lashkar-e-taiba (let) lashkar-e-taiba emerging from al ... · the global islamic jihad.” consider...

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Lashkar-e-Taiba Emerging From Al-Qaeda’s Shadow

 As we focus on al-Qaeda along the Afghanistan-Pakistan (Alf/Pak) border, a lesser-known Islamic militant group has emerged. Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), is known widely for targeting Indian interests, and now experts say appear to be embracing more of an anti-Western agenda and expanding its reach on a global scale. Points to Consider:  Known for its expertise in suicide bombing and conventional assault tactics, LeT has carried out many deadly attacks, including a raid on the Indian Parliament in 2002, and is the prime suspect in the November 2008 attack on India’s financial capital, Mumbai. LeT is known to operate terrorist training camps in the open, preparing thousands of young men for jihad every year. Experts have estimated that over the past 20 years, as many as 200,000 people have attended these camps, including several hundred from Europe and North America. Some of these trainees have returned home, where officials fear that they may continue to work clandestinely for LeT. Be aware that last spring, FBI Director Robert Mueller voiced concern about the potential LeT operatives from visa-waiver countries, including Britain and France, whose citizens are allowed to enter the U.S. with only a cursory background check. Furthermore at a February Senate intelligence committee hearing, the director of national intelligence Dennis Blair, said that LeT is now "becoming more of a direct threat, and now placing Western targets in Europe in its sights." Moreover, terrorism expert and former CIA officer Bruce Riedel recently said that LeT leaders "have now aligned themselves in practice and operationally with the goals of al-Qaeda and the global Islamic jihad.” Consider that Lashkar-e-Taiba is not merely allied to al-Qaeda but can now be described as on a par with al-Qaeda. While LeT and al-Qaeda are yet to launch joint operations, in the past, al-Qaeda has found great use for the LeT extensive network and its charitable arm, Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD), which is an effective front for its terror activities.

March 3, 2010


Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) Meaning "army of the pure" LeT has been active since 1993. Experts say although Pakistan's government has repeatedly denied allegations of supporting terrorism LeT has received instruction and funding from the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), in exchange for a pledge to target Hindus in Jammu and Kashmir. LeT is said to have an extensive network that runs across Pakistan and India with branches in Saudi Arabia, United Kingdom, Bangladesh and South East Asia. They are closely linked to the Taliban and al-Qaeda, and have allegedly set up sleeper cells in many other countries.  

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“Kamikaze” Attack Spurs Small Plane Review The government had previously considered small planes too light and too slow to cause major damage, but the recent incident classified as a suicide/murder in Austin, Texas using a small plane as a weapon has spurred a review by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Points to consider: These small planes are a small portion of the nation's 220,000 private airplanes, and are now receiving new scrutiny after a man deliberately flew his four-seat, piston-engine plane into the Texas office building extensively damaging the building, killing himself and a worker in the building. Consider that while large commuter aircraft must follow strict federal safety regulations, smaller aircraft are often allowed to follow more lax procedures involving, takeoff, flight, and landing. Pilots that fly at low altitudes are under so-called visual flight rules and are not required to file a flight-plan. Remember just about anyone can own and fly a small plane, and this incident exposes a severe vulnerability by the virtually unregulated use in this country of small aircraft which are readily adaptable into missiles capable of destroying large buildings.

Voice From The Grave Calls For Jihad In a posthumous video message recently posted on extremist Web sites the al-Qaeda double agent that killed seven CIA operatives called for jihad in Jordan and attacks on its intelligence agency. Points to consider: The 43-minute video apparently filmed shortly before the 32-year-old Abu Mulal al-Balawi who was dressed in military fatigues, cradling an assault rifle and what appeared to be C-4 explosives, blew himself up at a Afghanistan CIA facility in December. Consider that this is not new when it comes to terrorism especially with respect to terrorists’ emphasis on publicity and propaganda. Experts have warned that terrorists have always understood the need to advertise their existence and causes. Consider that the emergence of technological advances has greatly expanded terrorist’s ability to spread their propaganda on a global scale via satellite telephones, the Internet, and the distribution of DVDs

Barbaric Attack Targets Staffers Describing it as a "heinous terrorist attack,” Indian External Affairs Minister S M Krishna reported that Taliban suicide bombers had carried out a string of attacks in Kabul, Afghanistan targeting Indian interests resulting in at least 18 people killed, and another 32 injured. The bombers struck at a number of guest houses, particularly at Park Residence, rented out by the Indian embassy for its staffers and those linked to India's developmental work in Afghanistan.

Points to consider: This attack follows a "blueprint" used by al-Qaeda linked groups using the "modus operandi" of a small number of trained and determined attackers with relatively unsophisticated weapons attacking vulnerable civilian targets with no warning. Now we see different people, different groups in different parts of the world, copying it. Consider that present-day operational practices by international terrorist groups include refining attack methods, sharing lessons learned, and encouraging others to adopt effective tactics. Thus, the possibility of such attacks on the U.S. homeland should not be ignored. This year's conference will be held October 25th-29th, 2010 at the Palace Station Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, NV, This year's conference features an exciting lineup of some of the top Some areas of focus for the conference: • Evolution of Mass Hostage Siege Tactics • Protecting Large Gatherings • Soft Target Attacks (Mumbai Attack) • Psychological Impact and Implications to the

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Explosive Device Discovered In NY Subway A suspect was arrested recently, and is now under psychiatric observation at a hospital after leaving a canvas bag containing a laptop, wires, shotgun shells, paper, and lug nuts taped to fireworks. The device was concealed inside a laptop bag and left next to a waiting room at New York’s Metro-North 125th St. station. Points to consider: Authorities say they do not suspect terrorism was a motive but the continue to investigate, and look for additional suspects.

Potential Disaster Averted Sheriff’s deputies were investigating suspicious activity recently and found two men stealing railroad spikes from the Norfolk Southern Railroad track, near Flat Rock, NC. Points to consider: The men were found to be in possession of over 500-spikes 7-inch steel spikes, which can be sold for scrap. Both suspects are reported to be illegal aliens, and have been charged with felony conspiracy to damage railroad property, willful injury to railroad property and trespassing on railroad property. The Office of Detention and Removal (DRO), a division of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), have ordered the men held, pending deportation proceedings. Although terrorism is not suspected in this incident consider that trains rely completely on the rail system to operate safely. If anything interferes with this rail system, an accident or derailment can result. Because of their size, weight, and speed, train accidents can be devastating. A derailed train may injure or kill passengers and crew, freight trains that crash may spill their contents onto a road, blocking traffic or involve a toxic chemical spill, which could have devastating consequences to the surrounding area.

Another Threat From AQAP Qasim al-Raimi, a senior commander for al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), recently threatened new attacks on US. In an article published in an online militant magazine al-Raimi said that U.S. efforts to pressure Yemen's government to crack down on terrorists has backfired, and has succeeded in pushing more Yemenis into the militant fold. Points to consider: Over the past year al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has transformed itself from a regional threat into what the counterterrorism community see as the network's most active affiliate with global ambitions outside Pakistan and Afghanistan, potentially recruiting and training insurgents for terror missions inside the U.S. Their profile started to change in the eyes of the U.S. intelligence community earlier this year after evidence surfaced of their involvement in the Christmas day bombing attempt and the realization that AQAP is starting to focus on more global targets rather than just regional ones.

Series Of Deadly Bombings Police say at least 31 people were killed and more than 48 others wounded as two car bombs exploded within minutes of each other in the Iraqi city of Baquba, then just as the casualties from the earlier blasts arrived, a third suicide bomber walked into the city's main hospital emergency room and detonated his bomb.

Points to consider: Emergency personnel should always maintain a “situational awareness” of their surroundings, and should remember that secondary devices are a favorite terrorist tactic, often planned to detonate shortly after emergency personnel arrive on scene, targeting the responders.

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UN: Global Blind Spots Are Being Exploited Antonio Maria Costa, head of the Vienna-based U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), recently told members of the 15-nation U.N. Security Council that international smugglers, insurgents and terrorists are exploiting large geographic blind spots where radar, satellite or other surveillance coverage is minimal or nonexistent to operate undetected, transporting drugs and weapons. Points to consider: Terrorism has become a trans-national issue making border security is our first line of defense against terrorists. The government uses technology as much as possible, to develop solutions to enhance our security and step up controls at all our checkpoints. Consider the enormous task that the U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the agency in the Department of Homeland Security is responsible for securing the nation's land borders must perform. According to the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), the length of the International Boundary line of the U.S.-Canadian border, excluding Alaska, is approximately 3,987 miles, while the length of the U.S.-Mexican border is estimated at 1,933 miles. The length of the Alaska-Canada border alone is 1,538 miles. Additionally, The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has surveyed the “general coastline” based on large scale nautical charts, resulting in a coastline measure for the 50 states totaling 12,383 miles.

“Sticky Bomb” Used To Blow Up Tanker Bomb disposal experts in Peshawar, Pakistan said that suspected militants blew up a tanker in northwest Pakistan recently using a timed bomb that was attached to a gasoline tanker with a magnet. Points to consider: Insurgent groups have added this new weapon to their urban warfare armory. Known as “sticky bombs” this small but deadly device consist of a few pounds of plastic explosive that can be molded into shape and attached to the target by a magnet or adhesive tape, then detonated by a timer or mobile phone.

Deadly Bicycle Bomb Seven people were killed and 14 others injured recently when a bicycle loaded with explosives exploded in a bus station in Lashkargah, Afghanistan. Points to consider: Consider that in many parts of the world, the ever-present bicycle arouses little suspicion, making it a perfect means of deploying an IED. Be aware an improvised explosive device (IED) can be almost anything, with any type of initiator, can be produced in varying sizes, functioning methods, containers, and delivery methods. IED’s can utilize commercial or military explosives, homemade explosives, or military ordnance and ordnance components. Additionally devices with delay mechanisms, or remote controls are a favorite of terrorists, because this tactic ensures surprise, and allows for escape.

Police Anti-Gang Unit Targeted Again Police are on high alert, calling this latest attack domestic terrorism after a booby trap targeting members of the Hemet, CA gang task force went off, narrowly missing the officer.

Points to consider: Consider that the is the second time in recent months that members of the Hemet-San Jacinto Gang Task Force have been targeted in a potentially fatal incident, on New Year's Day, a natural gas pipeline was rerouted, filling the office with gas but fortunately the leak was discovered and the building safely evacuated. 1-818-980-6990

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Officers Injured Chasing Copper Thieves Two Ravenswood Police Officers were injured recently when their Cruiser was hit during a chase on Interstate 77, which began when two men were caught allegedly stealing copper from a cell site in Wood County, WV. Points to consider: There has been a significant increase in brass and copper scrap values, leading to a worldwide upsurge in a crime that involves stealing copper, whether pipes, fittings or wiring. Copper's price per pound, has rebounded sharply in the past year to nearly $3. Recent thefts, which are apparently driven by the rising cost of these metals, include fire hydrants and brass backflow valve covers in downtown and residential areas to sell at scrap yards.

Stolen Explosives Recovered In Raid Gallia County Sheriff’s Office Deputies and Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) recently executed a search warrant raiding two mobile homes in Gallia County, Ohio recently, where they recovered blasting caps stolen from a construction site. Points to consider: Consider that potentially lethal explosives routinely disappear, and while some of the stolen explosives may flow into the black market, there is growing law enforcement concern about how easy it would be for terrorists to steal explosive, and the potential dangers from their misuse.

Wind Driven Fire Destroys Block A recent fire that started in the unoccupied three-story Surf oceanfront hotel in Hampton, NH was fanned by high winds, engulfing the adjacent wood-frame buildings, destroying the entire block of businesses. Points to consider: Consider that there are countless incidents where wind speed and direction has played a major part in causing abnormal and rapid-fire development. These fires may burn with great intensity and create excessively high temperatures, forcing firefighters to retreat from their position with great haste. Consider that Incident Commanders should never under estimate winds potential effects and have to account for this hazard when developing tactics and positioning the primary attack hose-line.

Arson Ruled Cause Of Fire At Parts Dealer According to investigators an unknown suspect recently broke a window at Tucker Rocky Distributors in Jessup, TX and tossed a "Molotov-cocktail-type device" inside the building causing a fire that was quickly extinguished by responders. Points to consider: Arson is also a very difficult crime to solve; only 15% of arson cases are closed by arrest, and only 2% result in conviction. The biggest problem in solving arson is that evidence is destroyed immediately or altered significantly. Consider that the economic meltdown has taken a heavy toll worldwide. Historically, arson fires increase during times of economic crisis. Be aware that all first responders can contribute to arson investigations. Recognizing that any incident has the potential to be a crime scene, until otherwise determined, trying to preserve potential evidence that may be used by investigators.

Rescuers Search For Survivors From Chile Quake As a result of the recent earthquake Chilean President Michelle Bachelet declared a "state of catastrophe". Aftershocks battered Chile nearly every hour after the massive 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck, killing at least 700 people, collapsing buildings and triggering tsunami warnings in areas as far off as the western coast of the US.

Points to consider: Officials have reported that 1.5 million Chileans were affected by the quake, which tore apart 500,000 houses, numerous bridges and highways. Additionally, the US Geological Survey reported many aftershocks; some of them measuring 6.0 or above, further complicated already hazardous rescue operations. Consider that first responders are a critical part of our country infrastructure when disaster strikes. Each year natural disasters create major problems around the world, with earthquakes, storms and floods dominating the statistics, contributing more than two thirds to the major disasters.

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Overturned Oil Tanker An oil tanker truck delivering heating oil to a house in Baltimore County, MD recently, overturned spilling its cargo onto the road. Points to consider: Heating oil (UN 1993) vapors may be ignited rapidly when exposed to heat, spark, open flame or other source of ignition. When mixed with air and exposed to an ignition source, flammable vapors can burn in the open or explode in confined spaces. Being heavier than air, vapors may travel long distances to an ignition source and flash back. For general operating procedures refer to the Emergency Response Guidebook, guide # 128.

Students Overcome By Pepper Spray Firefighters were called the Lab School in Washington, DC recently after pepper spray fumes sickened two students. The responders evacuated all the students to the schools gym as a precaution, prior to ventilating the building. Points to consider: D.C. police are conducting the investigation at the northwest Washington school after authorities found a small, personal-sized can of pepper spray in the high school. Consider that pepper spray contains capsaicin, a chemical derived from cayenne, paprika, or chilies. There have been a few studies of the health effects of pepper spray. Some studies have found that there are no significant effects. The most common symptoms are redness of the eyes and exposed skin. Known side effects may include coughing and hyperventilation. Consider that general police guidelines warn not to use pepper spray against individuals who appear in bad health, young children or persons with respiratory conditions.

Crane Accident Sends Workers To The Hospital Emergency crews evacuated workers from nearby businesses recently after a crane at the US Metals salvage yard punctured a 1-ton pressurized chlorine tank at the adjacent Praxair Distribution Inc plant in Indio, Ca, allowing the yellow and green tinted gas to escape sickening twelve people, four of them needing hospitalization. Points to consider: Chlorine (UN 1017) is a greenish-yellow gas that is heavier than air, with strong irritating bleach like odor. It is a corrosive and irritating to the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Chlorine is an oxidizer and may explode or accelerate combustion if in contact with reducing agents. For general operating procedures refer to the Emergency Response Guidebook, guide # 124.

Railcar Ethanol Spill Hazmat crews were recently called to contain an ethanol spill from a Norfolk-Southern rail-tanker in Spartanburg, SC.

Points to consider: As more and more rail traffic transports cargo, including hazardous materials, it is critical that emergency responders are well trained and are able to identify the hazards involved. Consider that ethanol (UN 1170) and ethanol-blended fuels (UN 3475) are in use in growing quantities in the United States. Today, there are more than 8 billion gallons of ethanol type fuel ethanol produced in the U S. Every day, tens of millions of gallons of this grain alcohol moves from bio-refineries to major population centers on both coasts. The fuel is transported in tanker trucks on congested highways, and railroads passing through cities. Consider that the addition of ethanol to gasoline presents some unique firefighting challenges. Traditional methods of fire fighting against hydrocarbon (gasoline) fires have been found to be ineffective against these polar solvent-type (ethanol-blended) fuels. While gasoline will tend to float on top of water, ethanol fuels are water-soluble and will tend to blend with the water. For this reason, the use of Alcohol-Resistant (AR) foam as a means of extinguishing an ethanol fire is recommended. For general operating procedures refer to the Emergency Response Guidebook, guide # 127.

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Old Barometer Causes Hazmat Situation Emergency services personnel dispatched to a mercury spill at Dairy-NZ's headquarters in Hamilton, N.Z. recently after a 100-year-old barometer broke during office renovations. Points to consider:

Fire Service personnel cordoned off the area, neutralized the spill and set up a decontamination shower for exposed staff members to be put through. Consider that mercury (UN 2809) is a heavy silvery-white metal that is liquid at room temperatures. It is commonly used in thermometers, manometers, barometers, and it is present in nearly every chemistry and physics lab. It may be absorbed through intact skin, consider stable under normal temperatures and pressures, but is reactive with oxidizing agents, and metals. For general operating procedures refer to the Emergency Response Guidebook, guide # 172.

Another Detergent Suicide Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies were on routine patrol recently when they found an abandoned car in a remote area near Castaic Lake, CA. As they approached the car they saw a person inside the vehicle slumped over the steering wheel and stickers on the windows that read “Stay Away, Dangerous Gas, Don't Open." Points to consider:  The deputies backed away from the car and called in the L.A. County hazardous materials crews and bomb squad. Consider that this suicide fad has been sweeping Japan with hundreds of deaths resulting from Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) exposure, and has led to forced evacuations of entire buildings due to the gas clouds resulting from its use. The availability of H2S ingredients as well as instructions on the Internet for committing suicide using H2S have made it an increasingly popular choice. For general operating procedures refer to the Emergency Response Guidebook, guide # 117.

School Evacuated Due To Nearby Tanker Fire More than 400 students from the Math Science and Arts Academy in Plaquemine, LA were forced off campus recently after an 18-wheel gasoline tanker caught fire on the nearby highway. Points to consider: Fortunately firefighters were able to confine the blaze to the tractor portion of the big rig and the flames failed to pierce the tanker, which was filled with more than 8,000 gallons of gasoline. Consider that gasoline (UN 1203) is highly flammable colorless to yellow liquid which may be dyed to a range of colors. Vapors are heavier than air and will collect in low areas. Initial operations may include, removal of all ignition sources, and the application of foam to large areas of spilled liquid to control vapors. For general operating procedures, refer to the Emergency Response Guidebook, guide #128.

Abandoned “Shake And Bake” Meth Lab Found Deputies and agents from the Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics are looking for the person that left the chemicals and utensils used for cooking methamphetamine (meth) recently in two camouflaged 5-gallon buckets beneath the heavily traveled U.S. 61 bridge in Vicksburg, MS.

Points to consider: No finished product was found, but inside the buckets, officials found what they described as a “Shake-and-bake” lab complete with caustic chemicals in jars along with plastic bags and filters used for packaging meth. Consider that the ‘Shake and Bake” method is considered more volatile than conventional labs, because contents are shaken together in less-specific amounts to make methamphetamine. Consider that methamphetamine is synthesized from common household products, over-the-counter medications, solvents; metals and strong acids. First responders are at risk for numerous health problems when they come in contact with clandestine meth labs during the course of their duties. Production methods involve numerous chemical reactions that can cause fire, explosion, and release of toxic gases and waste, thereby making these labs potential hazardous waste sites.

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School Closed Due To Mercury Leak Classes at Fishing Creek Elementary School in York, PA were cancelled recently after maintenance workers discovered that a faulty classroom ventilation unit leaking liquid mercury into a classroom. Points to consider: Mercury (UN 2809) is a heavy silvery-white metal that is liquid at room temperatures. It is commonly used in thermometers, manometers, barometers, and it is present in nearly every chemistry and physics lab. It may be absorbed through intact skin, consider stable under normal temperatures and pressures, but is reactive with oxidizing agents, and metals. For general operating procedures refer to the Emergency Response Guidebook, guide # 172.

Worker Contaminated After Pesticide Container Ruptures The Kern County Fire Department Hazmat team responded recently to a chemical accident in which a container of pesticide ruptured and contaminated three workers at the Niklor Chemical Co. in Mojave, CA. Points to consider: The exposed workers were decontaminated on the scene prior to being transported to the hospital. Consider that these chemicals are unique among toxic substances. They are not a byproduct of another process, but are instead industrial chemicals produced specifically for their toxicity to a target pest. Pesticides can pose serious health risks to workers, first responders, and the public if there is an accidental spill or release. Pesticides are highly toxic and their containers should be identified by the signal words “DANGER" or "POISON” found on the product label. Additionally, be aware that the active ingredients of most pesticides are not flammable, but the formulation solvents of liquid emulsifiable concentrates or oil solutions (xylene, kerosene, or other organic solvents) are, and present a substantial fire hazard. For general operating procedures, refer to the Emergency Response Guidebook, guide # 151.

Business Evacuated After Chemical Reaction The Shasta Cascade Hazardous Materials Team was called to the Owens Healthcare pharmacy in Redding, PA recently after employees while disposing several types of pharmaceutical products, which were accidentally, mixed creating a gas cloud. Points to consider: Chemicals can either be useful or dangerous. Generally, substances are harmless under the appropriate conditions including storage, temperature and pressure, and handling. While handling and storage of chemicals should be done with care, the observance of precautions when mixing different substances is even more compelling. Additionally mixing two or more substances can result to one of several types of reactions, all of which have one common feature and this is the production of new substances or new mixtures.

Overturned Propane Truck A Suburban propane delivery truck ran into trouble on the ice covered dirt road in Lyndeborough, NH recently sliding over an embankment and landing on its side under the ice covered beaver pond leaking gas.

Points to consider: Responders were forced to use improvised tactics because of difficulty accessing the submerged truck. Police closed nearby local roads while firefighters used hoses to disperse the gas vapor cloud, awaiting another propane truck to arrive to attempt to pump the gas from the downed vehicle, and then use torches to burn off any residual propane. Consider that propane (UN 1075) is odorless, tasteless, and colorless in its natural state; an odorant (ethyl mercapitan) is added similar to natural gas, so that leaks may be detected. Propane is easily ignited, heavier than air, therefore, it may collect in low areas or travel along the ground where an ignition source may be present. Be aware that pressure in a container can build up due to heat, and it may rupture (BLEVE) if pressure relief devices should fail to function. For general operating procedures refer to the Emergency Response Guidebook, guide # 115.

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Tanker Overturns And Spills Methanol Authorities evacuated the immediate area and hazardous materials crews were called to Theriot Road in Port Fourchon, La recently after an 18-wheeler carrying 6,500-gallons of methanol overturned and spilled the highly flammable solvent. Points to consider: Methanol (UN 1230) is a clear, colorless flammable liquid with a mild characteristic alcohol odor. It can burn without a visible flame; its release can cause an immediate risk of fire and explosion. Contact with strong oxidizers, strong mineral or organic acids, and strong bases may cause a violent or explosive reaction. For general operating procedures refer to the Emergency Response Guidebook, guide # 131.

Gasoline Spill Hazmat crews were called to N.C. 73 near Mt. Gilead, NC recently to assist in clean up after driver of a Curtis Transport Inc. truck carrying 9,000-gallons of gasoline lost control of the tanker, overturning the rig which spilled an estimated 6,000 gallons of gasoline. Points to consider: Gasoline (UN 1203) is highly flammable colorless to yellow liquid which may be dyed to a range of colors. Vapors are heavier than air and will collect in low areas. Initial operations may include, removal of all ignition sources, and the application of foam to control vapors. Remember to approach spills from uphill and upwind do not permit the flammable liquid to run-off into storm drains, or sewers. For general operating procedures, refer to the Emergency Response Guidebook, guide #128.

Xylene Spill Emergency crews were called to a chemical spill on South State Street in Lockport, Illinois recently after a truck loaded with xylene spilled an estimated 100-gallons of the chemical on the road. Points to consider: Xylene (UN 1307) is a clear, colorless sweet-smelling flammable liquid, widely used in many products such as paints, glues, and pesticides. It is insoluble in water, highly flammable in presence of open flames and sparks, or heat. Contact of with strong oxidizers may cause fires and explosions. For general operating procedures refer to the Emergency Response Guidebook, guide # 130.

An Explosive Dilemma A Hazmat team and bomb squad were called to a field in Chandler Arizona recently after a man purchased two pounds of sodium from a gun store, but dumped the substance in the wet field after it became wet and began to react.

Points to consider: Sodium metal (UN 1428) is an extremely dangerous, corrosive flammable solid. It is water reactive, catches fire if exposed to air. Can react vigorously with water, steam, and acids to release flammable/explosive hydrogen. It is dangerous in presence of oxidants. May ignite spontaneously in moist air or oxygen. May re-ignite after fire is extinguished. For general operating procedures refer to the Emergency Response Guidebook, guide # 138.

Bomb Squad Called To Recluse’s “Booby-Trapped” Home Homes surrounding the small brown-brick house in South Maroubra, AU were evacuated recently as bomb squad officers operated for more than 14 hours disengaging 50 fake explosive devices found at the home that was believed to have been booby-trapped by its recently deceased elderly owner. Points to consider: Neighbors had alerted responders to potential hazards inside the vacant structure whose large front window were covered in aluminum foil, and multiple inert explosive devices found inside the house, including the car and attached to the gas meter. Once again more proof that there are no routine calls. A first responder upon arrival should be to perform a size up. This is the first step in gaining control of the situation. If explosive or devices are suspected or discovered all civilians and responders should be evacuated from the danger area.

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