l3 ap deposition landforms

Post on 20-Jan-2015






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Glacial depositional landforms

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

What does the ice leave behind?

• Lesson objectives1) To understand what glacial

deposition is.2) To look at some of the features of

glacial deposition.

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

• Remember glaciers erode, transport and then deposit material as well.

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?


• Moraine is a French word meaning debris – i.e. it is all the rock debris that a glacier carries down the mountain.

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

You are the smiley face and you drop an orange into the river, mark its path on the picture!

How did that line of moraine get there?

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?


• As we go through each moraine, cut out the correct one and stick it on the sheet as well as making notes next to it!

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

Lateral Moraine

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

Lateral MoraineLateral Moraine

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

1) Lateral Moraine

Lateral moraine is a line of ______ material along the sides of a valley ______.

Lateral moraine consist of rocks and bigger _______ that are angular and are all together.

Glacier Mixed Boulders Deposited  

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

Medial Moraine

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

2) Medial Moraine

• Medial moraine is a ___ of deposited material in the middle of a _____.

• When a smaller (tributary) glacier joins a ____ glacier, the material that was along the ____ of both of the glaciers joins up.

• It is called medial moraine because ‘medial’ means ‘______’!

• main line sides middle glacier

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

Terminal Moraine

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

3) Terminal Moraine

• Terminal moraine is a line of deposited ________ at the end of a _______

• At the end of the glacier the glacier ____ and therefore the material it has been ______ forms a ridge across the glacier, whilst it ________ back up the valley.

• retreats melts pushing material Glacier

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

4. Outwash Plain

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

4. Outwash Plain

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

4. Outwash Plain

• An outwash plain is the piece of land which the water ______ from the ______ flows out over.

• The sediment in the water is ________ in this ____ area to create a delta like formation.

• flat deposited glacier melting

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

Your turn! • Put a title of Glacier Depositional Features • Stick your sheet into your book. • Imagine you are walking across a glacier and

describe what it is like

• E.g. I am slowly climbing over the rocks, there is lots of debris here! This is called the …. Now I’m on the ice and its amazing. I can see…

If you have finished then draw a

picture of your adventure over the ice!

LO: What features are left when the ice melts?

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