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Kidney Exchange and the Alliance for Paired Donation:Operations Research Changes the Way Kidneys AreTransplantedRoss Anderson, Itai Ashlagi, David Gamarnik, Michael Rees, Alvin E. Roth, Tayfun Sönmez, M.Utku Ünver

To cite this article:Ross Anderson, Itai Ashlagi, David Gamarnik, Michael Rees, Alvin E. Roth, Tayfun Sönmez, M. Utku Ünver (2015) KidneyExchange and the Alliance for Paired Donation: Operations Research Changes the Way Kidneys Are Transplanted. Interfaces45(1):26-42.

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INFORMS is the largest professional society in the world for professionals in the fields of operations research, managementscience, and analytics.For more information on INFORMS, its publications, membership, or meetings visit

Vol. 45, No. 1, January–February 2015, pp. 26–42ISSN 0092-2102 (print) � ISSN 1526-551X (online)

© 2015 INFORMS

THE FRANZ EDELMAN AWARDAchievement in Operations Research

Kidney Exchange and the Alliance for PairedDonation: Operations Research Changes the

Way Kidneys Are TransplantedRoss Anderson, Itai Ashlagi, David Gamarnik

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142{,,}

Michael ReesThe Alliance for Paired Donation, Maumee, Ohio 43537,

Alvin E. RothStanford University, Stanford, California 94305,

Tayfun Sönmez, M. Utku ÜnverBoston College, Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts 02467 {,}

Many end-stage renal disease sufferers who require a kidney transplant to prolong their lives have a relative orfriend who has volunteered to donate a kidney to them, but whose kidney is incompatible with the intendedrecipient. This incompatibility can sometimes be overcome by exchanging a kidney with another incompati-ble patient-donor pair. Such kidney exchanges have emerged as a standard mode of kidney transplantationin the United States. The Alliance for Paired Donation (APD) developed and implemented nonsimultaneousextended altruistic donor (NEAD) chains, an innovative technique that allows a previously binding constraint(of simultaneity) to be relaxed; thus, it permits longer chains and better-optimized matching of potential donorsto patients, greatly increasing the number of possible transplants. Since 2006, the APD has saved more than 220lives through its kidney exchange program, with more than 75 percent of these achieved through nonsimulta-neous chains. Other kidney exchange programs have adopted the technology and methods pioneered by APD,resulting in more than 1,000 lives already saved, with the promise of increasing impact in coming years. In2013, the percentage of transplants from nonsimultaneous chains reached more than six percent of the numberof transplants from living donors. In this paper, we describe the long-term optimization and market designresearch that supports this innovation. We also describe how a team of physicians and operations researchersworked to overcome the skepticism and resistance of the medical community to the NEAD innovation.

Keywords : matching: transplantation; market design; optimization; design; integer programming.

This paper describes how the Alliance for PairedDonation (APD) used operations research (OR)

and market design methodologies to make improvedmatches between kidney disease sufferers and poten-tial kidney donors. To date, the APD, a nonprofitorganization, has saved more than 220 lives throughits development and implementation of nonsimulta-neous extended altruistic donor (NEAD) chains thatwe describe next. In addition, other kidney trans-plant institutions and kidney exchange programs have

adopted the APD methodology, saving more than1,000 lives to date. In the future, we expect that thou-sands of lives will be saved annually. The percentageof transplants from nonsimultaneous chains reachedmore than six percent of the number of transplantsfrom living donors in 2013. We estimate that as aresult of using these chains, the number of trans-plants conducted through kidney exchange programshas increased by more than 10 percent and the per-centage of very highly sensitized patients transplanted









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(i.e., those for whom it is most difficult to find a com-patible kidney) has increased by more than 50 percent.

This project involved a blend of OR techniques,including optimization algorithms for finding a largenumber of matches between donors and recipients andmarket design mechanisms to facilitate collaborationacross organizational boundaries by hospitals, insti-tutions, and surgeons who otherwise compete in the$50 billion end-stage renal disease (ESRD) industry.

BackgroundIn the United States, about 100,000 sufferers of ESRDare currently on the waiting list for a kidney transplantfrom a deceased donor. Transplantation is the pre-ferred treatment for this severe disease. Sadly, about4,000 of the patients on the waiting list will die thisyear before receiving a transplant, and another 2,500will be removed from the queue as “too sick to trans-plant.” In addition, about 5,000 patients will receivetransplants from living donors and 10,000 will receivetransplants from deceased donors. The problem isgrowing worse, as the waiting list increases by about7,000 patients per year, making ESRD one of the mostexpensive problems in the U.S. healthcare system.

These long waiting times for transplants have twodominant causes. The first is the shortage of kidneysavailable for transplant—kidneys that are availablefrom either deceased donors or living persons whoare willing to donate one of their two healthy kid-neys. The second cause is potential incompatibilitybetween living donors and their intended recipients.The thrust of kidney exchange programs is to signif-icantly increase the number of living-donor kidneytransplants by bringing together incompatible donorsand recipients and conducting exchanges so that eachrecipient receives a compatible kidney. These pro-grams essentially develop a marketplace for kidneyexchanges, taking into account that a monetary mar-ket is forbidden by law. Specifically, kidney exchangeallows a potential living donor whose kidney is incom-patible with the intended recipient to donate a kid-ney to another patient so that the donor’s recipientreceives a compatible kidney from another donor. Thisis done by exchange between two or more incompat-ible patient-donor pairs; each donor gives a compati-ble kidney to another donor’s intended recipient (seeFigure 1(a)). Rapaport (1986) first suggested the idea of

Donor 1blood type A

Donor 2blood type B

Recipient 1blood type B

Recipient 2blood type A

Figure 1(a): This diagram illustrates a two-way cyclic exchange betweentwo blood-type-incompatible recipient-donor pairs, Recipient 1-Donor 1and Recipient 2-Donor 2.

swapping donors between incompatible pairs, and thefirst such exchanges took place in Korea in the 1990s(Park et al. 1999). The first exchange in the UnitedStates occurred in 2000 at Rhode Island Hospital.

Originally, most kidney exchanges were conductedthrough simple cyclic exchanges, as Figure 1(a) de-picts. Because of fear of possible reneging, suchcyclic exchanges have been conducted simultaneously,making the exchange process a significant logisticalchallenge: four operating rooms and four surgicalteams are required for the two nephrectomies andtwo transplants involved in the simplest exchangebetween two patient-donor pairs. For these reasons,cyclic exchanges with more than three patient-donorpairs are rarely conducted. Another type of exchangetook the form of a chain. Chains using nondirecteddonors (NDDs) (i.e., kidney donors who decide todonate without having an intended recipient) werealso conducted simultaneously at first, thus involvingonly two or three transplants at a time and endingwith a transplant to a patient on the waiting list (seeFigure 1(b)).

ContributionThe APD initially adopted design and optimizationtechniques for identifying short cycles and chains.It was, however, APD’s introduction of an inno-vative and highly controversial approach based onNEAD chains that significantly increased the numberof transplants that can be achieved through kidneyexchange.

The added value derived from using NEAD chainsis threefold. First, current clinical practice shows ampleempirical evidence, substantiated by conclusions








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Donor 1 blood type A

Recipient 1blood type B

Recipient 2blood type A


blood type B

Figure 1(b): This diagram illustrates a two-transplant chain involvingone nondirected donor, one blood-type-incompatible recipient-donor pair,Recipient 1-Donor 1, and one recipient, Recipient 2, who has no livingdonor to continue the chain.

drawn from mathematical models reflecting the com-position of contemporary patient-donor pools (seeFigure 4), that when exchanges are conducted in anoptimal way, approximately 70 percent of transplantsare conducted via NEAD chains. Thus, NEAD chainsare responsible for the majority of successful kidneytransplants conducted via kidney exchange at bothAPD and within other major exchange programs. Byallowing only short (at most three) chains, the numberof transplants would have been reduced by at least12 percent, and more than 30 percent of the recip-ients would have been transplanted after a longerwaiting period. The number of very highly sensitizedtransplanted patients (patients who have many anti-bodies and are thus not likely to accept a donor’skidney) would have been reduced by approximately50 percent.

Second, unlike cyclic exchanges, chains can be con-ducted nonsimultaneously, while assuring that eachpatient in each patient-donor pair receives a kidneybefore the donor of the same pair donates the kid-ney. The relaxation of the simultaneity requirementsignificantly reduces the logistical overhead, makinglong chains possible and accomplishing many trans-plants. The longest NEAD chain to date—by theNational Kidney Registry (NKR)—achieved 30 trans-plants, and involved 60 people, 30 donors, and30 patients (Sack 2012).

Finally, NEAD chains can provide transplants formany hard-to-match patients. A patient receiving adonor’s kidney needs to be both blood- and tissue-type compatible (i.e., the patient does not have anantibody that would lead to the rejection of thedonor’s kidney). Chains offer hope to highly sen-sitized patients who are likely to be incompatiblewith the people who wish to donate a kidney tothem. Highly sensitized patients typically wait unusu-ally long periods before a compatible kidney froma deceased donor becomes available, if one everdoes. For many such patients, although no cyclicexchanges could be identified, chains involving thesepatients and originating with NDDs were found andimplemented, providing their only kidney transplantoption.

Conducting kidney exchanges through cycles orchains introduces the challenge of finding a maximalset of compatible matches, a classical OR combinato-rial optimization problem, which we solve using inte-ger programming techniques and insights from thetheory of random graphs. Allowing chains to be longsignificantly increases the size of the optimizationmodels and the resulting computational challenges.

Moreover, because kidney exchange is decentral-ized (the United States has more than 200 transplantcenters and innumerable dialysis clinics), organizingkidney exchange is both an optimization problem anda serious market design and coordination problem.A successful broadscale approach to designing kid-ney exchange clearinghouses and protocols needs totake into account the goals and interests of the hun-dreds of existing institutions in the $50 billion-per-year business of caring for ESRD patients, becauseparticipating agents often have conflicting objectives.Thus, market design issues are central to this work.

We describe both the optimization approach andelements of the market design that the APD devel-oped for conducting kidney exchange. In addition totechnical issues, we emphasize the cultural and polit-ical obstacles to implementing long chains and ourwork to overcome them. We survey the steps, begin-ning in 2004, that led our team toward the APD’s cur-rent successful practices. We detail its direct impactsthrough the APD, describe how other organizationshave adopted nonsimultaneous chains, and provideestimates of the overall impact of these innovations.








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Operations Research for KidneyExchange: Market Design andOptimization

Early Experience: Exchanges with ShortSimultaneous Cycles and ChainsIn 2000, Michael Rees, the founder-to-be of the APD,and his father, Alan, wrote the first computer pro-gram to heuristically identify all possible two-waycyclic kidney exchanges within a pool of incompati-ble pairs. This program applied a utility score to eachexchange and produced a rank-ordered list of all pos-sible exchanges. In 2003, Michael Rees and JonathanKopke (at the University of Cincinnati) modified theprogram to be Web-based and track participatingpatients and donors from registration through trans-plantation. The Ohio Solid Organ TransplantationConsortium (OSOTC) living-donor kidney exchangeprogram utilized this software from 2004 until 2006,when the OSOTC was disbanded.

OR methods were first applied to kidney exchangewhen Roth et al. (2004) proposed organizing kid-ney exchange on a large scale, including integrat-ing exchange cycles and chains. They proposed anallocation mechanism that made it safe for partic-ipating patients and their surgeons to reveal rele-vant information (e.g., their medical data and thatof all their willing donors, and which donors in thepool are acceptable to donate to them). That proposalinvolved algorithms that could generate large cyclesand long chains. The mathematical treatment of thosealgorithms dates back to the top-trading-cycle algo-rithm introduced by Shapley and Scarf (1974), whoattributed it to David Gale. Roth (1982) establishedits dominant strategy incentive properties (i.e., prop-erties that allow participants to safely reveal theirtrue preferences) that would be relevant in the kid-ney exchange context. Abdulkadiroglu and Sönmez(1999) adapted the algorithm to more general settingsby modeling the allocation of dormitory rooms in away that later provided a natural bridge to modelsfor allocating kidneys.

In 2004, however, the surgical culture and infrastruc-ture permitted only pairwise simultaneous exchanges.To avoid the possibility that one pair would give a kid-ney and then not receive one (e.g., because of reneg-ing), it was (and remains) the practice that all surgeries

in a cyclic exchange be conducted simultaneously.So, even the simplest exchange between two patient-donor pairs required four operating rooms and foursurgical teams for simultaneously conducting the twonephrectomies and transplants.

Responding to this limitation, Roth et al. (2005a)considered how to organize kidney exchange aroundonly pairwise exchanges. This constraint allows theapplication of classic graph theory methods, includ-ing Edmonds’ matching algorithm (Edmonds 1965)and the Gallai-Edmonds decomposition (Gallai 1964).It also requires that the sets of matchable nodes ina graph constitute a matroid. Roth et al. (2005a)were able to show how to achieve a maximal set ofkidney transplants in a way that continues to givepatients and surgeons incentives to reveal all rele-vant information (e.g., the number of willing donorsassociated with a patient in cases with more thanone such donor). In contrast to the simple OSOTCrank-ordered program, the New England Programfor Kidney Exchange (NEPKE), established in 2005,was the first multihospital kidney exchange programto optimize pairwise kidney exchanges (Roth et al.2005b). In collaborating with NEPKE and gainingexperience with pairwise exchanges, Saidman et al.(2006) and Roth et al. (2007) showed that efficiencygains could be achieved by incorporating chains (stillshort ones) and larger cyclic exchanges that wouldrequire only relatively modest additional surgicalinfrastructures. Three-way cycles and short simulta-neous chains quickly began to be part of regular kid-ney exchange practice in almost all programs, includ-ing those of the APD. Roth et al. (2007) estimate thatthe potential gains from three-way exchanges result inat least 20 percent more transplants; under differentassumptions in the evolution of the exchange pool,Ashlagi et al. (2013) estimate that gains are at least 50percent more when three-way chains are included.

These proposals were instrumental in stimulatingthe founding of the APD in 2006 under the directionof Michael Rees. The APD’s predecessor, the OSOTC,identified all two-way cycles, greedily ranked them,and thus did not find the largest number of two-way cycles; in contrast, the APD adopted optimiza-tion software, designed by Roth, Sönmez, and Ünver,to maximize the weighted number of transplants inexisting pools. It uses weights to define and account








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for priorities between different matches. This algo-rithm finds optimal solutions consisting of cycles andchains whose lengths are bounded by three or four,depending on the circumstances. The algorithm isbased on solving an integer program in which eachfeasible cycle and chain is assigned a binary decisionvariable. Until 2007, all surgeries in a cycle or chainwere implemented simultaneously, thus significantlylimiting the length of these cycles and chains. Forexample, a three-way exchange required six operatingrooms and six surgical teams (for three nephrectomiesand three transplants).

Relaxing the Simultaneity Constraints and theBenefit of Long ChainsIn 2006, Roth, Sönmez, and Ünver, in conjunction withDrs. Frank Delmonico and Susan Saidman, observedthat the growing number of altruistic NDDs wouldallow the simultaneity constraint to be relaxed fortransplant chains initiated by NDDs (Roth et al. 2006).When a chain is initiated by an NDD, it can be orga-nized so that the NDD makes the initial donation andno patient-donor pair has to donate a kidney beforereceiving one. This reduces the cost of a broken link,because no pair would be left without a kidney afterdonating one. By reducing the cost of a broken link,we begin to realize the potential benefits of chains inwhich operations are conducted nonsimultaneously.The benefit is that nonsimultaneous chains can be


Recipient PRA 62 0 023 100 78 64 3 100 46






* This recipient required desensitization to blood group (AHG Titer of 1/8).

# This recipient required desensitization to HLA DSA by T and B cell flow cytometry.







CaucCaucCaucCauc HispCaucCaucCaucCaucRecipient ethnicity




















Figure 2: The graph shows the first NEAD chain, as reported by Rees et al. (2009).

longer, because more operating rooms and surgicalteams can be assembled over a longer time frame.

Nevertheless, practitioners in the transplant com-munity raised objections about the use of nonsimul-taneous chains. They were concerned that a brokenchain or chains (e.g., because of reneging) would causepatients and the public to lose trust in the kidneyexchange system. Dr. Rees disagreed and felt that theutilitarian gains would outweigh the risk of equitylosses. Therefore, after careful planning to minimizethis danger, the APD implemented a NEAD chain andbegan to carry out the first nonsimultaneous, longchain of kidney transplants in July 2007. In this firstchain, short segments were identified and the indi-cated transplants were carried out simultaneously. TheAPD designated the last donor of each identified seg-ment of the chain to be the bridge donor for futuresegments of the chain, after the intended recipient hadalready received a transplant. It trusted bridge donorsto “pay it forward” in the future to the next segment ofthe chain when it was identified. Segments of the firstNEAD chain were identified dynamically as the pro-cess unfolded, and transplants were sometimes sep-arated by months and thousands of miles. By March2008, this first NEAD chain included 10 transplantsand 11 donors, 10 of whom had donated kidneys to 10patients they did not know. Rees et al. (2009) reportedit in the New England Journal of Medicine, making iteasier for others to adopt this innovation (see Figure 2).








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The end of the chain was the 11th donor, whoseblood type was AB and the last bridge donor at thetime Rees et al. (2009) was published. She eventu-ally waited three years before she donated to con-tinue the chain. AB is the least frequent blood typein the population and most AB patients who joinkidney exchange are highly sensitized, because theirblood types are never incompatible with those ofany donor; thus, AB patients can only be incompati-ble with their donors if their tissue types are incom-patible. Exchange programs today seldom designatean AB donor as a bridge donor to continue a chainwithin the kidney exchange pool, but rather close thechain with a donation of the AB donor’s kidney to apatient on the (long) waiting list for deceased donors.That initial chain was eventually extended to 16 trans-plants, and only ended when the APD participatedwith the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS)in an exchange, and UNOS chose to end the chainwith a donation to someone on the deceased-donorwaiting list. Today, after the completion of many morenonsimultaneous chains, the incidence of reneging bybridge donors continues to be very low (about twopercent). Note that chains can break for reasons otherthan a choice on the part of the bridge donor; forexample, the medical situation of the donor or theintended recipient could change. In the latter case, thechain can often be repaired by finding a new recipientfor the bridge donor.

Since 2007, several other kidney exchange match-ing services have adopted NEAD chains for arrang-ing kidney exchanges in the United States. Mostnotably, the NKR built its matching service aroundthis approach. Of the more than 1,000 transplants thatthe NKR has conducted, more than 67 percent of themhave used NEAD chains. Although long chains mayseem intuitively attractive, their advantages were notclear initially. Long chains might not increase effi-ciency if they simply identify transplants that couldotherwise have been done in multiple short cycles.In addition, as we previously mention, many in thetransplant community continued to worry that non-simultaneous chains were fraught with the danger oferoding trust in the entire kidney exchange enterpriseif broken chains became common.

Allowing chains to be nonsimultaneous and thuslonger than three, meant optimizing over a huge solu-tion space. For example, in a pool with 150 pairs,

but only one NDD, the number of chains boundedby length three can reach up to a few thousand, andcould include more than one million chains if we per-mit them to be of length six. We discuss further com-putational issues and algorithms in the Algorithms,Optimization, and Implementation section.

Simultaneous or Nonsimultaneous Chains?Criticism and ObjectionsWhether to proceed with NEAD chains or con-tinue with short simultaneous chains became a majordebate in the medical kidney transplant community in2009. An influential team from Johns Hopkins Hospi-tal argued that based on computer simulations, nonsi-multaneous chains should not be conducted, becauseeven a modest risk of a broken chain implied thatmore transplants would be accomplished via shortsimultaneous chains (Gentry et al. 2009), which theycalled domino-paired donation (DPD) chains. DPDchains include up to two incompatible pairs andend with a patient on the waiting list for deceaseddonors. Because the waiting list always containsmany patients (today about 100,000), finding a com-patible patient on the waiting list for the last kidneyin a chain is always possible; in addition, if this trans-plant is done simultaneously with the others, a bridgedonor who might break the chain by failing to donateat a later date becomes impossible.

We engaged in the debate and noted that the Hop-kins team failed to capture some of the potentialfor NEAD chains to accomplish many transplants,because its model constrained NEAD chains to havethree or fewer transplants in each round of optimiza-tion (Ashlagi et al. 2011a). We showed that the con-clusions of the Hopkins teams were reversed whenlong chain segments were allowed. Moreover, mostof the additional patients who received transplantsfrom long chains rather than shorter ones would bevery highly sensitized. This debate within the medicalacademic community continued, as Gentry and Segev(2011) and Ashlagi et al. (2011b) discuss, but did notprevent the continued adoption of long chains by theAPD and a few other transplant networks. As addi-tional favorable clinical experience and data accumu-lated, the debate was settled in favor of NEAD chains.

A team from Carnegie Mellon University alsoconducted simulations that led it to conclude that








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although NEAD chains result in more transplantsthan DPDs, NEAD chain segments should be cappedat four transplants (Dickerson et al. 2012). Thenational UNOS pilot program has adopted this con-straint on chains.

As of this writing, the accumulated clinical suc-cess of NEAD chains, including some very long ones,has become so apparent that early opponents (e.g.,Johns Hopkins Hospital) have now adopted them(Rector and Cohn 2013), making exchanges based onnonsimultaneous, potentially long chains a standardpractice.

The Power of Long Chains: Mystery ExplainedWe now explain what makes kidney exchanges sopotent based on nonsimultaneous chains , how thisrealization came to be, and how it has changed thepractice of kidney exchange. The key reason that longchains increase the number of transplants is the highpercentage of very highly sensitized patients in kid-ney exchange pools. Patient sensitivity is measured bythe panel-reactive antibody (PRA), which is the likeli-hood that the patient will be tissue-type incompatiblewith a random donor. For example, if a patient hasa PRA of 99 percent, then 99 percent of the blood-type-compatible potential donors for this patient willnot be tissue compatible. By simulating a pool using astatistical process based on empirical medical charac-teristics, less than 10 percent of the general populationpatients are expected to have a PRA level of 80 ormore. This is the case for the pool of ESRD patientson the waiting list for a deceased donor. However, inkidney exchange pools, and in particular in the APDpool, more than 40 percent of the patients have a PRAof at least 80. In addition, more than 65 percent ofthe APD patients with PRA levels of 80 to 100 havea PRA greater than 95. Figure 3 plots the percentageof patients who are registered in the APD pool andhave a PRA of at least 95. The percentages of patientsnewly registered to the pool and with PRAs greaterthan 95 in 2010, 2011, and 2012 were 33, 33, and 30,respectively; therefore, both the stock of patients inthe pool and the flow of new patients are much morehighly sensitized than the general patient population.

This means that the directed graph depictingthe compatibilities between members of a kidneyexchange pool is very sparse. Patients in kidney

2.09% 2.56%4.18%



95–96 96–97 97–98 98–99 99–100


Figure 3: The percentage of patients in the APD pool who have a panel-reactive antibody (PRA) of at least 95 is heavily skewed toward the mosthighly sensitized patients.

exchange pools have such high PRAs, in contrastto the general patient population, for two primaryreasons. First, as kidney exchange grew, hospitalsbecame strategic players. Hospitals (or directors oftransplant centers) can choose from larger sets of pos-sible actions than can individual surgeons or patients,because hospitals see multiple patient-donor pairs.Because many major transplant centers have acquiredexperience with kidney exchange, hospitals oftenmatch their easy-to-match pairs internally (Roth 2008,Ashlagi et al. 2013), and only refer their difficult-to-match pairs to the kidney exchange networks. As aresult, kidney exchange pools contain very large per-centages of highly sensitized patients. Second, mosthighly sensitized patients and hard-to-match pairsnaturally accumulate over time in the pool (up toa steady state, because patients cannot indefinitelyremain in the pool).

Pools consisting primarily of highly sensitizedpatients, coupled with the shortage of NDDs, lead tothe need for exchanges based on long chains. This isbecause when we represent which donors can givekidneys to which patients via a compatibility graph(in which the nodes are incompatible patient-donorpairs, and a directed edge goes from one pair toanother if the kidney from the donor in the first pairis compatible with the patient in the second pair),the resulting compatibility graphs become sparse; asa result, exchanges that are based only on short cyclesand chains are substantially suboptimal. Mathemati-cally, the benefit of long chains in such pools can beillustrated by some classical facts from the theory of








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random graphs. In the sparse Erdos-Renyi randomgraphs, the number of short cycles involving highlysensitized patients is very small. At the same time,there exists with significant probability a long chaincovering a substantial number of nodes in the graph.Ashlagi et al. (2013) analyze a random graph witha mixture of dense (low-PRA patients) and sparse(high-PRA patients) parts. They show that in suchgraphs, allowing for long chains amounts to an order-of-magnitude increase in the number of patients par-ticipating in the exchanges.

To further illustrate the typical properties of poolsof patients encountered in practice, consider a snap-shot of APD data (see Figure 4). This figure describesthe compatibility graph induced by the subset ofpatient-donor pairs such that all patients and alldonors have blood type A. In particular, no bloodtype incompatibilities exist among these pairs. At themoment, represented by this compatibility graph, 38such pairs have some compatibilities among them-selves (18 such pairs were not compatible as patientsor donors with any other of these pairs); each of the38 pairs is represented by a node of the graph. Anarrow points from one node to another if the kidneyfrom the donor in the first pair is compatible withthe patient in the second pair. Of the 38 pairs, 30contain patients with high PRAs, which we depict aswhite nodes. We see that these nodes have few incom-ing edges. The nodes containing the eight low-PRApatients have substantially more incoming edges andare shaded in the figure. The dashed edges are partsof cycles. Note that no cycle contains only high-PRApatients, and only one cycle includes one high-PRApatient.






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Figure 4: (Color online) This compatibility graph is of the patient-donor pairs, each with blood type A, from APDdata. Most of these patients are highly sensitized; therefore, they cannot participate in cyclic exchanges, but canbe reached via chains.

NEAD chains have become the regular practice atthe APD, which now uses an optimization algorithmin which the length of chains is unconstrained. Thisis now also the practice at the NKR, the highest-volume kidney exchange program today. In the NKRand UNOS KPD: Other Kidney Exchange Programs sec-tion, we review data from two other kidney exchangeprograms.


Results at the APDBefore describing the impact, we discuss how the typ-ical matching process works at the APD. More than80 transplant centers are currently registered with theAPD (centers do not commit to enroll all of theirpairs or accept matches). Each weekday after newincompatible pairs are entered into the APD pool ora potential match is abandoned (e.g., when a pairdoes not accept a match offer), the APD conducts amatch run to find a maximum weighted number ofmatches, allowing both cyclic and long nonsimulta-neous chain exchanges. The solution is based on theapparent compatibilities between patients and donorsin the pool. The APD pool contains approximately200 patient-donor pairs at any given time. Findinga solution typically takes three minutes or less; theAlgorithms, Optimization, and Implementation sectionincludes details. The solution is determined accord-ing to apparent compatibilities based on the medicalinformation of patients and donors (blood tests muststill be done before the transplant takes place). Afterthe software finds an optimal solution, a central lab








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conducts crossmatch tests on the blood samples of thepatients and donors to determine whether each recip-ient in the solution is tissue-type compatible with theintended donor. The transplant center of each patientwho is part of the solution is then informed of thedetails about the patient’s matched donor so that thecenter can accept the donor. Centers and (or) patientscan refuse to accept offers. An exchange (chain orcycle) proceeds to the transplantation stage if a blood-test failure or donor rejection does not occur duringthese stages.

Significant benefits accrue directly to the trans-planted recipients. They are freed from being tied todialysis for many hours each week (e.g., three weeklysessions of four hours each), regain their health andability to work, and have their lives extended. Finan-cial benefits also accrue to the medical system and tothird-party payers. The dialysis treatments that mostESRD patients use cost Medicare $87,272 per year perpatient (United States Renal Data System 2013) andcost private insurers much more. Transplanting a sin-gle kidney-failure patient, at an average yearly cost of$32,922 (averaged over five years), rather than hav-ing that patient remain on dialysis, saves Medicare$271,750 over five years. Note the average survivalrate for a dialysis patient is about five years.

Since 2007, the APD has conducted more than220 transplants through kidney exchange, and morethan 168 of these have used chains. As a result,we can estimate the financial impact of these trans-plants. If each transplant saves $271,750 over fiveyears, the transplants of the APD, which exceed 200,have produced savings in excess of $54 million for theU.S. healthcare system. In a more conservative anal-ysis of the savings from a single living-donor kidneytransplant, which takes into account that transplantpatients live longer than dialysis patients and there-fore incur medical costs over a longer period, Matasand Schnitzler (2004) estimate the savings at $94,579,and the quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained at3.5. Adding the value of QALYs, a living-unrelated-donor transplant saves $269,319, assuming societyvalues additional QALYs from transplantation at therate paid per QALY achieved by dialysis. Using thisanalysis, 168-plus living-donor transplants (throughchains facilitated by APD) have saved $16 million andproduced a value to society of $45 million.

The analysis in Wolfe et al. (1999) shows that theaverage patient who received a deceased-donor kid-ney transplant lived 10 years longer than that patientwould have lived had he (she) stayed on dialysis.Therefore, APD transplants have given these 168-plus patients at least 1,600 extra years of life. Thesenumbers are conservative, because the average living-donor kidney lasts twice as long as the averagedeceased-donor kidney.

Impact at Other Transplant Networks in theUnited StatesIn the United States, more than 2,600 kidney paired-donation (KPD) transplants have been performedsince 2000 when the first two KPD transplants wereperformed at Rhode Island Hospital, and more than2,250 KPD transplants have been done since 2008.To demonstrate the impact of NEAD chains, considerthat in 2006, when exchanges were still constrained tobe simultaneous, 74 KPD transplants and 68 nondi-rected living-kidney donations were performed in theUnited States. In 2012, more than 200 of the 528paired-donation transplants performed in the UnitedStates resulted from NEAD chains.

According to UNOS, the number of transplants fromkidney exchange in the United States has reached2,658. We believe this number is a lower bound,because many centers conduct internal exchanges,which they might not report; in addition, the 2013numbers are subject to change, because centers arestill reporting their fourth-quarter numbers. Figure 5shows the progress by year.

NKR and UNOS KPD: Other KidneyExchange ProgramsThe NKR and UNOS KPD pilot programs both runmultihospital exchange programs in the United States.The NKR, a private organization, was founded byGaret Hil in 2007 to facilitate actively recruiting NDDsand running NEAD chains. It is currently the highest-volume clearinghouse in the United States and hasfacilitated more than 1,000 transplants. UNOS is thefederal contractor responsible for administering thewaiting list for deceased-donor organs. Because it hasworking relationships with every U.S. transplant cen-ter, it is a natural candidate to organize a federally








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2 4 6 19 34 2774



430 446


2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Figure 5: Since 2000, transplants through kidney exchange have increased.

sponsored kidney exchange that would unite all U.S.transplant centers. In October 2010, it launched a pilotKPD program, which has yet to become a major pro-ducer of kidney exchange transplants; however, sinceUNOS began to allow chains, it has been makingprogress toward this objective. Through 2013, it hadconducted 79 transplants (52 of them in 2013). Sincethe launch of the NKR and UNOS programs, morethan 1,600 pairs have enrolled in the NKR and morethan 1,000 pairs have enrolled in UNOS (the enroll-ment rate was very low in the first years). The poolsof both programs seem to have stabilized to approx-imately 220–250 pairs. Authors Ashlagi, Rees, andRoth are presently advisors to UNOS and members ofthe UNOS KPD workgroup. Ashlagi, Roth, and Reeshave advised the NKR, and Ashlagi and Roth collab-orated with the NKR to develop and validate theircurrent optimization algorithm.

Chains play a significant role in both programs.Approximately 88 percent of the transplants facili-tated by the NKR have been achieved through chains(176 chains overall). More than 28 percent of the trans-planted patients had PRAs greater than 80 and morethan 15 percent had PRAs greater than 95; in thepast two years, this latter percentage increased to 20



18 14 157 3 6 6 3 4 1 1 1 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 16 21 28 30





Chain length

Figure 6: (Color online) This graph shows the number and lengths of chains that the NKR has achieved.

percent. As of January 30, 2014, the NKR had con-ducted 179 chains, which accomplished 823 trans-plants, and 44 cyclic exchanges, which accomplished103 transplants. More than one-fourth of these trans-plants were accounted for by the 16 chains involving10 or more transplants, while the 96 chains involvingthree or fewer transplants accounted for only about10 percent of these transplants. Therefore, althoughthe long chains are rare (fewer than 10 percent of thechains), they account for a disproportionate share ofthe transplants.

Figure 6 shows the lengths of all chains conductedby the NKR. Note the long tail; most chains are short,but the longest 2.3 percent of chains account for morethan 11 percent of all transplants. More than 13 per-cent of all transplanted patients with PRAs greaterthan or equal to 97 have been transplanted throughthose chains. In addition, 73 percent of the trans-planted patients with PRAs greater than or equal 97were transplanted through chains or cycles that havea length of at least four, while only 67 percent of alltransplanted patients have been transplanted throughchains and cycles with lengths of at least four.

The experience of the UNOS KPD pilot programdiffers somewhat from that of the NKR. At first,








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UNOS searched for only two-way exchanges; how-ever, in 2011, the UNOS algorithm was adapted tofind chains unrestricted by length. As a result ofmatch-offer refusals and crossmatch failures, UNOShad a high failure rate after identifying matches,but prior to performing transplants; therefore, sinceOctober 2012, it has limited chain segments to fourand often nonsimultaneously conducts such chains.About 15 percent of the transplants UNOS has facil-itated have been achieved through two-way cycles,40 percent through three-way cycles, and 45 per-cent through chains; even with the restriction onchain length, most UNOS transplants have come fromchains and three-way cycles.

UNOS and the NKR had different experiences inexecuting their kidney exchange programs, leadingthem to implement slightly different policies; however,NEAD chains play a major role in successful trans-plants in both programs. The NKR has been successfulin attracting NDDs. This success is largely because itprovides incentives to transplant centers to share theNDDs who approach it; it guarantees a center that itwill end a chain with a patient within that center. Notall chains need to be long when so many altruisticdonors exist. Most of the very short chains conductedby the NKR are done because they include a patientwho is very highly sensitized, the quality of the matchis very high, or the NDD is an AB donor, in which caseis very unlikely to match an AB patient within a pair.

We cannot overemphasize the importance of match-ing the most highly sensitized patients through longchains, because many of these patients have little orno prospect of receiving a deceased-donor kidney.Data from the Organ Procurement and Transplanta-tion Network for the United States show that themedian waiting time for patients with PRAs greaterthan or equal to 80 was 13.5 years for candidateslisted in 1999–2000; the median time for such patientswho began waiting in 2003–2004 cannot be computedyet because fewer than half of them have been trans-planted. As we have seen, NEAD chains serve a dis-proportionate share of very highly sensitized patients(i.e., patients with PRAs greater than or equal to 95).

Finally, we note that the number of NDDs hassignificantly increased since the advent of NEADchains—in part because of the added incentive ofbeing able to help more than one patient as a result of

one’s altruism, and perhaps also because of the pub-licity that sometimes accompanies long chains.

Algorithms, Optimization, andImplementationThe APD and other kidney exchange programs orga-nize transplants by regularly searching the compati-bility graph generated by the current pool of patientsand donors for the maximum weighted number oftransplants that can be achieved through cycles andchains. It is convenient to think of the pool as acompatibility network described by a directed graphG4V 1E5. In this graph, each patient-donor pair andeach NDD is a node v ∈ V . There is an edge betweentwo nodes v1 and v2 if the donor of node v1 is com-patible with the patient of node v2 (according to themedical data). Edges are associated with weights tocapture some priority (i.e., importance, urgency) forconducting the corresponding matches. At the presenttime, weights are often assigned based on the sub-jective judgments of a medical board, but efforts areunderway to make the choice of weights dependmore on well-defined objectives for the overall setof matches. In addition to medical factors, a boardmay consider other factors, including the geographicresidences of the parties and the length of time apatient has been on the waiting list. Typically, higher-sensitized patients are assigned higher weights.

The optimization problem considered prior to theintroduction of nonsimultaneous chains had the fol-lowing form (the OSOTC program did not optimizeand the APD used optimization and unrestrictedlength of chains and cycles from the outset):

Maximize weighted number of matched pairs1s.t. each pair is matched at most once via a cycle

or chain3cycle length at most 33chain length at most 30

Existing pools typically contain about 200 pairs andup to 10 NDDs; some NDDs are bridge donors andsome are altruistic donors. An altruistic donor initi-ates a new chain.

At first, kidney exchange programs consideredalgorithms that searched for an optimal solution,allowing up to three-way cycles and chains, as we








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describe in the previous formulation. The problem issolved using an integer programming technique byintroducing for each cycle a binary decision variablewith a length of at most three and each chain with alength of at most three. This formulation works wellwhen optimizing over the pools observed in practice.

Abraham et al. (2007), and earlier Kevin Cheungand Michel Goemans (personal comm.), have shownthat solving the optimization problem we describepreviously with bounded-chain or cycle lengths is anNP-hard problem. In practice, however, computationalissues have not been a serious issue when both chainsand cycles are bounded by a short length. Abrahamet al. (2007) developed an algorithm based on columngeneration to solve such problems for very large pools.The APD briefly used their algorithm and UNOS nowuses an extended version of it. It allows chains withsegments with lengths of no more than three; UNOShas changed its policy to incorporate these chains.

Allowing for longer chains makes the previous for-mulation hard to solve in both theory and practice,because the potential number of chains grows veryfast, as the allowable chain length grows; for example,in a historical pool of 150 pairs, the number of chainsof length 6 beginning with an O donor easily reachesover five million.

In The Recursive Algorithm section next, we describetwo algorithms that we developed to solve the opti-mization problem when long chains are permitted.These algorithms scale very well on the existing poolsand find optimal solutions in a short time in allencountered instances. We use both algorithms to findmatches.

The Recursive AlgorithmWe use this algorithm to solve an optimization prob-lem using constraint generation without assigning avariable for every chain, but instead introducing flow-conservation constraints. In the graph G4V 1E5, we usea binary decision variable ye that determines whetheredge e (from a donor to a compatible recipient) willbe chosen. Let in4v5 be the set of edges that point tonode v and let out4v5 be the set of outgoing edgesfrom node v. For each edge e, let we be the weightassociated with edge e. We further add an edge, withzero weight, from every node corresponding to anincompatible pair to every node corresponding to a

NDD. This is done so that every chain originatingfrom a NDD can be extended to a cycle beginning andending with a NDD; as a result, our model and algo-rithm need to explicitly find only cycles (not chains).Our algorithm uses the following formulation (see theappendix for a formal formulation):Recursive:

Maximize weighted flow1s.t. Total flow out of a pair is at most the total flow

that goes into a pair3Total flow out of an altruistic donor is at most 13Total flow that goes into a pair is at most 13Flow on each edge is binary0

This is an integer programming formulation, whichfinds the largest disjoint cycle cover of a graph. Assuch, this formulation ignores for now bounds onthe length of the cycles and chains. To incorporate abound on the length of the cycles (e.g., to be at most 3)and also allow chains originating from NDDs to bearbitrarily long, we run the algorithm recursively byeliminating long cycles one at a time. Specifically, ourrecursive algorithm works as follows: It first solvesthe previous formulation . It then inspects the optimalsolution. If the optimal solution outputs a cycle C ofsize more than 3, which does not include a NDD (andthus is not a feasible cycle), we add a constraint toresolve the recursive formulation with an additionalconstraint that eliminates this cycle. This constrainthas the form in which the total flow in the edges ofthe cycle is at most the size of the cycle minus one.

We then solve the integer programming problemagain with this additional constraint, and repeatthe procedure until we identify a solution withoutcycles with length 4 or more. This recursive algo-rithm works well in many instances (see The Prize-Collecting Traveling-Salesman-Problem-Based Algorithmsection next); however, in many other instances, therunning time is too long (e.g., exceeds 20 minutes). Tosolve the remaining instances, we use an alternativeinteger programming formulation based on the prize-collecting traveling-salesman problem (PC-TSP). Next,we describe this formulation and the running timescorresponding to both formulations.

The Prize-Collecting Traveling-Salesman-Problem-Based AlgorithmIn the TSP, one is given a graph and must find a routethat visits each node exactly once at minimum cost. In








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the PC-TSP, the goal is to find a route in the directedgraph that visits each node at most once, while payingsome penalty for each node that is not visited. Qual-itatively, the PC-TSP is similar to the optimizationproblem we are facing; we want to find long paths ina graph without visiting each node. In the appendix,we present our solution, which is very similar to thesolution to the PC-TSP. As in the PC-TSP, the formu-lation has an exponential number of constraints thathave a “cut” interpretation. The solution relaxes thoseconstraints, but more aggressively attempts to findviolating constraints by using a technique called cut-ting planes; the appendix provides details.

Table 1 describes the running times of both algo-rithms for what we call difficult instances—instancesinvolving at least 500 constraints in the recursive

Instance information Running time (secs)

NDDs Pairs Edges Recursive PC-TSP

3 202 41706 0018 0025510 156 11109 40425 100696 263 81939 160186 1100555 284 101126 280063 160036 324 131175 14304326 328 131711 1500877 270676 312 131045 1,200∗ 1,200∗

10 152 11125 100388 002453 269 21642 130896 0005610 257 21461 160206 001137 255 21390 1607 001086 215 61145 440101 2023710 255 21550 1030112 001361 310 41463 1770582 0015111 257 21502 2010154 001546 261 81915 3400312 3082910 256 21411 3470791 001196 330 131399 5220619 6050710 256 21347 6830949 001217 291 31771 1,200∗ 001638 275 31158 1,200∗ 003064 289 31499 1,200∗ 003763 199 21581 1,200∗ 109437 198 41882 1,200∗ 802552 389 81346 1,200∗ 160076

Table 1: The table describes the performance of the recursive and PC-TSPalgorithms for difficult instances (i.e., instances that generated at least500 violating constraints). Note. Instances for which the optimal solutionwas not found within 20 minutes are indicated by ∗. In instances abovethe midline, both algorithms have running times within the same order ofmagnitude; for instances below the midline, the PC-TSP-based algorithmwas faster by at least an order of magnitude.

algorithm and analogous cut constraints in the PC-TSP algorithm. We generated these instances whilerunning each algorithm on real data from the APDand NKR programs.

Anderson et al. (2014) developed software, whichthe APD is currently testing, based on currently run-ning both algorithms described previously and gener-ating the optimal solution produced by the algorithmthat finds this solution. Other exchange programs,including those at Northwestern Medical Center,Methodist Hospital in San Antonio, and GeorgetownMedical Center, presently use this software. This soft-ware is also used to suggest kidney exchanges as aresult of merging the NKR, APD, and the MethodistSpecialty and Transplant Hospital pools; therefore, itidentifies matches in the largest combined pool in theUnited States—more than 600 pairs.

ConclusionsKidney exchange has become a standard part of trans-plantation in the United States, and the innovativeideas of many researchers and practitioners haveplayed an important role in this success. One distinctinnovation that has had a profound effect in increas-ing the number of transplants has been the APD’sintroduction of long nonsimultaneous chains.

Since nonsimultaneous chains were introduced,more than 75 percent of the 2,600 transplants havebeen conducted through NEAD chains. The APDwas both the first to implement such chains and thefirst to optimize matches that incorporated them; theAPD team also collaborated in assisting other cen-ters and kidney exchange programs to adopt thismethodology. Over time, other clearinghouses havealso adopted NEAD chains; notably, the NKR, whichis presently the highest-volume clearinghouse for kid-ney exchange, has facilitated more than 85 percentof its transplants through nonsimultaneous chains.Early opponents of long nonsimultaneous chains haveadopted them, and no longer question their effective-ness. Furthermore, early ethical concerns for choosingto give a NDD kidney to a patient other than the firstpatient on the deceased-donor waiting list have beenoverridden by the profound increase in the numberof transplants resulting from NEAD chains.

The very highly sensitized patients would seem tobenefit most from the use of long chains, because








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such chains are often the only way these patients canreceive a transplant. The nature of exchange is thatit benefits all parties, and the benefits flow not onlyto all participants in kidney exchange, but also topatients who do not have a donor and are waitingfor a deceased-donor kidney. Some of those patientsbenefit directly when they receive the last-donorkidney from a long chain; however, even patientswho will eventually receive a deceased-donor kidneybenefit from kidney exchange, because each trans-plant accomplished through kidney exchange poten-tially relieves the recipient waiting for a deceased-donor kidney from having to wait as long as wouldbe necessary if no kidney exchange existed. Kidneyexchange delivers living-donor kidneys to patientswho are on the waiting list for deceased-donor kid-neys; therefore, it shortens the wait for those whohave no other option.

Important design issues remain to be solved if kid-ney exchange is to continue to grow. One importantissue is to provide more incentives for transplant cen-ters to fully participate (i.e., offer kidney exchangeto their easy-to-match pairs and to those who aredifficult to match). Ashlagi and Roth (2014) explorehow a bonus mechanism, similar to the spirit of afrequent-flyer program, could be developed to pro-vide appropriate incentives for centers to enroll theireasy-to-match pairs. Incentives for centers to entertheir NDDs are being implemented in the NKR andat the APD (a chain terminates with a patient who isassociated with a center that entered a NDD). Mostchains today end with patients on the deceased-donorwaiting list.

Another important design issue concerns the finan-cial arrangements involving hospitals that participatein kidney exchange; because each hospital has a dif-ferent cost, these differences can present obstacleswhen hospitals are exchanging kidneys. One directionwe are pursuing is to establish a standard acquisi-tion charge for obtaining a kidney for transplant (Reeset al. 2012).

Market design draws on both optimization andgame theory to address the operational aspects thatconstrain exchange and the incentive constraints thatmay also have to be satisfied. In the case of kidneyexchange, the operational constraints involve assem-bling the resources to coordinate and conduct com-plicated surgical procedures across many hospitals.

The incentive constraints entail assembling the med-ical information from patients, surgeons, and hospi-tals, and ensuring that the information they reveal(e.g., the number and characteristics of their willingdonors) is protected. These constraints also entail theincentives provided to hospitals for enrolling boththeir hard-to-match and easy-to-match patients anddonors. The task of solving these problems is evolv-ing as logistical capabilities improve and as the med-ical and economic environments change. For now,however, kidney exchange has made possible sev-eral thousand life-saving and life-enhancing surgeries,yielding millions of dollars in savings and thousandsof additional years of life.

In closing, we note that when operations researchbegan to emerge as a distinct discipline in the yearsfollowing World War II, it was closely linked to eco-nomics; however, those links grew more tenuous overtime. The development of kidney exchange and thefield of market design more generally illustrate howclose those links can still be, as Roth (2002) discusses.

AcknowledgmentsThe authors thank Peter Kolesar for his extraordinaryenergy, wise advice, dedication, and support in the FranzEdelman competition and in shaping this paper. Theauthors acknowledge helpful comments by Josh Morri-son of the APD, and support from the National ScienceFoundation [Grants CAREER 1254768, SES-1061889, SES-1061932, CMMI-1031332].


The Recursive FormulationThe following is a formulation used in the recursivealgorithm:





ye ≤∑

e∈ in4v5

ye for every pair v3


ye ≤ 1 for every altruistic donor v3

e∈ in4v5

ye ≤ 13

ye ∈ 801190

Note that the recursive formulation does not restrictcycles to be short. After solving the algorithm, if the solu-tion finds a cycle of length C that is too long, the following








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constraint to rule out that long cycle is added before resolv-ing the problem:


ye ≤ �C� − 10

The Prize-Collecting Traveling-Salesman-Problem-Based AlgorithmWe first present the algorithm for unbounded chain length,and then describe modifications to solve for any boundedchain length. To write the formulation, we need some nota-tions. For each cycle C of length at most k, we introducea binary variable zC , which indicates whether we are usingthe cycle C. Each cycle C is also associated with a weightwC , which is the sum of weights in all edges in the cycle.We use flow binary variables ye for each edge e, as in therecursive algorithm, to indicate if we use the edge e. Wedefine decision variables f i

v and f ov to be the flow in and

out of node v respectively. We define N and P to be the setof NDDs and pairs in the graph, respectively. Define Ck4v5to be all the cycles of length at most k that include node v.We can now write the formulation as follows:



weye +∑






e∈ in4v5

ye = f iv1 v ∈ V 1 (1)


ye = f ov 1 v ∈ V 1 (2)

f ov +

C ∈Ck4v5

zC ≤ f iv +

C ∈Ck4v5

zC ≤ 11 v ∈ P1 (3)

f ov ≤ 11 v ∈N (4)∑


ye ≥ f iv1 S ⊆ P1 v ∈ S1 (5)

ye ∈ 801191 e ∈ E1 zC ∈ 801191 C ∈Ck4v50

Constraints (3) make two statements: first, the amount offlow out of pair v is at most the amount of flow that goesinto pair v; second, the sum of the amount of flow that goesinto pair v and the number of cycles to which that pair v isassigned is at most 1. Constraints (4) say that the amountof flow leaving each NDD is at most 1.

Constraints (5) are very similar to the cutset inequali-ties for the TSP, as adapted to the PC-TSP (Goemans 2009).Essentially, they work as follows. Suppose a chain is reach-ing some node v, and as a result, f i

v equals 1. Now supposethat we divide the graph into two pieces, such that the halfcontaining v, which we denote as S, does not contain anyof the NDD nodes from N . Because each chain begins atsome NDD (and thus not in S), in order for the chain toreach v ∈ S, it must use an edge that does not begin in Sand ends in S. Thus, the constraint requires that wheneverthere is flow into v, for every way that v can be cut off fromthe NDDs, there is at least this much flow over the cut.

As in the recursive algorithm, there are exponentiallymany constraints of type (5); therefore, we can use the same

recursive heuristic as in the recursive algorithm. Instead,although we relax the constraints (5), we use an efficientalgorithm to identify several violating constraints and addthem to the formulation sooner than in the recursive algo-rithm. Identifying these constraints is known as the sepa-ration problem in optimization. The separation problem forconstraints (5) can be solved by solving O4P5 network-flowproblems (Anderson et al. 2014).

When chains are required to be bounded by length, weslightly modify the formulation as follows. For each NDDn and each edge e, we introduce auxiliary variables yn

e andf i1nv 1 f o1n

v indicating flow that must begin at node n. We thenadd a few categories of constraints. First, we enforce thatfor each edge e, the flow on ye must come from exactly oneof the yn

e . Second, we define the same relationship betweenf i1nv , f o1n

v , and yne as in constraints (1) and (2) from the PC-

TSP formulation. Third, we require that for each NDD nand each vertex v, we have f o1n

v ≤ f i1nv ≤ 1. Finally, we add

the maximum chain-length constraint, saying that for eachNDD n, we use a total number of edges yn

e that is at mostthe maximum chain length.


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Ross Anderson is a PhD student in the Operations Re-search Center at MIT. His research interests are in appliedprobability, optimization, and healthcare applications. Hegraduated from Cornell University with a BS in operationsresearch and computer science.

Itai Ashlagi is an assistant professor of operations man-agement at the Sloan School of Management of Mas-sachusetts Institute of Technology. He received M.Sc. andPhD in operations research from the Israel Institute of Tech-nology. He was a post doctorate at Harvard University. Heis interested in topics on the border of microeconomic the-ory and operations research and in particular his researchfocuses on topics in market design and game theory. Hereceived the outstanding paper award from ACM Confer-ence on Economics and Computation.

David Gamarnik is a professor of operations researchat the Sloan School of Management of Massachusetts Insti-tute of Technology. He received a BA in mathematics fromNew York University in 1993 and a PhD in operationsresearch from MIT in 1998. Since then he was a research staffmember of IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, before joiningMIT in 2005. He is a recipient of the Erlang Prize and theBest Publication Award from the INFORMS Applied Prob-ability Society, IBM Faculty Partnership Award, and sev-eral NSF-sponsored grants. He is an area editor of Opera-tions Research, associate editor of Mathematics of OperationsResearch, Stochastic Systems, and Queueing Systems.

Michael Rees obtained his MD from the Universityof Michigan and his PhD in immunology and transplantsurgery fellowship at the University of Cambridge, England.He directs the University of Toledo transplant program andthe Alliance for Paired Donation. He initiated the first nonsi-multaneous kidney paired donation chain of transplants andthe first international paired exchange chain. He also studiesinnate immunity in xenotransplantation.

Alvin E. Roth is the Craig and Susan McCaw Professorof Economics at Stanford University, and the George GundProfessor Emeritus of Economics and Business Administra-tion at Harvard. He received a BS in operations researchfrom Columbia University in 1971 and a PhD in opera-tions research from Stanford University in 1974. He directedthe redesign of the National Resident Matching Program,through which approximately 25,000 doctors a year find








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Anderson et al.: Operations Research Changes the Way Kidneys Are Transplanted42 Interfaces 45(1), pp. 26–42, © 2015 INFORMS

their first employment as residents at American hospitals.He has also helped in the reorganization of the market formore senior physicians, as they pursue subspecialty train-ing, and in other labor markets. He helped design the highschool matching system used in New York City to matchapproximately 90,000 students to high schools each year. Healso helped redesign the matching system used in BostonPublic Schools, for students of all ages. More recently he hashelped design school choice systems in several other largeAmerican cities. He is one of the founders and designers ofkidney exchange in the United States that helps incompati-ble patient-donor pairs find life-saving compatible kidneysfor transplantation. He shared the 2012 Nobel MemorialPrize in Economic Sciences.

Tayfun Sönmez is a professor of economics at BostonCollege and a distinguished research fellow at Koç Univer-sity. His research agenda focuses on the theory and practiceof market design, with an emphasis on its applications inmatching markets. He is best known for his contributionsto the formulation, analysis, and practical design of kid-ney exchange and school choice. He is one of the pioneers

of the market design approach to school choice that led toadoption of improved matching mechanisms in several districts including New York City and Boston. He isone of the pioneers of the market design approach to kidneyexchange and a founder of the New England Program forKidney Exchange. He is a fellow of the Econometric Society.

M. Utku Ünver is a professor of economics at Boston Col-lege and a Distinguished Research Fellow at Koç University.His research focuses on the theory and practice of matchingmarket design. Being one of the pioneers of market designapproach for kidney exchange clearinghouses, his researchfound wide application in the United States and abroad.He is one of the founders of the New England Program forKidney Exchange and one of the founding collaborators forthe Alliance for Paired Donation. He also served as an at-large representative for the United Network for Organ Shar-ing task committee on kidney exchange. His other marketdesign related research focuses on adoption of kids, tuitionexchange, house allocation and exchange, and course bid-ding at business schools. He is the president of the Societyfor Economic Design.








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