l6 global media introduction

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Global Media Introduction – L6

Unit G325: Section B – Critical Perspectives in Media

Wednesday 19th March 2014


Aims & Objectives

• Re-cap Prior learning and TEST knowledge of key terms/theory covered so far.

• Explain what the Key term “Globalisation” means

• Focus on an Institutional Case Study example and refer to Waters (1995) theory of how this institution “occupies the planet”

• Review the learning.


Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of media concepts, contexts and critical debates, using terminology appropriately and (AO1) Apply knowledge and understanding to show how meanings are created when analyzing media products.

YOU MUST write down what the term means and give a case study example/statistic to back up your understanding! YOU COULD give more than one example.


IMPORTANT! Referencing in the Exam in the appropriate manner is going to be CRUCIAL!


What is Anthropomorphising?

Jenkins – (200_) defined convergence as…

the “co-operation between multiple m____ industries” in providing media c_________s with the “kinds of entertainment experiences they want”.





1) Which print media institution wrote the article?

2) What does the headline connote about their attitude towards “we media”

“..the survival of old fashioned mass media / corporate media power” (OCR) – This is something YOU MUST consider in the exam when giving a case study example like this?

Key term: Mediation

How media institutions have control and power over media regulation, consumption and production.

Irvine (2006) on global Digital Media transform

the social World stated…

“modern media simply dissolve time, distance, place and culture that once divided the globe”

Irvine (2006) on global Digital Media transform the social World stated…

“modern media simply dissolve time, distance, place and culture that once divided the globe”



“Facebook falls into a category of websites that China's Communist leaders deem unsuitable for their population.

Others include Twitter and YouTube”.It has 1.2 billion active users globally, 757 million of whom log on daily. Many more than that will have flirted with it over the past decade.

But Facebook remains beyond the reach of one fifth of the world's population - the 1.3 billion people of China.

Robertson (1994) defines the term Globalisation as…

“Both the compression of the world and the intensification of consciousness of the world as a whole”

Yahoo News Digest

Yahoo News Digest Video

Robertson (1994)



7th March 2014

The Secret To Yahoo's Latest News App: One Teenager's Old School Approach

Robertson (1994)

Yahoo News Digest


Leadbetter (2009)

Enter a new kind of authority in telling the news, one focused not so much on scoops and truth, but the limited ability of the human brain to process information. Nick D’Aloisio - the 18-year-old entrepreneur whosold his summarization app to Yahoo in April 2013 for $30 million — most of it cash which went straight into a trust fund. Since then he’s taken his anti-data-glut approach further by revamping Summly and turning it into Digest.

Gillmor (2004)

Jenkins (2006)

Lull (2006)

Barker (2001)

Key Terms

Technological Determinism

Constructionist View

Liberal Pluralism

Web 3.0


Key term: Hyperdermic Syringe theory


Marshall Mcluhan (1960) wrote – actually predicted – that globalisation would come about as a result of society being “increasingly mediated”

Rupert Murdoch – Chairman and CEO

Connotations of this institutional ident?

1) What does this connote?

2) What impact has this had on audience behaviour and consumption of contemporary (modern) media products?

Criticism towards this media giant:

News Corporation “dominates the planet” (Waters – 1995) and is thus an “aggressive global trailblazer” (Blau – 2005)


Globalisation has the power to unite-

- and divide us.

The phone hacking scandal of July 2011

Lord Leveson expresses his concern over the scandal by stating “.. any failure within the media affects all of us”.

Cons of Globalisation

Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism (2004)

You are going to watch some examples from a documentary that openly criticizes one of the media products under the News Corporation umbrella Fox News.

YOU MUST write down some key verbal codes to come from the documentary on the worksheet you have been provided that represent the power and authority to lead (or mislead) society – this is known as Hegemony.

FEEDBACKAre they impartial?

Are they democratic?

Prove what you have learnt:

News Corporation “dominates the planet” (Waters – 1995) and is thus an “aggressive global trailbalzer” (Blau – 2005)

YES OR NO?YOU MUST give examples from your notes and write down whether you AGREE (YES) or DISAGREE (No) with this statement.

EXTENSION – YOU COULD outline some of the pro’s and con’s of Globalisation based on what you’ve learnt today as well.

What have you learnt today?

• Do you know what McLuhan predicted about how we would force changes – Term begins with M?

• Do you know who said that News Corp. is an “aggressive trailblazer” – Begins with B ?

• Do you know what Lord Leveson said about the media?



The media has enabled us to be "part of the experiment as well as conducting it" (Leadbetter - 2009). - Discuss.

DUE: Thursday 20th March

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