learn & talk i chapter 3 traveling lesson 29 achievement

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Learn & Talk I

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Chapter 3 Traveling

Lesson 29 Achievement Test 3

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1. In this lesson, you will be given a test on what you have learned in Chapter 3. 2. You will have to answer 15 questions in total. 3. You have to get a minimum of 9 questions right in order to continue on this

level.4. If you make more than 6 mistakes, your teacher will have you repeat the

areas where you have difficulties. 5. If you are not sure about the questions, you can ask for clarification from

your teacher. 6. By the end of the lesson, you will be told by your teacher if you have passed

or failed the test.


Question 1Choose the correct phrase for each picture. 找出与图片相对应的词组。

① ②


a. a set on b. a set ofc. a set ford. a set out

a. fill out b. fill aboutc. fill for d. fill on


Question 2Match the pictures ①-④ with words a-d on the right. 请为四张图片找出相对应的单词。

① __________ ② __________

a. visa

b. document

c. department

d. intersection

③ __________ ④ __________


Question 3Match the pictures ①-④ with words a-d on the right. 请为四张图片找出相对应的单词。





a. tight

b. board

c. delightful

d. peaceful


Question 4Choose the correct phrase for each picture. 找出与图片相对应的词组。

① ②

a. intersection b. straightc. documentd. stopover

a. block b. distantc. departure d. submit


Peter is at the front desk of a hotel.

Clerk: Welcome to the Royal Hotel. _________________?Peter: I’d like to check in, please.Clerk: Certainly, sir. Do you have your reservation letter?Peter: I do. Here it is. I’ve booked a room for three nights. The last name is Barnes.Clerk: Yes. Mr. Peter Barnes for three nights.

Question 5Please complete the conversation with correct phrase or expression.



Choose the correct answer to the question. 根据句子大意选出正确答案。

Question 6

Can you help me _____ how to get a passport?

a. figuring outb. figure outc. figured. figuring


Question 7Choose the correct answer to the question. 根据句子大意选出正确答案。

You are travelling in business class to Moscow (莫斯科), with a _____ in Hong Kong.

a. stopoverb. boardc. passportd. assistance


Question 8Look at the short dialog and then choose the correct answer.


a. order; department b. ask; order c. department; orderd. order; ask

Sam: Good morning. Room service _____. How may I help you?Olivia: Hello. I would like to _____ breakfast.


Question 9Look at the short dialog and then choose the correct answer.


a. blockb. book c. lockd. locking

A: The bank is on the corner of that _____. You will see it when you turn left.B: Thanks for your help.


Question 10Look at the short dialog and then choose the correct answer.


a. straightlyb. straight c. straightforwardd. straightforwardly

Jill: Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the science museum? Stranger: Sure! It’s not too far from here. Just go _____ along this road for two

blocks and turn left at the traffic lights.

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Question 11Please complete the conversation with correct phrases and expressions.


Clerk: Welcome to Trans Global Airlines. ___________________?Peter: I sure do. Here you go. My visitor visa for Russia is inside as well.Clerk: Ok, Mr. Peter. You are travelling in business class to Moscow,

with a _____ in Hong Kong.Peter: That’s correct.

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Question 12Choose the correct answer to the question. 根据句子大意选出正确答案。

You have to _____ your birth certificate (出生证明), your ID card (身份证), a photo and fill out an application form (申请表).

a. submitb. supportc. saved. say

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Jerry is talking about his last vacation with his friend.

Brandy: Hey, Jerry! Glad to see you’re back. ____________?Jerry: Oh! This was the best vacation I’ve ever had in my life!Brandy: Wow! Where did you go?Jerry: We went to the Bahamas. Brandy: The Bahamas is a really _____ place. It must have been quite ______.Jerry: Yes! After working hard for a whole year, it’s nice to have a peaceful

vacation. I got to enjoy the blue sea and the clear sky every single day!


Question 13Please complete the conversation with correct phrases and expressions.


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Question 14Please complete the conversation with correct phrases and expressions.


A: Hi. You’re looking good. Did you go for a vacation somewhere?B: Yes, I’ve just come back from Hawaii.A: Wow, ___________________?B: Yes. The islands are so green and the water is so blue, and it is a really peaceful place. It’s nice to have a vacation after my _____ schedules.

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Question 15Please complete the conversation with correct phrases and expressions.


A: Hi. I want to _____ a passport. Can you help me figure out how to do it?B: Sure. Are you applying for the first time?A: Yes. I’ve never been abroad before.B: Ok. You need to ________ a form and submit other _____, for example, your ID card and a photo. A: I got it right here.



Q1: ① a ② bQ2: ①d; ②b; ③c; ④ aQ3: ①b; ②a; ③d; ④ c Q4: ①d ②a Q5: How may I help youQ6: bQ7: aQ8: cQ9: aQ10: b

Q11: May I see your passport, please stopover

Q12: aQ13: How was your vacation


Q14: did you enjoy your vacationtight

Q15: apply for; fill out/fill in; documents

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End of Assessment You have got _________ correct

answers out of all the 15 questions.


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