library management system waterfall model

Post on 15-Aug-2015






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Quick Access CLMS

A Computerized Library Management System

IS 663 102 - System Analysis Design, Dr. Vassilka KirovaNew Jersey Institute of Technology

Project Summary Presentation

By Team: Bumble Bee


Team Bumble BeeTeam Members UCID

Akash Mahajan am877

Fnu Hina Shamim hs434

Karan Shah kvs23

Kang Xiao kx34

Yash Koradia ynk3

Mengxiao Wang mw274

Xiulan Wu xw323

Xiaodi Tai xt53

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❖ Project Introduction❖ Project Objectives❖ Competitive Landscape & Comparative Analysis❖ Problem Statement ❖ System Functionality ❖ Non Functional Requirements❖ Future Enhancements❖ The Project Management View ❖ Conclusions

In existing systems available in market,1. All transactions of books are done manually. 2. More time taken for transactions like borrowing, returning and searching a book. 3. Preparation the list of borrowed and the available books in the library takes

more time which we call Catalog Management.  

In QUICK ACCESS – Library Management System4. Computerized Library Management System 5. User can search book, update information, issue and return books, rate and

recommend books, hold books, pay their dues online.

Introduction to Quick Access

Our Mission:

Our team is interested in the current library system technology and the market competition. We are also eager to know if the current system generation still can incorporate new improvement. We would like to test the possibility of introducing new features to existing generation and receive feedbacks from the users.

Our Aim:

An application designed to help users to access library resources without administrator’s involvement and make information available to users efficiently.

Our Vision:

We assess the information setting, develop information models, and implement production services to support the users in their learning, research, and teaching endeavors, by developing and maintaining intellectual access to the Library’s print and digital collections.

Project Objectives


The global library technology industry continues to see modest but uneven growth. Companies that operate within a distinct geographic region and a narrow range of products have limited opportunities relative to those with international reach and diverse offerings. We can estimate the broad demand of new library system generation.


The transition to cloud computing provides a significant increment of industrywide growth.

Large-scale projects involving shared automation infrastructure for libraries throughout a region, state, or country result in winner-take-all scenarios that can be lucrative for the company with the selected product, often displacing multiple incumbent providers. This trend toward shared infrastructure, the increased growth of existing consortia, amalgamation of municipal library services, and other cooperative projects provides opportunities for products with proven scalability that are able to handle complex implementation scenarios.

Competitive Landscape & Comparative Analysis

Competitive Landscape & Comparative Analysis cont.

S.No. Key Features








eMate L4U



(1) Barcode Scanning Y Y Y Y Y Y



Recommendation N N N N N Y


Self-Check-in / Check-

Out Y N N N Y Y

(4) Circulation Management Y Y Y N Y Y

(5) Catalog Management Y Y Y N Y Y


Application for Mobile

Patron Access N N N N N Y

Library Systems are basically utilized in two ways:

1. LMS developed & implemented by the Library owned by any organization.

2. Generalized LMS developed by vendors which are then customized on the basis of client’s requirements.

 After going through multiple LMS of various vendors, we observed that few features were missing from many them. So, we will be adding the identified missing features in our Library Management System named Quick Access.

Problem Statement

Quick Access will have the following advantages: 

1. User friendly interface2. Mobile Patron Online Access3. Less error4. Ratings and Recommendations5. Automation6. Self check-in/Check out7. Quick transaction

All the manual difficulties in managing the Library have been rectified by implementing computerization.

The Problem Space & The Customers cont.

1. Barcode Scanning: We will be using an electronic device which will scan the barcode to issue and return the books/CDs etc.

2. Rating and Recommendation: The users can provide a feedback while returning the book. A user can provide ratings and recommendations to a particular book, can write about their experience and also provide recommendations for any future user.

3. Catalog Management: This feature will allow the users with many features like search functionality, log off feature, reference book functionality, book availability.

4. Circulation Management: In this feature, the functionalities like maintain patron records and manage fines/charges administration.

5. Application for Mobile Patron: The users can open the application through their web browser and login it.

6. Self check in/Self Check Out: Here user can issue the book by itself by scanning the barcode of the book and swiping its Id card wherein no need of librarian is required. User can also return the book by just swiping the barcode of the book and can check out the book from his name.

System Functionality

System Functionality cont.

Use Case Diagram

Use Case : User holds the book in waiting list in Quick Access System. Goal: User wants to add the book in waiting list if the book is unavailable in the library management system.Preconditions: User has a valid login account.Success end condition:  System has successfully checked the availability of the books and added the book in the waiting list.Failed end condition: System is unable to put the book in waiting list.Actors:  User, System.Main scenario:1. User logs into the system.2. System displays Catalog Management page.3. User clicks on check availability tab.4. User tries to check the availability of the book/journals through title, author, keyword, ISBN and version of the book and clicks on check

availability tab.5. System displays that no books are available.6. System displays an option “Add to waiting list”.7. User adds him/her to waiting list.8. System notifies user with waiting list id for him/her.SUCCESS.Extensions:     1a. User’s login credentials are invalid.           1a1. System notifies the user and redirects the user to step 1.     5a. System displays book is available.           7a1. System displays an error that book is available in library, FAIL.

System Functionality cont.

Non-Functional (quality) Requirements

1. Performance• The system database shall accommodate high number of books and users without any fault.• Responses to view information shall take no longer than 5 seconds to appear on the screen.• Quick Access should be able to support 300 users and 550 requests / minute concurrently.

2. Availability• The software should be available 24 hours a day and specifically during the working hours.• Database backup and recovery plan should be proper in order to avoid any unexpected

downtime of application.

3. Security• System will have different types of users and every user has access constraints.• Software will be connected to secured database.• Normal users can just read information but they cannot edit or modify anything except their

personal and some other information.• Administrator will have full access to the system to resolve any issues.• Librarian will have access to application with restriction to database access.

Non Functional Requirements

Non-Functional (quality) Requirements

4 Error Handling• Quick Access product shall handle expected and non-expected errors in ways that will

prevent loss in information and long downtime period. Prevention and necessary downtime will be taken to prevent any impact on the system.

Non Functional Requirements

Few more requirements were analyzed during the feasibility study.1. Customization of Quick Access based on client, so Database Integration. 2. Access application mobile patron using hybrid platform.3. Functionality to add and remove book in LMS.4. Functionality to update the book information with latest version number.

Quick Access - Future Enhancement

• Process Model

The waterfall model is used in the Quick-Access

Project Management – Process Model

• Why Waterfall Model

1. Requirements were well known, clear and fixed. 2. Do not have a particular customer, so possibility of requirement changes are less3. Chances of ambiguity are less so the product definition is stable. 4. Technology is well understood by team due to prior experience. 5. Project is short as we have identified six features to include in the first release. 6. Once the product is ready then it can be customized and deployed in the user

environment to make it available to end users. 7. Once the product is developed, we can add few more features in future releases.

Project Management – Process Model cont.

• Risk Management

Project Management – Risks

Type Definition Probability Effect Contingency Plan Mitigation Plan

ToolsLoss of data due to hardware failure

Moderate CatastrophicDatabase Backup should be scheduled on weekly or bi-weekly basis

Scheduled monitoring of hardware devices by IT personnel.

PeopleImproper Data communication. The knowledge should be shared among team members.

Moderate SeriousThe documentation should be referred by each team member for better understanding.

Weekly or bi weekly meetings should be planned for the knowledge transfer. The proper documentation of work performed by individual team member should be maintained

EstimationUnderestimation of project due to insufficient experience.

High SeriousThe estimations need to be revisited, in any phase when a delay is impacted.

Proper time management should be done and the project monitoring and the completion of task on time should be considered.


The availability and quality of tools required for the development of project. The unavailability of tools could impact the project deadlines

High Serious

One or two extra license should be taken, which should be used in case of tools unavailability.

The tools should be finalized and make available in the requirement phase.

• Work Breakdown Structure

The estimation model used for the project Quick Access is Work Breakdown Structure.The various phases and the timelines are considered for the estimation. The Gantt chart is being used for the planning purpose.

Project Management - Estimation

Phases wise Activities Man –Hours

Project Plan 176

Feasibility 48

Process Model Analysis 16

Product Backlog 64

Work Breakdown structure 16

Risk Analysis 32

Requirement Analysis 448

Use Case 96

SRS 160

SRS Team Effort 192

Design Documents 152

Architecture 48

Class Diagram 24

High Level Design Document 80

Implementation 560

Coding & Unit testing 208

Testing 240

User Acceptance Test 112

Final Presentation 224

Summary 16

Project Monitoring 80

Project Mock Demo 64

Project Analysis 48

Project Demo and Presentation 16

Total Man-hours 1560

• Work Breakdown Structure cont.

The overall hours estimated for the release is 1560 person-hours with approximately 47 KLOC (1560*30=46,800; 30 LOC per hour). The approximately cost of the project is 12,500 USD (1560*8; 8 USD per hour).

Project Management - Estimation cont.


Good Team work – Tasks are assigned to team members, reviewed timely. No issues faced.

BadTime Management – Due to limited time span and large number of requirements

Extra time is being spent on project

Learning1. Feasibility study till implementation; all phases followed in project.2. Used various templates. 3. Comparative study of various methodologies

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