leon analysis- kiara eley

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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This shot shows the view that the young girl has of the man through the gun and makes the audience realise who her target is.

This medium shot shows the interest the young girl has in what the man is saying but also shows the gun in the foreground.

This close up shows the concentration of the young girl as she is preparing her shot. At this point, the camera is zooming in very slowly as well which emphasises her concerntration.


Non-diegetic sound is used throughout the preparation of her shot and a slight whistling sound is used when she is taking her aim. The music has a slight drum beat every so often which helps to build tension. As the man says “now” the music stops and it is silent just before she shoots the man in the orange tracksuit. The sound of the wind is used slightly just after she has shot the man and while she says “can we try with real bullets now?”


An eye line match has been used to show her concentrating on the shot and her view through the gun.

Shot reverse shot has been used here to show the reaction of the men in the park and then the reactions of the man and the young girl. The shot then shows the reaction of the men in the park again.


One of the props used is a gun which she uses to carry out the shot.

Large black cars and walkie-talkies are used to show the importance of the man in the orange tracksuit and suggests that he could be a celebrity. He is wearing an orange tracksuit which is very bright and makes him stand out compared to the other characters.

The scene is set in a city as you can see skyscrapers in the background but also features a park as well.

Thriller Conventions

Use of guns

People being shot

Smart black suits

Large coats being worn by main characters

City setting

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