lefebvre "an inquiry, and some discoveries"

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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An Inquiry, and Some Discoveries

Everyday Life in Modern WorldHenri Lefebvre


In The Past Fifty Years

• A day in 1900s

UlysessObservations: • There is a referential or Place a complex that is topical, toponymical and topographical: Dublin, the city

• Meanings have a lot of different meanings

• There is a symbolic system Cyclical time underlines all quotidian and cosmic duration. Everyday life is composed of cycles within wider cycles; beginings are recapitulations and rebirths.

- http://www.a-w-i-p.com

What has changed after roughly half a century?

• The subject has blurred. • Now the object plays lead.

• Raindrop sliding down the window

symbol of everdaylife

Philosophy and Everdaylife

• Everday life is non-philosophical in relation to philosophy and represent reality in relation to ideality.

• Secluded, abstract and detached, the philosophical life is considered superior everdaylife.

• Everydaylife is a stopover. • Everydaylife is a dialectical interaction. • Everyday life is composed by recurrence.• Is everydaylife a parameter of recurrence or Is it a place that recurrences cluster there?• In everydaylife everything is calculated

because everything is numbered: money, minutes, kg, calories...

Everydaylife and Modernity

• Modernity: something that is new or is carriying a symbol of innovation.

• Everydaylife unite with everydaylife. • Is there a world-scale tendency towards

homogeneity in everyday life and ‘modernism', or on the contrary towards their differentiation?

Firt Stage

• With the Incas, the Aztecs, in Greece orin Rome, every detail (gestures, words, tools, utensils, costumes,etc.) bears the imprint of a style; nothing had as yet become prosaic not even the quotidian; the prose and the poetry of life were still identical. • Our own everyday life is typical for its yearning

and quest for a style that obstinately eludes it; today there is no style.

• Active role of ideologies had to be reinstated in the Marxist plan in order to prevent its degenerating into philosophism and economism the notion of production then acquires its full significance as production by a human being of his own existence.

• Everyday life emerges as the sociological point of feed-back.

• Alienation ????

• Modern human:a transition person btw end of the style and rebirth.

Transform of everydaylife

• Art and Ideologies cannot take the style’s place.

• Labor can transform the everydaylife.• Bourgeoisie Previous; they succeeded transform the everydaylife.

• The introduction of neo-capitalism• The redirecting of creative activities with

revolutionary tendencies, by blurring

What should the new society be called ?

1) Industrial Society• Urbanization • Urban life makes of Industrial society.

2) Technological Society • Technology is reflected in the social and individual

conscience by means of images and objects and their related words.

• For instance a photograph obtained with a maximum of technological means and a minimum of ' subjective ' intervention becomes part of remembrance and daydreaming in the family album, in the periodical or on the television screen.

• Technology penetrates society via ‘city’. • Technogical society can be active with technocracy.

Technocratico-Bureaucratic Society

3) Affluent Society

• Instead of ‘basic needs’ ‘cultural needs’• Instead of ‘food shortage’ ‘space,place’

4) Society of Leisure• Pledged time (professional work)• Free time (leisure) • Compulsive time (the various demands other

than work such as transport, official formalities, etc.)

• Today leisure is first of all and for (nearly) all a temporary break with everyday life.

• We are undergoing a painful and premature revision of all our old ' values ' ; leisure is no longer a festival, the reward of labour, and it is not yet a freely chosen activity pursued for itself, it is a generalized display : television, cinema, tourism.

5) Consumer Society

Previous just production Today consumer needs and desires

Advertisement is a ideology.

• The vision of consumer and consuming as art of consumption

• In this process of ideological substitutions and displacements man's awareness of his own alienation is repressed, or even suppressed, by the addition of a new alienation to the old.

• Changes in social practice of contries didnt remove ‘notion of quotidian’

• Making chose between modernity and everydaylife is impossible.

• Notion of quotidian has changed but this change has made it power.

• Everdaylife in modern world has become a subject (not anymore object)

• Consumer Society• Society of Leisure• Affluent Society• Industrial Society• Technological Society

• Bureaucratic society of controlled consumption


• Bedenimizde ve ruhumuzda olup bitenden çok atomlarda ya da yıldızlarda olanları biliyoruz.

• Aslında; tarihi veya dünyanın anlamını bulmanın tek ya da en doğru yolu bireyin kendisine ve içinde yaşadığı gündelik hayata bakmasıyla mümkün olabilir mi?

• Gündelik hayat kaçılmaz birşeydir. Ancak sadece hapsolunan bir yer midir?

• Gündelik hayat değişime olanak sağlayan bir yapıya sahiptir. • Gündelik hayat içerisinde yaşayan ve bunun farkında olan

bireyler dayatılan koşulları her zaman değiştirme ve dönüştürme gücüne sahiptir ( Taktiklerle mi?).

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