lawrence kids

Post on 07-Mar-2016






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a resource guide for Lawrence families


Lawrence KidsSummer, 2010

a resource guide for parents

Lawrence Kids

four birds media

Summer, 2010

a resource guide for parents

O7 fatherhood: good for the brain

O9 babies don’t keep

O13 down home cookin’down home cookin’

O19 death of the road trip

O20 tree houses of lawrence

O26 the heart of the city

O27 summer event calendar

O31 the family that plays together

O34 parent resource guide

PO Box 442315 / Lawrence, KS 66044 / 786-766-5669 /

White Lotus Photography Cover Contest Winner Lindsay Frentrop

While recent studies show that pregnancy and child-birth positively alter the brain chemistry of mothers, could parenting have a similar impact on men? The 2005 book The Mommy Brain documented re-search by Craig Kinsley and Kelly Lambert on female rats who were either pregnant or recent mothers, showing that motherhood sharpened their senses and increased their motivation and resilience. Susan Kuchinskas reports for Miller-McCune that this same team is now concentrating on fathers. Their research on mice, along with similar studies on monkeys and hu-mans, suggests that fatherhood chemically alters men to make them better fathers. “Loving a woman and fathering her children changes a man’s body and brain in ways that make him more canny and resourceful,” Kuchinskas writes, “while im-proving his ability to handle stress. At the same time, liv-ing with the woman he loves alters a man’s hormones and neurochemistry to make him a better mate.” Examples in nature include: the California deer mouse, who stays around the home after mating to groom and look after his kids; the male marmoset, whose hor-mones cause him to gain weight along with his mate during pregnancy; and, the “highly monogamous” titi monkey, who mates for life and allows his offspring to cling to his body. In humans, studies have found that married men have lower levels of the hormone testosterone, while new fathers exhibit higher levels of prolactin. Both of these conditions positively influence a father’s parent-ing skills by increasing his sympathy and motivation to help his offspring. Interestingly, a study by the Wisconsin National Pri-mate Research Center suggests that lower testoster-one could actually be triggered by a newborn baby’s smell. Scientists at the center separated marmoset fathers from their families and then exposed them to scent from their babies’ genitals. Within 20 minutes, their testosterone levels dropped. Reprinted, with permission, from Utne Reader. Please visit their website at

Fatherhood:Good For Your Brain

I came to the University of Kansas to begin my PhD just after earning my Masters Degree from the Univer-sity of Montana. I was 23 years old. My husband and I moved to Lawrence with two-year-old twin girls and a baby on the way. Six weeks later Jack arrived. As a new PhD student with three children under three, I stood out. Every time I got in the elevator to go to class someone would ask, “How do you do it?” My husband would bring Jack to campus for me to breastfeed with his sisters skipping behind and my single twenty something colleagues would ask “Seri-ously? How do you do it?” When I would run through the check out at the mar-ket the cashier would raise a brow and ask “how do you do it?” I never knew what to say, we just did it. Everything was on a schedule. I took showers at the gym after a quick work out. The babies would fall asleep in their carseats on the way home. I planned my classes and teaching around mom’s day out and play dates. I did my studies from three to five (in the morning) seven days a week. My husband and I worked together to keep the family moving forward. Since then, we have added another bundle of joy to our brood. With four children, two jobs, a thousand activities and a million and one things to get done in a day, I sometimes ask, “how am I going to do this?” As much as I would like to be, I am not supermom. I always know I can get done what I have to in a day, but sometimes I have to remind myself that the other stuff can wait. In 1958, Ruth Hulburt Hamilton wrote a poem called Song for a Fifth Child, which was first published in the Ladies Home Journal. She told the mothers of her day to stop worrying about the housework, the chores, the shopping and the bills. She called the ladies of the Journal to enjoy their children while they were young.

It took me years to come to a place where my focus was not writing (the perfect) thesis, doing (all the) laundry, going to class (completely prepared), cooking dinner (from scratch), giving (the best) lecture, getting the girls to ballet practice (beautifully groomed), scheduling check-ups {months in ad-vance) – you get the idea. Now I know what I absolutely have to do, I know what I want to do and I know what can wait be-cause “babies don’t keep.” Here is how I do it. I make baby books for our children that include record of

Babies Don’t Keepforget the sweat and remember to savor the small stuff

by Tasha Keathley


Interested in contributing to Lawrence Kids? Have an idea

for a story? Looking toadvertise?

Contact us at: 785.766.5669

PO Box 442315Lawrence, KS 66044

their first milestones, doctor visits and celebrations along with photos and mementos of their earliest years. I also have a separate photo album for each child for each year of their life that I work hard to maintain. I take a shower (almost) every day. Sometimes I do not get to shower until three in the afternoon, but I do shower. I attend (nearly all) of my children’s games, programs, recitals and events. In fact, our entire family does. We raise our children hoping they understand that we are each other’s biggest fans. Whether they are making mud pies, making a goal, or finding a cure for cancer, we are so proud of their accomplishments. I sit on the floor and play with my baby every day. I cuddle my babies morning, noon and night no matter how many dishes need washing. I throw over-the-top birthday parties for my little ones. We pick a theme and I make customized invitations, bake an elaborate cake, decorate the venue, invite lots of fam-ily and friends and celebrate the guest of honor. I go through the drive thru occasionally, take full ad-vantage of the Book-It pizza certificates and take care to make healthy options available for the family when I can-not make a full meal. I don’t make my bed unless we are going to have com-pany. I don’t volunteer for everything at my children’s school, for their sports teams or at the church. I divide household responsibilities with my husband and children. Dad makes dinner some nights, takes out the garbage and knows how to run a washing machine. The children set the table, put their own dishes in the dish-washer, their own clothes in the hamper and their own

coats on the hanger. We share carpooling duties with other families. Most importantly, I try not to sweat the small stuff, but I am still a work in progress. One thing I know for certain is that “The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow. But children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow. So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep! I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.”

Song for a Fifth Childby Ruth Hulburt Hamilton

Mother, O Mother, come shake out your cloth,Empty the dustpan, poison the moth,

Hang out the washing, make up the bed,Sew on a button and butter the bread.

Where is the mother whose house is so shocking?She’s up in the nursery, blissfully rocking.

Oh, I’ve grown as shiftless as Little Boy Blue,Lullabye, rockabye, lullabye loo.

Dishes are waiting and bills are past duePat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo

The shopping’s not done and there’s nothing for stewAnd out in the yard there’s a hullabaloo

But I’m playing Kanga and this is my RooLook! Aren’t his eyes the most wonderful hue?

Lullabye, rockaby lullabye loo.The cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrowBut children grow up as I’ve learned to my sorrow.

So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!I’m rocking my baby and babies don’t keep.

Tasha lives in Lawrence with her husband and four children.


down home cookin’four local chefs/parents discuss cooking with their kids

For Hilary Brown, it’s a no brainer. “Considering it took me most of 30 years to figure out what my dietary needs were doing to me, it was clear that when I had my son, we would be cooking at home,” she said. Brown, known in Lawrence as the mastermind be-hind Local Burger, and her toddler son Nello spend hours together in the kitchen. He may be too young to cut or dice, but he can experience time with mom. “I know just having him around food preparation will help him appreciate good food,” Brown said. As much as Lawrence is know for its burgeoning culinary scene, four local chefs (and parents) spend much of their day constructing a menu not for their restaurant tables, but for their dinning room tables.

Countless recent studies have proclaimed the benefits of eating, and cooking, with your children. Subarna Bhattachan, father of 2 and owner of Zen Zero, La Parrilla and Genovese, thinks the fast food culture of America is doing irreparable harm to our children. “We need to encourage kids to eat healthy,” he said. “There is no better way to do that than by hav-ing your kids help in the kitchen. Cooking with your kids isn’t as easy has getting a happy meal, but the benefits are unmeasurable.” “Kids are, whether we encourage it or not, condi-tioned to eat easy foods,” Brown said. “The key to having your kids eat a more healthy meal is easy: make it look good and taste great. And yes, that is


much easier said than done.” Bhattachan said his sons, Amitav (2) and Avalok (7), benefit from having his mother cook recipes from her native Nepal. “My boys eat as much lentils and curry as anyone,” he said. “My mother and wife are fantastic cooks, and having family meals is one of the most important parts of our day. That being said, Avalok would trade anything we make at home for chicken nuggets.” Rick Martin, chef at Free State Brewery, thinks par-ents need to take more control of their children’s diet. He and his son Miles cook together as often as they can. “I really think cooking with your kids is one of the most beneficial things parents can do,” he said. “You can teach your kids math and chemistry and encourage their imagination. Best of all, of course, is that you get to eat what you create.” “Yeah, cooking with your kids is great,” said Ken Baker, chef/owner of Pachamama’s. “But you also have to re-member that they are kids, and kids typically aren’t very experimental eaters.”

“Cooking with your kids isn’t as easy as getting a happy meal, but the

benefits are unmeasurable.”~ Subarna Bhattachan

Baker sites Jamie Oliver’s recent television show Food Revolution as an example. “You can just put a plate of organic bangers and mash in front of kids and expect them to enjoy it,” he said. “Kids are kids, they want to eat good, easy food. Our responsibility as parents is to make that good, easy food as healthy as possible.” Baker and his wife have been concious of what they feed their son, Andy, since he was born. “We make a real effort to feed him as much fresh, local produce as possible.” Brown extolls the benefits of eating locally produce food everyday. “Knowing where your food comes from is so impor-tant,” she said. “If you can walk up to a producer or farmer and have them tell you exactly what the growing conditions were for a carrot or a chicken, you don’t have to worry about what chemicals and pesticides your kid might be eating.” Utilizing locally grown ingredients is a good start, Mar-tin thinks, but the benefits go even beyond producer ac-countability. “Want your kids to eat better? Grow a garden,” Martin said. “Kids will eat almost anything they help plant, wa-ter and pick. Miles and I have a backyard garden and use something from it almost every time we cook.” (cont.)

blueberry desserthomemade pizza

fresh boule easy lentils

Recipe for Dal (Lentils) / Subarna Bhattachan

1 tbl veg oil2 bay leaves1 clove garlic, minced1/4 inch ginger minced1 cup yellow lentils (toor dal) *5 cups water1/4 tsp tumeric powder1/4 tsp cumin powder1 tsp salt or to taste 1. Wash the lentils with water.2. Heat oil in a pot on med heat. Remove from heat. Add the bay leaves, garlic & ginger. Saute for 1 minute. 3. Add washed lentils. Put pot back on the stove on med heat. Stir & saute for 2 minutes. 4. Add water, spices & salt. 5. Bring to a boil. Turn the heat to low. Let is simmer for 30-40 minutes until the lentil is soft. 6. Serve with white rice. *Plain Toor dal available from the Quick Trip gas station on 23rd St, opposite of Dillions.

Blueberry Cheesecake in a Bowl / Hilary Brown

Fresh blueberries** Dollop of sour cream (or yogurt of choice)*sprinkle of brown sugar

1. Clean fresh blueberries.2. Place 1/2 cup to 1 cup of blueberries in a bowl and dollop with sour cream (if you have dairy allergies se-lect non-dairy sour cream or yogurt of choice ~ vanilla is nice). 3. Sprinkle with brown sugar.4. With sour cream this dessert tastes amazingly like cheesecake - great for kids but also a very nice des-sert for a formal yet casual get together.

**Pick your own local blueberries in Winchester at Rocky Hills Elk Ranch - U-Pick usually starts after around the beginning of July. It’s fun, inexpensive and just beautiful out on their farm - great for kids 913-774-4506 - call them for directions.

Homemade Pizza / Rick Martin

This pizza takes some time to properly mature the dough, but the end result is worth the wait and kids can get involved in every part of the process.

Day 11 cup room temperature water 1 packet of Hodgson Mill Dry Active Yeast 2 teaspoons of local honeyStir honey into the water and dissolve yeast in the water honey mixture.Add 1.5 cup Heartland Mill unbleached white flour, or any all purpose flour1/8 teaspoon of fine sea saltStir into water mixture and let rise for an hour or two. Add 1 cup more flour1/8 teaspoon more saltMix with flour-dusted hands until all flour is absorbed. Form into a softball size ball, cover and refrigerate until needed the next day.

Day 2Preheat oven and pizza stone to 500 degrees. With floured hands, knock down the dough and fold over 3 or 4 times. Begin working the dough into a crust shape on a floured surface. Let the dough relax for 10 minutes after each time you stretch it. This may take 3 or 4 stretches with hands or a rolling pin. Be patient!

In a small saucepan, Combine:1- 8 ounce can of organic tomato sauce2 Tablespoons of water1/4 teaspoon of sea saltOptional ingredients would be garlic, crushed red pepper, fennel seed, olive oil and black pepper, depending on tastes. Let this simmer on low for 20 minutes, then cool to room temperature. This could be made hours or days ahead of time.

Shred 8 ounces of the family favorite cheese.Work your crust to a desired thickness. Open the oven door, extent the rack that your pizza stone is on, and transfer the crust to the stone by folding in half, then unfold on the stone. Let the crust bake for one or two minutes and remove with a pizza peel. Smear the sauce on the crust with the backside of a large spoon and everyone is free to top the pizza with anything they wish! This will also give the oven time to reheat.With pizza peel, move pizza to the oven and bake for 8 to 10 minutes.

Boule / Ken Baker

Makes 4 1-pound loaves

3 cups lukewarm water1 ½ tbsp granulated yeast (1 ½ packets)1 ½ tbsp coarse kosher or sea salt5 ½ cups unsifted, unbleached, all-purpose white flourCornmeal for pizza peel

1. Heat water to just warmer than body temp.2. Add yeast and salt in a 5-quart bowl. Don’t worry about getting it all dissolve3. Mix in flour by gently scooping it up, then level w/out patting down. Mix until uni formaly moist. Don’t knead! This step is done in a matter of minutes and yields a we dough loose enough to conform to the container.4. Cover loosely. Do not use screw-topped jars. Allow the mixture to rise at room temperature until it begins to collapse – approximately two hours. A portion of the dough can be used any time after this period

On Baking Day1. Prepare a pizza peel by sprinkling it liberally w/ cornmeal to prevent the loaf from sticking. Slide into oven.2. Place the ball on the pizza peel. Let it rest, uncovered, for about 40 minutes – some rising may occur.3. Twenty minutes before baking, preheat oven to 450 degrees w/ a baking stone on the middle rack. Place an empty broiler tray for holding water on another shelf.4. Dust top of loaf liberally w/ flour. Slash a ¼-inch deep cross, scallop or tick-tack- toe pattern into the top.5. W/ forward jerking motion, slide the loaf off the pizza peel and onto baking stone. Quickly but carefully pour about a cup of hot water into the broiler tray and close the oven door to trap w/ steam. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until the crust is browned and firm to touch. When you remove the loaf from the oven, it will audibly crackle, when initially exposed to room temperature air. Allow to cool completely.6. Refrigerate remaining dough in your lidded (not airtight) container and use it over the next two weeks. Even one day’s storage improves the flavor and texture of your bread. The dough can also be frozen in 1-pound portions in an airtight container and defrosted overnight in refrigerator.

Getting children involved in the cooking process will not only help encourage healthy eating decisions, it will also encourage their curiosity. “One of the easiest ways to encourage kids to ex-priement with food is having them help cook it,” Martin said. “Think about it,” Baker said. “If you get your hands on something, and you know exactly what seasonings and spices and flavors are included, you’re more excited to eat it. That is amplified with kids. I’m not saying they should be in the kitchen cutting calamari, but if your kids only eat chicken strips, have them help prepare a whole roasted chicken.” “My son isn’t old enough to be cutting and dicing,”

“Want your kids to eat better?Grow a garden. Kids will eat almost anything they help plant, water and pick.” ~ Rick Martin

Brown said. “But he can help wash fruit and stir mix-tures. That alone gets him excited to eat.” Younger kids can wash and stir. Older kids can learn basic, but essential, cutting techniques. “My boys love helping with pancakes,” Bhattachan said. “They help measure and poor ingredients. Then they stir the batter.” “Nello loves to stir,” Brown said. “Sometimes if we’re cooking, we’ll find any reason to stir.” Obviously cutting can be dangerous, but if taught cor-reclty, appropriately aged kids can cut vegtables. “The reason techniques are emphasized is to keep it safe,” Martin said. “If you don’t prepare and act appro-priately in the kitchen, you can get hurt. That goes for kids and adults. But that’s great lesson for life.” As important as getting kids involved in food prepa-ration and selection is, remembering to enjoy the pro-cess trumps all. “I don’t think forcing your kids to eat certain things is healthy,” Baker said. “Of course healthy eating is im-portant, but if you force certian ingredients or dishes, chances are you’ll just turn your kids off for life.” “Yeah, we get fast food occasionally,” Bhattachan said. “But it’s all in moderation. We really try to make the food we prepare at home as appetizing as anything that comes in a box with a toy.”

For more kid-friendly recipies, please visit the Lawrence Kids facebook page.


My college buddies and I traveled a lot. It was noth-ing to decide at 1 am on Friday that we would spend the weekend biking in Colorado or watching football at some stadium in Texas. We sent ourselves post-cards and proudly hung them on our apartment wall. I was always up for a road trip, the more spontaneous the better. Then I had kids. Just out of college, when my wife and I had our first babies; my friends didn’t even have girlfriends. They lived the single life in cities across the country and I changed my twin daughters’ diapers in Lawrence. To them it was common, even comical, for me to get a voice mail on a random night. “Hey Mr. Mom, we’re heading to Vegas for the week-end,” they would say. “Drop the dirty diapers and get on a plane.” Or... “Just scored 4 tickets to the Radiohead show in Chi-cago tomorrow night. Put down the teddy bear and pick up your bag.” Every call ended the same way. I was called a silly little girl or was compared to various body parts. It never seemed to matter that my wife and I had two girls in preschool and a newborn son. Any extra money (and there was none) went to birthday pres-ents or new shoes. As time passed, the late night phone calls came less often. My friends slowly started to get married and “settle down.” Though they still took spur-of-the moment trips, they involved more wine and wives and less whiskey and dirt. When word came that Dan, the unofficial leader of the trips, and his wife were expecting their first child, I thought maybe his perspective would change. About four months before their son Drew was born I got a voice mail at work. “Ahh, Helmsy,” Dan said. “Julia and I are looking at daycares for this kid that’s coming. And, uh, well,” he continued cautiously. “Well, I just want to apologize for all those times I called you names because you wouldn’t meet us in Vegas for a bender. I get it now.” Dan and Julia are now expecting their second child. Dan has cancelled his Wisconsin football tickets in order to save money.

Derek travels in his minivan with his wife and 4 kids.

Death of the Road Tripby Derek Helms




We searched backyards, front yards and alleys across Lawrence for

the best tree houses in town. After countless walks and drives, we

selected our favorites.

What did we miss? Email pics of your favorite local tree houses, and we’ll

post them on our facebook page.

previous page / The pirate ship tree house in Old West Lawrence has become a community icon. Neighbors and strangers alike stop for photos and a quick trip to fantasy land.

right / A few blocks from Deerfield Elementary, the red tree house features a window-filled loft and

windows that latch to protect from the elements.

below / The Northwest Lawrence tree house is simplistic and functional. The “convertible top” and spy holes let the imagination run wild.

left / White-trimmed windows, a 15-foot slide and front porch make this North Lawrence tree house a complete original.

below / Tucked away in East Lawrence, the sliding door and 360 degree windows make picnics and parties an elevated affair.

For Rod Smith, owner of White Chocolate Board Shop, there is no other place to do business. “It’s all about the atmosphere and the community,” he said. “Downtown Lawrence is the only place in town where we could operate White Chocolate.” With its diverse shops, various restaurants and pedestri-an-friendly nature, Downtown Lawrence is one of the best destinations for families. “What’s great is that mom, dad, the teenage son and daughter have something to interest them,” Smith said. Summer in Lawrence brings even more life to the down-town area. The Farmer’s Market, weekly city band con-certs in South Park and numerous festivals fill the cal-endar and give families bountiful opportunities to take

advantage of the summer months. “During summer, we love to bring the kids down in the late afternoon,” said Anne Bellante, mother of three. “We’ll have dinner, walk down Massachusetts Street with an ice cream cone and window shop until dark. It’s really one of the best parts of living in Lawrence.” “Oh, it’s all about the pool,” said Mark Page, father of two. “Keeping kids happy in July and August can be pretty brutal,” he said. “But the Aquatic Center and a stroll down Mass are always entertaining. I mean think about it, what do kids like more than people watching?” For a full list of summer events and activities, please contact Downtown Lawrence, Inc at or call 842-3883.

theunique shops, unique people and unique events shape Downtown Lawrence

of the cityheart

MaySaturday Downtown Farmers MarketSaturdays / May - OctoberDowntown LawrenceWith more than 80 vendor members, the Farmers Market in Downtown Lawrence has become the pre-miere place to obtain the freshest, most nutritious lo-cally produced agricultural products.

Thursday Farmers MarketThursdays / May - October Sixth & Wakarusa

Art Tougeau Parade Friday, May 21 - Saturday, May 22 Lawrence’s own wheeled art parade featuring art cars and wheeled art creations from national, region-

al and local artists.

KU Baseball: KU v. Oklahoma Friday, May 21 - Sunday, May 23 Hoglund Ballpark

It Starts With Art Saturdays, May 22 - July 31 Spencer Museum of ArtArt classes for children and teens ages 5-14 combine art study with hands-on activities. Call for more de-


Memorial Weekend Backyard Bash - Class Thursday, May 27The Bayleaf Dust off you outdoor grill and throw a BBQ Bash this weekend. Grilled Shrimp with Chile-Lime Sauce starts the celebration off right. Barbecued Pork Tenderloins,

Blue Cheese Cole Slaw, etc.

Cosmopolitan Diabetes Golf Classic Friday, May 28Alvamar County Club (Public) 4 Person scramble to fight diabetes by raising money for the Health Care Access Clinic.

Annual Nash DashSaturday, May 29Lawrence Visitors Center The Nash Dash is a fundraiser for the WRAP Pro-gram, which places mental health professionals from the Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center in

schools in Baldwin City, Eudora and Lawrence.

JuneLawrence City Band ConcertsWednesdays, June 2 - July 14

Start you summer planning here!

South ParkFree outdoor summer concert series. Performances begin at 8 p.m.

Dawn at Black Jack Wednesday, June 2Black Jack Battlefield , Baldwin City Meet just before dawn to take a lantern guided tour of the Black Jack Battlefield looking through the eyes of John Brown

and Henry Clay Pate.

Brown Bag Concert SeriesThursdays, June 3 - July 339th & Mass - Downtown LawrenceLocal and regional musicians play sets beginning at noon.

Annual Downtown Lawrence Film FestivalThursday, June 3 Downtown Lawrence Screenings of classic films in Historic Downtown Lawrence. Film: Holiday

starring Cary Grant.

Day Out with Thomas the Train Friday, June 4 - Sunday, June 6 & Friday, June 11 - Sunday, June 13Midland Railway, Baldwin CityThe classic storybook Engine chugs into Midland Railway. Enjoy a 25-minute ride

with Thomas and meet Sir Topham Hatt.

154th Anniversary Battle of Black Jack Saturday, June 5Black Jack Battlefield See the first battle of the American Civil War come to life on the original battle-field for the first time since the smoke cleared in 1856.

Crown Fun Fest Saturday, June 5 Crown Toyota/Chevrolet/Scion Fun for the whole family Numerous events for everyone to enjoy (Moon Walk for the kids, the Lawrence Corvette Car Club, etc).

Kansas Ironman 70.3 Sunday, June 6Clinton State Park; Bloomington ParkIronman 70.3 Kansas - 1.2 mile Swim, 56 Mile Bike, 13.1 Mile Run

River CIty Cook-Off Sunday, June 6Abe & Jake’s Landing An evening of local music, local food and education that’s a fundraiser for the

Friends of the Kaw.

Farmers’ Market Cooking Class Tuesday, June 8

Community MercChef Paige Vandegrift will inspire you to create a menu featuring the best of what’s available at the Farmers Mar-


World’s Largest WorkoutTuesday, June 8Shenk Sports ComplexDon “Red Dog” Gardner will once again lead the community-wide workout event.

Food & Beer Pairings with Free State Brewery Beer Wednesday, June 9 Community Merc Join Chef Rick Martin and Brewer Kevin Prescott for five pairings, each demon-strating the key components of beer

and how they match with food.

Annual Downtown Law-rence Film FestivalThursday, June 10Downtown Lawrence Film: Bringing up Baby starring Cary


Lawrence Relay For LifeFriday, June 11 - Saturday, June 12Free State High School TrackDouglas County Relay For Life to ben-efit the American Cancer Society.

Lawrence Cultural Arts Commission’s 22nd Annual Outdoor Downtown Sculp-ture ExhibitionSaturday, June 12 Lawrence Arts Center / Downtown

Cooking Together – A Hands-On Class for Parent and Child Monday, June 14Community Merc Join Hilary Kass for this hands-on class where we’ll make four healthy snacks that you and your family and friends

will love!

KU Trumpet Ensemble Wednesday, June 16Swarthout Recital Hall

Blithe Spirit Thursday, June 17 - Sunday, June 20Lawrence Community TheatreThis classic comedy offers us a cantan-kerous novelist haunted by the ghost of his first wife, a visiting “happy me-

dium,” and a current flame.

Annual Downtown Law-rence Film Festival Thursday, June 17Downtown Lawrence Film: His Girl Friday starring Cary


Dinner from the Farmers Market Friday, June 18Community MercJoin us for another special evening with Chef Paige Vandegrift. Bring a bottle of wine if you’d like and enjoy the best local produce the season has to offer.

Annual Downtown Law-rence Film Festival Thursday, June 24Downtown Lawrence Film: The Philadelphia Story starring

Cary Grant.

St. John’s Mexican Fiesta Friday, June 25 - Saturday, June 26St. John’s Catholic Church Authentic Mexican food, live entertain-ment, games and so much more!

Summer Smash Baseball Tournament Friday, June 25 - Sunday, June 27Clinton Sports Complex/ YSI

Annual Historic Lecompton Territorial DaysSaturday, June 26 - Sunday, June 27LecomptonThe highlight of the year in Lecompton, KS, Territorial Days began as a celebra-tion with the dedication of Constitution

Hall as a National Historic Landmark.

Night on the Kaw Saturday, June 26 Riverfront Park- De SotoA country music festival presented by the De Soto Chamber of Commerce. Acts include Matt Snook 6 pm, Jason Jones 7 pm, Tracey Lawrence 9 pm and


KU Symphonic Band & Uni-versity Band Tuesday, June 29Lied Center


Annual Downtown Lawrence Film Festival Thursday, July 1Downtown Lawrence Film: Arsenic and Old Lace starring Cary


Tour of Lawrence Friday, July 2 - Sunday, July 4Throughout LawrenceEnjoy bicycle racing at its best in beauti-

ful and historic Lawrence.

Salute! 2010 Thursday, July 8 - Saturday, July 10Throughout Lawrence Salute! - A Festival of Wine and Food is a three-day benefit that offers something

for wine lovers of all levels and tastes.

Annual Downtown Lawrence Film Festival Thursday, July 8 Downtown Lawrence Film: The Bachelor and the Bobby Soxer.

starring Cary Grant.

Lawrence MAYB Basketball Tournament Friday, July 9 - Sunday, July 11Gyms in and around Lawrence Annual Lawrence Mid-America Youth Basketball Tournament.

International Institute for Young MusiciansJuly 11 - July 30Talented pianists from across the world train and compete. Public performances are Wednesday evenings, and July 11 & 12.

Annual Sidewalk Sale Thursday, July 15Downtown Lawrence Come early and shop the bargains ga-lore as merchants slash prices on their inventory.

Van Go’s 2010 Benchmark Friday, July 23Van Go Mobile Arts2010 Bench Unveiling!

Douglas County Free Fair Saturday, July 31 - Saturday, August 7Douglas County Fairground Live music, carnival, 4-H exhibits, demo-lition derby, antique tractor pull and a variety of races and contests.

AugustCivil War on the Western Frontier Saturday, August 7 - Saturday, Au-gust 21Throughout LawrenceLiving history events that focus on his-toric Lawrence and Douglas County during the early Territorial days and the

Civil War.

Lawrence Busker FestFriday, August 20 - Sunday, August 22Downtown LawrenceStreet performers sing, dance, do magic and daredevil stunts in Downtown Law-rence.

Lied Center Family Arts Fes-tivalFriday, August 20Lied CenterThe annual Free Family Outdoor Con-cert and arts festival features Louisiana natives Jeffery Broussard & The Creole Cowboys performing their own brand of sensational contemporary zydeco and

tangy country.

SeptemberKU Football: KU v. North Da-kota StateSaturday, September 4Memorial Stadium

KU Football: KU v. Georgia Tech Saturday, September 11Memorial Stadium

KU Football: KU v. New Mex-ico StateSaturday, September 25Memorial Stadium

Neil Berg’s 100 Years of BroadwayThursday, September 30Lied Center100 Years of Broadway shines the spot-light on some of the finest theatrical moments from the greatest musicals of the century. Featuring five of Broad-way’s finest stars.

All events subject to change w/out notice.

the family that plays together...Katie Euliss and Mike West of Truckstop Honeymoon play hi-octane songs about interstates, pinball arcades and true love. Their cut-ting honesty, biting humor and harmonies make their music perfect for both micro breweries and minivans. When Hurricane Katrina hit their hometown New Orleans in 2005, the duo and their daughters were on tour. With their home underwater (check their song The Cover Of The N.Y.T.) the family traveled until settling in Lawrence.

Katie and Mike have since carved an indelible mark in town. They play benefits, fund raisers and bars, bringing their infectious Mardi Gras spirit to landlocked Lawrence. We love dancing to their re-cords (see Johnny & June). When not entertaining at a pre-school or a honky tonk, Truckstop Honeymoon dance around the living room with their kids. Katie and Mike let us know what gets them moving... (cont.)

Randy Kaplan - Five Cent Piece & Loquat Rooftop

Laura Freeman - A Baker’s Dozen & Color Wheel Cartwheel

Farmer Jason - Rockin’ in the Forest

Mozart - Magic Flute

Diana Ross - Diana

Irma Thomas - Time Is On My Side


“Roots rocker Randy Kaplan is one of those happy-they-exist people you can’t quite tell is playing kids’ music. And yet he is.” -NEW YORK MAGAZINE

Truckstop Honeymoon’s songs for living room dancing...Katie and Mike share their favorite records for family listening.

With marvelous musical chops and styles as varied as jazz, R&B and country, Texas-based folk singer Laura Freeman and deft Louisiana musicians serve up an efferves-cent odyssey through the world of color — yellow “melts like butter on a cob of corn on a hot day in July,” orange is a cha-cha lesson in color mixing and blue is a sweet and wacky progression from a sad whale to Bluebeard the pirate and his mom.

- The LA Times

The kid-friendly universe inhabited by coun-try-punk hero Jason Ringenberg gets bigger, weirder. A Day at the Farm boasts “A Guitar Pickin’ Chicken”--obsessively rural fun.

The timeless opera performed in two acts, composed in 1791

Ross’11th studio album, and the biggest-sell-ing studio collection of her career.

The unrivaled Soul Queen of New Orleans, Irma Thomas ranks among Crescent City R&B’s greatest and most enduring musical ambassadors.

Lawrence KidsParent


SCHOOLSBroken Arrow Elementary2704 Louisiana Street832-5600

Bishop Seabury (private)4120 Clinton Parkway832-1717

Central Junior High1400 Massachusetts Street832-5400

Century School (private)816 Kentucky Street832-0101

Cordley Elementary1837 Vermont Street832-5640

Corpus Christi (private)6001 Bob Billings Parkway331-3374

Deerfield Elementary101 Lawrence Avenue832-5660

Hillcrest Elementary1045 Hilltop Road832-5720

Kennedy Elementary1605 Davis Road832-5760

Langston Hughes Elementary1101 George Williams Way832-5890

Lawrence Diploma Completion Center711 West 23rd Street830-9119

Lawrence Free State High 4700 Overland Drive832-6050

Lawrence High 1901 Louisiana Street832-5050

Lawrence Virtual School2145 Louisiana Street832-5620

New York Elementary936 New York Street832-5780

Pickney Elementary810 West Sixth Street832-5800

Prairie Moon Waldorf1853 East 1600 Road841-8800

Prairie Park Elementary2711 Kensington Road832-5740

Quail Run Elementary1130 Inverness Drive832-5820

Raintree Montessori4601 Clinton Parkway843-6800

Schwegler Elementary2201 Ousdahl Road832-5860

South Junior High2734 Louisiana Street832-5400

Southwest Junior High2511 Inverness Drive832-5550

St. Johns Elementary (private)1208 Kentucky Street843-9511

Sunflower Elementary2521 Inverness Drive832-5870

Sunset Hill Elementary901 Schwartz Road832-5880

Sunshine Acres Montessorisee ad on pg. 302141 Maple


Veritas Christian (private)256 North Michigan749-0083

Wakarusa Valley Elementary1104 East 1000 Road832-5900

West Junior High2700 Harvard Road832-5500

Woodlawn Elementary508 Elm Street832-5920

ART ACTIVITIESLawrence Arts Centersee ad on pg. 382141 Maple

Lawrence Community Theater1501 New Hampshire843-7469

Spencer Museum of Art1301 Mississippi Street864-4710

Sunfire Ceramics1002 New Hampshire Street749-2828

BANKINGCentral National Banksee ad on pg. 39711 Wakarusa Drive603 West 9th Street800 Massachusetts Street 2321 Harper Street3140 Nieder Rd.Walmart Supercenter838-1893 (Wakarusa)

Douglas County Bank300 West 9th Street865-1000

KU Credit Union3400 W. 6th Street749-2224

Lawrence Bank3500 Clinton Parkway838.9704

Peoples Bank4831 West 6th Street842-4300

BOARD SHOPSWhite Chocolate933 Massachusetts Street856-9246

BOOK STORESAstrokitty Comics & More15 East 7th Street856-8607

Borders700 New Hampshire Street331-3226

The Dusty Bookshelf708 Massachusetts749.4643

Half Price Books1519 W. 23rd Street856-4253

Signs of Lifesee ad on pg. 29722 Massachusetts

The Raven8 East 7th Street749-3300

CHILD SERVICESCommunity Living Opportunitiessee ad on pg. 181424 Elmwood

Lawrence MemorialHospital see ad on back cover325 Maine Street

CLOTHINGBaby Gap643 Massachusetts Street838-3234

Blue Dandelionsee ad on pg. 27841 Massachusetts

Brown’s Shoe Fitsee ad on pg. 28829 Massachusetts Street

Eccentricitysee ad on pg. 27716 Massachusetts Street830-9100

Old Navy3234 Iowa Street865-3748

Vanny Phone: 785-841-8766 Toll Free:

DANCE / GYMNASTICSDance Gallery4940 Legends Drive838-9100

Dazzlers Christian Dance928 Iowa Street749-2251

G Force Athletics725 North 2nd Street843-5387

Lawrence Arts Centersee ad on pg. 382141 Maple

Lawrence Gymnastics Academy4930 Legends Drive865-0856

DENTIST / ORTHODONTISTSEnhance Dental Care4930 Legends Drive832-2882

Growing Smilessee ad on pg. 61425 Wakarusa Drive, Suite

Jayhawk Dental826 Iowa Street843-9122

McColm Orthodontics12 West 8th Street832-0809

Oread Orthodontics1425 Wakarusa, Suite C856-2483

Ranjbar Orthodonticssee ad on pg. 34828 Quail Crest

River Rock Family Dental1100 East 23rd Street856-8600

Smiles Family Dentistry2348 Iowa Street842-7645

Wilkerson, Saunders & Anderson831 Vermont843-6060

LIBRARYLawrence Public Library707 Vermont Street843-3833

MUSEUMSHaskell Cultural Center155 Indian Avenue832-6686

KU Natural History Museum1345 Jayhawk Boulevard864-4450

Rolling Hills Zoo & Wildlife Museumsee ad on pg. 19 625 N. Hedville

Spencer Museum of Art1301 Mississippi Street864-4710

Watkins Community Museum1047 Massachusetts Street841-4109

MUSICAmericana Music Academysee ad on pg. 41419 Massachusetts

Meadowlark MusicTogethersee ad on this page1001 Alabama

Music Clubhousesee ad on pg. 362201 W. 25th Street, Suite

OPTOMETRISTCrandon and Crandon1019 Massachusetts Street843-3844

Lawrence Family Vision3111 West 6th Street841-5288

Peoples Optical2600 Iowa Street842-6999

The Spectacle935 Iowa Street832-1238

Wink Jr. Eyewear4 East 7th Street841-1113

PARTIESCastle Tea Room1307 Massachusetts Street843-1151

Cici’s Pizza see ad on this page2020 West 23rd

Gambinos Pizza3514 Clinton Parkway856-5577

G-Force Athletics725 North 2nd Street843-5387

Googols of Learning500 Rockledge Road856-6002

Holiday Inn - Holidome200 McDonald Drive841-7077

Kansas Athleticssee ad on pg. 101651 Naismith

Lawrence Arts Centersee ad on pg. 382141 Maple

Lawrence Gymnastics Academy4930 Legends Drive865-0856


Lawrence Indoor Aquatic Center4706 Overland Drive832-7946

Lawrence Outdoor Aquatic Center727 Kentucky832-7990

Music Clubhousesee ad on pg. 362201 W. 25th Street, Suite

Rolling Hills Zoo & Wildlife Museumsee ad on pg. 19 625 N. Hedville

Royal Crest Lanessee ad on pg. 8933 Iowa

Southwind 12 Theater3433 Iowa Street832-0880

South Park Wading Pool1131 Massachusetts Street832-7920

Sunfire Ceramics1002 New Hampshire Street749-2828

Vinland Valley Nursery594-2966

PEDIATRICIANSAmber Belt, ND901 Kentucky, Suite 108218-0606

First Med2323 Ridge Court865-5300

Haskell Health Care2415 Massachusetts Street843-3750

Health Care Access330 Maine Street841-5760

Lawrence Family Medicine1220 Biltmore Drive331-1700Mt. Oread Family Practice3510 Clinton Place842-5070

Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine346 Maine Street842-4477

PHOTOGRAPHYAnne Dillon Photographysee ad on pg. 9(913)

Creative Images Photography936 Avalon Road842-5049

The Crystal Imagesee ad on pg. 71201

Insight Photography729 1/2 Massachusetts Street865-4334

J. Gladman Photography613 North 2nd Street842-1233

Kruger Photography1117 Stonecreek Drive842-7078

Maria Hays Photography6318 West 22nd Court727-9911

White Lotus Photographysee ad on pg. 21405 Massachusetts

POOLSAlvamar Country Club (private)4120 Clinton Parkway841-0681

Lawrence Country Club (private)400 Country Club Terrace843-2938

Lawrence Indoor Aquatic Center4706 Overland Drive832-7946

Lawrence Outdoor Aquatic Center727 Kentucky832-7990South Park Wading Pool1131 Massachusetts Street832-7920

Stranger Creek PoolsFranklin Park Circle(913) 645-3135

Swims & Sweepssee ad on pg. 61033 Vermont

Waterfront2004 East 23rd Street749-1995

PIZZA23rd Street Brewerysee ad on pg. 143512 Clinton

Cici’s Pizza see ad on pg. 372020 West 23rd

Gambinos3514 Clinton Parkway856-5577

Glory Days Pizza4821 West 6th Street841-5252

Papa Keno’s Pizzeria1035 Massachusetts Street841-7272

Pizza Shuttle1601 West 23rd Street842-1212

Rudy’s Pizzeria704 Massachusetts Street749-0055

Wheat State Pizza711 West 23rd Street865-2323

The Wheel Pizza Company507 West 14th Street749-4335

TRAVEL PLANNINGLawrence Travel Center3320 Peterson Road, Suite 102B841-7117

Travel Leaders4104 West 6th Street Suite A842-4000

Travellers, Inc831 Massachusetts Street749-0700

TREATSBen & Jerry’s818 Massachusetts Street841-0015

Dairy Queen1835 Massachusetts Street843-35882545 Iowa Street842-9359

Juice Stopsee ad on pg. 17812 Massachusetts Street3514 Clinton Place4821 West 6th Street331-3300 (West 6th Street)

Penny Annie’s Sweet Shoppe845 Massachusetts843-5544

Pieroguys Pierogiessee ad on pg. 173516 Harrison BoulevardKansas City, MO(816)

Sylas & Maddy’s1014 Massachusetts Street832-8323

Tad’s Tropical Snow Cone939 Iowa Street865-0112

Yummy’s Over the Top Frozen Yogurt1119 Massachusetts Street838-3600

ZOOKansas City Zoo6800 Zoo DriveKansas City, MO(816) 513-5700

Henry Doorly Zoo3701 S 10th Street Omaha, NE(402) 733-8400

Rolling Hills Zoo & Wildlife Museumsee ad on pg. 19 625 N. Hedville RoadSalina,

Sunset Zoological Park2333 Oak StreetManhattan, KS(785) 587-2737

Topeka Zoo635 Gage BoulevardTopeka, KS(785) 368-9180

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issue of Lawrence Kids,

and theParent Resource

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PO Box 442315Lawrence, KS / 66044


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