leader’s guide family advent worship series€¦ · to family ministry or family worship, but it...

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Family AdventWorship Series

Leader’s Guide













Leader’s Guide

Family Advent Worship Series







Orders of service by Leon Jameson. Sermons by Jeffrey Meinz. Original hymn text by Carol Geisler. Art and design by

Lindsay Galvin. © 2015 Creative Communications for the Parish, 1564 Fencorp Dr., Fenton, MO 63026. 800-325-9414. www.

creativecommunications.com. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Purchase of this kit gives the purchaser the copyright release

to use the material in any format for use in worship.


Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5

About the Series .......................................................................................................... 6-7

How To Use the Series ............................................................................................. 8-14

Newsletter/Bulletin notices ...................................................................................15-18

Service One (The Song of Zechariah) ................................................................ 19-50

Service Two (The Song of Mary) ..........................................................................51-78

Service Three (The Song of the Angels) ..........................................................79-106

Service Four (The Song of the Church) ......................................................... 107-137

Christmas Eve Message .................................................................................... 138-141

Christmas Day Message .................................................................................... 142-145

Music Guide .......................................................................................................... 146-193

Family Advent Worship Series







IntroductionAdvent is a season of waiting. During these four weeks we become more aware of God’s

actions—past, present and future. We encounter our very present God, present by his presence. We are assured in our Christmas waiting that Christ will come again to shine

brightly among us.

With that in mind, join us in this special series as we call: “Hark the glad sound! The Savior promised long comes to us.”

These four service guides can be used in many different ways. Ideal for midweek services, you can also use the services for weekly worship, kid’s church or even a special

family Advent Sunday school series.

I’ve teamed with Rev. Jeffrey Meinz and Tim Wells, both friends and family ministry experts, to develop this experiential worship resource for families. You’ll find age-

appropriate materials that will connect members of all ages and draw everyone together in preparation and expectation.

Enjoy your preparation this Advent season as we journey to meet Christ.

Rev. Leon Jameson, a pastor with a heart for families

Family Advent Worship Series







About the SeriesIn this Hark the Glad Sound Family Advent Worship Series, help families join their

voices with Zechariah, Mary, the Angels and the Church in the songs of Advent found in Scripture. Each week in this series written by Rev. Leon Jameson and Rev. Jeffrey Meinz, gifted and active ministers to families, family members of all generations will

gather together in a more informal setting in the church or fellowship hall to sing and celebrate the coming of Christ. A simple order of service, a short sermon, song

suggestions and ideas for activities and crafts are included for each week. Also included are two bonus sermons for Christmas Eve and Day.

• Week 1: The Song of Zechariah (Luke 1:67-79): Zechariah’s Song revealed that his newborn son will be a prophet, sent to prepare the way of the Lord. Families will engage in activities revolving around this song that serves as a melody of repentance for us.

• Week 2: The Song of Mary (Luke 1:46-55): Mary’s Song declares that the Lord has remembered his covenant with us through his Son. Families will engage in activities revolving around this song that serves as a melody of remembrance for us.

• Week 3: The Song of the Angels (Luke 2:8-14): The Song of the Angels announced with great joy the Good News of Christ’s birth. Families will engage in activities revolving around this song that serves as a melody of rejoicing for us.

Family Advent Worship Series







• Week 4: The Song of the Church (Isaiah 52:7-10): The Song of the Church carries the angels’ message of peace, good will to all the world. Families will engage in activities revolving around this song that serves as a melody of reconciliation for us.

The kit includes everything you need for each service as well as a CD-ROM (Mac/PC) with the text of the entire kit in .rtf (rich text format) and PowerPoint documents of all the services with images and text (along with a copyright release) for use on screens.







How To Use the SeriesInterest in family ministry has skyrocketed over the past decade, but the concept has

been around for a long time. Churches has long offered a wide variety of family related ministry programs and services: premarital counseling for engaged couples, marriage

retreats, parenting classes, even Sunday school classes that teach children of all ages to love God and obey their parents. As valid as this approach may be in some cases, it is not

the only way to conduct family ministry.

Many pastors and church leaders recognize that a more effective family ministry style teaches and guides family members in family-friendly events, where families learn,

worship, discuss and laugh together. This approach is what guides Hark the Glad Sound Advent Worship Series. This resource helps family members hear about, talk about and

experience the incarnation of Jesus together.

An intentionally designed family worship service is a moving and memorable experience. It’s not easy to structure worship so that it engages and challenges a wide

range of ages, needs and learning modalities. This resource is not an all-inclusive answer to family ministry or family worship, but it is a starting point. We hope that the ideas and tools in this series allow you to minister to the families in your church in the most

effective way possible.

Each service outline includes liturgical elements, guided activities, music and multimedia.

Family Advent Worship Series







Liturgical ElementsCall to Worship

A thematic call to worship provides a consistent invitation as worship begins. With it, we are reminded that God invites us to gather in his name, and to worship in the joyful

context of our renewed relationship with God in Christ. Speak these words with a gesture of open embrace and a genuine smile to convey the warmth of God’s love.


One of the central acts of worship is prayer. A thematic opening and closing prayer are provided. These prayers can be offered corporately or by the worship leader.

Confession and Absolution

Our God longs for honesty within the promise-based relationship God has established with us in Jesus Christ. In a culture that avoids talk of sin and guilt, prayers of confession foster honesty and openness in our relationship with God. In this series, the opportunity for Confession and Absolution provide an Advent focus that point us to the forgiveness

we receive in Christ.

Scripture Reading and Message

The reading and preaching of God’s Word stands at the center of worship. Each scripture reading and message in this series is thematic with a clear focus on Jesus Christ.


God’s Greeting (Invocation) at the beginning of a service and God’s Blessing (Benediction) at the end of the service frame the liturgy. In the benediction, the dialogue of worship

shifts from the people’s response to God and emphasizes God’s parting words of grace to his people.






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GUIDED ACTIVITIESLighting of the Advent Wreath

The lighting of Advent candles vividly symbolizes our growing expectation for Christ’s coming as the Light of the World. It is a useful object to teach participants of all ages the truths of the Advent season. The evergreen of the Advent wreath reminds us that Jesus

is life and brings life to us; its circular form reminds us that life in Christ has no end.

Even if you are familiar with the Advent wreath, consider these creative uses in your service:

1. Each week of Advent, consider moving the wreath closer and closer to the congregation to depict Jesus drawing closer to humanity.

2. Involve children or teenagers in the lighting of the Advent Wreath.

3. Provide instructions for families to create Advent wreaths in their homes and encourage them to light the candles before meals and during family devotion times.

Family Advent Crafts

Crafts are a unique, experience-rich addition to family worship. For congregations with lots of children in worship, this element of the outline is especially important.

First and foremost, children love creating things, even if they appear to simply be experts in the art of “mess”! These family Advent crafts provide a first-hand learning experience that is not only appropriate educationally and developmentally, but also

provides an element in the worship service that links hand and heart, voice and song, mind and spirit to God’s truth.

Each Family Advent Craft connects to the weekly theme and is explained in detail in the weekly “Worship Planning Outline.” This year, following the overall theme of “Hark the Glad Sound,” each craft will be a different instrument. During the Praise Offering and during the final song, kids can be invited to play their instruments. Included for each

week’s Family Advent Craft are the following:

1. Explanation of weekly theme and Advent craft application.

2. List of needed craft supplies.

3. Instructions and pictures for completing the Advent craft.

4. Alternative craft suggestions from Oriental Trading Company and other sources.






DSM 11

To ensure that this element of the service is impact-rich and chaos-light, consider getting some volunteers involved. Appointing an individual or a family as “Family Advent Craft

Coordinator” will help make the craft time cohesive, calm and coordinated. Consider asking one person to coordinate the craft for all four services or invite families to sign-up

to serve for one of the four weeks.

Instructions for the “Family Advent Craft Coordinator”:

1. Read through instructions for each weekly craft suggestion.

2. Gather supplies for each weekly craft.

3. Set up supplies in assigned family craft location.

4. Be present during the worship service to give instructions and explain the craft.

5. Coordinate craft clean-up after each service.

Family Conversation

You can approach this element in a variety of ways. You may want to use the suggested Family Conversation questions during the sermon or during the family craft time.

Wherever you decide to place this element, make it an intentional choice focused on helping families have meaningful conversation about the service theme. Note that the family conversation questions are intentionally designed to engage a variety of ages.Crea





12 DSM


The music suggestions for each service are just that, suggestions. You know your congregation best.

The option for “Song Choice” is a creative invitation for participants to choose what to sing from a list of Advent themed songs. This approach is especially effective with

children, actively involving them in the flow of the service.

Video Suggestions

Did you know that people remember 85% of what they see and just 15% of what they hear? Image-based learning connects worship participants with important lesson points. Video is an awesome tool for communicating the Gospel and biblical truth in a language

that people of all ages appreciate.

Each service outline suggests places for videos to be used. As with the songs, these are just that, suggestions. You know your congregation best.

This resource does not include any custom-made videos. The recommendations connect to the weekly theme or the theme of Advent. If you opt to use these videos, you must

purchase them from the appropriate web link (accurate at the time of publication). Generally, these videos cost $10-$20 per video and allow nearly unlimited use in your


Here are the points in each worship outline where video is recommended:

1. Before the invocation.

This makes an effective lead-in or launch of the service because it quickly focuses people’s attention and visually introduces the thematic focus.

2. Before the sermon.

This placement can be an effective method to bring focus to a specific Scripture text, theme or event.

3. During songs as “background.”

There seems to be a progression when it comes to the presentation of song lyrics for worship services: from printed lyrics, to projected lyrics, to projected lyrics with still-picture backgrounds, to projected lyrics with video backgrounds. Experimenting with






DSM 13

video backgrounds helps to make a visual connection with what our ears hear and our lips sing.

In order to use video backgrounds behind your projected song lyrics, you must operate presentation software that allows you to overlay text onto video. There are a number of software packages that do this effectively.

Where to find great videos and other content ideas:

Some of the leading media websites for worship videos include:

Worship House Media: http://www.worshiphousemedia.com/

Sermon Spice: http://www.sermonspice.com/

Bluefish TV: http://www.bluefishtv.com/Store/Browse/Downloadable_Video_Illustrations






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Your worship space should first and foremost be a reverent and sacred place to worship the coming Christ, but for this series you also want to worship in a space that lends itself

to this style of interactive worship.

You know your space option and limitations. You may need to adapt certain elements suggested in this resource.

You may want to consider using an open space with round tables and chairs with an altar at the front. This layout lends itself well to the Family Advent Craft and Family

(table) Conversations.

Special attention should be given to visual displays in the worship space. The liturgical colors for Advent are purple and deep blue, and rough and coarse textures are common.

An Advent wreath with four candles and a Christ candle can heighten the sense of anticipation.


This resource is not intended to be a perfect fit for all congregations and for all families. Use what works, adapt where needed, and add to these ideas to best meet the needs for

the families gathering in your congregation. The design of these services targets families with young children but are also appropriate and can be well received by older adults

and teenagers. Again, adapt to meet the needs of your congregation.

Recruit Families

Don’t rely on one or two people to do all the work. Effective family ministry encourages families to do things together. Invite families to help plan and prepare these worship

services. The “Family Advent Craft Coordinator” is a great example.






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Complete Script for Worship Leaders

• Pre-service Songs are sung by the congregation, following these guidelines:

The option for “Songs” is a creative invitation for participants to choose what to sing from a list of Advent-themed songs. This approach is especially effective with children,

actively involving them in the flow of the worship service.

Optional Advent “Song Choice” list (offer the same list each week or vary your list):

“God of Wonders” by Paul Baloche

“Here I Am to Worship” by Tim Hughes

“You Are Holy (Prince of Peace)” by Michael W. Smith

“O Come, Little Children” by Christoph von Schmid

“God Loves Me Dearly” by August Rische

“Soon and Very Soon” by Andrea Crouch

“Away In a Manger”

“O Come, All Ye Faithful”

Service Two: The Song of Mary






DSM 59

“Jesus, Names Above All Names” by Naida Hearn

“Come, Thou Long-Expected Jesus” by Chris Eaton, John Hartley, Gareth Robinson

“Everlasting God (Strength Will Rise)” by Brenton Brown

“God With Us” by All Sons and Daughters

“Here Is Our King” by David Crowder Band

“Light of the World” by Matt Redman

• A Welcome is read by the pastor or other worship leader:

P Welcome to our Advent worship. It is good to praise the Lord, to make a glad sound as we prepare for the coming Savior! We give thanks this day that the Holy Spirit puts a new song in our mouths and works in us a melody of repentance!

• A Video is presented on a screen:

Show the video “Sing His Praise Worship Intro” from Hyper Pixels Media:


• An Invocation is read responsively by the pastor and the congregation:

P We begin our worship together in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

C Amen.

• A Call to Worship (from Psalm 150) is read responsively by the pastor and the congregation:

P Praise God! Praise God in this place of worship;

C Praise God in his mighty heavens!

P Praise God for the saving deeds of Christ;

C Give praise for such exceptional love.

P Praise God with the blast of trumpets;

C Give praise with guitar and keyboard.

P Praise God with tambourine and dance;






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C Give praise with violin and flute.

P Praise God with drums and cymbals;

C Give praise with thundering organ.

P Let everything that has breath praise God!

C Praise God!

• A Children’s Action Play is led by the pastor or other worship leader with the congregation, especially small children, performing the actions:

L This is a special time of waiting. We come together as members of God’s family, young and old, to celebrate who Jesus is and why he came.

(Adults should join in helping children perform the actions.)

C Who is it? Who is it? Who will God send? (Shrug shoulders) A baby named Jesus born in Bethlehem. (Cradle arms, rock the baby) Who is it? Who’s coming? Who can it be? (Shrug shoulders) Emmanuel, God with us, will save you and me. (Point at others and then self)

• The Opening Prayer is read by the pastor:

P O God, this Advent season put a new song in our mouths: a song of repentance that proclaims the hope of forgiveness and salvation, a song of remembrance that marvels at your covenant promise, a song of rejoicing that declares peace and hope. May the joyful tune of our Emmanuel find welcome in our hearts and take flesh in our lives as the song of your Church proclaims forgiveness, joy and salvation. We ask this through him whose coming is certain, whose day draws near; your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

• The Lighting of the Advent Wreath is read responsively by the pastor and the congregation:

P During our celebration of Advent we will be lighting the candles of the Advent Wreath. Each week a candle and a name for Jesus from Isaiah 9:6 are added. Now hear the words of Isaiah: For to us a child is born, to us a son is given,

C and the government will be on his shoulders.

P And he will be called






DSM 61

C Wonderful Counselor,

(The first candle of the Advent Wreath is lit at this time.)

C Mighty God.

(The second candle of the Advent Wreath is lit at this time.)

P We light these candles as a sign of our waiting and hope for the coming Christ.

P A Song is sung by the congregation to the tune Jefferson 87 87 D (or you are welcome to choose a different song from the “Song Choice” list on pp. 58-59):

Come, thou long-expected Jesus, born to set thy people free; From our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in thee.

Israel’s Strength and Consolation, hope of all the earth thou art; Dear desire of ev’ry nation, joy of ev’ry longing heart.

Born thy people to deliver, born a child and yet a King, Born to reign in us forever, now thy gracious kingdom bring.

By thine own eternal Spirit rule in all our hearts alone; By thine all-sufficient merit raise us to thy glorious throne.

• The Confession and Absolution is read responsively by the pastor and congregation:

P The creation that once resonated with the sound of God’s glory is now out of tune as we find ourselves in the discord of sinful life. We can all recite our litany of troubles, and if we’re honest, we know the powerful impressions that sin has left on our minds. God’s Word reminds us that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and calls us to repentance. We speak our confession together.

C God of salvation, in Christ you have done great things—our hearts are filled with joy. By your power you lifted us out of the harshness of sin and brought us into the pleasance of your Kingdom. Salvation is your gift to us. But we confess that often we try to replace your gift with our own efforts. We try to complete what is already perfect; we try to add to what is already full; we try to earn what we already have. Forgive us for our foolishness. Help us to focus on your grace. Help us to live grateful lives in return. For Jesus’ sake alone. Amen.

P God has provided redemption from sin. Jesus has brought music to our ears. Hear






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the good news: “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). Because of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, your sins are forgiven, and we can live our lives in harmony with him and with one another. All glory be to him. Amen.

• A Song is sung by the congregation to the tune Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland 77 77 (or you are welcome to choose a different song from the “Song Choice” list on pp. 58-59):

Savior of the nations, come; Virgin’s Son, here make thy home! Marvel now, O heav’n and earth, That the Lord chose such a birth.

Not by human flesh and blood, By the Spirit of our God

Was the Word of God made flesh, Woman’s offspring, pure and fresh.

• The Scripture, Luke 1:46-55, is read by the pastor or other worship leader:

P And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name. And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts; he has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty. He has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.”

• A Song is sung by the congregation to the tune Gabriel’s Message 10 10 11 7 3:

The angel Gabriel from heaven came. With wings as drifted snow, with eyes as flame:

“All hail to thee, O lowly maiden Mary, Most highly favored lady.” Gloria!

“For know a blessed mother thou shalt be, All generations laud and honor thee;

Thy son shall be Emmanuel, by seers foretold, Most highly favored lady.” Gloria!






DSM 63

Then gentle Mary meekly bowed her head; “To me be as it pleaseth God,” she said.

“My soul shall laud and magnify God’s holy name.” Most highly favored lady, Gloria!

Of her, Emmanuel, the Christ was born In Bethlehem all on a Christmas morn,

And Christian folk throughout the world will ever say: “Most highly favored lady.” Gloria!

• A Video is presented on a screen.

Show the video “King of Kings” by Dan Stevers:


• A Message is delivered by the pastor:

P Let’s pray: Heavenly Father, we humbly look to you for mercy and grace. We pray that you would reveal yourself to us once again and set our hearts aflame by your perfect Word. By the Holy Spirit’s leading, help us to see your Son, Jesus Christ, whose birth we anticipate. Amen.

It’s official! Men remember less than women do (at least that’s what a piece of recent research suggests). This is according to Professor Jostein Holmen, from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, who asked over 48,000 people nine specific questions. These questions related to remembering names, dates, recent events, and important conversations.

A majority of men couldn’t remember the answers to 8 of the 9 questions asked.

Let’s conduct our own little study … right here, right now.

Raise your hand if you remember your name. (Good, good … most of you got that one.)

Raise your hand if you remember the date of your birth. (OK … still a majority of people.) Your spouse’s birthday? Anniversary? (We lost a couple of men there.)

Raise your hand if you remember the birthdays of all the people who live in your immediate household. (Whoops … we lost quite a few there.)

I’m going to talk to just the parents in the room for a moment … Raise your hands if you remember the weight and length of your children when they were born. (Probably more women than men remember this one.) Men rarely remember these






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details. Look, the kid was born … what more beyond that is important?!?!

Today, like last week, we’ll be looking at a familiar melody from Scripture. This week we’re looking at the Song of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and her MELODY OF REMEMBRANCE.

It seems that men forget. Does God forget? Hebrews 8:12 declares, “For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.” Isaiah 43:25 proclaims, “I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more.”

So God forgets the sin he’s forgiven. But has he forgotten any of his promises?

God made a promise to Abraham in Genesis 15. Let’s look at verses 1-5.

Abraham and Sarah have no children. They are longing for an heir. They are well advanced in age and God has never blessed them with any children. Therefore, Abraham believes that a servant named Eliezer, who lives in his home, will be his eventual heir. That’s where verse 4 & 5 come in:

Then the Lord said to him, “No, your servant will not be your heir, for you will have a son of your own who will be your heir.” Then the Lord took Abram outside and said to him, “Look up into the sky and count the stars if you can. That’s how many descendants you will have!”

Abraham believed the Lord but decades passed and still God had never given Abraham and Sarah a son. Had God forgotten? No! When Abraham and Sarah were nearly 100 years old … God gave them a son, Isaac. What a miracle!

A son is one thing … a Savior for the universe is entirely something different. God promised a Savior dating all the way back to the Garden of Eden. You might remember the words of Genesis 3:15: “I (meaning God) will put enmity (meaning hostility) between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall crush your head, and you shall bruise his heal.”

So where was this Savior? Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob never saw him face to face. Moses and Joshua never experienced him in the flesh. Jeremiah and Isaiah, all the prophets, spoke about him … yet they never touched him.

Four hundred years of complete and utter silence had occurred since the last Old Testament prophet, Malachi, had spoken. Had God forgotten? Had God the Father forgotten the promises he had made?






DSM 65

Absolutely not!

Gabriel the angel had appeared to the virgin Mary and proclaimed to her that she was to give birth to a son, and his name will be Jesus. Luke 1:32-33 reads, “He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. And the Lord God will give to him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.”

That proclamation from the heavenly being has led Mary to break out in song. It was time for the MELODY OF REMEMBRANCE to be sung! Similar to the song of Zechariah we studied last week, now it is Mary’s turn.

Notice verse 54: “[God] has helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy, as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his offspring forever.”

God had not forgotten his people! God had not forgotten the promises he made to his people! He was waiting for that exact moment. Mary found favor with God and she would be the mother of the Promise, Jesus Christ, the Son of God!

God had not forgotten. At times we do. We are tempted to forget the real purpose behind this Advent season. We focus on blinking lights and wrapping paper. We turn our attention to certain songs and mistletoe. But I encourage you to remember that the purpose of Advent is to prepare for the promise. Prepare your hearts, once again, to celebrate the God who never forgot. Rejoice in the Savior who was given for you.

Amen. Creativ





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• The Family Advent Craft: Sandy Shaker (or alternate craft) instruction sheets (see pp. 74-77 for reproducible handouts) are handed out for families to do now or on their own during the week:

Family Advent Craft: Sandy Shaker Theme Connect: This week’s Gospel reading is known as the “Magnificat.” In this song, Mary rejoices in knowing that God has remembered the promise he made to Abraham centuries before. Through the birth of the baby in Mary’s womb, God would keep his

promise to Abraham to bless all nations through his offspring.

Today we celebrate that God has remembered his promise to Abraham and has sent his Son as a blessing to all nations. In Genesis 22:17, God promises, “I will surely bless you and make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky and as the sand

on the seashore.” Today, remembering this promise, we will make “sandy shakers.” Just as the sands on the seashore are so numerous that they are impossible to count, today Abraham’s descendants are numerous, living in all parts of the world. Through Christ,

we have been made descendants of Abraham. As we shake our “sandy shakers,” we remember God’s promise to Abraham and thank him for including us in his family.


• Two plastic cups per craft (5 oz.)

• Craft sand (You can also use rice as a substitute)

• Duct tape in a variety of colors and designs


1. To make our “sandy shakers,” we need to start by pouring ¼ cup of sand (or rice) into a cup.






DSM 67

2. Place your second cup over the top of the first one so that both open ends are facing each other.

3. Using a strip of duct tape, seal the two cups together. You now have a “sandy shaker.”






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4. Tearing strips of duct tape into smaller pieces, decorate your shaker. Use different colors of tape to create a collage on your cups.

5. Now you’re done! Pick up your shaker and make music in praise to our God!

Alternative Crafts Options

While the following options do not match directly with the theme for the service, they might serve as good alternatives if you are looking for other options. These items can be

found at www.orientaltrading.com.

“Color Your Own ‘Child of God’ Crosses” — Item # IN-48/5048

“Child of God Handprint Ornament Craft Kit” — Item # IN-48/9103






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DSM 183

Music Guide

Jefferson 87 87 D ................................................................................................184-185

Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland 77 77 ....................................................... 186-187

Veni Emmanuel LM and refrain .................................................................... 188-189

Old Hundredth LM ............................................................................................. 190-191

Chesterfield CM ................................................................................................... 192-193

Service Four: The Song of the Church






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Tune .....................................................................................................Jefferson 87 87 D






DSM 185

• A Song is sung by the congregation to the tune Jefferson 87 87 D (or you are welcome to choose a different song from the “Song Choice” list on pp. 115-116):

Come, thou long-expected Jesus, born to set thy people free; From our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in thee.

Israel’s Strength and Consolation, hope of all the earth thou art; Dear desire of ev’ry nation, joy of ev’ry longing heart.

Born thy people to deliver, born a child and yet a King, Born to reign in us forever, now thy gracious kingdom bring.

By thine own eternal Spirit rule in all our hearts alone; By thine all-sufficient merit raise us to thy glorious throne.






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Tune ............................................................ Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland 77 77






DSM 187

• A Song is sung by the congregation to the tune Nun Komm, Der Heiden Heiland 77 77 (or you are welcome to choose a different song from the “Song Choice” list on pp. 115-116):

Savior of the nations, come; Virgin’s Son, here make thy home! Marvel now, O heav’n and earth, That the Lord chose such a birth.

Not by human flesh and blood, By the Spirit of our God

Was the Word of God made flesh, Woman’s offspring, pure and fresh.






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Tune ......................................................................... Veni Emmanuel LM and refrain






DSM 189

• A Song is sung by the congregation to the tune Veni Emmanuel LM and refrain:

O come, O come, Emmanuel, and ransom captive Israel That mourns in lonely exile here until the Son of God appear.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel.

O come, O Wisdom from on high, who ordered all things mightily; To us the path of knowledge show and teach us in her ways to go.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel.

O come, O come, great Lord of might, who to your tribes on Sinai’s height In ancient times didst give the law in cloud and majesty and awe.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel.

O come, O Branch of Jesse’s stem, from ev’ry foe deliver them That trust your mighty pow’r to save; bring them in vict’ry through the grave.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel.

O come, O Key of David, come, and open wide our heav’nly home. Make safe the way that leads on high, and close the path to misery.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel.

O come, Desire of nations, bind in one the hearts of all mankind. Oh, bid our sad divisions cease and be yourself our King of Peace.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come to you, O Israel.Creativ





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Tune ................................................................................................. Old Hundredth LM








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Old Hundredth LM






DSM 191

• In thanksgiving to God for the gift of Jesus, the Praise Offering takes place at this time. Musical instruments made during this service (or other instruments on hand) are played by the children and/or adults as the Doxology is sung by all a cappella to the tune Old Hundredth LM:

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heav’nly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.






192 DSM

Tune ........................................................................................................Chesterfield CM








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Chesterfield CM






DSM 193

• The Closing Song is sung by the congregation to the tune Chesterfield CM. During this song, family members may play the musical instruments they made during the service or any type of simple instrument they can use to “make music.”)

Hark the glad sound! The Savior comes, The Savior promised long; Let ev’ry heart prepare a throne and ev’ry voice a song.

The name of Jesus was revealed for Mary’s holy Child, For only in his Son is God with sinners reconciled.

Good news, once sung at Bethlehem by all the angel throng, Is now the melody of hope that is the Church’s song.

All glory to the Father give, with glory to the Son, And glory to the Spirit sing, th’eternal Three in One!






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