l .j jemez spriog

Post on 16-Nov-2021






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Jemez Spriog<, New Mako

December 29, 1966

TRIS IS mE VI.A COELI PllOGRAM to date and D.eari.ng, ve belieTe, com­pletion - except:Uig 1.n some of. i ts Upc>rta.D.t lllateriAJ. aspccta, e.g., ths fi.niJsh.ing a.nd actiTating of the Nev Ill.f.i.rmaJ:7 Buil.di.ng.

The PBOG~ i.a based upon and ad.heres vi.thout exception to Father GeraJ.d's origiAal method.a but &1.mpl.7 ~plemented vith scient~ic hel.ps in accord vi.th the H.a.udatio of the S. Coa.g. o! lleligioua a.s giTe.u to Fr. D, TempJ.e. Th:i.s l.etter has cal.led tor more careful. strccturing of the PrpgraJD to ma.lte it more eff<!!ctin. Bu.t, and th.is ve s~esa, the Guest Father 1.a still and vill .tl~s be treated with complete de!e:rence to the digait7 of hi..1J priesthood and !ul.lest :respect for Ida hlllllaA person and the a&Credn~ss of ~ own conAcience.

Absolutely no :Uid:I. Ticfz:zal. is forced to accept ll.D.Y part of the Prog'ralll, spi.rituaJ., pb;rrical. or S.ci<!!lltific. .lie is. per!ectl.,y free to refU.Se · ~ . . to comply. Thi.s, h.oveT~r, 1.s ma~e -vef7 clear tc hi.e: nainel.7, U he cmot or rlll not bring him.self !reel.y to complJ vith at le".~ . .c.t a sub1St...,:tia.l p&rt o! OIU' Program, we sball llaTe t o reco=iend that b..e &eek: help el.aevbere than at Va Coeli. In other i.oi'ds, "" do

·: ®:t~'.re~l j u3ti!ied in acceptill.g the req'llested fcte froai a. Bis.hop or Superior., if' the Father i.s not going to avail. him:!iel.f o! the hel.ps our Progr:u1 o!!ens him. '.!'lure is D.Ot, and .never hall been; any forc­ing of a Gue.st Father to submit, s iJ:lcc 1 t has alva,ya bee.a the ! eel­i.ng and actUAJ. policT, that only \Ii th the good 1o'i.ll. &l1d !re e co=e11t o! t h e Guest can. our rebuilding o! b.is priestly l..i.fe beco=d effective.


.. -~

-2- Via Coeli Pl"Ofl!aJll

Four distinct units arc in operation here in the CaDyon; at pre­

sent, vitb tvo other Houses - one at Albuquerque a.12d one at Santa

Fe - fo:r:ini.ng-now an integral. part of the Ne" Meld.co or, better

known1Via Coel1 operation. Each unit bas a quit~ distizict purpose or purposes of its own.

The origin.al. 11Hou:a.tai.n Inn", vbere .Father Gerald began bis caonu­

caental. effort ju.st 20 7ears ago, is sti.l.J. referred to more specifi­

cal.l;r as "Via. Coeli". The other subsidiary !owsea have their io.di­

ndual. .names, =: .Reg:i.n.a Mlll1di, Lourdes Retreat, Volunta.s Dei. This

facilitates reference to the Yarious lmits. The Albwi.uerqu.e Bouse

is ca.1.led Piu.s XII l'illa and the one :i.n Santa .Fe is known as Villa

Madre de Dioa.

Via Coeli (Main Botlse) still houses the admJ.rii.strative offices. The

Father Serv=t here is Superior o! all. the New- Mexico Rouses, eaeb

subsidiary RoUQe hav~ its Local Superior and an Assistant, either

one or both a pro!essed Paraclete. llere at Via Coeli !u:r.ctions al.so, ~

besides tb.e Fr. errant and !ii.s'Assi.&tant, the ~retuJ1Jrer, tbe Secretary

:in charge o! the· files and. iDlportant co=e1Sponderu:;e, and an ~sais~t in charge ot Mai.nta:i.nence.

Counsel-1..ors resides here at

ilso, one o! our four spec.i.al. Paraclete

the ~ Rouse. Besides the Pa.r1!1.clete

Sta.ff of thia Via C9e:).i.!.)!ain RoU1Se, tllere are e;eme ~ent:J:.Gue;;·t ··- ·

pt'iests in reeidence~·most of vhom are those Yhose eases 3.l'.e ju.st

be~g i.mtia.ted at Rc111e, or >ii.th their Orclina.ry or Religious· Su­perior, al.iso such a'3 cal.l. for more i.mJDediate or regular attention.

Other fe~ haYe been here ::I.Cl. residence for some tiJlle and offer ver.,­

Y.alu.able sertice8, a;s hearing occasio.a.a.l' con.!es.sions,_ meet:i.D.g the

J:Aa.n7 T".isitor:s and sbo'Jil:lg theca around, etc. But eTer,rone, Superior,

Sta.!! and all join in performing, not only the needed 'duties and

choHs, but especially the all-important Spritua.l Program o! the

day. Tb:is Program does

GeraJ.d's original. daily

not differ ix1 the slightest from Father

regi111e: 9isi.ng at

short Meditation at 6:30, private Masses,

• •• t

6, Hor::lll:g Prayers vith

then Breakfast at 7:35.



Via Coeli Prog;ra.m

Each d<Q' a Righ Mass at 9 a.m. (ei ther a fu.l.l Solelllll or Coucelebrated

Mass on Sunda;r~alld Feast Days), fol.1owed immediately by daily Sxpd­

s1t1ou of the Blessed ~acra.ment, to continue through t~ Day, al.wa;rs

lo'i.th one or more of the Iathers (Guests or Paracletes) in vo1W1ta.ry

Adoration, until !!,,position, rlth Rosary and prqers and Ben.ed.1ction

at 5:30. There are al.wa,ys evening pr117el"'S a.t 7:30; LitallJ' ~f the Sacred lieut, a brief period o:f spiritual reading a.nd Compliue in

commc.n. A prieetl.7 guard of b.o.nor couti.nnes ill Ador.a.tiou ar<:>Wld the

clock in thi.s one large ilou.&e o! Via Coel.i, · Over a.nd above all. this, . . . . . . prj,vate Ti.sita :to the Blessed S8 crameut &.114 DiTi.De Office read in

the Eucharistic Pr-eseucll. are counsel.led.

One ca.n ea.:sily 1ma.gil:te the llllUIY useful. services our Guest Fatber:s can

volunteer to perfona for the 1111ttu.aJ. helpful.uess of their fe.l.lov­

prlestc and to thei.r ovu great benefit, such as the ca.re of sact'i.s­

ties a..Dd the mAl:ly altars req"fjired, the daily malls, the coold...c.g which

t~e or tour ..n..l.l. ehare, the l i ttle store !or smaller needs, the

librar,-1 the garden.i.D.g 1 etc., etc . All. this besides the u\llllercil.s

!ora>ts of organized intelle<:tual, pb;rsical, recreatiollBJ.4 =d silllilar t;rpes o'! therapy.

Nov, to consider the ciistinct P'll'J'Oses and a.ctiT"ities of the. otber

unit.s - =ore or less in the · progressiva order in 1thich each one en6.•:r.s

into the ~g:nun;· though,-their pi.1.rPOBel5 obTiously overlap;

At . our beautUnl. Lourdes Retreat,. up the Canyon a mile or so, tbere is

a nucleous of.=ome 8 or 10 Guest Fathers vith their Paraclete Ser-

vant,a, . ..vh.o h.a"'e .indicated or bu.mbly admitted their iuabili.ty to !unc­

tion in the regular mi.ni.str:r outside, or haTe simply expressed their

preference !or speAd.i.ug their re.maini.ng years .tn dedicatiou to prayer a.nd

SOlllC U.Se.f'uJ. serrl.ce, in order to br ing more abw:idaut blesr;ing:s OU the Faracl..otc Apostoh.te. Tbi.s is shaping, vc very earnestl;r hope, 1ll the

direction o! vb.at Fath~r GerAld b..as loog proposed as so=et!l.in& the Eoly Ghost de!i..tritely ~e.nts ! or the furtherance o! our ca.re for priests -

This, ve hope, 1.s in the


a.s be call:o it: "a mitigated inooa.stic regime".

m.ald.ng at Lour<ies ~etreat. SERVANTS -6785

-4- Via Coeli PI'Qgra.ai

Dr • . s~~~;.:~:~t_~~~ attending ?57chologiAst, "ho. has .sta.t.ed ,

~.,~,J!%r!' than oace, that he YOuld not eTea coI1.111der lo'orld..ng · .,,'!"-~--~ .. --····~ ---

vi. th 1:14 Paracl.~te Fathers b.J..,e not th<! "basic .spiritual program "e

ba:re) is delighted vi.th thi..:s positiTe, c:oa.structiYe a11d practical

program o! "spiri.tu.e.J. fullfill.crient o! their priesthood''• At Lourdes,

as a.n al.tern.atiTe to go:i.rlg back to "active duty" !or those Ybo can­

not or prefer not:, the spiritual program is identical vi.th that at

Via Coeli, exceptthat the ho=s o! Exposition are limited due to

the sCllall.er number of Fathers.

The quiet, happy nucleua a.t Lourdes Retreat prorides admirable envi.ron­

ment into 'Ob.ich our ne'Oly-a.rri.-ed Guests a.re introduced for a week or

ten da;l's of orientation, r'est and rea.s15uza.nee, or :for "c!.rT-ing o~t", i£ needed, under tb.e supervision of our doe tor and nursing Sisters,

The only trouble i.s, the ne..,comer i.:JJ.variably does not Ya.Llt to leave

the place. Hov<0Yer, a.fter our Registered Nurse.s haYe checked their

cond:i.tion and medication a.ad our St.a.ff Doctors have made initial.

obserir.a.tion.s ve b.aYe to innte them to go in to one of our e:1:'cellent

CathoJ.i.e Rospi.ta.U!J for a complete physical and nen.rological checkup,

or. i.f they object, to moTe to one of our other units.

~e ha.Te found a Tert great adva.c.tage i.J:l the above mentioned checkup

at the h.oapi.t.al., .es~.c~:r as a meallS o! ruling out even llli:oor and

som~tim~.~ .. sertou.s contributing a.ad sura.-ating factors of tb.e main

prO~l~m. It oc:a.siona.ll.1 results i.Jl ~~lie'r.i.D.g the problem al.most

entirel.y. or course, the apFroval o' che priest's Ordi.n.a.r;r or

S11~rior is !irat a.isl.::ed. we fi.nd tl:lem most consistentl}. ill. full.~st.



-5-a Telj' exception.al, selections of excel.lent

vu. Coeli Provu

doctors and espec:l.alJ..J' .. _.._."' th~ Father vi.ah ta !ollo•

•• • J#I .... ·,...~~·--~....... • • ··: ps;rch.1.atri.Jrta in All:ruq;nerque, "hauld

~·~ .... .. - .. .,.. reeommendat~OlU!.

A short distaAee from Lo=de.s "etreat is .our pro .. isioa.a.J. 1n!ii­~r,r, called "Vol llntaa Dei". The P,.raclet" Father ill residenea there ba.G bad exceptional. tt"a.i..IUJ:lg in the various sta:nclard forms o.f· theraw. 'o'bile this Paraclete Father superri.ses the general care of the priests in the !ni'~1"111&Z7, our 1.n"alusble B:andaa.ids of the Precious Blood, aevet'a.l of them reg:ister.,d nurses a.ad tecbnici.a.n.s. are iii reaid ei:u;:~ ..... veil and le.ave not~ to be

.. desired ill the va;r of nurs~, dieting and all-ilround care of the .si.ck. together vi.th the tl"11J.7 dedicated Paraclete ASsista:a.t vh.o gives pe~oaal. help a.ml : attention as needed~ Tbe· Infirmar;T, t_h.ougb. Temi:ontr:r; 1.s a pl.easant, congeni.aJ. and· e.f!icie:c.t little unit. It is !rom the dispensary here that the nurses proTide vhat attention the nev &rTi.Tala may require at nearby Lourdes RetreU: during t heir il:U.tia.l stay there.

• ' .,. 1 • I ••• \,< • • • - • ' •• ~' I !. ,,. •l' •,.. • • •" •• ' · ,. -.-··-t, •' •" ~ =i ;~?. t ·; t ·~ , • .•; • .< >. • ' .,,. ':""~~>':t\ -..· i~~ ·~ .. . • ,• , •... ;. ~·, L .• ,,:., ... , ' . ~ i · • t t . ·: The Father Serrant in cba.rge' of the ImirmarJ", ui can ea,,.ily be &een, ia qui. te !~e to !Dake all. hospital. arrangements, ·and <lilt-patient appoillt:olents,

.saae ti.me 1 he is 11.bl.o

i.nTol.ri..ng trips to tbe City, ete.

to orgaJlize, super-rise and perba.P,.

~t the . , conduct

the numerous types o:t;: tb.en.p;r: there aro the enni.ng e;µ-cl p!U"tiea or oc:ea.sionaJ. -bingo;,· a. voelcly iiloTie, the tvo ·rec res.hon :l:l.&l.lli · · neYlr equipped "lfith pool table~, pingpong and card' table.s,· dart boards, ete. A local. s:1"I" is &.T'ailable tv.l.ce a "eek ... ln .Sui tabi'e weather soft-ball games .with a local tell.trl is a taTori.te; li..nally there i.s the attraetiTe 9-hole pitch and putt gol! c:o'2%1Se.· 01 · · c:ou:r:se • there an tb.e perennial and l.eisurel.:r hours of fishing • ... ,l:::;,,,rr;-•-W

h.iJce s i.n to the lllOlm taio :s , p.ic:.nic .:1

Through the >li.uter month.!!, J!l&inly, seminars on Conc1.liar~a.nd other acti'rities a.re wel.1 att...uded, a.s well aa Spanish, French and other ll!lJlguage coUl"aes. • B:a.nd cra!t.s are privately o~naored. These activities center 1110 re arouru:l Regina Kundi, where .some fifteen 0£ the more fully rehabilitated .a.re resi dent and -..rill .soon be moviog out o! tbe Ca.<1yon to Albu-


.. · ... : -.:~ ,_.,.,..,~ . ' .

• r"'.•iJ'' "<'i '

;._ ..... · .

.. --· -.

querque or S;uita Fe or back to du t y. SERVANTS -0787

-6- Via Coel.i Program

~hat, ' litiatlJ.):ih·. 1'ii.ther-Therapi.st is co11carued rlth the di!!e~nt ,..... ·-· ··--:--:.,__ . .-. .... . - .. ... gr.>u.~ t.l:l~n.Pf•!,~ ""~~ .i.s the rather frequent general dhl.ogue moeti.ng o! .il iutere~ted in attendiJig: Gtlest-l'atb.en, Paracletaa", doctors, eTer:ybody, Sometimes a special area o! general interest is opened for discll6sion; at other times the field is >tide open for coJZllllents, complaints, suggestions - what baTe ;rou. The!le 1o1e f'i..D.d most helpful. in .more "'8;J"s tha:o one ltCuld iloagine - it especi.al.l:r relieTes tension 4.l1d llti..swiderstandi.ng.

There are the more specialized. groups, lmo'WU a.e lllXXlVEI!I , INC., and / ... , ~ the well lcno'WU AA. Group. The general methods o! AA a.re better kno"1l

.1. . • t i '.

and v.UJ. be conaidered la.ter. :But a comparison hare viJ.;L help to under3tand tho nature o! ReooT.ery, I.iic., Yhi.ch. orlg:i.Jiated nth the . ' . l.ato Dr. Lo'lle, o! Ill.iJ:oi.s Uni..-. Medical School. Ru. u · a. :et.bod

: :

of. sutuai bel.p!ull1ess ~Ted. at through e~haJise o!· ~1~h ex- · • .. ./: ·:. porlencea and experi.114nta within a closed group o! ~;;11.J! vho .~!e~' . ,:: !=m s1 mil •r e.=ot:ionel, nerT'OUS or eTl!ll al.ight mental. ~-~~.t/;' .... ~re ··. ,; , =e pl a 0 a to !ollov in the di.scu.ssio:o.s; but tu e11rpb~.15°us :i.s on. o~- ; . . !r. • i { :, • . •" ~· 0 0 · .·· ~~·· •It. ' • •·•C. • • t ;;·1:;g1 :f • ~~ .. \_~· .. t' ,~ ... !f.~ I•: ,

0 J .Y!,}/; ~·li:.\t.'t·•:-n' .. :;;.":°',..{; neaa and -tii&l.· lial.p!ul.neaa in. te ot'ft.Jair !&i.lUJ:'es· and qccessea.' All-..,·" ·;··!l-;J..-. .. . . . .· . . ~ grout> 'llhich. -et.a "'•ekl.J" ~ been !o=d .:urt help!ul !or soTeral and :La Te%'7. h1 g!il ~. re.c_:~cm~ed by our S taI! ·;~cholo~i· t~r -hi.a o'llU~ ~-:p&tie.a.ta a.nd in pnera.l !or others.

~; :! . \ · ~ f . • - · ....

~ . . i t . -

..:."".· .; . . . tluly one or tvo of t~e Bi.shops ·at our li•shington 11eeti.ng were. &'Ila.re o!. :RecoT~r:r .• IP,c ., 1<hen .Bishop Leven spoke v-err highl.J o!. it as a. p&rt of Via Coeli'.ll. progt'8JD. Hovenr, all were ful.ly cognizant of A.A, and al.­most to a .ui, not onl.J' endorsed o= :initial. ef!ort.s to incorporate .. it in .o=... .. Via.. Co ell prog:t')Ul, a.a Father Ge:--ald approTed "" do repea.tedl.;r vi t .hil1 the Past couple o:C :rear.,, but the:r prnc tically dolllaJl.ded ~t we bring the .A.A. program to ita fullest possible ef!ectinnese at Via Cooli, insisting· upon attendance at at lea.at tvo veekly meeti.ngs >d.tb ls:r peopl.e in the city. They &.s5erled that these a.re good people and our pri.esta in order to profit b7 AA after leaTi:ig us most mee t vith 1n1ch yeorle !or the mos t pa:i:-1;. Fully con'rinced by Father Ucrald's 0"11 words to me th.at be now approved of AJ. at Via Coeli, I readi ly promised t be Bishops it would be done. Ar.d I a5$\lred them I felt oo restric tion!! i.n tbe m.at tcr, ~o lo~g as it 1<...:1 kept under Paracle te super-vision. The l'ii.5bop.s ver" g1 SERVAN'TS-6788

. ' . •


- 7- Via Coeli Prosrsm

relieYcd 11.t1d p-ati!icd. .Bishop McCarty s eemed particularl)'" proud in !!t.,.ti.ng t ha.t the l'athers go out from Sttlrgis twice eTeq week ta AA meet ing some "30 mil.es ava7".

On our return from ll1L11bi.agtou our Paracl.ete Staff bare at Via Coeli h eld at ' leaot thtte intensive d.iacussion .meeti.np 011 hov to bring our A.A progra m to the !ulleut possible effecti'P'enes&.. · 'ie had b e.fo r e our minds a confinzed alcohollc .vho had 'been her& at Via Coell at lea.at . . .. '•

tan ,-ears ~d. grc..,f,ng cout inu.alli wor!fe , until in ·a~apO~ti.o.zi aoiie . . . . n:iontha be:rore .these meetins ve had sept him to Tiirquoise Lodge (a S tate AJ.collolic Coma::Usion dz7i.ng out and indoctri.11atio11 c~t.1:' in- .A1buquer-

r I :. ·. · . .J ' que) !or their ·tvo-veeks inte11s ive treatment. Re Ca.Ille back conTili.ced : . . . . . . . . . ' · .. ~ ... ( .. : . of: il, a tt..nds nova veelcly ·m.,e t'illg ~gal.arly, and .~'.Jiot: 1:a.ken a· dri.:nlc these ;i:a.et 3 or I+ O>Onth.s, during vhich time he took .a Ya.cation .

' trip of t hree veek.s.

"'·" de cided to approach r -· ':. ••' <i· ' " "' rt"• ' .. · f' ,":" . ... Lodge, vhich iB in the "'•' ) s o - the Father Parael.ete ve ha.Te in charS'!' o~ AA and . .

!ol"Jlled on tho 1118.tter , another recovered AA and ~el.! . . . . . . . . . . ... vore most lci.nd and ~ormati ve. "'" asked their a.dT.1.sa

: : ·. .•

exc.,.J.:!.ent~ in­Tbe O!!icials

a.ii to sottiii.g up a compr.rable unit undp.r-our · ovn Stlperrisiou at Piu.s !C!II .Vil.J.A: · ·· They tb.qu!ht; :it an excellent idea and !Said they vou.l.d :b.eJ.p··u.s in· eTerr . .•. , vay possible , eT= J.etting a .. fev rep~seuting ua attend their l eetlu-es

- - .. • •• t coo1d operate independently of lilld meetin~ Uilt.:il ve caught 011 l!Jld ·- - JI" '\,.*• • the.m. J?r.~i,*"1".!!4~ia_.t.he Board that or:ig;!MllJ:.;~~tute<f.:~f', ·-~-~ ·· N~ Mexico c'<T.tiiid.On ;Gd .eo, i..11 in !ine l"el.a.tion.is rlth thui • ... . , .... - . .. . ... -r

. .



"I• ~. ·.

6V1.a Coeli Progra..m

.... At a M• t~g Vi:th


.u...ltbi.siio,P .l)ni . .s, · attend~ 0,- ~. ~:i.zr, F;ither >t.ll.c:a.b7 'llld ··---· -~ __.:-.-·-: .... ""'-:""'" ... ---·-:·.·. llQ'seJ..r'l['~~·<dii~~iiZ,d-\~~ upon these two points ot our progT:a.a tor the

.!uturet . (1) llr'· Salasar "!fishes to t.alc~ those Fathers Under b..i:r charge for psycbo-

logietl <il.!.fielllti•~ a.ft.er a !n: veelc:i oC <::011.Dsal.ling hero. at Vi.a. Coell he

1itill eonduct th ... tllrough a :itruet'llred, u;i.ded pro~t. Pi.113 UI Villa." !or a

J>driod o! rl.x lfeeka or a:>r.. -.. Theao priesU vil.l be ci Tan th• opport=i ty ·to

. "d.o vltelc 4nd supply 1IOrk u.o. 1'11• .lrd4bi:rh.op vill. then inatl"Qet co. ct hi.s : . . . . . . :,·

'reliable ~t.ors to t.&lce th•. 1a ther into re:ridaneis' at his .P=uh for rrc.. tvo r . . ' .

~\le !oe.l t.ba't we ~ .1"9Co_,;~.~e~ prl~ist:t.o . ~. ~~ .... ~ ·.f · ' :f~: ... ~· :~; ·.:.

t.o ' :r:1.x llO!ltlill' or C'O.ll pa.rim da.ti••· . .

hi:i· Ordi!l.U'J" or ~perli.r vi th a uc:h 111ore u:rar:ui:co, and ~o ree~nd. ;a. 1110~ >" ·! ·'; ; • :

nceesst'aJ. kind o:f traa tzaent !or the !ir:it .. year '?-l' :so. · . -~!. : • ; •

(2) Tllen v.u al.so coaplet.a .agn!el!lent !or the osUbli:rtu.e.at of the il ': . ~~:-,/:; .: .ft:. . . . progr:a.a at Pi'u:! XII Villi!.. · · · : ".'. .,.:.r;, · .. , ...

'We"~~~ ~i~·~;-~1~~ '~; t~o .'.,~-~ . ~;~~i~l~i~l~~~;· c~:J~~{~~;f~~~i~i~~;;~:t~:;f;: \ . ' ~·

" ·hthers at Piu::i I.II Villa 'dth iine eoopentioii_ '.rro• the Tlll'.:tuoi:re Lodge .. . ·j ·j .. · .:·~~-~~; : .. :·;.

the S11P9rior, a.nd fr. Barry ·IClllJ',.S•P• • ; · -,' : . \

. - ". -The tllo father:r. :ire: ncnr .baek at'.-.. : ~ .. ·_. .. · .. . ' .

Via Coell !or the coiitin\Wlce ·of ·the lldu~au~ prouaia ~klieli · nn·1~-·. :· · ~t; _;;;:~.':>:· approx:i.Aatel,r 90 day1, Ihe;r vill attend a.n il •eiet1ii11: on ~;rs .i.t. Y~.a· . . " . .

' 4Well., a Vedna:icUy n-ening elo5ed Jlleeting in ilbuquerq11.11 and another el~:s6d

•eet.ing on Fn.cby at TUrq.uoise Lodg11. At. pre,.ent tea priests ~e ac:UTe in


!et. ;another pha.se ot our Paraclata aetiY1 ty i n the canron ia one of p.arwitount

U.porU:m: ir to the n ooth operatl.on that ha3 e harac:ter i ud our vorlt !o-r Ule

past y ear or •oro. This is tho eusto~ of gathering a t the Via Coeli o!fiCll

every evening .after :nlpper of t he heads of t he different Hou:ses plu:1 tho~ei

SERVANTS -6790 vao are head_, of departllcnts such a" the tre a3urer, the Secret



-9- V1a Coeli Pn>graiii

knovledge ~ p;i..st e.xperlcmco and thot like·. lbe::ro 11ototings we regard "" ossanti:i.l

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.'~ . (Fr. Gerald, e.p.)

• T.llB PAnACI.E'TE l'BOGIUM AT YIA COELI - aims at th• rJECLJ'il 11A11 &11d

ALL hi.e' needs.

S .PIRI'.l't1 AL

Co.,.,u~1t::r l1Yillg .

•ol"!lug l!r;i7er

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hoJ.:r holll'


benedicti.oll . ap1ri.tual readilig



aaua i c: U br ar;r

t heolog:r eeotin~e

laziguage elaaaea

A , A. pi-og;-Llll

J!ec OYe17 Orou:p

Dr. Job S1111ar:ar

Albuqllu·qlle H.ll.a

Ja.cobaon ·Jfoyd'l Mc:Cul.lough Mc:CllZ'tb,y

- .. -.. -...... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.· -Plll'SICAL HEAHS

p.b.pical. c:heelt u:p a!ter &niYel ·-- ::···-:: . ' SPORrS , .


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bulte t biil.l • n: ... 1,,g. bik~g •


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J-·- - .. . :~ .:-:. ,~. ·.: :' .... oaz:da coolci.ng,

bingo· - · - - - - • ·· eac.ria.t;_. __ :_~\:...!'·;~= :.":..:.: ":"::.:: - ·--


. . . . . . . . .. . ... . TRIS IS Tl!E EI1STING PROGJUM AT VIA CO£!.I. TllE



07' Tll:ts KSETDIG ( lfedn . ' J llll . 2,5, l.967) IS TO IlLSURE T HE om:rn-r l'OSSIBI.E Cctr'.rIBDITr Dr THE rRE~T .OF GU::ST-PRIESTS P.ASSiliO ~ VIA COS:!.? KOll A.STEBI TO VILLA PIUS ll!, ~.

···- ·- . . . . SERVANTS -6792

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