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  • lan68a6a&Cin

    (The Hellenistic World)

  • 1 2 2 HI 353

  • HI 353 1 2 3

  • 1 2 4 HI 353

  • HI 353 1 2 5

  • ’ Edward Hewitt, Ancient and Medieval History (New York : Self-Taught Publication Inc. 196.2) pp. 43-45

    ’ Ludwig F. Schaeffet, Daniel P. Resnick et. al., The shaping of Western Civilization P.121

    3 Sir William Tarn. Alesander the Great (New York Cambridge University Press, 1948) p.p 145- 147

    1 2 6 HI 353

  • HI 353 1 2 7

  • 1 2 8 HI 353

  • HI 353 1 2 9

  • 1 3 0 HI 353

  • HI 353 1 3 1

  • 1 3 2 H I 3 5 3

  • HI 353 1 3 3

  • 1 3 4 HI 353

  • HI 353 1 3 5

  • ’ Edward Mcnall Burns. Western Civilizations (New York; W.W. Norton 8 Company, Inc., 19631 P.P. 191-203

    1 3 6 HI 353

  • HI 353 1 3 7

  • 1gslun-~~uarwur~urn’lnau J.B. Bun/, and others, The Hellenistic Age INew York, 19231 be Max Car/, The Legacy

    Of Alexander : A History of the Greek World from 323 to 146 B.C.. New York 1932

    1 3 8 HI 353

  • HI 353 1 3 9

  • Botstord, Ceorge Willis, A Source-Book of Ancient History New York, 1912

    Bowra, C.M., Classical Greece Time-Life Books, 1976

    Brandon S.G.F. Milestone of History New York : Newsweek Books. 1973

    Brinton, Crane Ideas and men : The Story of Western Thought New Jersey Prentice-Hall,

    Inc. Englewood Cliffs, 1950

    Bienton and Others, A History of Civilization Volume One New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, INC.


    Bienton Crane and Others Civilization in the West New Jersey : Prentice- Hall, Englewood

    Cliffs, 1904

    Bury, J.B. A History of Greece to the Death of Alexander the Great London : Mcmillan and

    Co.,Ltd., 1959

    Burgh, W.G. deThe Legacy of teh Ancient World Penguin Books. 1967

    Burn, Edward Mcnall Western Civilization New York : W.W. Norton & Company, 1963

    Colby, Frank Moore. Outline of General History New York : American Book Company, 1900

    Compton’s Encyclopaedia, Volume 10 Chicago : F.E. Compton Co. 1970

    Cowell, F.R. Cieero and Roman Republic Great Britain C. Nichols & Company, 1967

    Dunan, Marcel Larousse Encyclopaedia of Ancient and Mediwal History New York Hamlyn,


    Durant, Will The Life of Greece New York : Scion and Schuster, 1939

    Easton, Stewart C. The Western Heritage New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston Inc. 1966

    Finley, M.I. /he Ancient Greeks Viking Press, 1963

    Gracia, Sebastian de Of Time Work and Leisure. Twentieth Century Fund, 1962

    Glotz, G. The Greek City and Its Institution London : Routledge & Ragan Paul Ltd.,1969’

    Hammond, N.G.L. A History of Greece to 332 B.C. Oxford The Clarendon Press, 1959

    Hamilton, Edith Early Greek Views on Creation London : Routledge & Kagan Paul Ltd., 1969

    Hawe, George and Harrer G.S. Greeks Litirature in Translation New York : Harper and Brothers,


    Langer William, Ed. Western Civilization, Paleolithic Man to the Emergence of European

    Power New York : Harper and Rowe, 1966

    Linton, Adelin The Tree of Culture New York : Vintaae Books A division of Random House

    Livingstone Sir Richard The Legacy of Greece London : Oxford University Press, 1969

    Kitto K.D.F. The Greeks London : Penguie Books Ltd., 1951

    Robinson, Cyril E. History of Greece New York : thomas Y. Crowell Company 1965

    1 4 0 HI 353

  • Schaefer, Ludwig F. and Others The Shaping of Western Civilization New York : Holt, Rine-

    chart and Winston Inc. i970

    Smith, Morton The Ancient GreeksIthaca, 1960

    Stars, Chester G. The Origin of Greek Civilization New York : Knopt, 1961

    Tarn, Sir William Alexander the Great New York : Cambridge University Press 1948

    Tucker, T.G. Life in the Ancient Athens London Mcmillan, 1927

    Winspear, Alban Dewes The Genesis of Plato and Thought New York : S.A. Russel, 1946

    Simmern, Allred The Greek Commonwealth, Civilization in the West New York : Random

    House, 1963

    HI 353 1 4 1

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