keywords and content for seo

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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One of the most powerful forms of promotion for a business, service or product today is leveraging the Internet. It is a marketing dream because it never tires, works all day and promotes all over the world.


Keywords and Content for SEO

One of the most powerful forms of promotion for a business, service or product today is leveraging the Internet. It is a marketing dream because it never tires, works all day and promotes all over the world. But, it is only effective if used the correct way.

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There are many ways to use the Internet to promote a business, but one of the most powerful ways is through search engine optimization, or SEO. Ranking a website in the top of the search engines brings targeted traffic to your business like no other form of promotion can.

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It is important to understand a little about the process of SEO if you are looking to promote your site online. This is important whether you plan on trying to do it on your own, or if you are looking to hire someone to do this task for you.

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One of the most important steps to SEO is keyword selection. You need to sit down and think of all the various things a person could type into a search engine when looking for your business or the product or service you provide. Try to come up with a list of about 10 different phrases.

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For example, if you are plumber you can add words like: best, cheap, affordable, and reliable and others. This accomplishes a few things. One it puts you in position to rank on words where people are looking for something specific. Also, it gives you easier phrases to rank on that have less competition.

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After you have selected some words you will need to have content written that highlights these phrases. You will want to have a piece of content written for each important phrase. That is because you can rank multiple pages in your site on each of these keywords. More info on:

If you do that, the search engines will pick up on the fact you are trying to fool them and may disregard your content. A good rule is to use about a two percent word density. So, if your content is 200 words, do not use your phrase more than 4 times in the content. More info on:

Search engine optimization is a great way to promote a business or service. By placing a site right in front of a person who has a problem or issue they need a solution for you are hitting themright at the moment they are looking to buy something and it greatly reduces the buying cycle.

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