life is a wonderful lesson in living

Post on 14-Apr-2017






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“Enlightenment comes with allowing. Allowing is like surrender…It’s a total surrender to your Self – not to some unknown God, but to your Self” [1].

Enlightenment can be viewed as being an innate stepping stone in our personal evolution, but it is more correctly understood as an aspect of who we truly are already. Our journey into enlightenment, if you will, is a personal unraveling and remembering of our immutable divinity.

Our own passion for living, for be-ing, fuels our creations, and is completely aligned with an unlimited fountain of energy. Abundance then, is never absent, but drawn out through a knowing of the I AM Presence.

“But if you take a deep breath and choose consciousness – without definition, without thought, without structure – suddenly there is no time and space. You could say that consciousness is to be and thoughts are not to be. To be or not to be. Consciousness or thought” [2].

Setting aside the limited perspective of the “physical mind” opens us up to the greater reality in which there is a pure awareness, unobstructed by the veiling, conditioning products of mentation. Using the above terms, shifting into a state of consciousness rather than a state of thought, changes the energy dynamic to one of ease and grace.

If multiple reality potentials (or multiple versions of the reality we’re currently experiencing and focused within) exist, then they must be capable of being experienced by way of shifting our point of focus to them. Changing or doing away with false or limiting beliefs allows for such a shift in our point of focus in that doing so essentially forces a remodeling of the physical reality we’re experiencing because our reality is no longer being conditioned by the original belief.

To exist is to be divine, therefore, we are all wholly “worthy” and deserving of unconditional love from ourselves. Coming back into a state of self-acceptance and self-love opens the gateway through which the I AM Presence may more fully operate or express itself within the third dimension or physical reality.

When we remove acquired beliefs concerning providential rewards and punishments for acts carried out in this life, we can more easily settle into the knowing that an honoring of the divine within, coupled with pure love for oneself, stands as (arguably) the greatest gift we can offer to the world – for the love that pours out of us can then help to support and elevate the rest of humanity above enslavements of fear, shame, and guilt.

“Tremendous energies for healing pain and separation are being transmitted from the Galactic Center into Earth, surrounding and permeating your physical body and becoming one with you. This energy is transmitted through space, beamed through your sun and into your world. Coronal mass ejections grab hold of the transmissions from the Galactic Center to blast them into your area of space and time” [3].

In this time of acceleration and the New Energy, integration is the name of the game. Continuing to repress, disassociate, or sever connections to past thoughts, emotions, or memories can forestall the transformation that we are all undergoing right now. In essence, everything we’ve thought, felt, or experienced in our lives is part of who we are. In a way, the denying of who we are equals the denying of our divinity. The aspects of ourselves that we often view as being shameful, unworthy, or fearful, when shunned and stripped of the opportunity to be healed and understood from a higher perspective, may slow the process of loving integration that preludes operating as a more whole or unified being.

As we open ourselves up to and invite past traumas, difficult memories, and buried emotions to rise to the surface of our awareness, it may be comforting to remember that the shedding of tears can be a very natural and therapeutic avenue in coaxing the heart chakra to pour out its love and in surrendering to a place of unhindered feeling. Especially now, there is no shame or weakness in lachrymation.

Even though this is becoming less relevant as we move further into the Aquarian Age, our major spinal chakras still serve in “housing” and translating experiences and lessons learned during our lives. The more open and clear these energy centers remain, the more balanced and lucid the body and psyche will be. While fear and restraining beliefs clamp down on some of our chakras, love and freeing knowingness facilitate their expansion.

In healing, of course we know that the human genome is very adaptable, and like each of our cells, our DNA is constantly listening to our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. This is why some healing necessitates a reevaluation or reconstruction of some of our beliefs, for when we ascribe to the notion that we have little or no control over what happens to us and our bodies, our genetic expression, in a way, reflects that stance.

On the other hand, consciously taking a step back and looking at what we have created for ourselves provides us with the opportunity for radical healing because it places us back at the reins of our life so that we may come to understand our creations and incorporate their lessons. Relinquishing our co-Creator power to an imaginary deity is a great way to ultimately feel helpless, forsaken, and alone.

“The need for religion will cease to exist when you realize there is no separation. There is no damnation. There is no redemption. There is only [consciousness]” [4].

“Hidden beliefs about love and your body can serve as the root causes of a basic denial of pleasure. Your sexual expression is conditioned by who you believe you are, as well as by what you believe you are worth” [5].

The desire for sexual expression, intimacy, and the sharing of unconditional love could not be more natural. Yet the arena of romantic relationship and intercourse commonly drive significant issues and disharmonies that pull one away from joy, love, and personal evolution.

It is possible to attract individuals with whom you had some kind of relationship in a past life into your current life. This attraction may manifest in the form of a romantic relationship for the purpose of further exploring or resolving past experiences or energetic patterns. Such resolving may involve the healing of traumatic imprints, gaining comfortability in expressing your sexuality, or catalyzing the achievement of self-acceptance and self-love, for example.

Through loving and positively-intentioned sexual union, personal issues may be surveyed and corrected by the energetic exchange and mutual bolstering that takes place [6]. Authentic intercourse can be very therapeutic and evolutive through a kind of supported yielding that either or both partners can partake of when an environment of safety, trust, and unconditional love is created and adhered to in the relationship.

For our purposes, we can say that energy is always in service to consciousness, and by no means is there any shortage of it. We can also say that the process of coming into mastery involves the attainment of knowing that limitless energy is here, now, and this attainment may come by way of letting go into a condition of raw feeling, rather than attempting to reach some endpoint through mental struggling. Feeling your way into knowingness might be analogized to lying in a canoe and allowing the momentum of the river to take you where you want to go, rather than efforting to reach your destination through rowing and mental navigation.

Our true self exists outside of linear time, outside of the confines of the “physical mind” that often try so hard to stabilize and protect us from the “threats” of the greater reality in which we are free. Sometimes romantic or platonic relationships, perceived obligations, and elements of our life that are strongly familiar to us can end up serving as “ankle weights” in impeding our discovery of our true passions, our true identity, and our own I AM Presence [7]. By this I basically mean that we needn’t be fearful of losing a part of ourselves by merely moving out of old patterns and experiencing more of what we are capable of creating.

Occasionally we may thwart our deeper experiencing of life by holding ourselves within shackles of fear, doubt, or guilt, commonly in the form of not putting ourselves first. When we are constantly sacrificing for others, we can become very drained physically, emotionally, and mentally, which can greatly weaken our passion for life. And when our passion for life weakens, we can get pulled out of congruency with our true self and artificially erect resistance to the ease, abundance, and harmony that comes from remaining in line with our true self. Quite literally, we get in the way of our own energy.

“The impatience comes because you can feel the impending enlightenment, the looming Realization. You can feel that you’re so close, almost ready to break through, but yet something pushes you back every time. That pushing back is often caused by your own doubts, which are natural. It also happens because there are still unintegrated aspects of yourself; the ones that are still dissociated from you, the ones that haven’t felt the full level of Allowing or harmony or trust from you to yourself. These are the things that are holding you back, but these are also the things that cannot be overcome by any therapy, medication, drug, sacred ceremony or anything else outside yourself” [8].

By fully allowing ourselves to “fall” into the safety net of self-acceptance and self-love, we can remove the barriers that stand in the way of the complete integration of ourselves. From this place, we can have assured trust in the perfection of our I AM Presence and our personal power to create with ease and righteousness (meaning “right-use-ness”). In the New Energy, our enlightenment is already here, waiting for us to simply choose and accept it.

“There is no other redemption for mankind than to realize their divinity” [9].

“Everyone knows, master, only to the extent that they desire and allow themselves to know. And most knowledge on your plane is built upon fear and survival and polarities of understanding. It is built upon judgment and the separation of peoples. It is built upon the understanding that man is a fallen creature who has no divinity. But man is God, master; thus to judge man is to judge God. To limit man is to limit God. To separate man from his divinity is to take divinity away from God” [10].

In fully actualizing or unfolding our divinity, there really isn’t anything that needs to be “accomplished.” Enlightenment may be realized in the moment that one truly and completely knows themselves as being God. My friends, regardless of what others may have taught, we have never been anything less, nor will we be.

“Knowing is the door that allows the kingdom of heaven to display its abundance within the kingdom of self” [11].

Knowing that our desires are already fulfilled in the Now moment essentially forces the immediacy of their manifestation in the physical. Remember that the ‘kingdom of heaven’ is not a location somewhere in the cosmos, it is the knowing state of consciousness that pervades the universe. And no, you are not required to give anyone 10% of your income in order to be granted access.

“Thus happiness and joy, my beloved brethren, are the emotions that find love, and love leads you to your beloved [I AM Presence] straightaway. The path is not narrow. It encompasses all that is. Thus you can never stray off of it – never – and straight unto your beloved [I AM Presence] shall you go back as illustrious king, indeed lawgiver, indeed Prince of Peace, the herald of life” [12].


1. Hoppe, G. (2015). Act of Consciousness: How your reality is created, and how you can change it. Golden, CO: Crimson Circle Press.

2. Hoppe, G. (2015). Act of Consciousness: How your reality is created, and how you can change it. Golden, CO: Crimson Circle Press.

3. Marciniak, B. (2004). Path of empowerment: New Pleiadian wisdom for a world in chaos. Novato, CA: New World Library.

4. Hoppe, G., & Hoppe, L. (2012). Live Your Divinity: Inspirations for New Consciousness. San Francisco, CA: Weiser Books.

5. Marciniak, B. (2004). Path of empowerment: New Pleiadian wisdom for a world in chaos. Novato, CA: New World Library.

6. Marciniak, B. (2004). Path of empowerment: New Pleiadian wisdom for a world in chaos. Novato, CA: New World Library.


7. Hoppe, G. (2016). Memoirs of a Master: 20 short stories from a spiritual Master (Kindle Locations 1181-1182). Golden, CO: Crimson Circle Press. Kindle Edition.

8. Hoppe, G. (2016). Memoirs of a Master: 20 short stories from a spiritual Master (Kindle Locations 573-577). Golden, CO: Crimson Circle Press. Kindle Edition.

9. Knight, J. (2007). Ramtha: The White Book (Kindle Locations 191-192). Yelm, WA: JZK Publishing. Kindle Edition.

10. Knight, J. (2007). Ramtha: The White Book (Kindle Locations 1819-1823). Yelm, WA: JZK Publishing. Kindle Edition.

11. Knight, J. (2007). Ramtha: The White Book (Kindle Locations 3063-3065). Yelm, WA: JZK Publishing. Kindle Edition.

12. Knight, J. (2013). Love Yourself into Life: The Magic Book (p. 154). Yelm, WA: JZK Publishing.

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