land and water development - · b o s h e l l ,...

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Selected literature 1975

Prepared by the Library

of the Staring Building



Bibliography 12



1 and



Bibliography announces recently published books, articles, and reports on

and water development and related subjects, with special references to

cation in developing countries.

The Bibliography does not represent a complete review of all recently issued

literature. It is a selection made from the acquisitions of the Library of the

Staring Building, which serves, in addition to ILRI, the Dutch Institute for

Land and Water Management Research, the Netherlands Soil Survey Institute, and

several other Government services.

The literature mentioned is available on loan to persons with home addresses in

The Netherlands. Those living outside The Netherlands may call upon the Library

of the Institute for photoprints of shorter articles, which they require for

the purposes of research or private study. The charge per page, including sur-

face mail amounts to U . S . $ 0.20.




Hydro logy



Soil science


Land reclamation

Soil and water conservation. Erosion



Plant physiology














H A R R O L D , T.W., C . A . N I C H O L A S S and C.G. C O L L I E R / The measurement of heavy rainfall over small catchments using radar. Hydrological Sciences Bulletin %(1975)1:69-76. 2 1it.refs.

R A W L S , W.,T., D.C. R O B E R T S O N , J.F. Z U Z E L , etal.1 Comparison of precipitation gage catches with a modified alter and a rigid alter type windshield. Water Resources Research K(1975)3:415-417. 6 1it.refs.

E G B U N I W E , N. / Generation of hourly rainfall. Water Resources Bulletin fl(1975)4:706-713. 8 1it.refs. In relation with Stanford watershed model.

S H E A R M A N , R. J. and P. M. S A L T E R / An objective rainfall interpolation and mapping technique. Hydrological Sciences Bulletin 20(1975)3:353-363. 9 1it.refs.

S I N G H , V. P. and Y. K. R I R S O Y Comparison of the methods of estimating mean areal rainfall. Nordic Hydrology 5(1975)4:222-241. 29 1it.refs.

S N Y D E R , W. M. / Continuous seasonal probability of extreme rainfall events. Hydrological Sciences Bulletin %(1975)2:275-283. 7 1it.refs.

Z Y K O V , N. A. / Design and results of comparative tests of a rainfall recorder operating for a week (WRR). Soviet Hydrology (1973)5:500-503.

S I E K E R , F. / Verfahren zur Ermittlung eines "Berechnungsregens" mit Örtlich ungleichmässiger Verteilung. Wasserwirtschaft 65(1975)11:293-296. 5 1it.refs.

P I N K A Y A N , S . and T . K E T R A T A N A B O R V O R N / Measurement and analysis of very short duration rainfall. Hydrological Sciences Bulletin g(1975)1:87-91. 4 1it.refs.

F E L G A T E , D. G. and D. G. R E A D / Correlation analysis of the cellular structure of storms observed by raingauges. Journal of Hydrology - 24(1975)3/4:191-200. 22 1it.refs.

S P A H N , I. / Precipitation conditions resulting in flash floods as rela- ted to the frequency distribution of interdiurnal variations of the speci- fic runoff in minor catchment areas unaffected by man. Hydrological Sciences Bulletin 0(1975)1:93-99. 3 1it.refs. East Germany.

H E R S H F I E L D , D. M. / Some small-scale characteristics of extreme storm rainfalls in small basins. Hydrological Sciences Bulletin %(1975)1:77-85. 3 1it.refs. USA


S T O L , P. T . / On the decomposition of the extreme value distribution of daily rainfall depths and the derivation of probabilities of compound events. Reprint from: Journal of Hydrology ~(1971):181-196. 2 1it.refs. Wageningen, Institute for Land and Water Management Research, Technical Bulletin 76. 3211 1 1 (76)

J A C K S O N , I. J. / Relationships between rainfall parameters and inter- ception by tropical forest. Journal of Hydrology 6(1975)3/4:215-238. 25 1it.refs.

R U T T E R , A . J . , A. J. M O R T O N and P.C. R O B I N S / Apredic- tive model of rainfall interception in forests. I. Derivation of the model from observations in a plantation of Corsican pine. tion of the model and comparison with observations in some coniferous and hardwood stands. Reprint from: Agricultural Meteorology 2(1971/1972:367-384. 18 1it.refs. Journal Applied Ecology c(1975):367-380. S553 1

11. Generaliza-

D I S T R I B U T I O N of precipitation in mountainous areas. / La distribution des précipitations dans les régions montagneuses. Geilo Symposium, Norway 31 July - 5 August 1972. Volume I. Proceedings and key-papers presented during the session. Geneva, World Meteorological Organization, 1973. 228 pp. Lit.refs. with the chapters. WMO/OMN No.326. 21/93

W A R D , R . C. / Measuring evapotranspiration. A review. Journal of Hydrology g(1971)1:1-21. 102 1it.refs.

S A S T R Y , P . S.N. and N. V. K. C H A K R A V A R T Y / Estimation of evapotranspiration for water balance studies in a semi-arid region. Indian Journal of Power and River Development g(1975)9:288-290. IO 1it.refs.

P E R R I E R , A. / Etude physique de l'évapotranspiration dans les condi- tions naturelles. tion réelle d'une surface "mince". Annales Agronomiques 26(1975)2:105-123. 10 lit.refs.

11. Expressions et paramètres donnant l'évapotranspira-

B A L A C H A N D R A N , G., T.E. U N N Y and S.I. S O L O M O N / Potential evaporation as an unsteady process. Journal of Hydrology 6(1975)3/4:291-301. 20 1it.refs.

H A G E , K. D. / Averaging errors in monthly evaporation estimates. Water Resources Research c(1975)2:359-361. 6 1it.refs.

E L - S H A F E I , Y. Z. / Evaporation of water from homogeneous and stra- tified soils in the absence of water table. Practical aspects. Zeitschrift fÜr Kulturtechnik und Flurbereinigung (1974)5:306-317. 7 1it.refs.

H I L L E L , D. / Simulation of evaporation from bare soils under steady and diurnally fluctuating evaporativity. Soil Science - 120(1975)3:230-237. 16 1it.refs.


D I L L E Y , A. C. 1 An energy partition evaporation recorder. Melbourne, Comnonwealth Scientific and Industr. Research Orgahization, Australia, 1974. 25 pp. 15 1it.refs. Division of Atmospheric Physics Technical Paper No.24. 21 / I 26(24)

G U P T A , V. K. and L. D U C K S T E I N 1 A stochastic analysis of extreme droughts. Water Resources Research fi(l975)2:221-228. 19 1it.refs.

C O R N I A , R. L. and L. O. P O C H O P 1 Principal components and crop weather analysis. Transactions of the ASAE 18(1975)2:335-339. 19 1it.refs.

O W O N U B I , J.J., E.T. K A N E M A S U and W.L. P O W E R S 1 The micro-climate of narrow- and wide-row sorghum with equal plant densities. Agricultural Meteorology ~(1975)1:61-69.

M I L L E R , D.R., N.J. R O S E N B E R G and W.T. B A G L E Y 1 Wind reduction by a highly permeable tree shelter-belt. Agricultural Meteorology 1(1975)3:321-333. 15 1it.refs.

R e g i o n a l

D R O U G H T in the Sahel. African Environment 1(1975)2:3-125. Bibliography: pp.97-116.

R L O C H , H. / Niederschlags-Defizite und die Notwendigkeit der Grund- wasser-Erschliessung in der Sahel-Zone. ICID-Nachrichten (1975)2:5-6. 2 maps. 7 1it.refs. In: Wasser und Boden 27 (1975)4 West-Africa -

D O R I Z E , L. 1 L'oscillation pluviométrique rhcente sur le bassin du lac Tchad et la circulation atmosphérique générale. Revue de Géographie Physique et de Géologie Dynamique *(1974)4:393-419. 5 maps. Bibliography: pp.418-419. Central-Africa

A Y O A D E , J. O. / A statistical analysis of rainfall over Nigeria. Journal of Tropical Geography ~(1974)Dec.:11-23. 7 maps. 1 1 1it.refs.

J O N E S , M. E. 1 The East African rainfall project. Reprint from Repr.vol. Part 11. International Tropical Meteorology Meeting, Jan.31-Febr.7, 1974. Nairobi, Kenya. Published by Amer.Meteor.Soc., Boston, Mass. pp.122-125. 7 1it.refs. S 7288

H U T C H I N S O N , P. ! New sunshine maps for Zambia. Journal of Tropical Geography g(1975):32-39. 2 1it.refs.

P A R T H A S A R A T H Y , B. and O. N . D E A R 1 Trend analysis of annual Indian rainfall. Hydrological Sciences Bulletin 20(1975)2:257-260. 7 1it.refs.


K R I S H N A N , A. and R. S . K U S H W A H A / Comparison of Gumbel and Jenkinson's methods of estimating probable maximum rainfall intensities over India for different return periods. Irrigation and Power %(1975)2:223-234. 6 1it.refs.

D H A R , O . N . , A . K . K U L K A R N I and R.B. S A N G A N Astudy of extreme point rainfall over flash flood prone regions of the Himalayan foothills of North India. Hydrological Sciences Bulletin 0 ( 1 9 7 5 ) 1 : 6 1 - 6 7 . Himachal Pradesh

10 1it.refs.

D H A R , O. N . and B . K. B H A T T A C H A R Y A / Time distribution of intense rainfall associated with depressions/cyclonic storms over north Indian plains. Indian Journal of Power & River Valley Development 25(1975)6:192-195. 8 1it.refs.

T R I C A R T , J. 1 Existence de periodes sèches au Quaternaire en Amazone et dans les regions voisines. Revue de Géomorphologie Dynamique 2 ( 1 9 7 4 ) 4 : 1 4 5 - 1 5 8 . Brasil and Columbia

9 lit-refs. Map.

B O S H E L L , F. and R. E. N E I L D / A computer-statistical procedure to determine agro-climatic analogues for tea production in Colombia. Agricultural Meteorology 15(1975)2:221-230. 17 1it.refs.



H J E L M F E L T , Jr., A. T. and J. J. C A S S I D Y / Hydrology for engineers and planners. hes, Iowa State University Press, 1975. 210 pp. Lit.refs. with the chapters.

B A U M A N N , H., U. S C H E N D E L and G. M A N N 1 Wasserwirtschaft in Stichworten. Wasserhaushalt und seine Regelung. Kiel, Verl.F.Hirt, 1974. 204 pp. Lit.refs. with the chapters. 281 150

T E X T B O O K S on hydrology. Vol.11: Analyses of selected textbooks. A contribution to the International Hydrological Decade. Paris, UNESCO, 1974. 223 pp. Technical papers in hydrology 6/11. 2 2 / 4 5 0 ( 6 / I I )

of mathematical models in hydrology and water resources systems Symposium. / Application des modèles mathématiques 2 l'hydrologie et aux systèmes de ressources en eau. Proceedings of the Bratislava Symposium, September 1975. International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 1975. 283 pp. Lit.refs. with the papers. IAHS-AISH Publication No.115.


2211 ( 1 15)


S C H U M A C H E R , M. 1 Ein Datenbanksystem fÜr gewässerkundliche Daten. Deutsche Gewässerkundliche Mitteilungen 19(1975)4:93-99. 14 1it.refs.

O G I N K , H. J. M. 1 Determination of an effective sampling interval for hydrologic time-series. Budapest, Research Institute for Water Resources Development. 1974. 100 pp. 26 1it.refs. Publications in foreign languages IO. 221604 ( 1 O)

M c C U E N , R. H. and W. M. S N Y D E R 1 A proposed index for comparing hydrographs. Water Resources Research 11(1975)6:1021-1024. 8 1it.refs.

K A L I N I N , G. P. and R . K. K L I G E 1 Level of closed bodies of water as one of the criteria of global water exchange. Soviet Hydrology (1973)6:534-538. 7 1it.refs.

B A T Y , M. F. 1 The terassperc - a proposed SI unit for the frequency of recurrence of a hydrological event. Hydrological Sciences Bulletin =(1975)1:47-50. 6 1it.refs.

R A G A N , R . M., M . J. R O O T and J. F. M I L L E R 1 Dimensionless inlet hydrograph model. Journal of the Hydraulics Division ~(1975)9:1185-1195. I 1 1it.refs.

S H A H A N E , A. N., D. T H O M A S and P. B O C K 1 Role of synthetic time series in hydrometeorological data analysis. Water Resources Bulletin 2(1975)4:770-782. 12 lit.refs.

T A V A R E S , L. V. 1 Continuous hydrological time-series discretization. Journal of Hydraulics Division E(1975)1:49-63. Proc.Paper 11063

3 1it.refs.

L E W I N G E R , K.L., D.P. L O U C K S and E . A . M c B E A N 1 Data reduction methods for hydrologic analyses. Journal of Hydraulics Division =(1975)1:17-27. 6 1it.refs. Proc.Paper 11053

P A P A Z A F I R I O U , Z. G. 1 Polynomial approximation of the kernels of closed linear hydrologic systems. Journal of Hydrology - 27(1975)3/4:319-329. 10 1it.refs.

C L A R K E , R. T. 1 The use of term "linearity" as applied to hydrological models. Journal of Hydrology 2(1971)1:91-95. I O 1it.refs.

K A R A D I , G. M. 1 Neuere Methoden für die Analyse hydrologischer Systeme. Mitteilungen Versuchsanstalt fÜr Wasserbau und Kulturtechnik Theodor Rehbock-Flussbaulaboratorium. Heft 162:301-332. 321 I83( 162) Several types of hydrological models.

S I E G E R T , E. and H. S C H R u D T E R 1 Erfahrungen mit dem Wasser- bilanzschreiber nach Klausing. Deutsche Gewässerkundliche Mitteilungen - 19(1975)6:167-171. 8 1it.refs.


R O C H A T , J., J. A L A R Y , J . M O L I N A R 1 ,etal. /Séparations physiochimiques de colorants xanthéniques utilisés comme traceurs en hydrologie. Journal of Hydrology 6(1975)3/4:277-293.

A S K E W , A. J. / Use of risk premiums in chance-constrained dynamic programming. Water Resources Research 11(1975)6:862-866, 4 1it.refs.

F I L G R I N , D. H. and I. C O R D E R Y / Rainfall temporal patterns for design floods. Journal of Hydraulics Division 101(1975)1:81-95. Proc.Paper 11057

38 1it.refs.

T O R E L L I , L. / C E : a method for solving probability problems related to hydrologic time series. Water Resources Research ~(1974)6:1113-1122. 4 1it.refs.

D I S K I N , M. H. and A. B O N E H / Determination of an optimal IUH for linear, time invariant systems from multi-storm records. Journal of Hydrology 6(1975)1/2:57-76. IUH=Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph

22 1it.refs.

2 B E L K E , D. 1 Der X -Anpassungstest zur Auswahl von Verteilungsfunktionen fÜr hydrologische Variable. Wasser und Boden =(1975)12:318-321. 6 1it.refs.

D U R O , J.O., H.N. H O L T A N and R.L. G R E E N Synthesisof hydrograph recessions adjusted for evapotranspiration losses. Transactions of the ASAE 17(1974)5:922-926. 16 1it.refs.

W A L L I S , J. R. and E. T O D I N I / Comment upon the residual mass curve coefficient. Journal of Hydrology 2 (1975)3/4:201-205. 8 1it.refs.

V I C E N S , G . J . , 1 . R O D R I G U E Z - I T U R B E and J . C . S C H A A K E A Bayesian framework for the use of regional information in hydrology. Water Resources Research c(1975)3:405-414. 8 1it.refs.

A L E X A N D E R , G . and K. A C H U T H A N 1 Time parameters in hydrology. Irrigation and Power 2(1974)4:513-516. 14 1it.refs.

M u L L E R , P . H., W. T R A U and H. V A H L / Im Ursprung begrenzte Verteilungsfunktionen. Wasserwirtschaft 65(1975)11:296-301. 14 1it.refs.

M O R E L - S E Y T O U X , H. J. / A combined model of water table and river stage evolution. Water Resources Research 11(1975)6:968-972. 29 1it.refs.

B A B U R A O , T . , G . R A N G A N N A and I . V . N A Y A K 1 Howmuch precipitation goes to infiltration during a storm period? Nordic Hydrology - 6(1975)2:93-113. 15 1it.refs.

E N G L A N D , C . B . 1 Root depth as a sensitive parameter in a deterministic hydrologic model. Water Resources Bulletin fi(1975)5:1046-1051. 14 1it.refs.

M A K K I N K , G. F . and H. D. J. van H E E M S T 1 Simulation of the water balance of arable land and pastures. Wageningen, Centre for Agricultural Publishing and Documentation, 1975. 79 pp. 38 1it.refs. Simulation Monographs 321286 (5)

P L A T E , E. J. 1 Auswirkung der Urbanisierung auf den Wasserhaushalt. Wasserwirtschaft 5(1976)1/2:7-14. 17 1it.refs.

L I , R. M . , D. B . S I M O N S and M. A. S T E V E N S 1 Nonlinear kine- matic wave approximation for water routing. Water Resources Research 11_(1975)2:245-252. 16 1it.refs.

V E E N , C. van der 1 The usefulness of water quality standards. H O 9(1975)1:2-6. 6 1it.refs. 2 -

B R U T S A E R T , W. F . 1 Water quality modeling by Monte Carlo simulation. Water Resources Bulletin fi(1975)2:229-236. 4 1it.refs.

S H I H , C. S . / Stochastic water quality control by simulation. Water Resources Bulletin 11_(1975)2:256-266. 1 1 1it.refs.

M O R E L - S E Y T O U X , H. J. and C . J. D A L Y 1 A discrete kernel generator for stream-aquifer studies. Water Resources Research 11 (1975)2:253-260. 22 1it.refs.

L I Z C A N O , J.J., K . P . R A D H A K R I S H N A N , L.T. F A N , et al. 1 Identification of parameters in transient water quality models from stochastic data. Water, Air and Soil Pollution - 3(1974)3:261-278. 19 1it.refs.

A R B A B I , M. and J. E L Z I N G A 1 A general linear approach to stream water quality modeling. Water Resources Research fi(1975)2:191-196. 14 1it.refs.

J A M E S , D. H . and G. F . L E E 1 A model of inorganic carbon limitation in natural waters. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 3(1974)3:315-320. 7 1it.refs.

M I L L E R , G. E. 1 An inexpensive automatic water sampler. Specifications and plans. Agricultural Research Service, U.S.Dept.of Agriculture, 1975. 14 pp. ARS-S-50. S 7316

U S S A R , M. 1 Zusammenhänge zwischen Luft- und Wasserverunreinigung. osterreichische Wasserwirtschaft ~(1975)1/2:10-14.

1 1

J O R D E N I N G , D. L. 1 Estimating water quality benefits. Washington, Office of Research and Monitoring. U.S.Environmenta1 Protection Agency. 1974. 82 pp. 131 1it.refs. EPA-60015-74-014 32/263( 14b)

S L A D E C E K , V. 1 System of water quality from the biological point of view. Stuttgart, E.Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1973. 218 pp. Bibliography: pp.114-137. Archiv fÜr Hydrobiologie, Beiheft 7: Ergebnisse der Limnologie, Heft 7. 1911 13

R E S E A R C H needs in water quality criteria 1972. Washington, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, 1973. 64 pp. Bibliography: pp.59-62. 191156

C O N T R I B U T I O N to scientific hydrology made in 1000 A.D. by the Iranian mathematician M.H.Karaji. Presented by Iranian Delegates to the Tercentenary of Scientific Hydrology Celebration jointly convened by UNESCO, WMO and IASH 9-12 September, 1974, Paris. 18 pp. 3 1it.refs. 221609

R e g i o n a l

H U N G A R Y and the International Hydrological Decade. Edited by: U.STAROSOLSZKY. Budapest, National Water Authority of the Hungarian People's Republic, 1974. 279 pp. Lit.refs. with the chapters. 221608

F E R N A N D O P U L L E , D., R. H E R A S R O D R I G U E S and J. S A E N Z O I Z A 1 Water resources of volcanic islands. A pilot project in the Canaries. Nature and resources fi(1975)1:8-12.

W A T E R quality research in Israel. Editors: A.M.WACHS, H.T.SHUVAL and G . SHELEF . Jerusalem, Prime Minister's Office, National Council for Research and Development, 1972. 107 pp. Special prepared for the 6th International Conference on Water Pollution Research, 19-24 June 1972, Jerusalem. 191155

B E D I E N T , P.B., W.C. H U B E R and J.P. H E A N E Y 1 Applica- tion of a hydrological model for land use planning in Florida. Water Resources Bulletin "(1975)3:469-482. Upper St.Johns River Basin, Florida, USA

15 1it.refs.

S U A R E Z , J. 1 A centre for hydraulic and applied hydrological research in Argentina. Nature and Resources 1 1 (1975) : 13-1 7. -

P R O G R E S S in Australian hydrology 1965-1974. Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1974. 103 pp. Lit.refs. with the papers. Australian National Commission for UNESCO. 221439


H A R T , B. T. / A compilation of Australian water quality criteria. Canberra, Australian Government Publishing Service, 1974, 350 pp. Bibliography: pp.301-349. Glossary of technical terms. Australian Water Resources Council, Technical Paper No.7. Research Project No.71136. 32/298(7)


R E E D , D.W., P. J O H N S O N and J.M. F I R T H 1 Anon-linear rainfall-runoff model, providing for variable lag time. Journal of Hydrology 5(1975)3/4:295-305. 9 1it.refs.

S I N G H , V. P . / Derivation of surface water lag time for converging overland flow. Water Resources Bulletin 11(1975)3:505-513. 5 1it.refs.

S N Y D E R , W. M . and W. G. K N I S E L , Jr. / Why should we predict runoff for ungaged drainage areas? Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 2(1974)5:229-232. 4 1it.refs.

V O D O G R E T S K I Y , V.Ye., E . A . Z A Y T S E V A and L.V. Y E F I M O V A / agricultural and forest improvement practices. Soviet Hydrology (1973)5:421-44. 15 1it.refs.

Slope runoff and its change under the effect of

M c G U I N E S S , J . L. and W. A. E D W A R D S / A watershed soils index of runoff potential. Journal Soil and Water Conservation 30(1975)4:184-186. 7 1it.refs.

H A W K I N S , R. H. / The importance of accurate curve numbers in the estimation of storm runoff. Water Resources Bulletin 11(1975)5:887-891. 3 1it.refs.

S I N G H , V. P. / Hybrid formulation of kinematic wave models of watershed runoff. Journal of Hydrology z(1975)1/2:33-50. 14 1it.refs.

C A R E Y , D. I. and C. T. H A A N / Using parametric models of runoff to improve parameter estimates for stochastic models. Water Resources Research 2(1975)6:874-878. 9 1it.refs.

C H I A N G , S I E L I N G / A runoff potential rating table for soils. Journal of Hydrology fi(1971)1:54-62. 7 1it.refs.

G A B R I E L S , D., R. and M. de B O O D T / S o i l splash and runoff from untreated and chemically treated silt loam aggregates. Med.Fac.Landbouwwetenschappen R.U. Gent - 39(1974)3:1471-1477. 7 1it.refs.

S W A R T Z E N D R U B E R , D. and D. H I L L E L / Infiltration and runoff for small field plots under constant intensity rainfall. Water Resources Research 11(.1975)3:445-451. 8 1it.refs. -

B L A N C H A R D , B.J., J.W. R O U S E Jr.,andT.J. S C H M U G G E / Classifying storm runoff potential with passive microwave measurements. Water Resources Bulletin fl(1975)5:892-907. 23 1it.refs. Remote sensing.


S I N G H , V. P. 1 A laboratory investigation of surface runoff. Journal of Hydrology ~(1975)3/4:187-200. 19 1it.refs.

D I S K I N , M . H. , A. R O N E H , and A. G O L A N 1 On the impos- sibility of a partial mass violation in surface runoff systems. Water Resources Research lJ(1975)2:236-244. 9 1it.refs.

W A T T , W. E. and C. H. R . K I D D 1 QUURM - a realistic urban runoff model. Journal of Hydrology 27(1975)3/4:225-235. 10 1it.refs.

K L A A S S E N , G. J . and J. J . van der Z W A A R D 1 Roughness coefficients of vegetated flood plains. Reprint from: Journal of Hydraulic Research E(1974)1:21 pp. Delft, Hydraulics Laboratory, 1974. Publication No.130. 251 160( 130)

7 1it.refs.

G H O S H , A. K. 1 Labelling of stream nets and its importance in national planning. Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development ~(1974)7:206-210. 5 1it.refs.

W A R N T Z , W. 1 Stream ordering and contour mapping. Journal of Hydrology 25(1975)3/4:209-227. 1 1 1it.refs.

J A R V I S , R. S . and A. W E R R I T T Y 1 Some comments on testing random topology stream network models. Water Resources Research lJ(1975)2:309-318. 16 1it.refs.

D R E Y F U S , A., P. H U B E R T and P. R A M A I N 1 "Prolo": modèle de prévision pour l'aménagement et la gestion intégrhs d'un grand bassin hydrographique. La Houille Blanche 30(1975)1:17-36.

Z U Z E L , J . F . , D.C. R O B E R T S O N and W.J. R A W L S / Optimizing long-term streamflow forecasts. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation %(1975)2:76-78. 5 1it.refs.

K R I S H N A S W A M Y , G. 1 Systems approach and watershed models. Indian Journal of Power and River Valley Development 2(1974)6:179-183. 7 1it.refs.

K N A P P , R.M., D.W. G R E E N , E.C. P O G G E , etal. 1 Development and field testing of a basin hydrology simulator. Water Resources Research !(1975)6:879-888. 17 1it.refs.

W O O D , E.F. and I. R O D R I G U E Z - I T U R B E 1 ABayesian approach to analyzing uncertainty among flood frequency models. Water Resources Research fi(1975)6:839-843. I I 1it.refs.

I N V E N T O R Y of stream gauging and climatological stations. Prepared by Surface Water Hydrology Project. Lahore, West Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority, 1973. 157 pp. Planning and investigation division. 221587


H A M M E R Jr., Ph. G. 1 Critique of role of time allocation in river basin model. Washington, Environmental Research Center Office of Research and Development U.S.Environmenta1 Protection Agency, 1973. 343 pp. EPA-60015-73-007 32/263(7)

C H A N D R A S E K A R A N , D., and R. S A K T H I V A D I V E L / A note on new velocity distribution for wide rivers. La Houille Blanche 28(1973)8:651-654. 7 1it.refs.

R O U V E , G . , H.D. O L B R I S C H and V. S T O T T M E I S T E R 1 Veränderungen des Abflusses in eis- oder pflanzenbedeckten Gerinnen. Wasserwirtschaft @(1975)2:48-51. 1 2 1it.refs.

S U R K A N , A. J . 1 Simulation of storm velocity effects on flow from distributed channel networks. Water Resources Research ~ ( 1 9 7 4 ) 6 : 1 1 4 9 - 1 1 6 0 , 6 1it.refs.

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