kirilian camera image gdv camera image€¦ · the gdv camera is based on kirlian photography...

Post on 09-Jun-2020






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The GDV camera is based on Kirlian photography

Kirilian camera image GDV camera image

• Launched in 1995 by Konstantin Korotkov,

Ph.D and a team of Russian scientists,

mathematicians and computer

programmers, funded by the Russian

Ministry of Sport

• Development continues today with a team

of 70 developers, many of them Ph. D’s

and led by Konstantin Korotkof

• Underlying database and analytical

programs are based on studies of over

20,000 human subjects

• Camera can also be used to measure

energetic properties of water samples,

crystals, soil and other materials

GDV Camera Development

How does it work?

1. Fingertip is placed on the

glass electrode

2. The glass electrode emits

a short, tiny pulse of

electricity creating an

electro magnetic field.

3. The electro magnetic field causes a release of free

electrons and photons (light particles) from the fingertip

4. The electro magnetic field causes the electrons and

photons to accelerate in the air around the fingertip,

which creates a “glow”

5. The “glow” is captured by a special camera under the

glass plate.

GDV image of a single fingertip

The researchers who developed the GDV camera

believe that the emission of the electrons and photons

from the fingertips are directly related to the flow of life

force energy throughout the body’s meridians, or

energetic channels. A vibrant and balanced glow around

the fingertip indicates a vibrant and balanced flow of life

force energy.

All 10 fingertips are captured

All 10 fingertips are scanned. Based on Traditional

Chinese Medicine, each “sector” of each finger is an

indication of the vitality and balance of flow of “qi”,

or energy, to the respective organ or system.

Each fingertip sector relates to an organ or system

Here is a close up of one finger tip, showing how each

sector of the “glow” relates to the flow of life force energy to

a specific organ or system.

2 set of scans are taken: with & without filter

1st set of scans: all 10 fingertips without filter (fingertips

touch the glass electrode directly)

2nd set of scans: all 10 fingertips with filter (a thin, plastic

film is placed on the glass electrode.

Fingertip is placed directly on

the glass plate

A thin, plastic filter is placed

between the fingertip and

glass plate

Scans with and without filter

Scans WITHOUT the filter gave a snapshot of how your

current emotional state is affecting the flow of subtle

energy throughout your being.

Scans WITH filter indicate your basic storehouse of

subtle energy and are not affected by your current

emotional state.

How the filter works: Emotional reactions (anger, fear,

stress, etc) can cause changes to our skin (perspiration,

pore size changes, etc). These skin changes influence

the amount of electrons/photons emitted, so they impact

the GDV scans. The filter greatly reduces this effect.

Scans are analyzed by the GDV software

Once all images are taken without and with filter, the

GDV software analyses the images and provides several

comprehensive reports on the state of your subtle

energy. These are two screenshots examples showing a

representation of the chakras and energetic biofield.

GDV representation of the biofield

Representation of the 7 major chakras

Representation of normal chakras

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