learning how to be confident always

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Learning How to Be Confident Always

Improving your confidence will unlock a lot of opportunities for you

An unconfident person will miss out on a lot. Unconfident people can be overlooked in the workplace and in social settings

By improving your confidence, you can improve the outcome of the opportunities that come your way

Kartikeya Sharma Sunday Guardian has several tips that you can use to learn

how to be confident always

Stand Up Tall

Forcing yourself to maintain good posture can do a lot in helping you feel more confident

When you stand up, stand up tall. Push your chest out and keep your back straight. This will not only make you feel more confident,

it will also help you appear more confident to others

People will take note of this and you will be able to see the difference

When people perceive you as a more confident person, it is a lot easier to be

that confident person yourself

Make Eye Contact

Eye contact is something that some people will always be uncomfortable with. Once you get used to

maintaining eye contact, it’s easy to work that into your normal interactions

Some people get uncomfortable quickly when their eyes locked. When they find

themselves in this situation, they will look away and avert their eyes immediately

They may feel like what they are doing is awkward, but maintaining eye contact is the opposite of that

There is nothing weird about holding eye contact aside from the fact that you

may not be used to doing it yet

Practice making and holding eye contact and you will be surprised at how differently people react to you. They will give you more of their attention and you will come off a

lot more confident

Confident people aren’t afraid to maintain eye contact, which is exactly why you should make sure you do it as much as


Read more on how to be confident always..Visit: https://goo.gl/J6vVNS

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