kuleta tumaini ~ august vol #5

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Kuleta Tumaini is Global Village Ministries monthly newsletters that keeps you updated on our projects and mission trips.


Thank YOU!Thank YOU!Thank YOU!Thank YOU!

In June we were blessed to have the “Women like Us” Foundation visit THE OLMALAIKA HOME. Once they got back from Kenya they contacted us again and wanted to help us with our “water project!” It was such a blessing to connect with them and have them provide the funding we needed. Visit their website – http://www.womenlikeusfoundation.org/ They are doing a documentary chronicling inspiring stories from women with adversity and triumph across the globe, and our little Olmalaika Home just might be a part of the documentary. We will keep you updated on it – I believe it is supposed to be out in spring of 2015. We were also blessed with a store in Ohio that donated shoes for the girls via Lyndel & Pat Dickerson. The girls LOVE the shoes! There are so many needs and some cost much while others cost just a little bit. Together though we can change the world. We are truly blessed by so many of you. Please know you are changing lives which each donation. Remember that if you or someone you know has an employer with a charitable giving arm, we will be happy to assist in writing an application. Just contact us for more information.

Another Trip is OverAnother Trip is OverAnother Trip is OverAnother Trip is Over

It always seems like the months that we have

medical/dental groups in Kenya go by so very fast.

Once the team arrives we lose track of days and

before you know it everyone is back at the airport

flying home again. This trip was no exception!

The weather was perfect for almost the entire trip –

just a good heavy downpour the last night in the

Maasai Mara National Reserve. The land was so dry

and the rain came as such a blessing so no one could

really complain about it.

Each of the clinics went well; we were never

overwhelmed with people, although we did have to

turn several away one time. The team stayed busy

and we were able to help several who needed

cataract surgery, which was a huge blessing – a

special thank-you to those who donated for that.

Seven of the team members stayed for the optional

trip at the end and 2 of those climbed Mt Kenya

(16,500 ft) and made it to the summit. The other 5

enjoyed an overnight in Aberdare National Park, a

game drive in Ol Pejeta Conservancy where they

saw rhinos and other animals, plus a couple of

nights at the Aberdare Country Club before flying

back home. Our next trip is in October and we still

have room if you would like to join us on it.

August 2014 VOL. # 5

Kuleta TumaiKuleta TumaiKuleta TumaiKuleta Tumainininini

“Bringing Hope” TO LIVE, TO LEARN, TO LOVE

Global Village Ministries 37223 Highlite Drive, Sterling Heights, MI 48310 USA

Phone ~ 586.838.4998 / 989.413.3364 Website ~ www.globalvillageministries.org

Email ~ letmeshine4him@yahoo.com Blog ~ www.globalvillageministries.blogspot.com

July was a busy month! The first week we had a “family day” and invited all the girls’ families to come spend a day with their daughter at the home plus enjoy a special meal. Not as many families showed up as we had hoped for, but we were so excited for those that did. The girls loved it and we found the families to be very supportive and thankful for the opportunity that the girls have. The very morning of the “family day” we had a young girl show up in tears asking to stay at the home as she was an orphan and had nowhere to go. We decided she needed to stay and be a part of the home and by afternoon her tears had turned to a shy smile. We were able to visit the girls that were away in boarding school too. At the end of the mission trip the team visited the home and we said goodbye to Danae who will be staying at the home for the next 10 months. She will be teaching at the Sekenani Primary School in the mornings and working with the girls in the afternoon and evenings, and helping in the community. Gwenyth Davis also spent a few days at the home before she flew back to Australia and was able to have lunch in Narok with Ruth (the girl she sponsors) who is in high school and attends boarding school.

Upcoming Mission Trips:

• October 8-21 Medical/Dental Trip to Kajiado District, Narok North and South with an optional excursion to climb Mt Kenya (16,400 ft) or a safari. 2015

• March 11-24 Medical/Dental Trip to Taita Hills, Mombasa and Narok South. Optional excursions March 24-28 to climb Mt Kenya (16,400 ft) or a safari.

• July 8-21 Medical/Dental Trip to Loita and Narok South. Optional excursions July 21-26 to climb Mt Kenya (16,400 ft) or a safari.

• October 7-20 Medical/Dental Trip to Embu on the foothills of Mt Kenya & Narok North and South with an optional excursion to the coast October 20-25.

GVM Mission Trip Promo Video

We will be at the 2014 ASI International Convention August 6-9 in Grand Rapids, Michigan (DeVos Place Convention Center) We would love for you to stop by at our booth!



Current Projects/Needs

Administration Annex ~ We are currently using two rooms in The Olmalaika Home for the office and supplies, plus a room for the interns to work in. If we can raise $60,000.00 we will be able to build an Administration Annex right next to the home which will free up the two bedrooms in the home for 16 more girls. We have had several girls who have needed to move in but we just have not had the space for them. The annex will provide a place for interns to stay, plus an official office, storage area for supplies, counseling and tutoring rooms, plus a kitchen and bathroom with indoor plumbing.

If you would like to cover the cost of an entire room in

memory of someone, we would be more than glad to put

a special plaque on the door with “naming rights.”

Bunk Beds ~ We have filled all the beds with little girls and still need 13 more bunks built as we have faith that the funds for the annex will come in and we will be able to use the rooms now being used for the office and interns. Each bunk costs $235 and that includes transporting them down to the home from Nairobi.

Dental Unit ~We are so hoping to be able to purchase another dental unit by the middle of September for our clinics. It would boost the amount of restorative care that we provide. We have had $1000 already come in for it but need $3500 more.

It is because of each of you that these girls are

safe and has the opportunity to go to school.

Thank you for making a difference ~

NOTE: Global Village Ministries is a registered

non profit 501(c)(301). All donations received throughout the year will be recorded and contribution statements will be mailed by Jan. 31st, 2015.

Letter from KimLetter from KimLetter from KimLetter from Kim

I cannot say enough about each of you that come on our mission trips!

Your willingness to make a difference, to step out of your comfort zone even when family and friends caution you and encourage you not to come does not go unnoticed. The media loves to paint terrible pictures of Kenya and it is easy to forget that there are terrorists, robberies, murders, kidnappings even if your own home town or country. We could not make a difference for the people of Kenya if it were not for each of you that come and give of yourselves.

There is an African saying that goes like this:::: “A singl“A singl“A singl“A single bracelet does not jingle”e bracelet does not jingle”e bracelet does not jingle”e bracelet does not jingle” Meaning that we can do much more working as a team than we could ever do alone. Global Village Ministries is really nothing without each of you. You are the life line to thousands and your willingness to step out in faith, to face your fears and to follow your desire to make a difference for those that are so desperately in need, does not go unnoticed. This July’s trip was the most challenging trip ever for me. My heartstrings were pulled in a million different directions and I had to face things I had never thought I ever would. I cannot tell you how very blessed and thankful I am to have had so many “bracelets” on this past trip. My heart still hears the “jingles” and they continue to inspire me to never let go of what my heart is so passionate about.


“To travel is to learn”

~Kenyan Proverb

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