learn to love

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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…that can not be spoken about…

Love is so beautiful…

No one can be blind to it…

Love is so powerful…

No one can escape from it…

Love is so silent…

No one can’t but respond to it…

Love is so affectionate…

No one can forget it…

Love is so caring…

No one is beyond it…

Love is so protective…

No one can say a NO to it!

Love is so unique…

No one can be placed instead of it…

Love is so friendly…

No one can’t but have it…

Love is so personal…

No reason can win over it…

Love is so optimistic…

No count down can run in it…

Love is so devotional…

No one is taught about it…

Love is so reliable…

No one can break it…

Love is so blind…

No enemy, we can have in it…

Love is so funny…

No topic is specific to it…

Love is so aggressive…

No one can’t but obey it…

Love is so romantic…

No words can describe it…

Love is so adventurous…

Nothing is impossible to it…

Love is so lasting…

Nothing is a problem to it…

Love is so adjustable…

No one can resist it…

But…love can be…Destructive…?


Love of nation…

Love of revenge…

Love of experiments…

Love of sports…

Love of status…

Love of religion…

Love of power…

Love of money…

Love of unlimited freedom…

Love of peace…

Love of flesh…

We can not go on like this…because…!

It will never end………

Love can’t be anything

It is to be re-defined!

Love is not something…



Not Two Extremes!

Love is always a Middle Path

You can’t incline to any sides…

It’s perfect balance…!

We must learn to love…

…thanks for spending some time with me…tvm.baiju@gmail.com

Let’s learn to love…The end

It’s a new horizon!

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