kred events

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Kred Events


Before The Event !Targeting and Engagement !During The Event Live leaderboard of social media activity !!After The Event Comprehensive post-event reports

Kred Events A social media marketing and influencer identification program for generating awareness, excitement and participation!

Every voice is important.

Our main Influencers are everyday people and networks of friends.

Events bring together communities formed around interests and affiliations.

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We all have Influence somewhere

What is Kred? Kred is Measurable Influence based on two metrics!

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Influence!Ability to inspire action: !Retweets, Replies, New follows.! Outreach!Generosity, rewards actions, interacts with others, spreads content.


Community!Tweet the event hashtag, !a session name or a speaker to automatically join the event community. ! Connection!Highlight attendees and help them find others with shared interests.

Kred Events A real time influence and outreach leaderboard !for any real or virtual event

Gamification Attendees and event content providers will vie to be Top Influencers and Outreachers. Virality!Universal access assures that people outside the event can follow the action, too.


Kred Events Generate high involvement with event content and among attendees

Attract the right people by finding key influencers in your target list and uncover new influencers in your email database

Review past events to find the best-received sessions and speakers

Research and analyze competitive events

Spread the word using key influencers in-market or utilize their global reach


Before The Event Social media to build marketing and sales

Showcase key influencers talking about the event in real time

Offer prizes and rewards to people at the top of the board

Allow other delegates to discover who they know and make new connections at the event

Global promotion of the event in social media

Capture real-time feedback and spot problems early


During The Event Gamification and Socialization

Year-over-Year social volume and comparison

Highlight the most popular speakers and sessions

Look at key themes from the conference

Feedback on speakers

Event can be replayed to see what was said at any point!


After The Event Key planning tool for future events

Real time leaderboard lists people using the conference #hashtag on Twitter Optimized display for iPads, monitors & big screens Individual sessions or speakers can have their own leaderboard 10

Real-Time Leaderboards Branded with your logo and color scheme

We work with event teams to research, deploy and report on each individual event Available for a single event or all events in a region Upsell opportunity for event teams to package with powerful analytics and reporting capabilities


Turnkey Solution Utilizes the power of social media before, during and post-event for real-time feedback


Case Study - Ogilvvy Social@Ogilvy’s Social Media Week Movers & Shakers showed daily rankings in three cities

“I only knew Gabrielle was at the London event by seeing her name on the leaderboard. I would probably have not known she was there and missed out on an opportunity had I not see her name up on the screen.”


Case Study - Ogilvy Leaderboards brought the community together

“We have built and used influence models over the past seven years. The new Kred Events platform provides an interesting and novel way to track event-related influence. It’s both real-time and topic focused. !“We love working with innovative technologies like Kred. They help us not just understand but communicate how influence really works and how we can apply it to social business.” John Bell, Global Managing Director of Social@Ogilvy



Social Mentions Before & After Year over Year Competitive Analysis (Oscars) Specific Keywords, #hashtags, and how users identified themselves by location, community. Individual Speakers / events to overall volume by percentage Follower and Aggregate Social Growth Sample Tweets from audience members / those watching Examples of speakers / celebrities getting involved


Case Study – The Grammys We provide post-show social media metrics, including:


Kred Events In Action See live examples at! or

Web Twitter @Kred Facebook Email Phone (877) 856 - 2935

For More Information

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