life in the coming kingdom of jesus the christ. why do so many christians drop out of fellowship?...

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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Life in the Coming Kingdom of Jesus the


Why do so many Christians drop out of fellowship?

Despite experiencing God’s saving grace and power,

many no longer attend church regularly.

Might this be because they have no Future Hope?

• A strong faith is not the answer to everything.

• A future Hope is also important.

• Israel had a Resurrection Hope, and held onto it through times of trial. Job 19:23-27, Acts 26:6-


The Resurrection is not only “the Hope

of Israel” but also “the Blessed Hope” of the Church!

Titus 2:13

The Promised Hope

• Luke 1:68-75

“As He spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets, which have been

since the world began.”

• Salvation, through God’s Covenant Oath to Abraham.

• “And He will send to you Jesus …whom the heavens must receive

until the times of the restoration of all things, which God has spoken

by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world


• Acts 3:21 & 3:24-26

The authority of Satan

Millennial kingdom of


God to be “all in


A present kingdom

Partly present, fully in future

God’s Eternal Kingdom

• John 5:25-29

We have risen to life out of spiritual death. (Eph. 2:1-3)

• We have passed from one to the other. John 3:36

(as John 7:3). 1 John 3:14

We have “the life of the ages” in present possession

– but there’s more!

• Revelation 20:5-6The Kingdom to be inherited in the First Resurrection.

• 1 Corinthians 15:50Flesh and blood cannot

inherit the kingdom.

“The rest of the dead” will rise to judgement 1000 years after the First Resurrection.

• Heaven is not our home!

• We will “meet the Lord in the air” (Acts 28:15) and return to earth with him. We will rule the nations. The meek will then

inherit the earth.• The Son of David will rule from the

throne of God’s kingdom on earth, in Jerusalem. 1 Chronicles 28:5 & 29:23

• Acts 26:18The inheritance of non-Jews

is “among those [Jews] who have been sanctified by the

faith that is in Jesus.”All the families of the earth

will be blessed through Abraham’s true descendants!

If your hope is to reach Heaven, you are facing the wrong way!

Matthew 8:11 During Christ’s reign on earth, non-Jews will sit down

with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.

Christ’s judgement seat will be a far more searching throne

of examination than Pilate’s!

Matthew 25:31, Romans 14:10, 2 Corinthians 5:10. The faithful should not fear. 1 John 4:15-18

Christ’s Kingdom will be Heaven on Earth!

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