libro di ricette natalizie - our christmas recipes book

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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LIBRO DI RICETTE NatalIZIEour christmas recipes book

Hello everybody!• We are European teachers from Italy,

Spain, Greece, Croatia, Czech Republic and France.

• Thanks to an eTwinning project called “Christmas food all around the world”, we worked togheter to know different kind of cultures, places and food traditions.

• This is the result of our collaborative work:

Christmas recipes

Natale a tavola in



• Vincotto Di Fichi Q.B. (a fig juice).• 1 Kg Di Farina (flour)• 200 Gr Di Zucchero (sugar)• 100 Gr Di Olio (olive oil)• Scorza Di 1 Limone (lemon skin)• 300 Gr Di Mandorle Tostate E Sminuzzate + 20 Gr Intere Per La Decorazione (300gr minced

almonds; 20gr almonds to decorate);10 0 Gr Di Cioccolato Fondente Sminuzzato (minced dark chocolate); Cannella In Polvere O Chiodi Di Garofano Q.B. (spices as cinamon)

• 20 Gr Di Lievito Per Dolci In Polvere (baking powder)• 1 Bicchiere Di Liquore Al Limone (lemon liqueur)

• Impastare con cura la farina con il vincotto fino ad ottenere un impasto colloso e omogeneo; knead flour with vincotto.

• unite mandorle sminuzzate, limone, cioccolato fondente, zucchero e olio, infine lievito, liquore e spezie; add the other ingredients to the dough.

• Lavorate per 10 minuti l'impasto e poi create delle palline piccole con le mani, aiutandovi con un cucchiaio, in modo da staccare l'impasto appiccicoso e ponetele in una teglia imburrata e infarinata. Go on kneading for 10 minutes, then do some little balls with your hands. Put it in a baking pan.

• Posizionate una mandorla su ogni sasanello e cuocete nel forno a 160° per circa 8 minuti. Put an almond on every ball and bake them in oven at 160° for 8 minutes.

Cartellate• - 500 gr. di farina (flour)•  - 100 gr. di olio evo (olive oil)•  - 170 gr. di vino bianco (white wine)•  - 1 l.   di Vin cotto o miele (honey)•  - olio per friggere (oil to fry)

• Impastare la farina con olio , zucchero e vino bianco appena tiepido ( il vino  si mette un pò alla volta), fino ad ottenere un impasto morbido e vellutato. Lasciare riposare un pò la pasta; Knead flour with oil and warm wine;

• Dividere l'impasto in più parti, stendere in maniera sottile o aiutandosi con la macchinetta; divide the dough and rolled it out with a roller machine;

• Dividere la sfoglia ottenuta in striscioline di circa 2 cm. servendosi di una rotellina dentellata; cut the phillo dough with a roller;

• Con il pollice e l'indice pizzicare la pasta ogni 3 cm. circa e arrotolarla in modo da ottenere delle roselline; pinch the stripes to obtain little roses;

• Friggere in olio bollente da ambo i lati, scolare e mettere su carta assorbente  messe al contrario; fry the little roses in hot oil;

• Far bollire il vin cotto o miele in una padella e calare le cartellate e dopo adagiarle in una coppa. Boil honey and put the little roses in it. Then put them into a cup.

Biscotti al burro con forme natalizie• 500gr di farina

(flour)• 250gr di burro (butter)

• 150gr di zucchero a velo(sugar)

• 1 uovo(1egg)

• 1 bustina di vanillina(vanillin)

• ½ bustina di lievito per dolci (baking powder)• Per guarnire

Cioccolata fondente da sciogliere q.b. (dark chocolate)

• Prepariamo l’impasto mescolando il tutto. Ottenuto il panetto, facciamolo riposare per mezz’ora in frigo. Nel frattempo riscaldiamo il forno a 180°. Mix the ingredients to prepare the dough; put it in the fridge for 30 minutes; turn on the oven.

• Stendiamo l’impasto non molto sottile, circa ½ centimetro di spessore. Dalla stesa ricaviamo le formine e con molta cura trasferiamole su teglie da forno. Roll out the dough; use christmas moulds and put them on baker pans.

• Inforniamo a 180° per 5/10 minuti. Appena i biscotti iniziano a colorarsi, bisogna sfornarli e farli raffreddare. Cook buiscuits in 180° oven for 5/10 minutes.

• Sciogliamo la cioccolata a bagnomaria e quando essa risulterà ben sciolta ed omogenea, bagniamo una parte del biscotto nella cioccolata e adagiamoli sulla carta forno per farli asciugare. Melt dark chocolate and dip a part of the biscuits into the liquid chocolate.

The children of the school “Rodari” from Mola di Bari tried to bake these biscuits:

they were delicious!

Natale a tavola in


Dolci - sweetscourabiedes


melomacarona9 tazze di farina1 tazza di zucchero3 tazze olio 1 tazza spremuta d’ arancia1 cucchiaino cannela1 cucchiaino di chiodi di garofano1 cucchiaino di bicarbonato 2 cucchiaini lievito di dolceScorza gratuggiata dell’ aranciaPER LO SCIROPPO: 2 tazze di zucchero2 tazze acqua1 tazza miele

Passare al setaccio la farina con il lievito.Aggiungere gli altri ingredienti e formare piccoli filoncini.Cuocere in forno a 180 C per 30 – 35 minuti.

Vassilopita– Santa’s pie400 gr margarina400 gr zucchero6 uovaScorza gratuggiata di un’ arancia e mezza700 gr farina6 cucchiaini di lievito per dolci200 gr di yogurt greco

Mescolare la margarina, lo zucchero e le uova fino a ottenere un composto chiaro e spumoso. Aggiungere la scorza gratuggiata dell’ arancia. Incorporarvi la farina miscelata con il lievito e lo yogurt greco. Versare il composto in una teglia inburrata e infarinata e mettere nel forno a 200 C per 45 minuti

Natale a tavola in


CHRISTMAS RECIPESThe most important Christmas sweet in Spain is “turrón”, which is ground almonds and honey. However nowadays there are a lot of different varieties.

Other traditional Christmas sweets and cakes are: cocotets, mazapán, pastelitos de boniato.



500 g ground almonds.

250 g granulated sugar.

2 eggs.

1 tin of sweet yam.

Ground cinnamon

Zest of a grated lemon.


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Natale a tavola in


Croatian pepper cookies - Paprenjaci

TOTAL TIME:2hrs 30minsPREP 2 HRS: COOK 30 MINSINGREDIENTS SERVINGS 8• YIELD 25 cookies• 450g flour (for cookies)• 1teaspoon ground black pepper• 1teaspoon ground cloves• 2teaspoons ground cinnamon• 2tablespoons honey (light)• 1egg• 150g walnuts• 150g sugar• 180g lard• 1teaspoon ground nutmegDIRECTIONS• Keep lard 20 minutes on room temperature to become soft. Put lard into flour; add sugar,

triturated walnut, yolk, and honey, cinnamon, clove, nutmeg and pepper. Make crisp dough out of it. Leave the dough 1 to 2 hours in cold place. Make thin (up to 5 mm) flat surface and cut cookies with your wooden mould. If you do not have one, use your mould you have for other cookies (stars, rabbits, ducks, Santa�s etc.). Put them on greased surface and bake them on 200°C about 25 minutes. Serve with hot tea. You can vary spices but be careful: no spice should prevail. I am not sure about number of cookies you will get, depends how big your mould is.

Festive cookies

Prep Time 1 hour 15 mins. Cook Time 5 mins. Total Time:1 hour 20 mins.

Ingredients• 2 cups (300 g) all purpose flour• ½ cup (60 g) cornstarch• ¾ cup (90 g) powdered sugar• 210 g butter, cold, cut in cubes• 0.3 cups (60 g) ground hazelnuts or walnuts• 4 egg yolks• 1 tsp vanilla extract• marmalade plus powdered sugar for dustingInstructions• Whisk together flour, cornstarch, powdered sugar and ground nuts.• Rub cold butter (cut into cubes) into the mixture. Add egg yolks and vanilla, make dough. Wrap in plastic wrap and

refrigerate for 1 hour.• On a floured surface, roll out dough-thin. You can also roll it out between two sheets of plastic wrap. That way you

won't need to dust the bottom and top with flour and your rolling pin won't stick to the dough. Cut out shapes with cookie cutters (stars, flours, circles). Make sure to cut out circle in the middle of half of cookies. These parts will be your top, and the ones without the cut out middle will be the bottom. Transfer carefully on baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

• Preheat oven to 200 C. Bake for 5-6 minutes. They should stay light colored.• While hot, dust top parts (with cut out middle) with powdered sugar. Let cool completely.• Brush some marmalade on the bottom of each cookie, cover with top part. Marmalade will make them stick

together.• These cookies keep well for weeks. Store in cool place.

Natale a tavola inREPUBBLICA CECA – Czech


Vanilla crescents (vanilin kiflice)

Vanilla crescentsDough:250 g butter250 g plain flour100 g sugar1 egg120 g ground walnutsIcing:icing sugar and vanilla sugar mixed togetherDirections:1. rub the butter into the flour making small crumbs2. add sugar, then walnuts and combine3. add the egg and work together to form a dough4. pinch off walnut sized pieces and form crescents5. bake for approximately 15-20 minutes at 200°C6. roll them in icing sugar mixed with vanilla sugar while they are still hot7. when the crescents are cool store them in an airtight container where they can keep several weeks

ÉCOLE FEILLENS FRANCEBaked Christmas cookies



HERE: - Il Natale a tavola in tutto il mondo. Christmas food all around the world

• Maria Celeste Clemente,  ΠΑΝΑΓΙΩΤΑ ΚΟΥΦΟΓΙΑΝΝΙΔΟΥ, Paula Lorente, Pavlína Bisová, Vanja Šuško e Sandra Zjačić-Ljubičič, Sylvain Berthelard.

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