kracauer, history. the last things before the last

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HISTORYhe Last ings Before the Las



M Mku W Publ Pc

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Cpyt 19 y Oxr Unvrty Pes, c.Cpy < 15 fr e Pre by au O Krllr

t red  No r of is bk m b rodud or tnsmd i y fom o y y mn, ltrnc r, ung phtyng, c oi g r by ayrmat stae r i sys   ut  rmon o e cygh  owr.

For normon Mrk W ulr J r R ntn NJ

Ubra of Congres Caalg-iPulct Da

r Sie 89-166Hs: the l h bfor t t/iegf rCml af or' da Oar Kstll.Oin y pubh: w Yor Oxfor Unvy Ps 19Id bblhicn dxIBN 18760- HMo I Krlr Pal Ok

TleK8 14 9223

c0 CIP

Cv e y Cy iknCg Bkgr Pt f te nhn n 18 nyForgrund f Hr e g NremburFd ht o s of C me h (yptk, Mnh)

d n Unt Se f Ara on d- pr

to h Arn paprback tn

by Paul O Ksllr

Sid aae (1889-966)  was witt qn f h stftd, dtiv, and igna wits and inks f . Eah fhs aj bati od dvs sv ad hd ad hsad t a ad tm ads

K attdd h in hs nav Fankf ad did ahit s and In 920 h ga t wit f Zitn n h ladi la wsa i Ga 94-3 h w i hag f F n in ankfrad hn n Bn. Hi ivats idd w f ina adh a s Ka sbsnt wt ad bhd si Gn ad lat nish dba stdis f a av ad a nah n whir wk a is ignd  i its w itst sts ad ninans ansi wht-lla wk ws kd advn v Matsl whih gizd n h ana lab ad h atst as

 wh f hais At h sa aa wa aav tn ti m f h Intt Sial Rsah fank Uivsi ad a snal find f is d axki and Thd Ad wh aald and tagt and il sin f a ari nt f vw

n 93 aa d hi f Lili igad t an wh h



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spent eiht yea befor mong rmently to e Uted Sttes inApl, 941 Many felow refugees wth bacgounds sm o hs pur-sued academi ers but Kaauer ws hampered by a speeh deectat  pluded ecturng acves Kracauer worked for e StateDeprtment and lter for the Mum of Mode Art e ongenFoundaton and te Instut for Sil Reserh.

I met Kauer for te rst time rater cuy n is o of eFrauter Zetung when w a dotorl student o e hstory of pilophy at he Uversi of Heidelberg On e same csion I isitede Insute or Sal Reearch and bey met it recrs MHorkheimer and heodor Adorno bcame muh tter aquntedh Krcauer when I joined the Columbia ault duing e aaemi ye 939-40. The Institute for Soial Research s ireted by MxHorkheimer and heodor Adorno had rlcated from ranurt to New

York and come oited th Coumbia Uiversty where it upiedan o om 193 t 945 mainiing cle relaonshps wit oerColumba deparments and with nsttutes s wel he Unionolol emny. uring hs entire peiod racauer was a faulymember of he Instute The nstute's meengs at which pa on avey of subec were read and dsussed were atended by manyolumba facuty members I w invtd to attend the weely meenand prsented one paper mysef n due me. Hee Krauer met ocooss Paul Lzsfeld and Robert Mern ad it ws here that Ienewed my acquantance w Kracauer and it became a close peronlfendship

In 19 Kraauer began o work a revewer d cnsutnt for teBoingen oundton, an endwed nstuon whse dreto wereiuenced by the psychoanast rl C. Jung and so by Weste ulr radio o lsial, medievl and erly mode phosophy is-t phlolo and aui dcpne I have gd eson to ume hatKracauer in capaty s a coultnt of te Boingen ondaon wasstrmen n gng appoval for a 9 grnt appcaon I made to he


olngen Foundaon to pubish te rst vome of my Iter talim: AFing L of Uncataogud o noply Caaogd HumnitiMnuscpts o th Rnasn in in n O ib (93).

Later h yr rcuer mself began to work on a bk on hsto andequently csuled wi me on s project He kept in loe touch witme unilhdeat in 9 here w hardly a wee during wic we didnot engage in lengty sholarly onversaons at hs or my home or atsome  ofehouse o r res turant neby o r by telephone. ddt gladlybaue I had he ighest respect or him a wter and thnkr

Kraauer fully reazed tat ths boo ws unchared erro for himconceed wth stoial serh raer an wi he sa soioloc tera o ar isorial probems tat he had teated inh erierwork He told me repeatedly f hs concern at his le friendhip wiTheodor Adorno might be adversely aetd by te new turn ten in

bok and becaue he had abandoned isses at were of major interst toAoo

he Kracauer ed on ovember 26, 966, he b about histow unshed O the pjeted eight chapters hapters one to ourseven and he st half o hapter ve were praccaly complete in manusript fo and requred only few minor hanges or te second halfof chpter ve, and for haptrs six and ight Kracauer had wrtten somedrft or syopses at wee qute readable but n need o creful eng.

At e request of Li Kraauer and te edtors of Oford Unversiress, I agreed to edt te manusript for pubcaon I went over tecompleted hapter d made only minor changes he unnished hap

ters requed ar more etensive edtoria ntervenon I added a befoword and an epiloge and resed he footnotes and bibiography Thebk ws publshed by Ofod Unversty Press in ew York in 969,

three yeas ter Kracaue deathAfter s dea t, Kraauer's friends, sples and admirer donated is

 papes and correspondene t te Dth itethiv in Mabahwhere ey have been reaily accessble to inerested sholr

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Dung t followng dead Kraaus reuttion nd fam swrier and in ker edily grw, boh in Germany and in un. One oaon of e entena of his b, in 1989, te in

Mbach mounted documeny ebon of i pubicons rsonl papr nd hotogahs thu ilstrng nd cbrn g his lfe nd tought The xibion attractd many vsitor nd trvd to oterGean i At t nie of Peors rk Andson andAdrea uyen he exbion lso cme to Coumbia Uivesiy inMarch 990, ad a ympoium on Krauer' life and wrk w ogan zd in onjuncon w s ibion he spakers incldd Lowenthal who had known Krcuer peonaly he pper of h speh wr ntd in a ia iue on Segfrid Krauer of e NeGrn q No 54 Fal199, whih contan ao a elective ib-y by Thoma Len

Wi I  les ed wth disove of Kracuer by a new gene-an f  scholars I se a of roblem in tir emt o adu

 th ing wrng and chracter of ra to ti own eori Esplly dimang to i new gnrtion of schol is the noon atKrcuer adopted ome of ide from outid the ranfu Schoo lst work showed parcuarly cl� ergen from the ioocaaproh of t rafu hol

wo pape wih deal eicy wh Kraur lat k on sore nuded n e pcal ue on Siegred Kracuer o th Grn q o 5 ll9: Gertrud Kohs "x Memoy, ndImage in Kae onceton of Histo (pp 99) and IkaMldrBah Hito utoiography he at Tng bfo et pp.317 Thy neier summarize th   nor indict that i

 onnt fundamntl ly dier from i earer \iting. The ftnot e ony b and e unknow to Krcauer and rr to Kraureaier boos as if the bo n hstor wre in complte greement wihhm hy so fl to indate at rcuer, in he otot nd bibl-oahy of k, cite for te mot a socl philologia and


 pilosophl ure, never menion earr wting and vy sel-dom refer t  te ooogs t pdomina in eier wor ndworst of  tey imly and evn tat lat itoy wa no his mor one An deute solly intaion of Krcuer' last wok is yeto wtten

This new etion of aar mont lst ook whch hs benincessibl fr my yer ma e work vilble fo nw gn-eron of reders and eve a b or a new ad me deua inr-


Coumba nstyJun 99

ul ka Kitellr

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Whn Sgfrid raaur dd n Nvmb 26 196 ends w not ony grvd y sddn dsperanc, t nd aot h f of e k n sty that had

 n hs an roun dun s last yas ad hat unisd at the e of s da. It ws evdent o nvrsan and f scons of nt w h rsnd t sted drs and to dusn sor uhd a sat cs hat raar ad pnt n to say on sjt o hstoy; ad snc h t suct rar at and dd not da hwth n al w, h ok on stoy pesnts nw at acar's tgt and tho t our aran ad udtandng of h an d thn wodra pt Hn t as e t fo s

fnds nd sats whn y d at ost of tat of k had n wrtten Ka for dd, and at r s stons hat wr nsd  ad ft dtad sss at uent to tgps and t undrstand th dcton o h ht Wa a st gratu o Ms Lil raaur an t Oxfd Unvsy Prs e ar y a ta to r-


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x R

inn and I tend to agr h to stn to e pacticng hstorians, to Rane and Huzinga and espciay oBckadt to Doysn and Maou Prnn and Boc tot£eld, Kaegi, te, and Kul Krau a encc and a good qut, ut n bot ccis and appova heis gidd by h o ight H mastly itq of Croe'spesnt ntt y o htoy as me o moe mly,as is criqu of Nish or o "h crent inaaonwith social histor  And som o hs sg nigts shoudve ise to much fu thogh nd stdy The histoy ofidas a toy o misnerstandings . th assumponshad by Maxs and non-Maxts ak, at th estabhment o a stat of edom matia want w in du m bnet h hman conditon as such is ch in natue of

g Te ects o socal rangemns o ends e at opaqu.  Wen racaue mpaes t ito to a sigee, or ps o e toia of t x, nets om hs on proa xrinc And wn

 he stats tha uth is o and ao time h proida y for ndrstanding the hory of phosophy and tel -letu toy as a ad undrtaking

On svrl mportant issus, Kacau hsitats to g adeve suon ut rathe omuates a pom and lays e god o tought h dscepcy btengn ad specal ito or as h cal i mao and mo

 isto rprents seo dlemma Kue sms to tat e rsts o spcia sach ae so mplicaed and sorsistant to gnrazation hat mos o hm must igord

 by e genel hstoian I nd to be sghy mo hopful ando elie at te resut o spca esch at som apseo im, wll pnetat t gnra stoi, and at h di-


si o conactoy da  be hnded in trm of mparai ad uaed statemnts.

noth basi dimma that Kacaue forfuy prset utdo not rsolve s at bn cronological e ad

"shapd e, o bewen the gneral sequce o a evnocung at a given peo, nd t spcc sequncs pca one pric o aon Aga I shoud d to

 be mor opmi d y to lay t he ses on te puaism ofcral hsto he manang the con o uirsal stoy at last as a guiv da n e Kanansns

racaus usal to fomulate a yst also as h elcomslt hat hs oo s a l agmnty an migh haven epctd om stat in hic h let it Each pte,

each paragp, and en ach sntnce ave a substanc nd o ei own qute apat om te pla tey occpyn the oo as a hol.H nodon stte how Kauecame ntetd i te sjt o hto, and e pla is book ocpis in ation o r os Th rst andscon capt dal wi th sas o histoy as mpared wi e naa scincs The tird capte ontans a rqu ofte "prsnt teest toy o isoy. Chapter istan's Jouy stesss e ncretenss of hstoa entsand ssss he queson to ha tnt e storian cn ovrm   on subecv approach Chapte , Stucte

o e Horcal Urs sss dlmma bwengenral and spcia story. apt 6 Aasurus, o idd o im, is pmaly dotd to t dlma ofchronologa and "shaped tm Chaptr G� na Htoryand the Asthtic ppoach has bn pubhed and dalsw t eaon en hs  toy and e as h last chap

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t "Th Anroom scusss h laion bw hioyand phosophy sssin day chaate f hstoy.

I a rafl fo ha b as o add a fw s o aook hat hdly nds m F he  boo od much o

 what I hav admd mo in aau a a man h  wir raar was on of mo cvzd psons I  havvr ow ndowd wih an unfalig s of wha snun and wha i fas h wod n hh w v and ih ados a bid H as bn abl o buld hs ow word by ln om these adon wha h fonvald and onnal. I pofoundly ar wi h pr o o whc al of h wor was wn. I admr hi xpi andins and h pon h wa abl o v o I flha vyhn Kacau say f o a wold ha s rao hs wod whh i paly y on and whh I hould io bem y own Evyn ay and wr a pcosimony of h ugt and of his if, and of a wold any-hin b pf h h pincd sd and madH cas a ma whc I hop downd by shri sloan of ou day bu n ad a loas h wsdom an wlh of ou ion old and alwaysnw ran mann o hos o rad and ok and o iv and a acordanc \ h in

Nw Yor Coua Unvry

uus 1968

Pal Os lr

Whn auho of s oo died i 1g  h had aady -pl vualy nal fom haps On wo Foh s hlf of hap Five, and hapr Svn The  la-

od was publshd in Poetik und Huk M-n 96 or sond half of hap v h had lf asynopi and an oui. or hap Si t s a synopisand h ssay Tm toy, publhd in: Zeugns.Thdr W d Gebug, aM 963; and i Thoy, Bhf Mddownonn !6 Synops d ssy had  b d or haprih aho lf a synopss a  ws ss d sompla

auo' nopss for h unpld hap con-

a h ba das as wll a ndcon of quoao obe d ino h h na e rern heonn of e quoaon and e ac plac of hrnon s had o b ad A le nmr of le ads  w impoa aal onann hoh and omn of h auho ha o a can xn hav b wovn o I prpar h ynop o

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nhd aptr ad rlatd matra  pubo t wans to rod ng d d pra, to and ofn to traa qotos fom otr o as a to dcd bt\n drnt vro of t am paag.

B t doa co, tx rma a th orlt t







t rt



T tor Aroa

t Itt

Htora' Joy

 of torca Unrs

Ar or t Rdd o

Gr tor d tt proac














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T1e ncien histoins usd o efe eir htoes by shoutobogcl staemen- tey wed mmely tonform he reer of the lon in me n soe, pt f w y wu subsequenly se uto ro e st Folowng mle I gt s well menion tht reenly I sueny ovee my erest n

 hisoyc egn to sset telf but yr go nwhh I h iero belee o b kine by te imt our cneoy iuon on y mntuly grew ouof e ies I e to lemn y Ty f Flm nnng  htoy I jus onu o ng e sfes n t boo An te e I  h no been ware o but rr ssu ws ovg o goun t ing uon wc h ke e uneir sel fo oo ong te. One   ce ht Itlly be bsorbe so no cuse wexreous o my rwnout vous onens u becuse ebl m y o uc er e wh I  h houghbfo I  rlze n sh e ny exstng s eeen htoy n � hoorhc e stoc rey n

The Inoduon   Jnu Fb .


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carareai. Laly ass y pic o "Poogapyad was mpletely amaz at oicg hat ad copardstorism wit phooapy aray i this rle of th 'twets Had I b suck with blidss up to ts om?

Sge power of sbcios wich ps hd o yo what is so obv o ad ystlcea wh n it venayra islf This discovey mad m fl happy for wo rasons: t nexpctly oed te lgiimay ad e ecss of my hisorial psui and by e sam tok it juse,in y ow ys an fter v, e ys spn oTy f F his boo o whih a always oncivd asan aesecs of potograpic mdia, not less and notmore, now tha I av pera th vel a velops onesos nma evos appeas o m n i e ight saothe atpt of e o brg o th siganc o arwos cai to be acowleged i h ow igt s o y

 be rcogized. I say anothr attempt becase his wswa ad ied to do hoghou my lf-i sepeaps Gse an tly o at longlas l my ain ors so inornt on e sfac fall intolne-y al av srved ad con to serv a singl prpos rebtao of objcties ad mods of being whis k a ame a h e ovooke or msjg e

 hap is ls ue of toy ha of poogapy; yet hisoyoo mrs a bet of te mid ad ines a gion of a

wch dsp a hat has bn witn abo thm are sillargly r cI  g r to two or ee rason whic ve ieasingy

promptd e to mak isoy h cntr of pocupaonsThere is, rs, dsre to arri a a bttr undrsadig ofe issus h wch w a facd by sdying sc prios ofh ps as av uergone roughly sml eeieces rue


owldg of wha as happed en oes ot te u ayhg abo our ow prospec b it wi a last able toloo at e ntpory scn fro a distce �     s ph(og)!p4y ha t aong oer ings, a ens

of aino_o exep k an s tha lieraly evas te airwe brat- oros xasio of or pysica an mal iromt t bcoms dicult ot to tink in globarms; d the visio of e whol of hmi has cs o bea lo sion B as t world sringar w ot vrlybquitos-i so eds byond contol Ected om orfamiar suogs, w r st ito open space wemay raditioa ews a csary pocdurs o lograpply he eung uciy abo h sap of hngs th oses to foow is sl iesed y h cubg of partof o idasystem I a ng n picl of e oss ofcodec i he inhernty progessve nau of scc whchas ome as a bow to t cu spporters of h idea ofpogrss a wipr g of powessss o abndoe And as he eeisc era whe paoal sy

 ylded o osmopoa cofsio t s fling o bing ost  nhare an iical epanss sees o wo wo ways I bre s trus of eooges gneral ts sseg the spley cas ovr us ovesly i ss many premably majort of popl to scram for te shltr of a iyig a

comfortig befRgious igatio and heological spuao i he Hlnze verse opne p spiitl ims wc e a

 bt nacessbl o o ma Do we v pire to emather, w are confoe wit a task whc late aiuity coldno yt enisio; d o our tnoogl knowow, w aqippd an therfoe ommit, to t to prov th at

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rial codiion uder whch mot of mkd l lving In-denaly th amptio ha y Mrts ad noarxstsal hat e ethmt of a stte of feedom fom mterawat wl i du tme beet the ha codition a sch is

mu n e at of whfl hnkg Cltrl deman adpl leanigs may evapoat hy ar tmpoary put i bracets or tken ce of a facle wy to sit te asses(erhap he atn of mode tought wch show tasumpto the prie we have to pay fo ou nscapablebopon e ocioeconoc aspect of huma as?)

Th seond reason for my peocupio wth hito is aboutthe reve of th t: fa fom relating o pesentdy sses, itmut e traed to a compsoate tertn atqa in-tee


, a it weren eta moent of he pat They ae beckong m ik Proust's holy tes that eemed to mpat a

message th (I ometme woder whethr advac agedoe not inease our scepbiy to th peech plea o edea; the oder o grow h mo h i  bod to rze aths fuure is the futre of th pastistoy

Roghly speakig my ierest ie wth the cent sate ofgat ideologia moemnt that peod whe thy wee ot yet stttonalized bt tl ompeted w oth idas f o su-pemacy d it cete ot so much o he cou folowed y imhat dlogi n e poces as on th ses dpt t he ime of her emegence I houd ee ay that t

revoes pimay arond the disputs hemelves, th thmphss o ho posibie wch hstoy  dd not ee t toxploe

Thi teest i timatey oected with a exerce whchMarx oce pithl pitomied whe he decared tt he hmfwas o Mast I there any uetl thk wo woud nothve to potect h thoghts om what h oloweso hi


enees, fo hat mattrmae of tem Evey ida cos-ened tteed and dstorted on ts way rough te word hewod whch ta possess�o

   of it doe o

�cc r


g to its owht and eds. On a S1o becoms a st1t


cod of

ut ge abot it blig t cotos and cot hehitoy of idea a stoy of msderstndigs Othewied, n ida reee its tgy and fues oly aslong t laks te of a widly sanconed beief Pehap h perod of it cepon i most anpaet to the that whch t aims n e idt of doubt.

Oe mght ague hee that hitoy do not know chcaeur hat acy t cotoery goe o ft a idea, orwhat emais of it ha gaed acedcy As a mattr of facte adio of ay rug done s a stoy of o at-

tempt to djust it however precarioy to cntempora demnd, eerchgig uaions And he attempt at ritepron may ad far away f t o dogma i

 meagt hrey and cooon But eve o h intia phas of accepted dea appars to have a sgicane of t own whchstiguih it from al bunt phse Wre t owis,the htory of may powef eef would not compie eotwhich tnd to sfy the conrn wit he me of its bith eyiy sprg from the vcio tht he domant reed ofhe epoch has ee opted by artions miepoad abuse whih together oce it preciou ore Ad t is

gal that ti vew shold ide a der o ndo juiouswor of diton nd rehatat hat ed i its vg py


From t opted tte whch t ll bt recognizable

eyes tun back towad yet uspoied ogins. A case n poin


is Luthe His devlopment aso hows tat t ret tothe

ouce s ometims tntamout to a feh departue e   -

 tore eaing himelf s an novator. -�

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Be his s i  my I l imesely ttcted by the ers whch peceed te  nal e sta he nt of Chianit in the GeoRomn d th Rm, h Communst ovemnt efsnto ey exert o me must e d to my ch tht tey

c essge s mr tnt d esve s tht of the teeswh oed Post's cosso nd wht woud te mesag b? One thng ain: t does not gu ong eo nte ndng ses of hose es u is hdden wy in titestces; t  luks fo nste, ehnd e dete  etweenCeus nd Ogen or e reos sutes ween Cocsnd eformes. ts  lain s sggestve of s ontet. h  messge I hav n mnd conns the posst tht one of thecotenng cuses s st wod n lt sues t stketht ee s on ny a y of g nd vngwc we uld ony foow i ld  pri us to thogh e uses d s to dso of tm-a w wh of ette wod o wod t all y e cld he We Jeg udes to t whn dcusig te dee fo

 muual e eatio eween· Geek ulu nd Chrn fthin h snd cn AD.: "oth sdes ust nall hav cm toecogn tht . an ute n ested etween hmnd mmn  oe of idas, so sensve ke asSntyan dd ot heste to c 'hmii . " Ata ot sdes fed cee tht te umnst  unit.Nee I epsy mnn tt te possbt of t reen tse

a e�ry junu of the ontroesy whc thds te hiialces The e awys hls i the wa ll f us t ede dh  a l to sp n Yet even tough h  messge of hhe s vruy omrsent t crtny d ot a antin wth equ urgeny all te im No dot ths  mssag,

wh o n  pati u lr  y g nd dente in ers h reveete ih  t ang of  mmt

O 9

de t tey i hih te ngng anagniss r engedto sk te fndment ueston ed of hng tak o ht sm om nded down y aon.

Te ge of Esms who  lid ong t tgonsts of

suc e wthot blngng to te ilua ost of wht s ee sad just now so strkng a nn tha I otresst h tpton to n a few re out Tya  sed on he aumpn ha h cme s se s ws oss  le in is siain to deetng wy of g  f e  md lgc l sains; ht n tt he d nd ws hd  ng o e hune

smus nee ted f sprading e messge of i Hi itos of the Geek New estment and te Fas s w s hsg d th er cnsn c to kd L uors larl id to dese  vive hegin simlt e histian dct d to a tnce e med nto comny of t ans Hi saton  mons nd h rrpon of t cey n ui pr han hi dends  fr Church ef  m n e si of Chrstn humam o dd h ai mi an opponit t ze hs des out te e ondton f e, e gr of the pinc s, nd oe secur rs s nd  l m wth ial is cnng vews hose often fr-sgted mode owd h to hd gmtzd Csn otoo H orred voence nd

syted ith te  cmn ma, he se sou A ths the o nt mo s kew hey o ew ht he ws ot to kesdes d shuned  lt decsons Ad uld not he

 ning ha h ny eject he  psin d h m  y pes d gs (he sto opnon tht he dd so out of hse s ind is mdl a f slp nng.)

he conon t Ess d u lke onment fo

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vryby to s wld sm t b navidable. Howvr, tsge hg i at pite f upoees he was teost elusive f me "Noody en peged fnd ofh frmlated, "t l int th ht of asm ad yet it

fll of elquen men clleg to e ntrprte udgng rom hevidnce, th psylgic aep of rms related to thebild f h md a sign way It hod rfor beposbe to t t divere aspet f i ge t a hyoe-cl cmon srce. S n tempt may not ord ight tte heart f rs bt it wl t est rva omething btthe frs t shapd it cnten w bo personal ang and the tlta psits f rasmus de in sggt-ing that he wa pssessed with t fr f all tt i deityxed T stt th se in tem ivlving hi spiitu elf he

wa esenaly movated by te nvcn at the r est be tre s oon i oes a dog ths fofetng thaigity wh mk it as uth. His fearo should I say hisnsa f perfect edcy?reetd s nitn; aspirtual ratr tan a pycgal fear it was rgly idnwit the mytl san h wh has been peatedy ephased te tratre

Evryting fal nto a ptt one y hi f s fer asth prie v beind e cene F on thg variou sm-ingly nreatd ponly tr f Ers nd eir natul

epanatin i it ng It ae one nded disustf pilspic spulaion nd his wingnes to pipte eog diputatins bnd hey we to un into amdly f tgorial assrton It accunts for h ginedegnan to ny bding mmitments and his skep attitde towrd lgd sotons f certai elou probewhich he obs on om oin, had bettr be pt

lD 11

the tim when "w shll ee God face t face And t narallyws at the o of haed f e ablte ssrdes inwch Lhe idlgduter whose to e Bi ndght gt he buses in he Chuh Erasmus ungy

apvd at the rk of gting nreasgly ntngled in polem whih inomdd m grealyMe deive, hs fer f he d ls exp e pion

whch hi Christ hm was to ocpy ang te mpg idoogies f he prid o be re asms -pioned a cuse in e ee at he ed at eiu egena-n nd ocial provemnts t sin h aerin to forlsnd rp wih tei cngaed cntents prmpd him to kephi idea to spek, id t, tey d not, and ouldnot jell into an instnalzed pr fm te ott e pl was in th itrc bewn t Cahlc doine,

s eslhed y d and he hrdng creeds f erefmes One igt even asse tt rsm wld haveavowd, ed n lng cgzd, his own mssagehad i cnfrontd im in e guise f one of ese belfs theiho n te mses ws bogt at pri e was not wllg topay cause ws preciey t pt nd to the htcas

ris allmportt ipctns fr e way whih wrld rpndd to m e versal fae he apidlyw indits tat at lt sme f his ides and ndavrs

iga theslves h pepe at ge t t enion isce on the Spiitlst he paish ysics and aterdays enlgtned 18nty incs paty iundetndngs h ld the theola b t e orcf Chtanity sprd th gospel of manim and nurgedflr irry prsn t nnt be douted ther tat isoncn for a bee ociety hs elef perfetlty hroug

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prudene nd much esse. Yet despie he fact he peda mde ue or what ooked to e word a suh, rmuwa e oppose of a ompromser Hs eor to bring theiener back o the fold and ipress upon te Churh he

need for reform d not reu from opporuitic, baicayanUopan consderaions bu conversely amouted to an utterl ncompromising aept to remove he use at pe-vented he aival of peae topan vone nd hoewho c to e mdde of e road on e goud at ecalouy bea manind b ing to perpeuae a ste of m-pefecon n e case of rasmus the mdde way wa thedrect road o opathe way o e humane t no byade a be was he fend o Thomas More

That most of onempoes shoud gnore an approawhch woud have ot all t meaning t had becme a caueay in te nae of hings e queson wheer rasmushmsef reaied where e way he followed wold lead hi. Hsmesage poine ino an abys: did he fahom ts deps? In oneof hs Colquies he useb protagois exto the di-ve power movg such anen auhors as Cero or Pluarchd en propoe tat perhap te pirt of Cht   moewdespread ha we undersad It s te vey ought oEramus wch Esebi us epiomize akig hs ce fromthe aoogits ad he revered Oigen, Eramu hed at thepagan sages o were ped b divne revelaion nd tha

beue of e radint maion of te Lgo i JesCht, Ch wa te coation o te bet of an-u i eenson of Caiy nto te tua goa of aworthy nontin trvins peited him o ronie hsdeotin to an Socates" wit hs fa n nubtanonand o protest te Chran quaiy of h hmansc conernHe oneived f he umaneess to whi he aspire as anoutgow of Crian be


For a ta we kow mgh we be e woe story Buis t Noe at Erasu was reorey as iscrabe as he waoupoken There mut have bee ig he eft unsadperhaps hng too gerou to be reveed o vente a

gues a what forever reain see t no enelymprobable tha pondring h road and s desiationErasmus arrived a concusons which o ed h wh ightha be preferred to o em awa h hear He ma (ormay not) have med that i te ast al he amed atsomeig beond e pae of Chriiay; a, ought to eend ue deig was one for all o wek e wal of edauses with thei dogas and nsiiona arrangemens for eake of that ulae iy" wi he ae mean ad tw

old ewh egend ha i at tee st i eery geneaon tht jut men who phold e ld Wout thepreen e worl woud be deoyed and peh et nobdkows em nor do tey emeves ow at t s beaue ofter peene at the word s aed rom oom he imposibe ue for thee hdden u oneare here really as any ats i evy generaoneems o me one of te osexcing advenure on whh history ebr

Soud he eader expect the oregog obseaions to beiplemened by htocal sudes proper I a afrad he wilfee dsappoined by e seel o ke e auhor o

Sd I am suk h dcultie and reon whch, methocay saing, prde he birh of m hero. In fac phaps e maor eason for m rccupaon w ho s anrge o nd ou moe abou te constuon and gcane othis onovesial branch of nowledge Ha htory become asien ater aig ancpated ef, halfheartedly a itwere om the doon of eapysial specuaion and heologic dogma lai o be a ien b no mes on

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te. No t be said to be an art eve thogh t esat of ltey gee And of o t not a te ofesost oon ete to, we ow t tody leoewhee betee the dmesos eed b hese it

ad efeees It elogs o eedy ea Howeve f o beg owledged as h Taonhat o hought bld to ts estee Eea e se apoah ad the hosohl obsesson wt lttess ted to dstot the oble volved hsto xloto n te ollong I sll to set soe o se obes-fo stace the ates of "stoa el theelatos bewee the eset ad the t e elatos bewe hstoes o dieet evels of geel he qeso sto whehe the dg sbjevt of hsto wgs ot aed tself et esetve whh doe je to

the el ae My gol n dong so s to establh theteeda ae o to s a ea n s ow ghtthat oovso sgt no te st g befoe he last


oe hstooah has ese eated tselfw geat ue t oseble sto e odhlosohoeogl eltos o the (lleged) eg

of e total hstol es Bt what ot ts eltos to eees oe? To ose ths eso eas to se a eeble sene wh rea e Ge 19tenty hsoa to wge w o wo fot: st e had hlheatedy to theseve of Hegelan etahss ad ngred theologa eonons the ed agt Coe'sd Bke' attet to eevte sto to he r o ee Reebe so Dlthe' eseveg tl heo rto vdte ths ntse tttde b tg to theGeteswiseschafen s he the l o stol s

ees a deent nne o oa o tht of theNatur-

wehf: the foe se to destad hstoale wheeas the latte fo o e w t o atuese2 He hoght of hsef s e Kt o hsto; sese he ws the hloohe of hsto Yet eve ough hsd exeted odele ene he dd ot seed settg e sue at sae. No o ose d Rket, whose foal

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ieniation bwen the ndiidualzn vaereated histor-icl tod and he geaz valuef snc hodfaintly hos Diy's ore cusiv, mo ubtv -sih3 Rath, the dbat on whehr or no hstoy shold b

nidrd a scnc nnus to he prfessiona jouaad sti far from subsiding4 he ous it s tkng utha hee is an otsoken endncy toda toward biging hitoriogaphy ino h fold of he exat sciences Ehortations tothis ect come fom ange quas: Val plound byhe transparncy and enines of senc eod bae genera hisorians for unritcay pding fom nfusdassupions and eques them o set forth their ios andpostates wih a naual ienis's accray0 hat his ounssfa io in th exiting preferene a e infrred frommuch of ontmpoa hy and pra Thus Pfsor

Hans Momsen i a 9 6 tatment on horal mtod de-cars tat ithey and iker we rong in pacin a emphas on h hsoris concen h he dvdual thenique. Their thss is no long vad says h baus i fails todo justi to ctain silariis betwn hitoric ad scenpcedues Hisorans do se up ps do resort o naa-ons; and li th sientt hy too seek to ver so work-ng hypohsis or oe6 Ths edenions eec and ack-nowe, an au hang n ion of hioca psuitin Word War Mr Bloh onened aout th ft

of his raft, epresed he hope at ou

c da

ecwod outgrow m a r,ee bed lgend and hetori and beoe an eeoe le 7 Is hiory goin his way? A any rate, thetiehoored genre of h naraive is osng it attraiveesswi anayia acout asue a pominn olea if ofinters which oneivably bene he upse of sdie in


socil o Whver its ason, is fom on oant om dcpon to hec qiry tes pa itlcu cimate cducve o t The pes of scn such at aot but sntn he nd eisioned by o

and lr ide I maine many a hsto o su omit fengs bca of the hyrid naur of his im ood ot the pictr, I igh wl mntion at ome ded-cad social scinsts and anhopooists baskg ha pe-ge fw on tradona histoiography with a t of ntep and codescenion which s otiht iariou One ofh a th wi of hisoy . as i has ben pracup te pesent a smaiona acvi and uhesitatingy copares hose enaed in it with the "bads of les-dveoped ppl. 8 t woud b diclt o b ore inoanof wt ake hsoias ti. here yo hav Snows "wo l-

re he erary may iss the ne pots of nuclear physicsbu t oppost nb fly ath h on th cor

Obiousy the chans for bds to dvelop into scienstwoud appeby ncrse i cold be show haais governed by aw hat ba on he onhips b-wn epeaae emens of hsoicl eay Noe hat er w ud in a loe sens it covers boh aasen lws whi nabl us to m pdctons andhe 1aws aspied to by sciences, sch as psycology, econo-

is t soia ciens and anthopoo, which aogete in-e nto various aspect of han nat human conduThe aws of thse socad "bhaviora sciences genericne whch i raher isadinar a most appoations o ·

the nata ws propr Thy apply o pat of vent whihmay o may o perpet temseve; and thir ineren at ty hod sway over he ftue is hadly more han a p

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tense. Bt rom the agle of hisorogaphy te natura andbhavoral scens can ves b lumpd togr bcaus lattr, too sac for, and onut, (smigy) in-arat similaie. o t havoa scencs wos

mateal oraps tat of isto deaby yld a wa of"laws volng hsoicay siant dataa fact feuntylustated by rerence to t statal regaes i socallf9 Smal wondr hat teir ndigs shld be pt to good us historcal tngs lb Mury was aready extoling tempoace of anthopoo for e hitoy of Grek ion ata wen any of hs coeagues s refued to oo beyond

•t pal of aditoal lasica scolarsp0 In e more ecntpast depth psycholo assets tse as a major poider. Namirssts that human cnduct c be adequately interpetd olyin psychoanay cl tems 11 E R Dodds suggests tat t

Geks of Hele a mbraced astal detenis ouof an conos fear of feedom haunng m after t losof t os2 No shoud t b fogoten that c h days ofMa Weber boundaris tat separat sto from soiologhave bem more id t i not oly e htoians who borro om scal sen bt so sen on heipar ocsonay rad h isoias terto as promptd bya dsr to mak t a dpndency of eis

To l appeaancs, ten storca ral abounds w rgaities silar to tose tat ae up e uerse of e natua

scnces codingly uman aas mus be assumed to fall It uo c l v ul on: n m bv' y bo co cut B f t bj i f nt b co Rt t l h blm w th wolo y qly ml t tmt l l l. An n pl nl nl l g nvnn bj o cn ktc


agely to ram of u or an xtsion of i Onpicp su a fuson may aso mateaiz er w

rond may imag to paa of man's htor possty as foud a powrful support in Mar e

cones of as a product and foc of na; nd hdnes sto a dialcal pross n t us of wiman hrough his labors not oly domcates natue ousidehm t adusg t to h pposs canges s w naueh wat and ow o s estn.1 Thus naure s se mong samns ging way to i bcoing n ti Of lat, anattempt a bn made to underpn s idea scncallyProfessor vo Wisacr eman teoreical physstand phlosopher agues tat t folows conusely from thsecond law of modynamcs n argumnt oughih suspect to eed te potnta ang of a sictly phy

ca w. But b is s t may h proposton of ture's htor is praccally nggbl anyway Marx se endorsest oy piay; wh h odnt tat natu mafet ma s ubect to histoical hnge, h sems to asign to rnae, tre about a noalcca, indpdt stuand, n coquence (av) uncangabily1 And vezsar esimats eectany of th itord -mos at oer a drd bion yeas 18 we may rst asred ttnatural causes w contu to produe ei predted eectsfo n ndeternte tm

Te upot s at naue f i anges at a� does so at airedily slow pac And ndd i man no deeply embeddd ? Geogapy and climate pysologica p and amaldrivs combine to detemne hs conduct0 Th ipact of tese I un t ' eu lz by n h ow y p ntn n t oc o T m ntu g nnlly m on ml n

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e coicide n fmng the bakound f soa xs-tce Wheher letovers om bygone days f tement dnpaon sedmn aangem prereqite t goingpurt, ey tn for grnted rater focused pon

and ate s nve ses In addo si

n enormous siva capay wch we much t he aenpad to them and to he cnditig pwr ey develp tepcss0 Tese relavely sod tes gr on a moreqid sbsance: te was d ow of pnns Constantybadied abut the opns hat the a shd not be e-

pectd rigidy t eect te donant teests ad idelogs ofthe mmet. Tey are based o heasay and a chereneinetably s at a e ke os when authentic nwledge isceasngly dult to ob and aun favors a arg m-gi fr choc. he run f em cves impesss asg

rm cosco prefereces and sg md (whc haveee fquentl mapulated hug) h tm "ciat fpnon appily cootes h taily f pnons and terresmbnc t the weae n peods f css tey maycoalce, gather sg nd generate movments nd decsions of cseqentc chnge beg rugtabot y a medey of seen and esee d e di fcofued noons Pato aad f ese gales advsd poso-pherst sand asde nd selr f a wa a stom and blstf dus ad seet 2 Bt ae hee not stos which clea eair f louds ad dut?

In sum sce fl of een which dey cono becausetey appen t c in he dmly t region whee mntal itensity is eded to eo is is cmed by he mmonplaceperience tha socet as if mving unde s w pwe, metamophos eveytng tat get nehd i s nes t swalowup al ideas fed int it and, in adapng em t i aculate


need oten cmpletely distrts her gia meangs S-alyacons digned to alter the giv state of aas ae sorietd by e mplex frces peave ciey that ha es have itle commo wth the nee et.

c·qeve cmpr ei cse toug h c wd thhe pa of a te that avel by te oposite acn of tw and he cord 21_the wid bwng fom sociey, he ddentng e vin behnd the acns Drawn om u on-tats wi pysial reay t metapors o wd and tsuggest that e md powerless t teere wih sa peses and a acdingly hese pcesses bey aws wicannot e mpeed wi �e scial niverse wt its nea-stabe ctoms ad volale opios, is smal grups andases wuld seem t al nde e rule of natr n oewds it s possble and legiimate, t brea dow te pe

ma at mae up this uverse int repeatable elements andanalz ntelanships ad nteracions for ga-tisI sdyg scial scue ad soial cange, e ito-ia's conces t a large etent coinide th he pcpa-o of e s sent Sey s a secnd teie hebig ces which it lteray gls us. Incidetaly, e sciasee today ava heeves neasgly of mputes t es-talh fomal eoe coverng various sc prceses pe-cialy n e area mss dm3 May I subt passngat is tendency towad mathematzion rrespods to thecharater f he materal subjeted t ompte eatment Itappea at fr ts pepetti, mode mass ocie dends he pectbiyi, maationf al indvdua r-sponses and beavi paes which ae oally sigiant Wehave already goe far i precndiinin peoples atudes;soud ocet ca o ths way, the scalled penatwud dwidle t a mamatia pntman a s, wld b

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come sascn's drm. (Unde e pesen ccumsncese ueson as o who i mpulang wom ss poblemsof e s mgnde.)

e awaeness o e p o soca mensms nno

undeie e be£ n e pefecby of hum soey Aspcuve aemps o ene is bee w e evdenedsedng esot to one and e se gen, padgcly exemped by Goes denon o Mepsopeles s"A p o a powe w awys w e evl and wyspoues e good e gmen wose idbtedes oCt eolo i rte obvous costs o e folowg

o nted poson Fs e oes swyng a im-

mene lve mass lled soe r neen o ans gespons o deed el Seond nks o e eveon o myserous owr g bove o d ese oces

cod o seve e ends o my i ste o tir inoees peaps pesey becuse o Wee epowe png e sngs s rso, o n nonmous ul-ndic, o some ote st o good ol povdene dos

not mtr mu Mandevle equaes pve ces wi pubirtu; d even oug m m s elun o n oenes n ems o vce ye e ned an nvble ndo ve te maetes egoc psus rlt n e geealgood nd o ose e belongs Kans egulve dea o apovdenl nre wc ulzes mns ity, ge an

sesness odc


e s we s Heges Wodp o Rso w cningly se bnd pssos o wo oel e de of owe gdig o desnes by rotnol seems o be mpeble Re suspes e eeneo suc n ou oe; 24 te Hegean Ma adops hsceme o resoig t e otto o s de a even Bck-

dt s not mmune om ong on ocason25

T sg i ees mus e aed to ope ofesos For one ng e steeoyped mo o suponlpowe nds modc o suppo n eveyd epeene:seemng msotunes may tun t to be bessngs n dgse;

e oy o a woy cuse b u to e eo o peoplewo i pomong only wis o ue e w cee ecMore poran e mo mde appea as ompellng y

beg d to e conmn poposon mn oce deney o. n as it tt, fom wiot, oloos s i it we a ig ord of oy ad e enzy ofdesuon One ooio, w eoes e doce of

ogi s, is epe bende-senes agency su egels y eson o K' ow otg tr, is ndeedneeed o wes good om ev ad o ceve w dg o pemse mn alone woud nee be be o ccom

p e wole gt snds nd wth e assumpono s blndness or upes Now ssumpon s vulyden w e ew tt aas ave a e as ot vt d tt toy soul to be ngeamog e cic It s h vew o w I ve o dojsice i e peedg g Howeve s oncepon o soci, storal ri rqir qctio

mong moen ttt on e peene o umn eedom Rns sl td ot sc esmony oly o

e resontt

ppby sems om s ense bsopon ne ctac o oy: "At y momen g og newy gi ; no g meel o se o oousde o tself ee i o t esolves eel nto eely o e oe Ts cnowedgen o eedoms dsuve owr s copd wt n wenss o s lmons is

not bsolue Wteve we do Rane onnues i coditid

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by at wich has already bn don s at the rstant suc-cssn of eventshstryprest itself as a cohrent fabwoven of freedom and neceity26 Ecep perhaps for itsmhasis on hern, s statemen an b assumd to con-

vey a vd expnc. Ma s a relatvely fr agt (Ofcure n ndvda's actua frdm varies wit t gvn soil condion Thre s no rom und totataian rems;and n woud vay k for it a socy manipuag tsmmbers nto cmpaet conformy0 But this doe ot m-pge n the tuh vale of ha eerene For th res havenot at all mes rbls rise and martyrs ded der tour?)Interesingly todays theoreical physsts waned from themechaic noons of 19h ceny as hey ar, see to bdsned folw Tstoy n hratzng th consciossof freedom as jt a pychlol lsn. Mr v Wisaker for

one not oly nsiders th freedom of wla fdaml prnce but has t tat ths pnc carie at st as mucheght as te do of dtesm, which atr al is a theoynoan expeenc a progam for fuure mprica rsearchrather an a estabshed fact And even hogh he admts thatth dtmnisic prnciple cnot be upset by any er rtnty to e co·ay he s nevereless disposed t appears toqeso range of vady f hat ppl in a dant modh chalege ts defeners to ty to ver hr to: "Thdeave fators of or acons shuld be sho, en w

w beeve hm 27H


t mnd an er-men by Eenste Esnsten pnd t srt in hs prospec-ve sren adptaton of Thodre Dreser's nove An mei

ca Tagdy- lm whch neer matralzda "motageseqc designed eternaze Cyde's mlogue ntru at

0 The only ep ut befra genne chic s ci are hwhor i.


rucial moment whe Clyde deids to drown Robrta dmak his me lok lke an acdent That th squenc was tpicr the varis atos whc thn determnd Clyd to actas he d early fllows from t motag is whih e

stei ew p fr t. Thy consst o£ a great dea of possiblyrlevt elmnts scatte wors befe a back scren m-

glig wih a ush of sent images or pyphc so mpressos of h actua enient wi projc omovesad spts f ught28 Eisentes bcv prgse st wa uit biously t ssiiz h aien t t f factrs nvvd Cyds mat de But insuggestg and thus aesetally prsntng nty th suence demostats somng very mportantthat we woudhave t engag in truly endless pursi t lie p to v Weiaeker htca demand f an xpsion f t se

wi llgdy accot fr o decio and acons O-reca gods t i impsble to meet s cange edtsti pnciple s vable Why thn ovbrd issgnanc for interprtin n my a ncrt as tgeneral piciple may out to b a sher mrag tmpg t embark n a wld goos has hre are atns and mr-gent saon which so stbolyst a breadon into repea eemnts or a sasfactory elanaton from prceingr sultaes ccsances at hey had bt be at asidcb nts2 My hch is that vn a Lapaemon wod be hr pt to incorprat tm t e chinuses d t.

Han aars that s transd dimensn f natraores and casay dtemed patt n cnseqec, anyapproach t histo hich cis to b sentic in a sictersense f the rd wll sne o atr come acrss unsotable obsaces f hstory s a senc t is a scc w a r

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ee a be nely iuated by referece to te deviouways wi some sociologit ry to sceze htoy Hee rdom aple of ecnt date ecommedg ie by tve dees: Chl T atmpt to itepe e 1793

Vede revolt fom oil sens pont of view To summize Ty' mi olios he iners rom e eideewhi h wog hypoee led to coet tt he revoltuated in ose dsic of e Vede where tadiolfarmig eoomy collided wi wod-ope ade d maktoomy; that he colson o iterts tohed o octs ete the reolutiony mrae bourgeoie edy wellestablshed i the region, and diese, orgilly eteogeeosoppoition ops and ht idological wathwords bean oemerge d o sume a itl funco only lter o when, wihthe hadeng of he coct, e ebels fel ged o lose the

rks illy us ipleme s tepretive ientions bysummonig nd rrayig cet eglities of eavior feqey observed feaus of socil lif-.g, he eitab offtion betwn groups whose eoomi nteress antgoizeeah oer the ieiood of an nresng poiao of tesses at stake o mproise eems to be possile te esing e for colletie atio on he p o gop whowee dvded among hemsele, oppse a mon nemyet Ad what does Tilly achieve his wy? Een grted that hissocologil analys my pove useful to hisorians of he peod i elief in i vlue as a htoril inerpreaion s hdlywaated Wit ll i geneaie ombied this lyisyields t bet shaow geer de of unerrevoutioloted i some o-man lad bu doe eraiy ot add up to autommde expanaion of Countereolion whh toopla in he Vede i 1. In order really to lose o it, hewould hve to upplement hi tdrd egularii y deteri

NAU 31

ing ctor more iatey coeted e developmen ofhis one here wa a revolution going on he me te aiwas led ih agitaon ad bttle e nd tg wee iux u he would hve o coneie of te Vede revolt

a htorical peomnosto is so e elm of ogeies of ew begsrgulae dsovered it, or ead into it are o lmitedrange need he pst oe eoug emple of the mdspowe to peete ee the cs of hbi d oveome eineri nhere n socl aangemets. Bt f m is i a meue ee to wil ad tommitted ony to wht he has iedo phntom pppeteer is neede to set higs ight (podedthey n be et ight) . No do we hae to aume, agin alleerydy expeiene h it is priely e aderse sprits ndml dres whic owig to te ates o hyposttied

re-pulr, pompt mannd to achiee humanly derbeeds Mepitophele should crete he good by aspirg to eilhe lsng o regiou toleane hold i a macous wye ruted fom the hoos of e egos wa nily ological pooio evels itse a sm pado ihe ght of mnde eoig it ste e fy ofmonism o raher e faacy o he ad bef at th

monsc pncpl-or y ote ivel ide o that mutomlly applie to e oete ase t logily oersWever he vldity of sh high absaos er owndiesio e way do om them to he reon of parrsis by no mans a sraight lie I ounds wflly prosindeven now how my teeng oca mechasms blue piur-b even so the ssmton hat el oe bdsel nd god sualy comes from ·the exertons of the gooddseve moe edit th the eose to podetl agencWere it oerwise, we would i the nal lysis be oblgd to

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34 RY: T GS

Hege's cae but have a more or ess sienc chaacter. At nyate, uet f em teads e mode ge se its begnnigs Tat is ue wa imed no oced by ehti onepon o a dvn pan reulng the dses o

mankind can be infeed om Vo's wichmark the ivde beteen teologicl and ecuar ide bouttoy wit th ltter aleady ipping e balance. Vio abo a saunh hstian belever and a e stped teteecual lmate o he risig ge of ence d mas eman-ipaton fom supeata uthoi So his at nd biarework (wch, incienaly goes r n antipag modernmhods of hisoical researh) repesents, amog other tings,a ustained eor to reonile the trascedeta rue f prvi-dence with e mnent ecessiy o e oal itorica proess H goa s no to dspose f e adon Csan out-

loo ut o t i ito te enc seme f ings To achievs ends he postulate a istoricl law acording to wi it liesn he natue of a tions to pa om dive stage v theeroic" period o a uma" stage; and at the same time he hasi hat thi natl aw o naons" o whih hose obeyng iae entirely awr etaised or amnered by diveprovden n orde to prvent man soe om reapsigio svagey (Noe tha nistence on a benevolent povi-dence ig bove our head i rue to type le all otermostirietd tiers peplexed by h seemng disrep-ancy been pvat vices nd pubic virtue he cannoep tacng the rt to te opeatons of a supo agencyT e ive powe arge f world a s to anaual w ha tou any upetural intvenion governsd etna histoy" wth its c and rco. his w an edenied a onncng li beteen te era f Crianheolgy and at o mndan eaon; ven ough t s ougt


of ompletey immaet, i reeivs i jucaon frm efth n a dvne regme

o nineentcnury mnds any suh on mut haveseemed o b gautous Bot Comte an Marx dilly sever

he mbilil cord between Chn tenet and univsa s-toal laws e laws propoed y em ave puely ma-nent hae and lay aim o scent vaidy This is not omply tha the mehonored qution as to te meag f to woud ave left e wo tiers ndieent O he ctry, their lw re lo attempts gapple with To be ue,in r deemined to pu man o s own feet this quesonno longer adt f outos involving ivine uperviio orintrerence ut the iue lingers on and cll for reponse consequene te ecul ides of proges ad evoluon aenreasngy burdenor should I sy overbudened?wt

he ask of replaing te thologic ntepretation o toynd uder t impa o t connotatons whic u acrue em h pard movement toard te eyod is proectedoo he hoizontl ple d emporl gol come to upplante escatologcal eectio34 M nd omte e os des if i drent ways nd h he aid tey noonly ssess te igniae o the histoal proces but y preitate wat they believe b is fulment. Te law eypolim lso eve a leves f politica reom tey assumeh rplu fton of acion programs

Now tse wshh are of inres here ony ter a-pay as senc sttementre a ba chaactesc:Tey re conceed o a nata s hey rt on te sump-on that human hiory is deical wi te hstoy o natue anatue imagied to be capable f Cm mou lawof t�e tre sge" wih govns te pogsve deveopmetof the divere siences and by etenio te whoe o E

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qn, i doctn posd to e same rcism as 19-cen istocal aws; l hem it unduly ens ral ofnssy (By t way, a sndary weaess of Spegle's sysm may b found ietaty or meodologcay

qusonabe pcedures His array o cra units tempts hto compar wih eac oter such acomphmen o dircrs as cn b atbud to enca stges o dopmn bu as a rl, s comaros are uggesed by hisgenera cocepal shem raher an derivd rom a close anaysis o te pernent cimstance he ineble eut

relevant anaogies s ths abus o comparave mthodwhch Hnr Frankort has in mid when he was agas anempass on simlaiies, torn from cut cont whihods secrt o their snicace 41

Whn Spenger appeas, Toynbee is no far away Things a

bi diclt wit him bse there are at eas wo oybes: sciencmdd ison ad te "enaged spiitaader As for th histoan Toynbee, h aks his cu romSpeg, h oy (ngigb) enc beteen m igat pacs e as cutrs by t o moe sssicty sfcontaind cvaosnonbioo s pritd to comm w ah oer d o e on h gnraonooc sal. Tat blees to roced empicaywr Sngr dcres fom on hg is seer seldcptoctaly he cptli on familiari w th Graeo-

Roman civization to consc a mod aouting for tsgow and spily is dcay and en ses tis ellnc

model o explain goigson the ohe cvizatons o isacaintance42 I te end it ooks as i al o them disin-gaed accrdng o the same patt Ts s cilizatos unio ompaable is wose simiaritis contved raher anfond pomp im to idge eaymade isomorphic aao


ge ae manner of Spngle t inb tat cn- w seoped lf c mplmntd b tshold cn upon staus of a vs aa awoatey, Toybe isf savs me t obl of dwlling

on h allcy of hs panoamic vsion e spua ader hao is rejcs it whoesal H not only decare h te o bnprectabe3 u admis e possibiity for Wste ma-d to y on indnity and plads or i rewal in aChin spii er is somthig schzophrenic abou Toyn-bee wi he histoian n him atres anaogies and guaiies avog predctio, Toynb th pophet euses to acnow-edge eir impo Nevethess h ain are mad to mee ymas of costant modcations. h Spengeian Toynbee, wopomote he cia eoy adds ne models o te Helecone so as to ren hs sceme ad the ohr oynbe exmp

th ocaed "igher religions om h prodaid cours oe mtipl ilizaon o t prpos of ssag Cisani all yl nowhstnding Also, t image o a ariomong onward as ts wesh ciioaraond s aled n to iusa, and jusy, t ssibfsn o e wo opsite vws Nice as h iag it ary case I shor, ager o integaton Toynbee twists andbens systm i about e same wy as Dai does watces in h amous paig Prsisc o Memoryte who, folowing e exmp of the civliaon dsnt-as ito a sof mass o cont pies

O se, her is mor o t tan mts t y Wil i itue tat a ths histica aws cume upon coser ispec-ion i is eualy tu tt all of em mpis a had coe osubsta ve obseraos ad pienes some rowing ouo n tma contct wh hisoica reli. he imsess oCome's pilosopy o istoy dos not aect th vtali o one

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of its mai incetivs and igdishi d o sc focil ttics ad dyc. or is Spgls d Toybrf to idfy history a a ow of evets edscreted by e llus pnoama thy dlop om teotio o mule histocal tim Ad Max's subsuctr-surtrcture thoy cari much mor wight an hi Hglired schm of th hioricl ocess �hich it hl iplemt Let ane t is tory hd lght peviouly -kow htocal movatios, it oid an nvalable cteoy whic sobly to assss and nd b db idaiccm ad lof rgmet Al t ths r elvely ide-pendet of th ytms to whch thy blog. Thrcllyty might as wll ha ben tblishd without spcla-v gs. Yet the uival toricl lws to which tywilynly xpad ar hps ed to r hm oo from

hir moorig Bid tus acng a a ort of catac agnths aw"sg mixtus of scietc pten and theologic lftor, morov at to yld inght o cone-nc Consd tht thy asir to cor the past i e-try. So ty must in mnnr of akig w it expasrom an exmly hgh ltid Ty eb aa photograps; eacy lik tm hy ar bound to big normalyunn ts and coguaos to focu This xlthr otntil rvaling powr Fro hi lted posiongl, for stanc dscv th pnomenon of pdo-mohosis"a ew cultue bo ito the obit o owerl

old clr bg oblig to xr it pecia sivng andiion i the gag of e old who meag hen tendto ovhdow ti. ( H thnks of e obscuing ect of Hel-lnm on wht h abls Abic cltu.) 4 o h st thwould not b he rst m tht notoioly devous cocponsbred gue owledge45

o dw baac h hstoy revocbly r om

T 43

at hitory hat it vs ipros to logtudinal h-toicl awslaw whch by impcato mk the hstorcalpos fo a aal rss Uik aa itoy who narve moent may on picl pereed by uchlaw th hitoy of hma aair mut reti a

ypic al It

reducibl sha of frdom umtely d any ttmt inntralscinc fashon whc sht out tht fedom

Ad here at te d a op of hstor come ito wwhch mplemt it denito s stotellig meduWhl te eti, naang say th histoy f h arh,\ crd ·he gin fcts s fctsa p eemts ognel w h ihe histoi on art s ot edwi mely ang pat events alhough h may hv to do olso but feels t cumbet upon hm to oe thir spcc

sh nd ait dal hus al d titrst w tak tm rques hm to siz on t umo thr oncnes, o indd uiqueness, o mttwhthe and how he l be b to k thm togethr Whthe assasaion of Psident Knndy bea kow in Nwok, ople staeuly formed t goups the sead dr the act o h shock ty seed tked dtakd to ach oth My wpt Dd thy in tir anguish talkabout h cim, gop or the motves bhd t? ey d add ot rom th nl topic thy iva bly evetd to theicm hslhi you, hi way o iig, hi fullld gols

No doubt a prmive ict plld thm thu to eoke a ptw had b th presen moet go ad to pic tomlvs d try to pprise, he ull sce of wht thywehd thoghlly possed and brpy lost I doing sohey followd de which i at t bottom of al histoywg: ty wntd to dstad"

On caot seak of i desie wthout lg ilh's

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peitnt or o eature undesanngte GVas he conce of e Unsng s a pvot concept Dhy -pets t in ms whi hod hi ow dpi h bnggrondd n a pycooging and somwhat fog posophyo conceives of hsoy a e poces whc passnghogh u, ivoves o ne een; ad he ages that, ino o undrstd" h phenomena compg tha pocsswe mt pinc tem wi woe of o eing so thath i tha we ae mmun wih hrs46 Fom Rane Hznga or Isaiah Ben many a pccg hisoa smilaysists on he need fo h os toa ivovmn• 47

o he e mbud h spr of torm heyns to stss the ole o V at h xns o sncnowldg ac alady moned a bgg of hs

chap hs ew histoical udesadg has nohng o oth sntc xpanations rath nconced for aws andrglaies, xhaus se peneag divida sof phaps, unraceable oigns Qt so Y thy hus ny mi h erritoy o be xod Sce e feeom ofisory ise on he grond of arncest" 48 ioril r-ay onas ome and, ideed a raonshipswh ca fo e horias anon ao A htoran ghmlf drsandng Dty's sn wou miss a gooddea o h mpos, acors aspt" 49 a ay ohs nstding Hitory is a doubldgd proposton To be

sr it does no belong among e sences ut it s a scinceeevg he am ony amia o e ha teymay ha to o and, n gnal behaes toward thm in acomade way

i pi u f h ccp yg d uddn w d i Ct p p 99

2Th Hora Approach

Moen isoriogaphy wol sem to com nto t own tmags to eu no ony cya of philosophical speuio with ei wholesal manngs bu also he Chyb o

e sence with hr nat laws and egts What tentes he hitorn's ld of on s a congomeae o atcua events, vlopmen an sitaons o he hman pas 1-succesive an/o oexstn phenomna which atogeh makep hor eaty n h lgh of mndane rasoning urs shows th foowg (m) hacerss: I f o nic ngncis which obsrc cacabty subsmpo u he deermsc pncpe ru, hings·may cng under a globa maagemn o hmans bu en the qson a o what etent can h iigforcs whch produe th contngcs be sbjcted to word-wd conl tho eithe evolng or wieing. anachycals for order oe tends o beget anacy. In addon, soca a va edlss, ssung rom a dark whi ireasingy receing and etending nto an opnended uture.And nall it i ndtminae as to meaning t characteccofom o t maials of whih t s won hitoian


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unverse s of much the sme st s our eveydy old-tevey old hich Husser! as te st to endo phlosophical dgi. At ay at ths od s the neest appoxmaonto hat he cls the Lbnswt and denes s the source ad

ulmate jscaton of ll hmn scences The scences, sayshe de the experences e mke n that common ntersubjeve ord; they "ove s f in empt pce above theLb." 2 Bt aculy hstory des from the nrl sceces in that t "oves thee at a much oe altude thaney fo t decty deals wh the knd of life hch fl inote orbit of eveyday epeene o t of this ie as a onnuos pocess ould be ather veturesome urhadt otonly featues perods of cs nd treme hange but beievescrtn deas and movemens to emerge fom hdden depths (hich hoever does not pevnt hm from coveng histoal

ntnuit) 0 d M ts te spotght not so much on teoverll gcnce of history as on the adcal bras it 4(ithot hoeve abndonng the noton of a lectcl hstocapocess his is not to imply t the hstoicl verseshold be mgned s beng nstructred At lest n e moden age many deveopmes ae taceabe to socoeconomiuences foms have a y of unfoldg d subsigacodng to a sot of mmaent logc Controvera issues astg th spll over the oplon at lgeeg huh reform the Renssncre lely to toch o a eries of teelted evets And thee are pods hch impress us as hvnga outspoen physogomy of the o5 ut these gven ptes strnds and sequeces thrd matea hch s for logsetches inchoate heterogeeos obsure Mh of it is aopaqe mass of fats

t s up to the ston o chart ouse through thse ex

Cf. hapter pges 1

SC 47

pses No htever quesons he bngs to bear on someporton o aspect of hstorcl ea he i nvaiaby confrontedh to tasks: 1) He must establh the relevat eidence asimprtaly s possble; nd (z) e must y to eder itelg

ble e materl hus secured I am ae of cose ht fctndg and eegss e to sdes of one ad the sam inivble proess. he histor cnot assemle te evidence neededunless he is gded by n dea hoever vague of hat hents to ecove of the pst and hy he ants to reover t andreversely e evdece he gthers may n t oblge hi tomodfy h ognal hunches So goes on spotney constntly ltenang th eceptiv Yet for the pposes of analysis tese to itertned omponents of ny historcl inryhad bette be ept apat One mght also sy that the hstonfollos to endencesthe relstc tendny ih prompts

him to get hold of all data f terest nd the fomve endency hh requres hm to exl the mateal i hnd e sboth pasie nd ctve a recoder nd a eator

N dobt h pocedues resemble those of he sentst Doesnot the scenst too proceed from hyothess to experment ndobsevton ad back gan to hypothess i pccally ntermable ovement? et these sml1es of codct shoudnot led one to confse hstoy th scence proper n facter unfyng eect s lrgely oteghed by he mehodologcl iplictons of e deences beeen human airs dthe eents of nature (he logcl posvsts eage to sess thesenc chaacte of hstoiogphy tnd to mnze te impct of these mteral derences hle hrpng pon the smltes beeen sentc and hstorcl method her rgumentests on the assumpton ht nvesa sbstntialy cover theaes hey dene d that e genel popets of a ss ofphenomen or case those smlrteske pecedence

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oer te les general quaes of the parcuar phenomena nging t that lass mpregated wih te awe f gh astraons, ths assptn nfoms t ingie habit of thught; Iwonder thugh whet it is invulnerale. Cnsideatons

along the nes of a materal lgc may quafy the laim tunndtional prioiy of oa logc) 6.Remember at, n-e the scienst's nate wod toa reai, this mixte ofnatural event and relatively free disons resists a breakdoninto reptable elements which elate t ne anther in de-nitely able ways No is he whole of t amele to (ongitudil laws is consttutin of the toca niverswhi has more n oon wit the Lenwe than with teeduced nature of the sientit's mkngpses pobems notfound utside it They bear fr nstance on the establshmentf th evdence e degee of obetivity attanabe t the hto

n etc. and hey ae decidedly f gater nseqen than the smilaits that btn beteen histoal ad sientprsuits

he eginnings f mde hstoogaphy re maked y asong cnn h he reast tendency stood tteane of asseng itelf n e en preing m and phiosophil hitoies Eort to xpose the past is newent and n hand ih attacs on the specuave synteseig it he 18thent Goetgen historin suh as atterer and Shloeze, codemnd the superciaies f the -e" 7 Rane lewise amd at prtecting istrca eaaganst its violaton by an absact system onsuctin, andphilosphy of histy 8 he rejeted in Buteelds wods, ashemattin that di nt sse ut f the recoed fac 0 Ine pface to hs Ght anh u ge- Vee v 44 b 4 he outd e moraiing

� hp 8


stans f h me who asiged t t the of udging te past of ng te prsen fo e bene of feag ° Folows the famus statemet tat he mse lywant to show e egl "ow ings aually wee 1

his bo hs st appeared 18 Oy en yeas laterand phtogaphy cae it beig It seem of gea nterest tme that in te mension of t representive rts Dauresinventn aised ises and demands simiar t thse wichplayed so ge a role in cntempora histoiography

t was a nsious cnecton fr Heine who in the dedicaon f eza t Prnce PckleMskau which is dated PaAugst 4 state the pupse he had in mind wi ts bkn "ptcs art and popuar life whih he arranged fom hsounalc writings T ighte the saddeng epts he

writes, ' intewve them ith desriptin fm te eld of eats and science . Tis was . done . to give thegenue pitue of e time itself in its smalest nuanes hnst dageotype mt rende faifully a y much as hepudt hse and tis s what my repots ae: a dager-reopc hist k n whih each day enter i o picteand the tists rderg mnd y semblng such piture podud a wrk n whh tat whih is depit doumts ifaiess auhenaly by itself ut any se, my bo may see the ater hstoan a htoal soue whas I said cares in te suret fo its daily tuth2

Was it he Zg to which his crespondence of histog-raphy and e new inventin f daguerretypy mst b aid? Ishal show hat ey point to signant analgies beeen his-toy and te o media which portay te world aout s thth aid of a ameaphotgraphy iself and phographi mr n nderstandg of histry it may terefore pove helpful

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o ue i he ure f ee anaog O cose, ncn nd u bo hm wiou ang a look a h eanhacscs h papi media.18

No all e a mda can sad o ve ecr cacr :h aos yls n pnig, fr nsan are eas dependenup h marls syzd and gn hnca ar. B ph-tgaphy eemb e divese branhes of knwedge n ha tcal crn props s on whch end o ondon worwin i nnes. As a bac as h achac days -dm, dsceg cs dagnosd hem y mavng a ecamea's xpona aby o ed as w as ral sb, orpotnay bl physal reay Gay-Lssa or on di mahmical exaness" 14 of y da n phoo-gaphic laes and nssed a no di, " i mece-

bl can scp "th y and bsh of s nw pn. 15The em "painr," as used· hre as o mn e tm whenaomos st looed k carrges wh horses) By hsam ton a Pas jona wold, wr nd o hnt pras st Lmi fr preeng o ebeing "nare cagh a 16 In shor, ws cognda h ue a phoography s qy eupped oow

he rei endency o an n ntaable o e adradona at

Ts ed he nae h-en alsts o deny pg-phy as a rprodcon eqe. Tey wer agred a

rcrds nare wh a dey "eqa o nre s; 17 andy od prns whch, to paraphras Ran's cm,seemd o m o w w ig acualy ae (e e egn-ch t) Drix compard dageopy o a diionary nae hoography n characr oy, os snc-


mndd ass hed anmon o an mperoal nd-ng o exeal penomena. Pu n i nove adoped sw paps as nabed hm cely o conas hsnolnary cmpleely subjve memes wh e exen objee memes deosd n phooapi satemnSo h eares emoon dachmn as phoographs r-mos W him dea poograpr an dscmng mo cea o cama 19

hn mang abo ir r, hsoras somms dragn phoograpy and hn m hisan sd be

Imsaen o a camaman Th Droysn ha h hs- /

ri narae s no nded o phoograp pas vns baims a conyng o ncpons o m rom s or pon o view.20 Mn soans ch n: "T non ohe hsorn says amr s an o ha o ane and

no o e pgrpi camra: o dco and s orh, osge o and sess ha wi io e nare of e hng andno o podue scminaey al ha ee he eye21

Marc Bloch oo speas o h meannglessnes o "ipl p-ograpi" o um rey22 Sh rfrns o phoograp mem wod be eny ncaed or wr no eisans makg tm er o e possby ha hsory andphogaphy hav sming o do w each oh a a Oe oh n hey hin a hs possy ony deny caegocal Wy d ey ejec h vy pain ythmses cae o sugges? A o hm wan o dscrd h

possc noon o the hsoran s a sher i smen, passly (ndmpassy) regerg mass o udaa and as And no only roysn e conmporay eprme 19h-cenry reass bt aso Nam and Boh whood ae w br ke o grand e m

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( olds up a miro to nature s a resut, hey mus deed1_ magin e iston dseng of te nam to b the anpod oft potogape

av alsm as ong snc goe; d nobody today oulddam of callng camea a mor Acay tere s no mror at all. Evn Prouss idal photograe is boud to tasferth-dimensiona pheomena to e pane nd sver ther eswi h soudngs Mo mpott e cnnot elp scuig th iog impessions h mutanu percepo of ot sees ein perptual fo tegors heent hs nvous sysem, and not eas s geera disposition compehim to ogaie th visual a matial in e act of sing Thsbeg o r is o atly easo why t photoapesould suppss s formativ ug in intrs of he necesay ftile attempt to achiv obecvtthat simon-p ob

ectivi so covted by ain hat h anted "to repoduc teobjecs as tey . . oud e eve i I did no exs. 3 In aycase all great potogaps hav flt fre to seect motffam, les £ter mulon, and rai accoding to ter seiblties (Wa it oewis with Rk? isio of versaisto for sta did not sem to encroac on his dire toow thngs as y wr raps it is pssib to say of tat his formae tigs join foes wi his es dsg) upshot s tat hotogaps ue to type may angefom neutral dg of physica ealty to ighly ubjeesatme Had Namier ben aware of is h mht av

found it advable to compare th htoan to a potoaphernstad of a painter Fortuately at ast on dised contemporary hsorianH.-! aous sciely onerantwit te med to epose 1e bias of is confers. e dawsatento to he ps of me le ada ad Cae-Brsonad judicusy gues tat tas to th intenon of


autentc photograpes in mechac pocesses ivolved,he pces av someing prsonal abot hm and are profoundly formed2�

Shod w conclude, hen, at in te al analysis photogra

phy dos ot er fom te estashed arts h hiso of tphotorapic meda tls us of orts and aciens icseem to be out ths ncusion Take the 9h-century atpotoapers: not cott wht they ivd to be amer copying of sble realty ey st e d on pirewch, as a nglh cc rqustd ould dlnate unstead of soly represntg u25 O of thm, sclptor Adam-aomon idlged i poait whc, because of tiembandt-gtng and vt apy used Lamane torcant hs ital opon hat potograps wee ust a pagiasm of natu 6 e ce "s new pat tus re

sumed funcon of a pnte in the adoa sne Nor doh exemntal photographers of o days care about its spec£c abilie Qte he conay tey oftn delibately depafrom h realistic pot of vie lzng th techqus at hedspoa to poduce pcues w migt a we b eproducions of absa pang7 n fl e same ongng foemnpation fom the oute wold or s-epssion, douded-out composition manfst thmss m and agane avant-garde lm ars of te 'wenes for istance editeotews realistic picol mateia accordg to msicalhms fy inente shapes instead of rding and d-vg hm and md re sot luate contets denngs wc e aytig but an pctio o at tss acaly soe.8 at simia intntons aso materiaiz n historiogaphy sould a he moe be epcd ince hsto oincides it e amera caf i chalengn its adepts tocptu a gve uerse he chalege is sct eough to ouse

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the rge fr sunng it To remi in te dimenson oft, numers of hsoricl ngs mess y as beng deer-mned y er ahrs inherent or design rter than epecar frman of eir aeri t goes iout sayng tha

I do nt ere f romanced lves nd te ike t of ernwos of professionl scholrsp ey tstf t an cute nssns of organiztl rangements and ters f syle;nd ere an i of mleeness bu em whc rec ecop exre of xerietal phoraphs. One wnders fr

eample whether Hunga's W he Mdde Adoes n prmarly stem frm his desie t shape mood ndfr a once w Beauy ht imi the scpe of his reserby smag nd gudng i.29

Even tg Peter Ceyl nds falt wt e aestetciade beid s wr he no el respeng t s

msteriece 0 re in my Fther's he are many man-sns, bt s i not euay e at rm a sel pin ofiew sme msn or oe my e preferabe to e rest ofe? I su a the rod of a mem wh speccharceiscs are the re satisaco ey bld fro hesehaacterstcs T epress the same in negtve ers an copihen deing e propertes f ny, of its edm ikey t oend r sensibiies; e ld rn strrs wthter borwings from Goh stne rhee arc s rr-ang ey e venerae folows o s pinplewhich ave ced te bas aese prinple n y ery

F31tat e phoorpher nt me int s ownless he es t do wht s cera pers i to do betertan nydy else he us g e lm, a s n reordingand peneang physi ealiy Imgne potographic prtrats one n the nature of csual selfrevelion stl "iinctwit e isn of fe, 32 nd e other so stized n terms of

C 55

ig�g backgound ec i no onger sggests fe n it: here is n quesn but at he fmer wl srie one asre nscly phoogaphi hn he e he photogra-pher's apprach may be said t e "phographi hs fora-ive spiao sup rer n ppose s elsc intenons s mpes at he resebles no so h e exressiet e imagnive reade ben n sdyng nd deper-ng an elve x "nensiy of sn ne f te gld hst, shod be ted in a ral respet for he thng i ont of Owng t e meras revealng power e has atrs o n eplorer wh, l w uios roams yet uncnqueed spces. The genune phoogrpher ummons up hisbeng not dischrge t n anmous eaions but o dissovet ino e ssnes of he reaife hnmena eforhs ensso ey r bo lef c and ade rasparen If po

taphy s an it s an r a dere uie tetadiona s, t tes prde in nt mpletely nsng rw ael

A ew ines after having indie is deemnao ow"e e egntch gewesen, Rake maes rema f sarnsequene: "e writing of hso cnnot e expeced ossess the sme fee deveopment of s suject which, n eory atlest s epeced in a wor of literue (Soewha ages es heorel oservns usy are, tey he headvange of resltng nt m poerng abou i a set ofsacons t fr his ndlued exeen s a prig

orian) \Va he ws o ney s tis: t e istransusnes adeuately render nd acunt for, hmn rs ofthe pas is in urn means th is caft ses certan esctons upn m e lcks te nveis's or drmtss feedm ale r she h meal as he pleases Rae sfomues rinile whch deimts e eld of sgra

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edge the asic aesetc prcpe," ey customarily fcs on awrld wch is certaly n the absact naue of sence. Noris it a world tmatng some welorderd cosmos for here no Cosms on e scree ut a eart s, the sy streets,d ralways 36 Raer amerratythe sr f reali n which the potographer or maer pes his lenshas a e ea f e Llt It comprises amatebjects, faces, crowds people wo termige, suer, ad hpeits grand theme s e in t ulnss lfe as we cmonly expe-ene it

Sma wder tat camerareaty paralels hsorical realiy terms of is sructue its general constun Eacly as istrcal realt it is partly patered parly amorphsa cose uence t cas, of te hafooed state o our everyayworld. And it shows fres whch are f a piece wt te

characterti f e histr's uverse To begin wth, photgaphers seem t e pre o highght the cotge nauef he matera. Rdm events re the vey meat f spsho; authec phgraps ok as if ther suecs wreplucked en route By te same tke m maers have a pen-chant for renderng ansient impressins and ufreseeableenountrs (at ths susceptiity he acdenta rathrtan prvdenal may e ned to advantge also y historias,was recogzed already at e begng f photgraphy n eBrocaus Lekn f 184 Ferch vn Ramers cntemo-rary hstores are prsed for resemb daguerreotpes n that

ey captre te eeg shadws of te preset on theg )37 ance gurations being fagmets, photoaphyfrther tends to sugges endlessness A genue photgraph precludes e nton f cmpeteness Its ame marks a prvisionait content pints eyond at rme refeg to a mttde of reaie phenmena which cannot possly be encm


passed in their enety And ms? is as ey were nmatedy e cmercal desire esalsh e contu of physicalestence wi all ts psychologil nd metal respondencTo make us awe f i l dectrs fequey dgress omte acn hey picue for no reasn oher tan to epore ee envirment i which it cmes to pass tus Oivier in hisHamt has hs camera incessantly avel d pa" rugh thelabyie interiors f alas a studoblt lsinore r a sm-ig Gt rken dwn nto vrtaly nnmerable elementsa ideal case n poi is Esensten's atempt to eoke, in hsslborn sreen adapaon f A Am Tagey the niyof factors and crcumstces instrmental n Clydes desin tmurder Roberta.0he is, additon e ameras atfr te indete1nate be sre, the phoogapher edws spctues with fom nd meaning to the exent ta he makes

deerate choices ut howv seve print stl areod to record naure n e raw e he natural ojhemseves, hey wl therefre be sunded by a fringe fdstnct mlipe meangs Te same hds ue of motipctes as a mater of curse Discussng the prperties of the sho, a French c sagausly bserves hat it deitsut de£ing and that it as te quat ique amng therts o ong not much more exanatons than realiy

But wha s te gd of indulgg i anagies Wy dote a subject ony to it it fr a similar suec? So do moeys

swg from branch bran, ee to ee Mreover such com-pas are a too ften rducts f inteectua azess Teysere to substute a appaently aia topic for e nfaml-ar ne nder csideran; and tose mang em usualyapitae n supecia resemblances to retu, as fast poss


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ble, o e o fom wi y veed o. Howe, i hcas o prest miaios, aaogica procedus e jusd o rqird, or h0 rasos Fi e aaog ewisoiogaphy ad he poogapic mdia o simpy an eaydi b s rom he soid fac a wok e woareas ige o idei codiios: bo crafs a comedo cocer esees wih gve words o opab srcr ad hore cze he perfomers' creaie possibies ik ways Sod eld o iso s ced p wiihd abis o og ad hmes o og sadg wicog rdr i ey impeera Te aseday of abrac reaog udr e spices o sic d radiiopiosopy is ap o obsruc a eo o ere expeices ad paios pi o is ar eay appropaees Acay e wo ara is paded ad oershadowed

b a uu bd o oee c sigs ad i-iggrs Add o is a preiou modes of osig w pg. Cisi cocepo o hioryuboryvive ad amoagd or o coue o poe arce;e pesce cao bu creae a decepve smace o amiiriy ic uer brs he pice I oadiscio o issa o gs poographer's uierse is i a way morrdi aessbe s picoria medi poography ad spea decy o he ss ad abody spbe o aeseic es o picpe, i a osio o apprase eparicuar beauies poeiaie d iiion wou m

ado Tis op p prosg aues fo aaysi No meo a aaogy h phoogapy p dehbi spcs i e hisoca ed odds e a oru of crai u w wic e hsoi is grappg wi gely pro by recose o corespodig ssues ih phoograpic ca ee mpcaos ad souos idd


om view e hiori dimesio ad ai ce obeg sibe a oe may be ipd a speciy mac ra is ic i u aord oppoiy or egheig compaisos

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3Psn I

"On he de oan on wi w shvene out" sys ad i openng paag of his ee " posiblou and oss are my, and iden sis made fo

s vlume col dl wt by ote a . esiy -so essenty den coclo." 1 Badt' rmrk, so mpon a pae e to h tense awans

o t oe wic t histois psoal otlook and ndedmp py in e endrng nd undsandng o pas(Th so why soc owedge os subjey to a

g x es sicy scnt owedge ies pm-ly fact h ses enge he inves-

gaos fomae powrs   nt ways W stlsh-mn of wod of scec s w of loshps bwn

ls bsc fom o mpoed pon, nat, s

mtmia igintion a an a, moa ngni hepenetrtion of h hso's wol wc rsst esy break-dons into epabl ns cals fo te forts of a se s i

fcet as eviewd.2 T tee oo ma n s sbjected to cintc rmnt propr is qnoter tt



Bu o e cogtv ucos of t ioans s a

dein of i nat wod sm to e al h o Shoul no ls posile o stn o to spa ti o pg of atony nllabl cons?

Her is wh a oy cs whch-o xss it in

term of tyould o s u te wke of hocsm Sc hsoc wgs hsls prodcts o -to he iews ey cy dpend o huhos posio in pce Ths propoo ma wothg-at hista's mnd i apd by cmpoayucs and h u hs cco w opoaysus accos o why and ow o hs doto to the pThe nt s identd 1 ond and

gol soy. h omos phosop al pos of s"prst" tho e Coc n Coigoo Wtot

negleng te condonng pow of the hsto' vo h pay pel o o te nd o hs ovmol or owe h polems of s dy. One wsocs cm so onempoay ht h -pemnt it by tndig t ony rt t of ps ca mo on t negt t fa 4 (As a pnd oa, he ime w mte by g s te caus of Siilly, Clgw e hso s "n of his tme 1 who cs h p ot ofi mmro i pesnday occ6 o both -s lt o ncesty fo m o jusfy r phss o

h psnt by dowing t wth mtaphysical ignc hget m ino dee wates o oh o thm eute or petend

o eue, ny inil gonig whol o man sod y hlp eiodcg n oe to pl q o e pse omen It wl sc o o Co oi o ti momnt a a phs-th poly

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tiate phasf a dialecil a all in pogresiemovement Tu olngwood who day ducs itoy toth (bete manageable) toy of tought doe not shreCroes belf in total oress7 but e too holds tht the su-ssive toughts of e past for a mpehnb can ead-

ng to and limang i th psnt W he o of tem theideal storan is the moupiec of to's

·lat or n

Coces wos of the spiit which hto and "bears with itall its hstoy 8 Whenee pilosophs speult o e iao hisory Hgs wo spiri pops up bh h bushsFinally, bot hinkrs insist th the historin cnnot discoeha whih is essetl in history less h eonsuts psti t light of what Collinwood calls his "a proi imnioan imgination whic, accodin to pmis, is geed to theequimens o e situation i which he nds mself n,

if, s bot ollingood ad Cce t f gne he pntmoment rtuy ntins al t momen prceg t, onythose wo aly liv in nd i e pnt be bl to gtat th oe of past ts view histol u s a varblof psent iterest Te tim whose on he htoi ot oytnsmts to hm ts prfrncs nd prjuies but rears isddaon to ts pecu r tks by oeng hm gne as het ito ar of mes goe by

No oubt there is somtg to e said in faor of ti propo-sition he rst of te two assumpions it compisethe as-

smption of th impat of h istoians miu on is uncon-sious) ougtis actually enors by many a pacing hioin In fat, it souns a bu sldnt O thi wyogh time ntios, socits, nd ivizaos usulyconfontd wih pobles whi demitng thi hoizon piate th magintion of l contemoaies. k of su


presday sus as e sugg for supmacy btwen edmoac ad Commuist por blo the revouonary a-ve o Wester tnolo he transo om a naonl to aglobal fa of eferen h inrease of isr me a nsug md for "mas ulu o a therto nhadofscale et. wtv we hope a fea elats to hese ssueswhehe we now it o ot hey lteally ypno h mnd;and ring fom the cssoss pattrns of ivrgt opinios aonfused i of thm pmannly th air Thr sngescapabili leds weight to Carr's aie: Before you sdye hstoa sdy hs hstoial and soia enomet 1

Gin to sdies n is i isoins of hisoiogphy d-vac many obsevtions to the eet tat htoca wgstnd to reect esponses to he x topi o th peiods fromwhic they issu utterld for nstane shrwy mas

hat th sa wih Geman 9entr hisos too thehen aging polal dsput bewen proAuss a po-Prssns automaically olore eir ias about he beneclo sous oequece of he Grman mdeval monrcys a ut, problm of Gean meiva toy wer stagagat e baon of he ninetennu suggl be-en Prs nd ia even though nvov a ggaanaoism 11 Thr s o en of such ampts to mon-sat th projectve haat of htoiogapy He a, se-ected at random som of the nngs y yiel: Kant's ticsows from e moral onvicts of Gman piesm 12

Nbus Demosthens is a thiny isgus Stn o hisChaeone th ounterpat of Jn Gibbons wo valsim as a discpl of Voltai, a Eup d !g sLumis 1 of cours oboy cn fail to notie aMomsens Romn istoy mios the iews of the 1848 erm ibeals.1 Mommsen hisf ws uit nscious of th

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mode tone" of his nrrve in c e deliertely usdontempor polic terms to rng dow the anciets fromthe ntasti pedest into he eal world") 1

Fidigs of ths tpe mmedtely strie us as plausible e-cuse e e accustomed to edt evroment inuees ande ie t the poer of sying mnds So it ntl for so of te istorin s son of h e I sumit t

pparently selfevdent ssumpon s te outome of fuly esog. t ano be upheld ess oe pts Coe's doeh the istoial peiod is it foed by the sprt otat peod tha any such perod is phse of he histoalpross, and tht the histoil pocess must e imaged s dile movemen hose scssie phses are meaingfycoeted with eah other ( go wihou saying ht Colling-woods hesis of t lnusieness of presen ought f

ito ine th Cces Then it s possible ndeed o dee hehtoras sef i ts of its position n e; fulls its ente i it oforms to te spt of te pod to which itbelongs Howeve the roceCogwood doie suers fromto Jmedible shotomngs: it ests on the teble prem-ise t e £ow of chonologal tme s e carier of ll his-tory nd it agantly coits wit a lage body of expeieesegarding he struce of te peiod Sne he terrelted oneps of te perod d of historil me will be dealt ith eron sle mysef hee to reark soewht po-sion at a o te dotne's nduay to the experiens

Conry to what Croe postes e typcl period s not souch ed enti wih spt of it ow as prearious

onglomerae of tendeies aspiros, d tvities whcoe ote hn not manifest temseles ndependety of oneanoer his is not to dey he isten, a y given oment

• SeCpt 6.


of etan widesprea nd een preving eefs gos att-des, ec. veue to guess ha he presence empiiaft rae tha a metaphysil mst, is in a measure a-coned for y the priniple of mentl eoomy estshed inChpter 1; fo te res ould t not be surising i ere weren inteaon of sort between e heterogeeous elemetsht make up period? Smta so fos coheion But ife period l i s a e ud nd essenyntangble unt Note the admie cution i hi MBloc approachs n isse wih Coce settes dogmlly.lo tuly a hsorn's htoin, acknoedgs the ipwhi he heydy of e feudal ge, renh cutue as awhole exerted on Europe, nd then tentively dds a fe rea-sons for its sweeping sccess. h e mse does ot set greatsore by them follows fom his onlig remrk But t

haig been sd, e my we ask orseves f i s not fue top to xpn someg hch, n e present stte of ouoledge of ma seems to be beyond ou udestndgteeos of ivzation and is pow of aton.17

And here is te poi wsh to die home f the historstorica and soal envoment" is not frly selcontanewhole but ragle compound of frqety ncitent e-deavors , the ssmpio at i moulds s mid mkesitle sense t does mke sense ony n the ntexs of a phosopy wh le Cros hypostes a period spir  ca ordependene o it, nd hus deternes he ids pe n e

histocl poess fom oe nd thout. een fom wthe eaions been the mind nd is eviromnt re ndeter-mnate ve supposig that ontempoy iuences were et-ter denble n they uly e, thei bidig power oldsll be mited by he minds frdom to nitite ne situto,e systems of reltionsips After hving brlliantly dedued

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the eecs o Pea Ahes o he foato of Tucyis'i Fne he Havad cassis voces scples about hsown nfences; he cles t "e uen of temporr wold on n n is o ompxy whch es all buhe cst anls 18 Hs cicumspection compes favoably

wi h i of obsvations dr to stuents o istorogapyobseao which ust tseves in showg that hs orha hoa etioall pojecs ueial cotepordeas ito s accon o p o be s such proecoo occur but ty e b no meas nvitab Md forxmpe, new how o void e ee impovg o BishopSub hs cotepoa wo uwitgly Vicoinbeas to the cargo tht te Agloaons brogt withhe o Engla rom te Nort Gean foess. 9 Nevr-eess a s pont n objo suggests sel wch ses

he pac o e ad plce re we not usully able oace ocumes lary poduct, o works of at to the peodsof hir orgn? We unoubtd ae Upon losr ispeconhowevr this umet deas s purpose, for as a leachevemes o he pas ca be de oly o te bass ofaaces wch o o a least need no nvolve rnisc entons ad angs Clues y be or b sl-sc peculiaiies efees o oherwse faia events, terecous o owlge unobtanal beoe a particul hstori-ca moet, etc oeover, as with all crcumstantial vc,the conusos a rom tese seconar carctests are

nyhg bu euble rs In sum te whoe ssumpoaind ere sands and as w e beief at people ac

ally elog to the peo. hs mus o be so. o is noutstadig istace o coologica eertorialt an twould b extrm icult to derve ckat's cope aabivale physognom as a hstoria om the coios u


de wc e ved nd wor Le eat ss o sgrt hiso re biolocl feas ey faer e time hathas aeed em ps e sae hos e o ass movements, evouos.20

Acording to the secod assuption eent in e pesetnerest teo the stoan s not oly a so o hs e but ason uttr voted to He must be proped by a conc s pobl, sows d ov, or else hepas he wan to esusci w ev e o e. oce dolnood brg e o ough o s ocal nclsoby coedg tat pesendedess prereqse to aysgncant reconsuco of hisocal reaiy.

The radcal proposon sed gh on he dngo mpi

ctos of he spon neyng t I ed o show ta

ssump enil a s of mphasis o alsc oe foave tenec whc eaes to upset he rg b-ace bewee e o of em.0 Hitoran who poceedstait rom pese neet are apt to obscure and ddsubrge he evidence nce tance e followng: ue pse o cvenoa peeeces an I pue, con-empo er dends, Cos brps have up o nofte only he more dramac evts o h fe conquof he zec, he expedio to ouas ecwile levngunsed he ch source materil the hives o exco anSpan whh wold have enble e o sh g o e

Conquors e cee21 Te vsgators aggessvensstends to ge he past back to the past nstd o cnversng wih he ded e hmslf does most of he ang Rember uteelds e o he ggnc osm to which9thcentury Ge medev istoies fell pre because of


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he auos nav ndugn n prrssn or pounsennt

It pays to tae a good oo at Cogwoods argnt insuppot of h poson To b sure ly lik Co h psto he ncsy o th hstoran to sur h fats, or wat w

commony eleve o be fcts wih solly acay; he evenrqess o "renc past pence_a equs wcobosy cals fo n eort o the htrin's part tmpol odsegard psntday expenc et at sam Cngwood haries e idal son in trms whh mae tseem mprobable tat sod ever b able to p to hsobgaons. A outepat of te Baonn ual scienst olgwoods so tras toy as f it wer n nd owig fo hat e sors may w to tll hm, h esons matal n aordanc h is o h and yoeses

and a scen epimnr forces i to aswer h qesons How poo man wll manag o gt subsanal an-wers fom e pas past whic is not ml naewout wiing fo s possible cmmncaons ongwooddo not re to rval to u

O h h o y y comng th stoian th he slet in dtv nove3 s e sees it, bothgres onde n dtg hiddn ths by way of acesiong is a paicar deetve Collingwood has inmind: gatha Chses compaab Monser Herc Poio archpl model of a Colngwoodan histoan drdes he

polc fo colng everig whch mght vnuly otto b a lue and scly opposed to e pdsian metodsmphaaly asses ha h sect of dton nsist n sngones lttle grey els n Colngwoods words: Yo at l-lec yor evidee efore yo begin ng, [Poo] matca mns ng queson (locins plas

PN I 71

no), and nothg s evidene xcep in eon to some de-nt uesto 24 Now m I adre Herl Poi's m-s "a poi magaonmralo bas oftn e mk n te absnc of any palpable as an ssiduueade of dtctve stois am boud o admi hat he is nothe only detetve th a speio ecd and hat some of pes ar ltl inned to ag wi hm on ts scor Sperintendnt Arold e of land Yard for o ro of PpacDonads deghf yarn Mude G M fses to reyon s l gy c a e bgnnng of an nvsgaon jus o collt fa whe they ppar to hae any bngon e cse or not hen sddely whn ve bn dggngrond long enough and hard enough I maybe dg p smethngwch seems o cck n my nd and beme a good sangopac for a hnk. mgh as wl add tha hs sbsqent

is v ngous dd hre e ten sles andsets. h mol s hat Colligwood shod v ead mordecv novel

Forunatly, h spll s tory as ove him ws hn aivalsw on some sh ocson pemis Conoodto eaze a is hstoan is in a prdicmnt is cd ie poblem of esucng a pas whos nar h nvoment prsnt hogt tn to coca fom i h poblem sopoed admts only o on "soluton: h hisoian dos nosiosy eah u fo evidnce and g clos to tf hess on presnnddnsst denc mst b mad o

move od onwood ntnt on demonsang hatpoouncd aggssivens nd ma conact th venmateral may w go ogher, eagery sz on t smgposbiy. e ms a hisorans had bette oncentrate onvn o developments fo which tey show genune any26Te idea bhd his adc s hat th attacon wih o

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at aspt of hstorcal rty ee on t stoan l bercpoaed kd.e ae a eant fas to ush out ofth hdg-pc, daw to by a ot of magnecpowr Tey are i fo th askng Nor ned he fer ookito tm; thanks to ympathy for h ubjc matt e

kows al that re to b known aou it om wthin It undetood tha ollngwood' adcby e way, h s notalone o oe it 27al to dpo of h poblm it meant tosolv Gat or e e of agument a under cri cumstncs e hstan fo1owing suggeston sucds nbdging he gap bwee s lile gey cls and e fadtant idenc wh wll happn to os poron of te paw do not sk ympathc ord in h? A heydoomed to obvon Mo impota de n wc Cogwood taks refug rts on e blef ha ove maks you

. Qut o. Ye rv ods e lo, epealy in cae were love ipaaly coupled wth peset nreT n ikeood a istorian's ty for h topc wi bndrater sensze to its spcc qate Ahr Slenger, J' Age of oertany a produ o yathy ots ags consdeed o so mc a contbtio to oglhstoricl colahp as a yog umataria polialy spred volume tat uccedd in ag a popua iage ofakon a a forner of FDR" 28 Coingood eso to anineectve epden ad e eects pecsly the d o ovewhh ealy serv as a eye-openr: lov of te pt for it ow

sak.But i eous lgble ane plays a mgna role

afer all n h nal anaysi he Coe-Congwood dorn isfounded on e two tnker ovcon that hto mots o

someg e a cpeenble woe n integbl aragemnt of thngs Indd, hey m poslate wolenss of


sorial uvrse in ord to usy er idenco oftoy as ontmporay hito his uaio s maningfulonly i the soras mateial s toug of as akng up avtually sisten and svyabl "cosmo of a so Oy is e n a poon to ndug in penndess and y

hae ass to te pas; ony en ay h rsu pasoghs fom rn thoug wto unng e rk of misconsug em emnt of a so to spak, loed systm allpies of evne e gathrs can be expeted to fa bysele alone o pae The rsentiers eory geson e ida o uh a system-n oe of te ppe-eam ofunered reason, ta One s deam s abandoned iseasy to see at pent nteret la mag atbuted to by Croce d Congood a he hsorl fat e stubbo enough not o yeld their e to a toan wo js

s em af manne of a ce xprimenterhe tmate onsequns of is heocosuwh Cro and Congwood would hardly have sanoned,hough-re iuaed by a eudo-itori ge i border regon beween stoy ropr and propey Boout of an sa onern th th reent and the fuue i womb he gee ave n nd sprgs from e expiceha he way in wch we conee of h st l elp acve or gols ( or intfere i tr aaent) "Hitoyfds on hisoy 29 do not wsh to sugg of use at aoes paral to a caus would fall nto at bod rgon

al s a matter of deg No doubt t vros Caolic andPos acunts of Refoaon a o a largr or sserextent engage but even so nmbers of em ae tru its asmu a y orignat in an often adable or toend thei aeal w solarly detahmet is proprof ts maks tem er fom wa I od ke o a

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existntial histois No sooner does e tons aologecpassion ced hs caa o demet h h cosss thshold whic sats h st as a ld of sudy from past as mas o exoron as a whp a e aengeHstoy as nviioed by t Jewsh Prophe is a sis of

partly supaal ansactons wth God's wah o orgivss consntly intervng i t corse of·secl evens. yh sam token poles acqing statehood o assumng a nwst a pone to int a ast which tasors thm itoe sndardbeaers of signicant desnes A sikg ce inot is e yong ietsce who in is ssay Vom Nutzen uNa der Hist n chmpios such uses orabss of th past e coemns the histoias o his ay-this"generaion o unuhs 0-for nduling in aimless scholalyrss istoricism h has it, nlarges or hoizo beyod owants, dstoys the insncts of pople, arayes vitatyetc.; it is altogethe a vain hm e or a sien got ot oha nst h eads fo hitoes which serve f th ifeo snt. Cro's ictum: "Hitory is cntemporar toy sl rvererates with ietzses teinaion to mak ast mt te ns o h ng But whil Co voatssetmidenss as a prruiite o owlgabl ntrrtao Niezsch holds hat t st g w ivng, o ni owege each peope ad fact each man who s tobm mu wans . a euion to be wraped , a potective an d veilng oud 1 Plaly sking,

Nizsch ys fo istoris who sene he poccuaton wit what eally apeed to such rprsetatos of thast as oster the usions hat e us going Th demans o"ie howve ecepiv woul tus take pecedence ove ein his view mastd seach fo historical uth much owich h dems unnecessa ayway As o tes emas,

PREl 75

Nise looks owad to wh w w agai degarde masse ad t sott o dvidus wo fora nd o brdg ove the d seam of bmig 32 Hee youhav the ida o te "surm in ua stat ( O t oerha t as of th ad sam of bem is an

evolutiony g-a as vagly scet of e Pltowod quot n hater °i we wo emembeing) herub a of th is that Niesce ot of his iornate anat jveie fauaton wih "lfe, shuts his eyes to th normou aievements of hstosm that e just wants to uiatit nstea of uncovering it manings and then tellg s weewe shoul go fom thee. Hs esay has tats of an aole'sinsequetia reelio . It remais to menonedhat the estential gee stands e bes chance of materialigwhen the whoe of istoy coms ito view T lage itsa istoria is deaing with, te geat the tmtao for tolase nto urosefu nsucons wit ophec overtones.

Yet hav no tetion of hrowing h hild out wt thebah water wou be oosh nd to deny ta us oermoals histoa is otn move y prt interest Adis justly so; th fact that w v ony once iolvs a moraogaton towar he ving. h hstoias cnce tm-his sie btt to unestd psnt-nses may ofhs ques into the life of te dead. H may ee, somehow ast to e present a he may ve wrest s or at

seet fom the ast reisely y roing it in the ght of contmorry neds33 Buckhart, anxious to sgn awareness of histoica continui, considrs it roe fo histoans to featu all those ast facts whose consequ�ces maketmseles still fet in ou time, ou ultr84 s there a histoa

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who would not e eye to y wh h? To nd out how wehv becom wht we re hs eve s been one o the grnddesigns of hory35

owvr, none of hese comay pcce can be aed ohe chec smpon tha prent terest e mater key

whch opens ll e doors o he pas e s ound whiceveryhng revolves Rth whnev tons1 men realhistoinsgve e presen it d, they do so s Meeckps , in th convicion t is is legimte nd nssaygoal u nether te ony nor the hghes one. 36 hey wodnot am of confuing peen-mdedns wih a meodologcl quemn ke Mc Bloch; eag o ansfom hioryno snc he ot unke Collgood on he ncety o histon to poced with a sintists ggessinssrom vry eginng to cross-exine the ps tat bymen of nstuct and modes whch ow o hi a priorimagnaon or by enion prnt-dene. Yet hstoan ha o he haen o dd a e odels aenohng bt povion caoldng; aurally, he mehod ofcoss-eamnion must be vy elc . Even when h hasstled is inerry he eplo is w awar a he wil noollow it xcty. 3 (I wondr though, wher e astcmod uggt by Boch wil alway el adjumn

ng he se Elsc bs oveended8)What counts hn is te deenc eeen presnt inrest

a artng-pon or, or terminu o itorcal tude and

pesent ne a dened by Coce al.39 Now prsnt neest e rs nse o ltle pluds atun inet ati is enrly costnt wth an ppoach to the ps wch pysll ibute to the vlbl evidnce insead o negcng Colgwood fahon its possble contrbon ovr he ·allgedyupor ontrucons of "peent hough i an appoachpatrned on upentendn od Pke's pudent dvoon o

e fc ther an Here os magrl idernce ohm ut e contempt n whch th tle Bean devehol mteial clue mks l th moe an endeag non o ptal omnisien e litetre abou wtsony favor of ode of ang h given dt Evn

hstorin who el hat prsn-mindednes i of he essncereest he sdent of hsory o expore he pat wiot regrdfor or wel-beg, o amitie So uckhad0 H waverg rpect mks ttude ly widespad amongconepoy iorns4 ( H mse rd o cape epesnt yilng to te "unllled noag fo h whch hprihed 42 Oth pomot or ndlg in, anurin pusuts pue nd simple Huizing hs i at tue hoy poshe p also because t igcnt n t own gh4 AndNa never tred of king or te semngly rrelevan "in

c he sn al hi l in yways Sil or hso

eg Hk 4�make point o mbinng t ppecaono disengag resac wh critcl mmn on tne ofhe peen-nes school o thoght hus Lovejoy expyacks Dewys proposion hat ll histoy is nesry witen om e standpont o he presen 46 Dewey ndCogwd e sange elows deed bt s x

uh pely n he nr-vcuum d wit se o shpedged absacons ) The atack is boe out by statementpalpaly auaed wih personl expince oveoy not onyw he sorian o gt rid as he cn of he preup

ions of is tm b args tha such an eo of selfnscendence will enic his knowledge o e pesent47 He

will nd wht h did not eek precsly fo trning his back onit e very nd of h Scl n Eoc Hory f

Ron Ep, a wo of profond nd completely dechdsholshp oovze as eergng rom a long dre ddrsses imelf o contmpoae The voluion of te an

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ent wod, y e as a lesson ad wg for . Oucvzo w ot vve ess be a cizaio ot of oecas u of he mse But i o evey vaon ou>d todecy oon a t egn to peeate masses? 49 Uexpected e e owe thi medton ow out o the o of

e pOe cao iscss the reo etwee the pt d te

prese wtot eeg ometme to Pout He oe o theghest auhotes o ese me Cery Pout ses wthLovejoy d te ret o the a-Coigwoo isoris. I hve te pas gve e up oy to thoe who en ove ackwar an amp to mae pe; nd only an "eot of etranscedece" n ve w peap ee t rve atan undetandng of or preent codo roust' thought thow o reef y t epode h ove where he te us

hat he w uddey ovewhemed h hppes whe dug a caage rde he aw e e whch omed pttesagey famiar o hm he eeved them to hve uged out

o te ogote day f h ny Te enon o vu eexpeenced went ogeer wh n awareess tha he phatom of the past'' wee coing hm Lke ghot ey seemedto e appeag to me to tke hem w me to g them acko ife" And why dd they o nxouly y to cptre atteno? oog a thm he et tht they wae o mpar mege whch conceed hm peroy I wthed the eegduy wtdw mg o y to me: ' f you a

ow u o dop c to te olow of th od om wh weought raie oueve up to you whoe prt o youewhch we were brigig to you w oever o te y Note that Pout eve t n the open wheter or o e mesge o the e tes ear o ncy d hugh t o hprese ef e imsef were ey ut mge


fry cted rom deam o te ght before O adI ideed neve een em before ? I coud ote 50 Prous hae uchdts osagia fo ost caue

It foows from wa ve d o a t ere o pegoto whc o fase e subjecve ctor operve hstoy

tg wi ay eray The hton ot ut the on of me n t e ee ht h outoo coud e deed temof contempoy nRuence. No s cocepto o the pastnecesy n exeo o peent ntet peset tought; oae t h aggevee my caue e pt to widrawrom im. Te soias mnd n meaue capabe of movng about t ibey And to te exe a e makes se of thisdom e may deed come ce o face wi hng pt

peu escended no Taras o etch he eovedwho hd ded om the te o epent pve muc

o a oothed te sage ear of ads that e wo eav toetoe Euydce to he uppe wor Hades made nge condo: tht Opes mght ot oo ehnd im i he wssey c ude he ght of he un uydce oowedOpheu up tough the d page guded y te oud ofh ye nd t w ony whe he reched te ght ga thate ed to see weer se were t ehd hm nd so oster for ev �1 ie peus e isor mus desced oe ehe word to g the ded c to e ow wtey oow h uemet d evocto? They ae ot to imwhe, reemergig i e ulght o e peent e s o

ea o osg em ut does he o o e rs me tepoeo o them t ve moment-he mome whethey oeve depr vasg htoy of h ow makigAd what happe o the edpe himel o h wy owand up? Conde ha hs jouey ot mpy a re p


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4Th s's Juny

Macalay ompad hstoy to feign avel.1 ndeed istoi�·,\

ans ae muh in the same pstio as odinay tosts: tey too · wish to peceive the sights tey hav come o see hs s by nomean an easy job Actuall many people go aboad wthoutseeg nyhg One ey have ovind themseves that saythe Pthenon s at te pace assned to t by the gideboothey mmeiately tae pctue o the beloved ones efoe ann oumn he column seves hem as a alibi bac homeFo the est tese pte hntes ae less fotate tan amalhes ecause they cannot even "eat thei pey; in shoongunseen obec ey ietevaby ose sight f them Somehingof this d may ao happen to stons At any ate eteGy mkes Macauay look ie suh a avel Macaulay's obsession wt ogess and t supoity of the pest says he

caused im to teat te geneatons that had gone befoe wthsef-ghteous condescenson But hs mntal attitde eyoninues is deeply uistoial i must lead he histoan tovew e past n tems w may e entely elevant andesul n a pitue lang n e th of ntacy 2 And howdoes the histian manage to atain to that t of nmacy?



Cealy not by staying n the peset whl vitng he past he rmans the peso e s h wl hdly b abe to peaethe fog that vels h sights as he aivs o te spot. To get att coe of tigs he mus take advantage of te mind's eedomto alte th cast of th d he job of sgheing eques a

mobil s In te following I sha pesent a ough seme othe mentl opeatons n whch mny a histoian engages on way bac to past enuies

In one of is bet known statets Rane potest hs deseto bot ou hs slf so that ony te things themselvs may do thetalng He wants to suspend is pes aings nd judgments ode to show wie es egetich gewesen he objeivy at wic he aims s of a spcl in i is pay onddn e belie tat od manests Hmse n he unfoldng ofunvesa histoy Rake pompted y eigos feelig itoogaphy h also delaes lives up to ts lmate mssin if teveas tse to be in sympaty wth the univese ad pivy tots seces3 The histoian then wod av to blot ot senot us fo the pupose of dspassonaly edeng te ouseof past events but w a viw to beong a patiipat obsee engossed n the uniquely sigcnt specace thateolves on te stage of te wold. n Ranes idea histon edsengaged seace who aspes to xpose e facts as theyae nsoluy meges wth he woshipe not mystc whopuies hs mnd to contempate the wondes of dvne ws

dom4 So te obectviy he aheves i a ate complxpoduct it eults fom both a mnd uced to a ban and amind moe substaa and wide n scop tan the oe voided is sae mh as wel mento in passing that Dlteydsmses Ranes pa o seftnction as someting mpossibe o Contay to wha Rae sggests ilthey agues


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he histoian caot nderstnd the past uss he sze on itwith his whol bing sad of vaiy yng to xtinguish sf h had hfo bttr pad i, a univrsal sf makigfo iversal undestang5 Qite so Yet since te histoan,unlk the poet i der obigaio to bild om given mate

rials th dsabl xenso of subectiviy is otget oits pevio shinkag. And wy shold it e impossibl fo to chc e st of sbjctiv inuence? Actuay his sl ismuch more exible ad maipulable a Ditey ms to real-ze The istoan hat is may go fa i putg it i backts oideed acig iin any cas far nough to rpond to maysigls which woud othewis b lost on hm he itmdi- dimension of histoy ieences in degee ad approxma-tios ar anyhing bt nglgibe Rakes yeaings point theright drctio

n at passag of novel whre h rlates e netral objec-tiviy of potogaps to photographrs moonal damen Proust lucidy dsibes two drent states o midei wch a pesons self welds full power and th otr in whchit has withdrawn fom the scee he passage is dvotd to avit which Marcel pays to hs beloved gradmor after a longabsece Upon eteig he room unoucd he immeditelyfls that it i not he himsf who s loog hr: Of mysef . . he was prsnt only th wtness e obsr with hat and avg coat, t sangr who doe not blog to theouse e photogrper who hs called to tak a photogaph of

places which one wil ever se aga. T process at mechaicay occred in my eyes whe I caught sigt of my grand-mothr was indeed a potogaph" s photogaph a pojectonof Maces vaa mid pilssy hibits what h h com-plete Mrce� ad t sn befoe; for we neve s e peoplwho ae dear to us save in the amated systm the peptual


moio of ou icessat love for tem whh before allowig imags hat thi fae prsen to ra catchs em inits vote gs em back upo the idea hat w have alayshad of them " Fo the s ime Marcel now ss his gand-mo as e eally is ss, sit g on e sofa a djctd od

woman who beas o resemlanc whatee to e picturewhich he has lovingly fomed of he hs soul6 His ierpicture yelds to he potogaph at th vey momt when lovig person he is srnks ito a mprsonal srngr s astag e may ideed perceive ayig because notig hss is pgant wi memoies at woud narow h eld ofvision No soo does Macel entr hs grandmohe's roomth his mind boms a palimpsest wih th stag's obsvatios beg supimposd upon t lors tmporaiy eacdinsipio

Somtms f tself produces su paimpsess am tinking

of th x wo as a adult person has be foced to leave sount o has left it of own fre will As stles else-wher, al ose oyatis epectaios, d aspaios tatcompise so larg a pat of his beg e auomaticaly cut ofom he roots is lf histoy i disrpted, is aural" selflgatd o he backgroud of s mid o be sue, his evitabl os to meet the alengs of a alin envonment willaet his ouook his whole mntal makup. Bt ice the selfhe was tius to smolder beneat th pso he is about tobecome, his idetiy is boud to be in a stte of u; ad h

od are that h wl nve fy belong to th mmuniy towhic he now in a way bogs (o w i members readiythink of hm s oe of hes. ) In fact he has ceased to elogWhre en dos h ive he nearvacuum of taritoality te ey noma's land whic Marcl ented whn h staug sight of h gradmothr he ees e mod of xi


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tence s t of snger7 So e may look t h pevosextece w e eyes of one "who doe ot beong to ehoue. Ad t a e s ee t step outde the cule whws s o, e suently ucommitted to get side temids of the foeign peope n wose mdst he i lvig There

re get hstoras who owe·muc of te gretes to te fcttt hy were eptrts hcyddes eesly tte t hsong ee eabed m "to s someng of bot sdetePeloonnsn s wel a the Atean . 8 I our dysNcs aien bagoudhe haied from oad hed tobe pay reponbe fo hs unpediced and nove appoa toEngl histoy.9

It is oly n tis stte of selfecement, or homelessness, tte hstoan can commune wi e mateil o once asum, of cuse, t he rel1y wa to get the feel of it andnot ony ims t ng hi na ypoee and huchewith its aid A sranger to the word evoked by te soc, he isfced t te tashe eles tskof penettng ts otwadappeances so tht he my le to udernd tat wodfrom withi

he most pmisg way of acung suc kowdge pe-sumby for to heed opeaues advie to te rt -

dent nyody ooing at a pctue Scopehauer clams,sold behve as f he were in e reece of a prince drespectfuly wit for what the icte may o my not w totell hm; for were e to tk st e wold only be isteng to

imsef0 ig in thi snse amounts to or of ctivepasvy o te storin's pat He mu vene on te vereroues suggested to him by is inecouse w e evdence etielf di aong and tke n wth all s sense ted, thevrious mesge hat hppen to ec im us e ill morelly n ot it upon unexpected fc ad contexs ome of


w perap tur out to be ncomptibe wth h orgnaampo But do not i wdergs brig agin h selfnto ply the vey ef wc aoig to peme hod haveben put t seep? Tey do and do not. Actually te ef oper-tive i he pocess is oly p of e self n ts flesht

part of it whch futions a a heer eceng insentFo obiou ao sientcmded hstoria tend to d-

page this ind of pssv, cntendig th t neterusef nor idd posibe Mrc Bo fo nstance catego-cally er tat mee passve obervation, een suppoigsuc g were possble a ever conbuted aything productve to ny enc Ad e ques dmson t nostoan can eacly folow is neay a e nvetigates eource y mmtel ddig tat wthout it te tonwoud rik wnderig pepely at raom2 FotuateBochs objectios need no be tae oo seously n outcomeo his ardet desie to sienze ( socal nd itituon) hi-toriogrpy they ae in mesue ndated y ow e-ec pocdues as a pctg stoian e mself enove baward doing jsce to te ven data no mattrwheer hey corroborate h eme of eanton or ot Fe res, ot even al sentst ae poed to acept h verdicton mee passve obsrvaton te te Wght il held hpresely i te nteest of eoryfomaon, scal scieits hdbetter py atenton to te adom des ad fces tt nvetetly cos eir md.8

Wt I ve caed acve psviy a nssay phe of tehian's wok is behvo dng phe has been chracteed to pefecto by a emk of urkardt whicreaes e spiit of Wowot lne: "Widom oft j s neerwhe we stoop tn wen we sor Remisng bout te


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So uc or the soa' joey o e pas Te ourycoues: e u e o e uppe wor a pu booo goo use. Hee olow a cee o e eal opeaos wc e ll ave o engage o e e oe a succese e abou e evese of oe wc elpe abob

e poeal eviecee ex logcal sep or e so o assmae o sef e aeal colece, w e epas o facugs a Hi ok-akg acv seve wo prpoe Frs ey ak a oa age beee esearcprope a epeaoa age wc e ca ly odo up I e fae o poder ad ogaze oeow aera e woul o be able o assess s beag o alypoes feel o uze fo aa a wdepeave coe Sed ese acves fequelaou o pursu e ow rig asu a ey re

ee o coe e socogs o oe a varacew e ac Sce epecal largescae soe cao avobecloug or sog pa o ocal ea e a oexposg e ero s a g obgao e eus o esora eo urg pase a xcluvey bene aao wok e preparg a eeoe eve e o lg e or o epee rep o quoe Bukar agn eadve a oug lleage "pl o o e e bb ofacs s propecve rrave (o wou adg, ouga e ould aaly su al a e os)

Howeve adce ous soewa ouoe a a ewe e ee o ol are o log faonabe e ueoa s, rae a poou cocr w a ve rubbof acs· wc uckad wae o e awa Coempory sorogap abous a-ore accou exge meae ye o eae eeac e age fo ru


ofe- vegao wc e ou k of peaory o e ps o qes wc eal vove elfogeng meo e xs ad rea O coue oly ee le qu w ve up o e ce peseeee Alogee e gee o fac-oee acous ge co

ncdes w wa Herbe Buee cal nca oyueel pessly ses a eccl so presuppos anac of efepyg o e soas p 1g a a oeplace ee ype o sor as a e a uaeea of esrpo ad epao w oca a coee g ar aceve b a cpld ue of ge evece

Te prase loca an ocree gs pos o oe o ecacecs o e gene ay o e sma, e oograpc or ere are goo eao o e e opasvee wc ay seve sora gas e evece

papabl favos e u o ae A weever e probee souce o ceck e u-o-ac o oe cuve aave soe broaer sorca cosuco e lke o appupo geeaos o ao-uns wc ca o a fes looka e vrse aerls e allegel cove

fue deo a e soe ve coeo er ow oly e soe e pa can be ake oerb e aoc o Proea o ae 21 e gere apre ouaaabe obcve ru Te k o oevy s oacee a be calle passve beause o org a self

wc oug eacvae a a low pc a oreeefus ly o aer sef fo fea o blg e coucao eceve drg s wdrawl fro e cee

Ca ayg be ad or oig? pouc o a euceseeuced a s f ere eoug o a se o a oeucofac-oree acous ae of esy eual d


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cooress. Suc tepetation as oes into them at a meeysee to inteelate the daa asembed an usumn wayBut even so hese "teca hitoie are moe te to ypetan ae the many fu-bon istoies ih inadvetenty tistte evdence to make it bea out wateve they expres n tems

of peent-day vews, ideas o subjetve prefeences Whie ntem te histon's formatve ure et th bete of i urosiy about te rea course of events the aouts ave nmindacount wic cone hemeves to tain toc of oa and conrete thinsueriny foo the eaisti tendeny Bae d noncommitta as tey may be in don so heyat east meet the minimum equiement of the htoca approah0

The most outpoken countept in the cnematic meduare documentary desied to potay (pyia) reaty ina straihtforrd manne. Hee you have aai a case whee a

cmpion beween l nd itory prove ewdn A edocumentaes I no picure appa vin condtio amatteoffact obrnes whch as ave earned reuts fromthe deibeate upension of te authors eatve poersiy ied atmen the dieto of tese ms proceedfrom the convcton that ptoria beau and suestive editinoud intefere i thei intenon to le thns be tey ae.They patice ef-retaint as atits to produce the ee ofimpeona auhentiiy No the aient pont s tat eir condct is based on mora onideatons Joi Iven eates that

dur he oo of a 1934 doumetay aout temers n Beian oa disit he and hi co-iecto eitorc reaized that teir very ubect mate equied of tempotorapc smpiy We fet it woud be nstin to peope in suh rem adship to use any sty of photoaphy

0 S aptr spcl pags 555

at oud prevent te det onest ommunicaton of terpn to evey spectato 22 uman suen, t appeas s nduive to deched epotin; the arits onene sho inares photoraphy ince hstory fu of han erinsma attud and eecons may be at the bottom of may a

factoented hitoria aount deepenin he iance o tpae obectivity.23

The ouey oninus Afte havin eased an orned hs fas he hitorian moes on to hei ntepretaion e about to ompete his ouney But s the stoan wo retusom te pat ti the peson he as hen e t the prest orit? n hs itica omment on Coiwoods phoophy of histoy, Leo tauss ases t vey ueson and saaciousy answers t in the neative ( owood himse wa so nvnedof te eitimacy of is nsistence on the histoans pntmedness that e od neve have deamed of askn suc ain Sa arve at te onuona vaid conion a Isee itta conary to at onood asme te itoan does eta hs identty e process: e emba ona jouey hose end hidden fom im e not key toeturn to the shoe of his me as cty te same man whodepated from them 4 ncidenay he s not ey eter toetun to pont of deparue

The cane of dentty he underoes ms be aced to itay te past To be precie t s aftermath of te discove

ies wih the hstoran s main n the state of sef-eacementthat phase i whch e opens imsef up to te sueons ofe souces eed I repeat tat i dins may obstuct hiorin esearch deis and therefoe deteme hm to atee oue of hs nvestaon? t any rate ey ae apt to tehim omet he id not and oud no kno befoe Tis


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poins to the diecon of the hage It is inevitable that theyied of th isoia' atve passiv should femnt n isnd ad us evenaly eect a boadng o its ope Sef-eacment begets selepasio ( do not ws to mply athe istoa is a piveged perso i thi rpect Pstday

fe beig of te sam i as the ie of th past evebody goigaot h usies of livig may ahve suh lepaion,povded e is apable of log s sf And e hsori hmf, ined i podctiv aetmdedns as e will ce-taily not only eed on soce whic have ceased o How) nseuec Dileys elief tat hisorcal dstadig alsfor the totl moilzatio o o beig 0 trs out o be otscety speic Wat is requed o te istoa is otmeely his "wl i ma" 25 as h happe to bt a swh as expaded the wake o is eaeintio

e aale� hen which I ave dawn eee Prousts Ma

el and h hstoin anot e fly uphld espte al atey have i common thy eav n a det mae terMae� shk to a sager or photogaphe, has see hisgadmother as she ealy look, the paipsst whh is mndepreses dg this ivountay excusio into ceareaitydissolves aga ad te lovg ae udeeah Mace� thimpassve sangr, rtes h sen ru e hstoriasses thogh he sam phase of estangment om hi prefernces d nciatio bt unke Mae he doe not come ouof it ucaged. s s whih atr h etu rom th past

smes coto s encd y th obsevats he has madedg its tmpoay essio Whe he reinstted competMael al back upo the ideas wih he ntrtaied o hisgadmothe pio to e tansfoatio io a poograph te

* S pae 2930 43-, 8 62

histoa assmles to se e vy rea wh was n-ceald fom by hs ideas o it

This hs a arg o h osiio i the honologa odo ig The mpact o he hoia's joey on his mentabuid fthr nvads omopae aumptio at he

th son of hs tme Actually he is he so of at est o meshis own d h m he i nvesgaing s mid i n a measre unocazable; t pambuates wiout a xd aod.

Baus of the compli o is mata e istoan wihave to ava he o al imaginabl modes of expaatonThey may rg fom satistia sves to maave gussesat purposs d meanings d tey a bound to vay w ois emphaes and th acteiss of hs pauar subjecmatter he itory of deas te ovioy reqies a diereeatment fom say politial o social istoy. Thgs humanexteding ito mltle dmesons one sigle p of explana-

tion w rely do; a a le sevral tepretatv approahesmust be nwove to ove the casany caseude scutiny. ilhey, sct wih a ese o whoss arms neessi for the hitoian o apply them joiy agg thatthey ompme ad rinfoce eah oter26 o t maks seseto speak o a web of tepetatios. The istorias stoy isantmout to u a weat eas to t xtent tat th vethe etes led hemselves o ing explied at ll whenevethey prove to be unaotabe, is lgey a rpotig ob

Ad what doe e w o tepetaios osit of? Conspi

uous mog ts moe aulate omponnts is e sn-oiented appoach whih takes its ue fom the sciencs popeespeally e havioal scin ice its posiiites amatos hav been deat wh i Chapt 1, sha oemye to statg to major poits mad re: s appoach


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s basd o h ac a man s dpy mbddd au; ands objcv s o xpla h pas fom sun gas

ad ufomies soca ad a aas gra.

Ev oug scc paaions do not vov socaomna n t css o ovd asws to s

ccay soca qusons, y do soat ss o tualcauss ad c wic o soia t o usv ompnso can aod o ng Fo m o ow o com

pus wod b d omaicsm (Ts s o sad o gaddn as of omu-mdd To msa compus o a

mas ky to raon mas o dpv soy o s pcua vo by dung o a scnc u and sm)

Can ascs of s daaspcs o o o fuy mnab o badows n scnc asonmay cang h oian o so o paaios a mopoogca vn Tus

s m ad aga m to nd ngb sa

no occurc o vts dn aas o uma davors by c o sway o a o o b suposd o

go t od o wic sydom bongs Whams aong s ns w wo dnds ny on

wg o th cooboav vdc Som o mo n

sanc Ma Wb's oy of coog ow o Cans cs o Pns da o t bggs of h oan

Mdd Ags as cous as hy a sig27 And ya ossy u i, a a oss ow o d a commo dnom

ao y co u h "s o a od ocs od

sp s sm o au mds qus o ot vsas By sam on mopoogica dscipo os sf a oo o

I leave d h many glai of cdu a-on sociey, pwef aei enon on people atrge by me of orce nd/o It es hteve tng his rclly inucd ne e n le eiblethan naua eessies.

h oao o hsoia sysms o dasg. Hsycsm mdva Csn c Idd, ac suc sysm

vs uiis no sucua aoss and dynac pay bw vaous oos comg nk o as Wys The Seventeent Century Bkgound

o, o mo a mo c amp, a Bumnbg's mab suds o cang o oug sysms a bg

nng of modn ag8 a moov, sto dvomns w avo a sla apoac T isoa o

ows o sqcs of sccssv, o cssay cogousasc avms wc ang og accodg o a so o

nna o bcaus ty subsan on a ao

mcao d otais o wo o obm aon t ss

owv much as s mo o aon o wcos may b addd p soan o co o gs w

as by msvs aon y do o sc o mk mundsad n u ss of wod Rah u nd

sdg comasss m oms m w co adang s a mod o ntaton s ow g and

ows s s o a basc qa o soi omawc o gno woud b da o soy odcs o

ncss as w as cac ad dom s nomammsy onc and vuay nasb nomadn ad £, a univs wc as many ais commo

w Lbwt Ty stand ou i si as do

uas wod w iv . d y woud b mab o us d w o n ou dags w m ocd afh vy ma n wic w pod vday f wn wassss, on smgy o spur o mo, a sos

caact agu abou a oca dcso pond ossb

° For thse sequences, see Chapter

g6 RY GS T N'S JY 97

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otme of a idividl or soil c, ere no oheay or us to orent oselvs n the junge og c eare passig A he tures nto he thcet o tngs, te is-tora ds hmself i e me prerus sitaton So e too soblged to daw on sud ve jdgents esates ad c

hypteses admbraionsnig commet ic constituteexpaao of a special tpe Altogether they mae up at weal "udestading n order o «dstand e penomeatat coe in on m he hstorian wil bg to bear on them avaiety of suc commen ad glosses. hee particla explanations are aythin but digests or halbaked vesions o scieior morphologcal nepreaioich is to say at thy can-no be dioved or exted ito stemets aout causa rela-tionsips stuctral cans ad te e. No do theyeaily admt of ider applcatio Tey re eatey self-conted; tey rest fom ad respnd to que enconesih opaque entties

Bt enusting orselves to hem do we not ape noucoolable bectivt? Wie they are ndoubtedy subjec-tve, tey may eveheess carr poe o ovction It adepe po ehe o not h cofo two coionsbo o ich eane he sicance o te procse of lf-eaement and sefepanson. o be to te pont ndestnd-ing must rst be onded in he isoas nial sureder tote act Secon s vai ncees i direct aio to teange of s man experece, te spe of i isdom

facutes boud p wih a reecve spoitio and te ac ofpassve obrvation oe Grae ppy ord: Hstory is anod mans game 20e puts it into te mouth o the veneabeRoman istorn siniu Poiostly ntimate ha the deveopmet of hstocal ndersndng is nnget o e cltivaion o these falies In addtio to prssing home the need o

tem Isa Bern ao take a glance at te ay i ichstons gve om ad body to e epnaon puar toudtning itoril planaon to a age degree -rngement o e dscoeed ac n pattes c sa becaue ey ard ith ife as we ow it and iagie t30

I oher words he isig which ndertndig yld tend ect te sape of he ave he patt of the iston'sst eect those of his acumuated e epeence, oshedas it re by ha he pas d to 31 n a ay hssto nterpreaon.

I may happenaltough t does not happen oftehat heundersandng hisoria oers an nterpreatio wich diersom he o h ardt' otio of the aakengndivdual n te Renaissane is of tis kind ad so Massbsuctrespesucte eory The dsngishing eaue

o sh epanaons s at hey seem to poi beyond the mate-al fom wich hey are eicited. hey iod a new pcple of epaaon they revawith one stke as it weryetected te ad elonips of a elvey wdescope ad they nvarably ivove mattes of at mpre pricr iteretatio may be ed de Wem te hstorians oey denitely ac its ose toil ideas mar ltimate desnato

hat ere is omeing vey specal abot em can be ineed fom te fact at peceptve histoans mael at hei

orence ad ry to describe e processes hugh wh hymay be aried at o sooe does a eplanao i this veieset se to he mind says saiah erli (ihn coetintended to emphasize the noenti aspe o itoy) tawe imediaey eaie at "something deepset and fundme-ta at as lain unquestioed ad i dkness is suddeny


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lmitd o prised out o i frame for oer peon 2

Huiga on prt o e te "storil seno tochrcte e momet at h e uh idea or ewyed by it. He peas of moment o special ntelleuallr moments o udden pnaon of te pit He h

it morver, tat or cotact wh n idea is compnid byn uttr convctio of guene nd tt, evn ough weardy ever know wen it omes to s: it "cn be evokd by ine rom doument or a rocl by a print by a f oteof an old ong 83 I might as well add that t be vokd otonly by te orces to hih it primily applie ut y "mttrsremote from d ppretly uite nconected ith he sujctof inquiry 84 he hitoan may draw hi inspirtion rom hisol lie expeiene

Wt out the posio of itorical ides i the herrhy ofconept? Fstgire s onvd tt he eeaze is empr-

il nings he he ces te vogue o elious mysticsm inhe Heleisi ra to te uson ad sefabdicatio oGre eso (which he in n butes he lk of epi-mnttion mong the Greek)� I aaid h i deevighimef in thus idefing a geerzon what to l intentnd pupos i much more in e ntre of ide To e ure,itoricl ide are geneaon to the etent tt ey rederived from d reer back to, a hrd core of dovered datbut t the me time hey mt be considered producs of in-ormed itution hich ch go beyond geerzations e-

aue hey quiver w cootions d maing nt foud inthe mateial osonig m Bd upon oton i thfacts, idas hve also oer root than the fct Thy are gnu-e unverals36 Whil it is lay possile to proed from anid down to it undelyig mtril rvse y fom themterial up to te ida i by no man a traigt rou he idea

de if to dditiv reeach d cumuto of detaiYou have to mp to ptue it.

Nor soud ese ingua iterpreo b nused e d of id wich form te bcboe o adioal pilos-ophy Ay plosopy mplemeg tota isio or potulatig

totl gol of mankindand w ths not the r d'�re ofWeste phosphy for mot of te mecime in ssumpo nd nos hic not merey pretd o unonionlvi but laim eectively to contol ll o reliy Unlthem htoril idas have ditint oudries; thei ihertntnton to expli thi or t etion o the pt Burk-hrdt's aening idividuli th prototyp of Renaisncm no more not es In prctie trac cross he boder pr havy Hitoris longing or sntheis haker aftr heonsoion o philosophy nd phloophr of story devseoverall mods for use in lower reos he piloopil

ide of evoluon h permated mjor horal rigs Pe-haps it s oe of te more foruate oseuenc o povimeni tat tor hve bome weary of suh ndoutsrm on hig Hexter o instc ution hi fow histoaagint dangers o t general concep o he grund attey obsue athe hn highlight codiions at a prclarme and ple31

Huzg sa of urckhdt ht he as long ne jond emster ho re ealtd bove the nihesis o right ong. s Within te dimnsio in hich thi aeis obi

o torca ide shoud be expected to be ully dqut Eachidea desrvig of te ne bers o comprvely lrge -ti of hiorl reitywhich impls that he hiri d-vcig it ust eep t crta dte rom the event h rpeig. t from this ditant poit of vie e c eiheprce all the peraps ree fts o avoid settig tm


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prsctv bound o ncea pt of m t s ben ob-eed that Brd fals to tak enassae enomy ndphosophy io ont ddon hioan viyngsom id pets e material to wc it applies fom a lsrdnc an e one at wich e ide h been conceivd he

come across vr smar ut of at maeria; and thymy cny suggeon whh thatn o disove e ide ofh once. It vin mbon, Hizg objcts o Burk-hardt o wan to decbe man of te Renassan Thnmeou ypes oed by at ri priod a dividd by othercharcterstics more basially thn any idivdaism cn nitetem89 Dvatatng a ticim s I am not ue whrit is ompely f For wat doe Huznga do He lers thdtne to e sbect he plays o mcro fats agist wlfounded maco hyosis0

To th extnt hen ha htoa idea ae genealztions

tey nnot b righ wot bg wong" alo. he dgreof ir validi a genelzaon dpends on e dg of faitless to th avaiabl vdnce o rpeat tht in hwold o ito vehig matr of dgre o eeone of h leio of boo Gibbon' tei bot thedcie of h Roman mpre ha ered away, remdingon of hose runs whos mo sght once moved him tint it on te o hand, i t view of contemorar nai-sance hols no mpotat fact hav yt ben nearted ttwoud seiosly ps Brkhardt famo neretion.

And her i e dmeno abv t of righ and wrong nsigning Bchardt a pac i i, Huiinga wan to give tondertnd that his idea is impeishabl no matter whehr ornot it proves to b cort41 iah Bn how e am mag

0 T re b micro d mac hsory u n Cr

nanty wit gad h fatal accuray of Mtdoce: Even ll is spe concsio wer provd fae,is mpoan n ing whoy nw tud soa distol qons nd so onng nw vue of hmanknowledge, woud be npird �2 Sinc h and Hnga

ar rty aware that an intrpreon tand nd fals witi (rela v) deqacy o he vn fat ter indernce tos vtal se peably stem fom ther de to row intori e atondng suval apciy of historial idea Do notvn ida which hav been shown to be ong"eg MaxWeber idealypial constucion of the mpons of thPotetant etic on n e memoy and ean omehgof th nital lendo?

isoril idas apper to be of lting igncace bcaushey onnect te parl wih th general n ticlte andtuly niqu way Any such conncion being an ncrti ven-

r, y sembe ahes iunng t gh i whyte emergec in h hitorian nd has ben teed a s-oa saon" and aid o communcate a hock o e reytem . te hk of ogion" •3 y nodpopoints which th cnet and e bac alymt nd bcome one Whnvr happns ow of d-rmae htorca events i ddnly retd nd ll t tn xposed to view is sn th ight of ge o oncpon wch ta it out of th nient ow o elate it to on ornoter of momentou oblems nd qons tat re for

ever stang at s Mars ubesperctre hry andBucd's idea of t Rnaian ar no only igh' gener-alizaons: hey mae inroads into t ralm of e genratruth ncudng thoe I ave called philophical ideas)uths whch ar o aboue valdit if mpty or aglow wieteny lie wothewips. Note hat histoica idea do no


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f w them bt materaize at a low lv of absactionhey mrk e end of he htoian oey ao s fr asy st a lmt to is ivig fo genait; byond at limth wod lose toch wi i mars I s oub indeewhte e uhs of he ghest generai ae pabe at l o

rosg te particulars ey logay ncompas Tse xemeasactions ryalz ito tatemens so widemehed at thaculars-a seie of itoical evet o so-nnot t droptrough the nt Fo th toran to ha hm i e histoicaliea oer islf a th mos general popoion-a thresholwhich he may angrs ony at e isk of o on being aleto ig his :nding ome to e po of understandng

En thog historica idea i from the whol lf heyae not ubjctv in a see a wold ntef with theipotential t val On th cona wi tem bjctiiy isanything but a itng factor I have aeady ndiated the

esos hey le wi te dynamic caracte of e htorian'slf Schmacay speang, i cmprss th mssages he riv ig its acment and xrience h ndgoes it epaning he objg eet of f it thsachieves is sengthnd by e movement in which it iegagea movement wich ds it i a measre eedent of its ocao me Htorial ida wld em to ehe prodc o a ynamzed Bt the tm "podct smileaing Actualy, thgs happen e othe way round -g e eiod of incbation a oun possiiites of how best

to plan h data pa before the hitorians innr ye So hemt k is choice And it fne and rlati mobilityof his mi that nab him to select om amog these posibiities th one whih cd all te os in eth an mrehnine. Te ia is somuc he prouct o hi lf the eult of a selecti pross, wih hs self acting as a ivig

od; i i a dicovry ot outwad pojecon he isverb th moe vid-ie the "sbjcv-he more itha beneted by a at t histoin kows and imaies d his what lan m when he dlares at emost subive npretation of hitoy is at he same me e

most objcive -or rater, what he woud mean wer he notbetchd b th ham profuity of xiili otoo.bjtiviy at its most intesive tancens itf Hitoicaida are obctive pil bcaus of their indetedn nmgated suectiity Th ( appoimate) obeciv to wicy attn ma be calld actv in conadncton to thepasiv obji ra n te hase of sleduction. If ascen eparat from the tth thee conc-t idcom close o pnctig it.

In folowng th histoa o h orny, I have elieat

omited wo iculs cofog hm en out He movaout a iverse which bcaus of its noomoeeosce mkes it eessary for i to ngoate many hresnd he avl rogh im-a mem whoe complxy fe obtrct i avanc. hese dicl cl fo o atnon. Di histo not eit one migt amost say anmpobae uertakg

TH Uc OF lRIC ' 05

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5 of vs

"Nog wuld er the prres lo of e phiphy hito mr n a goounass te t mbl yp f p e te lder" 1

Hto e n scp o mantude depndng on th se ofh spaotempora nt they c hos of he sam scp arat sam ve f geneaty A monogaph on e bat o

Leen s of owe magde or esse geneat, hn an

acct of e Sevn Yeas Wa ch urn frs pat of

natve f sl wd scpesay a ta hisoy of 18-nu Erp. nd so g on Te whoe se cals to nde Cs gadget of e holl oy sph hch contains

iar sph of dng sze eah freely cng t

wm e nt argr oe Te ders htoris may al

arrangd aong a cotuum on pl of hch s cupd ysynthss of ete genalersal hstories, that s

while the opposie p wd hae to be aned to nvtga

ts f atomke eenDnc in spe mak dernces n dstanc. Any lge-

sca hstoyeg, e hstor of a peoplreqes h ar


ato p fa back frm gvn data hat a he dsnies

of a ppl nte h ed o von Of cos ovve-

g a g sic o he past he cann b os sgt f manycrcmstans espnib fo hs ta mpeson t Cn

ersely Tonbe os ntelgb els o sdy' c-

zatons in te eneycom vsbl only at a enousce fom he eidece spk, n wiot condsceson,

of myopc" hstorans wh crawg dep el, goe he

gand stas he hmse s njyng2Histories o te same magntde ha cetn popees in

con Th he historian f a cety wil sele from amoh socs thr data than l the histrian wh ncenates

on a decad o so. Nor should the tw b expcted to dcrband specfy e deomets o er cce by ay f cm-parios of the same type or order The comparbe ary

with te leel of generaliy at which he hstran perat

Alogee hese ent hstoes conste the hstol

unierse F the sake smpiton I hal d them nt

o majr gropsmcro n mao hstes I go whoutsang ht h bondaes n h wo grops uid

A pradgmac nstanc o mco htores ha arady b

mnoned: Pofsk's anaysis te es whch h high a

lr Mddle Ages mad of th mods proded thm by cs-sca woks of at and iterat uh ntpetatve smlsesories may cald closups ecause o hr resemblance

t thefl

shs of his name which isolat and mag smesual dtala fae, a hand a pc o rnituto famle

0 I might s we mti "dstac ae lo ag, gigib. Watv t sp t pead ve and oe et ets; ' fr vuy cae w i r re page 57·


i i t h F t h di


G d b th l t th il f l i

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us wi is partc physogmy Fag t he mcro dimenso coseup studies lie n the iediate eighborhod ofte ulk f factorieted acountsht st yed the histo-'s jouey io he pstand moreoer share with them tedevoo to mae and the ty for he mgraphi fom

ut uie tem, tey explre he mateia to te fu nsteadof ong teselves to etra stocktaking Coseups ae de extesion of hse aount As a le they resul romteir authors desre to suppement, ree r deed nvaidateoto ad latins w have been uuestongly ac-ceped by geeons of macro hstoras. Jedin·s ose aalyssf te oucils of Constane ad Base serves a dle purpse:it uaies the widely held belef tt tese assembles wee ofttl oeqece for he ner rr of he ch; ad ithiglgts the lastg sinicae of ther derees whih pr-lmed the spemacy f general cils8 Hexter o hs pat

dduces detaied edene in spport f his tes hat e a-tonl pio arding to whih te feudl arsocay begato degeeate the Raissane s nthig but toih4 As mpared w closeps te hghmagnitude ewsthey mmet upon often strke one as rather sweepg andinaccae.

S d wld be n detal? o get hsrste Tyof W d Pac ad Sir Lewi Namierchampn the do-ine eptomized by Aby Warbrgs famus dtum Bh de-cae te micro mesio t be he seat d futahed ofhstorcal trut

otoy saes the many istoies wc atrute t theapoeons and Aleander of r world the power t crete rdesy big empies These hstres, he res grossly exagerte the range nd mpac of an ndvdal's pwer In addi-, hey would be sdy fonded only f we s beleed hat

Gd subcs the pples to the wil of persona uler ommis-sed by i to plment e pans of dne prodee6Yet theoogia epanatns have had ter day And snemodern historograpy refses to cowledge tem we wllagai hae nqure it he ae of e mystes fore

tat brngs abou the movement of the peples (or naios) brahng ts fundamentl esto, Tlsty t ly dsposesof heroes gera nd itrs but reects all proposions ecg him as an ougrwt f mothing deies the iuece des o hstoal hage and des notpace any conde in the aldt et alone relevce, of socalled sooogial laws n hs iew most strians ndulge nabsrat sructios whch pss over te real fats they t embrae and repreent. H own answer teses to his in-comparabe susceptbilty t the amiatins ad emaatis fec sngle phenmenona sene f detai wc for stane

shows n eaing desripo of e mohathg lawyer Anna Kaa. The frce bend the movements f e peples, says should not be sogt above ad ouside themrher it cosits the innmrabe cives f e ndivid-ua partcipants in the hstrca prcess7 To demsrate tishe e ad agin onfns in W d c, e undeablyrea agmenta eperenes of hs chratersg, PieeBekhovs dung the btte of Bonwit exerpts romhsories ad ocal aos of the same perod hs hrowgto re the brdgeble gap betw e emp geneiza-tons nd those rstad impressios Wi the artit's vve-ment i the orete otoy magines hstial realty as aedless onnum o moscpc ncdents o, d ntercos whh thugh ther sheer accmulato, prode emaoscpi upeavas vctories and sasters featred n te of tebo By te wy e nt te only one to ensio


h i t l F F h


ll l bl t W t k f i

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such n inteml connu F gr e Frechpne n lm mr remd of a monster lm tt wolhve to rord he of mn n womn roughottwenty nsctiv hors: ter wor, er silen, hrnmcy Notng oul b omtt; nor should te wo pro-

gonts ever be awre of the prsnc of th camer Lgerreaze tht th pcres e and wr bond o be shogsigts becaus thy would x the ormally hiddn w-pol o cre estenc I hk," obsee his would b soterile ng ht pope wol n awy hod callg forhelp s if cg a world cattroph" 8)

Qute ogcally ooy cosders a' ( un-

ullable tas to brek own the mro nes ino esmllst lemnts His es ou he inerrons btwenhese ny uis rval hs epndnc on 9tcny scnc.He fls nto ourgh etmm. Hmn reason, he s t

obges us to concv of t evet e micro imnsion sprocsss controld by ltrabl ws H ftr postlates possble at al a rscon of th h of cuses es n tht dmenson wold yld e w of histoy s woe Wih Tosoy, ty is e of ncn eson of at of ntu (Inngly h rfrs calcs necon wt he prs o b us for he solon o mcro ts nd r subsquen graon.0 It is a eantcpte h mod comprs

osoy's belif in a nexoral usal s gs hm nto

deep wtrs How rconcl e le of ncssy w e pence of uman om? h soluon ors mn o anwwrd epint he ss no oter ay ou b to grefredom o phnomon of o conscousnss somhing le secondary quly. Hs main poin is tha world sablsh by resonth dly rel woere is no pce for

causally xplanabl actos Wt we sak for ei-sion is n the ght of reason intabe conqce ofgivn conons rdom an iluson. T lin nvr-telss pptas self must be a o h iposibi or uso cot for inte numbr of elments th comp

iorcal rty h job of tcg h aws whh gov ertrply xes uman orts Tis bing so, we fl ndalnged o sbsttute feeom or wha lds or grspFredom s unkowabe necessiy1

o doub olsoy s a oor phlosoper. H niiclydops h philosopcl commonplac idas o hs scinc-orin ag nd conrvs to arrang hm ino a ptt per-mitting hm o eat ca n ave rscu fr ill anyt upho eermnstic ogma does not seem o ourto Tosoy at s soltion prevns m from idngry a inllgibl ad erps, scan succssion of

vns f fedom s mrely sbcv phenomno, ncssconns o cay the y i te world aout s: a tat appes ms hppn an hat is tt

But no oon as olstoy the wolbe hosohr, hd sy han ra olstoy akes over Givg hort to oseprero spulions, t re oltoyhs u personalon of mysc nd an empiistnows irnt nes-s a l ha wich must ppn, h fes al sholdppn A any rate h s py conncd ha in e cas of Rs popl vytng wll b for th good f only te

powrs ha b do not ntefere wit e ive foce moldingus fure Of ours o l thngs appn hy wil have onow wha s going on etwn al t a in h play Yt isnot, by Tosoys o prmse sc knowlg forver unt-taal H ovroms hs eortlly nmangeae -culty by invong the dvnatory powr of sdom ose he

110 RY: G LA

l i l d

U O S 111

d t t t l b t id d

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cal we nuivey acque, or possess vry owldgwhh s dned mnds gied by reason alon The ws pth ears to h god hey have te gift of appreedg distnct and often onng mssages tat osany seom th dak recss of evyday le; they hemslve e part

of tat oc wh geerat e movemens of e peolesI2Tosto lends esh a color o vsion is tuzo

wsdom carate H does not pla and ac; he wats andtes. Ad t s his capact fo lseng to, and interpeingthe chous of onfused voces om oot egion wc eabehm to dve apoleon o reeat Kuuov s an inspidleade because e is loah to follow his inspai Hs solamo is o rng o fon the omess oughs ad desiehe ds nsribd n mlos of Russa hears e ows" asPin Ady pus t, a here s somehing songe andmoe mpotn han s wilt iabe marh of vn." 3

The ievtab mach o evens? olo's ion to mcanis noion o his me asser se eveywere Buis doe ot mpinge on h u mboed by s Kuuovthat rly eav actio is sepaable fom inteniv passvoservao.)

Tonbee relat hat Name one od im Toyb I sdyh didua leaves, ou e ee The rest of the storiastudy h clusters of braches, and w bot tnk hy awrong (H sems to have bee poe enough not t tell

Toynbee wh he hough o te sudy of e whole treeNamers ed being polial hio, hs metapo o hlustrs of baes obosly ars on the deologa unwhc a h socade of e soies hs eld TheWhig npeaon o 8heny England wh e so ec-tively aad not ony acpted th domiant poiial dea

and ay prg o tat cy at ace value but oideedtem nodal poi of hstoa raity The u howverat e aged are pojeons of cmpo o aonsos nd sates o beg wc y caoag ater andegnae hey ae sham ntis Ad snce paccaly o o

e reaife penomea ty v as to te eological -meno o whh hy temsvs belog e nt lao be pt of rli ooghy uusied Name s ohe o haact of ayg deologia As h sees it ahisores whi pla t mphasis o poitca ideology raioalogh and verbalied agum ulmne vage geea-aons capabe o capurig t vy ay ey are meat toeplain. Le Tolsoy Namier rejcs such macro histores whthe paoram views

s nega aide toward thm is demonsabl inuencedby M's susucuesuperstuc eory am -

dug i debing e prense to auonomy o deas: e tooess e roe w maea neds ad soal cndos pa e omaio15 u o a he s no Maxs Not tomeo hs csvave tempe e s dced to om aoica hsori nto a pasan a ler en. Morepo, he eels stongy abou echagg one macro con-epton or aoer: Marx's mposg uaon of (pehistow a succssion o dileccay inteted class suggles doesno ee any appea o im6 Rtr wants to brea awayom he whole maco dmsorom all tos broad ad

omphenv hought pattn which umatey onsiu ouroveonal image of e word T mage ey eld is decepve becaus tey xaust themseves estabisig sprious between phatom uis of argel anonymous acts Produs of ou osciousness ty ar ot so muc selfcotanedsght as suface symptoms o f prosses A wat


he ais at i to get ben te sfae ad xlore e ess


The world f histy as it apprs to h e a dseg

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he ais at i to get ben te sfae ad xlore e essobsive, less sible ea appenngs deep psychologal ay-ers aie's s a way ut T ollws cnclsvey oms ndren t sytesis ad rrain poper J Brookesays of hm tat he "never waed a ep withot loog

every dien. 17 He caot brg sel _to negect te ndi-vidual leaves r te treeNamier hef acknowledges s debtedness Fd e

equess hstas to cve e psyogc sprgs f p-ical deas18 p t the shae f consciu prompngsn eve actin9 ad categocally decaes that a owledgeof mdern psyhologyespeally mas psyolois id-peable fo the advance of htoigaphy20 s he a rtodxreudia? What aes ost, he wtes sewhee, "s tendeyg o, e ic to wh ids re a mre l-reto fte f vy nerir ual . 2 here s an istic

strai hm wh distitly shows i hs prose) And isaestet sensies ay well have atned im to he eotsmade n al te fnts of ntempray artotsw wud hdy have develped stegt wee it o fore ahievemet of red ad Max n ay e it is as hejoed f wih se pates, p and msician whaspie to dsslve e adiioal foms ad modes of pecevg.hey poed thoghot fom bg wholes ad ovachgcmpsits o old t in a way fgeay statements wichpehaps wl never agai e ito woes Te (prvisonal lt is an adjst of ur sees to what rems of e wef uedup conventio one it is ndne Wat mai is atleast ontestable) So Naier resrs t psyhoaalyss as amean o dsntegrang te standadized aco ntos of polit-ical eaty If e is ot a Maxs he s t a srt fllower reud eiter

The world f histy as it apprs to h e a dsegspectace Wle some f the pli cal ideas pepng at wrldmay be i accdac wit e otis ps et. wichrespnd to e neesses of the hu mst of e re lfovesfo days long sne gne Bt sn e e t indle o

magnan ey keep alive o eve reacvate attitudes fearsand etans wch have eased to co t te actalsta hese utdated bts of gt ad behavio pe-maney dispt te teplay f ely drs ad pereby preventg s om meetg e present n tes o f itsown Muh as we t t epres tem, they 11 or ususand ave a way f dsharging themselves i ucaledfr de-mads ad respnsie utbst We are eurtics at emey f aua peienes Wth am, e pnipand pros at detere itil an are as a e ds-tbanes raher tan able sgsts Ideed, he ge so fa

as to cosder ter absence a symptom of "greatr nanalmatity 2 ee is a surreaistc aspect to the itorio-poliica wod he pictures: it s ted by gst which, i thef of ideas d memories ivade ur hoes ces adbran

obecive to ly e ghost ae, hat , the pyho-lgical otivato and ehaisms wi along wit the ma-teria pressues f the ment set things gog i ltics wese asprings of atvies ad event i te poitical aeaae t feeveg agen bt emanate m a very coneteue; i ·aie s e dvidl (or any goup wt idenable prsnal t is individas Namer has it, woake p e agegates wch hts hypnoted by ideaand causes sue abut at the peasue stag them orreal uis hey ae not. The rea ui is auet runs yiedo t ic aalysis; t epain some pase of polal to


on w ave to study t ves of a h dividuals involv in


sjes of ighmatd histoes are constrctions fte e

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on w ave to study t ves of a h dividuals involv init The God he worhps is not mrl in deta bt inbiogra-cal deail (He migt ave wonered at Coligwoos tota e-jecton of iogah as at of the historca eneps; yet if oneprocees saight from a pilosophial "idea of tory on

bond o aive at bizare conusons ) amier's method bestillusatd y his talblaig majo wok tat fabulously m-cosopi xanation of omposion of te sccessiveouses of Common uner eorge I 23 ote tat in aplyingtis meod, he pas little attenton to the promnent oltiianswo wid inunce and atat e pofessiona ioahsH is not a iograper i the usual sense All his inteest lies withte icla ae of he litle mn whih aod mor iigtino ypia emotions and aspiraions than o the areers of testar efomes Enrly in eeping it s approa, Namieramion hstoial invtigaons of a d nacessibl to t

lonel shola H leads for demoaphi itor wa of o-oprave eorta roram which as spire he ritish - f men pesentl in te mang His ida of mirohsor I shoul ike to add resembles Tolstos in tat it fore-shadows te aven o te ompuers But is not evey imortant innovaton usheed in by eams an grongs rgnantwith i?

In sum amie as wel as Tolstoy old tha the ideologesand big nsacons on wh ou istory oo cnte aefrom an it nmbe of mall even eeeding thm ral-ity And boh coincide in sggesg tha, in the interest ofgreater mao stoioap should e supeseded coeive mio studis.

oweve his roposion sems from a wrong remise: orical eat esides not onl detl, biogahical or othe-wise bt also extends into e maco dimension Not al the

sjes of ighmatd histoes are constrctions fte efac ere et longedurg events suh as wars, soal oelgious movmnts slow ajustments of welldene goups tohaging envronmental ondions etc wich can said obe tangible entities Unfoling in ofty egions some of hem

rsumay escape micohistorians attenon ven toughe nams y wc ty r kown ma be e abev-tions aily oering a tangle of mirospic engs, heseven e moe tan sr pojconspvided ey wee eeiened as units at e me of te ocuren. In 5th-centy Europe te issue of cuh reform was a ve concepit hig generality nowihstandg istoal longange eventsof th e a eal to e exnt ha tey stied eopl toner eir consequences duss alteativ and advanpossie soluons Toto's sare of tadiional stoiogapy not enel to te oint. y h sae tokn te past has seen

ideas ome and go wi s hey d hei ax ongno less o e ealities of fe an say an individual ictno matt for te est wthe wee gnuine o not Teyhave a peculia sustane an irruble ontent. And an his-torian treating them merely as rivatives of psychologalproesss msses part of wat eally and and mae eopleti

Sma wnder at te ostoyNaer position has given riseto vous objtions Namie, to say wi has aongother things, een ciiczed for assing o is analtial meodas a panacea t we mco analys is etainly t to pentrat th ideologial fog tat veed e praccs of he orppoiians nder eorge III it dos not apl o peods in-forme wt authentic oitial idas the Puritan Rvolionrsts beg schooge away4 Butereld, one of Namier'srt oponents, eproahs m wit ignoing te realiy of

16 RY S FO

sch ids Ne and hi folows e remaks, de e


order, but, each in its ow, all equay entic. 3° Fo e rest

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sch ids Ne and hi folows e remaks, de eavowed cal pposes at give mig s wel s cohe-sion to e events of histo"; 2� tey fal pey to te opticlillusion tat only the details mtte; 26 they re notwe at, to wite history, one m posss alo n eye fo

geneates 27 (t is pobably not Butteeld, he mndetechcal" hstoa bt Beel e Crsn ev whomost deeply rets Namierism beue it ndemi l te beleves inte potent meag of hto the nsicvale of ides Cistan histoin he tes sint connuiy or gted and even assumes e estene of somehgke Gods hiso with spenatual plane in chage ohmn s.28) Nor hs it eluded te citcs tat Namier inaant deace of hs professed conce wt minutie, somemes sbstes e telespe fo he microsope, setg lrgeon o the pst in a perspecve of s choi Was he not a

evt Ziot? One might nal wheer he lly hitsckbom xaminng te psycologl mae·p of te individu legedly smallest htocal ut ie i an nex-hustle macosm So reality gn reedes when he is convined he as come o grips wit it

e cidence of longendug evnts d ideas wich moreor less led a e of ei ow tnds to sgest at matoes re measre idependt of mico reseh.Even gt tt these ides even and wholesae aange-ments gow ot o the hstle and be o eveday pccpons, y re pt to deelop nd chnge n wys whih otbe suieny dend by a rse to thei elemen Dcussing e rlaions beween ese acroscopic pheomena ndte eemery, tomc data fom whic tey pprently isueMao nsists at e former e as rel as the ltter nd stssesther relavely ndependent stas: Tey are reales of noe1

order, but, each in its ow, all equa y entic. Fo e resthe fact ta such maco realtes e not fully taceble to tero realites gog into themtha trelated events at lowd hger levels exst so to spek, de by sidis y no mes uncommon phenomenon Most d beave deeny

deent imnsions o beg gd Chitn may be hh ndlod Prost deles t it sud to jdge tepoet y te mn or y e opo o his frends as te-Beuve does As o the m he i t a ma and can pefectlyignoe what is hoght y e poe who lves in him 1

he mpcatn is tat, conty to wt Namer nd ostassume pticl mcro histoy may tan to a cerin auton-omy t s ndestood at hs hold ue aso of hisoes iote ar . a poitcl histon nis say i te esofor e oetow o a regme or te caus of wa e need notalays poe he derwod of biogpl detl bt sta a

f cnce of roghy xpaig he evets m movesaguents nd ractons wc belong to e same dmeonin whch e is operatg As long as big events oom lage on ehozn tey re peceived in e whoeness and terefoe provoke reetions and mesure o smlar genealt n pn-ple, fom whateve dtnce a tran sueys he past he wilat ec evel of generalit come oss a casal nes of sortpeca to t evelremember te concentc Chiesespheres, eah moving oud independently o he othes hsshot itoes of Rome and Greece, ostove orgazes terelevant mor cto and ctos to an telgile teueout eve smmong mio facts.

Yet te tetue is oarse and ther wdemeshed Obvioslyte uonomy of espe stoes is not to be deendedupon Ate avng pleded te case o mcro atonomy ovegnt olstoy's and Nmier's ecessive attaks on it I now


wh to show that ci reogio vovs heavy ss.


ades h hsorn ot to ea h too og (o too shapeless)

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g yTo e sue, a pol is may plauly t ogher gieghmagide even eas, d rguet but he s hsgoa i the etabshment o macrocopc ntxs he ould ote xpete sasfactoily o acunt fo h pt of ne

he odds athr at hi aav repsnt tMao htoes ovag thei se£-se�y ae pro to goay

Te reaso ti: h hgher h lvel o geeal at whicha hstora operates more hoca rea n ou. ath reains o e past when he looks at it fm a gea ista wholesale siuao, logtrm deveopmens oogcalens eg chus of evt whose volum waes owaxs in ie aio to the diace. Thy ae saere ovime; they leave man gaps to e e. We do o learn eoughabou the pas f we cocena o e macro uns I ue, as

Proust says, hat e poet xists inpenently o h man inwhom be ives ut t s equay e hat the ma os staso ad te ull stor woud tell us abou the et ad heman Move th reasing s te hisan wi nt easng dult to la hnds on htoal pheomenawhch re scel specic ad uuesonably rea Buterel, ths me n s capa a hil itoan, osevesthat uversal histor spread over so wie a area at theowledge can hardly avo oig to 32 He is ght:a at is derle at e ve hgh altue where universalhstoy ms no vw a vaguely contod gan un vatgeraatos o ncrta reia

Hsoans featung the ntlay o mao evs natae mpd o ompeate, smhow, or e rlatve dearh othe mteral ey ar to e upo Te dange ey thusnc have een sped out y on no less han aon H

g p )a peid baus e annot but mt wt mn bks anspacs wc he must be fore to £1 up out of on d cojecr" 3 Thre s o lack of olgg coetures onegoti e laks a spas" o hs oad h stoan

eager o sua macro autonom may daw o h owldge othe oad deatohisight bng ud as a mg devi rah ee-opeer O he may nrouc ou of hiow w ungivn moivaons, phlosophcal ida, etc with avew to solfng e ragle fai h s wavg h outomeare hitorie boh implete an ovdon. Gooch sas ofGuizot's hisoal wok hat it dos ot mais iret tendividual an e paricur; 34 ad Sane-Beuv ciczs for g hsto e om a stace Ay uch hstoyaine-Beuve laboa undergos a sngr meamohot prouces te illuso that t s ratoal ich la

hm nlud hat uiots hsoy i ar too oca to beue 35 Ne I epressly metio ha te eteed maoora's amxes and amedms hould not be codwh espoe hstocal hpoeses? in he oten makeh addons uwes, he esulant istois aoun wtambiguou cop Man seemig genralato in hm ae ect snhec podu islle om as wel as seto e eviene

Even hough Tolos ad amis uhg vdit o tadiional mao hsory oveshots the mark it sprng fom a cpo o wha hto i ou ag shol e lke, which I ve o be va Hsoy, ey eel com to ow treor, a make u undesa e pas as fathuly andomplel as pole ae ussing acon sa It [hstory mu be as ul as posble, an as u o le a possibl ote tho hsors at do athe set orth the pmp o bues

120 Y: GS FR i

t e ue and wad eso [of em] "86 The ba po-

UC F UE 12

cete ft. Bt aor t he s, he kow how eec

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tace of mro nvesgaos lies te fat a ey re d-peable for ny atmpt to acheve su fless T do notme hat he itego o mico dings o wi ostoydeamed wod eable us to ge hod o e whole o hioryNot ll o tocal rety a be roken down nto microscopielemet The whole of istoy lso comres evets and deve-opments wich ocu bove e co dnsio. o hs easo hsores t gher leve o gneriy re s mu of eessee s sudies o deti ut hey s om icomplete-es; nd e hstoa does no want o ll he gaps n theout of hs ow wit nd onjectue he mus epoe the worldo sall evets as well Maco iy co beome hitoy ihe ideal ene less t ivolves micro hstoy ow kowedgeo det may be used in deent ways Frequely eogh teve as a sort of doment Mco histoans that s vail

temselves of mico eeac ei o or o to coboe olustate certi lognge views ey ve come to enertainvews atted to e diae fom wi hey ook a events.(To be su, te es o e pat may be deivd om xmao of he reevat sore m nd e not somegeeralzaon moe p nd goloetd a oe?d of se he gve c maleable a ey ae, rarely ledown histon n sear of evdence for hs unhes. Fo erest hstocl eat is so ch i divesied dta you cadduce fom eidece fo aost hig you wt oprove) The mny det Macauly's hstoes em va-

ay alulated to co the meng he atbutes o tepeods d gures de cosdeo A o them ovegetowad hs tot o t o hat iaonwhi gves e m-prsso hat h mocop night o utos do o somuch gow ou o mico anlysis bu gde his seleo of

vey to hade ooboave deti obee, oo, ke i oated ht e mnue myp tora ibute a wohwe fntio oy ey spo higsoe ncos To we e le hp

My poposon a te ntere of great ompleteemacro histoy must ivove mcro hito oits o n volvemet whc ot meely a seemg oe It eqes istoiawho, o sed wi tayng where hey ae ely jorey tote pst d get mmersed wha hey are dg hee w-out mh egd or ther maco assmptos. hese assump-os may or my o be comed y mo yss for ts osake Perhaps e hito engaged t wi hppe o shot-tem cases deng he mo ntes he has establhed ohe b o mco evidee or e wil disver h apetly

negigibe exceo fom e gee se of even arympons apt to pse hs apprl of t of MBoh's S0

s why sg htoin pg to hsoy i us vor a nterpeneon o mo and mro hsory pte o his beef i the auheiiy o maoscop reaeMaou hod t e iton rveyg a og set of epst had better begi y gettig to work mse, tal tt he vel of e ite d peie vesgaon of dea iily Buteeld, for h nme tde feels

t te ta te neiml n otlik vn ore rea h e que o lcae enwt wc maco hoia a dali, e n aj pobleofon te a o mme into t be akd 1 olowng chate

F efence ma Bc' at g

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1 lRY: G O

il aayss8 Here we agan noe the importane of d d h i t d f h t d

U F m 125

l have to ajut hs syne to take ae of a great nyi t d b f t f h h M

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 71/145

enc deee n he itermedy e of htoy aeadyfed to.

An obevaon ae by Pot n h novel sgy at e fa hat wih he esg sope of itoi ecoposon is ineaingly goveed by e lws o prpevea wel as e neens or he aesiby of he micro -mesion om hgher eve On a caage de aler h eone refeed to hapte 3 arcl e omees o ome hre huch teepe at a se, ependent pon theangle from whch he views the urroudngs Under e mpre-ion of er vayg posto he magine hem to be heeades in a egen lpping one behin anohe so at olya singe fo appes. Siialy, due not so mch to over-sight neglec ad e ke a he aw of perpecv," marohtorian st ignore pat of he ede at he otset

ncn of perspecve ews wch a c intfee h eaccebl of he mateia sueye he weighter e eatrhe de For aple genera htore of te feda eyuuay fai to do jste to ts vaety whh coveed p byhe attemp to bing ot e genera feare of ociey;pesely i vey, however, one of t essena harar-s45 Mar Bo's Fal Sety ser et fom thi ncsy hocog obct e argcale hitoan -erre w a poon of he soce nd of o hitoe Tobe re e hstoran is eorecly ee epoe te icoienson as e pe bt in prae e atoatcay

prove sensive to any o it ntens oveookig e orratonalng them away as irreevant Fergson oberes one pobem whch woud have to be faed by a new attep ate synei ndetaken fo hs day by von M in ol-g of th Ra 2 he ao of such an aept

S 3, 73, n 8

inonvenent and nanagebe fat of whh von Marn wahappily naware if soeng wl be gied, omethgay ao have been ost 46 Whethe dsparage or splynot noced suh contens ae bod to dop ot o e peWhat he mao hitoin do not e, he ( patly) no seebee t overshaowd by what he do ee

wo sppeenary rear y be aded to sussionof e aw o pesce ne s nbted by An observa-ion nenng e possibly of anforg one macro pespecve nto anoher Sessig t subecive perpce necessay fo eseme contion that e historan mstake cogzance of other perpecve to obecty h own asuh as psbe he yet warn at ee beween them nonumeic onant o equaon Ther ivety s an exps-ion of ie. 7 The oer a quy: Ae hghmaie

toe moe aected by he etget" h toi at owevel of genealy?

Te seond piniple cnroling he ac between e icroand mao dienions may be lled e law of eve It beron ose miro events wh ae not overhadowed by eehani o pespee bt rema ibe and re auallyspted e pper regons, g to e coposon orgele stori

Wht happens to hem en ute? n a 1ng s I debrateyne mysef to xg mly ac condiions o e way

from eow to above Aso I sha here diregad the eteri-orang ect which e opoona exigenes o macrohitoepealy genera hiorprouce on al condgs noporated n ee htoe 0 he awer eueson rse en i at the ico events are eaned h

t 7


osg som of tir pelars ad menngs whe ega s o d to hge altt des y a i e u he d

SUE IC 127

sio Now s to e vad te for maco eplntns and dntoust at east party e goudd i mcro

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 72/145

anspord to hger alttdes y arive up her a damagd st

Imagne for examp hstorica narravs, ch ofw incudes a portrait f Luter-te rst a istory of heGerman popl e send dag with te R�fomaio adt thd a fuldgd biogaphy: I bleve it to bgy proable tat te tr prit invov dirt ses f mengsand hreore ar i a ms commensae.

e aw of lv" bot ilsated and eied by analogous hnomo of th pradoa reao eweelosps and log sot (o of mb) t marratve In The of F is rlo was eplaied witreee to he G oseup of Mae Mrs' aspd adi ia epsod of Intolerance, wh are ot o tegramonents of th av bt dscoss of w aspec o

pysica eay As we are watig te big coseup of MaeMarsh's hads "someig strag bond to appen w l

forgt at they are jt ordnary hands Isolated from t est ohe bod ad greatly nlged ands w kow wl cangto nknow organs qiverig f of ter ow Sary, t hstori's coseup apt o sggst possiiand tas ot vyed y e idet vent i hgmagnd history (Th currt asion of presentng potographideta of a work of for separate ont prods frridence of drn qaty and manng; th a bit ofackgoud scerydw om enewlds sim te

s vay rminn of a Japanese prnt}A toretca aboraton ma b addd to th dssion of

t aw of evels. O pincl maro explaatons clam to eval for miro fats-for al patas that is-w mironig o hir pat asp to reogntion the maco dme

tns and dntoust at east party e goudd i mcroani, om of e mplcaos of mo sudes are key tobe ageement wi t maro istoias ndings. But ertaily ot a of tm ad praps ot ven th most sintos We av te wo sts of gnalzatos or, rathr nsghts of a ga atr-those wch esentialy bong to maro dimenson and tose dcy avd t fom "beow byway o miro ayss It h p of he gnera wiHnga, rism of Bhardt opposd to ide ofte Renaissce wch reprsts th st typ of th gneransigt I is ovos tat t grates devd om roivestgaos-ad srodng tm le a fringar arglyincosstt with ypical macro generas Ca tey rougt to fus with he atter? Sce it he to ase his problm nvovg the relaton bwee gnera ad e prc


To cld, h a betwen mo and macro dimsion s subjt to svr resicos cuse of te "aw of prspectve part of t vidnc drops out automacly Adbe of the law of eves pat of a aaabvdc races its desnation i a ompt stat hisms that te istorial vrse is of a oomogeo se It comprises elds of varyg desty ad is pd bynonab dd

adiclly speang the resutant a duties are usrmouab. Toynb sggeson of a mgr of t dseyeviw and -y vw 40 is pp fulabl

0 ge f Ts i rsumd n Capter 8


tw ds f enquy may -ext, ut ey d ot cmleteyue: a a rle the bd swalow the y


overa emphase o some poem may e tereted deponoao

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 73/145

ue: a a rle the bd swalow the yHow do esive htoa eact to ook of ngs? ee

ae two exampleKrr' obl: Kritele, he ntted atorty on

Reaace ough a at a ynes o hs feg esc a mpehenie teua hoy of e d soami to hm But he hes away fm pjt ueo h awaes at he wuld ae to sacce to t muh owha he ows and may tl er the ouse f contuedesrch It is a i he did nt want to cul o p e any oe eco ight whch ly ul absopton he oucesods; a i he were afraid o the cocements ad dtorosn the wake of the feshrtengs wc e prospecveyeis l mot sely impse on hm His eac asonoct wih h fomatve dee to make a "whle o

dgD as D Diamond a mef whehe a hston

egaged n a age-scale aae mght ot e able toavoid eng a evets n the one peecve whch crepod to the dtace bond u h e soe of hs naraeWhy hould he ot look at igs om deent ditances a hege aog So doe a wadee who exloes a andse ewl rt take i he panoama a a wole ad he walk towadthe fa-dtat mot ange, enoyg e eanggsghts about hm May ms proe y Tat Protows how to mbie mmeon mnutie and ong-nge

view e see the followig chate amond deams ofan Ameca hty n whch he pan amog oe gs, toet clseus ot as llustatos o hi geera assmpnut o te a a se-cotaed entes ap to u cote

dep on oaoTh coceton rgs the hia's meod ito peect

alogy to Gis amable o-solutio f te dema oe cematic ad e thtcal lm as stated in To fFilm:

O e oe he () yas at tah mac . . o te othe he arl ag wich do st sev to e teac or nve rt mo b et a e ofeee of e thu uce i mog ha tce. h ie e caeof t o do h exeme g ho eetg w ret es mrametar te to abrb th t wacg e icr r icori ao we ma e a te ate e m

he analo hold Ad ye e houd not ow out echd wth the ba water some atemts at an teeatonof mico d macro iory ae moe uccesfu tan ot eera ae e memet beween deet evels ha esut a idea new pnpe of elain0 One will now bte detad the ecuir h vaue of deas and their q reon to factua aay

a mtt o cs e ge f g of hitoi a con e wid o ope e hghe e magn

tde, the moe of e pat hey may ede nteligble But hecse of iteligbliy ougt at a pice Wat e histoangs i scpe he oe ems f mo fomao " S .

30 RY GS

eig upo te level at which h hstorian ples himelsays LiStra "he lose i iformaton what he is gaini in

Uc 31

oder i at the ame tm a act in owledg, ay Joas one sboiationim of h systm of Orie Th repes

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says Li Stra he lose i iformaton what he is gaini incompreheion, and vic vra Ad he declare tat for thhitoria to espe thi dlemma te only possibilit is to leahto bend . . th by goig down blow t orgoin up abov it

he t he ineas o tllgiblity nis a ddingo formao s a pcial ca of h prnple of nl ecoom • whch seem to ov o sol ad ntlecual ui-erse is of a piec wth Bleber' pricple o h on-omy of iteios aordin to whch adae o ecknowldge i boud up wth te abadomt o th mtaphysical lam to total knowledge n says he i is Galoanalyis, aot not or t whole o natur but o partalprcss The whih Huel opposs to hi pa-ulaon but a bodelne conept; oy we uld dct

o tos ualy to all par of it wold t cm to liTe bele at e wdei of te ange o igiy n-olve a rae of g is on o h bas tenet ofWeer thht Throughout the hstoy of phosophy it habeen hld tha the hight piple th hghet abtrtios,not oly d all the pa they formally encompas btalso contain e ssees o al hat exsts i the lowe depths.They a maged as te "ihet ig i te of bot enerl a sbsac

hows, for tnce hat pr o e gos chmwhih deas wh th acent o h oul rom th "wold to th

ppe phers ordin to t he tanso to a hihr lel istatamont to a advace in ptual isight he egati lawtat h orde is able o see te xt hgh o inecytal th poitie law at the ansio of he sou to hiher

• C. Chapter 1 g zz er 3 a 67

e sboiationim o h systm o Orie Th repessio of his cheme stll ma temsele flt n or day adi vee branch of owdg t for intance a the bottom of Noio' al but Plon piple o "interae leelsof orgazaio whh hol ha th progess of volutio of

e innimate aat and soial world matrize at dier-t le each o whh   oeed by laws of it ow ad hatwhle oe canot ndestand hih leel pheomena out n-detdg toe of th lower leel o kowlede of a owerleel dos not eable us to prict wat will ocu at a highrlel 5

I am errg h to ti ngraind belie in h sprior ignicane of th highst ing only fo he purpose of hrow ito relief on o the uderyig ssmptions o te presetsudythe aspo tat adona idnon o h

em abaosay h ida of the ood or hat o jce the most clusi ad esenal statemes about enatur o hings doe ot apply to sto o elated appoachesto alit Wh th htoa aseds fom th mio dimenson to eer high lvls o enai he wll eah a pontmared by what I have called he horica idea, beyodwc as h poed uter to the dimenso of phlosop-cal ideas or xrem astacos e gae of i sihi boud to drese istea of coti to incas Not may doput of mico at in largel histoi Thery high abstractio hae o longer a bei o he vdece

hy are meat to oer They ead ieas to things which hething do ot incld ut te istoan ay arac ha noight to place the fators ad mpeling da o a deelopment

" Fo s aan Cha 8 eeclly s

n a earer igh tey appe n e delopmnt e."

By dong precsel is adional pilosophy ha ompete

RUc OF OI N 13

sto it mean eds toward a fure oude hitol eHo as coceied b theology alvao so at boom

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 75/145

y g p p p y p obscurd nd stl worse, dispaaged e knd of relons tatobtain betwee he pclar and te ga he area o east tngs befoe e st

He te eave egac o te Tolsto-Namie obeons

to mao ioy Coseup ndings ae gniant i ei ownght no matt whether or ot the iplcations ode wih,or n be sbsumed nder he broad es bod p t hghmaide stoes t is ot suntly t jt to enisage,as eter dos a proess in hi e par nd e individual dee e conte and e bod of the general wie thegeral helps to umate and mak sense o the pla

ow closps relae to he broad viws of arge-sle stori case tey deate m em l be conideed apte and ma or the moment be left i he opn0

But y be e pc for an ess on e signanceof os-ps or a soo t� onbee's atty probem oynb ra a pont ise whe in heclams ha e hstoran must mae an attempt to do juse toe enoros q of acumlated historia kowledgee sheer quay of it pose by tsef he poblem o whatmight be ts pupoe It demands so to pa, to be p o somemeaningu use. t how can it be used?

e a o hstoical oledge s taen cae o n twowas One of them he appoach of te teologia ad p

osophes of histo. ut e appoah does not bear o stoas a detachable eal oen to scuny JewishChra eoo spngs rom a etenlst relatio to e past and the• This rd Chpr 8 pgs p

gy at is it reaches beod sto the mode see of eord he eents tat ct ae ithin te orbi of ito ode it e same holds e of the geat piosopi of y p to a pont Eve ough ey eman w seclar

me ey expa mostl und the nuene o te theologialassmpio of a diine pa, the whole o te pat i te ght ofa pnciple wh at best onfo to pa of he facs and ay syono wih a good caue whose lmate uph itis to spport

he othe approah s me n eeping te scetcspi of e age. In tig to do something abo e quant ofo amlated hstorial oledge oynbe ogaize asao Spengler does the gien matea nto arge cvlzaon o it Spengler ctre so-ose develop

mt he analyzes for regri But not only are the regularties ths estabhed ery gnera nded they ao e stoy on to he exet hat t s pa o atue Awe of Toybee as w sa eer isists hat hese reguati e bo means necessy; at on he onar, Wes vzatonma take a enrely npredctable cose adisso, hoeer hard cnsse is emphasis on rees

Let me now assue for the of te aget at he egulaies traed ae reay relevant o te hole o hiso hnhey mst al e more dovetail histoies at a oer leve ogeeralt. Tobee atua clims that sch an interpea

on o mao ad co isto i ipenabe e soluof the problem of quany e says 1es in ombg epaoraic wh e myopi vie He te problem ises0 pa


whether his intepeeation o hioes at deent les ogeera at all posbe Acog to e aw o evels te


eng it n e o of aper�u Te whoe ay yeld to slghwght smhes ore sily ha hvy o atac

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 76/145

cnt tablished at eah evel e vid for at leve but doot appy to dg at othr eve; wch say at ee iso way o derivg te eglarii of mo hoy, a oybeedoes, o e ats ad iterpretao poded by icro i-

toy. It s erore ot spisng ta Tonbes own eot tomaer e qatiy of hitoica owedge a ot vey ecou-agng The egulariie a whh he arive re raer irelevanot to meo hat h istece on te freedo of wl ad tenpredicbii o histoy cedits them te

To s up: the eor to do je to e eorou quaityof accuate hitoical knowedge bougt at a pice. yied on he whole, eglties of a rahe indeent and -relevant character Thee eguatie cove" oly hoe histor-cal devopment wic ma manknd' ng bac nto a-

te Fialy they represe obeao whch ae at bes vadoly rom the brd'eye vew The cro evets of oogpheiher ear out no decy negate what i een fom n inhable disance

No doub he heer quy of avaiae toca kowedgesems o ret of that we shold y t ae ce of it i oeway o aoher B doe it pay to oow this reqet? So faray atemp at gloal htoy ha esuted i elevant al toogeeal staeens ad abiay cosconsproducts ofwhfu thnng ad extenat eeds Wat is ptured bytese attemp i he sede of he htoical pocess not is

real jont ad hidde dep I a aad lest he dea o ivsa history might be a mage, a mera teaig u.

s ee it e vat owedge we pose should chaleges ot o indlge in inadeuate syese bu to cocetrate oncoseps and ro them caually o ange ove e whoe as

lgh wght smhes ore sily ha hvy o atac

Te oomogeneous ctue o he hstoricl nivese es teeated plication of itest The st bear othe ostly growng bdy o he facoeted acountsiehtol reeach poethe nd o soie which ougycofo to ueeld techi hiory. 6 The qutio iare edavos hi vei eanigl in the ow right eve hey are ot toched o by nterpetive cocer and high-level asumptios May a historia denies eir idependetvale They e coned a dasdut hiso61 coidered awate o eudtio" (Bloch).2 uiznga cautons againt ov-mpha o deailed historica reearch" Oh hitoianswver, carryig oads on oth houdes o e late MeinckeOthe oe had, he edorse techical hstory on e gound at

t ot oly esablhe he facts but ncove erto unownvaue o he past" On the othe he bodiate technlstoy to he epoion o vaue He cl echnc rehechaic hold ta sh actdig pead wevao d n al degrad technal ho to a eant n e5

Peps e ost isive argue agai he egacy offactding or t own sake coe fom Mac Bloch He com-pai of he pt bewee prepaaio ad xecuto takgu he cudges fo guided research each hon sholdsugge th he docets in the iterst o hi queriea

am whch goes had in had wth e repudiao of resei neua gear" o But Boc aguet res o certgoud It oiiates! have entioned thi befoe hufonded spicios a a heoeicia o paive obeao"

" S page 85.


d n hs preocpon i scnc istory Fo he re t ot puo of ctoiented aos to mke t ucssry

U OF H U 137

h awarss t maro hisres y ubjeceT ensg on o ghmgud stoes t hd

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 77/145

ot puo of ct oiented aos to m e t u cssryfor hitori ony test i mode d regveds by co rr of h o

Psumably mo nvicng gumet n dfe of tehnil itory has been povded by Bu e dear at hhistoan mg t a complete emblag o e smest fci fih tht t "wl t n nd' labos for poteriy6 "playng e og gm. 68 Is he? Bcs o e w ofeese rc dctes bwen mio and aodimenionsh s ikly to los e gm my mo daa hepatkngly aembes wil neer eac te uppe regions osteszng stoes Bs reasong doe ot sd e tetie

o he queston a to e meingness of ticl hitoywod sem to be nanwerable hr ony oe sigle arg-

ment i it sppor wch I bli b oe t i o-logi argume ogh Acg to , e ompletmbage of e mlt act s rqued o e en htnotng hold go os It is s f e actoene onsbreahed py wi e ded vidtes e ge o r

Te o mpcon of onomognos stre of hstoica uvrse nce e se o poe o to-ography he renemnt o rsear mtods, te cres ofreserh toos he doey o nw evdence d he broade-

ng o our hoo ts w hi pek n avor o te be-ef, wide sprad mong storans t torogaphy wllgow n compreenveness d my m objectiyTh belief inly jused up to poi is not e upet by

g g g may be gda oercom by:

( 1) e xpanson of owdg ( Mrrou, Kstller· n wy Hxtr) '

z te recor to comprate tudie (Bloh Pienne); 7(3) e ia on twok Blo Mro Krste71

Boh Blo and Pirene hope tht th nd secaborio of va hstoy Pienn) i ise t nderood at ey w be t due of tr hes A o de o tamwo to ve t a actual unversl ioy Lvi-Sas icz t by pointing ot hat "so hitoy aspist meannes it ondmn itf to mking co . tuly tta hstory wold nte itse t om woldeql zeo I mgt as wel aso mnio E . Car' pro-

proges rgment historogaphy progsses as w romnarow to ever conte o itelaonhps h ior dy, he brad re of socecoomic devopmenthe old itreaon s not rject but bot ncded aduperedd he ew H e sness o agment iobious t als to eah sse geero to dne egols of progrs i it ow term hen e na of te historca poces wo remns undd. nd rrs ide tor nterpreaons o hstoy becom evr moe compeesveand ence aain to er incesg objciy gs o hs teble cocept o pogre

is is moe or e he product o wisul tng ( n ctat Bo shoul conjure p the gost of uverl history isrr shame Vay igly ists e bjeciy -ent n ntepe mco toes s urmoble . . .

ince we cat retin eveying and snce we e to fele from te tde f facs y judgig . 75 Ad 6

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 78/145

y j g gmy t t ee nend tel n e e of thm? T y toverm it is nt onl mpoil t undr certin ccumce, uigt deviu Sinc ccoringl g-magndeitrie iclding ca itr with hei p�eten t oeity ae ubjt t te "law f pectiv, tey cnt iy tk dvntg f l t fct ille Ad togected or n fct dggd up d uiized in uqunt rrtiv te i tr t necaril diregadtr rt f he val inau mtria I ceuence, thre a mit t e accut vge of t factie, t te rg of strigray

One migt ll ak wter tr d t e podt le fom e errr nd mipd me of er predr d gnrati aft gerat tdy prv

n wat went fr mpe ew gnei f stnmy t e idnce f t ro rdly protect em frmmmitg er one nd dpt of nigt i nt th ilegeof te mt recet ge t i dilt t mgine tt ucd\ver ued e eief i e prgre of strgrapy largey in the nte f illuin

Ahaueu, Riddle Te

Mde itrigrapy ccie f sr an immnt rc in near or cnogcal me w nt p i gt f a a w i reverie dircon mgn mdiu idicntely cmpising ll en

mgnl1 i cncon wc owe muc t te centd cndancy f enc wa recdd y ntio gg am rtctd ignicanc t inear time fo n udsndgf e pat e re itrian did ot uy tih priacy f ler tme ver the cycic m cet; n dr its trugut te hity of h Gre mid daim f divie tm ad a time f m n t ppecpti fuman nt.2 E toug te it Jew did t ignet a a mundne r i im t ty lrgl etened an xittil rlation to i. h cded ioy oduct te interct twn em d d idenig

te evt of th pat unmt r rwd meted ut yHi to Hi en ppl 0 e dfr rdemti iid y te app of ate udam mred t mc nw itc oc a te dly dcreed ed f mn

See 73


1 Y

stoy. Ely Csa esatolo eg1d oolo alo3ut e pros aled o oe te C we ret


of hm ue e more radcaly sates is es om ac oe a Toye does ow e we o mgne

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g e beef late resurco estbed elf tewod it e rest ht she ad ee w ea oero dvrget es S Augse e e e o atueand hee o gae lvon and eeves tee wo m

o be solubly tertwed wys peable to a•Medeval rocles, w e iere mure of elemenfom boh salvton story nd mde stoy ly eete attept simlaeosly ove wt selar te ndaway from t Te nchom o mdieval poems expes atradoas ue whch seeks to bed te pat wi hepreset ah tha to empaze ter dverit5 Idetalyone does wel o reee what Maows says o hobiand-tat e eice on mgic de not preet eo appoag ay ses a aoal, al t se

pt6 By te sae toe a sene of oologi e ayhve ssed eve trogout peod wch te adterae osy igored t ow.

I stdyg ou opo cooloca i wodeem advae to oetate o a agesce spaotepoausay Wete aoposd of successve evenwc are aly or potay terrted so a er susso e a e sad to e o osuee Te reo obvou: f eens eong o wo cule or zaos beee w o itero ke plce he ct of he scce

so o mlae o hee eve n honologcal e s eney reevat

Hre we ay oe ore pod te e opt uderygSpegler's paora wold vew ady toued po inCapter 1 oeto wt Toybee" It sue to pea

• 39·

e o empoa medm n wh te Spengences w e pecur e eerge devep an peh?To he extet at Spegler adts o tsto etee te(i.e, pseudomopoe) tey are eedded te How ofchroogicl me w us s reatvated; ut weee ssts on te copete autooy of i ultures he o tpoal medum io a q ess vcuum, auniable negae terpat o eerny d rooloe tef as te common medium ay reeerge onl at ere oet a wc iocal nd naal pocese o-n pesto whch ge bt to al ultues ad in ce ochg relatos eee uaty ad ature o a globcle Weizsaec c te veto o ea eer uch ag pon

I ha que, he to te valdt of our conepton o to as a poce rooogal te wh the ontex o oned e se vlao Tee potat paos o po f te mode approa o so hould bepot u Ft n detyg stoy as a poss i e, we aciy asse tat our knowedge o e ot wh a evet eerges o te Bow o ie wl elp u o ac o orece e dae o the evet vale-ladeac Angl, a even i e oy o a peope a aon,or a lzao w tae pae a a gve oe are spposed o o te and ere or resos od p omeow,

wih ha momen Maou xpresses s asmpn e sig£cac o te oet chonologica e wen e says roug t a kows "wha e where e coes o,wy ds ms plaed the sto tat eves isf aseg hs " 7 In keeping wh pemse, sora usaly bih meanngful relatioshps asal o oerwse be


en sucssv goups of vnts acing th onologicalylater ones to tose pdg thm.


ph pose fom aov numbs of hstorians try to aciveom beow Hanted by th chmea o iversa histo hat

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Second uder e sp of th homogniy and iversibedrcon of chonoloca nvona histoogaphytens to focs on hat is beieved to be more o ess cnnuousgsca seqences of events and to folo the ourse of thse

thogh h cent·s May a general naraie atssay h stoy of a pope or a stuon chonoocaord and i doing so, evitably atbte sicane to hsmultaneiy of he mulp ens hat mak up th seuenc.Rane's poitica histories, for itance are full of xcursions ntothe cutural e Th nerying idea is that n spite of albeas and ntgencis ach suc lusive unt has a if ofits ow-n indiduat as Meinec puts it Somtmes naravs ts vin sem o be tend to aswr the qesonwe do we com rom ( or here do we go, fo that maer)

e question woul hrly b rased we it not for our codence in e orkings of canric te

Third unil accptanc o th conception of owing idl a desre to transat e foma propert of a eversb ow into conentto conceive hat of htoricaprocss as a whol and to assi to a who crt qualties;it may b image as an unfolg of poteniaiis a evelopment or need a progress toar a better fte Tis despoves sisbe Not o mnion Hege� hose grandose consction of th htoca pocss s matralzs in a no-mansan betwn temraty and et even Ma more o

to ath though h is, cannot help eling to th tmptaion tomap out th cours of history in its tolity What e phoso-

Re s we f oe hior, wi b fn whee he pbem s vi of multai m f. ee ee 77

pantoml cuntpa of owing m Ra speks of agenral historical lfe ich moves proessivel from one naon o grop of naons to another 8 He Pirene 9 anMarc Bloch 0 call univrsal history the goa of al historcalpusis Chnology thus acqres a matral meing o est agniu

At hs point I shou ke to aw attenon to sevra observatons apt to invalida or codence the continuity of thehistoical procs and aringly the pow of chronologcaltime. It is notorth hat it is precise antopoogsts and ahistoio ay histoians or philosophers of stoyhoare aae of te problematc chaactr of lonoogil eHri Folon te a toran, insists on he erent ogc of

he unfoling of art fos and he agues ha simltaneos events ofte belong to dierent ages t foms h says, normally pass togh an expermnta stae, a clssc ag ag ofenem an aroque age an thes ages o stat prentthe same foma charactercs at evey poch and in ev nonent" 11 Fuhemore a ar form assts for tese stagsis o im table, ndepndetly of histoica ncssites hesuccessiv stges . . a mor or ess engthy mor o ls tense accoing the sty ilf 12 o wonde n tat thedae is no usualy a focus, a point wih ch eething iscncentated bt ht the hstoy of art aon and not v

coering the reaons of events in ent lds sch aspoliics, economics, and at, displays jxpos wiin the vesme momnt surivas an antipations and sow oumodefos at a the ntemporaries of bol and apid foms"

ocon aso has th cocept of the emrgent event" wh

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mnds ays Vlry are fll of tendences and tougtsat ae wre o e oher • Ad Lchtenbeg aout 50

yeas eaer: have eunty one opon wen le dow

EU, D 49

comprie period may imply for e igcanc of cology�ven thoug M fo sta, s enog of a eat to pe-ceive and coify Ungechetgkit e evertheess cgs to

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yeas eaer: have eunty one opon wen le dowand another wen I am sdng e ely wen I av eatenittle nd feel weak 25 Marc Bloch pek of the amzng iteor patton eing in our mnd and by way of example

relte tat te itoan Gustave Lene wa ontlyamzed to nd so mny excellent fathers of famles among theTort 6 he tegaed eronlty no doubt beongsmong the faorte suerons of mode psycoog

As might be epected ere is no lck either of statmentsackowledging te nonomogeneous cracter of the istorcaerod Ma spe of he nlchzgk" nonmultaneones ) of the deologca spersrcture Cur us int attae d om te art i terms of movement go,and cotiy.7 Sco beve ht uniy of stle houg

out the cultre o a erod cnnot, were t eists, be taen orgrnted but reques xaton by some prtclr factor mpoig t on te everal aas28 Rymond Aron uphol tendependece of rt wih regard t ts oconomc enon-ment and dfends the reatie utoomy of te litcal reaaganst he cmo of social hsto9 Mandebaum sel view o toy of losoy favor te asmon ofndeendent, internally continou peil stores der tenme of culral pluralm" 30 Dlhey streses not ony heed context of e lie of a erod but ao he tence ofoppng forces wc rn git e onsdedns of e

Zetges ofte contung older id or anang e fuure81

But i i wo derent tings to notce phnomenon nd toreze ts potential meanng None of tese sttement stesto n warene of wat te diergence of the elemen at

ceive, and coify Ungechetgkit e evertheess cgs toHegels dea of a deccal istocl rocs wic nvolveste oveniona dencon of omogeneou inear ime ae ime o history.

In e gt of FocionKulcr's vews, owever te evdencer sugget t euation s oen dout Aculyhtor cons of eents wose hronolo tels s but eabout e reltionhips nd meing nce smultaneousevens e more often tn not ninlly synchronous, tms no sense indeed to coneve of te iorcl oces omogneous ow. he mge of tt ow only vei the ver-gent mes i wic sustntial suens of hstorical enmatize In efeing to stor one hould sea of emrh of times raer an the Mrc of me" r om

mrcn, caedic ime i an empy vese Mch s the concept of t indspene for cence t does not py to humanars ts reevacy n this resect s conrmed by emeancs of our memo. Ve may vivy rel certin eventsof or past hot bing ble to date m Pera ememoy for qul deveops n nvere ro to the chono-logicl memoy he better euiped a po is to resustatete eentia ftures of encouters that pyed ole ih fe the more easy will e msjudge tr temporl ditncesom the sent or y havoc ther chronologicl orderTese eor must e id to e dcul for hm to nsfe hs

memores fom thei etabled aces on i subjeve meve to ter objecve posions n chronologica tm mee never eeieced. otng s mre dcu tha to eperence it his once more hglghts t formal crcter itempnes How sol it cary content? As Wlter enjm


dicoly obvs e id of a progess of hmnt nteble miy or eson t it is nouly bound up e id of cooloc me as e o a meg


auencate s obervao y a pethora of examps cledo all urte o wold toy wih only uprca regdo r crooogcl od D Csa des Gre

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e id of cooloc me as e o a megpross.32

Te uphot hat te peod o o pek tegrate efoe

ou ey From a meangful patiotemporal ut it tur to aknd of meeg pace for cace enconterometg the wtng room of a alway taon But is s ot l thatthr i to t. hu, Laet awae of te deetienes o genal concepts projcted ac nto t hstorica pt, and he in-t tat so mut ek to econsuct . n ntrcatedetal" 83 But undetang the woe ocie and lage hstor-ical ransformaton aectng t i o threfore to gve pIt is mery rned nto a qeo of al hee iy le movement ad eacion," o a ueo of ma o eidue a

ou mig say"

n fer pst of my gmet theefore wh to focson a cae o gat horeca ntrrkhad' coceptoof e peod T way he del wi it owe m to is gou lgey negave attude toward cronologl aon(ote y he wa, at e, too, ed om s htoy tacngto art techig) It i not at e wod refa om rndrng, on occaion, a uccesion of aembacng htoca ituaon, t e does efuse to e pt n e st jaket of eatic appoa; 5 and a oo at hi majo wrig maes iteident that i ructant to acknowedge e omogeneou

ow of time a a medum o coquence is Welgesch-e Brau e witdraw from at ow to a tmelerea n oder to pa in review the vrng latonp taobtin, or may obta etwen fey developng cuture ad two itittionaled pow o e ate and reigio ad

ga we a D Kuur der eac Iae tesy to heme unonce fo he dyamic of e htocal process o os Bucardt big time to a tandtll nd, havg

emmed ts ood dwe on h cro co of mmobzedpenomna whc ten preent emseve fo uny H ac-ut of em i a morpologca dcrpto, not a cronolog-ca rave covs a sing hitorica peod

owve hu epudatig chronolog, Bucadt agapa ut to it, a i et uraed by hi Ras In uvaed materwork h plore, one by one, vagatdmanfestaton of naance life aging rom the ediscoveof anty to e ee eation of tat om he nw nse ofpesona vas ocal cutom and mouting eczaon.Does he want to dmonrate at ei imutanei otwtang te eve he ummon pont n deent direcos?That not a that appear togeer actay o ang toger?e ght, ded o h emak hat the gt doe otdepend ety pon he ouwad pol lfe of e te 36cay eeas his aware of e incoren o culalepoch Nevheles, s delred obecve s to tept ta Renance as he age of e aaeng nddualcoepio, y th way wic conidred a ltng conron7 Now ths oncepton a gnne idea athe than amee geraizaton naturaly mples tat one d he ame

sp of ecular indvdaim aets tef tua all thactities apaton and mods of beng tat compie the pe-riod Coneuentl, the Reince mut be tought of ot aan icohent congomerate o event but a a whole wi ameanng wh pvades its ever lemet Burckard that s,


tps out of choologicl te ony to ent ef o ts ow· te end O o t look. For on a iod i t mplxy rgd a a eratd woe apd a ms auto-


mk for e, h faig ba to roue (or aue atmos oth You co b ogna i respecs Oosly lwwhch mu b argely held rpo fo te st

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g patcly d o o and long wit the ota stocaprocs conology ted to eassu snicac

e wa ader wil aady hae oicd tat thi idica-o of chonolog aganty conaicts my oignal ropooto te eect that choologcal m a empy ve. I sallpresetly sow tat te popostion ugged y Bucadt'steetaton of te Renasance s welfouded as th op-post ancronological oe Kuble n h othese legitmaecritc of th a ioian oeempas o peiod decdedly oeshoot mark in amot pcludng e poility oa couece of aea qunce The "cosectio of the ita, contnd, rmbs a moaic of pce niet delopmental tat rathr ta a adical decofeig ang upon al e pece; 8 ad e nttat te cultul bundls whh e up a pod "ar jta-posed gely by cac 39 T old presmably ue y ofte peod (w ad to a he te eehove) but doe cealy ot appy to te asce admy anot a e ae of pod t a phyogno (Pnofkys peson) of te own woud ndd berather piing T pyiogomy dsinguihing them may bdu to vent action mds of n auenc lty characteAd why no Contmpora comune with ach oher a

iou ways; o t s hghly oale at thr xchag gie eo cosslnkage bewen te accompsens and ansactionof te ot0 emembr too t "pnciple of mna coomy accodg to wc an ndiidual nit at on po

S 6667

g y pbo en of what migt e caed t "wod faos thetalishme of colikage also. coeuc eventough sulano evets as a l occu s of dnt

haps ad moover der n age thee s a fa cance attey wll neveteles how como fatues Silaeit myenforc a ppocemen andom concinc may el ito aunied patt Do no, by te ame token, te framen of ef eac of u eievs o e omemes coerge d acheuit o a mlance of i? o obevaio on he azngptitio n mn mi Bloc add aohr whch no lssignicant: Wee asca he amatci and acaL theChrin, sanger o eac oe? t ay e that te)an hi, corly coided ony the ma of a dperoldrit 40 t y ate the osmoc pce that constk plac away apt to poduce a peod or a iowhic may nded reate a pt aecng all a and uume h cracter of a woe ilthcy lyz te uedsuctu of e age of eligtnen a an ae of t do uity wic he c not unty which b expesed yoe bac tought ut tr a ecnnection of voungl tdenci of lfe tha gadualy foms among t in thcoue of thng Thee i a anao ewe thi pci-ous ut of a peiod ad tat of any entt we cl a gesltloch a me f it s not futil to atempt o pan som-

ng whc, i te presnt stat of knowldge of maem to e eyon ou udersading etos of a -o and i power of ttacto 42

u d te pod as a whole en o becom pt ad p

" S Ch g


el of e toal poces teeby estbhig by mpcaonomogeneo me as a mm pgnt wt meang tould not be fogoten ete at e old dydrem of man

AES, F T 15

dose honology Bt he never car to bng t neent nadions to te opn Benjamin on h pat duge anndec appoa; he die ome he nonenty of cono

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g ynd enion a fardtant fre wh cannot w n ce-tain be ad to e ompletey ouide chonologial me; andhat te Greek ncepon o a pogesve cula development

a managed to aset itel even in pedominantly veticaloiented e: Ta eem to have beeved a secuard o progss 43 S Ambroe n nwer to te pagn S-mau poin to he gad invenon of the arts nd te ad-vance of uman hsoy "While paganim n i old agebegan to pead fo te autoty of e old, mot emobyabout te worhp of Vcoa n te Roman Senate ays Edest about is doctrne of te eary Chra wte "e nwd had ken ove tat phoophy wh pagam el -agated t youh 45 onsidr not eat tat we date teday of our ith; that we now of or position in te an ofgeneraton and tat Deat i shown th an hogass Lesextr�m e touchen: o intni beg and the ot emptymode of beomg e ntetwned. So doe Piaget ae matemac bac to ioogy. By the way, e neaing viby opehtoy may the trengn o codenc n e contestble ole of calend tme

Thu we ae cofonted wi to mtualy cluve prpositon neither o whh cn e dsmsed On he one hnd meaable e solv nto peeded y e dles

of hapd me n whch te mnold cmpeesible ere oevents evolve n te other dang etins it igni nmuch as hee bunes tend to coal at certain momentwhh ten ae d o all o tem It h tate of tngswhh mt have caed Burckadt to dispage as wel a en

pp ylogl me wthout mnesing te slightest cone ovr eoe side of te pictre That thee ae o ide to it a arelybeen recogzed

How dl wth e emma n wich we nd orselve? ocome to gip wih it sall in the followg no onger refer toe rnt aea ece and te pui me able btfoc on he relavey unifom peod or iatons botabot by her couene a h peod s an antnomi eny embodyng in a ndened fom he two reconcable imeconepions As a cguaton o evets whih belong to erewt eent time cedles, te period doe nt aise fom ehomogenou ow o me; aer t sets a me o i ownwch mpie tat the way t epeece temporay may notbe idential ih the expeiencs of chronolocaly earer olat peiod Yo must o to pea mp fom one perod tonothe That e taton beteen esive peiods aepolemaic ere y e reak n te pocess ndeed a perd may a an emegent event Fo' ene aie fmnowere they qotes Buhdt a sayng about espead of te bee£ n te beyond nde the oman Empe '1t

is fom idden dept tat suh new end sualy reeive heirength tey anot be dedued om peedng conditionalne 48 Similaly Max' onepon o istor s in AredSchmdt word a phoophy of wod ea, ncouy

abandong the e of connou deduon om one pnple 4 Jona beiees hat the movement of nocm wl bemiundetood so ong as it i intepeted as a eut of pecedg idea and beiefs aer than apted a ges andsng fom ometg le an abolute oign a adical nw


enng 48 hch as a ne pm causa opate on eateri of exstng ideas and moes.• Vry slr vewsee oe ecently set oh by Bumenberg are in

UU D 17

cn evidenc su uencs e vey euse p o hemkes eect thout eaing a ace hey or undeer onewod from you ng snce forgotten may have changed e

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ghich the neasing nteest o hstoans e "thesodes beeen dincve peods s ple o te actat ey exose to e vew of the historian itor e,

hic in e classc perods ema "dde unde anes-tations n te e otlned y the statements al stores eatg he "Mac o me are magsigs ona sreen which hdes te uh they petend to eder Each peod ca be supposed to cntbte a new pce; and e suc-cessie pantings thus produced e ayer afte ayer ever-epag sceen in a manne wh perecy laed byClouz s documenty t o t shos hrt e act of creaon We see : once Psso hs outnedwhat h appeas to have n nd he mmedatey superposesupon h inita setc a second one which mor oten han noteates ony obquey to the t d n way t goes on andon ey new system o nes or cor patces a but gnoringts predeessorH

Yet he same raton of eent whch because of tsspontaneous emergenc dees te hora pess �ar also aoment o onolocl me and h heeor legmatepacn it So e e lenged to olow that process and thinn tes o lnea tansons, tempora nuenc and ongage deveopments Te statements of is chapte hi coinde in dcredg the a piori odence tora continit

ae no inteded mpeey to deny te possbiity o inuences rangng or chronoocal e ut n oder to speak oem wt a measure of certain ei estee must be au-encated n any spc se I submit that ti belongs to thehistoran's most dult tass Let aone hat bcase o the

id o the man to ho it w once spoken I hae beendeeply eed by a csu er a iend made to m e woor ee decade ago h ea alteed y apoach to pope

and i a anner my who outook on lfe When ae a ongsepaation e recently met again we eeed in memoies and cod not hep menong my ndebtedness to h e as mmensey sped e dd not rememe hang said anyig oe sort to me bstantal iuences seem to be predesned tos bac nto te dar

It occrs to me hat the only e inormant on hese t-tes wic are dcut to asrta a egendy

aeu Wndeng Jew. e nde ould o st-and aot he developments and transtions for he alon n ahistory has ad th unsought oppotunt to expeence eposs of becomng and decayg tse. (ow ealyteble e mst loo! To e e his face cannot ave seredom agng, but I iane it to be many acs eah recgone of the peods whch e traesed and a of em cobning to ever ne paterns as he restlessly and vainy res oni ndengs to reconsuct ou of th tat aped the one time he s doomed to nate )

n a sense Ranke seems to ave been aare o the paradeation beteen the continty o the hstoica pocess and ebrea in t, as apas when e passage aeady uoted n

hapter 1 is in e cnte wh nsAt y mom ag mg n may be somthg tht e c l t d geral sf ll ma d tn g mr ts e sae o od f hee e


that ene rse to the t o oth Yethre s at s e dep tg wc o on ty f d w t e-whe B the o dom ere i t

UU, D F T 159

hstoy to be precse it provides us th oncrete answer econcr qson rid eey given siuaononwhh of our wih reqiemns o h moentC f

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whe B the o dom ere i t n at wch s ae f ad ot a oe beon whh for ba o e ne ege d a t b t te n-

neon wt tat w bg u ao t n-n tef is nt omth w ca be umer; t w a cera wa u thu, towse A n e evg oh d se b t og achohe in t wa a ty a 52

have epasized he double apect o e priod wi appose i d wo mod aempar h mor ohemto do ustce to bo te empes and he meanigun of chonoogca ime assgn to the coct o t prio akey posion her dscsio may hp carfy he inxrcabal been he ow of tme ad te tempo senenegang

To begin w Coce gunt i ought alaou6This vtrat idait wo os nt want to be one boas fhavg dalt a dealy blow a Hgls tanental me�-phyic Hege, ay he postates an asoute spt, or woldspi wh s boh nen and ascendet eaz itself n he daeccal proces of wod hiory an at the saetime has ts aode beyond itoy a the goa o pro

Croc a i at h ontologica tanscendentam wil noongr o. And he pu an nd to it by ragg the abolutespiit lock, tok and bar into th immanny o h nrworldl us The spit, he inits i not Abolte aoveand ode of o hanng wod but matalis only

Croce, n ues t esene of comparavy autonomoussituatons or priods eah wi a spiit par to t emanftao o he spirt are seprable rom e spe

neds of dierent peros her l oncon in hronological im po emdo pbems Now Croce is odpy onced wih htoical proc hat he nevr-les api to gie onooga me ts due. How do hesoe the probms congent on h tk? He does not vense them. His ha's he Highlans, s ht is not hee Toay it buntly t stl uivers h nostalga or h ido h beev to hae demolhed Obvou o he act tat acodngto own premise spirt does not pread oer h xpo htory but revea itse xcuivly n ont ituaosCroce in oheise amiable kch "Concering he H

tor of Hitoriography 5 dens sccv rveonsfrom antquy the Mle gs he Rassanc, etc, to eprent as pha o a integibe tca pros to whchhe morover aibuts a progrsve uay e he es toadjut the oon of a whoesale progrss to baic ssumponof e compete immaney of the sprit by eimating he daof an absolute good and nancig nsed t pii' eort toaheve a beernt o e ono hat obt any prcar prod et i a sher payig with words n vew ofCroce' dalisc dei to uat ota histral process

h a progrsiv momn, a movment towad b m a havig out Hegel gret aplombCroc rnodcs hm by e ba door nawe at what ossible to gel is did to h Ided, wh Heges an-sendenal sprt s fuy qaed ala!, to detemne e


tion of te whoe of hitory, Coce's ianent spi h itsonete aswes to oete qetiong fom sitaonbeyond whc we cannot asis not a poition to acount fo f t d th t h

g betwen adjaent words Throghout i noe he systmaiay eis the moment of te junction so hat we labot a new wold ony ater it i aeady in fl wing And todi di l b f i h f

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e oue of events oe eades ae than tas he o-ems bod up th e antinoi harater of honologicae Iad of asking how, i at e two onadtory me

ncepos an be elated to ea oo at hrono-ogial me an be eded to hngns and yet beacowledgedhe undiaeticaly and absentmindedy pe-sents them side by sid And te Hegelian he is ws ot ehe egeldeoyer he woud ke to be

And here i Pouts uniue attemt to grapple th e per-:pleities of tme Sangly enogh i coseenes fo hitoyhave not et been realed In dealng ih i sha feateoy sc aits of his nove s ae reevat to my pesheme56

out aay deemphasize hronoog Wi im, it ap-pear hitory i no oce at all bt a hodgepodge o kaleido-opic hangomeing ie cods at gahe and dipeeat random. n eeing wit thi latoni iew he refues to ate htorin and rejet he ideas of bemng and evoonThere i no ow of me Wat doe xt a dicontinuou noncaual uccesion of iations o wor or peos, which Prots ow ase must be oght o as projecions or unter-pats of e efs ito whih bengbut ae we sed inasng a idential eing ndeeath?sucesiely an

forms itef t i nderstood that thee eent wol or siations each fne and fade away in es of derent shaeWith get igeni Poust demosates at each itation isan en n it own right tat cannot be deied m preedngones and at indeed a jmp woud be needed o negoate e

dicedit completey or beef in the operang powe of ehe emoe the mot peishale and most tenuos onnting i beween ssie worhope Mace, the protgo

nit of he ove and the embomet of Posts past sef niate fte fullents n ev sition; yet no snerhave hi hope come e tan eir mag dolve along wite ef that nuured them and te uceeding se stat afehon a path beet wth oter if iceaingly fewe epecaonsTe g is nbdgeabe time fa fom beg the AllFatedoes not father anythng.

Why not then p igoe it Thi i pecsey what rostdoe e inariay tu e sotght on time aomemoyiage of incidents or mpessions so shotlved hat me hasno me to mod tem oed o by aidenl boly enaons his inonta mmoie aert temseves th meeidrence to ono. he events they by an arge eoeae mu in the same nture a he eemingy inigncantminuae o daily istene whih Totoy all moe real andmoe signnt han te big cto and heroe pyed u nte history boo rost restores thee micopc uts toei e posiion by peeng huge enargemen o emEa su "coep onis o a texure of eetio anaogi reminisencs etc, whih indcinatey efer to a ewods he, not only Mce has been passing and altogehe

see to dose e esent meaning of the inident romwhich they radiate an towad whih tey convege Te noel eete with loeu in his en. ey ae penetrations indeth whose omponeoe medtations and eotionsfoow uacontabl igzag rotes preading over the whole


scoll o e pat. Te pattes e fom cn no longer bedene in tms of me; in ac i fncion to t ngstempora ito th n ram of essenc

So fa it ooks as P ost conee fo ia con


pat a a connuty in but also virus to rdem hpast from the ce of e by irporang i esns to awork of at whose elns ndes em t moe -

b t t it l h

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So far it ooks as Post, conee for ia con-n himf to gung t s of dntnos wolsand their hapd m Howv this on pat of the so

Even tough Pout b chronolo, h at pas to eep itinact Mch a e closeup wit ir tieconfg paeten to obct ou awaeness of a ow of ent y not opoint to te tuaon occsionig em but ae woven no anaatve which rendes Mace uccesie elf he crono-ocal odr On th whol, th novl abd b a sict iea Or as Jau pts i, bn h moaic of anaoisc momnts thre ls neale fom vew "pecie clocoof iverib m. 56

Not content wi tang it, Pot tie to mbed tconologically ucesive woldwold a spontane

ous aons ag om nowhrei the ow of ime hereao that h wnts to ma that ow an eqal per i game For he nnot rsov e annom wi wich he gappls l he el ons and dalctl cncils wiea otr its opposit apect incohent i ofshaped time an onologica e a a homognou owi solution inviably involves a detou: he etablishs tmporal conniy in reospect At e end of novl, Marcl who com one ith u ioves at a unconnte previous ss were acaly phase o taon of a wa

along which h d mov witout v owin it Ol nowae t fact, rcogn at i way roug e ha adstination at i seved e sgl ppose of prepang himo hi vocaton as an atit n ony now Pos aris a posion not on to intfy onnuou worl of h

nabe ts ou to writ e novl he wnTe pondi of solton shoud not ld on to ov-

mate the range of it vadiy Proust scceed in eistatg

chonoogica tim as a substantial mdim ol a poteo oy of hi (o Macs) fragmnize ife mt hae rai tmis bfo t va it to a a e po·ces Ad t rconcaton h c betwen e anecpoposions at sahi dial o h ow of ie and i (beate ) edomnt of hinges on his rteat ito th mension of Bt nong of ot appls to htoy ihha hitoy an end no is t amenabe to asic rmpon

e annom at te co of tm noub Pehaps eut tat it can be ovd only at th nd of Time In a ssot' esonal sol on foehaows o de igs unthkabl n iaga moment at which Ahasueusbefo disntgating ma fo te t m b ab to look bakon hs wandrngs through e pios

7Gnral Htoy ad h Ashc Appoach


css on phenomena whin on an t am aarlatiyhomogeneos phenomena at that genra histoin nn himelf wit aly a t evn tat me p ewho of a temporal eun or a ttion It huld b oi

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Mauc Mdlbaum a cntly drawn attention t a "arang ct that tos wo ha concrned hmslve wth genral polm of hitograpca mtod hav ydscs th uon of how t meod f cl hitoisuh as hstois of philoopy, or of ar r o tchnology or of

lw ae elatd t what ty regar a paradigmatic ca ohistographil pracc.1 Te paradigmatc cass ar nar-ates of a tye whch we mot ay ememr wen weaguly k of hito as a brch f wdg; what henmmatly mes to mid h hitoy of om peope r thhtory of an age Altgete naave n ti in cnsttute apc n it own ght whch in kpng wth Manelbaumsnion may caled gnral hstry The term "gneralwa orgay apl to plcal sors wich in th hyday ccup a pvegd positio Wth not mc cltatd today, gnral stoy a maor gnr mo stgapy

ne of ts cf chaactitics les precsely wih he fac atit is genral: t sntiay ier fom spca htor in tha ten or a ay of a Whers spcial hstoian o

who of a temporal eun or a ttion It huld b oiou tat ti dierence i boun to cay mthodologc imp-con f cnsunce

A gnral theoretc atmnt raey va al te lvantapc of the paricul i cover. o a ook at the atua con-guan w aways prv ewdng not ipableOn pincipl, for tn t i cery ue tat gene htins may sury spaiotmporal n of any ize, g ones orsmal ons but s t nt qualy ru tat they by and larg favoes wch ncmpass wd expas f t pat? T alintens and pus gral istory fall it t macro n-son n pracc he oundari btwn wo gens id hay a spciali y that woud notn byond t cons Such nsgrsson ae al

mr qur f the evns n a partuar aea cannot poiblyb oat frm aciti and hngs otde hat araStubbs' Cttutl Hy and Maitland ty f En

Law enjoy te repton f beng e et (gne) hi-toi of mdea Engand; tat, say, a hstoy f art shoever atn t a silr satu sem ghy implausb o meFr the st, en an area hstry taes on all th a o aga naive till et a pecular hact e apparent deny rsts rom drnt intons T pcialinghstoran makes ioa nto neighoing doma whil gnal htoan ts to msha ms of fact from dersegos. W t rt sks t pplmnt hi pcc nghst scon aspirs yns at the ou.

Ind th ut mattr of genera hstoy must ag-nd as repsnng a whol of a sor. Withou a unfyg fm


of rfence t gene wod not ble It vry xtnedpend upon pobi fo te tora to reat s mtals to a omon denomto I he o fo veed o osed? Ardly e b n to beeve tat t

G R IC R 16

for oe of hmn a Win ct dcontet t mak se to spek of devopment ovr me dte como ftes of sct pod T wod em toy gene toi' u to p Faoable

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eed o osed? A dly e b n to be eve t at t nrnt tocl rly e And wat do ntyonsst o Tr s no leart anwe to er Mandl-

bum od tt e gre nvaraby cene n of oey t lge nd tat, ccordgly the geneal historan " on-nd wit hman thougt nd con in e socta contextand wt teir ota mpiation . 3 Papably nsp bythe crent nfatation wit socal htor anwer ncom-let and too narow to te b. The ommon statummgt a wll be the ident of a peol throu ages oc an ntit s an em or body of allpevai befsAny bum wl do. And any of hm n ppoed togie to th unfying arrangement nd tepetaon whre pequte to nrrativ blt fom dsparate emnt. f

e gnl itorin doe not cced n ntecoecng, omehow th lemen d presng pon s cony d sion e d beter ei i ob Bt to sy t touggest that wole uderakng rest on unrtan grodT ty h nedo ac or postate it not gtee; t fct e mut ar ractory And yet genl -tor et and ubt How pzzg gere posble?

Wete he ow it o no th gnral itor n pediamnt s to cope wt a emendou problemtomy t the ore of chronoogl tm Te on teone hand no denying the patial sicane of the ang o0 To b , he i o nfrd th dice rig omoeo t f e hicl uvrs ( Ctr 5}. Bt mply e I v em ndcd h; morve, tyone hion o dninaon.

y gene toi u to p Faoablewnd may aow of reavey mooth aing h preed torender nd xpan t genel n o£ ng On te othe hnd

i onstay prnted om pocedng way bea vnt tre to nnect beong t drnt rea andthefoe eist bng treted s elements of a and mean-gful tmpol eene h reson why the do not elylnd themlve to partipating n joint enteprie must beld to the ft that tey ar rmarly members of uencwhc evole accodng to timtable pla to l1ei repteaeas he oppoite no les powefu apec of conogialme that of n mpt medim, a ow arring wt it phan-tom i and ngant ggegts of appnings As om-pard w te pcial hiton who n idea ae movesalong a te rve ford by a rs f coeent penomenate genel hton t ddvantage: he cauh n acta of ms (Snce t anomic haacter of Tim hbeen motly oveooed, lttl ttenon pd to h meodo-ogcal dieren betwen e ntsizig and pzing p-pos now not so snge fte )

On aga how i gnrl istor posble Te nwer mpl nough T gere n mateiaze only e htranmanages to dspose of th obtals wih pel doom to sject f corse not gven m o brdge, let lone ei-

nae the itng temporl csms nor i e i n potion toafom e many rndom ompee o evnt he encuntesnto ral ut l at bl to do about hee pemaent dturnes to pa them down a bet he an Toahiv hi nd, te geneal itoran mut te efug in


anipulatve xpedn nd de, peing hi o advancehi narav wth a omambt' auane. hey a to mke (and hm) foge that t hghway of chonologial ime tt vn and bmpy


Ji we now coed e co f AeBu e da and mysee f ego vde audae o maea f he assiote lve f dialectwc ad r so m ceures aazd Hno No oo dd C a a a

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tt vn and bmpy.H eot n h decon ae factatd by wo cm

tancs. Th t h of he "law of sp ve Ope

atng n he maco dmnio, the geal htoian eviw thpotntaly avaia vidence fom an appec dtan. A ·h pa he i occupyng da ede d the a beesad H is in a mas aoe wh hef-o aone thah wod be i he mo dieon whe hot o fac a apto cowd n on h Bu the l h xpod to the pese mo he wl eel e (nd nld) o give i h fomaive pow And auay ev hm o inhibon nh eu to pedien ad adjt.0

Scond nce the oy h nod a a ompativlygh ev of gneaiy h dcepve eae wh wch geaizaton can b anfeed o te mle o h ogn to ayoth nviomn tand him n good ead alo n tabhd y ca ndpendc and admi o ll i o h appaen maabty a boon to e ynheng htoan Wy nded hod h not apa on to ep hi naav gong? coue n doing o he i aking tin Gneaiaton ae fagi podct wch dmand o be handd wt e Whv ey a moved fom nativo and mad o a ain cones hy may bome dumband no ng eo e mang ha ld o h omaon I

h s f Eupe Pn ummaze the ta of aande th epeo Jtia oow:

ee Ch 5 12 a gn h Geea h Pcul," 0-6

ou No ooe dd Ca aa eEs begn o m w he; ee wee cedates the a e, Cou ace Couc 4

aonat ov of dialectic? eemig wi hee? heopaqn o th montage of gnaliio ot e moempe n th nest o oy oniiy ey blod evy tuaon hey ae lled pon o evoe

No dob h gena hoan fomo nc th nuy n of h aatv hap th mo npuou devic to bing it ino in oni t adapaton to htoca medim o oe o o o e eval gea ploophcaides whih peted o ve and xpan h who hoa

poce. ( ed pat ta philoopa and hoca daae o die ig?) • Many a gnl hoy m to benfomd wi h ide o pog o vouon o ay mxtuo hem t i no a he aao woud have o mpo tm h matia ai ipgad wt e da ohat hy may appea to hm a omg gvn d vidn ndeed e may o ecogniz them a e peuaveabtaon ey ae whe h fals ba on m i e foubana nity Thi i cooboed by the ypica angageof hol witig a dienng cotemy htoin J xe ha ha ch wod a endd gw out of dvel

oped vov d devopmen ndy vouiongowth bong among thi tandng voabulay (Und he

" S pas

70 RY i

spe o idas at ts bottom naav stoin soeesrepresen the hitory o a popl or te ke a suesson oeves wic ead saght o e pre The resu a or oress cosed sc story whh bue of it neessa ran

A A AA 7

about e ess piuous deves need for e budupdc o whic thr ahors m ava temseves ordr tobe abe o e he soy ey sh o pa o b s obl toras y a spposed to b, y tnly do

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y on tooal oiderao, not ony spas asifyg hind-sight bu uer tightns t bods bewen emnts o te

narave hereby smoothing away a th stig ts osssaborve starts, inoitncis.)Aong wit he faily o ids wic champion proes pe

ecbit and/or so vrint of e Drwiian shee, philosophy ao provid th modl ocpt of cial hange nd tsbiooca vrsionhe mage o erent oess o ogancgrot and dcayewise oers iself o hioias as a con-vennt means of psing o ag porons of te pst as coheren and telligib seuences Rereces to is image whihhas bee no ess intrad t e noton o progress, evtn up acous ohrwe imprvos to bioogica anao

gs At e begng o he Roman Empre, ays Nlssonh world had beme red" 6 Cearly philophcal idasav a way of changng fom vaat atmpt a tot no nto opi and teherou signpt

I have mioned hese daoed oes oly imi-nate tem at he oue V spulaons whch beg tequestion csienous hsori y o gt along witout shideooca props or rthe There are i act numros gn-ra aratvs which give a wde berh to a assmponsabo te dircto and mg of hory; they ther equaei w a progrssive movem nor presuppos at ns ycles Pnn or itance would no hav dramd of leghise be guidd or isgudd by philosophcl oal views Is these so to spak unontainatd naratvs which ar oparticur iners hre baus thy bst pmit one o d out

y pp y yo want to maipua its ontent yt i thy rfred fromg t appropiat adjusnts te whole ce woud

mmdiatly colaps So y wil do what ty have to do abu against their wll and on witout big awar of it hge ors the hand o its devotes is xplains wy t dutmnts to whih thy wilyilly rort are much in h natuof sight rtouhigs sot prssursyou hardly noi hmag

Y r thy ar d uite undersanday any o tms o srnghn he iprssio o oninut ovr Nowt onologal sue is hreaned ve mont withisoving into h divrgnt srad o vents o which it iomposd so hat s mpression can b uphld oy ags

ovrwhgly heay odds. mall wondr at undr suc dsprate iumances even spous itoas s no othway out an o addu igh argues in suppot of t und squnc. Two random epls may lusat

Pl Wendlnd in hi scrmisc Kut,

te lic, n for o pon ur Roman Empie ollow: "Fo te Ieil eii mmat ha n t reious vhm on to te oienal . Exo enuagd t evelopmn." H ly isem nd en onine Te delne te and

dey he iene ndue o vey o o ues-on

Obvosy possssd h he rg to ature he sway oontuial iuncs Wendand draws o a toay many


i expencethat suesion rgy sult from te dcayof paideia (a rnr Jage woud hav aid) and the dclnof scienc Do they? True odd hi Te Gek and Iatia rasons in a sila way: h hods that th fai of


emoal cniiy is insearabe om meaningf togeher-nes In addton to boltng at continui th gna histo-an w eroe auomtcay try to make any piod o hisncern aa a a nity. Th ca fo adjstments of s

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ynre Gert Mrray's te in late anquity wa sponble for e acceptanc of asoog d hat w modern ar in

the bot as e ancents raer, wuld b in it w itnot for ntveno of psyoay which, he hoes immnize agant any newfanged vrsion o Chaldan be-ifs t I en to umit at ere is aso something to bsaid faor of th opost interpretation according to whichsyhoay as commonly practiced today wod rrsntnot so mch a sobeng atidot as the mden terat ofHelenistc asology with its pdoctic cacations anddcves Ov agast Wendland on might a we contendthat scinc ogs make for an nr of ueston

ar lh u ss nea -veoen. fe ha St ete do ee o e abc aran an Snai vans decr at "a soe cannot thn xist n a se of real an ne oong nsonal ah "he avo hanees no e eely dc e ery -o gae s t cn ocaone o fragn tal oganaon of este Euo 9

Thi agah in tun inroduces a sktchy srvey of whathappened i Franc ad ngland once he worst was over

Wer al of t artly ositie canges a drct conuenc oft incions Boch sggts at ey wre by taing at haoc which th invadrs wroght on Wtrn roe wa notmly destrctv But way he deiddy oerbudense incursions with causal ponibilis.

ncern aa a a nity. Th ca fo adjstments of scontnt nabing hm to br dscrepanci eween co-tnt events and tn the spoligt nted on ter mua

niies t is almost inevitble at a a mar o edincyhe shod ngct intlgibl ra euns over ros-nuencs of his own invnon

om Rake to the resen eamle are foun n highy e-pcted pacs Whnever Rane mslf look ot of th win-dow of otca istory to sey th ighboing rgion o thoophy ienc tc. he insist on elaining goingson ntem from te ota situation, at s an sch a moment of nao or peoes whos deses h nrats. In oter worhe cne to t t cla ve of riod to a mkesh ch wh to g u e mrsion hat y nform to te gnra stat of as But h ery eagss tobing e evns onto e common denomator of a whoeat mov in tin revnts h from obing eir essences,ei ral hitorica poitions Ranke presents dtortd picursof tem n deanc of hi own cam that histoy soud t u"wi s iet eween. he roe of rasmus in sDce i i Zetat de Ra i a eiad fels as a sick cot painters ortraits0 And asid fmbig rleant hi ommn n e de Ppon Gdo Reni, Palstina nd or xonent of at Ialin

16cnry cute ar coucd in rms so ower and amatrish that any cog sdent today would be ashamed oing hem Noe, ough tat urckhadt a a young manew parts of s famos wo by hart.2 (But non of s isime agast magic sendo oweve fule I remembr

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more han that the hitoria hould kep a watcful eye on hsproe, the Soceys poliy w be obecoable oly to profes-ioa who believe idierene to he mane of representaonto be a prerequisite of erudio0 Yet tee is a mit to he hi


al te cse of geeral hitory, tha i te noesseal ftio of art become a eenal oe; aetetc arrgemet

from a eteal embellimet into an nteal requremet. ojuction wth he pssures pt n story content,

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 98/145

toan's asthec rivigs a hehold beyod wch tey tedto encroach on h intnsic prccupaon (e ate Gre

Magys stors of te Armda nd of Cate Aagon edageroly e to hat der; I woder whee tey do otsomee cros it) No sooner doe e toria aspre to thetatu of a rt (in aditio to at of a htoriaarogatng to hielf the ats eedom to hpe i materiain accordace with his viiontan beauy a an nntededect of his quire proper superseded y beauty as a delib-eate eort nd h triumph a an arst is apt to defeat ecae of hstoy conequence he sayng that hitoy is boa cience ad an art care mg oy it efers to at ot asan eteal element ut as a te qualiyt wich n amnne of peaing, rema anoyous because t priaryow he histoans capaty for eeacement and seepion and in the port of h dgoc pobigs

ow he genral istoran cannot fuy implment hi narave degn ules he pay speia atto to e form of hstory eed not mean that he woud reac out for o n-d ave "teray ele aaly he my e a pwter But t doe mn hat e must use spcay iteaydevce atr e faion of a t bent on mouldg his mat

No at I spng hee f i a rt i w i d ri i t g isria-dia' pav. m, t rt ls cn is as a itr T, be e t " equay t y i, u t tt i a twir

thee aragement are coied to yeld patter whc connect te ncoected eab ilso cte ad i

o te uity of tempoa sequece o te ng radersare saely gude ough Tie They are i about the same positon a hose caava of vacaioig tousts you meet everwhre i Europno yoads for hem o opporui todeviate from the preordained outes planed by thei rpectvetavel ageie he general narave so completely deped onform adjuents along hese les at eve te mot percepve afma s powerless to evde them Wee Kaeg as ithat urchardts Renasanc iclude formutions t wh"you dont xacy ow hy e fomed more y pakng cosdeaon of te ubjt or y te fomave need for aformal deieatio.

am ansition are a muhfavored surace expediet ycreate the ilion of a ow substtu g, i roce' word,aesetc oherece of repeetatio for e logil oherecehere uobtaiable 26 e followig exampe i raw fromNsso:

W a e u ge t ak o ssmd o e eed ud foo emeoa c e t (am) e if e Haa

de rom toyig wih terotped generalzaons o oava, Niso i tis etece throw a bridge joinig the dier-et at movemet of uccesive period Yet it is a purely verbalbidge conruted with te aid o a sigle word te ot veryuworthy cnjuction wle That gube readers may ev

180 RY: B '

ereles fanc hy r ossing r ridge is uite nothmtte

Pirne Hry f Ep eple w s ddgerps fo the reson tht sely reviews dversty of


h gnrl narativ so tht t assms ai of wholeness rm-inint of works of art In te bsenc of idologcl ros suchcompoitiona arrangemnt l be l he ore needd The of iating cohsion in the aehtic dinion amits of

f l i Th t g i

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top whch mus be brought togthr somehow

Disssig eeomen n Itly tt ld to teRe Pr fs elat o e Nor-ItnbWgsa n rae ofloence beq i te Pap States. eces it b si "Neih n e nor er plc, l or ntelel aivi woul Papal S cmson t Lob he psd . "

Bl an ncalldfo coparion o onfrontation isthedbare anson sts o te indoe deire or stsc adivs

At ohr p t he re of Ano Vnd te sicn o n for n: "t ws Argoa oene u or Sp, o fm Europ b hePnees th onl osie me f mnicaion, tw of e Meitrne e tetu Casl. B wld cg of sbjc tmuh of a sock f s? o cus he iner tr- s res "wever, not Aragn tCte was e ue Casle " 9 Fl-ows otion abut hngs

he enen einds e of the stdnt of zoology who isprossor reqsts to ll him somthing aou h elhan

Hvig been coached ony for he te studn swrs elhant mch muc bgge tn he As for h .

This olihing jo wod itself alo hrdly be of coe

qnc did i not fll ito e wih oter more subtantl ex-peiens Altogeher thy ai at tighng the mposio of

a vr of soluions The rrato m organie suv

v of event or stats of being io sothg lk an eic

Or he proe, a a argh wol wth e to dacsspe. Or he so shs his sto that it edes singarmoodthe case of ga's The Waning of t Md Ages.

Wt happens hre hs its countepart n lm ccquity of m stories vri n drec ratio to her ren

o -y. Sce thi congent d inderinate realty s pry ptterneds te historcal nivs wit i ongendig eventssois o frgens of he can asily beovd n t ( of Fhtys Nank, and te They ctinly r chara And so ar epsodic l epsod y dnion rgig fro ad agai dsppeg in,

te ow of lfe. o be pree heir cinetc avo s a functonof orosity; hey ut be perabe to he chanc ifestos of a if Now mny oml ls e not eto h dum n is sense Payg ibte o te preige of eesablihed art, the tell stories which are eit aded from(succsful) sge plays o vs, or modld on he in mof sutre and aning h "eaicl storpe may be aed sac porosi to dene osion ndt nfods aboe dmnsio of cmry ed of ps-ig tough t n e pl Rm ad Juliet he Fis filto dlv Jules tr in ica inasu t dnos h workngs of Fae Bt n th astela l Rnd l the se ects te seco a outside

renton moatd by wat goes before so i hichor no son a all altrs t couse of tion he wo ir

blngs to n ideological n t e mteial on towhch m spe t is sham entity which wd have t beboke dn it t psycphyical compnets to become antegl prt cmeafe30

Te geerl ntive embls he earil bo


beg ugt of as a cete of emeds eerge The "orderf fe ungive tem, may my ot eist. fact they aedubt weh te smll dom nit i wic ife, elytngibe lfe, mterilizs re mngfully tercnnetd sot i the end e do contus of wole ll deneate

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Te geerl ntive embls he earil bomedia cmps exgence et te tue Noe les h

Rostv dvetently sende t em by educig n ishrt itry f me e Srtcs rlt to mio idea mee bagatee1 No doubt e ew beer But e hfrom pg d e rucre he was abot to eect

A ese devce and thiqe olow a hrmniigtedecywich to say ht her underlyi teios a-gantly nct wi thse of contempry at Joyce, Prost,ad V Wof e pieers of e mde el, o ngercre t ender bigpcal deelpmen nd chlgcl eees ter he mae of he old novel; o e contrar

they resoutey decmpoe (ci) couy over eou work res roghut upo he cnvict not yhat n mn i a whole but th t is oight sible to knowa mn becaue he himsl chage whe we ty to clfy rigl impeis of 2 Ech uebach pus itese mdn witer "who pfe t ploit of ndmeverdy ee ontaed tin few hu and days, t ecomlete d hroologcl epesent f a total exteror re guided by he nsdeo that it ahpele vere o ty to be relly cmpete win the tota etir cotinm ad yet to make wht i essential sd then to tey hestate to mpose upon ife, wich s th sbject a d whih it ds not possess in tlf 8 oerwod tey ee ad d eali n mlike happengs each

t i the end e do contus of wole ll deneatetemee t e horio

Mde adcally chege the asc deals from wche geeral str raw h iprationfrm wich he mtdaw it o tablih hi gee And becaue of he eugng f thetic eibilties, quet for aeheic cer-ence h lo mch of it appea. No i the knd of litear ecellene atnable t him i mny with u wy f seegour nts of sy4 he smeng ps abut ebeu of Maingly's mgicent istie

he diupe ntention of mde t ad r paleed by ceg mgivg of tor d h-

e but e ynthesizig nve wih emps n eto eteio connuu It wuld be tempting t ce thesesilriie t a commo soce t he Zg i iagead osiueces ae often cuterbalced by sudy isncie urckhrdt combied an aute sene of disconityi hmn r wih a outspe pedlection for hrmiouswees i wks f at.

efore tig t he giving d ccsm I ha I sould pehap uon te reder agnt cofsghem h te runnig attemp t chk nd uetion he fhfuness t of the geneal itans accun. Since i -cpio, mde histoiogphy made it it Peneopelkebusies t weave synthees ad unavel them agn. hi be-sid he poit hee hat I d w t ses i e, eg

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186 OY: T L BORE

is coen, its subsnce pope cao be raced o hemBlumebeg's opposio to adiona Gtgeschihte wihi bias in avor of ear developents is based o a premsewhich beeve to be of ccal sigcace: he smits a were ened o spea of a spotaeou generaon of thoughs


posible causes of past eves to r coseqeces for poser-i her eets o e welbeig of e cotempoaies hhe aks wha the ree pos coibued to the happiness adnappness o s dvidua member43 His medation aboutgood furune" ad mifortne" i histo 4 raise moal qe

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p p g gand ideas0

Passe ritce o geea hoy add o ese ota a-aks. It has been obseed ha Nam pessently efuses opode suaied rrave ckads ngried uspcoof e gee show precely n places whee fo oe raon onoer, he sees o follow e s ad ends of a chroolog-cal equence. The freuent use he makes of he wod uappromatey he Egs own these occasios is qierevealg ake h accou of the cose of evens ha mak teera of he Gree ta havg ela fo nace, hat manya ya ed o iae himef wh e populace by emg bdnome debs d scag e nded propey of

he obl, he seems to be al set o repot o he le suess ofe bribes; o sooner re he ckle masses won over o hera's case ha occus to hem tha hey mght be evebee o wot a song a a te top u a is pon anun" disup chonology Ud nu (my itaics) ukhadtconnues nd ow he [e yran] has o xeence howmu eae i to seize powe an o hod it" 2 he so isf of s nns" They terally pcure i sevig the narato as oophoes Thrgh hem he me and again escapesom he ay of he roolocal oder of thngs o moemeless reo whee he is ee to ndulge i pheomenologica

decipo cmmucae his expeences and give vent to hiinsgh no he aue of ma o be se his acoun is s asor of sors bu he iuence connectig he before whe tr slc e musces Buadt not muh con-ceed wih em H pefes to shft e emphass om he

g qo n e fom of a �g commet he cool sceesbefoe he specaos eye Moal con here inoby fuses ahec ees So doe he a ler appaise beauy adug It is noteorhy corary to e geral toiansaesec aagemes, Burckads escapes o he aehedeion are ot meat o deen he impessio of chronolog-ca conuty bu misakaby mate a histoy aboudswith ngenies wi we ust ae i ou s·ide

However is s o al a ee s o it ch as e argu-mens agas geeal ho apear to be jused thy haveot sueded suppressig e oslga for syess fo

largesale aao Te gere doomd o persh ad yetpove decble. I seems to fde awa succmg to hespecs agoapobia, ther fear of all oo wide hemes aspaces and neveheess coninues o aact he minds If weak oselves, says a cotempoy hsoian what soanshave comaded e mos lig admiaio we shall nd . a ey ae hose wo ke imagiave wres)pesen men o socee o situao n m meo amany iesg evels simtaeoly 45

he ahevemes of hese pa masters s er spe evenove hitoias who ae fuly awae of e mehodologial age

i whi any pacitoe i e ed s caught I am hking ofcerti spoadic atems to reendow geeal hisoy t heo-eical resecabiliy As might be expeced, hey oincide y-ng to eonile e esablishmet of logtem develomentswi e ackowldgme of a e facts and cimstane de

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hood days-ee s so mc tell, o muh to ook tt "moraly pki," ipssbe for any itoan folowg ev to reach Loetto. He s no mletee after .4Q

Genea toy en a hybrd sometg bewee legend

8he ntm

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y y g gand te Ploe, at pehabe annalic manual whch we a

scoolboys sed to memorie te date of batles ngsow xpin atondng logevt o ts mpoble gee?\at to s prs as an imagay cntucton a been thera re of geneal sto mot of te me O pecpaon wi he cue of ito gronde n reigospopecy lgic comptaon and mtphyi iabot manknd' lot k al ai nquire, he quet fo tedee of empes ad peope ogaes wth te approafom abovea mode of appeenig ad reasoning whony the moden age has ven way to the appoah om -ow Not competey og e od qeson, goal and

mage lige on joining foce wt he eeds and teretswhi e fom e toan' nvoveent te aa of day ey too nte i to acut fo tempora seqece epat as a whol Ideed unde e ima of bo ese contemporay and adtoal onces he annot hel ing hi muleagt to oetto Genera hstor might be moe vulneable tattak dd t not y v nonstoca ends

ne may d£ne he aea of hsoal ity lke that o potogapic rea a a anteoom ea Bo reae of a ndwi does nt lend telf to be dealt wt i a dente wayThe pecuiar matril n tee aeas eudes te gp of yematc tought; nor i be hape n fom of a wok of rt

ke the tatements we make abot physcal reality th e aiof te amera thoe whi esult fom ou peopaton titoica realt may cetany atta to a lee above mee opon bt they do not onvey, or eac ot o utmate tth, ao posopy and rt pope Tey sae te nheently povona chacte wt e matera they ecod eploe andpenetate ow whole rea to wch phoogaphy a wela ioy i mode ee belong has p o now b oveshadowed by cnepton fouded on e i peud at thee xst no ed of nowedge n i own gt ben te azy epae n wh we fom oinion and eighevel ea aborg the podcts of mans mos opatons photogaphy ha been mundetood i aan rt n te estabishe sense o a ort of eodng meium,edg merely mpeons of te ; and eacty e

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indd ay tht philosopy, whether posting or deying absoltes wns o aive a saemen of ted utoytemes wh sk o emanipae hemes from te ono of tme and place l in he nare of m rea-son And it cun for te preocpon of ontemoayplosopy wi te mpcos of hisorsm


wt it, bent on tessg he ieent potenlities of omeidea s the driving powe behnd its eelopmeneg JonssGhe ioran (o he ten ta he does no ie Kub-l ive e beiora senc ) prers o rg e wose unfoldg in me e records ogh e nderbsh ofhistory wich ona o es o do nk of Dael H!y6

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plosopy wi te mpcos of hisorsm.Frth, he htorian may be struc by wt often cts im

as e rter sweeping radiclsm and giiy of philosophils hey o not seem to t ei pailars of i ineres;and ey en to ignore obsre, or erences in de-ee to whic he tachs importace Jeg in Pidi re-proaches e "seere horia of pilosopy wit dismissnginegral fet i Pltos picture of Sotes a mere poecdoron I ll seem to e bnet te hig level of bsactogh o hich phlosopes og to move and hve tebeig l

Historiogpy ders rom phiosophy all tee respets.

ed of proedng fom or clmang semes abou temeanng or, fo tat mtte he meinglsness of hisoy sh, it a itictly empiial en wi exlore and inepres gven histoic rel n excy e same anner ate phoographc mei render and pete he pyiword abou istoy is mc clor to he praclly endles,fortou, nd deermin LsHusser' term fore bsi dimension of dily lin piloophy Conse-qntly te htorian would no em of ssigng o his ndngs an nio te d of genty and vaiiy peo piloopil temnt e s nconee for high absa

ons and bsols at ea he oe no primrly care abouttem

Te eene between te wo pproaches sow, for in-snce i he history of ideas Wle e pilosopher in delng

history wich ona o es o do nk of Dael H!y6or Bu's T Ida Pge7 n ft s we kow mny hi

orian nrtue misgigs abou and dis e philosophicappc One mgh e spe of e resenen aganstit sor of son able to he ft tha ey hverrey he ools o meet te philosoper on hi own gond Andconersely, as viewed fom the ofty regions of philosophy eistorn devotes imsef to the at ings before e ast, setlng an re wh as e caracer of n aneroom Yet its his aneroom wh we brete moe and ive.)

Te bondie been the reas of toiography nd pilosopy ae ud, s i illuaed by te estence of conceps

belongg to bo re riginang wit theologicl ad metapysicl specutos e concepts of niesl tory nprogress are mater of conern o e itorin alo Teir mbiguou nate be diuss n e ose of e folowngmetaons ic bea on wo sues of temendous impotance for boh pilosophy n isoyhe ise f hisoricityand ta of te generl in i relaon o e particular hesemeditaions may shed ight on e osion of e anteroom

T obm. Nneeenhentry hsoim argely responsible for te estbment of he consciousness of mans hsoriciy, e beef n he formtie powers of tme a well aplce Diltey was peps e rs fuy o ea ze the ose

9 lRY: O

quence of belief Acordg to it, there are no eternalus"; rathr a our thng a fo of tie Consousnes of man as a htol beg ncesarly entals convctionof th reltiv of huma kowlg (Wezsaecr as wenow, has t te aural la re ot ne againthanges er hgh pcation o he hi

OOM 197

pen i vby e sae: you stll v ou are swng seam f tm and all o a sdden yo nd ouelfashore fac to fac with ett t is great fu to wth esehrs moe ahad towrd th catl n h ar Soewhereen rou ey tably erfom what t all nten and pr-

bl h

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hanges er, hgh pcation o he hi-cl proes would be at a low pa0 ·

Once histoct i regnd a pt d parcel of h hmanondtion, e problem arises as to ow o rence h nungrlatiy o owdg wit te uest of reason for gncanttrus o gnral valdt It s te ke rolem o modern phi-loohy All phloophia ttmpt o ole t ty to nd a waout of th dla onfrontng contemorar thought theyseek, that s to legiiat th eorts o o to get old of ab-solues ometes een suggeting ther ataby ad at he

sam to uhold e da of hito ee attets canb dided o grous

o o There are, rst, nbers of allegd sluonwhch may be called trnscndeta' ltogether the are an afteat o nded th bakh eulaed theological oncept and tradtoal mtahysi h he dea of evlutoneing thro to he bargain They rlaim, at the outset, thepossbly of tm h pog a r o abolute alunos nd te li o Rane and Droysen a sens Scheler,8Rikert9 oelth10 Minke, tc of hem atmpt tope uth of torcal relaim whih he ar neer-thlss oged to rm, and n eeping wth deands of

reason regan acces to the lost aradiat ralm ouidetie whch they nostalgcall ension How do te do it? Tosy t planly by way o some uege o oh Wht hap

S Chapter pag

poss reembles th amou roe

he solo of h oher group whch I should l to trmanns roced he ot wy rund hey reiatee onceton f elessness and any asumpon o an onto-logical character. Wth them sociy a ba tenet whonc adopted prcluds h se to eternal tr So theonly possbity of salagng the absolt i for th ploophrof this denominaton to lace theelves n the manenc ofhe hto o ad brng hstort to s uliate logiacncluion Th more ret atemts begin to e shaewi Dltheys desperat lbr H rjec dpendent xi-ten of eles nors, poses or lus12 and nstd

chaios ll rcoition o the imanne n the hstolsess v of those alues and ors which lam to babolt. 18 nd endavors to how hat generall validuths may grow ot of hsto tse

," h ay "at r an nlule r t n th hoe t, wle oy wh i to e fn e nt w eaning and n f v B y h i i . H e we f n xlcao of nons coad

e as or ex e a o ort or te ren f h digity n ee l lkt a a he th genely vld becaus, al n e hral r aynt, t l k rlaon oi.14


aote plac onds a "no he ret ofvy iew of t orld t la o of e mid at padrough al of em b its soveeigt agai each of thm,and th posvenoege of ho e plal aits of emn w a o eaty of e o given to 16 Com-

Dlt h till d

OOM 199

rkee19 Inde th t nonexsentiaman cunt of immaenm ome o compleon he alowoca ntint an anc es actua traition itot look-ng for tr ritia otde hs ay htory bcomes a coe sem whic accordane i egels dictm, l l t t th l

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mn on Dlts poson: h s till mmeed e ery

ploopil adtio e gts T is ao ow by is obseson wih big shm an arangements Croce an olling-ood too an o eiit the objcve from e ow of timeBng fom and exploitg h, Hideggr of Su Z goes farthst in this io; e oates a torcity of being ite, tu adicall prooing te sbeobjcrelatio, an he venerable noos of sbstan ad sence ts wak (B adal o esary a vi d of se-obje on Jona jcosly says at i i noa lapse bu he privil, budn an dy of ma. 16 i-maneni r wic i at e boto of isiai as

spaw a paty syrtstc itratr.g Kar Maheims192 ssay " 17 wih i orog om DileyWeer, ec and is ilva clasitory ness Maimrejec te recose to te staic absolu endosng e histoi-i aupon at thee no absolue rut. rs andvaues an be gasped oy n prspeive Bt we nd no de-pair for a eaon becse e are jed i assming taeac "tt i he lst ord wthn i own concrete siaioa a e deren perspetvs or a ieray in h oahsorial proe. i even hat all soltons in ves absoz istor order o eeve t absoue from is pcisy a Gaam os n his eidggience Ware u M, whic aounts to asmooh fsio o maor imants otifs. Sypoacaly, heu ithys epass on ugzamm an

l l sut ou e ost aes, th url-ze posibils Hsory as a suess toryBkard wonevr ave acpd the ndrling asmptons of mohemee.

Ha elvy As soltions are falaio Te fiure o deal vely it e mplcaio of hsoris mu beace to tei reice on an oversimped notio of iocarelaiy oh the asenental pgons a t ianensts sart om h pre ha io s a onut olng homogeou te f be he case, en ineed hitoriarelatiiy becoms inscapable an a eo nevetels to

sify e qes o reason for abolu onoogca or no, necesril inolv e�pdit dobl ielll anvers.

Howr a I ave tried o sho in aper , t aionalconption of hisol im rqre qacaon ue ofth atomy at its co, time not only conforms o the oenioal mag o a ow but mt also be agne eg not a o We live n a atract of tms And hr rocets an vo ami s empo curens vageyremiis of efeenc phenomena is eas me o pean a poviona way of he mied relai of ca idasemegg fom sch poces oic reativt t om a mater of cors ito a puzlg pobe What havein eec said n Cape 4 about isoral idas eg Ma'sor urcardt' ceainly aso ols fo genera pilosophl

0 S 99103


trts: hey mus be thoug of as lying bot side and otideowng me. he neren aim to tempoal exteioatyjed? O doe he sae in itoical eatviy nvaidateany such la

Proptin I poing ese queo I sa o on a popoi


o mply a e seemng alernave of tansendentalim, withi penchan fo he onological o mmaenism, with its otaaceptance of hocty and is aiy for estentialim, is nogenue alteave eier Even thoug ey poin n opposedeons e two approaches wl have to be ough ogeehe "side by side replang he "eihe or 22 Hence e pob

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Proptn. I poing ese queo, I sa o on a popoi-tion wc iers from e anscendentl as well immane soons Te former foc on a rlm of abolutevaes and nom which tey set apt and sgi from ata is oy tempoa Ye tis snconwhic moeove mpe a the abolue s of higer igcance an e imebond and eatveose ts meang once he paadoa} na-ture of me is recognzed. Wth the manents on he oehan he tempoa so compleey ck up te absolue ha seem posle o eeae e tmecodtioned hs m-selve u if me i no onger concved of s a continuosow i oton s ntenabe ao

Fom he angle of my poposon, plosopica s ave adoube apec Neer can te eless be stipped of tevetiges of temporaly, no does e empoal wholy nglf etmele Rahe we are foced to asme at he two apect ofruts eis side b side, elatng to eac oe ways which Ibeieve to be theoeicaly undenble Sometng lke an analogy may be found in te "compementay pincpe of tequat physicits My sumpon s tha spulaon on hetotal naue of the nverse ae call fo o inde idpen

able a gambles Kafas see1 They meaningfully etethe cene on ( unprdctable) occion and ten pesuaby

ful a vtal fnconThe coextence of bo apecs so dicult o imagine ten

0 Hr in C. h htr h sub�o " g z-6 T ss s 141

he sidebyside repla ng he eiheor 22 Hence e pob-emic caace of Loewit's atemp o get away from thecoeence of isority by ypaey eferg o ncnt cosmology and all ta san fo; is an escape topln ontological tancnden m ater tan a timely answeo o pesen intelecua uaion Smary open o t-csm is he evese atempAdonos unfeeed dialeccwi elimiaes onology alogeter4 Hs eection of anyonological tipuaion n favo of an innie daectcs whcpeneates al concee hgs and entiies eem isepaablfrom a cen rbirines, an abene of content and directon hee see of mater evaaton. Te net of Up

then necessiy ued by a pely foma way, as a bodeie ncept w a e end vrbly emeges lke a Bu opian ogh make ense only if i assmethe fom of a iion or intion w a denite conent of a soTerefoe he adca immanene of te dialecil proce winot do some onologca ations are needed o imbe wsigcce and decto

And ow e we to ect suessive general trut witeac oe If e empi p on m as a omogeneouow, uch deas as evolu on and progss wic estabis onexs betwn conoogcly suessive pases are boud toga momentm ccodngly Dlthey es o ascetan te obectivity of te Gesesweshafen by asuing a elevantnowedge epands and advances n he istoral poces If,convesey cronoloca me cosdeed an mpty veel


te tablhm o mig ro been uietrut beom ratr dic he sme Dlt who dopte dea o pgres 25 ops t s so s he bgs to doube magic o owng me; he prfer pee o ypof Wtschauge" 26 His wvring respct se

d Th b t hi h h d

he sed sue of portc ore coo of he nteroom ae fom the ig geraityo ll phosophic t about ma' lmate conc t

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me as proound The exemes betee hich he maders

ae maked by eges world prit" ad eideggr Ske which swaow up ll objcvty, and wi oeould hi, all relaonsps betee successve trus. s o idea of proges (wic feeds o a questoabe aogyi te erng process) it reces ts full scop only f it ppled to ory as a ol Bu t be appied i ch awoesal ma t a? Bumenberg, a w know see t pcto of it a te reslt o forcd dapton of limtedoig orm (i wic it hd been ricted to eoetcal proses ad he area o aee to ee te heteogouseoogicl noton of estoogy Wat happend was that the

idea of progress ad to iden its onay lmited scopand ovrxnd it to wer a uesto whi heoog,havg giv vlence to it, ad f w, ower-ing in op, mstes ad uatd 27 ny deo o ihrt atet chater o opt wch folowom e doube spet o geerl uts i doomed to faurer a ratr opsided deio wch I submit or wha t swot: he ide o proe presen itelf derety romde peod whoe uesso my or may not amont to aprogs.

dea ad piosophcal t come loest o puncturng creen that epartes u rom what we tom to b Tuh hecoidea opposto, wch Cua De visone D calledt wall o padise bend which dwl God" 28 doe otmaerialize thi id of t scr

o ll phosophic t about ma lmate conc t

codrd a matr o coure tat ese tus (eg., Kanstegoca impave appy to al paticuars tey are suppod to cover o hy0 Hr whe my argment coce-g e ohomogeneous suctur istoca uivesecoms in meanguy xtnded t rgmnt as a de-t berg on te isue at stae. I fact, te toica uivrse onl a borderne case o te genera illectua uverse Isubmit tt what ods of e ormr vald o te ter aoO llctu nivers i not homogneo eitr ter aeo e trac dcule it tan the hstorical orbit prope o get rom above" o eowom e pioopi ab

aco, a is, dow o the concree iigt oay algdr themone o troduce umbe o w do ashe move ong Te cosucos ad xdie nded to ap-ply t gorca mav to an idivdua cs re a -

ample Aother h asvens of steoped naol m-

ges ey nor o rai in general but dsove as soo aso get don to onete cses A ay o tir sgevens might prove rewdig Aso te reaon of e ge-ra nd te particular i t atmnt and subect of T'sVee wc ws yzd i hapter 1 shold b comparedor problem a it appears n t preset contet.

I sum plosopica tuth cover oly isenty p

holog idea f x abstac-n ccron v iviua ca. S 122-7. S 3


rience d ocurrence they generize. You my di eeut om vriety o empcl obevtio (or rrive tthem by ts nd stts ), but e ret ip to e concetionrequres mny pplementy umptio e geerl doeot ully ecomp the ptclr (For th whole theoy eemy Sgi aWecha 29so Dtheya


rom some phosophc oncepton of uversl htory Wiht pproch we wod be i dnger o bcoming spebodby ides bout the generl We mst rter proee "om below to bove o purue te without hrm Bt prculrlyeeded ere i critil comment on the iio tht wold hitory c be prodced rom elow by compig d nin

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 111/145

my Sgi aWecha so Dthey

Ua I hould now elborte o te intic dilecc o thi borderine nept which lke proges belong tobo phloophy nd histo AngloSxo emprm nd poitivm i importt revolt gnt te phnom crctero generl metphysic ee hools o ought de with tepticlr gint e geelbt t wht cot! i context Knt i igct n te tetse, Ida f Uverl H-t m Csmpl P he commends the cultivon o empricl hitoy nd tree t to be oroughlyvered it is eiemet or te pilosophic mind bt e

plitly mintn tt ti ide no dobt to cetn etento n a p chrer 31 Knt predct tht ectl becueo te priewory circumtn wit wih ou isto inow written (n e endor reon which epres e prnple o mentl economy nmely, to cope wit te burden ohitory tmitted to them our remote poterty wll sely esmte the hto o te oldet me o which thedocumnty record my hve been long lot oly rom epoint o view o wht nterets tem

Proceedig fom the nnomy o the generl nd e ptculr beeve t versl hitoy h become illegitte it

ds not recgize i bic ntinom o hitory t s o longerlegtmte to tink om bove to beowtrng out ht i

t f , y r 1 g 130.

ory c b prodc d rom ow by comp g d the reult o histoicl reech is ws nticipted by ecicim o Lvi-Suss d Vly wh were qoted inChpte . A tg ple or pplyig em would be eUnc Wr H, o which Wirm correctly jdgt it et vey wide rm whle o noming conception to be dicerned; noe t ny te tht s very convincig 33

Here poit hould be mde o ct edy mentioned-tht the de o uiversl htoy tend to cl ot stetil pproch to it nd tt the etenil genre stnd the betchnce o mtezing whe te whole o htory come ntovew The lrger the ope o rve the moe ur

gently herstic umptios nd unyig ide ugget emelves At the high ldes elity ecede nd mn i lonewit hime . Or doe then rely nswer him?

C-extee The ind o eon tht tully obtis beteene generl nd the pculr crre impliction o gret nteret o the etent tht phloophil uth be eir im tohghest inicnce o ther incuiveess, te pplicbiy tothe pticur insight nd c by locl subumption thiscim i illoy t would be vlid only i the prticulr could, to spek blindly be ierred rom the generl into whoe

orbit it s But i i not the ce ee no generl deon of , beuty tt would led one tright to pprop

S 75·

Y T ! FO T

ate denition o the pur beu of a spec work of rt;th gene denon eeeds e late n nge hile agggbehnd flness of meang o be se, pilosophal tushave a sne of ther o, bu tey need not be sgcan he sese of les wch decvey detemne e lone eha e meaning of te subordae paras. ece e fu


efore deeloping the conseueces of tese medttons for theeaons beween te aes o phosophy and history wisho resent a model case of w may be lled anteoom ig and onduc kard's ops reec, someow the rgu

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g p of emp to e a syndrome of paruar ough

some ee nceps and passig ese o e phloso-phy" bend a sndrome The ous nd ·noons of say htorian my not at ll onverge toward piosophy And ey onerge ths pilosophy need not be te fountahed ofhis parula insigts Te genea tt and ernen concee oneon my exst side by side iou e elonbeig reduible o he f tat olly the bstraion mleste oneton at" s re o dee elation n eh

ptiar e fa he estbhen of he genera and te settling of

e pauar re o seprae oeons Maqand in hsnove o No Rt84 iely sazes he matterofoe subsmpon by ocioogts and should le to addphilosophers he protgonis of ths nove is extemely pzedhen he nds out tha the people wo, n soiologcal stdy ofhis hmeon e brkeed as members of the uper loermiddleass he midde ddlelass, et ae he ver samepeope whom he ew so wel hldood dys sur-pre ter nepecd idti hghlgh te relate ee-ay of er logical gnmetThe sag t e ecepono th ule s te to te potproded we nderstand

by eepon th hih follows he e

g and onduc kard s ops reec, someow the rgumen oerd hee Not as he wee awe of e teoetcfondaon pon wh s proed rest o deed cared obg them ito he open But he epond to he penomenonof me and e uneen stutre o e ntellec versewh te ccay of seismoaph a senvt nsssed yany modern hsoan

Some of Buckhd's ttitudes nd oions migt l forcritsm His aeson to mass moeents and evouons asel as s ons of te fuue aused o take rte on-sided sand gas te de of poress hich do not t ntoe oeal pcue� ime and gan e shows hmself over

helmed by e grnder of the hstoal process Tis aos for hs absud gesale teloogcl speutions, n-cludg is nssene that hstory ends to oer ompensationsor llfotune and suering Hs tems of c nd Ugc aswas poned out fuse mo ne h esetic nees Onoason e could seem an oupoken anSemte36 nd epres ar7 Hee also belongs Bkrd's worshp o gens ected wh i othing of any histoy feng massmoemets as he sour of hisoicl change. But ll hardy reduces he sg£ne of s pacti eognion of enomies tt condon though te area of histoy

g Here should be mentioned Buard'savowed mteu attude toward itoy Bkhd ap


pach his maeal a cas way. He is debeaey sysemac, epudiaig ayhg a ok ike a csc mpsed m wt He smewhee decas ha ceps adpes m be ep id He fe pdes pssibiiies hagh have m e wh decg i av ay hemO h ps be pis p wha aacs ad ieess him, as h


e shae ha ead hy s cia deal meaig paes ve isad pig e ch ad his sese h ichece ay peid wee eeed hse cxs 0 I ema pi his wavegbewee aiaia ad pes iees Ahgh Bchads daed ei s ae y wha ies h

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p p psls ugh he wd hi; ad h eve acc he es his chics

Eve ugh be is cse a pressia Bchad behaes ward sy ie a amae w ws his ciais he des s bae e psia i hm is deepycd ha hsy is sce Te "achieae ashad cas himse a ee38 wd sem be he lyype w ca dea adeqaey wi i e ws aaerswh i pessas ee a pessna isis emaig a amae e sak hs pac sbjec mae

N des e eve he sigh ihii pas ae

jdgms idiidas ad es Ad a amaBkad is y hica-mded b as pdlyhae He ev rge e idivida ad hs seg i ecse evs e eve is he besgs i e wae dspic es wi meiig ha he cimes hey cmmied i de seize ad siy pw ca ude ircmsaes be jsed His hmaeess papaby gded e whe beg a Chiia he i as mded by hscassia hage: he his ca wavg be passi e deeaed ad ada wdhiscads

m chad's ambigiy wi egad chgy ad hiscci e pei have b cssd aeady His ssiives he diaecs bewee chgical e ad he

y he ds beee u cp he pas be siddycid by pse ds Bchads aheee s hisia isaes ha he ac ha e viws wdm is pes cdi des impy a his k isy demid by he pse wd sa N a is cce he pas ca be deid m cempay apehesis despai a h caaspies he esees b he s dve scs he pas a becase e as a pese ps embaces pas i sae yway e shd bepabe, b says empay cmpeey away m ie wedge, base i s kwdge espcy wa is

hisca ms e abe empae eve gh i mayhave diec eai aig we ad i has sca eai ye shd be abe k p i bjecvey 39 a mease his pse ccs a ideca wh a cmpassae rge cve s cass i hisy y viewse pas i he igh he pese b us he pse rma pmay vvme he pas

h a a h a Bckad dub edsabsle-g, h mge ma ad his beie mas chageabiiy his ( appaey smewha iisie) wshi

acy maes his wgs a wih hei bas av Raphae as agais Micheags supema gade 40ad eas hs expess e uphd he cscisess

Chapter 6 ag 150-s nd , nd at 7 e 18

20 Y B H T

(cuua) coninui, efeed to below But hee stndigmotis go togehe w acteizaon of concete een adges s phomen i ei ow ight His descipons adpoes do ot jt lsate genea iws; at y oteeate oqely o tem I noducon to couse of ec-es o e me of he Thiy Yers Wr which he gve i

AM 21

which reas  eac to o o me and fom of humn-

't 4 •

uckadts degs phoophy d heoo tesy te se igiy or fe of e ed" ( n h he esemEamus Of philosophy of istoy he emar: t is a cea,a coaio i tems fo hstoy s coordnang d hence

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y gBase n 1848 chardt s Kegi relates dened t tewoe of tt tme culd be redered by one ngle tem ofgt generaly egi supposes ht Conter Reformtiowas he tem Buckhdt had in mid at this occasio.) He itwoud be wrong to wt to prove with uter precion nd perhps to compise everthing by oe word he said . . hecharacte and essence of the European mind wnts o betouched at a ousad ends at a me 41 he generl nd teprcular here exit side by side a wy which woud cl forclose anaysis.

hile eplicity repung ver histoy, rchdt

nevertheess fees tc by it He depreces wordstoi persecties nd speaks of the nee of egsoved from mere rato whch shod be repced ymnus" Ited of a systemc pproa, whch he detesshe faors singe obseron of nterest, cro ecos etc, aseeig hat wh repea ief the cnstat nd typcwhch somehing wh si a ord us nd which wederstad" Yet it sems that Burckhardt exempts geeuur histories which i a parcu way eate o hepesen, from s verdic on iversl so He in ft descies as his guidng ide the movemet of clte he succes

sion of eves of hum formation bo as i appears coectedw the deet peopes nd naons ad wthi the idividapeope or aton o whc e adds, s f by aftehogh thActualy, oe shoud eialy emphasize thoe fcts from

nonposophy, philosohy sbordnag ad hence o-histoy 46 d of Hege n prtica he says ht Ths biskanpon of word pan eds to eos becuse it stars ouom ncorrect pemsesas we are not pvy to d do oow he pposes of ete wisdo 47 e i spite of esegings he canot help phiosophng la ege o oa-so 48 ad ecognies eathip to ege s i a psagenot by Wind he sae we ae deepy ndebted o ecena, nd it s pleasure to come cross ow d theo te finge of he fores of hsorcal study." 49

lke ambiguity s towad he phiophy of history obtains

w respect to eology e ough he reects theoogyBrchdt sometmes ndges in ought bsd teogcsecls gong so f s o voke provdee

The bce. Ony now m I i a posion to appoach my novea redniton, d rehabltaton of certan modes othnng peclar o histoias No to em aone he ways ofargng and recting pevai thoughout he re nto whchisto fsa aea which borders o he world of diy fe

e Land exteds o h ces of phosophyprope t which hs the is of an itemediay ea weus cote not so much on the ast thg as on he lsbefore the ast

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 115/145


Hence throughout th book m on w had nd approaons. In mlar n, hav agud m ac" Cng of Qut Contnt Aal 53 that hpudo-t meodooga e n whh o ocaitt dulg often pro le duat to e parulubjtmtt th t mpont appoach dd bt A th t t t d t t l

ARM 25

unutd; h nght nto h onomogneo utr ofth ntllecual uns dspo of t Wt aptn of sght gondi ppad or c nowledgmntof th amle pob hat ma be asu to t ndto wt fo ogton n h nt of h tant docof hgh gny

H t f th hdd bl ? t

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 116/145

tm Acua n th ppoxmat apt to cd tatcal

laboaon n pson

a B of gna conomtat abctns phosopa u tnd to aum a rdl har Th favo -or dson deop a phant or eluvn nd a w of feeg nto dogma Dntploopal docn e ampts at n jut pa hampong om da plt no wo or mor goupwhh hn oppo h othron rnt apet of omon d bgn to asset temls at th xpn of th

i wh pt thm togh64 h m notg ofoqunc to b lft t btwn t tuth Orrathr nd pell of th tadtonal b n h allnompng gnn of e hgh abaos l ht ftthe s from out page cec nem acompoms of ot (Was not E alld ompomrbcaus of h wng btw Chuch dogm d Rfomaon) Th htn o ovhdow or to nfounded pon on potnal uth whoe ol mbla bd compoms cots n h oon n th gaps t pa romah oh Max nd th l oalst pd onom

ad th onom of nbl and o whatr hpdgd popotns ma pt ou magon Th o oth at dpgmnt o u tru t dp-ooted ode n th unlmtd ng of th gnl But ondn

How ta ogn of th hddn pobl? t

not b rng o dduc em fom tho doe y u ttmpt mght dd ult i a ompomse Yt f h th nte not b won b w of ddon fom antablhed concepon or prnple he y w i out ofabsopton congton of partcu "f owr ooune whch gew lf-unt a om tmome to dobt tslf y Bu n i MhhEuh gg Kku" thn e ppa from ot ofe da n wh to ps ho wo fl, t oore gu of o who contatd and n ml

mndd xl hatr who dd not want to oo thoughGaleo' tlop to fobddn sght o h moo ofJupt may nd lte don b an mnt cho' agof hm tht to ppud hm no mns mpossbl for eaoble bg 5 hae pontd ou on e oaon ththe gee w emgng from a htocl mo ud dnot be dt w hos undlng opondng large to0 n o word A mov f bo to "bow nd th do th two not nlmt somwhe n bew o lnd at a ohe' tangpont xmpe s to b found n Ma who Pa

Cu dos not con mef o gna dnon of pet bougo o whch h tn whol analbut s to hz h p ougo of h pod nd

C 127


endently of, and beyond, te geeral eoretca concep Procedues of hi nd you oten nd emoe places of s writgs56 Hen to fa's tage iure of opelesn anda contrctive wll which did not case cance eac oteo ut by teir wreg wth eah oer were ven o rieo inely compcated eprio od)7 he dcy ofd d g t t f gh l l


she Miunge und Spuee. A ondensed by Loewt,rckardts lete incdes the followng passage A an n-dolent pil' e nee peneated a know to e veemple of ogh but al is le wa onent to enterain hmef n he cor and halls of te Perbolo beng conten toti n mages; with a mitre of fear and plee he terefore waced whee e dred no foow ow sely Nece

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 117/145

deducg te u n e tesce fo e gh·leel

staement piniples or docnes nde whe ule theyfall doe nt mply tat tey were seer miages. Somee ha wic bued ude an mpsg eteror mayne forh from a csual aper9 wten at e margi of aloep

So P. he "ideyside prnciple I hae oposedhee wold n apply o h relaons between the eles ande temporal as well a to ose of the general and the paricu·ar Wa dos thi iply for hisorians and oter eeae

anteroom dwellers? reurs hem o acnowledge e possble sgicance of phiosophcal uts wth hei clam o objective validiy (wch prede edegger and exienataercrop) and at te ame e to be aware of eir liaonsn ems of absoluenss and nolig power (wc pecdes any denie ontological positon. Ambgity is f eessence temea area. A nstan eor s needed one ar of tose inabg t to mee te ocng neceeith wich ey are aced at evey of the road They ndemselve in a pecios staon wc een ivies em ogale wi abolte, al nds of quixoc deas aot n

versal rut Thee peclia preoccpaos cal fot pecc at-titdes one of whch appear to be pariculaly ting because itbreae a rue aeoom prt t tae on shape n a leerwhich Brckardt wroe to iezsche abou e later' Ve-

fore waced, whee e dred no foow ow sely Nece

eadd on dyig cs yng to see in his manao egs he igt prcive deep down beow and te far dis-an On oe occasion e cl phloophy of hitoy "aor of ae. � Ind he ple man us woud be los boredom and drearie were i no for the qee and nverable specltion whic he cannot elp ponderng on and onThere s someng of an Epicuean about Brckhardtf aano aa who call to mind te age whh Kafka awsof thi memorable plain gre: Wiout maing any bo of itSanco anza succeeded te course of yas by devorg agrea nmer of romance of ca and advene n te eve-ning and nght or in so de ng from hi demonwhom he later called Don Qoe that hs deon ereponet out n rfet freedom on e maddest eploi whc, hwever for the lac of a prordaned objec whic sold haveeen Sancho Panza imsef, harmed nobody. free manSanco ana philosophcaly olowed Don Qote on hs cr·sad perap ou of a see o reponby and had of ema grea and edyig eneainment to he end e denion ch Kafa hee gives o Sanco Pana as a fee n

ha a Utopian caracter I pons o a Uopa of e nbetwen

a tea coa n e hoow beeen e land we kow

I u f

Frm Notes e Au)

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 118/145

Fo o e enne hi in e te beteen gme be o bliig on f e; gig n e e u

t a n a a wh naty ce alngad cneqetly de t ay: ne t e te w a bt ag whateve te wrld ay be I ean t a plty w I o nt ntend t ange angt h g plee te wld e t that w hard re wee e whe tene i h ay ty-wen w he ac le w a ee de a el a n

dred yea pen aga an eveythg e t le the ae way xtence bee all eye. Te nge gwby, lk abt w cry t ee what gng t appe r tat wat ne O e th edk and te en wh ae at de r a lngwe gnawg e ngejp p trt eir b, tey ay "th metng . . 6

(Cneng GenneneKaka qtg eegaad B aka 8 1963)

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 119/145

Cf r tance Dro, Htk Mecen 96 pp. -8

2 See le Gemmee gaGoeingen, 96, vol VI, p 9 - o 1 3 an pm.

Rike Di rbeme Gesipspi Heieler9 p 4 ad pm

4· Cf o ane, e jurna Hty d Ty (Te aue);adinr, ed o f Hiy lencoe Il 99 Gt-ca, e Gnlatn n ng f y Chiago196 ook ed Pispy nd t New Yrk 96

5 Vay, Htoy nd itis N Yrk, 96 ol. 0 pp 11 .

6. Mon "Hiorihe ethde, Beon ed Gscic(Fih Behere) raf aM 96 pp

Blo, Apgi pr tie o mtr d'iten Par1964, p xi

e Bab, t and Ht, Berkeley and L Al959 pp 4. Cf al Bk e cepnce f Htes:d a Pspetv Fr ci ciece Beley a ele 956 pm For xpoiion of te agen ee

Mk he of ocl Udrang ty e idden Cnn 1966) vol V no pp z84·

or erly rere t e e Kant' Ide z iramne Gesite i ebegec Absi; Enl



ranslaton i Gardn Theor Hoy Glecoe, 1959 pp -4

10. Muay Five Sae f Gree Reln (Ancr Bok) NewYok, pp xi

1 See Broke, Namier and Naiersm, oy an heory(Te Hage 1964), Vol I n 3 33.

2 D The Gree and the Iaal Bston 197 p 23 Se Scmi De Ber d Nau n der Lehre on Ma


p 9 fm Ra Wetechche IX p fBteeldMan on a Bostn 960 p 6 rr t tesam anke sateen

v Wezsaecer p pp 1-1168 Se acauer They f Nw k 196 pp 66

6. n eepig wit hs argun Jonas Gs nd paeantie

Ge, vl. I, Coetingen 964 pp -64 iniss ha crtain hs

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 120/145

Frar aM 96 pp 39, 48 o4 v. Wizaee Geshhe der ar Cottng 9 pp3743

f Shd, p ct p 486 v Weizsaeker op i p 6 Se Kracae "i Cruppe als Ideenaeger in Da Oent

der Mae Fank aM 963 p 4118 or h paragap see aer ibd passm.19 d p i p , eeples long srvival of eligius

i qog ahew olds happy phras of xslnes of tngs

z. Pto Repu 496 (uo by Mrray p ci, pp 9-o)

. Tocqevll, Suvenir de Ax· de Tocqueille, as 9

P 36zz Klpper The Ees Mass Communcaion Glece, l

6 discusses at engt e ndings of cnempra ssciene esearc regang rgulr in e rmat andanssson of opins

23. S Mchee oral Thee Mas ehaio Glnc, Il963

2 Menned by Buted, Man n Pa Btn,6o pp 38-

ter havng sted ta power is vil an a thse welingi are let interested in lu Brcat, "Wegeshch-che eracunge" in Jaco Buckhad GesamtaabeSugat Brl & Lipig vl I 99, p 7 connues:

'Bu he wh wants pwer an want ur-peraps hebth ar b d t a hd sll nown By he wayBuld hianiy and Hry (Scribnrs paperbac,New Yor, p 109 cpares is unknown intellgence a"compoe . wo compses the sc as w go alng

6 Quod by Caam, Wahhei nd Methd ubinge 196,

orical penona pove inaccessible psychlgical and sologcal eplanans. Ths he says abou h ergence ofhe Gstc Seihaun' in la anui: Wha concens er h 'remainder a prori lt in the calcus of pical facor howeve plausibl te 'mvan a can b dved frm that igral prncple of meng whih conitned and cndioning a n, alredy etern h cnversion of ose acor in t new spitua cont tat inshor wch no b pane at al b can nly b unsd as ne whle islose of human bg a tis m in st o p 6; Engih trnsaton fr ttaion by Jon) .

30 S Tlly "h Analyss of ounrvluon Hty aTheory (he agu, 196, vol. no : 3-8 Tillys

sdy has eanw been epandd to a bok he Vdebg, Mass 964).

3 Brad op cit, p 26 f as oce y: hoyad ace, New York, 6 p 2 I p 29

32 er Reapa n Hty vanstn 96 p 2.alle torial Unrstanding, r and They(Te Hage 1963), vo I n. declrs tat o is a specie or spcial applon of t gee sry. Bn nke Dilhey-t b pres anian i Dlhehsms t nceive of deen bwn histry and sciencmal as dien i de of apprac.

33 Hexe op ci, p 3934 f. Blenberg " 'Saeklrisaon ener aeg

trscer llgimiae uhn and Wiedmann eds Die hilhe ud die Frae ach dem Fch Muenh 196,pp 04-6 pm. S a Jaus rprung Beeungdr Fchtsie n Qere d nens e s Mos ibid, pp 2 s

3 Cf Schmid op p 39·


36 Cf. for ianc, Her, op t pp 15-6 Fo a imar c-i of Com s Buy The Idea of Prors . Nework, 195 PP3-3

37· lhey Geamme Schrften vol I p 0738 f Lowe On Economic Kowlg New Yok, g65 P

1g-3 rr I Hiory? Nw Yo 96z p o3g. For a  qualao of h  staemen wi  rpct  o  M�x,




"Zu Vrhl vo  Gecit  d Nau un d


NO z

I, no 1 3 laims tha the istoan sould or us "som-thing fll nough and one enough to m our nponof pul l sen frm as many pon of vew and at asmany vl as poil, ludg a any omponens faco,apecs as h wd and deep owledge h greaeanayt powr ngh imagnation can pn

48 Qotd fom Rnhod iebu h ivesiy and n ofHo in eyho ed. he Phophy toy OTim den i, N.Y., g9 p 35.

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 121/145



Malms, n Eristentlismu ud Ma 

Franu a. 965 p 1z34 Qod m pngl, "The WorldaHior, in Gardnr, ed

Teo f sy, op p g.41 Franort The Dying God Jou o the Wabug n

Cut Insiu (ondon 1958 vol XI no 3- 514z or tis paicular poit, rako h Bh of vlz-

on n t Nar E ncho Book) ew Yor pp 1-43 See for isan, oynee Reo ondon, 196,

Z38 4· Jona  op. cit, pp 73-74, praes Spengler  for  hvng d-

overed Aabic utu and oduced t conp ofpsudomophos to accut fo i dni a wold domnatd by rek cure

Mk h Autonomy of soc Undendng Hoya Thory Middletown Conn, g66) vol , no 1 ?5•pons out ha "the hitry of atual sin is no wan�geher n ampl of fals eois whih e to happy s

. "coees46 f for itan, Diy sammle Schen vol. VI, pp

7-7, whee h dens he Gshfn a folow:"hy a all ounded n xpeien, i h &sson for x-prec and n he undrstndng of t s,Ord p. 31: h tol of what pp to u i xeind ndsaning is life, s a n empig e hnpcs

7 Hug, "The s of Cuu to, n Mn d :

Ey y John Hunga Nw York 1959, p 54 an ad-mirabe page cal h ian's onat wih te p nentry nto a amosphe on of h any oms ofreahng beyond oee of xprinig uh whih a iveo man.Bei, Hisoy and hoy he ont of Sen Hory, $t0 n o h Hgu, g6o, ol

Tim, den i, N.Y., g9 p 3 5.

49 See quot fom Brlin, cited n46.PER 2

1 Killr, "Som Poblms of Hisocal Knowldg hJournl o Phioophy (New ok, eb 6 g6 vol LVno. 4: 87

z uotd by lumenbeg "Da nroh ud di hnmac dWarhit, p 45 rm Hser! Di K uacWchaen . , Den Haag 96z p 448. The orignal rads . . die Wissch shwebt so wie nemleren Ram uber der bnl

3 Se Lth, k 936 p. 744 Cf fd Shmidt, De Bgi Nt n r Le on

Ma Franurt M 196z p ZJ5 Cf Mndlbaum h Pbm f ocal Knwg .

New ork, 1936 aim. He aume "h ens n h rlwodmeanng soral rty"posss a deermnaur of her own whch appehendd, but no an-foe by h mnd ( p z3g). he unmiiged realm un-delying ti statement is on of andlbaums ie u-mn againt htor rlm

6 Cf. C. J empl "Epao in Sin and Hioy Wl ay, ed, hhl Any n Newor ondon, 1966 pp 95-26 pm; Ern gel "-m isto bd. pp 347-8 p

7 Quoed om Buttl Mn a . , Boton 196

P· 68 oslr, Rae hitrichs Pobl, in Voe Ge chcht Munchen 1g64 pp 199 y tranatong Buered, p t p 14

0 Quoed rom Sten ed h V of toy Nw ork956 p 57 raslaed by he d


1 oo y ad Hras n t Neen Ceury Bosn 1959 p 74 d, p 7475 Rake's oa nnet smay o te m exea fat erinitte iet; d e reas a af a ey later he[Rke] w o peuaded i dc t icude t soeed woks Vosser, p ci eecly pp 9-1elaorates he mplas akes dese hw ee eeth ewese; h empsz ae her ap-proed of a pure htoy wh xauss isl in e "poo-


26. bid, pp 5�; ed, p. ci, p 1137 Te xeta phographer dea engr "t

ap Coo Psses, opl Poaer wYo, 942 v. 8, ise 43: 282 ly stat at e gof pophy i t e aheet f ihest poseikes' of he depcd ut u e t n a-st wor o art fn omsi n nstd o doumenaon

8. a alys e Frenh aantgade of e we d

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 122/145

p p y p

grapi eding of he fas r rejecd an maenpiospy f istryne ha ws of imate fmla-iy w the vn data sad f bn mps pon from with

12 He Lutezia Smth W l g, ez 91 . 13. To he e a he fllw ags dea wih h pho

grap meda hey ae based on matel da maly frmhe rst two cape f my boo, They f Fm , NewYrk 190

1. Qoted om GayLssacs sp h Fe House oees, ly 3, 1839, by dr Hy o Phoogahy, ewYork, 194, p 242

1 Qod by Ede d, 31

16. Que by Sadoul nvenn du cm 8J8 Ps946 p 24617 Quoed fo Gaya' of ly 30 1839 y der

o it p 2218 See red ogaph en Fane a dxe

c P 1936 pp 7-1919 or n aaysi of Pss appoah phogapy, s Ka-

caer Teoy o Flm , Nw 1960 pp 1415. Drysen, Hso , Mche 96 p 85, says

Te aaive esnaio do no wa ve a pitre aphograpy of ha wi n w but our apperceponof oa ve fm ha sdpin fom at p ofiw

2 amie, Aenues o Hy Ln 1952 8

22 Bc Apogie pour 'ht a, 1964 p 723 Quoed by Feund p p 3. Se arro De nae ioique s, 192 p 35. See Nwa, he iory of Ptorapy , ew Y

1949 · 71

y g

ealy s s Krace, op it, pp 1779 Gey, Huinga Ase of His Ae, "Hiy ad

heory e Hag 1963), ol I, n 3: 23162, pmep p 24145 27

3 Ibid p 6231 Kaaue, p ., pp 1-133 Qutd by ewhall p i., p 144 fm Jhn eats

92 revew of a New Yor Sez ebitn.33 Qued bd. p 0, frm a ace by e poapher Pa

Sad Seen A 197, vo pp 524-234 Qod fm Se, ed Vaie f y, w or,

196 . 735 Cf nfs, Reaane and Renaences n Wesen A

Stoclm, 90, pp 84 87 3 Quo rm Calo, nma, le mee e a age, eaiona olge, I (P d),p. 87

37· CvLexko Gegenw rhas, Lep1840 d 4 Acl: ae rrc vo Aos t-a dable) I gty det P RKsele fr havng bgt to y attnton ealy efer-c t he anshps ewn hsrograpy and poapy.

38 See Sve, ima e mde Re inttnle mog (ris, JA. 97), vo I 45 see a pp3-31


31 ckhdt, De Kuur Renance in Italien Win (

dn Verlag, p. 12 r "ry ad hy Hry ad Teor

he Hage 19) o. I, no 1 27

zz8 : GS

3 Croe H: Is Th an a ew Yo 9p 9

4 d p 2 Collingwood, Th a of Htoly, w ork 1956 A Gaxy

B) S, or nsance, 356 id p 282 7 C ibi. pp 328348 Croce op . p 25 C or pe Mrro Comme cren le me


a " may no be jae o uppoe ta grea eenh gat au p.

1 eoa ifoaon by Prof Frnce V Sholes, wo klyermitte me to mae ue of it

22 olligood op it pp 2697Bueberg, Da erohnd de Ohnmac der ahre p 21, empe Gall'agesve a en He founde of naral s-e (p. 73) says Bluebg, is no he man ho wouldmpy lk a tg and paenly gve mse up o hi ob-

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 123/145

d'hren" Samara, oi ss ho Pr1961 p 55; Ca L Bece Wha Ae itoc acts? Meyerho ed h hlph of Ho n mGe y Y, 959, p. 133 ec

0 ar, Wa Ho? New o, 1962 54 dalCr go o th l rater eod i in followng is ownadvice; he e o dere cean cange i outook whhe Menecke o 1907 udrwent i he wee hresfom e imulanes shortterm hange o h pltca ene id. pp 89 Wh Ca h han is oly he n o ime u te chamelnke ospring ofcios it

11 Beeld, a n Pa Boson 196 p 252 Cllig op ct p 22913 Goh H an Hsons n h Nnn Cn Bo

ton 99 p 2.1 Marrou, op it. p 1565 Cf Ca op i p 4 ad Goo p . p 61.16. Qoted by ooc ibid. p 4617 Ma Boc Fal So hcago 964 vol p 30718. Fley Uversy of Mcgan Pre, 963, p 7·19 oed from eer Rapaa n H Evanto,

961 p 2 For te refeece to Mlnd and Subb am debted Prof Sgmnd amon

2 n "Foreword o Hs aps rof L(Trit College Camige a ueton wc potsn deco He asks whet he wole enerpise of ac

g for e rama even of the mdde of he seeneh euy i gla i no some exet moceved rght to aume alws seem o e aued ta a ongem, oerall explanao eeiliy cae for? And he adds

mpy lk a tg and paenly gve mse up o hi ob-e; wha he preces aways foradws the contexts of a bars on te mpl of thes mpising i Myanslat)

23 ogwood op. c. p 23, z6668.24 Ibi p 2825 Maonald, Murde Go a, New ork, 965 9 (n

Avon Book)26 olgwood, op ct. pp 304527 Lod Acton remk on hi sbjec as quoed y Bu-

e Mn on H t Boson 19 p 22 See loMaro omme cmprde le mr d'oien in Sa-mara d L'Hsoi ss mhs Pas 961 p 521

8 R "Ht q i Hk e Phlsoph an

Hoy ew York, 96, p 929 Valry, Ho an olcs ew ork, 96, p 8. (Cf oValy Ov II Plae, 960 p 917: "h almnlh.)

eshe Frieric "Vom Nte nd Nacteil der Histoiefuer a Leben Unzmass Bungn Zws

· Sk eipg 193 p 13731 Ibd p 156.3 Id p 133· Cf Aron Dmios osn hoq Pas 1961

P· 1334 Bhadt "stce Fragmee aus dem al

Jaob a amg Bd V, ugat Berln

u eipg 929 p 22535 o nan, oysen H Muenche, 1960, p 06ee e "ddai prseaio a legtate for ofoial arratve and eclaes it to e s ojve to apprehend e essence ad toa of e pas fom te sa


pot eaed here ad now and to explan d odep tat h d i te pent y it pemi

6 Meecke "Htocm ad Polem i te ThV of Hy . Yr 1956 A Med 688 o e que, see ibd p. 4 nte 4

Mrc Boh, Th Hsto' C New or 1959 pp 6566Te ial ed "Nll le f, ce coi ondes qos, extr�memt ouple . . L'raie qe

NS 23

ed, The Phophy of Hy 1n Or T Gden Ciy, NY1959, 14

4 Id. p oGey op t p 96 eprs a v

48 For a nloy s penoeo i sKracue, Th of Film Nw York 196, pp 15152(der e e: "Muc recped

49 Rotoe, The So nd Eco Htoy o th Rnpe, Oord, 1926 p 5

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 124/145

q , p qeporte tabl, dat st ben davanc quil e levra s de int en pot" Blch Apoge pu ho oe dhe 5 ed P 96 p z6

8 Mx Weers "dealtes e re to exa e same dobt9 Tnin agat the llwers of te CrocCgwd soo

of tough, Heter op ci. p 8 n, de6nes hs rene wthnsurpassble clrity I d n for a mmen tend to mplyt rren dlemma have sgested e or storicanveo t obvus ta demm ar amon henmero and enly legimate pit f rin of tocaldy actal ss, wee, s nong to do w tepit of o of tc stdes but t e mode o tretmet of htocl poblms

40. Bdt, elchtlce Bege n JacobBkdt agbe and VI Sgt, Berin udLepi, 1929 p

1 Cf for eyl Debs wh H Yo195 ( Med paerbak) 196 221; Buy Th ee New York 958 A Dove pperbac) pp 246 Mau Commt m pende le med'itorien Sama L'toe e e mths P96, p 55, 156 Rmond Ao, D d sc hoqe, s 1961 pp 24 d 1 12

42 udt op ct 6 val ly unsee nfuelle ch d Unergegenen

4 Huzg I nn de Gehhte , Basel 194 p 9 Joh Brooke about Namier a quod y Meht, e

Fih of Croo-lond Bird" The Ne Ye, De 11962, 9·

Hnc oy of D Ne Yk, 1961 (Dver os)v I,p 9

46 v eent Sdn and at Htory, Meyeo

p , , 9 p 5

o Pou eeb f Thngs ew or 192 nd9 vol I pp 5-45·

51 Grav, The Geek Myth ltoe Maland 955 vol Ip. 11.


1 See Stern Indn n n, e, T Vee of Hty a eida Bk) ew York, 96 p

Geyl De Wh sto a Md ok) N Y1958 g-4 mg e exped opno Macalye ivded. For ntnce Hle, "Intodco Hale e,The voo o h Htooghy (a Med Bo)

leeld and ew York, 1964 p 5 ra preelyfo inquivee a vee3 Cf Gade Whe nd Metho Teen 1960 p

198 Voler "Rane ie blem" Voser G nd

ehhe . Muenen 1964, p 99 only pzs te relou fodatons of Ranke' approa

Dlhy eme hen ttrt-Geten volV195 & 196 281, 281 .o meon a ecen mt o s anke tatement, Gerhrd Rtter enc Hty " Htoy d Tho The Hague 196) ol Ino : 265 edses gw es obously wit to dsagng e ndulgene ostuon nd he oeagressvness of certain cntemr hstoria Ri'sp wa oally publied i Gerny i 98

6 Ps be o Th Ne York 192 nd94, vl p 14-5 (rnlted by C tt Mr.f. alo K The of . . , Nw York 196p 14-15


7 Cf Sue, e Sger 1e A ju ioo(May 194) vl X, o 6 49957

8 Qoed frm Tonee d ad nl Geek H� Tougt(a Metor Bok) New k, 195 p. 43It ou saying ht Plybus is aoher ce in poit See fr intanB he Anen Greek Hora (a vr Bo ework 195, pp 9219

Wen ntervewed by Mehta Jo Bke ad Toyb -

ps themselves n th ee See Mehta "The Flght o

NO 233

tse ew og at l. Talate ro e Gemedn y e Bcaa)

1 Droyen, H . . , Mue 196 p 2458 n letter f Marh 0, 0, Buardt wites to Beha

gle Ih rahe f efachen Wegln ds ssTaachechutcht aus Stm, r aus er elug Quod fm M Bucadt, s ad ed.Jacob uhd: Be Breme 1965 p 275

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 125/145

Ck-Tled Bis he Ne Yoke De 15 9 PP 78Wi ti text khard' refere e feqtiniden f egra the ly o e


  �n hp their at aevmen see f p





to e S Burcrdt Die Kl d Renssane mIt




Pio elag Wie p 78 d Kaeg, Jacb Burckhadt:Ein ohe vo I, Bael, 195, p 7

Shpehauer emtihe Wek, Wesbade 1949, vo "Die Welt a Wie ud ostelu rtt h Kp 3pp 45 say: "Vr e Bld hat je sh stele evo ee uersten awtend o ud wa e z speewede; ud wie ene, auh de iht seb zren:de d wede e nu sh ebe venee.

f Baily The bles o he Workg Hia A t i e Phis7h d Ho New Yrk 963P· 9

2. Marc Bloh Th Han's Craft, New York 959 P· 6566 Mll he oilogl Imagnaon New rk 1959 p 96. Qted by Wlley, The Sevententh Cenu acgnd (a

Doue Anchor Bok) Garden City, ew Yr 953 P· 43·5 rardt Griecs utehche (ros sc

agbe Baede 5, 59 6o) epg Bad 5 · 7-8. Thepsag reds as olw gerde mt hft�ger nengngt he ds Resultat a wegte ezwe e leesfhoe ei gleiassige Fl fue weter"-e aLe a uhardt uze 1936 pp 88

6 Hack H Dogma Dover Boks) w ork, 961

ok I vo pp . 38 uciously os the hoin nto vaguees as son as he eek d prfess tnd behd the demntrae idea ad ai whi veod a pe oher f wich a a ate of fa


, tat pio

9 B 

ereld "Mrl dgment stry Meyho ,The Phooph o Hiy O me a Dobeay Ancoo), Garde Cy New York 1959, p 229Te xcet isdra fo Buee Htor ad Hua Rto Lno93·

0 Buttereld Mn On Hi Pat (a Beacon Bo Boston 196p 139

21 Ibd p 3922 Quted y Kauer, Theoy f Film New Yor 96

p 22 frm vs "Brag Documeny EprienFm Ce (ew or, 956, vo I o : g.

2 Beld Moral dgmes . ( no 19 p 44ales t i pssibility when he says hat te (teha)itrian y st the e f oy by dcing inet detl and n obeve n a whlalemsae csuence of eou pecon or heggs-on n a coenaon ap. Fo he ret ueresea of tnial hiry telf orae a tcae mxreof elogicl and sen ons

24 Srs, On lgwod's Plophy f oy he Reiewoeah (Montrl ue 1952) vo V, no 583

25. Quted f ae Idcn (s ote 2) p 2 wherehe tes a leter of Carlyle to Stat Ml n whih aylewrit istory "is n addres iterally f even, fr didot Gd re all?) t our who i an to evey faclof Hea ad et, fr te dps to the sigh

lty Gml chife Stuttgarengen o V,

958 & 96 p 64, rt Reish n e a a iopoing xpanao appao of systemati kowledge to aayis ito parular csal exes ad the prnple f devepent thse elements ce enfrng ach othe.f also Berin "Hstry an Th . " Hist

4 H H F

Tory (he Hage 960 o I, no 1 : 24 where he xresss se a slar vn

27 S fr ice K Max W Am Th anEece, Ho a or (The Hag, 196) , vol 3 43, pm, p. p

8 C., o xaple Blmenbeg Die Kpkanche WeFanfut M. 1965 and his Pagmn zu ene Maphroge B 196I shol ls i hat Jns,G nd pankr e v I and II ege 1964


Fafurt a.M 155 l I, . 141-365 In e kne Vrede to s tase 14-4) Bjamhacly s te een bewn "geneaaonad "dea p 554

3 See te Reappa n H te 3), pp 22204.

38 Hziga, "enaa ad Reasm n iga, en ande {a Meriian Bok, w Y, 1959 p 88.

39 zga, "The Probem f th enssace in Huga o



8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 126/145

p gand 954 oers oug o torimopholcal aals

29. Gae Cuu (a Vntage Bk) New Yrk, 1961 p. 11630. Beli "iso an hey (ee nte 6 ), p 2Fr

siilar efrence to the imporae f wide hman penee Marru, la nnasane hoqe Pris 196 798 (we e mstaenly ascribes Graes' "butade "Hstryis an ld mn' game o te mpero laui) ; , Reappaa   Nohwst Uesi Pres 961P· 43, 199

31 e te que in Lewih J B L 1936, p.18 8 No eene wor he wod an rpa wi tsuote ta hmial compund o wih a oso fo

b usee ene w ur diing an our atetiees st a al let pope is fomed Loet uotom Geaagbe Bel 19933 vo 8 8

3 Be op 2433 znga h s o ll sy, ga M

and Ide (a Md Bok), Nw Y, 959 53-4·34 Adlo, "os on h Pbem of oial nealzai

n otsck, ed, enatn the Wng HoCicago, 1963 167

35 S Festu�re La Rvan 'He gte V :LAsooge e e en ue ri 1944, 356.

36 Fo mme o h ge o alii torl geaon fr ne, Dlh Geamme Shn l II(se note 6), 188 where he ds wth e foan fcceps n he eeenhan "e the foraon nep he ays is t simple generaato whhbtai from a e f pacar es that whch s m tthem he ne xress a "-£. as jn"png d deutsch rause Bena S

g g t. . 287

4 Poal mmna y Pf P 0. K41 ug aia d eal (ee e 3) p . 288

89. Seag the mastes whom Burhardt has ndHunga sas that "oe n ger as what th pon osu m we b what eir sii is

Berln K arx: Hi fe a Ennn (a a Boo)ew Yr 1959, p 3-

43 Blin Ht ad The (s not 26) 4 Bl H an hog (a p oh

bk), New Y, 96 p. 12


Aon, D onn htq, Pas, 19 192 Eve thugh bee dmit the si of mcr hto fo

whch s e o te "u pbl, p 1258 emona prejud agast it s ver srg indeed Meh"e Fgt f Crookalond Bd he Nw Yorer Dc8 1962, p 92 epts ha, i a cneatn wh hmTnbee ot hme wih te tough tha e das h coscoe istoas a proably bed.

3· Jed hes Kon e Klaen? Bel 9634 He, "Te Eu f e Asty the Ra,

in Hexter Reappaisals n Hstory, Evason Il., 1961, p.

55· Tolso, Wa a ae Batmre, 1951 ol I, pp. 140-106 Ibd. p 1425.-f Berli h Hgg a he Fx New

Yk 1953, p. 19, 26 otoy p 128 Kcaue, heor o m New ork 1960 . 3-64Fo

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 127/145


and Blumenberg, Ds Fehr und de Ohnoacht derWahe, n Galle Sider Nucu, Fraut a Mn1965, esp pp 45 and Z3·

54 Jon Gos n tkr Gt Part I 1 Ggen 1954,p 18

55 See  Novo he  Cnp f  Ineative Levels  and Bolgy

in Sice, ol 01  ( 145) pp  29-1 6 Hnac Hsoy of Dg Nw York 96 ( a ovr Book

vo I, p. 13.

p 235: natal ha hoil resear lie eveyieecual cpline kowng cntuou dvelpen, shouldhave proe wt me "-Pre, Wat Ha Tg to o? n Meero e, Th Phlohy t T Gden Cit Y 1959 (a oubledayAnho o , p. 8: The more hee acun ltipy temre he e realy feed fro i vl"KeleSoe Pblem of iocl Knowlge h ]o hlophy vo LV no 4 (Febay 6 1961), p 9 "

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 128/145

57· exte op p 25  Cf.  Tobee op  cit "The Probem  f  Qatt in  te Study 

of Han Aais, pasm.59 Iid p 134 ee Chaptr p 761 Fo  nstan  c. Bullok The Hstoan' Ppose: Hstry and 

Metahisto"  n  Meyero ed, The  Philsophy  of Htry  in 

ou  Tim, Gaden  y Y, 199  (a Doubleday Anho 

Boo) p. 293 he delae wa  of a  aid  cal  eudi

on62 Bloc h oa' C ew Yor, 199 p 8.6 unga lm Bon Gsh Bel 94, · 1z Meinece Htoism and t Problm" te ed Th

V so New or 19 (a Meidian Book p75

5  Ibid, pp  27  and  273 Meineke's  postn hih would su

odnate  chnial  o  ntepretave  oy, is palleled  b

a  of Gue n  a tament on e  ame  bje:  There a 

he  naual hola  hose  bent t s o esablish he tex of an

ah o date  a  see of pos; and  there are othe wo feel

more coneed  to pu e  resl  of  h  sien w  n a 

lger setn  o ae thei pla   he  as aiion  nd 

ther  eee  to e pesent y          may  I e  fogve fo 

ayng  hat we ae  jst  now  i espea need  of he  inepra-

ve  type? urie eople  and  ados,  n  GhVan 

Gonngen  Tradin  and  Pea Achivmn i Clsl



don, 1g6o pp. g-1o

Bloch, op. c p 67 Bury Htory  a  a ence,"  n Sen e. op. t, p. 19

68 Buy, Th Ancint Grek Htorians, New York 1958 (a Dve

Boo, p z66.  See Ma, De  l  onnae ht-que 4 ed. Pas 196 

the steady of storcal qy to dvae e fronter ofabhed owledge and o redu he area f nvdopinion-xer op c. p 19: ih pec o heore dly ebound npon a kgdo pcaes pae They get td out afer a wle; but a cnsiderableresdue not nmnaed by them eains"

0 f ene op ci., p Te cmparave ethod permishiry app it e pepeve" or Bloh' ve, n. 71

71. Bloch belve that ompaave hsoy cals fo mwo. deemng an ocuene o eudal pase n e histy ofociete oher an he Eropan he say in Fl yChcago 19 vol p 46: t by sle

hat soc� deent o o own shoud ave passed tugha pae coely eeb g ta wi ha ju be ded. so i legimate to cal em feuda dug phae But work of pion hu involv ly byond thepowe of one an"-Mrrou Co mpre le medstoren," in aran L'Io m(Ww, Pi, 96pp 151516 ays • evn a stoca wok of a very pesol cact, coneived and ied ou over the orby oe sce neertel e clnang pn of nne oeve or The historian appea o us te arhict who . mus ca n a whole ee of spate-n aspe sessed y Ktel, op t., p 8 tatte viou trcl ipln jt as e vao en,developed fro pc a, hiril a iletua cusans and are susaned by peronal naonal relgusntional, o profsnal neess oe of t oveapan o he oer n e re o man las no yet opid by y of I ony tog a ad paionof owledge nd oug an esng degree of er


dpaetal llaboan, tat w n ope to com clo t aud scl wldg.

2 Pen . it p · Lvtss op ct p 4. Ca What Htory?, Nw Yr 62 p 165 Vale, "Hl Fact, t ad Polis: Colctd

Work vl X Nw Yok, 962 p. 2


C f K t ll M l T h R i

[ l Apolog pour hre m Ps 14]

11 ll The fe o Frm Art, Nw ork, 14, p 10 Id, p 113 Id ·4 d p 6o15 bid p 616 Kl T Shape o Tm Nw and Ldon 162 C.


K l i

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 129/145

1 C fr sace, Kstllr, Ml Tght o RenissacHam Chape n e Cvlizan, vol I 3dd, w York 96 p 29 wh ag om prmis,amog hrs, ha w t pt nnty t tory" Copare owvr this chapr, n. 2 r h asptof tll'view

2 Cf cally Vdal-Nqut emp ds deux t t dshm Esa qlqus at de !'x tmprllcez ls Gr n Reued Htoe s Rego, vol CLVI. (Jan.-Mach 196 ' P 8o, pam.

3 See Bmenberg klao k atg trche liit i Ku d W ds Dehophe ud de Frae ach dem Frchi Me

196 p 243, whe th dc bw t da f gsand ctoo a pntd ot4 S Ma as Jansa d Zt Ag

Andeen Zum Agti-Gprc r GwrtDrtadt, 962 epeay pp. 37677.

5 loh Feuda Soy, Chcgo, 164 vl I p 6 Mw ai, See and e Gaden Cty N

94 (a Duley Anho Boo) pll pp 6 283-5

Mu, Commen mprnr mer d'storn iSmara d LHe e mhde Pa 161, p 146

8 Rak Univrl Hsry: The Old Ho Gup f Na- ad th ondon 1884 pp x-v d 2, quby ut o H Bosn 96 (a Becn

papback) , 1249 See H P Wat A sta Tg o D?

My e., The hlphy f Hiory n Our Tm GrdenCy, N 199 a Doulay Anhor Boo) pp 8889

M Blh he Hsta' Caft w York 99 47

1 Kule op i p 1218 LvSas Pee auag, ai 1962, p 349 id p 442 C th xls gv d p. 343 and spely pp 44-45

whe h ad lvl of mde and ntpay yis copd wh that of phy: "e in ssm fpeh, een e s ids f mod and contpory toy cese t be lat xct prhps rtain msve apt of demogapc devopmnt as kda on a globa sa h vention of the t g, t dive lty d a gy

M Blc c 183-4 al c pon a d coniv of ht f deent mantudes te ct of

dc f t n

dpndnt st

blsng f qc dpdt fo eac area. h witly pu t: Alg htoy of h g f l Auus? A nomhstry g f Lu XV? W nt: Ju of whappeed y laboa dung he nd dy ofGvy' by Lus Pastur? Or nversely: Dlac sy E fom w t Entin

2 sllr op it p 291 explanng h preee f daland d as Rasae as wel as f tpcua t tself a th a ls such a ompxut artul clzt aa f cutu y have tswn in o develpt

22 communcaon by ro. mnd.23 W ey, Hitor ad Conp o Rlav T

Hoy ad Try h Hagu, 16) vl I, n 3 pp278; n He's Makrt 199 Pt I, c 84, mmche Weke 6 Ctta 8

4 Vly Hr ad Po Cted W X NewYk, 962 p 3


25 Ltenbe, Aphmn Bf Shiften tttgrt 953 .

6 Bloh, op it. 51 Eoea teture ad th La M e Ne

York, 1953 1z8 Meye Shaio Syle n Kebe ed. nthopolg Toay

Chcago, 193 p 29529 A Dimeo d coniec hou Pis 1961 p

15-16 and M d lb "Th Hi t f d l t Hi t d


Smid, er g d Na n d Lhr von Max rak m Ma, 962 . 27.

48 Jonas un ptanter et, Pat ig, 196pp 2-25

9 Ibid. 3750 Blmbeg, "pocecelle d Rze Phlophche

Runchau v V no / {1958), p 951 a Tho of m Th edmpti o i Reaity,

Yok 960 p 200-201

52 t d G d W h ht M th d 2 f

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 130/145

3 Mandlbam "The Hit of des, elet Hito andth Hitoy of Philoophy, so and Theo, Behf 5 heHaue 965 52

31 Dithey, e Abu r geshhlhn Wet de seswsnchn, in Gemmet Schifte vol. VII, tgartnd Gtn, 961, p 178 183.

32 jam, ehihthlophche Tn, rftn Frak-fur !·in, 955, vo p 5

33 ast "Commay n Crombi ., n Chge(ympoum o Hto of Scn, Uns o July 9) Lndo 1963 p 863

34· bid35 Cf Kae acob rchat vl II Basel 1950 185.

36. Quotd b Kgi t, vol B 1956 p 953 Se, for ianc Kitele, "Canging View h Intlleclto of the Rence sice J Brhrdt, Hetn,, h en: c the Theoie npettio of the Age Mdson 1961, . 290

38 Kbler ct p 2839 Id, p 122.40 Bloh t p. 154 Diley c. 1852. Bloch, Fea Socety vo p 3043 C oo Esay i t ito o N k, 196

( a Capio oo) p 30 See , o of h Mdd Age, New York 195 a

Dove Bok), p 145 Eestein "The Greon Cone o Senc Poges

It VII- X 2 Ps 57·46 t, Einleitung n d Gewechfe em

Shifn, vol I, Stutgrt a Ggen 1959 962 p 56

52 oted y Gadme Whrht un Method p 192 fmank Weltgechhte X f

53 ee Co, heo a Pat ew k 196pim

54 Ibid rt I p 165-314.55 e J, Zet u Enug rc u' A a -

chch dt temp pdu" Hedelberg 1955 ssim havegy benet fom kable monogrh, a mode ofconce an mphi nals Cf lo Polet ro td Tm ew Yok, 1959 a Hpr rch-o pp 291-322

56 Js, p t p. 87

7 Melba he Hto of I, Itellectual Hi, a

the Hsto of Plooph, d Tho Beeft TheHage 965 p

ee He Inodion in He The Evolution of BhHtigapy m con to Nm (a erdn Cleeland and e York, 1964 . 59; nd Hexer, appain Hty, ton ll, 1961, 95

3 anba, op ci p 44· Pinn A Htoy of Eup . . Ne Y 1955, 5 Hexte, o. p 26 Nilsson Geschhte grhshe Region vo I, che,

191, p. 32 In cntion with sse mpa M-

' geer commn in ommt ompee le mtr dhtn, Smran . Lhoe t s mhde p 153 "H mn et o iiato hv no apt someting o be en fo ged an onic sceme -


prg hsorc phnmn wih s so pl t a lv-

ng eing at bo dees, d d . . A rrug a whle ciliao t one sgle d tt sdbe he phlooph' dr, as w tld t s he tomust regard it as noing u a mrage o dage"

7 Wdld D lltc-c Kltur . (Hadbuu e nt, . Bd: 2 d 3 e) Tnge 191 15z

Dodds, Th Gr and t al (a Baon paperbac)

Bsto 957 pp 252 55

N 4

Se ene, itoim ad It roblm n t, dh Vareie Ht a Media ook), e Yok1956, pp 20, Z7 283

2 Mar oc, Hria' aft e or 1959, pp z722 aer "sy ir Ane Htr ndn

952, p 82 ax rhardt sl. & d ac ucad Bre, ren

1965 p. 624 Taban, Hisory as iteae" Nw Yak Tm Mar 3


8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 131/145

Bsto, 957 pp 252-55 Marc Boc Fedl Si (a Ponx Boo v. I, Ccago

964 pp 41-4210 Rane, Dut m Zital r Rfrati Kol,

PaidonVerlg n.d pp. 2-31. Se an Di rmiche Pap n d lztn vr Jarhun

drt AgrippaVerlag Kln nd pp 19-z04 am AboutPalestrias ms ane p 23 says: t is ae adbeen gve n and vie as the eeents spe and hesonds f a life dvoted helv wrsppg i fraony now eaig li e sa now anding eaeni jiatio ad y"

12 Cf. Kaeg acb Buh·d: Ene iograp Bd I, Bl

95, · 113 Lema A Ht t r Cc a Meri B, I, Cevead, Oi 96, p 3

4 Wendland o. it p 4915 id p 616 Gaes I, ldus a inage ) ew Yok 194 d

196, pp 0-9.17. Cf u h ct Grk Htras a Dvr paa)

Nw Yor 958, pp 81, 91 16 112 -918 Cf. for ntae Goh, Hto ad Htr i t Ni

tnt ntry (a Bao ppebac oston 99, p 17and m. In h oldasned way, Goc sms endorsa fsio of hlarly ad artisti itens; tus he es theartsic ad histo unity of Mhele's isry f h Frenh

eout19 Cf Gersoy "Some obls of a Woing Hon, i

d Philoy ad H�r Nw Yrk, 1963 p wre spea f te dual naure of ty as t ad senepersoal involvement and oeve nqry "

1966.2 Kae ao urkrdt i ore Bd II, Ba 1956,

p 66 Croc Ht: It Try and actice Nw ok 196 p 352 ilsso op t, vol I pp 3z4-22 Pirene p ct. pp 11129 Ibi p 89.3 C aaer To f Fm w o, 1g6o, p zz.1 Rostve, Rme a Galax Bok w Yok, 96 p. 1032 Prous mmbr f t z ols w ok, 1932

and 193 im; see, for sanc vol , pp 15, 656.33· Aa, Mims . . Prineton 1953 p. 34 Wie e Bdn f istory Htory ad Tory Midle

twn C 196 6 l. n orrbrats tis view t tent hat he pasi dscrpay twe moae pon ad e rath odatd styisc pe-

ence a majoiy of htorias Th e delars (p 126)tat ny hsoa w pea of h o hisor "sm ohve n nd a ntn f t hat wud admit l mren he nitentetU novel a parad For ts approah nsidraly drs fo n

35 Va iry ad lics w Yor 1962 pp 516 hpassa s w fr is lettr to Adr eby dated September 196. For he ornal text, see Valry, Ouvr I Plade,ais, 960 p 3 t rad 'ai t d t d a lctr � t Ia d'soires parcles de !arcter d amre de la naiai de oo plie, de a tc

as han de cs daines s oss so SU vsi-bls l ns ds atr, was in ito gnae cauet mbl ar ie pres et ciproque.

36 f Bl, 1 H rt (se 2 1 p wher esays any study sking he ris of a an acivty,


hre lurk the . dag of fug an with xlana-ton."

7· Se r, op i, pp 9 zo, 38 Se again Laslet, Cmnay," n Cmbie d Stc

Cge London 19 p 86- see sp p 864 Cfals Llet Forwr" xt op c pp x; ep pxi.

9 Cf Jaus Urpng und Beutung e ortchriie in e'Qre d Ancis t d Moen Khn & Widma,

d D Phlospe und e Fge n d st

NO 4

CR 8

1 Kau op c Nw Yo, 19 �


, ..z Mal Posblit e limit d 1a mmaogaphqueRvu t l d mo vol V, os. 189 (Juyemr 194 p 16

3 lhy, Abge zu gg tfe (Di gete e Enu e Plooie Lebs at 1), in esmle te vo V Stugrt an

9 P 654 dcusn se k h

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 132/145

d, D Phlospe und e Fge n d stMn 1964, pp 51 sm4 Se Bluenbg, · aeklasaon, K einr Kategoie

orichr Illiaet i hn &idmann, e, op ct, pp465 m. also, abov haper 6 p. 155 an n. o

41 hta Th ligh of rokTalned B," Te Nw Yoke,D 96 quot mmen of A P aylo p ) ander uttl (p 11) on pculiary f Naier's

wok urr G Kultgete (oe Tacn-

auga Band 8 9, 6o) pig, vo I, p. 7 [99]43 Ibd pp. 71 f Bhard Weltgetle Berug (sama

gab Bd VI), tr Belin d ipg, 199 pp 92-045 B "Histor ad hoy . " Hy Teory (TheHag 1960, vol 1,o : 31.

6 xer op t, pp 47 Mto O te Se of Gas w Yo 965 pp.

163-48 Se T e io of Ttm y . (a

Oy parak ew or, 94 pp. 36349 hre i a strikig faly liks be te toian po-

cdg rtm fahon an the lm ai a hav ribd h ewhe o que mylf, the t l aimayb imagind a a man wh et ut o a so but, shog it i o ohelmed by h inate dsie t vea

of phyal aiyaalo

by a fg h he t ovt

oe o tel th oy any stoy, ieatic tat hnts ev pe ito he jungle of maal phnomena inwh h r bemg tievay lost i h does byvt of gea o, gt ba to t highway h has lftS auer op ci, p 55)

ign 9 P· 65 4· Fo a mo rt dcusn, se Mink Th utonomy o Horial rsndi Ho - Teo vol V no 1

(1g66) paly p -25 Jage : T I o e Cltue, vol I New

Yo, 9 p. 36 .Mau D l on tqe 4t e, a 196,hra he coat o spclative philosoph of itoy pofsionl historia ("hien m�) by


sagthat tey propse at toa un ela�o


a-tr he m sai it c wan;" wch a hatth btiue a she a ha validiy fo auth ry Maou add, wha n fa, is the good of h1so philoophy tll u i adva wa

.f a esena IS

on nen shold be , pp 1g8g9) ilarly rod a s uod by Hale e T voo o tHisoogrh Clvelan and ew ork 96� a Meibok)) p. a letue h dad: I be o al h-orial theo I ob o as acud o v1ae e ob-srvao of fat.

6 ]ese do Pi 91 ao lguy et s Cs e Qz Pa 1?18 V ec etzse a 199 a ze, as 1944 ande mge d roo Par 95·

· Buy, Te of ogres New ok 1


a ov B)8 f Kaue, athlsms und Re atV l mus, ue

Zu ov 9 192; prted in rcauer, Da O

r Me Frt a Main 96 pp 87g6g Cf Rckt Der Hitor u sene Probe iberg,194 Rict blv t hisoim us d m i ompt laivism "A a wod vew i ak lak o prmplehe prcile ad mu tefoebe oh h utos dt-


at th by e pospy htry ad by phoopy."(lc ct 3) Acogy, h deli philooprh i Rcrt paszs he ed for objeve posophyof hit and uiesa itoy, which e wd base ona cultue psyhlo i xplor ad sstticlyxla he wh o gerl cull al ad by ta a pode syst of te ip of t of hty."., 6

I D Htosmus und ine Pol (Ale 96 7

) roeltsch s quoted by Mandelb Th Pobm of H-ra Knowedge N Yok 1938 p 61 ags a


seten Geamee Sch vl Sttgt d nge, 958, pp 05, 6 and 6.

13 Dr ufbau r gehihthn Wet dn tew-schaftn, 90 Al f Gehd Bau, Gehchtke Beri 93 pp 39-7, pialy o7; ad adamer Whhund Me, Tbge 6o p. z

. Dr fb gechchlchen Welt Geteswn-, p. 6.

5. D git W, P I 06.

Joas The Phnomnon of Lfe ok 196 8.17 Man Htormu " Ahi f Sozwchft nd

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 133/145

.) roeltsch s quoted by Mandelb, Th Pobm of H-ra Knowedge, N Yok, 1938, p 61, ags afolos: he emprc sto nd i task t odg ad prtaon of . ndivdal dvlom .Bu l wl no scap pug is o pen andftue io these ncio a ecgning behd an drth a deeper mvemn He wl wk wards a un-vsa neption of dlopme, ergally dwg i otof t t d agl nus hc b thmicy gv sph of devopmt orde t h mayn i t ow in B n the nd h ds fo a apcl fah i cay him ig abovri srs ad atrtc

1. Mk' ct of word isoy etrys hi eat in-dd o n dlsm Tis idaisc onpt of orldory mgl wh a a conpo hih al an to itf te da of scula pogress Cf for stanceHioric a I P" i Ste, d The Vaes oHsto N Yok 95 (a Meidn Book)) : Cule ande we ght a Gd ad natu, dubtey a uniybt a iy diidd te d gg lse fom natue nagony nd ai, lade h n dgr, hefoe ofsng ba a any momn or th le and hoest ob-ervr is te al dd ye t annot be acpted he n wor Oly a h hih wve has bo vemo rsl i et ad ut gg ly tdubt os ou h solae of a trnsdtal son the

pom, olub fo of e and cure." o. p 2812 For inanc Einleung i d Gswens, Gesam-mel o I Sttgar a Gingen 959, p 3a Der Aufb dr gchtlh W� n e Geew

Joas The Phnomnon of Lfe ok 196, 8.17 Man, Htormu Ahi f Sozwchft ndSol v. 52, 1 19 see ep , 135 f., 3 , 7 nd 5-

8 S 29. For pcaon f t cncpt, pcally Der Afb

gesccchen We pp 137-38 Se alo ibid. 165wre Dltey sys a t Wirkugszumhang, a t ap-pa e grt even of istory the oig f C-at the Rfrao, Frc vluon d th nton of brao eale a h fnng of a tlforc wh wih d direo, os y ssane"

2 g aelch Wke (oee z Rehtshloh)Sutgt, 1955

21 O K, mpre 22 Cmpe the end f Joa pap, Hideggr d olo

where adoh th Hgger hlas ot to -solv al eciv bl n n pa f mman . th drtngof God is not to b edue o the slfundetadg ma S Jonas op c. p 26.

3 w lte Abhluge 1960 p 177 Lo t But wo lls tat wod dvsd towads man d and that t coudno as t withu bu n man wiout the wod

2 Th ocpo of dile hre diusd as s oh pely n Adoo Neae Dkk Fran m Man 1966sm

5 An exple o a paag arg e follog, nD Afau dr geshchten Wlt p 27: T hae he barrirs ld bak the ncp f a totl de-vl encpassig al l ch been wiing fo


a lng tim at t hold of hica cnosnss; namy,th Norh mercan Wa Independenc and wo dcada te Frnc Revlun pogr byond anyng hat


ad occured in the past ad aen pace in a new and mstmpotan ea of t mind ta f te ralan of te ideain enomy aw and te sae Mankd eme awa inn eng

z6 e r xampl D gg W Part p 4 wheeDhey ay f th two baic ype Wtchuun wch

e disingshs namly that compring mateial�m naturalim poivm as aganst tat which cmpe objctive idea-


35 Cf Hipl Zw Ht ttngen 962 pp 37-3936 E.g n i argmn on ocia ct of df f i-

m in tih m: n t whol odo MiddAges et the Jews down nd perily pecud hm oer wods tid o destroy tem. te Wese upeanianm ad won ot h Jw wold wtin on r two ntis hae become h mar of al prpy and wud aleady ten ave made e eanic and omani pplwr f tem (ranslated frm Bckhadt Gmtub

vol 7Sugat erlin Leipg 929 p 26437· In Whhh Bch i p 12 u-


8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 134/145

e disingshs namly that compring mateial�m naturalim poivm as aganst tat which cmpe objctive idea-i and deasm o redm ta "eac f hem as pwer ofaacn and a ptnta f cnistnt develpment frm fact at t mprhends tog manifodne lfeom ne our tyica attiud and accding o awent n t aide.

2 Blmenberg "Slaisation' Kk einer ategor iocher lgiimtt, n and Wiemann, ed i Phios-ph ud d Fag h dm chr1tt Mnic 9 p 9·

28 Qotd fom Eic euten iola von Ke d dieEinheit Nu Ze Zitu Ag g 1964

29 Kaca Szi Wsch. Ei kiho-th Uuchu Dresdn 1922 See epeciay h capt

"Poblma dr Slg wc disces the dclts ofrung om ral r p ocioogy a matrialcilgy whic stivs fo mateng n nwledg ritf immediaely pince e J p 133)

0 E.g Eiig i d Gwchft, 96: Te p-sumpu gnal npt of th plosophy of isy ae bt t uivl o wo natl n and faefu -ec on senc thougt Spoa gav c a mastely dcpnes abacins inndd t pess te cour of hisy of ous ne d me tan t isola on apct it ah plosphy exng fm tis grand lty a sgtlyet abacn

31 Qed fm adiner ed Thoi y Gl,

1959 P 332 Iid33 Wiam I d Gchht, Gtgen 1963 p

12834 J P. Maquand Pi o N Ru oon, 199

vol 7S uga t erlin Leip g 929 p 2 4 37· In Whhh Bch, p 12 udt defends god wa a llow: "War . a an nomous mal spiy ver the me b egoism e in-vdual it dv uman sengths nd abil n te evcf smething gna i fact of h very gest geneal, ndunde a discipline wh yt at th am ime cndce to teunfoding f te gest eic ve. Inde, only war showto man grand ight and visin f a gna bornannder mehing gneral Freror snc onl ea powecn guarane a aing pa and suriy and ince it is wathat fund ea pw u a war ies in itse h tupace Bu if pssible it sud b a jut and onoabe war asfor isanc a war f defn

38 Bckdt Bi rmn, 965 p. 23739 Whhh Bhtu p 30 Bt commenng n ao's mar a eat eil sprig ut f

a ulss f naure a n frm wa natus capabenh f very eat gd no f vy geat vil Wid wihsme caue oserv that It is ovus fom i rmak halat wa pared t kind of xpeien ha movd Jacburkadt dne mdc as te ne diabical oce in wrd At d ch, London 1963 p 5

f K, Jco Buhd vol I e 956, p 29.42 Whihih Btchtu, p 19243· h g p 251 Wtgchichtch Bchu p

ih gmt p 22546 Wthihih Bth, p 47 bi p. z48 A ycal passag i e folowng &m Wchhh

Bthg p. 67 "Te son a isue her not weer


wold mona re dirble stutin but whehe Ro Epe cuy pse pe sai to be e at of ns mong eacent ls and to sred Chrsniy, he ly ton by w tei mn eleme cod be ae o dcion by the en (Quote Buhdt F aFrm Bosn 94 p 7

9· Quoted f Wind op , p 09o Qoted o Ke, h Mda n, ZU, d p

Hinga e Tsk o Culurl Hy in Mn n IdNew York, 199 ( eria Book), pp 55 he qoe


8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 135/145

g y New York, 199 ( eria Book), pp 5 5 he qoefom e in gsh: Hsr me alot o e e meno oe tie"

2. bd., p. 3 See Kcuer e enge Qualtaie Ctent Alysis,"

Te Pul Opnon Quay vol 6 no. (Wn 9-3 pp 63

· See my ate Die Ge Idetrge," Ah1 Sozawssscha un ozalpotk, vol 49 o 3 (922) pp 9-6 eprinted in Kace D n M, pp 23-6

Blumeberg elanho ih gegen KoeSudu Ga vo 3 no 3 96 p 17 The quo

i passage om Blumenbgs ale fo Bil Wiley,T n-Cuy Baro London 93 2

6 ite c by lfe Scidt7 B nz Kafa, rat a and bg 963

(Fsce-Bceei) p 8. oewih Jao Bud 936, p 29 p 786o afa B Ba nn Ma, Berli 93, 38

Taao quotd f Paas a adxs, ewYo (a chocke-Peb 96 p 79.

61 An Englis anson of Keregd's pasage was sertedfrom Th oa o gad, ed by lexande D eYo 99 (a Hape Torchbook), p 247 exe fo two mal

hags whic wre mde o oomy e Gema ofKaa day ey, oted by Brod. debtedes to Profesor erm Seeeser for ig lot he qotation Kieregaads or

Acon Lo Jo merich am Mo oy Cbdge193·

Aoo, eodor W Nav D anfu M, 96 Raod, Dmn la on oqu P 9

(eerche en Sees e Aeb, ic, Mm: T Rpnan o Rly n W

Lau, Pceto 93Ayeoe Wi . ote o e pbem of tol

zo in osk , , Gna n Win o oy, Ca 1963 pp -77

Bn Sir Fns, Advaneent o leag" qoted nodu" by J. le ae J R ., T Eolu ofsh hy o acon oNa Celad de ork 96 p (A Medin Bok)

Bab, Plp Cuu ad Hiy olom o ompaa Sy of vza Berkeley ad Ls Agele 199

Bl Bed, Te probes of e worng histor omen, i Hook Sdney, osoy an y, wok, 193 p 90

Bk, Wli Croll of Mva Wo Gden yNew York 9 A Dobleay Aho Boo)

Be Gerhrd Gl Ber, 93.Ber Cl W e itoricl ft?," n Myero e

T loopy o oy n Tm 37. [Wit-


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V d Frdrc Ntche Pais 0NethePas, 44·- Le M£ oudhn Pas Hack, Adolph Hty o om New Yor 6 vols 1-

od a four [Trasaed rm te d Gea eit by il B

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ade HansGeog Wahrhet nd Methode ueig, 6ae, W B, he hstocal ndesnding" Htory nd hey

he Hage 6) o III no pp -0Gadine Paick ed. hs f Hstoy Glence . 1Gersho Leo Soe problem of a wog historia, in Hook

Sey Phlosphy and , New ork 6 59-75·

ey� Pieter Das Wh oran ew York, 8 (A edianPapebak)

Huiziga a As of Hi Age" in Hoy nd ryhe Hague, 6) vol. II o pp -6

Goh, George Peaody, Htor and Hos n t NntnthCy Boston, (A Becn aperbac [Fit pu-lish n 1]

Gottschak Lu e. enealzton n the Wt ng f HtoChicago 6 A epo of he Comit on HsrialAly of the Social Se Reseach Coni)

Gave bt I ds New or, ad ( A VigBoo)

- he Greek Myt alimore ayld ols Pen-g Book)

iot, ran\Ois ' Ht d la roltn Anltr Buxl18.

'Histr la vlon n Ep t n Frnce Pa8

Guthrie W. K C, "eol ad adions in Guhe, W . C.and B A Van Gonge radtn nd Prsn Ahvmnt s ntty Lond, 6 p 7-22

eil BucHege, Georg Wilhe Fiedrich aelh W (od ur

Rhtphlooph) Stutgar Hegel Georg Wihelm ririch he hlosophy of Hor New

York 6 (A Do Paperbak).Heimpel Han Zw Hto Goettge, 6Hee, eirc tia" in Smtlh Wr d Leipzig,

0Hempe, Cl G Exlanao i scince and ito Dray

Willia H . Phlophcl Anys nd Hory NwYork d nd 66 pp -6

He, Johan Go etaritik in Saemmtlh Werk Stttgt Tebgen, 8

Hetr J H., The educaton of the aristoray i the Reaiancen Hxer, J. H. Repp n Hto; ato 16

-7Reappr nHtoy, 16

Hsoy nd heory ds n the hlosophy o Hsto (Middleton Conn. and he Hage vol o. g6

Hook Sney ed Phloophy nd Htoy: A Sympum NwYok,

Hinga oha, Im Bann dr Ghhte Btchn nd ltnn Bae

The Plem of e eaian," in Huga ohaMen nd ds Nw Yok p - A MeridBk). s pbshed in e G LXXIV par pp. 7-, -

"T Tak o Cltural Hitoy," i Hinga Mn


Ida, Nw Yok 1959, pp 7-6 (A Median Boo)[rt pubshed n Huzinga J utuhisorise verennng, Halem 99]

- Renaissae nd alism in Men and Id New Yo,99 pp 2-39 A Meidn Book) Fist pbshed nHuiga J. Cutuursihe kenningen Harl199·)

-, T Waning of t Me Ags Crden iy NY 954(A Doblday Anr Bok)

Hul Edmd D K de epechen Wencafte ndi taendntae Pnmene Huean Bd V

BPH 261

Kant Immanue Idea of Univers Histor fom a Cosmopoitanoint of Vew in Ge, Pa·i Teore of HitryClene l 199 p 23 Original ile Ide eieagemeinen Gecicte in wetburgericher Aicht]

ieegd oeren Te ou of ekegaard, sel, rs!,ed. b lexane Du, New or 959 (A Hrr Torhb . [A Gem edon: oeren Kkegaad: gebecer EineA Wiebden (194


T., e Eect f M ComncatonCleI. 96

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di taendntae Pnmen e Huean Bd V,

en Haag, 62Ivens Jos Boage dcmenty expeience Film Cuure

New Yo 196), l I, no 1, pp 69Jas Ha Roet Usprung ud Beg der Foci

de 'Queelle ds Anens et d Modes n K,Helmut, d Wiman Frz e., D PhUosphie undd Fage c em Frsct Muech 96, pp 5-72.

ass Ha Rbet, Zet ud neng n Mace Prot' A eceche du tem ed" [eeg Fochugen vol

3}, Hdelberg 955·aege ee Paide: The deal of eek Cuture vols I,

II New Yok 994 [anslate by Gilbet Highet.]en Hb Bcoeiche Konz odr Kircnalment?: E

Beiag ur kklsloge der Koen von Ktanz udBel Voraege der Aen s Sftng an de Uniesiaet Base I], Basl Stgart. 963

ns Hs Gnos n ptantiker Get, ol (3. eessd ehe Aage) Coe 1964 vo. I el 1,Coetgen 154

-, e ennon of Le New ok, 966.aegi Wee Jacob Burckadt Eine Bogap; 3 vols Bs

97 90, 956 Htoice Mediaion Zc no deK Fraz, "e Wahrhet eer Saho Pansa, Beim Bau

d chinechn Mae, Bel 91, p 8

Koo, Gabre "Max Weer on A: Thory d Edene nHtoy and Theo The He 1961), ol I, no 3, pp23-60

Kacae gfried "The ge o Qualitative ontent nalsis, i The Publ Oin Qtery (Pinton N vol16 4 \ie 9-

- De Cpp Ieeaeger in D Ornt derMase ranur a.M 963 pp 236 Rprted romArch fr Soalsseaft nd Soltk (ebgAgst 1922), vo 9 no pp 59622

"aomu d Rels ranfu Zeung

No 9 92 [Repted in Kaaue Sieried, Omen de ae Fran aM 963 pp. 896

Da Oat d se Fan aM 963 Sozioogie a secaft. Eine erkenntneotc

Unteruchng.Drde 22. heory of im: he Redmton of Phya Reai New

o 960Keler, Pa Osk, "ome pobms f toi wlge

The oua of hlo Feb 6, 1961 N York)vol LVIII no 4 pp 8-110

he mol though of Rss humanm in Chaptein Wee Ciio 3 ei New Yo 961 vol 1,

pp 29-335 [Repnd tele Pal skar Renasance ougt II Nw Yo Evnson d London 965,pp 68.]

- "angig iews o te tellecul sto f e Ris-


sn Jacob Burcd Heltn Tnsly d, ThR (adon, Ws 196, pp. 7-

ber Grg, h Spe f im: t Hsor ings Hav d Ldn 196

Lsl P "Comn ( n par e: obles i Htoogaphy o Sen') i Crbie A ed., ScieniChnge do, 163 pp 861-65

-, Foreod, in Hxte, J H, apprai i Hstry,Evsto ll., 1961 pp

Uge, and, "A prop d nma in LHeer Mcel In n d h Pa 46


n ae II (publhed 1491 5 s.) Pssaefro hapter 3 in Hal R. ed, Eu rhHsaphy r n t Nme Clelnd and eYor 964 222-4 ( Merida Bok)

aDnal lp Mer M, Nw Yrk 196 ( AvoBk)

atld Fred Wil Hiry Enih w b h im war . ( 1895 ted Hter, J H apaain Hry Ean 196, p 19

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Inn du aphe Pa 1946, pp 33-0[Fist pblhed 1931

Lrass Cd La Pn suvag Par 196.eyden W n "Ho and th cncept relae e, in H

ty and hy he Haue 1963), vol I n 3 PP· 279-o Qtng Heers Metak]

Ltnbe eorg hrstph, Aphmn B Scn Sttgart 953· Koen Tascnauabe Bd 4.

Linn Han Hy Ealy Cc leelnd Oi,961 ( dan Bo) B I ls & , Bo II: vs3 4 ranslad by Bera ee Wof]

Lowit, K Gesamm bhnnn Zu k d scchen Enz S 16

Jb Bckhad D Mnch scheLuze 1936.

-, Mensch nd Gee i Gesamm bandlungn:u de gscich Exn Stutgt, 1960 pp-7

Lovjy, At 0, Eays n Htry da ew York, 196( Caprico B). Frt ph n 1948

-, rnt stanpn nd pat oy" Mer Hns,ed, he Psphy H i O im Gadn C, 199 In Phpy (Aug 31, 1939,

l. XXXI, n 18 pp 789]we dlph On Ecnc nwd New 196he W F hs Mss Bh1 lnco,

963aulay, Thas Babn Hit Eland fm th cc

N. 19 {A Doubda Anhr okandan, Mace The sr f Ias lecual iory

and the Hstr o Posophy" i and heoyBet "h gaph y Phily( Hage 195) pp 336

Th Pbl Ha we; nwr lt New Yrk, 938 [Nw Yr, ansn d Lndon,96 ( Hpr rchboo)

- etal aws Dra, W H, spny a Htry w Y 966, pp 33-46

ane Karl "stosms n chv u Snc

un Spiik, vl 2, no 1924 pp Marcl Gabel, Polbit� et m de l iagraph•

Re nn de l (Pari, uyDe194 v V, ns 19 pp 163-76

aqnd o P. Pn N u Boston, 1949rr Hi !, Cment mprene le er dhsti

am, Charl, 'i ss m Pars,1961, pp 167-15

-, Da Jstlz er tohen Zit bi Aun Anren Cal ed um uin-prac dr Ggnw Dstadt 1962 pp 34o

, D a cnc hq P 196 [ouh vid

Prng]Mehta V "Te ight crootalond bds h Nw Ykar I ec 8 962 pp 9-17; at D. 1 96 pp47-29

Meecke ch, "Htm and it problms, n t iz,


d, Th Vitis of o Nw Yor 56, pp 267-88(A M ook [Trstd b Jn H. Fnkl s

pbih ndr te tte "ustetn d We erGchihte, Stat und Persoechkei, n, 933, pp9-3·

Mrton obet K O the Su of Gan: A S1dan o- Nw Yrk, 965

Meuth Ec Nkla K nd de E" Nu


eeung Augs 4Meyo Han ed T Phophy Or G

d N Y A D bl A B k)

O 5

Nic Fedric om Nun ud Natl der ito frd bn nzgemass atn, Zwtes S re Nzhe Wk ester Band Lep, 93PP· -9

Nlsson Martin P. hih gechchen Rl vo 55; vo 19 wit d rgateAusgabe.

Nok A B Te oncpt of tae lvl n olog

Se Pa Ma , 45 vo 10

2618 pp. o15P f E R R W

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 141/145

dn , NY 9 9 A Dblay Acor Book)Mis Wt C, he Sooogi Imiio New Yr, 95Mi, ouis Te Atnom of stria Undertand, n

Hr n hey Miletw, Conn., 96 V, no1, PP 247

Mos H " Metode Besson Waldemar, edchhte F a.M, 91, pp 71

Muy iet, ve Sts Geek Rigio de C N Yno dat (A Dulay Ancor k [Td io 1;rs publid n 9

Nae e Dtermm n Hioy Dray Wiim H

hhcal Aaly d Hi, New Y 96 pp47-

Namier Si , "Hit Namier Avee o ,Lonon 9 pp. 10.

- Ave o Hito London 952.-, Hman nate in poc, S Fri d e-

t o H Nw Yor 15 pp 381-86 (A MeriianBk) [Oriinl puli i Namer, S L B, P and Pe ]

Nwha Bmont, he y of Phgaph 8 o P D New Yr 194

Niebuh, eihod e Derity an Ui f Hiy,

Merho, ans ed Te Phiophy o to in OuTime Gr Ciy N.Y pp 311 [In Nbe T Nu d Deiy of M w Yr 1953 Ipp. 3021

Pof E, Re Reacs W S, 96

Pato Rpb Oxfor, 194, mbe 9 A oy o Eue sio o h XI

Cy N York 55 [Frst pubshd 938]- Wat ar o yng to o? n Myro Han

ed. Th Phh f Hy in Ou m Garden i,NY 59 pp 87 [ S A e, Mtod iSocSene C 193, pp 435-5]

Po Gg Pue Gg Suds umaim Nw York, 1959, pp. 291-322. [A Hp Tcboo

Poust M Cot itBu Pa 1954· Rmembace o Thi Pt Ne Y 932 an 94

2 o, Tanat . S Mnie, xpt for last part Th at Rcpud, wh a ben anab Frdrik A Bossom Oi t : A rehh dmp pdu Pa 1954, vo 1-3 Biioque d aPae

Rn Edward of Mdd s Nw Yrk957 A Dv Bk [rt pulied 128

Ran Deuh chche im e d R-to Kol o dat

D emche p i d zt ]hhude

Koe no date, " dea o Unva Hioy," in S, ed heVae o New York 56, p 7 [ MinBook]

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 142/145

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 143/145


ne, a novel Berlin 198ie Angesellen, rnft 130Jaques Oenbah ud a as ner i, Amstea 137Ppagaa and he Nzi War Flm

l w

York 92The Conquest o upe on he Screen The Ni Neree 19-194

Washngn 193rm Calgai o Hiler neon 947Satellie Mentaiy: Poital Aie a Poagana Sspbes of

Non-Co�mut n Hunga, olnd and Czechosloaa Ne Yok 16(h Pal Berman}h f l d f l k

8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 144/145

Theoy of ilm: he Redempon of hysl Reay Ne ork 960Das Oament der Ma Essays Fnkut 193Dr. Kacar's may acles, essas nd reiews hae aeaed n uh new

paper and magines as arers, Commnay, Paisan Reew Satrdayee The New Repuli Theatre Arts, The New York m Bee, akte Ztng Neue Zrcer Zeng Naonal eungBael, Merr e Frc Revue neaonae e moloe and heEngh Film Quartey


Te Classi an enne Tough, Cambdge 1955Sues n enassn Toght an Lee Rome an Mnus Bk efoe , ew Yo 9Renaissane Though Vol : e Clas, Sholas and umanisti Strins,

Ne York . Vol. ae on manism and he As 15Renssnce Though an the A inon 980 (evsed edition of 5)Eght Philosohers of he Itli an Renaine Snfor 14ter talcum A nng s of ncatae or Incmpletely Clu

umans Muscrpt of e Renasn in tain an Oher ibrrieon an Lien, Vol I 93, Vol I 1 Vol III , Vol V 1,Vol V 13, Vol V 992

Geek hosophes of he Hellenis Age New Yor 3Ses in enaisan hought ad ette, ome 9n adon, Paul Oskar Kiselle has pubhed sevel hundd aces in aca

demic joua nribuons to holarly wrs ectures reeSn sx estien ave been pubhe n hono of al OskarKristeller

HISTORYThe Last Things Before The Las


"ur's ook is el gm t wil s plc . . s n f m sinifn ys n acd n h f hiy


Si i K b k i


8/21/2019 Kracauer, History. the Last Things Before the Last 145/145

Sigi Ku w bs kw s sn n cic nm . mn nlcl ccin in y i li w h ewn sn, n h libwn is in in vl f nliy Piy is cwh in wl hsy xlin h s in frh ls On f nh min vs his hiy �n hi h wns Wll-wi n . " -UJo

T is mh h', hice

d (8 51 96) w f h mnn inllulin Gmny in 20 Af h Nzi m w mid h Uni wh h w ili wih h Mm n A nd Cum Univiy H ws h o mny incld his lnm sy f mn inm Hitr

K� mis y lmniviy ws fin Sfq cu n is hm nsil in h comsii o i pk. At K h ll :hi o m ll i u A n

ver l

lly w l n sl ln


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