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Zoisova 2, 4000 Kranj

St 2704 2019

SKEEPo za&tku steèajnega postopka mid pravno osebo

Okro~no sodi~èe v Kranju je v steèajnern postopku nad dol±nikorn:

ADRIA AIRWAYS, Slovenski letalski prevoznik, d.o.o., Brnik - Aerodrom Zgomji Brnik 130 H, 4210Brnik - Aerodrom

dne 2. 10.20 19skienilo

1. Zaëne se steèajni postopek nad doI~nikom:

ADRIA AIRWAYS, Slovenski letalski prevoznik, d.o.o., Brnik - AerodrornZgornji Brnik 130 H, 4210 Brnik-Aerodrommatiëna ~teviIka: 5156505000davëna ~tevilka: 51049406

2. Za upraviteija se imenuje .Janez Pustatiènik

3. Ugotovi Se, da upravitelj opravlja naloge in pristojnosti upravitelja v postopku prek pravnoorganizacijskeoblike, kije v poslovni register vpisana s temi podatki:INSOLVIA, postovno svetovanje in storitve, d.o.o.matiëna ~teviIka: 6262414000

4. Iz proraèuna sodi~éa se opravi plaeilo predujrna za kritje zaëetnih stro~kov ste~ajnegapostopka v vi~ini:

— 122,00 eurov za kritje pav~alnega nadornestila za objave,— 2.159,10 eurov za nadomestila upravitelja in kritje drugib stro~kov steèajnega postopka, ki se naka~e

v dobro fiduciarnega raèuna steãajnega upraviteija.


DolThikje vlo~iI predlog za za&tek steèajnega postopka, katerega vsebinaje v skladu s prvirn odstavkom232. elena ZFPPIPP. Dolfrik je opro~&n zaloiilve predujma za kritje stro~kov zaCetka steCajnega postopkav skladu s prvirn odstavkom 233. Clena ZFPPIPP. Zato je sodi~ee odloCilo, da se iz njegovega proraCunaopravijo izplaCila. navedena v 4. toCki izreka tega skiepa.

104-2 I

~e zaëetek steeajnega postopka predlaga dol~nik, se ~0 prvem odstavku 234. elena ZFPPIPP domneva.da je dolfrik insolventen. Zato je sodi~Ce odloCilo, da se nad doifrikoin zaCne steCajni postopek (1. toCkaprvega odstavka 239. Clena ZFPPIPP).

Sodi~Ce je s sklepom o zaCetku postopka tudi imenovalo upravitelja v skladu s prvirn odstavkorn 115.elena ins 116. elenorn ZFPPIPP.

Pouk dru±benikom dol~nika:

Druthenik dol~iiika lahko izpodbija domnevo insolventnosti iz prvega odstavka 234. elena ZFPPIPP spritoTho proti ternu skiepu, ki ji mora prilo~iti dokaze o tern, da doifrik ni insolventen (ëetrti odstavek 234.elena ZFPPIPP).

Pravni pouk:1. Proti ternu sklepu je dovoljeno vlo~iti pritoTho v 15 dneh. Rok za vIo~itev pritoThe teCe za osebe, ki se jim

ta sklep vroCi, od.dneva vroCitve, za druge osebe pa od dneva objave tega sklepa.2. Prit&boje treba vlo±iti pri sodi~ti, ki je izdalo ta sklep. VIo~iti joje treba v enern izvodu.3. PritoTha rnora obsegati:

— opravilno ~tevilko in daturn tega sklepa,— izjavo pritoThika, all skiep izpodbija v celoti all sarno v doloCenern delu,— prito~bene razioge in— podpis pritofrika.

4. ~e pritotho vlaga odvetnik, jo mora vlo±iti v elektronski obliki. podpisani z varnim elektronskirnpodpisom, overjenirn s kvalificiranirn potrdilorn. Ce pritoTha iii vlofena v elektronski obliki, se zanjo neuporabijajo pravila o nepopolni vlogi injo sodi~Ce zavrfe (123. a Clen ZFPPIPP).

5. V postopku s pritoTho se ne uporabljajo pravila 108. elena ZPP o dopolnitvi nepopolne vloge.6. Ob vlo~itvi pritothe je treba plaCati sodno takso. sodna taksa oh vlo±itvi pritothe ni plaCana in je

prito~nik tudi ne plaCa v roku, ki rnu ga z nalogorn za plaCilo takse doloCi sodi~e, ter ni pogojev zaoprostitev, odlog all obroCno plaCilo sodnih taks, se ~teje, daje pritotha urnaknjena.

Ta pisni odpravek se ujerna z elektronskirn izvimikorn skiepa.

Sodnica:Brigila Porcnla

This translation consists of2 pages! 4 sheetsNo of ver.: 529-2 19Date: 7 October2019

Certified translation of the Slovenian languageDocument: DECISION on the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings against legal person

Paee I o12No of ver.: 529-2 19Date: 7 October 2019



Zoisova 2, 4000 Kranj

St 2704 2019

DECISIONon the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings against legal person

The Kranj District Court, in bankruptcy proceedings against the debtor:

ADR1A AIRWAYS, Slovenski letaiski prevoznik, d.o.o. ADRJA AIR WA YS, Slovenian air carrier, Ltd.,TN, Brnik - Zgornji Brnik Airport 130 H, 4210 Brnik - Airport

On 2 October2019reached the following Decision

I. Bankruptcy proceedings are initiated against the debtor:

ADRIA AIRWAYS, Slovenski letalski prevoznik, d.o.o., Brnik - ZgornjiBrnik Airport 130 H, 4210 Brnik - Airportregistration No. (MB): 5 I 56505000tax no.: 51049406

2. Janez Pustatiãnik is appointed as the manager.

3. It is established that the manager performs his tasks and responsibilities in the procedure through the legalorganisational form, which is entered in the business register with the following information:INSOLVIA, poslovno svetovanje in storitve, d.o.o.INSOL VIA, business consulting and services, Ltd., TN

registration no.: 6262414000

4. An advance payment is made from the budget of the court to cover the costs of initiating bankruptcyproceedings in the amount of:— EUR 122.00 to cover the flat-rate fee for publications,— EUR 2,159.10 to cover the manager’s fee and other costs of bankruptcy proceedings, which shall be

allocated to the fiduciary account of the bankruptcy proceedings manager.


The debtor filed a proposal for the initiation of a bankruptcy proceeding, the contents of which are inaccordance with the first paragraph of Article 232 of the ZFPPIPP-a Financial Operations, InsolvencyProceedings. and Compulsory Dissolution Act, TN. The debtor shall be exempt from payment of the advancefor covering the costs of bankruptcy proceedings initiation in accordance with the first paragraph of Article233 of the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings, and Compulsory Dissolution Act. Therefore, thecourt decided to make the payments referred to in point 4 of this dictum from its budget.

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Page 2 of 2No of ver.: 529-219Dale: 7 October2019

If the bankruptcy proceedings are initiated by the debtor, in accordance with the first paragraph of Article234 of the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings, and Compulsory Dissolution Act, the debtor ispresumed to be insolvent. Therefore, the court decided to institute bankruptcy proceedings against the debtor(point I of the first paragraph of Article 239 of the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings, andCompulsory Dissolution Act).

By the decision on the commencement of the bankruptcy proceedings, the court has also appointed themanager in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 115 and Article 116 of the Financial Operations,Insolvency Proceedings, and Compulsory Dissolution Act.

Instruction to the members of the debtor’s company:

The member of the debtor’s company may dispute the presumption of insolvency from the first paragraphof Art. 234 of the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings, and Compulsory Dissolution Act, by filingan appeal to this decision, which must be accompanied with the enclosed evidence proving that the debtor isnot insolvent (fourth paragraph of Article 234 of the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings, andCompulsory Dissolution Act).

Legal remedy:I. An appeal may be filed against this Decision within the deadline of 15 days. The deadline for filing an

appeal for the persons to whom this decision is delivered begins to run from the date of delivery, and forother persons, from the date of publication of this Decision.

2. An appeal shall be filed with the court that issued this Decision. It should be filed in a single copy.3. An appeal must contain the following: and date of this Decision,Appellants statement whether the Decision is disputed in whole or in part,Grounds for appeal, andAppellant’s signature.

4. If an appeal is filed by an attorney, the same must be filed in electronic form, signed with secureelectronic signature and certified by qualified certificate. If the appeal is not provided in electronic form,the rules on incomplete submission shall not apply and such appeal shall be rejected by the court (Art.123.a of the Financial Operations, Insolvency Proceedings, and Compulsory Dissolution Act).

5. The rules on supplementing incomplete submissions from Article 108 of the Civil Procedure Act shall notapply in the appeal process.

6. When filing an appeal, a court fee must be paid. If the court fee is not paid at the time of filing the appealand the appellant fails to pay it within the time limit set by the court, and if there are no conditions forexemption from payment of such fee, or for delay or instalment payment of such fee, the appeal shall bedeemed withdrawn.

This written copy of the Decision matches the electronic original copy thereof.

Judge Seal bearing the coat ofarms oftheRepublic ofSlovenia and the followingBrtgita Porenta text:



-end ofthe translationI, Marija Jelaska court interpreter for English (Croatian, Slovenian, Polish, Macedoby the President of the County Court in Split, Croatia Decree No.4 Su-237 17March 2018 do hereby certi& that the above translation is a faithful and cWritten in the Slovenian language.

N0 of verification: 529-I 19SpIft 7 October 201 9

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