteer Auxiliary Co-Founder, Marj Nicholson, gave graciously of her time and her heart from 1949-2009, providing assistance to countless

38 Nov-Dec 2009 Nov-Dec 2009

In today’s “instant” society, imme-diate gratifi cation has become our expectation. We are able to tend to most of our needs and greeds in just

a matter of minutes. High-speed internet gives us access to major retail shopping without traffi c or crowds. Cell phone technology allows us to contact nearly anyone almost any place in the world. We have complete microwave meals and snacks that can satisfy our hunger in a matter of minutes. Even lengthy hospital stays have been reduced to day surger-ies! Is it any wonder, then, that we expect our weight loss and fi tness efforts to have quick results as well? We overlook the fact that we overeat and make poor food choices for years and years and then expect a magic diet, supplement, or “miracle” food to erase those accumulated pounds within a few weeks. We put off working out until “to-morrow” because we don’t feel like it or it takes too long. When we do exercise, we sometimes barely move, giving only lip service to the notion that we have ac-tually “worked out”. Even so, we expect the inches to melt magically away! The truth is there are many plans that work to help us reach our weight and fi tness goals, but only we can work the plan that we choose for ourselves. People who exercise are as busy as people who don’t. What makes regular exercisers different from those who do not work out is that they make themselves exercise even when it is the last thing they feel like doing. Many busy people incorporate as little as 10 or 15 minutes of walking per day into their schedules. Over time, the benefi ts of even this small

amount of movement add up. Consisten-cy is the key. So it is with weight loss efforts. Most of us recognize good food choices and know the healthy way to eat. Many more of us recognize that we are emotional eat-ers who turn to food as a way to fi ll other needs. The difference between those who successfully lose weight and keep it off and those who don’t lies in the daily minute by minute choices, attitudes, and overall balance in their lives. The road to fi tness and healthy weight management is littered with false starts and failed at-tempts. When we grow bored because we are used to the “in-stant” concept, we give up too soon and run to pursue another diet or exercise plan that prom-ises much but delivers little. Once again, we become bored or disappointed when results don’t come as fast as we want them. Time passes, and we move no closer to achieving fi tness or a healthy weight. By working our personal plan for fi tness as a journey taken one step at a time, we will be suc-cessful. Words from an unknown au-thor say it best, “The race is not always to the swift, but to those who keep on running.” Choose a plan and then work that plan!

Sheryl, a former yo-yo dieter and non-exerciser, now be-lieves in permanent results

without permanent dieting. Prior to open-ing Curves of Kerrville in 2002, Sheryl completed Club Camp weight manage-ment and workout programs with Curves International and continues to stay abreast of the latest research and train-ing regarding weight management, diet and exercise for women.

Working The Plan

by Sheryl Whitworth

W o m e n ’ s F i t n e s s

Open for members and non-members. Valid only at participating locations. ©2009 Curves International, Inc. HSR# 20020169

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837 Junction Hwy.Kerrville, Texas 76825

we sometimes barely move, giving only lip service to the notion that we have ac-tually “worked out”. Even so, we expect the inches to melt magically away! The truth is there are many plans that work to help us reach our weight and fi tness goals, but only we can work the plan that we choose for ourselves. People who exercise are as busy as people who don’t. What makes regular exercisers different from those who do not work out is that they make themselves exercise even when it is the last thing they feel like doing. Many busy people incorporate as little as 10 or 15 minutes

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