learn about dot net attributes

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Learn about .NET Attributes

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Assemblies are the building blocks of .NET Framework ; they form the basic unit of deployment, reuse, version control,reuse, activation scoping and security permissions. An assembly is a collection of types and resources that are created to

work together and form a functional and logical unit.

.NET assemblies are self-describing, i.e. information about an assembly is stored in the assembly itself. Thisinformation is called Meta data. .NET also allows you to put additional information in the meta data via Attributes.

Attributes are used in many places within the .NET framework.

This page discusses what attributes are, how to use inbuilt attributes and how to customize attributes.

Define .NET Attributes

A .NET attribute is information that can be attached with a class, an assembly, property, method and other members. Anattribute bestows to the metadata about an entity that is under consideration. An attribute is actually a class that is either

inbuilt or can be customized. Once created, an attribute can be applied to various targets including the ones mentionedabove.

For better understanding, let’s take this example:

[WebService]public class WebService1 : System.Web.Services.WebService



5. public string HelloWorld()


return “Hello World”;



The above code depicts a class named WebService1 that contains a method: HelloWorld(). Take note of the class and

method declaration. The WebService1 class is decorated with [WebService] and HelloWorld() is decorated with[WebMethod].

Both of them – [WebService] and [WebMethod] – are features. The [WebService] attribute indicates that the target of

the feature (WebService1 class) is a web service. Similarly, the [WebMethod] feature indicates that the target underconsideration (HelloWorld() method) is a web called method. We are not going much into details of these specific

attributes, it is sufficient to know that they are inbuilt and bestow to the metadata of the respective entities.

Two broad ways of classification of attributes are : inbuilt and custom. The inbuilt features are given by .NETframework and are readily usable when required. Custom attributes are developer created classes.

On observing a newly created project in Visual Studio, you will find a file named AssemblyInfo.cs. This file constitute

attributes that are applicable to the entire project assembly.

For instance, consider the following AssemblyInfo.cs from an ASP.NET Web Application

// General Information about an assembly is controlled through the following

// set of attributes. Change these attribute values to modify the information

// associated with an assembly.[assembly: AssemblyTitle("CustomAttributeDemo")][assembly:


[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]

[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]

[assembly: AssemblyProduct("CustomAttributeDemo")]

[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("Copyright © 2014")]

[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]

[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]

// Version information for an assembly consists of the following four values:


// Major Version

// Minor Version

// Build Number

// Revision


// You can specify all the values or you can default the Revision and Build Numbers

// by using the ‘*’ as shown below:

[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]

[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion("")]

As you can see there are many attributes such as AssemblyTitle, AssemblyDescription and AssemblyVersion. Since

their target is the hidden assembly, they use [assembly: <attribute_name>] syntax.

Information about the features can be obtained through reflection. Most of the inbuilt attributes are handled by .NETframework internally but for custom features you may need to create a mechanism to observe the metadata emitted by


Inbuilt Attributes

In this section you will use Data Annotation Attributes to prove model data. Nees to start by creating a new ASP.NETMVC Web Application. Then add a class to the Models folder and name it as Customer. The Customer class contains

two public properties and is shown below:

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Linq;

using System.Web;

5. using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

namespace CustomAttributesMVCDemo.Models


public class Customer

10. {


public string CustomerID { get; set; }


15. [StringLength(20,MinimumLength=5,ErrorMessage="Invalid company name!")]

public string CompanyName { get; set; }



Take note of the above code. The Customer class comprise of two string properties – CustomerID and CompanyName.Its important to note that these properties are decorated with data annotation features residing in the

System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace.

The [Required] features points that the CustomerID property must be given some value in order to consider it to be avalid model. Similarly, the CompanyName property is designed with [Required] and [StringLength] attributes. The

[StringLength] feature is used to specify that the CompanyName should be a at least five characters long and at maxtwenty characters long. An error message is also specified in case the value given to the CompanyName property

doesn’t meet the criteria. To note that [Required] and [StringLength] attributes are actually classes – RequiredAttributeand StringLengthAttribute – defined in the System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations namespace.

Now, add the HomeController class to the Controllers folder and write the following action methods:

public ActionResult Index()


return View();



public ActionResult ProcessForm()


Customer obj = new Customer();

bool flag = TryUpdateModel(obj);

10. if(flag)


ViewBag.Message = “Customer data received successfully!”;



15. {

ViewBag.Message = “Customer data validation failed!”;


return View(“Index”);


The Index() action method simply returns the Index view. The Index.cshtml consists of a simple <form> as given


<form action=”/home/processform” method=”post”>

<span>Customer ID : </span>

<input type=”text” name=”customerid” />

<span>Company Name : </span>

5. <input type=”text” name=”companyname” />

<input type=”submit” value=”Submit”/>




The values entered in the customer ID text box and company name text box are submitted to the ProcessForm() actionmethod.

The ProcesssForm() action method uses TryUpdateModel() method to allot the characteristics of the Customer model

with the form field values. The TryUpdateModel() method returns true if the model properties contain proven data asper the condition given by the data annotation features, otherwise it returns false. The model errors are displayed on the

page using ValidationSummary() Html helper.

Then run the application and try submitting the form without entering Company Name value. The following figureshows how the error message is shown:

Thus data notation attributes are used by ASP.NET MVC to do model validations.

Creating Custom Attributes

In the above example, some inbuilt attributes were used. This section will teach you to create a custom attribute and

then apply it. For the sake of this example let’s assume that you have developed a class library that has some complexbusiness processing. You want that this class library should be consumed by only those applications that got a valid

license key given by you. You can devise a simple technique to accomplish this task.

Let’s begin by creating a new class library project. Name the project LicenseKeyAttributeLib. Modify the default classfrom the class library to resemble the following code:

namespace LicenseKeyAttributeLib



public class MyLicenseAttribute:Attribute

5. { public string Key { get; set; }



As you can see the MyLicenseAttribute class is created by taking it from the Attribute base class is provided by the

.NET framework. By convention all the attribute classes end with “Attribute”. But while using these attributes you don’tneed to write “Attribute”.

Thus MyLicenseAttribute class will be used as [MyLicense] on the target.

The MyLicenseAttribute class contains just one property – Key – that represents a license key.

The MyLicenseAttribute itself is decorated with an inbuilt attribute – [AttributeUsage]. The [AttributeUsage] feature is

used to set the target for the custom attribute being created.

Now, add another class library to the same solution and name it ComplexClassLib. The ComplexClassLib represents the

class library doing some complex task and consists of a class as shown below:

public class ComplexClass1


public string ComplexMethodRequiringKey()


5. //some code goes here

return “Hello World!”;



The ComplexMethodRequiringKey() method of the ComplexClass1 is supposed to be doing some complex operation.

Applying Custom Attributes

Next need to add an ASP.NET Web Forms Application to the same solution.

Then use the ComplexMethodRequiringKey() inside the Page_Load event handler:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


ComplexClassLib.ComplexClass1 obj = new ComplexClassLib.ComplexClass1();

Label1.Text = obj.ComplexMethodRequiringKey();


The return value from ComplexMethodRequiringKey() is assigned to a Label control.

Now it’s time to use the MyLicenseAttribute class that was created earlier. Open the AssemblyInfo.cs file from the web

application and add the following code to it:

using System.Reflection;

using LicenseKeyAttributeLib;

5. …

[assembly: MyLicense(Key = "4fe29aba")]

The AssemblyInfo.cs file now uses MyLicense custom attribute to specify a license key. Notice that although theattribute class name is MyLicenseAttribute, while using the attribute you just mention it as MyLicense.


Attributes help you to add metadata to their target. The .NET framework though provides several inbuilt attributes ,

there are chances to customize a few more. You knew to use inbuilt data notation features to validate model data; createa custom attribute and used it to design an assembly. A custom feature is a class usually derived from the Attribute base

class and members can be added to the custom attribute class just like you can do for any other class.

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