learning stratagy cognitive -darunee

Post on 11-Nov-2014






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practicing with sounds and writing system

3.Recognizing and using formulas and patterns




การกล่�าวซ้ำ�า ทำ�าซ้ำ�าการกล่�าวซ้ำ�า ทำ�าซ้ำ�าการฝึ กปฏิ�บั�ติ�ติามระเบั�ยบัด้�วยระบับัเสี�ยงแล่ะระบับั


การฝึ กปฏิ�บั�ติ�ติามระเบั�ยบัด้�วยระบับัเสี�ยงแล่ะระบับั





การฝึ กปฏิ�บั�ติ�ติามธรรมช้าติ�การฝึ กปฏิ�บั�ติ�ติามธรรมช้าติ�

RepeatingSaying or doing

something over and over: listening to something

several time; rehearsing; imitating a native


การพู%ด้หร)อทำ�าบัางสี�+งบัางอย�างซ้ำ�าแล่�วซ้ำ�าอ�ก การฟั-งบัางสี�+งหล่ายๆคร�ง การฟั-งแล่ะการ


การพู%ด้หร)อทำ�าบัางสี�+งบัางอย�างซ้ำ�าแล่�วซ้ำ�าอ�ก การฟั-งบัางสี�+งหล่ายๆคร�ง การฟั-งแล่ะการ


Subordinate Subordinate Conjunctions Conjunctions

Coordinate Conjunctions Coordinate Conjunctions

Coordinate Conjunctions such as and and but are placed next to the words and ideas they connect. Use a coordinating conjunction when you want to give equal emphasis to two main clauses. The pattern for coordination looks like this:

main clause + coordinating conjunction + main clause.main clause + coordinating conjunction + main clause.

Subordinate Conjunctions are used when one idea in a sentence is dependent upon another idea. The subordinate conjunction is used to connect the dependent with the main thought. Subordination, however, emphasizes the idea in the main clause more than the one in the subordinate clause. Generally, the patterns look like these

main clause + subordinate clause.

main clause + subordinate clause.

Frogs and toads, common name for amphibians that make up the order Anura (or Salientia). The order is usually divided into 22 families, based primarily on skeleton and teeth. The differences between frogs and toads are mainly superficial, with the name frog usually applied to smooth-skinned, mostly aquatic species, and toad to the rough-skinned, mostly terrestrial species.

Anurans are native to all parts of the world except Antarctica. The greatest variety is found in tropical areas where the differences between frogs and toads are even harder to determine, and some species qualify as either. Anurans range in size from 12 mm (0.5 in) to nearly 300 mm (nearly 1 ft) in length. Typical adults are tailless, with long, powerful hind limbs that enable them to hop or leap, and webbed feet, helping them to swim, burrow, or glide through the air.

Anurans also have flat heads, external eardrums, bulging eyes that can rotate in almost any direction, and pupils that close down to a slit when exposed to bright light. All anurans have skin glands that secrete irritating toxins for defense against predators. Most anurans, especially males, are quite vocal. As the animal forces air from the lungs, vocal cords in the voice box, or larynx, vibrate to make the distinctive calls to attract a mate.

The tongue of anurans is attached at the front of the mouth instead of the rear and is covered with a sticky substance, making it and efficient trap for prey. It also produces mucus to help in swallowing. Although they cannot chew, most anurans have teeth, which are used to grasp prey. All frogs and toads blink when they swallow. Since no bone exists between the eye and the mouth, the eye is pushed against the roof of the mouth, forcing the food farther back.

Frogs and toads live in a variety of habitats, but most prefer moist regions. Although they breathe air through lungs, many can stay underwater for long periods, absorbing oxygen in the water through the skin. Tree frogs are adapted for tree livings; other anurans are permanently aquatic; still others spend most of their lives in underground burrows, coming up only to feed or breed. Like all amphibians, an anuran’s body temperature depends on its surroundings.

In colder regions, the animal burrows in mud to hibernate; some, such as Australian frogs, estivate – lie in a state of torpor - after burying themselves in sand or clay. Most anurans lay their eggs in water, where they hatch into tadpoles, or fishlike larvae, in early spring or summer. A young anuran characteristically goes through a true metamorphosis, starting with the tadpole stage, during which it has gills and a rail.

As the animal matures, its tail is absorbed, lungs develop, the gills disappear, legs appear, and the adult emerges from the water onto land. Frogs and toads are carnivorous, feeding principally on insects, worms, spiders, and other invertebrates. Aquatic frogs sometimes ear other frogs, tadpoles, and small fish. Larger anurans eat prey as large as mice or newborn water snake.

- are amphibians - have a heart- bulging eyes - have a brain- have teeth in top jaws - strong, long legs- hatch from eggs - have a backbone- slimy, smooth skin - are cold-blooded- the young live in water - can swim and burrow- the young have gills - adults have lungs- lay eggs in long chains - lay eggs in clusters

- paratoid glands behind eyes - have a brain

- have a heart - lay eggs in clusters- are amphibians - have a backbone- dry, water skin - bulging eyes- are cold-blooded - the young have gills- adults have lungs - have no teeth

- paratoid glands behind eyes

- lay eggs in clusters- dry, water skin- stubby bodies with short hind legs- have no teeth

- paratoid glands behind eyes

- lay eggs in clusters- dry, water skin- stubby bodies with short hind legs- have no teeth

are amphibianshave a backbonehave a brainhave a heartbulging eyesare cold-bloodedthe young have gillsadults have lungs

have teeth in top jaws

strong, long legshatch from eggs

slimy, smooth skin

the young live in water

can swim and burrowlay eggs in long chains

lay eggs in clusters




Frog has got strong and long legs. It has

smooth skin but toad has dry skin………….



Frog has got strong and long legs. It has

smooth skin but toad has dry skin………….







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