kiesha'ra legacy chapter 2

Post on 22-Apr-2015



Self Improvement



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The legacy continues and boy, is Danica weird. Oh, well, nothing bad will come of it, right? ...Right?


Welcome back to the Kiesha’ra legacy! Here is our oldest legacy child Zane calling up one of his now grown-up childhood friends. I’ve decided to make him heir, even though I originally was going to make heir polls. The eldest child will be heir unless they die or abdicate.

“And that’s where babies come from. I just thought I should tell you before you go pursuing any girls.”

“...Huh? Oh! Yeah, uh, thanks, Dad. I’ll remember that.”

It’s a good thing teens can’t woohoo in my game.

And here she is. She’s fairly pretty, if a little droopy. If I wasn’t set on Dagmar, I’d let Zane marry her.

I don’t remember her name, so I’m just gonna call her Madge.

“Hey, babe, how you doin’?”

“Oh, Zane, I’m so charmed by you.”


“You’re beautiful.”


Ah, young love.

And with a little flirting, Zane and Madge share Zane’s first kiss. The start of many, I’m sure.

“My sweet.”

“Oh, Zaney.”

Can she leave yet?

“Until tomorrow, my love.”

“I’ll be counting the moments.”

Thank God. It’s over.

After his date, Zane decided to stargaze.

“Hey, I think I saw a UFO!”

“UFO? Extraterrestrial beings? ...Interesting.”

“Hey, son! Punch me!”

“Okay, Dad!”

Just put in this photo to show how much Zane looks like Rodney. Aside from a pointed chin and red eyes, they look almost identical.

And Oliza. So far, she seems to be the one who took the most from Amelia, who I now wish I had named Kiesha, seeing as the name of the series means “Children of Kiesha,” but whatever.

“Greetings, mortal! Partake in this yellow drink that so many children insist on selling and serve me!”

“I think I will! What a nice little girl.”

“You! She-human! Buy my liquid and serve me!”

“I’ll buy a cup if you’ll stop staring at me. It’s creepy.”


“What a strange child...”

“Lemonade’s good, though.”

Amelia and Rodney are still in love and their woohoo life is as good as ever.


Oh, right! I’ll butt out for once.


Meanwhile, I’ll come look at Zane, who just put Oliza to bed. He really is good-looking, apart from his big lips. Although, in this picture, they don’t make him look bad at all. I like him.

“Male parental unit, I come to give you the standard greeting of children as you return from your day of labor!”

“Aw, I love you too, sweetheart.”

And it is time for little Oliza’s birthday! Yay! Let’s see how she looks as a kid!

And she grows up doing the limbo.

“Pathetic sibling, becoming a child in such an embarrassing position! I laugh at her misfortune!”

During Oliza’s birthday, Zane was with another one of his girlfriends. I don’t remember this one’s name either, but since she has red hair, I’m going to call her Ginger.

And there’s Rodney in the background greeting a friend. ...Is...Is that Wardo?

“Oh, Zane, you’re so romantic!”

“Hey, man, it’s great to see you! Glad you walked by!”

“I stalked your wife once.”



And here’s Oliza. She’s pretty, even though she doesn’t really look it in this picture. The lighting is bad.

“I’m a princess!”

“I dislike you, pathetic sibling!”

“An A+! Excellent! The parental units will be pleased!”

“Goodbye, bus driver! Thank you for putting us all in danger by trying to race that black car with those two guys in it!”

Silly driver, you can’t outrace the Impala.

Looks like Amelia and Rodney are partaking in one of their favorite pastimes. You’d think at this point they’d have—Wait a minute. Amelia’s at work. What the...


No, no, no, no





And, of course, when Amelia gets home, they hop into bed together. Hey, Rodney, want to tell Amelia what you did?

Of course not. Have fun woohooing in your bed of lies.

“I’m telling you, I saw aliens! They were gray with big black eyes!”

“I’ve never even heard of aliens, Zane. I think you’re making up.”

“Silence, pathetic sibling! Let the elder one speak!”

“By the way, did I tell you I got maximum enthusiasm in Cuisine?”

“That’s great, Zane!”

“*sigh* Pathetic siblings.”

“We never play, Danica! We should go outside a play ball!”

“Oh, pathetic sibling, you’re as clueless as the rest of them.”

“I have a design, a plan. I may not qualify for heir this generation, but that matters not. Heir or not, I will execute my plan. I just need to put all the pieces together.”

“So...that’s a no, then?”

“Go away.”

“Gather around me, pathetic siblings! I am about to grow up!”

“We’re here! Stop shouting!”

“Bow to me!”

“Maybe later.”

“I’ve grown! Excellent!”

“Is that a caterpillar?”

And she’s gorgeous, of course. I’d love to have her as heir, but since the books are mostly about royals and the first-born are the heirs, Zane is heir.

“No matter. My plans shall be realized.”

...What exactly are your plans?



“Come, pathetic sibling—I mean, Zane, let me give you a hug.”

“Aw, thanks, Danica—Danica? Danica, you can let go now.”

“Your life essence is delicious.”

Finally too creeped out by Danica (and because she’s old enough to look after Oliza while their parents are at work), Zane called the cab to take him away.

“Must leave. Need space and woohoo.”

“Bye, Zane! Have fun at college!” Please, for the love of Plumbob, don’t leave me with her alone.

“Farewell, elder brother. Your presence is no longer needed.”

And with that, Zane left the family home.

And here is next generation’s spouse, Dagmar. After I get her genes in the family, I can start getting in some more variation, but she’s perfect. She’s beautiful, she has the genes I want, and her left eyelid is messing up.

Danica took it upon herself to greet Dagmar.

“My condolences, blonde one.”

“Uh...why’s that?”

“You have been promised to my idiot brother. You will live a life of pregnancies and lifetime wants and whatever else the creator wants from you. Eventually, you will die. All while married to my idiot brother. I pity you.”

“Uh, well, your bills. Bye.”

In the backyard, Amelia had taken her wyvern form. She had barely taken it since her children were born, but today, she was feeling somewhat nostalgic. After all, today was her birthday.

She looked at her house and thought back on all she had gained in her life.

“I thought I might find you back here.”

Amelia turned to see Rodney standing behind her. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m just feeling a little pensive today. I’m thinking back on how much my life has changed since I married you and had the kids.”

“Changed for the better, I hope,” Rodney said with the hint of a smile.

Amelia nodded. “Of course.”

“You’re nervous about growing older, aren’t you?”

“No...well, that’s not the only thing I’m afraid of...”

“Then, what? Amelia, what’s wrong?”

“I feel like I’ve lost a lot of myself. A lot of my past. This is the first time in a long time that I’ve taken this form. I’m not even sure the children know how to take theirs. They should know more about their heritage.”

“Their heritage?”

“Yes, their heritage! We’ve practically been hiding our forms from then! You’re avian and even I have never seen your wings!”

“Do you want to?”




Rodney looked into his wife’s eyes. It’s not that he was ashamed of his avian form. It’s just that there had never been any need to take it. But looking at her now, he could deny his wife her request.

He closed his eyes and as he did, two large black wings sprang from his back.

He opened his eyes to see his wife’s smile.

“So, did my wings live up to your expectations?”

Amelia gently cupped her fingers under his chin, still smiling. Rodney couldn’t help but smile back.


The two kissed each other tenderly, neither knowing where they’d be if they hadn’t found each other.

“I love you,” Rodney said breathlessly.

“I love you too,” Amelia replied.

Back in the house, Rodney whispered in Amelia’s ear, “Remember, no matter what happens, I love you and I will always think you’re beautiful.”

She smiled. “Thank you, dear.”

Amelia looked around at her family and looked back on all she had gained since the legacy began. She’d had a good adulthood. She hoped her good fortune continued into her elder years.

She allowed herself to grow up.

The first thing Amelia noticed was that her back hurt. A lot. “Oh, dear...that’s going to take some getting used to.”

After a makeover, it seems that Amelia hasn’t changed much in look. A wrinkle here or there, but really, the only things that have changed are her hair color and her posture. Also, Padme Amidala’s outfits work great for this legacy.

“I’m so glad we’re best friends, Oliza. You’re so lovely to talk to your old mother.”

“You’re awesome, Mom!”

And here’s Rodney, returning home from work on the day that he reached his lifetime want. That’s right! He’s Chief of Medicine! How’s it feel, Rodney?

“I need to pee.”

...Yeah, okay.

Time for Oliza’s birthday! I’m not sure if that’s Wardo over there watching or not. Let’s just say it is because he’s staring at Amelia in a very creepy manner.


After closer examination, it turns out that it wasn’t Wardo at all, which just makes it all the more creepy. And speaking of creepy, Danica’s eyes look really creepy in this picture.

“Foolish mortals...”

...Right. Anyway, SPARKLES~

And she’s gorgeous! She definitely has a lot of her mother in her, though I think she had a little more roundness in her face from Rodney. Also, she is rocking that jacket. She’s hot and she knows it.

“Damn straight.”

Seeing as Danica and Oliza are both teens now, it is time to send them off to school. Danica first.

“At last, it is time to leave this pathetic house and move one step closer to putting my plans into motion!”

“Bye, Danica! Have fun at school!” Finally, she’s leaving.

Don’t get too excited, Oliza. You’re going off to college too!


And as Oliza leaves in the taxi, the last of generation two leaves her childhood behind and takes a big step towards adulthood. Time for college! Yay.

As the last of their children leaves for college, Amelia and Rodney snuggled together under the stars.

“Do you think they’ll be okay, dear?” Rodney asked.

“Oh, I think they’ll be just fine,” Amelia said with a smile.

And here’s our heir, all grown up! Zane Shardae-Cobriana, 7/74/3/5, Romance/Popularity, majoring in Political Science, lifetime want to woohoo 20 Sims.

His lips are a lot more prominent now and it took me a few tries to get a hairstyle that suits him. A bit goofy-looking, but still cute.

“Come and get me, ladies!”

Our oldest spare, looking very snake-like, Danica Shardae-Cobriana, 7/10/9/3/3, Knowledge/Family, majoring in Psychology. Her lifetime want is to become an Education Minister.

She’s charismatic, mean, and wants an army of minions to teach her ways.

“This world will be under my control.”

And finally, our youngest spare Oliza Shardae-Cobriana, 7/7/8/3/3, Fortune/Popularity, majoring in Physics. Her lifetime want is to earn 100,000 simoleons.

She’s still pretty. Her cheekbones are very prominent now and she still looks a lot like her mother. Also, I gave her Rinoa’s outfit.

“Show me the money!”

And that is the end of chapter 2! I hope to update a little more frequently now. I’ve played up to generation 4 and I’ve got the chapters for them shot and broken up into folders. Until next time!

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