la chiesa del santo rosario - holy rosary · regular collection, june 20-21 $ 8,602.00 education of...

Post on 18-Oct-2020






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La Chiesa del Santo Rosario O u r L a d y o f t h e M o s t H o l y R o s a r y C a t h o l i c C h u r c h

The Italian Parish of Indianapolis

B envenuto! Welcome to Holy Rosary

Church! Whether you are a lifelong

parishioner, a first-time visitor to our

parish, or someone in between, we

are grateful you have joined us today.

Founded in 1909 as the Italian Parish of

Indianapolis, we continue to serve as

the parish home of people of Italian

heritage and also embrace all Catholics

in union with Rome, including those

devoted to the Traditional Latin Mass

(Extraordinary Form) and the Anglican

Usage of the Roman Rite.

In the words of our founding pastor,

Msgr. Marino Priori:

“The church is the temple of the

Lord, the gate of heaven. Come after a

week of earthly cares, after so much

toil, after so many sorrows, after so

much pain. Rest your limbs. Regenerate

your spirit at the sources of grace.

Raise your mind to God; thank Him for

the benefits received through His

creation and in daily life; ask for

strength so you can win all of life’s

struggles, and be able to possess the

fruits of redemption.”

Mailing address: 520 Stevens St.

Indianapolis, IN 46203

Telephone number: 317-636-4478

Emergency number: 317-636-4478, ext. 3

E-mail address:




Parish Staff and Leadership:

The Rev. C. Ryan McCarthy, STD ................................. Pastor

Very Rev. Joseph L. Newton, JCL ......... Sacramental Minister

Elizabeth Welch ................................................Music Director

David Walden .............................. Director of Communications

Diane Fricker ......................................Parish Council President

Marcus Shutta .................................. Finance Council President

June 28, 2020

Ordinary Form:

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Extraordinary Form:

4th Sunday after Pentecost

Anglican Use:

3rd Sunday after Trinity


Liturgical schedule for the week

Saturday, June 27, 2020

4:30 p.m. ........ OF ................... Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ......................... Pro populo

Sunday, June 28, 2020 — 9:30 a.m. Mass will be outdoors, weather permitting

8 a.m............... AU .................. Third Sunday after Trinity .......................................... Paulette Gephart

9:30 a.m. ........ OF ................... Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ......................... Fr. Christiaan Kappes

11:30 a.m. ....... EF .................... Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 2 ................................ F. Paul Mitchell

Monday, June 29, 2020 — Confessions after each Mass

7:30 a.m. ........ OF ................... SS. Peter & Paul S ............................. President of U.S. and all government officials

5:45 p.m. ........ EF .................... SS. Peter & Paul 1 ...................................................... Virginia Maher

Tuesday, June 30, 2020 — Confessions after each Mass

7:30 a.m. ........ OF ................... First Martyrs of the Church Opt ......... President of U.S. and all government officials

5:45 p.m. ........ EF .................... Commemoration of St. Paul 3 .................................... Sharon Huehls

Wednesday, July 1, 2020 — Confessions after each Mass

7:30 a.m. ........ OF ................... St. Junipero Serra Opt ........................ President of U.S. and all government officials

Adoration has been canceled this week.

5:45 p.m. ........ EF .................... Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ 1 ....... Sabrina Georges

Thursday, July 2, 2020 — Confessions after each Mass

7:30 a.m. ........ OF ................... Feria ....................................................... Mike & Bridget Kaufman (wedding anniversary)

5:45 p.m. ........ EF .................... Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2 ...................... William “Billy” Cameron

Friday, July 3, 2020 — First Friday — Confessions after each Mass

7:30 a.m. ......... OF ................... St. Thomas, Apostle F ........................ President of U.S. and all government officials

5:45 p.m. ........ EF .................... St. Thomas, Apostle 2 ......................................... Reparation to Sacred Heart of Jesus

Saturday, July 4, 2020 — First Saturday — Confessions after the 10 a.m. Mass

9 a.m. ............. NO MASS

10 a.m. ............ OF ................... Mass of Independence Day Opt .................. Reparation to Immaculate Heart of Mary

4:30 p.m. ........ OF ................... Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ..... Deceased of Mascari & Sansone families

Sunday, July 5, 2020 — 9:30 a.m. Mass will be outdoors, weather permitting

8 a.m............... AU .................. Fourth Sunday after Trinity .................................... Mrs. Lenore Borders Donaldson

9:30 a.m. ........ OF ................... Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ........................ Pro populo

11:30 a.m. ....... EF .................... Fifth Sunday after Pentecost 2 ................................... Joseph Hofmeister

OF: Ordinary Form EF: Extraordinary Form AU: Anglican Use (Ordinariate Form)

1: 1st-class feast 2: 2nd-class feast 3: 3rd-class feast Opt: Optional memorial M: Memorial F: Feast S: Solemnity

At this time, the Archdiocese of Indianapolis is limiting the size of congregations in its churches; therefore, we are re-quiring advance signups for indoor Saturday evening and Sunday Masses. A link to the online signup site will be emailed weekly to those who subscribe to our parish email notification service.

CONFESSIONS: AFTER each weekday and Saturday morning Mass, or by appointment.

RECITATION OF THE ROSARY: English — Saturday at 4:15 p.m.; Sunday at 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.; Spanish — after 11:30 Sunday Mass.

MASS INTENTIONS: The standard stipend for Masses in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis is $10. Requests should indicate whether people are living

or deceased, and must be typed or written legibly. We will attempt to honor requested dates, but cannot guarantee they will be available. We recom-

mend such requests be made at least eight months in advance. Except in the year of an individual’s death, no more than 12 Saturday evening/

Sunday Masses may be requested or offered for the repose of his/her soul in a calendar year. Intentions that cannot be offered here within a year of

reception are, at the pastor’s discretion, subject to being sent to the archdiocesan Mission Office. Make checks payable to Holy Rosary Church.



The parish office will be closed Monday, June 29,

for the Solemnity of SS. Peter & Paul, and again on

Friday, July 3, in anticipation of Independence Day.

Archbishop Thompson has dispensed the faithful

from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass until Aug.


First Friday and First Saturday are this week.

However, due to the Independence Day holiday, we

have canceled our usual monthly Adoration of the

Blessed Sacrament. We expect it to return Aug. 7-8.

Congratulations to Matthew Shewmaker, who

received his First Holy Communion here on Thurs-


Sophia Jane Brandt and Dominic Gerard

Curran were baptized here last Saturday. We con-

gratulate parents Jonathan and Holli Brandt, and Jo-

seph and Michele Curran.

At Sunday Masses, there will be a basket on the

table near the back pews to collect your weekly

donations to the parish. (You can also donate via

our Online Giving portal; please visit https://

Our Online Giving system soon will be up-

graded. Our Sunday Visitor, which provides the ser-

vice, will give it a new website that is fully mobile

responsive, eliminating the need for a separate mo-

bile app. While it will have an all-new look, donors

will have to change very little. Their current IDs will

be replaced by their email addresses, but their pass-

words will remain unchanged. The current website

address will redirect to the new address for several

more months. All who currently have an Online Giv-

ing account will receive a communication with de-

tails about the upgrade and changes.

TAN Books is offering 30 percent off the price of

all their books for Holy Rosary parishioners. Addi-

tionally, 30 percent of all sales from our parish will

be sent back to Holy Rosary as a donation. To take

advantage of this exciting offer, simply go to and use code ROSA46203 to

receive the discount from now until the end of June.

Please pray for our sick and shut-in friends:

Debbie Barry, Brenden Bayer, Pam Berry, John

Caito, JoAnn Calhoun, Verna Carr, Son Hui Chris-

tensen, Sharon Conrad, Nancy Duffy, Annette Dy-

bas, Mike E., Paquita Fallas, Sam Gorsage, Bob

Gossman, Margaret Hanaway, Robert Hanaway, Fr.

John Hollowell, Betty Hrutkay, Matthew Iaria II,

Andra Ignas, Brian Joseph, Josephine Lombardo,

Amy Mauck, Sidia Mora, Tony Navarra, Nathan

Oliver, Lena Peoni, Maria Peterson, Suzie Pietro,

Tammy Raderstorf, Jennifer Rivera, Bert Sansone,

Gus Sansone, Mike Schott, Simeon Scull, John Tho-

mas, Phil Vierneisel, Kay Waterloo, Larry Webber,

Jim Wernsing and Jenifer Zehner.

Anyone with a lung condition that requires the use

of oxygen is invited to a virtual presentation,

“Getting the Most Out of Portable Oxygen to Stay

Active,” on Tuesday, July 21. The discussion will be

led by Susan Jacobs, RN, MS, using the Zoom plat-

form. RSVP to Patty at or

317-339-6503 and the meeting link will be emailed

to you. The event is sponsored by the St. Joseph Par-

ish Health Ministry.

The Veterans Medical Foster Home program

seeks people to provide safe, supportive, long-term

care to veterans in a comfortable home environment.

If you have an extra room in your home and care-

giving experience (formal or informal) you may be

eligible for training. Caregivers provide meals, laun-

dry, transportation, medication management and

other support 24 hours per day, seven days a week.

They generally are paid about $2,500-$3,000 per

month, depending on how much care the veteran re-

quires, by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

To learn more, contact Heather Moss-Baker at 317-



Sunday Collections (includes Online Giving)

Regular collection, June 20-21 $ 8,602.00

Education of Future Priests 25.00

Society of St. Vincent de Paul 1,000.00

Servers Pilgrimage to Rome 515.00

Building and maintenance 200.00

Courtyard renovation 100.00

Additional funds 480.00

Parish operating expenses/week 12,614.08

Collection budgeted/week 9,038.46

Weekly collection deficit (436.46)

Fiscal Year (began July 1, 2019)

Regular/holy day collections $ 474,120.38

Parish operating expenses 643,318.08

Collections budgeted 460,961.46

Total collections surplus 13,158.92

Approximately 30% of the operating budget comes from

Italian Street Festival revenue and other fundraisers.


W hen in the Course of human events it

becomes necessary for one people to

dissolve the political bands which have con-

nected them with another and to assume

among the powers of the earth, the separate

and equal station to which the Laws of Nature

and of Nature’s God entitle them …

So begins the Declaration of Independence. The

fathers of our nation more than 200 years ago de-

cided on a beautiful, bold and dangerous course.

They decided to take responsibility for the govern-

ance of the nation upon their shoulders and the shoul-

ders of those to come after them. It continues.

… We hold these truths to be self-evident, that

all men are created equal, that they are en-

dowed by their Creator with certain unalien-

able Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty

and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure

these rights, Governments are instituted among

Men, deriving their just powers from the con-

sent of the governed …

In reality the power to govern comes through the

people and not from the people. Even the Declaration

of Independence recognizes this when it states that

the rights of men are an endowment to man from


Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of

the world for the rectitude of our intentions,

do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good

People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and

declare, That these united Colonies are, and of

Right ought to be Free and Independent States,

And for the support of this Declaration, with a

firm reliance on the protection of Divine Provi-

dence, we mutually pledge to each other our

Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

We the children and heirs of the founding fathers of

this nation have inherited a great and beautiful gift,

but one that is not without its burdens. They success-

fully claimed for themselves and for us, their heirs,

the right to govern. In so doing, they properly recog-

nized that right as subject to the Judgment of God

and dependent on “Divine Providence.”

We, their heirs, inherit not only those rights but also

those responsibilities. Each one of us, as members of

a democratic republic (and especially those elected

officials), are responsible for all the actions of the

republic. We are each responsible not only to “the

people” but, most importantly, to God. We must

therefore pray to “Divine Providence” that the ac-

tions of our nation might always be according to

God‟s will and that, for the wrong we do as a nation,

the Supreme Judge might be always merciful.

— Fr. C. Ryan McCarthy, pastor

Appunti del Parroco: a Message from the Pastor

Reflections on Independence Day

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Our Lady, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!


I t seems as though the world has gone mad. On

top of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic

shutdown, we experienced riots that left parts of cit-

ies across America in shambles. Some of this vio-

lence in early June came within a half mile or so of

our own beloved parish church, and even led to a car

being torched in the parking lot of nearby St. John

the Evangelist Church.

The riots were offshoots of largely peaceful demon-

strations in the wake of the senseless killing of

George Floyd, an African-American, by a white Min-

neapolis police officer. Protests and charges of

“systemic racism” in America continue, as do acts of

violence and vandalism, including the toppling and

defacing of monuments and statues of historical —

and even religious — figures.

With this backdrop, it is good to hear a voice of

reason from a Catholic leader, Bishop Donald J. Hy-

ing of Madison, Wisc., on what this should mean to

the faithful and how we should react. Here are ex-

tended extracts from his statement on racism, pub-

lished June 11:

“Because of our sinful and fallen human nature, a

flawed, innate tendency in the human psyche often

feels the need to define as „other,‟ some person or

group that is different from us, someone whose hu-

manity or even very existence needs to be dimin-

ished, mocked, excluded, or even eliminated. Think

of Nazism and the Jewish people, the generic

„enemy‟ during any war time, the native peoples of

the Americas, the native peoples of Africa, the un-

born child, or even the child in school who gets bul-

lied and picked on for being different in some way.

In sad, evil, and terrible ways, African Americans

have suffered from this dynamic for centuries; such

racism and exclusion, no matter the identity of the

victim, is radically anti-Christian and stands in dia-

metric opposition to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

“A particular way to view the crucifixion and

death of Jesus Christ is His identification with the

„other‟ and the „outcast.‟ In his trial and condemna-

tion, Jesus becomes the criminal, the rejected one,

the scapegoat, upon whom is cast the hatred, sin,

and evil of humanity. By absorbing this violence,

embracing this exclusion, offering pardon to His

killers, taking upon Himself the entirety of preju-

dice, persecution, injustice, and sin, the Lord heals

all of it in one mighty offering of self to the Father.

By becoming the scapegoat Himself, Jesus provides

the path to end all scapegoating. The arms of the

cross symbolize the mighty embrace of God towards

all of His children. By that embrace, no one is the

„other‟; no one is excluded or cast out. All are in-

vited to embrace a new identity as children of God.

The Church, formed from the Passion, death, and

resurrection of Christ, is born as the reconciled com-

munion of love, unity, and peace to which all people

are invited. Indeed, „Catholic‟ means „universal.‟

Our very name implies a new humanity in which

prejudice, violence, hatred, and racism have no


“The sad history of racism in members of our soci-

ety and our Church points to the challenging truth

that the fullness of the Gospel still has not perme-

ated through our institutions via our individual

hearts. To the extent that violence, disrespect, preju-

dice, and exclusion of any kind still afflict us, to that

degree we still require conversion. This current mo-

ment of protest will only bear lasting fruit if it is

radically grounded in a vision of human dignity and

nurtured by a spirit of reconciliation. To forgive and

to seek forgiveness, in a spirit of love and prayer,

will begin to heal our society and communities of

the fear, prejudice, and hatred that still divide us,

conflict us, and violate us. Imprisoned in Auschwitz,

Saint Maximilian Kolbe urged his fellow prisoners

to love and forgive the Nazis. „If we do not, we are

no better than they.‟”

The bishop then adds that forgiveness and tolerance

aren‟t enough. Rather, we need to build a “culture of

life, unity, love, justice, and peace” that relies on the

principles of Catholic social teaching. He continues:

“Most of our national Founders were deists; while

not necessarily practicing Christians, they acknowl-

edged the existence of God as a benevolent Provi-

dence from whom flowed the dignity of the human

person and the inalienable rights of „life, liberty, and

the pursuit of happiness.‟ This shared conviction

that God created the universe and invites humanity

to order its affairs in a revealed morality is sorely

lacking today. Tolerance and good will are thin fare

to hold together a society which so absolutizes indi-

vidual autonomy at the expense of the common

good, and in many ways, has pushed religious val-

ues out of the public square. We sorely lack a com-

mon moral language even to discuss ethical issues.”

Bishop Hying then writes of personal experiences

standing with “suffering brothers and sisters” at

places as diverse as a “tough neighborhood” in Gary,

Ind., and slums in Haiti. He also condemns the vio-

Continued on page 7

The arms of the Cross embrace all of God’s children

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This week’s offerings of interest from the Internet:

Seattle, Columbus and historical fictions


Three titles added to the Litany of Loreto


This chocolate candy was inspired by the Blessed Virgin Mary

Colts‟ quarterback explains why „nunc coepi‟ is a helpful family motto

America‟s Catholic founding father

Thomas Jefferson‟s daughter wanted to become a nun


Mob mentality lessons from Charles Dickens for today‟s cities

You can take a virtual pilgrimage hike along the Camino de Santiago

— Find links to these articles and more on the parish Facebook page, —

Views and opinions expressed in the linked articles are strictly the authors’ and do not necessarily reflect those of the pastor and staff of Holy Rosary Church, Archbishop Charles C. Thompson or anyone else connected to the Archdiocese of Indianapolis.

Registration for Family Formation classes and the

sacraments of First Communion and Confirmation is

underway. The deadline to enroll is July 1. Many vol-

unteers also are needed for the program to succeed.

Registration forms may be downloaded at http://


Registrations postmarked or hand-delivered after

July 1 will incur a $20 late fee.

The Family Formation registration includes all who

want to participate in:

Little Lambs (ages 3-4);

K-6 religious education classes;

First Penance/First Holy Communion (as part of

the 2nd grade Family Formation program);

Confirmation (ages 13-18).

Mail registration forms to the parish office or place

them in the collection basket in an envelope marked

“Family Formation Registration.” Include your regis-

tration fee and, if you have a child in First Commun-

ion class, a copy of the baptismal certificate. If you

have a child in Confirmation class, you must ask

the child‟s church of baptism to send our parish a

newly issued baptismal certificate. You can learn more about Family Formation at

Deadline July 1 to enroll for 1st Communion, Confirmation, religious ed



This week, the candles on either

side of our high altar burn for:

+Deceased of Wagner family

+Deceased of Waterloo family

To have the deceased remembered for a week,

send $5 and his or her name to the parish office.

No more than 12 candles may be requested per

calendar year by any family or person.




Weddings can be scheduled only after meeting with

the pastor at least six months in advance of the cere-



Please contact Sally Kaufman at the parish office or to schedule baptisms and

required baptismal instruction.

Joining the parish:

Parish Registration Forms can be found in the rotating

rack in the vestibule. They also are available online at; click on the “Join the Parish” link

at the bottom of the page. Completed forms can be

placed in the collection basket or mailed to the office.

Electronic donations:

Online Giving, a convenient way

to donate electronically, makes it

easy for you to fulfill your finan-

cial commitments to the parish even when you are

unable to attend Mass. You do not need to write a

check or have cash available at church. Giving elec-

tronically also helps the parish staff budget more ef-

fectively. You can make one-time or ongoing contri-

butions, the timing and amount of which can be

changed at any time. Learn more by visiting holy- and clicking on the “Online Giving”

icon. Apps are available for your phone; go to OL- and register with the parish.


Lumen Christi Catholic School (PreK-12) 317-632-3174

580 Stevens St., Indianapolis, IN 46203

Catholic Schoolhouse South Indy 317-201-5815

717 S. East St., Indianapolis, IN 46203

Lumen Christi and Catholic Schoolhouse are independent academic institu-

tions which use facilities on our parish campus. Lumen Christi is recognized as a private Catholic school by the Archdiocese of Indianapolis; it has a special

complementary relationship with the parish offering opportunities for shared

support and enrichment, including discounted tuition for our parishioners.

Central Catholic School 317-783-7759

1155 E. Cameron St., Indianapolis, IN 46203

Roncalli High School 317-787-8277

3300 Prague Road, Indianapolis, IN 46227

Central Catholic and Roncalli are the officially designated archdiocesan

schools supported by Holy Rosary Parish.

lence and lawlessness we are witnessing in the

streets today. And then he discusses practical, re-

sponsible steps for the faithful to take:

“What does this moment of protest and challenge

ask of us as Christians? Certainly to pray for

peace, justice, and reconciliation, for an end to

violence and its causes. To fast and do penance for

healing and forgiveness in the world. To study the

Scriptures and the teachings of the Church where

we will discover God‟s desire for us as a nation

and a people. To take actions of mercy, forgive-

ness, service, and healing as best we can. To vol-

unteer for service to marginalized and suffering

people. To pray for our government leaders, health

care workers, the police, the victims of injustice

and violence, and all those who are suffering in

any way right now. To examine our own hearts

and ask the Lord to eradicate any prejudice, ha-

tred, fear, or lack of forgiveness. To proclaim fear-

lessly Jesus Christ as the source and model of

mercy and justice.”

His entire letter is worth reading. Find it online at


— David Walden, director of communications

Bishop Hying Continued from Page 5

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5120 Shelbyville Road corner of Shelbyville Rd & Emerson Ave 1 mi. south of I-465 Emerson Ave exit

Open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays 8 a.m. to noon.

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