lifeguard: in search of a practical god

Post on 14-Nov-2014






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Altering Christian perception of God and exploring the issue of the Second Coming. Practical applications in faith.


Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,

LIFEGUARD: In Search of a Practical God.

Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,


Christian theology is very interesting in riding the fence of viewing God as both a

vengeful God and a loving God. This paradox adds into the anxiety and fear that

Christians and all of us hold to the ‘end of times’ debate. Our indecision of what and

who God is has created this irresoluble computation that has generated unproductive

stress in our lives. This indecision is at the core of both the elusive peace, and our

body’s decaying physiology. It is the anxiety to the ‘meaning of life’ question that

becomes both meaningful and illogical.

Therefore, current Christian theology becomes littered with all sorts of paradoxes,

ironies, absurdities, and even blasphemies. We say that faith is both needed, yet by

definition unable to be proven, and therefore irrational. We say that God is both

merciful, but yet demands retribution (the idea of purgatory). We say that God is

unconditional yet by our definition on what and who God is, we make Him conditional.

We create quandaries by defining God in a nationalistic view that holds a definition of a

‘better’ God or the ‘real’ God that stems forth the ‘I’m right and you are wrong’ theology

that spews forth 9/11 again and again.

We say we believe in the teaching of Jesus Christ yet we do not practice his teachings.

We say that we love Jesus Christ, yet we only hear and practice those teachings that

suit us for what we want in life. Self-righteously we make ourselves deaf and blind. We

make the practical into impractical and call these organized spiritual institutions

Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, and any other –ism that we

can dream up: Catholicism, Protestantism, Sunnism, Shaivism, Jainism, etc.

Lifeguard: In Search of a Practical God, seeks to reconcile this deep seeded Christian

paradox and in the process, rehabilitate the state of man into a higher conscious. It

seeks to make practical what others have termed impractical, lofty and esoteric. It

seeks to counsel and make real the idea that we are not only more than capable to live

better, but that we can truly start to live.

Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,


1. The Challenge

2. Are you judging?

3. God is Love

4. Jesus Christ is Love

5. Love is Absolute

6. Ownership

7. Strike your heel against Mine

8. I tell you with little faith like a mustard seed, you can move mountains.

9. The owner and keeper of the Kingdom brings out the new and the old.

10. I desire mercy not sacrifice.


12.The Absolutes: Universal Laws.

13.Let Us Agree to Dance.

14.Let’s Dance.


16.What were You Thinking?

17.Control: Understanding its Mechanisms

18.True Freedom

19.True Peace


Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,


God is everywhere and is in everything yet we do not see God because we do not

believe in this reality. In fact, we all have given God a personality and face that is very

limited to who and what God really is. Lifeguard is the book that seeks to extract this

reality from our human condition of our relative knowing of who and what God is.

Thereby, allowing us to accept the all knowing and un-knowing Creator – God.

In a very general way we all exist in human conditions of emotional pain and suffering.

Our thought goes something like this – pain and suffering are good because this gets us

to know how and what God is. The paradox is that we’ve already decided on who and

what God is. He is the God of mercy and salvation that will save us from pain and

suffering that we have created to know God. But we fool ourselves because we have

already created God as only this merciful and saving God. That is why too many of us

have perceived God as our lifeguard that is on duty 24/7 ready to save us from our own

emotional pool of pain and suffering

Self righteously we consider the experience of emotional pain and suffering as good

and as the prerequisite into the path of finding God. We rationalize that saints and

martyrs went through pain and suffering and therefore we should too. The sad fact is

that even if we find Him through this process we fail in accepting Him fully. We fail to

accept the unconditional God that exists as the all knowing and unknowing Creator, with

infinite power and eternal existence.

This book seeks to uncover the reasons why we do not find God or his Spirit. It is a

book that seeks to make practical what others have termed unpractical, esoteric and

lofty about God and in this process rehabilitate ourselves to find and wholly accept God.

Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,


Chapter 1

So what is holding you back?

God is in everything, is everywhere, is all knowing, is all the unknowing, the great

communicator, the Almighty, the Alpha and Omega, the start and the end, and the one

sole Creator. Yet many of us still believe that God is not that powerful, or that He does

not exist in everything or everywhere. We even believe that God doesn’t talk to us

anymore. We believe we are unworthy to be in his presence because we fault

ourselves beyond belief about who we are. We dam ourselves from God’s presence.

We either condemn or forget who we are in our relationship with God – namely that we

are part of God. By our self condemnation and ideas of unworthiness to be in his

presence and be in communion (communication) with Him, we have established

ourselves as self-righteous. We negate the very essence of God, so how can we find


Let’s see if this explanation helps.

When I was in the military as a Navy Corpsman, I had to be trained as a Marine medic.

I had to go to a special boot camp that initiated me into the Marine Corp. I had to learn

how to carry a M 16 rifle, learn how to use the rifle, store all my gear like a Marine and

endure physical requirements of marching with 70 pounds of extra weight for up to 18

miles. One of the requirements was to prepare for an amphibious assault (simulate

diving into the sea from a ship) and dive with full gear from a ten foot drop and swim the

length of the pool, 25 feet. I was terrified.

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I had always been a weak swimmer. In fact I had to participate in remedial swimming in

the Navy’s boot camp just to tread water for a full 5 minutes, and that was without gear.

I was terrified diving into water with combat boots and a flack jacket that doubled their

weight when wet. But I believed that I could accomplish this requirement as I had seen

others do the requirement. I rationalized, it is a requirement and so they must trust me

to do this exercise of swimming ability; at least that is what I was told to believe by the

drill instructors. So as I jumped in the pool, I just kept looking at the end of the pool

where I was supposed to end up.

The water was cold and as the gear got wet, it pulled me into the pool. I kept hearing

the instructors yell to start swimming as I was on the verge of panic. I started to swim. I

swam hard at first, only moving a few feet. Kicking hard my combat boots that now felt

like cement blocks. I slowly moved forward, my body was struggling to keep going and

I was at the point of giving up. The instructors yelled for me to keep a slower pace and

float onto the top of my back pack, but I just wanted to finish – I believed I would. I kept

kicking hard. I heard the instructors comment, “he’s got a lot of heart”, and that made

me solidify the twinkle of belief that I would finish – it gave me faith.

I didn’t have the same fear that I had just minutes before. My body didn’t have a choice

but to obey my heart and spirit. I finished.

The first step in finding God is faith.

But how do you do this when by default we talk ourselves out of faith?

For we are stuck with our formal explanation that faith1 is the acceptance of something

that is true to you, but that you may not be able to fully demonstrate in this physical

universe. Faith becomes destroyed and demonstrated invalid as you try to prove. Any

scientific equation or physical law that our world accepts as true, by definition can not

prove faith or much less convince anyone about your faith, because after all you can not

prove faith. We are in conflict and grow confused about faith. In anger some of us even

ask, ‘if faith is so valuable, why is it so hard for us to get a view or handle on faith?’1 Faith (noun) is used here to mean complete trust or confidence in a conviction (a firmly held belief or opinion) rather than proof (evidence establishing a fact).

Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,

This may help.

My three year old daughter, Marlena, likes to play with the Buzz Light Year action figure

from “Toy Story.” She apparently saw the movie “Toy Story” when she was maybe a

year old and never forgot the character. She got the toy last year when our family

vacationed at Disneyland. Since then she has enjoyed its presence and has

experienced happiness and joy while playing with it. She has also experienced peace

and comfort while sleeping with it.

In fact, she’s searched out her Buzz Light Year before going to bed. When she can’t

find the toy, she’s asked my wife and I, where is “Buzz Light Year?” The tangible

element of her imagination is that her emotions, belief and being are vested into the toy.

She has animated her toy with her emotions and projected her belief that her enjoyment

and peace reside in the toy. Marlena has exhibited a fundamental truth about faith; it

can be materialized and can be demonstrated.

So why is it hard for us to invest our being into something?

The truth is that a child’s faith can readily materialize anything into our physical

environment.2 Children like my daughter usually do not talk themselves of doing what is

natural and play with dolls or any favorite item that holds their being. They don’t consult

the latest physics book to know if it is real, they just do.

In fact we all know of stories where the vested faith in a favorite item eventually leads to

the moral of the story that the faith placed in the object was always in the child. This

happens in older kids who equate the favorite item as the “lucky” hat, sweater, jacket,

etc. Once worn, the favorite item helps the kids win a game, do well on a school test, or

just have a good day. As adults the favorite item is no longer lucky because we start

holding back our faith. We stop depositing this child-like faith into the object. We no

longer allow ourselves to animate the inanimate.

2 It is a prerequisite in entering the kingdom of heaven as stated by Jesus in Mathew 18:3 and in 19:14; 18:3. “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” 19:14. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”

Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,

The importance of this childlike faith is that it can and often does manifests into the real

world. A belief can then be transcribed into a solid object, holding mass, special

properties, and a physical location in this world. We can then see it, touch it, hear it,

smell it, and in short hold a strong understanding of what it is and hold a conviction that

it exists. By this childlike faith we can then come to terms with it and reconcile our

earthly knowledge with it, thereby allowing us to find peace within ourselves about it.

We are able to find peace, because we are no longer in conflict with our world’s

interpretation of what is rational and what can be proven. The faith is real because it

can be proven.

It is at this time that we can truly start to possess it, own it, internalize it, take

responsibility for it, and allow it to grow in its manifestation in other people. We can

then share it with other people and truly make it productive in all its properties.

So why have we collectively made this type of faith so hard to understand?

The answer is clear in this simple question. The problem is that we rely on our worldly

knowledge in this faith’s existence. Let us be clear about this, the 3 year child that

sleeps with his/her toy did not consult the latest textbook about physics and/or

psychology to believe the toy holds their peace, joy, and happiness. In fact, knowing a

little bit of this world’s knowledge about our technology, theory, postulates, axioms, and

general science is detrimental and is against initiating the establishments of faith’s


So what are the characteristics of this childlike faith?

A child by far is innocent3 than an adult. A child has not yet learned all language, the

abilities to read, and/or to write. They are innocent from this world’s idea of what is

important to survive in this world. They do not understand the conditions of technology,

science, argumentative logic, and/or any idea on how to interpret spirituality. They can

not read and do not have the language ability to retain and define concepts of love,

3 Innocence (adj.) is used here as that person without experience or knowledge of the modern man’s mindful attempt to know his world and contemplate the meaning of life through technological advances like language, science, mathematics, economics, theology…etc.

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hate, anger, and any other humanistic emotion. They are devoid of theological

consideration, religious affiliations, religious institutions, and/or what is meant by a

purpose driven life. They just exist in this world and want to live.

The instinct of a child is to live and so the tendency is for all children to learn humanities

“useful information” and technological advancements. They do not know what or who is

God, spirit, religion, or what is meant by the word Jesus. So therefore their faith is

innocent, devoid of any of these consideration, thoughts, ideas, experiences, and/or

knowledge of our human mind. They simply exhibit faith that is natural, inherent to their


As we become older, the creation of faith conflicts with our socialized minds. We start

to learn the conditional responses to everyday life. We develop our acting techniques

and learn our scripts to become acceptable participants in everyday life. We learn the

social recordings of how to be a proper son/daughter, student, friend, husband/wife, or

any other construct in a relationship. We become dependent and cherish the ability to

memorize these recordings that reflect what others expect from us. We rely on our

minds to construct these social considerations, and conditional responses. We

ultimately generate thoughts, ideas, experiences, and knowledge that reinforce these

conditional constructs. Faith becomes little more than an abstract and transient

consideration, because our minds are consumed with gathering proper conditional

responses. Faith is seen as childish daydreaming and a luxury that is not practical or

essential to our social construct.

Our mind therefore is an obstacle to the creation of our faith. It simply talks us out of

having faith. This is the first problem we face as an adult to create and allow ourselves

to accept faith.

Our mind is a barrier to faith.

We have told ourselves that it is through evolution that we are capable of reason and

therefore at the top of all living things. We have collectively rationalized that we know

the concept of God as the superior being that is our personal understanding. We have

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accepted the idea that it is only from our thoughts and minds that man’s identity and our

own identity has truly come about.

Some of us rationalize that we are biological beings composed of atoms, molecules,

proteins, hormones, cells, tissues and organs, etc. We see ourselves as a biochemical

compositions and existing as a part of natural evolution. We explain away our actions

and emotions and say that we are the effects of hormones when we get upset and

violent. We rationalize that our depression, anxiety, and stress is because of a

deficiency of the latest technological break through in medicine. We agree that most

of our inter-relational problems stem from the fact that we are chemically imbalanced.

We feel, think and know who we are, because we are comfortable in existing in this

physical reality.

It is the idea that our physical identity is much more important than anything unproven.

We therefore can not take it by faith that we are spiritual entities tied in with a superior

being that is our creator.

The problem is that we love this world and our ability to reason.

With our reason we conclude that our existence and our value are better measured by

our biological health and physical being. We use this world’s physical realities to judge

who we are, how we are doing, and how we should be feeling. We judge based on

what we see. We interpret our joy and happiness as a measure of what we accumulate.

Our bank account becomes a measurement of happiness and of who we are. We stay

blind to what is truly needed for us to wake up from this intoxication of self gratitude and

self righteousness. We no longer understand or comprehend that we were made in the

image of our creator and that we are capable of greater things unmarked by this

physical world. Faith is the variable and true measurement of our existence.

Conversely, we can change the view that we simply exist because of measurable

physical realities. If we are strong enough to admit that we are more than the physical

world then we can start building faith as the belief that we are part of a divine heritage,

made complete by the spirit of God. Faith can therefore become a reality of an un-

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limitless variable seen as innate property, embedded within us by our creator. Faith

however, remains un-tangible because we fail to let go of the physical world.

God’s spirit infuses the concept of faith and its infinite dimension, into our heart and

spirit. However, it is because of our own reason, we no longer understand that faith is

the essential part of our being. With self righteous reason we no longer fathom that true

faith is the total surrender to someone else, and that its manifestation in our physical

world is the complete trust in someone else to fill our being. We consequently, stay

blind, deaf, and drunk with our self righteousness, to know who or what we truly are –

children of God.

Therefore, our spirit no longer is nourished and diminishes as a candle flickering with

the gush of wind. Inversely our knowledge of this world grows as a wild fire that is

nourished with the same wind. Faith is no longer attainable to the magnitude that it can

give us counsel in our life’s difficulties, much less guide us in our divine path to be

reconciled with our Creator.

We are sinful only because through our reason we have become proud. Sin is the

break down of communication with our creator. Sin is the barrier that prevents us from

being able to hear and to see ourselves as who we are – creations from God (the

supreme-being). Sin hardens are hearts to the point that we can no longer trust,

humble ourselves, and realize that we are deficient in our spirit because we are no

longer connected with God.4 Sin diminishes who we truly are.

But what is sin and how does it stop the development of our faith?

In the old testament of the bible, sin is explained in a concise and straight forward

fashion. It is in the book of Genesis, where the first man sinned. Adam ate from the

tree of knowledge in direct defiance of what he was explicitly told not to do. Adam did

4 To make clear this point, Jesus states in the first beatitude, “blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Mathew 5:3). We are taught that the first step in developing our faith in God is by first admitting to ourselves that we are spiritual entities that are deficient in our existence without God. We are given the first road map on how to develop our faith, by first acknowledging that we harbor an emptiness that can not be filled by things of this world, that can only be filled by God our creator.

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not do what God commanded – he sinned. Therefore, sinning can be seen as an action

done in the physical world against what God has commanded for us.

However, true sin is the failure to trust and have faith in God to direct our path and give

us purpose. This type of sin is a true barrier to our spirit to connect with God; expanded

in the new testament of the bible by Jesus.

Sin is anything that prevents a true communication and exchange with God.

It is different than the typical Christian view.

Christianity comfortably sees sin in the fall of man within Genesis. The first man,

through Adam, lost faith in God when he exercised faith in himself to know what was

better for his existence. We do not know why Adam ate from the tree of knowledge.

We can only speculate that maybe he trusted his companion Eve as his equal and did

not trust God enough, or to the extent that was needed to stop the act of sinning against

God. The idea is that Adam did not have enough faith that God created him with

enough knowledge to truly be happy with his original God given knowledge,

understanding, and/or wisdom. He did not completely surrender his being and credit

God for his faith.

Another Christian truth in the book of Genesis was that there existed another being that

injected doubt into the mind of Eve/Adam about God’s word.5 The evil entity used

things of this world (the mind) to make actions against God. In the end, it could be said

that Adam doubted his creator and accepted that he deserved more knowledge - to be

like God. He did not see Eve as someone who could sin. Adam abused of his free will

5 Genesis 3:1-61 Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? 2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. 6 And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.

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that God had given him. Adam’s will became a selfish will that coveted God’s all

knowing. His communication with God was strained as he was banished from the

paradise of living with and in straight communion with God.

Christian reasoning becomes our lot – our original sin. The fact is that Adam’s sin has

now caused considerable selfishness and arrogance to everyone in our current world

that misinterprets accumulation of knowledge as a goal to gain worldly happiness and

peace. The quest for more knowledge and the almighty power of the mind has made us

blind to faith and keeps us from knowing God. We aspire for the latest technology that

can comfort us, to live better and to think better. We have developed knowledge in

language, mathematics, science, medicine, the arts, politics, government, etc. and have

considered these things as “good”. By default we credit ourselves as “good”, because

we are the creators of this knowledge. The irony is that by these things we have also

cut our reach to fully accept unquestionable faith, because faith can not be proven, and

therefore faith becomes childish, unscientific, and in the end not “good” for man. We

make this argument with our own arrogance that we know this world better than our

past generations or even God.

Christian’s view of sin is demonstrable in our physical world in our actions or inactions

of not doing what is right under God. At the source of sin is the acceptance of our will

as the primary source in our decisions. The source point is our heart’s intention to do

something. Sin therefore lies in our hearts. In Adam’s heart there may have existed

selfishness and arrogance to think it was o.k. not to control his thoughts about his

curiosity to eat from the tree of knowledge. He allowed his own will to overtake his

action, yielding to his consideration instead of God’s.

Christian thought about sin could go even further. Derived from the New Testament we

could make the claim that Adam’s decision to sin had already been laid out in his mind

to accept this sin, even before Eve gave the fruit to Adam. Sin therefore is more than

an action or inaction of doing something without God’s guidance it is also the

consideration, thought, source point of deviance from God’s will. It is argued that Jesus

in the New Testament makes it abundantly clear that man will be held liable for his

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thoughts, attitudes, and intentions to cause pain, punishment, and sin (Matthew, 5:21-

22, 5: 27-28, 15:18-19).

Faith therefore becomes so distorted and convoluted by any Christian

interpretation of sin. It remains unseen and unattainable.

We clump faith as existing with those Christians devoted to Christian living, devoid of

sin or with the ability to save us from ourselves because we are inherently evil and

sinful. Therefore we make the conclusion that the only true faith as that which is seen

as Christian living. We have conditioned faith to our own liking. We say I know faith by

what people of the “faith” have told me. We condition faith existing in only those

parameters and if we see faith in something else we easily and scornfully with self

righteous indignation we say “no, that is not faith.”

The truth is faith is real and therefore exists with or without our preconceived notions of

whom and what faith is. We convince each other otherwise by our own value system

and we appoint ourselves as are own judge and executioners about what we can’t have

– faith.

The Challenge:

I would like to talk to all Christians out there to stop doubting and believe. You are

capable of true faith if you only look around and observe it.

We must revisit and accept that Jesus was the son of God as we are. In scripture

Jesus tells us specifically you can and will do greater things than I, and by your faith you

have healed yourself. He even quotes from the old scriptures prophets that have said

we are like gods, and even in the old scriptures Elijah, Jeremiah and Isaiah called

themselves son of God. Yet we do not want to see our own spiritual divinity because

organized religion doesn’t think we are able to handle that truth. We mock ourselves by

limiting our neighbor’s abilities to know and accept God, because we are fearful that if

they were to know and accept God they would destroy our Christian living. We are

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hypocrites when we say love they neighbor as they self and the least of us is the

greatest. We are hypocrites when we can’t stand our neighbor because they are not of

the right church or the proper affiliation or the right congregation.

Some of you at this point will stop reading this book because it comes to close to home.

Someone is asking you to question yourself about whom you are and your limits. If you

stop at this time, that is okay, but you know in your heart something is calling you

continue to read this book as it has sparked an interest in yourself. If this has happened

then read on because, what is the worst that can happen – you continue to live your life

exactly the way that you have intended?


Chapter 2

So here goes:

For the rest of you who have stayed, congratulations because you will be going on an

adventure to yourselves that you have prevented yourselves from going. That’s right

you have prevented yourself, which is the mystery of finding the faith. You prevented

yourself from believing in yourself, for after all that is where faith is stored.

Look, for those of you who think that I am questioning Jesus. Rest assured I am not.

Jesus is the way and the truth, but we have become of little faith, for we do not believe.

Believe in yourself and internalize the concept that the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

Whose hand you ask? It is at your hand and in no one else.

You are a poor to think yourself rich with the all the material wealth you have

accumulated thus far in your life’s experience. The material wealth that you have

accumulated has prevented you to see who you are – the exact image of Christ and

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God. You have hidden too long in the outer shell of your comfort. You have spent a life

time building the walls so thick and huge about the artificial you that you can not see

who is in front of you. What’s worse some of you don’t even think you are imprisoned in

your artificial walls or fence that you have created. You are to close to the gate and

fence that precludes you from seeing that you are even in the gate and fence.

Your fence is meshed so close to you that you look through the opening of the fence

and can not fathom that you are in this fence – self created and self realized. Your

head pokes out and you see the other side but you can’t go there and you don’t even

know why. You beat yourself over the head with the idea that the “grass is always

greener on the other side.” You envy, and you covet what you want but you can’t have

– the true peace that only God can give you. Stop being blind to this fence and step

away from the fence so that you too can accept that there is a fence preventing your

awareness of the fence. For if you see the fence it will disappear and you’ll be able to

walk through areas of yourself that you have never known and you’ll finally materialize

the kingdom of heaven for yourself and in yourself.

So what now?

You consider these words as blasphemous revelations against your belief about Jesus

and about the true nature of God. The operating word is that you are doing this to

yourself. You are holding yourself back from yourself. You recoil again to the comfort

that these words are somehow wrong and there is no truth in them because of what you

have been taught. But let me ask you, who taught you?

Your comfort resides in the idea that strength comes in numbers. You cite your fellow

church goers, your organization as the only true organization that there can ever be.

Therefore you include into your idea that “we are right” and “they are wrong.” With this

idea you beget anger and hostility and manifest 9/11 in your own world – in your own

head. Hatred against another is still hatred. So own up to the idea of what Jesus has

told us; our thoughts are just as important as our actions.

But you say, Jesus said a lot of other things.

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Sure he did and he has, but what does it matter when you get to choose what is

relevant in your world and choose what is not. He has told us that we should hate this

world and that he came to bring fire on this world, and wished that it was already

kindled. He told us not to seek the kingdom of heaven because the kingdom had

already arrived, and for us not to look for the kingdom outside, but to look within. He

told us who our neighbors were, everyone - any other person outside of ourselves.

He also told us that he was doing his Father’s will and not his own. And you have made

Jesus into the rock that has caused you to stumble. By default you have materialized

Jesus into the problem for finding God. We therefore seek but we do not find, because

the rock has now grown so huge that you don’t even know what to make of it anymore.

Therefore, I will ask you, who will you find once you truly follow Jesus?

Will you find your Jesus or the all knowing, limitless, eternal existence, the alpha and

the omega – God the Father Almighty? Let’s be clear about this, Jesus is in the Father

and he leads all who follow him to know the Father. His intention was for us to know the

Father and be with the Father, and be in communion with the Father for the rest of our

days. So how do we know if Jesus’ intention was truly received by us?

Well let me ask you, what does ‘be’ mean to you?

Is it really just a location in space that we travel when our bodies are not capable of

sustaining ourselves on this world? Or is ‘be’ much more than that? Could it be that

‘be’ is the state of existing in a certain state? Could ‘BE’ be just that? Existing? Of

course it is because you know this to be true. It is your illusion that you have created

and not the other way around.

I have had conversations with other people about this reality. They say that there are

people that make them happy or that there are people that bring them joy. They fail to

know that they themselves are the ones who bring their own happiness. These same

people then mourn the passing of their loved ones, because in their absence we feel a

lack of joy and happiness. Is this right? No it is not.

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True happiness and Peace is in you and only in you.

You know that there is something wrong with you when you can only experience

happiness and joy when that special someone is around. Why, do you ask? True

peace, joy and happiness are the many sides of Love - which is indestructible. You do

remember that God is Love?

If we say that God is indestructible and lives forever, then we make God a liar when we

say God is Love. Yet, we say we found God and we still are only reacting as if we were

one of the apostles on the boat which is tossing and turning with this world’s reality. So

what do you do? Well, why don’t you just wake up Jesus, and be peace. You do know

that Jesus gave us that? He said the peace I bring you the peace I give you.

You know you have everything you need inside you already. Jesus is in you and so is

God. Do not continue to make a mockery of this divinity by staining yourself with the

idea of original sin. It is your illusion that you are inherently evil. You allow yourself to

feel unworthy because of this evil, and then you blaspheme with the same breath that

Christ is in you. The reality is that Christ is in you and you are in him and that is the

truth and there is no more.

But what if this idea is blasphemous?

Is it any more blasphemous than what you have been told about yourself, by yourself?

Look, you are who you are and there can be no other. You are part of something

bigger. God is everywhere and is in everything – including you. So stop being

incredulous and admit that Christ is in the boat with you. For God’s sake wake him up.

So we can all AWAKEN.

Now do you really think that your joy and peace reside in someone else and you simply

are the reaction of that? You have said it yourself many times before that you were

made in God’s image. You are his creation and you were made to create. You do

create your own joy and happiness and/or your own pain and suffering.

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Understand we are not simple beings that only react to stimuli. We are the origination

points to the stimuli that cause reactions to take place. But if you like the idea that true

joy, happiness and peace are things that happen to you, then you have chosen to

continue with this reality, as this suits you for now. That’s Okay because you do have

free will.

So how is this reality helpful?

Well, it changes your perspective does it not? Before you thought that Jesus would be

coming in a cloud of thunder and lighting and judge the living and the dead, and now

you are being told that Jesus Christ is in the same boat you are in and all you have to

do is to wake him up. Wow, is that all we have to do? No, but it is a start.

We have to deny ourselves to enter into the kingdom of God and that means deny your

comfort level about who you think yourself to be. Quit beating yourself over the head

with your past failures before you really start to bleed in this life. Own up to your

existence as being with Christ and connected with God. Stop fabricating the idea that

God is an esoteric argument, a theological consideration, and a figment of your

imagination. Admit who you are and take ownership, so that we can all live in God’s


Now, what else is bothering you?

Oh you thought this book was about another viewpoint about God, intended to make

you feel good about your own idea about God? Are you upset that I am not telling you

that he is the overseer of all your life and will guard it no matter what?

Listen, I have tried to write this book before with this lofty, Christian feel good analogy

but I just couldn’t do it. It would be like me giving you the wrong directions to where you

want to go. Let me give you an image of how psychotic this would be.

It would be like me giving directions to a child who is so excited about going to the

movies. A child that is jumping up and down to go see the movie that he had waited all

his life to see and is asking me for directions. But instead of giving him the directions, I

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tell him a different set of directions. Instead, I give him the direction to go through the

alley where I know there are angry and hurtful people waiting to tear him up, rob him, kill

him, mug him and worse yet crucify him. I just can’t. I can not because what you do for

the least of these you have done for me.

So what else do I have to say?

Quit lying to yourself about yourself. The truth will set you free. Do not hide behind

your thought that you are your mind, or that your mind is bigger than you. Your mind is

not you and you are bigger than your mind could ever be. So you ask what the mind is.

Well there is an exercise to help you with this. Are you ready?

Just get a picture of a cat. O.K. did you get the picture? O.K. now look at the tail of the

cat, look at the ears of the cat, look at its paws. Do you see the cat? Now let me ask

you something, who is looking at the cat? Is it you? And so where is the cat located? Is

it in your brain or is it in your mind?

Look, you truly are a spirit and not just your mind and/or your body. You could move

mountains if you really wanted to, but why waist your time on that painful endeavor? If

you can’t see yourself for who you really are, you will not accomplish anything. Didn’t

Jesus say you hypocrite before you take the splinter out of someone else’s eye, you first

have to take the plank out of your own eye. Who do you think put that plank in your

eye? Do you really think it was God? No, the correct assessment was it was you who

did this to yourself, so don’t be trying to move any mountains unless you have first

allowed yourself to open up your own eyes.

So what are the steps in opening your eyes?

Humble yourself before the Lord Almighty admit that you have been living in the illusion

that you have created yourself and are tired and done with that illusion. Admit to Jesus

and admit to God, that you are tired of living your own illusion and now truly are seeking

their realty. If you still have residual Original Sin baggage, give it to Jesus because this

is what your belief and your reality state about who you are. It’s Okay to seek Jesus as

the Savior and only way to the truth, but don’t stop with only Jesus. Believe in Jesus’

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promise that he will lead you to the Father and that he has the authority to raise you

from the dead – your spiritual death.

So what do you do now that you found God?

So the first thing you should do is to acknowledge that you have found God, know that

he exists. Then accept God into your being, give praise to God, love God and then own

your feelings and being about God. Easier said than done, right?

So let us do this together.

Acknowledge God. This simply means to accept more knowledge (ac is to accept,

admit and therefore accumulate more knowledge) about God. So how do you do this?

Well you could read more of the bible, but then this could negate the admission that you

have God, because after all you are sin incarnate as you exist in your natural state. As

a natural born sinner you are undeserving of God.

So for now I would suggest, (now that you can see), start seeing Him and admit that you

see Him. See Him in others that smile at you, and admit that the smile was a smile

from God to you. See Him in the beauty of nature whether you are in the mountains, in

the snow, at the beach, in your house, or at your backyard; because he is omnipotent.

Pick something to compare him to and tell him who he is.

Let me say this again, observe something, compare him to what you see and tell

him how He is that which you are seeing, (describe Him to Himself).

Start with something easy like a tree. Say You are like this tree (and see the tree) that

gives us shade when we are tired and gives us rest. You are like the tree that gives

shelter to all types of animals and houses all living things. You are like that tree that

inspires us to create something new like a wooden frame, a wooden table, and a

wooden chair. You are like that tree that is so small now, and so dependent on us to

water You so that You may grow in our hearts and in our lives. You are like that tree

with all those wonderful leaves rustling with every breeze, You are saying “hi” to us and

remind us that You are here and that You want to greet us each and every day. In this

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way you too can acknowledge him and admit to yourself that He is everywhere and part

of everything.

Now see Him constantly, everywhere and throughout your days on this planet and He

will direct you. Remember, acknowledge Him in all ways and He will direct your path.

As you continue to do this and believe it, He will draw closer to you.

Now go into your most sacred and for this reason the most private area that you hide

yourself when you feel afraid and do the same thing. Therefore, go into your belongings

at home and start comparing him to things that you use on a regular basis, like your

toothbrush, your pillow, your bed, your toilet, your closet, your clothes, your shower,

your sofa, or your body. It doesn’t matter what you compare God to because he is in


Now, have you ever heard of glorifying God?

I am sure you have, you have also heard of praising God, and worshiping God. Now I

ask you this. Do you think that the only way to praise, worship and/or glorify God is

through your own church, by your participation in choir, as the adjunct minister, when

you are kneeling at the temple (oops, sorry I meant church) etc..?

For those of you who are getting ruffled and are thinking “well, no one is going to tell me

how to worship God.” You are right no one will tell you how to worship God, but let me

ask you something,… why did you get defensive? Is it because you still have those

preconceived notions about God and are trying to put him into your church’s bible,

missel, or traditional liturgical calendar about how and why you should worship as set

forth by the latest official seal and memo from your congregation. You really think God

is so small like that?? Don’t be fooled by the statement God’s character and majesty

can be understood by one or 8 hours per week on Sundays, or that He can only be

understood by the select clergy. God is in every moment of our existence, period.

Lets admit something right here and right now.

You are judging.

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You believe that Jesus is your savior and he is the son of God. You believe he was

conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and became man. You know that we should

emulate Jesus in our action, in our word, in our thoughts and in our hearts, yet you still

judge. Didn’t Jesus say, judge not for you too will be judged. Didn’t he also say the

following: (1) by the same measure you use you will be measured (judged), (2) what

you sow you shall reap, (3) if you forgive here on earth it will be forgiven in heaven, (4)

what you accept here on earth will be accepted in heaven, (5) those sins that you have

forgiven will be forgiven in heaven, etc.

But then you say Jesus will come again to judge the living and the dead, and I ask you,

didn’t he already do that in someone who has found Jesus? You have judged yourself

that you could be forgiven by yourself. Look, Jesus told you specifically that whatever

you do on earth you do in heaven…so what do you understand from that?

You do understand that Jesus did not want you to judge, right? O.K. now let’s think

about this a little while longer.

Jesus gave you authority to forgive and/or decide things on earth, similar to the effect

that would be how things would be in heaven. Did he ever tell you that he would come

back with a complete rule book on how heaven was supposed to be like, for all of us?

Again, think about this a little longer, he gave you authority to decide things on earth

and told you that your decisions would be similar to what you would expect in heaven.

So now I ask you again who is making these decisions, choices, and ultimate judgments

about damnation?

Let’s just look at what happened on 9/11. What happened? Religious (institutionalized

spirituality) entities fed the masses of people to do what they did and conversely we

(U.S.) went to war because we felt we were right. At the root of this was a deep seeded

belief that “I am right and you are wrong,” because of my religion

Muslim/Islam/Christianity (you fill in the blank) told me so. Now I ask you again who told

you so? Did Jesus tell you or did an institution with self righteous rule books tell you

that you were right?6

6 In Luke 12:14, Jesus said “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?”

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But you say, you know Jesus and therefore you know God more than the others. O.K.

you probably do, to your own liking, but who made you the ultimate decision maker on

this matter? Was it Jesus or was it you?

You are right Jesus told you that you had the authority to decide things on earth as they

would be in heaven. But who’s heaven is it and now that we are on this matter, who’s

earth is it anyway? Is it yours or are you still so dull that you do not know what I am

talking about?

Do not be faint of heart by pointing the finger at your religious institution. Look, do not

be the son/daughter that squandered all the riches that you were given by the Father.

You were given free will, now use it to call the emperor naked because you know that

he is not wearing any clothes. We are not here to love the world nor are we here to

squander what is rightfully ours.

So again I ask you, why did you give the earthly authorities your own authority and will

to be their servant? Don’t keep pointing the finger to Jesus he only wanted you to have

an abundance of life and freedom by knowing the Father. Did you really think he

wanted you to be a slave to someone, a worker for someone? No, he wanted you to be

a son/daughter of the Father, period. So wake up and take a drink of the cold water that

I am giving you.

Now let us do an exercise that may help you with this reality.

From where you are sitting I want you to find the corner of the room in front of you, if

you are not in any room, just find a reference point. O.K. now find the other corner of

the room in front of you, or another reference point. O.K., good, now find the other

corner of the room that is behind you or a reference point. Now find the last corner or

reference point. Now, where are you? Are you in the room, within those reference

points? ……..So you agree that you are there? Now I want you to expand those points

a little further away, like at the corner of your house, and the other corner of the house,

until you get all 4 points again. Now, where are you? ……Are you filling up those points

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with your being. Are you now existing in those points? So now answer this, who put

you there?

Do you really think it was me or was it you? Look, quit being faint of heart and admit

that you are the one existing in that reality and only you (not me). You are the one

doing it to yourself and no one else. Do you agree on this? Now, are you absolutely

sure it was you. Of course you are, who else expanded your existence, and who else

expanded your being?

O.K. so what else is troubling you about this?

Oh, you think I am questioning God’s authority by having you do this. No, God is real

and he is the Almighty Father, maker of Heaven and Earth, of all that is seen and

unseen, but even He does not judge. So again, why should you?

O.K. I admit judging is fun, but only when no one gets hurt – then it is not too much fun.

I am sure you’ve heard the adage “Its all fun and games, until someone gets hurt.” Well

that someone is you and you’ve been getting hurt for a very long time. This is why I am

talking to you, so you can stop your hurt, by recognizing that you have been the one

hurting yourself and no one else – so stop it. I really want you to stop because you are

also hurting me and everyone else on this planet.

You ask how can this be?

I ask you how can this not be? Didn’t Jesus tell you, what you do for the least of these,

you do for me? Didn’t He also say, love your neighbor as you yourself? You think that

was made up? Don’t you think that we are somehow connected?

You hurting someone else by what you think you are is very real. Don’t look upon

yourself as unworthy anymore, because you do have rights as a family member of the

most High. You were made in his image and it is time for you to stop belittling yourself,

because you are making both God and all of us very little. You can be love or you can

be hate, take your pick.

Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,


Chapter 3

Well, Great!, you’ve made it this far in the book. You deserve a round of applause, you

are lucky that you have a Father that love’s you so much to have led you to this book.

Now let’s see what else can be said about God and you.

Well God is Love and you should be too. So what does that mean? I guess you could

re-read what it says in the epistles of the Corinthians, as we all admit Paul wrote a great

blurb on what Love is. But I have to ask you, where would that get you if you have to

look it up? I can tell you where it would get you. You would be thinking that you don’t

have the answer to what Love is when you inherently know what it is, because of your

divine relationship to God and Jesus. In other words you would be like doubting

Thomas, thinking you didn’t have the answer or worse, judging yourself to be

inadequate or unworthy of knowing what Love is.

Now, I admit you should be able to read and write, and be familiar with the scriptures.

But I imagine you know how to read pretty well and know some of the references that I

am making otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this book. So stop doubting yourself.

So love, what is it?

Before you start giving a complete treatise on what love is, I want you to do something.

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Oh, by the way. I guess by now you’ve realized this book is a little bit different than any

book you’ve read. Why, is it different? Well because it is important that you and I both

talk about these esoteric, theological considerations, and devastating serious matters

that are necessary for the continuation of the world as we know it……. just kidding.

This book is being written this way because who else is going to have this conversation

with you? ….God? Anyway, this is what I want you to do before your amazing treatise

on what Love is.

Get the idea that you already know all there is about love or better yet, that you wrote

everything this whole world knows about love. Now remember what you have written

and what you have said in the past….I’ll allow you to give yourself some time with this.

So now, what is Love?

Now I know you have answered something like love is kind, it is unselfish, it is not rude,

it does not envy, and it supersedes anything else in this world. Correct? I know you

answered something like this and for those of you who have more to add, well add


So now, why was this important for you to do? Did you really think that you would be

graded for some wrong answer you may have given? No, the real reason is because I

wanted you to understand that you already know something about something, but you

just don’t give yourself any credit. I also wanted you to reflect about love and how you

can materialize it in this world; more about this in the next chapter.

So now I am going to let you on a little secret on how to know and know that you know.

That way you can use it yourself if you want to learn something new or give it to your

children that way they can make good grades, graduate high school, get into an ivy

league school of their choosing, get into professional school, have their own business if

they wished and could easily support you in your old age, so you won’t have to worry

about retirement….whew! Wouldn’t that be something, your whole life could change by

this little secret? So what could be so life changing?

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Well, the simple truth about ourselves is that we all like to forget that we know. And that

forgetting is not our true nature, knowing is…hard to believe? Let me explain.

Last week my wife told me to go to the store and get her three things. She told me to

get her some sleeping pills, eye moisturizer drops, and some crystal light (raspberry

flavor). Now even though I have gone to professional school and graduate school and

have received a degree that says I am a doctor, I still chose to forget why I went to the

store. Why you ask? Well it was fun. I went to the store walked up and down every

aisle looking at different things and then finally when I decided, well it is time for me to

leave, I allowed myself to remember.

We forget because its fun and we like playing that game. Now how do you remember,

(since you want your kids to take care of you).

Before you read anything new, get the idea that you have already read the material or

better yet, get the idea that you yourself have already written the material before you

read it. Then read the material with the idea that you are just reading to remember the

material. Sounds simple? Sure even an 8 year old can do it.

By the way my daughter Arabela went from an average of 55 on a state mandated math

test in 3rd grade to making an 86 literally overnight. Her teacher was so excited when I

picked her up from school that I had Arabela explain how she was able to make a better

grade. That’s the essence of life you shouldn’t hold anything in, our hoard any material

wealth for yourself, you must give to someone else so that you can then receive in

abundance. If this sounds familiar, remember Jesus was the truth and the light. What

you do for others you do for yourself.

O.K. so let us look at this again.

So before you read anything new you get the idea that you have read it and that you

have already written it before and all your doing is reading the material to remember.

Sound easy? You have to admit anything that can help you retain any information you

want is worth a shot.

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Now, of course there is more to this. After you have experienced this reality for yourself

and you have read something that you really wanted to understand (like this book –

hint) by using this technique and it helped then you have to pass thins on to someone

else. Why do you ask? Because the truth shall set you free, and the truth is you are

only as good as your weakest link – we are all connected (more about this later).

The real truth about this is that you know all there is too know about a lot of things, but

you chose to forget because you think it is fun. The reason you also do not want to

remember that you know is because you think there is no fun in that, or that there won’t

be anymore games because you know. But if you internalize this truth and experience it

for yourself, you’ll know that the game has just begun. Oh, by the way, you remember

God is limitless, and all knowing, so as your awareness increases you start to

understand enough to know that you don’t understand all there is to know. Let me give

you an example of this.

Increasing in your awareness and your knowing is like being on a boat looking at the

sunset and wanting to catch up with the sun. As you continue to row your boat you can

never catch up with the sun, because it will always be fleeting from you.

It would be as if you would be driving your car on the highway and see an image of

another vehicle coming towards you. You would be thinking is that a police car, is that a

truck, is that a bus, and finally realizing no it’s a semi. And as get closer you see the

semi which is so huge compared to your car and you think, yep that is a semi. But as

you investigate the truck you are now fascinated by its aesthetics – its pure beauty.

You take a look inside the cabin and are amazed at its elegance. You look at its engine

and you are struck with its technology. You look at its trailer and you are fascinated by

the livestock that it is carrying. All sorts of animals are in the trailer and they all have

their own beauty. Get the picture? You will never stop being fascinated and therefore

the game will never stop, so don’t worry it will still be impossible to know God


Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,

Now that you have understood a little bit more of who you are, it is time to talk about

time and how it relates to you and to love. Remember when we talked about your ability

to change your perspective and that could change your thought about a certain thing (its

in chapter 2). But maybe you didn’t see it that way, because you were still a bit

incredulous and reserved. So if that’s the case then we’ll have to revisit this subject

again before we talk about time, so we can make more time for ourselves.

In the last chapter, I had you do the exercise of changing your reference points in

relation to your view point. You changed these points and felt an expansion of your

being into these points. It changed your thought about yourself, because it empowered

you to view yourself as the cause of your being. The salient truth to this is that thought

is developed and influenced by your perspective. Let me give an example of this.

I am sure you have gone to a flee market, swap meet, garage sale, or just any place

that you can haggle a price. The vender tells you how much they are asking for

something. Then you say you’ll offer such and such amount for the item. The vender

then says, well no I can’t accept that, this item here is a collectors item and is worth a lot

more than the price I am sell it for. You say something like, well the item is dirty and I’ll

have to clean it, besides I wasn’t really looking for anything in particular and this item

just caught my fancy. Then the vender will say something like, well if you go anywhere

else it’ll be such and such price, a lot more than my price. And then you say something

like well how much will you give it to me if I buy this other item, and buy both of them

right now? This dialogue is all about changing perspectives or viewpoints about


The seller wants to change the buyer’s perspective to get paid the most for his product.

The buyer wants the product at the cheapest price he/she can pay for it. Both

perspectives are different neither is better or worse than the other they just are and are

in keeping with the realty of who the buyer or the seller want to be. Let me clarify, if the

seller wanted to be a person of a giving nature then the seller would sell the item at the

lowest price possible or just accept the lowest offer. If the buyer wanted to be a person

of a giving nature, then the buyer would buy the item at the asking price or offer more

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than what was asked for the item. Again there would be no right or wrong in this

example, the actions would just come about as the person has decided to exist in a

certain state of being (more about this later).

We were talking about perspectives and how they influence thoughts; which in turn

influence action. So now lets talk about time and how it relates to you and love.

Obviously we see time as a linear dimension that starts at one point and ends at

another point. We see time as slowly ticking away and we lose it, we can never get it

back. We designate a day existing within 24 hours and then each hour within 60

seconds, and each second existing of a composite of milliseconds, nanoseconds, etc.

But who came up with these designations? Moreover, do you know that by you

consenting to these designations you have solidified your perspective on time and

therefore can not change it? The time factor becomes that a factor, a solid thing that

you have to contend with and will not allow your perspective to change. Think about

time as both the semi and your car that we used in the example before. Time as a

factor and a solid has solidified both the semi and your car on the road and now you can

not even inspect the semi or even get close to it to investigate – there is no space

allowed for this.

By this solid perspective and viewpoint you can not see the beauty that you could have

seen. So I ask you what good would that do you, if you can not see beauty? So lets

change the perspective and viewpoint of time to get a better understanding on how it

relates to you, to love and even space.

Alright, time is linear that we know but prevents us from having space to view beauty. If

we draw a line horizontally (on the x axis) then we can see segments of time charted

from left to right. Ideally this could be any timeframe, lets say 1970 through 2008, and if

we want to go to let’s say 1988 it would be hard for us to this because there is space

separating all those different points. But if we change our perspective and simply take

the paper and move it 90 degrees to the left, then you see 2008 up on top and 1970 on

the bottom. And if you think about it for a minute there is only one point in which all time

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is suspended, and there is no real space separating all those points because the exist

on one point. Now theoretically that point contains all points and you could exist at all

time at once if you wanted to or have the ability to exist at one point in particular (the

choice is yours). So you ask, well how is this pertinent to me, to love and now to


Well the answer, as in all these cases, changes your thoughts does it not? The other

point is that you have the freedom to change your perspective to change your thoughts

if you are willing. Now you should see the beauty that you were truly made in the image

of your Father – you are also a creator. As a creator you can change the meaning of

time, change your point of reference to yourself, and change the space as it relates to

time and to you. But you are probably wondering how it relates to love. Let me give

you an example.

Have you ever known yourself to be happy or to be in love? You know how it was when

you felt those emotions. You were in motion and you were the motion. You did things

you would not otherwise do. You could have been doing two or three things at one time

and not even worrying that you could not do those things. You may have felt as if time

stood still when you looked into the eyes of the one you loved. People around you were

more pleasant they probably complimented you on your quickness, and ease at doing

things. People around you witnessed that you were functioning and existing at another

level, because you were in love and were happy. If you haven’t appreciated this

experience of feeling in love or happiness in yourself, then you may have noticed it in

others at work or in your family. Usually it is the person that can do two things at one

time and still have time to smile and say hello. And you guessed it, it was if they existed

in many points of creation because they were making things happen in one minute that

would take you 1 hour to do. It is almost as if you were being in different places at one

time. How do you ask is this possible? Well, that is the beauty of Love that it can do the


Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,

Yes love conquers all and in the example above it even conquers time and space. Now

how can you understand this better? Well, why don’t you do the example that I gave

you in chapter 2?

Let me allow you to remember:

Let me say this again, observe something, compare God to what you see

and tell God how He is that which you are seeing, (describe Him to


Remember God is Love and he created and gave us that within each and every one us.

Do not become faint of heart and say that we were not created this way, nor should you

blaspheme by saying we are naturally evil.

This exercise is solely on your free will and consciousness. It will allow you to start

changing only when you do it for yourself to initiate your own communication with God.

It will only be then that your perception about life can change. Your thought about love

will also change into a new expression of love in your life. For if you see God’s Love

and Perfection in all, you then will see it in yourself and in others.7 You will do things

that you only thought that you couldn’t because of your own constraints in your

perception. You will then develop into the idea that love does not have constraints of

time or space. You will then allow yourself to create love everywhere and anywhere

you go.

7 This is what is meant in Luke 11:34 when Jesus said “Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are good, your whole body also is full of light. But when they are bad, your body also is full of darkness.”

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Chapter 4

So what did you get from Chapter 3?

What is Love? Is love just changing your perspective about God that changes your

thought, thereby allowing you to change your actions? Is that all that love is? But what

if you have a different perspective on what love is and are only allowing yourself to see

a limit of love based on your own restrictions that you have put on yourself? Let me

give an example of how this could be.

Let us say you are in heaven and are invited to participate in a soccer game by God.

You obviously accept the invitation, because…well what else is there to do in heaven?

So you are standing in front of the soccer ball and notice that there are two goal posts in

front of you. So you assume that to make the goal you would have to kick the ball

between the two goal posts, right? Well, then you remember God is limitless and really

to make a goal, you would just have to kick the ball anywhere. And so you do and

experience victory. The point being is that how do you trust yourself to know whether

that which you have determined to be love (experiencing victory by either kicking or not

kicking the ball in the goal posts) is perfect love or not?

Some of us have irresponsibly and selfishly chalked up perfect love to the Mystery of

our Lord. We determine that the Mystery of our Lord is something unobtainable and if

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we try to understand it fully, then we are blasphemous. Therefore, for many of us this

thought, that we should be satisfied with a mystery becomes our limit to our drive, our

reach and want to know him in a better way. We trick ourselves from knowing and

experiencing what Perfect Love is and how to practice it. We unassumingly again put

limits on our perceptions and with that, we inadvertently experience doubt of who and

what He is (Perfect Love). To get a better understanding of how this could be lets go to

the example before.

So you determined that to kick on not to kick the ball between the goal posts was

victory. You experienced victory because you have determined that about God, his

limitless love and therefore not bound by goal posts. Now what if I told you that God’s

love, your sensation of victory, could have been experienced whether you kicked or did

not kick the ball in the first place? Your sensation of victory, making the goal had

nothing to do with you kicking the ball or the ball’s relationship to any goal posts? In

other words you could have kicked the ball or not and it would not matter with God,

because simply being in his presence and grace is enough. So now you would

probably doubt yourself about what love is and what it is not. You say; well I knew the

sensation of making a goal by me kicking the ball into the goal posts and now you say I

could have kicked the ball anywhere, or simply not kicked the ball at all, and I would still

have this same sensation of making a goal? The problem stems from what is meant to

be divinely right or wrong. And now we are left again with doubt about what is perfect


So how do you answer this question? Do you now chalk it up as “God is a mystery” and

you’ll never know Him fully anyway, so why try?

Well let me ask you, when you did the last exercise of chapter 3, did it not put you in a

better existence? Wasn’t your perception of love altered and were your thoughts and

actions not reflective of these alterations? Didn’t you find people around you more

joyful and loving? Were you not able to demonstrate love more genuinely and from the

heart? Weren’t you able to perceive love more clearly and more receptive to its calling?

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And if this truly happened to you and you experienced its reality didn’t you get to know

God more in your life?

So trust that during this time God was in communication with you. If you allowed him to

communicate with you then you could simply ask him this profound question. Yes, you

could do that or you could declare with all honesty that God is all-knowing and that

before you ask he has already answered.

So how did he answer you? How did he answer before you even asked about what is

perfect love and how do you know it?

In Christianity we know of no other than Jesus Christ his only son, incarnate word,

wisdom, forgiveness, and love born of the Holy Spirit. To know of perfect love and the

Father is to follow Jesus completely, without reservations and to its completion of being

with the Father. Yet the irony is that we continue to make Jesus into the rock that has

caused us to stumble. Let me repeat what I have stated before, we have materialized

Jesus into the problem for finding God and in way knowing perfect love.

We therefore seek but we do not find, because the rock has now grown so huge that

you don’t even know what to make of it anymore. Now I ask you, did Jesus really intend

for this to happen? Of course he did not, in fact he told us the opposite in so many of

the scriptures that you think we have become blind and dumb overnight to what we

have heard and read. Let me explain.

Jesus had always said that he was doing the will of the Father. He never acted out of

his own accord or said anything out of his own accord. Everything he said and did was

in keeping to what the Father wanted. So Jesus told us that we should love one

another as he has loved us. Yet we discard this mandate and idea as unattainable,

because of our own perspective that we are not the “Son of God.”

Our perspective derives from our church elders who we consider knowledgeable on the

scriptures. The ministers, priests, and hierarchical executives in our Christian faith have

established by royal decree that we were born with original sin and not by the power of

the Holy Spirit or much less from a virgin. So again we rationalize away that we can

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never demonstrate the perfect love, wisdom, forgiveness and everything else that Jesus

embodied because we are not the true “Sons of God.” But I ask you, what did Jesus

really say about that?

Did Jesus not tell us that we would do more and bigger miracles than he had done? Did

he not say that we were supposed to be “like children” to attain the kingdom of God?

Did you really think “like children” meant only innocent as children, young at heart like

children or just plain children without thought following Jesus to the Father as a needy

child follows their parents? Or is it more along the line of the true Children of God?

Let me ask you again, do you think God wants all of us to be milling and walking

through life as automated Christian zombies going through the motions of church on

Sundays, participating in church activities, and knowing that we can never truly be like

Jesus because we are not his real children?

Jesus was born into this world as a man who exchanged his will to that of the Father’s.

He sanctified his mind and thereafter his body while he was here, by allowing his body

and mind to be under his spirit which was the Spirit of God. Now you may think the

scriptures do not say this, but read them again especially the gospels of John, the

beloved disciple. In John’s scriptures you can not understand it any other way. In fact

the real “antichrist” are those that say that Jesus was not a man at all. Now, why would

John be stating this? The reason is that if we view Jesus as a divine being, then we

would never see ourselves as being able to fully follow Jesus and attain the glory of

knowing the Father.

We therefore have made Jesus into the rock that has caused us to stumble. By our

inherent ability to create, we have become the effect of our own creation. We have

adorned Jesus with a royal ring because we view him as the King of Kings. However,

unknowingly we made ourselves into the royal ring that Jesus wears. We have again

supplicated and propitiated ourselves to Jesus who only wanted to serve us and show

us the way. But we have made him our final destination and therefore are stuck in

unknowingness about the Father.

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So what was Jesus for?

He was to show us the way to the Father. He never wanted us to kneel before him and

make him into a false idol as we often figuratively and literally do. He was the Son of

God as we are Children of God. However, in Jesus’ case he transcended into being

with the Father in one life time. He showed us the way to the father and for that we

should be grateful. But we have made him the way, as the end product versus the

means to find the father.8

Jesus was the miracle as only God can demonstrate His Love for us, because God so

loved the world. The problem for us is simply the miracle of Jesus is what we have

idolized. We have called upon Jesus and have prayed by his name. Remember, Jesus

told us specifically that he didn’t have to ask anything from the Father on our behalf,

because the Father himself loves us.

We believe that God so loved the world that he sent his one and only Son that whoever

believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Our problem is that we take this

too literally and do not perceive what it means to be one with the Father, as the Son

was one with the Father. Yet we already know, but do not want to accept for fear of

being crucified and denying who we have pretended to be. Jesus was one with the

Father because he surrendered his free will to that of the Father’s. Sounds simple?

Well no one else had done this before in our human history, that is why he was said to

be His only Son.

Now, I am sure you also see Jesus as our atonement, the sacrificial lamb for our sins,

and therefore a necessity in re-establishing communication with the Father; similar to

perfect communication that existed in the Garden of Eden.

8 Jesus said in John 14:3-6, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will comeback and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” 5. Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” 6. Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

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But let me ask you something, what does atonement imply? Atonement can be

summed up by the following: in the beginning was perfect Love, which was separated

by war, and redeemed by Hope. We stand at the dawn of redemption by our Hope in

Jesus; the atonement will be discussed in a later chapter.

So now what is perfect Love to you? Hasn’t God already answered our prayers before

we have asked? The perfect Love was manifested through his only true son that

surrendered his own will to that of his Fathers. And Jesus is the rock we can stand on

to reach the Father. We have to look as Jesus as our divine brother who will teach

anyone who asks, serve anyone who lacks and heals anyone who pains to know the

Father. We are perfect because our spirit is forever tied with our Creator, his son, and

the holy spirit we have just chosen to forget this family tie. Our spirit is always in the

state of grace with our Father, we just refuse to see this because of our own free will

and self realized war inside ourselves that we have waged against unconditionally

surrendering ourselves to the will of our Father. Ever heard the saying from the

cartoon of Calvin and Hobbs “We have seen the enemy and the enemy is us”?

So is perfect Love unattainable? Well, why don’t you ask Jesus right now and find out

his answer? Look, Jesus is there to help us and we can call on him. He is there as an

older brother who took the walk on earth with us to show us the way back home. If you

are still scared of what your mind will say, why don’t you ask your older brother to trade

minds with you, so you won’t be so scared anymore? Jesus never feared when he did

the Father’s will, ever. Remember, perfect Love, direct communication with the Father,

is void of fear and Jesus is perfect Love.

Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,


Chapter 5

So far so good? How are you doing? Did you make it O.K.?

O.K., so let us talk about relative right or wrong, and absolute right or wrong. Sound

fun? Probably not, huh?

I am sure your mind is racing through all the damnation stuff that was projected into you

by your life experience so far. You know, the whole judging thing. In chapter 2 we

considered judging as not existing within Jesus, nor in our Father. But then we asked

the question, who does the judging? And we admitted that we do for various reasons.

One reason that stands out is the ubiquity of tabloid magazines - it is fun. In fact that is

why there is more and more tabloid magazines now than 20 years ago. That is why

there is more money being spent on the gossip industry just peak at your neighbors cart

while checking out at your grocery store. Or you could simply admit that you like to read

the tabloids, check out your neighbors cart to see what their buying or just plain gossip

for that matter. Anyway, in this way we admitted that it was fun.

But then we admitted that judging wasn’t fun when someone got hurt, namely ourselves.

We also admitted that judging led to hate and anger that are not part of love. We took a

look at 9/11 and admitted that at the root was this idea of relative “right and wrong.”

So this begs the question, how should we look at right and wrong? Is there a real

absolute or are we just disposed to say that it is all relative? Should we then give up the

search for finding out the truth about right and wrong, or should we give up on it all

together? Does this line of questionings sound familiar? You know we have

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experimented with the issue of Perfect Love along these same lines. Let me give you

another example of how this could be.

There was a burglar who broke into a house late at night. He came in through the

window that the father of the house was working on but never finished. The burglar

managed to get into the master’s bedroom and managed to tie up the father of the

family with a rope. The burglar then tied up the wife and the two children. The burglar

did this quickly, because he held a gun and was ready to shoot the father if the father

did anything hero-like or shoot anyone who would scream. After everyone was tied he

took them into the dining room where they were all made to sit at the table. The father

saw that his children and his wife were terrified and frightened at the thought of what

was happening. The father silently prayed and asked for guidance. He then cheerfully

looked at the burglar and asked if he liked wine? The burglar asked why? Well said the

father “I just happen to have gotten a rare wine bottle and I thought you might like to

take a drink and tell me what you think.” The burglar said O.K. And as the burglar

drank the wine he remembered how much he loved wine and was grateful to the father

of the house. He told him that the bottle of wine is all he needed and left.

Now, I ask you what was the right thing to have done in this scenario? Obviously, the

result of the story turned out O.K., no one got hurt and nothing really was taken (this

was based on a true story).

But let’s look at the relative right or wrongs. What if the father of the house did not offer

the burglar to drink the wine? What if the father thinking that he should be the man of

the house and attempted to subdue the burglar by acting out the script of a super hero

and tried to attack the burglar? What if the father struggled against the burglar and he

failed – got shot? What if the father did the same thing as in the story, but instead of it

being a peaceful ending, it still ended in blood shed, because the burglar got upset and

killed everyone?

How do we really know what is truly right or wrong? Is it really about the strongest

survive, do unto others before they do unto you, do the most good for the most people,

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or make a decision based on the most good in relation to: yourself, your family, your

society, mankind, all the living creatures on the planet, the earth, your spirit, or God?

Wow! Now this judging business becomes real, does it not?

To understand judging lets first ask the question to the most important person in the


So what is judging?

Hopefully by now you have accepted the idea that you should ask either Jesus or God.

So ask; by the way this is what the father in the story did.

O.K. did he answer you?

Did he explain to you that judging is all relative and is not needed in the absolute? You

know Jesus did not judge, but he did serve out judgment when he was on earth and

even now. Judgment is the final verdict, the absolute that is obtained and known by

submitting and putting your will under the Father’s will. But we have constructed

judging as the final product versus the means to the end of a judgment. Now, am I

saying that simply by changing your terminology of judging into judgment that you will

have a more absolute right or wrong? The answer would be no, because our judging is

still based on our own perceptions of who we think we are and not of the Father’s. But

to answer this more fully lets look at the meaning of what an absolute is.

An absolute is just that an absolute. Absolute is state of being free from implied

relationships. In other words, absolute stands as a state of being mutually exclusive to

other things. Things that exist in the absolute do not care if whether one thing happens

or it does not happen. In the absolute something can not be affected by another thing

because they can not effect or be the affect of something; unless they really wanted to

be affected or be the cause of the effect. An absolute therefore has independence from

the other things in its existence, but can chose to affect something else if it wants to and

also if the other thing wants to be affected; remember there is no built in relationship in

an absolute. So how can this be in the real world? Is there such a thing that we have

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experienced that could exist in this reality? Of course, you think Jesus was made up?

Let me give you an example of this.

There once was a woman who had always wanted to be a mother. She prayed and she

prayed and finally she had her child. The mother’s child was a precious baby that had

plump cheeks and cooing lips. She was the daughter that the mother always dreamed

about having, perfect in every way. Now, as the child grew to the age of 2 the daughter

would throw everything she saw in the house and would make a mess of everything in

the house. She even ruined her family’s dining room walls with her drawings made with

the use of a permanent marker. The mother would quietly put things in order in her

house and clean her walls, once the daughter was asleep. The daughter grew to her

teens and started to hang out with weird looking friends and started to listen to loud

music that her mother did not understand. But the mother would only ask the daughter

if she needed anything while she was with her friends.

Now, the daughter continued to grow, she was now in her early adult years. And her

daughter started to make questionable choices like experimenting with illegal drug use.

She even got arrested at school for doing drugs. The mother had to bail her out of jail.

And as the mother took the daughter home she told her that she would love her forever

and that she would always be her little princess no matter what she did in life. So as life

continued for the daughter, she experienced the absolute love of her mother. Nothing

that the daughter could ever do would make her mother’s love any less or any more,

because her love for her child was absolute.

Now, does that sound familiar? Does it not remind you of how God really is – absolute

in his love? Now, more importantly is that something you have seen before in other

people? Lets, take a look at the same thing but backwards.

Let us say you wake up one morning very cheerful and bright eyed and think “today is

going to be a great day.” You get a cup of coffee that morning, get in your car to go to

work and as you drive you get flicked off by the car next to you and then another car

manages to swerve into your lane without changing its blinker. You spill the coffee on

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your leg and get infuriated with the car that did that to you. You are just angry that

someone did that to you and as you manage to get to work you admit that you are

having an awful day. You comment to your co workers about what happened that

morning. You tell them about the jerk who flicked you off and the other that cut you off.

You swear in the afternoon, “if that didn’t happen to me this morning, I would have had

a better today.” You say that it was someone else’s fault for your anger.

But I ask you, are we really that petty that we let the blowing winds and waters of the

world rock us to the point of anxiety, panic, fear, depression and/or anger on the boat

that we are in? Jesus said the peace I have, the peace I give you. Remember, this is

not to be taken on the relative scale of right or wrong or conditional. We can’t simply

say, well, I only experience peace if nobody flicks me off or swerves into my lane as I go

to work. No, Jesus was absolute in his perfection and the truths he gave work in that

same way. Jesus was the rock on which we should build our house that will withstand

high winds and flooding waters.

So now I ask you again what is judging?

Judging is the relative perceptions that we have about ourselves projected onto others

to come up with a relative right or wrong decision. As false perceptions of who we are,

Jesus and our Father do not see us in that light. Jesus and the Father see us as

absolute perfections because we were created in His image and therefore exist in the

absolute. However, it is only when we surrender our free will to the Father’s will that we

can see this absolute and true right or wrong - judgment. If we fail to completely

surrender our will to the will of the Father, then true right or wrong will continue to elude


More importantly judging defeats and diminishes our ability to truly surrender our free

will to the Father’s will. Let me explain.

When you judge you question the reality of others and you un-grant their beingness.

Inadvertently you question your own reality of who you are. You doubt that you truly are

a part of God and are perfect, as God is perfect. You reject your divine membership

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with Jesus (because he did not judge). Therefore, you widen the gap of unbelief that

you could ever surrender your will to the Father’s will, because you proved to yourself

once again that you are not like Jesus.

As Jesus has said do unto others as you would like them to do unto you, and by the

same measure you use will you be measure. So unwittingly we judge to diminish the

existence of others and thereby diminish our existence. Let me give you an example of

how this could be.

I am sure you’ve seen a parent at a grocery store spank a child in full view of everyone.

You rationalize, the child apparently did something wrong and is now being disciplined.

But then you hear the same child being told how much of a bad child they are being. As

you go out to the parking lot you now hear the same parent yelling to the same child

that they are good for nothing, a waste, will never amount to much, are stupid, and that

the child is no good.

This parent and child soon grow older and now 30 years later, as the parent now is sick

from a general sickness and old age is on a wheelchair. The parent can no longer

support himself as he used to and is barely making it financially. The child that he

verbally abused years ago is now an adult. The adult child never did became a doctor,

lawyer, executive, etc. The adult child never was able to live up to his full potential and

as result exists unemployed and on benefits. The adult child can not help the parent

financially, he can not help the parent that judged him long ago as a loser. Both the

parent and adult child’s existence have been diminished by the cruelties of relative

judging. And what’s more, since you didn’t try to stop the judging at the supermarket

your taxes are now being spent unwisely by the state for something that could have

been prevented.

How could this have been prevented? Well stop judging, as this is a truth that Jesus

imparted and exercise Jesus’ perception of the absolute. The absolute is that we were

made in God’s image and are therefore made perfect.

Now, let me ask you something, what is charity?

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Charity is the ability to see others for who they really are versus that person’s

perception of who they think they are at that time. It is the ability to see perfection in

others that they do not yet see in themselves. As in the example above about the

mother that had an absolute love for her daughter. You can see this being practiced by

other parents that console their children who get a bad grade in school, by simply

saying I know you’ll do better next time and giving them a hug.

Charity in its purest form is the giving of new perspective to someone that they are

perfection even when that person can not see it at that time. It is practical, not only in

our own families, but to everyone in general. You can practice charity anywhere and

anytime. The faster you do, the quicker the release from self judgment and

condemnation; because what you do for another, you will have done for yourself. You’ll

then allow yourself to move closer into the true communion with the Father, as the

Father’s will be your own.

In this way we can all start viewing the absolute of right or wrong judgment and start

introducing true justice into the world. We could advance the end to the relative

illusions of who we think we are.

Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,


Chapter 6.

So great! Things are moving along now. Are you doing O.K.? You know this book is

starting to come together. Alright, so let’s talk about ownership.

So what is ownership?

Does it mean that you own something straight out? Like if you own your house only

when you have completely paid it off? Or does it mean anything you declare you own,

such as your house that you have not completely paid off, but you have declared it with

a written contract and act as if you own it? Can we allow ourselves to believe that

ownership could be much more than this?

What about the joyous youth that secretly takes out his parent’s car out of the garage

and takes it for quick joy ride. The youth then gets pulled over by the police that hold

the youth accountable for running a red light. In the officer’s perspective the youth was

driving the car and in complete ownership of the car’s velocity, direction, and of the car

itself. Do you really think that officer would say “well, the car’s velocity, direction and

the car was not under the youth’s own volition?” The youth owned the car during the

time he ran the stop sign, for the simple fact that the youth was driving the car and not

“the other way around.” So we can argue, in the relative, the following points: (1) no the

youth did not own the car, his parents owned the car, (2) no the youth, nor his parents

owned the car, but the bank who carried the car’s note, (3) no neither the youth,

parents, bank truly owned the car, but it was the company that made the car that owns

the car; because if any of the mechanics of the car were faulty, then the company would

be liable under a product liability case, (4) no neither of the above cases are correct,

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because the policeman who pulled over the car owned the car because he could decide

to impound the car or let the car be driven by either the youth or parents.

So yes ownership could be much more than what we have described, but does it really

matter anyway when there 101 ways we could define ownership? The main point to

make about this subject is that we are really confused when it comes to ownership. So

ownership in our relative world is relative, and therefore we have a confabulation of

beliefs about who and what owns anything such as God or Jesus. The ownership

subject existing in a relative state gets confounded with the ideas and feelings of

possessiveness, pride, envy, scarcity, abundance, fear, and love. These and many

other ideas and feelings get tied into ownership and vice versa. We then say that

ownership which is inadvertently tied in with the ideas and feelings mentioned are

driving us crazy! We then succumb to the idea that sometimes it is better for us not to

own anything, or have someone else own it and tell us how to feel about it. Let me


Remember back to our discussion on the Garden of Eden? The scriptures tell us that

God asked Adam, did you eat from the tree of knowledge? What did Adam answer? ….

He said, well that woman that you put into the garden with me, she told me to eat it of it.

Now, to remind you Adam was so happy before this all happened. Adam was ecstatic

that he had a partner that was made from him and for him. He said this is the woman

made bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. Yet, at the time that he was questioned

by God about eating the apple he pointed the finger to Eve and denied ownership of his

action. He could easily have said, “I didn’t do it, she made me do it.” Now, God

continued the questioning to Eve. Eve took the lead from Adam and did the same. Eve

continued with the “blame game.” She said it was that serpent that You put in the

garden that tricked me. Now, for those of you who are parents or involved with children

in life, you can start seeing the origination point to the “blame game.” Now, let me stop

right here and give you an example within an example.

I know you have gotten into trouble while in elementary school and have blamed your

troubles on the other students that convinced you to do the actions that got you in

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trouble. It could have been shooting a spit ball at someone that a friend convinced you

to do, or acting in other ways to impress your friends to get their approval and their


I remember, I once made fun of a disabled girl while I was in third grade. The little girl

was my neighbor that lived in front of my house. She would take the bus to school and I

knew her since kindergarten. I knew she was disabled because she would have to

wear special brace on her left leg and carried her left arm in permanent elbow flexion

with a wrist drop. When she walked she would have to shuffle her left body forward in

the same manner as stroke victims shuffle their bodies when they walk. I now know

that she was apparently dealing with cerebral palsy and could not walk correctly.

Now, I was never the most popular student in elementary school. I would always keep

to myself and was quiet most of the time. I often dreamed of having friends and being

like a gang leader. I would dream that my friends would follow me because of their

admiration. Looking back now, I apparently watched too many “Happy Days” episodes

and wanted to identify myself with “the Fonz.” Well anyway, I wanted to be the “top

dog”, the guy who the other guys admired and looked up to. So I found my time in third

grade to be admired.

I was in the playground with the other boys, I saw my neighbor walk past us on the

asphalt playground. So I mimicked her walk just to impress the other boy students that I

could make them laugh at the expense of someone else’s dignity. Well, there was a

teacher on the playground. The teacher saw me making fun of the disabled girl by

mimicking her walk that she asked me why I did this? I didn’t answer that the other

boys made me do it, but in my heart I knew that it was how I felt - I did it to impress the

other boys. As a child, I wanted the other boy’s approval. I wanted to win their

admiration and respect by demonstrating to them that I was more mature. At that time, I

understood that more mature meant a man that had “callused heart” and that could

incite laughter towards someone’s disability.

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I created my own confusion when I was asked by my teacher, as to why I did what I did.

I wanted to verbalize the reason that stemmed from experiencing approval from the

other students. The confliction and irony was that if I said that it was the other boys that

made me do it, I knew that the other boys would never “look up to me.” So I said, I don’t

know. I chose to deny the truth, that I was the one that did the mimicking of the other

student. I did what I did and I knew that the other boys had no control over my body or

my actions to do the walk that poked fun of a disabled little girl. I disowned my actions

in myself by blaming my actions as the road to approval from the boy students and I

disowned them when I said I did not know why I did what I did. I got confused in the

process and eventually felt that owning my actions were bad and were making me feel


Now let us get back to the origination point for the “blame game.” So Eve said it was

the serpent that You put in the garden. Eve, by blaming the serpent blamed God.

Adam did the same, by blaming Eve, blamed God. Now this is were it gets more

confabulated and more screwed up, the decision to “sin” was then blamed on the

serpent, an animal. Now you say “hold on right there, the serpent was the devil and he

exists.” And I’ll tell you that this is why we are talking about ownership. So now let us

think this through for a minute, if you will.

We say that the devil exists and that is why the world is so messed up. We say that the

devil is the reason why people do bad things and that he is in everything and in

everyone. Wow, that is sounding a little like God. Then you say “well, no the devil is

not God but he does enter into us every now and then and sometimes we do what he

says because he convinces us to do something bad.” Alright, so he convinces you from

time to time, but let me ask you something, why? Why does he, it, or that bad spirit

convince you, to do something you don’t want to do?

You say “it is the devil’s nature that he does that and he won’t stop until he convinces us

to do a bad thing - sin.” And now, let me ask you, how does he convince you? How

can someone that was made by the divine Creator, the all knowing God, get convinced

by someone that is beneath him (more on this later, in the next chapter)? Well, you say

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of course I should know – it is through your mind. So then I’ll ask you; are you not

greater, more powerful, more perfect, and bigger than your mind, because you are

linked to the all knowing Creator? So why is it that you continue to blame your mind

when you know that you just created the greatest thing to blame, that which exists in

your mind? Now, think about this for a while. Eve was convinced, persuaded, provoked

in thought, rationalized, came to the conclusion, decided based on her decision to sin.

Now did Genesis tell us that the serpent all of a sudden entered her and took over her

body to reach out her hand, grasp the apple, bring the apple in front of her mouth, and

chew and swallow the apple? … No, it just says that Eve was persuaded, just like you

were in elementary school and then you wanted to blame your friends for making you

decide to do something that was wrong.

So know what was the devil? Was it a truly magical entity that entered into the body of

Eve and over took her own volition, over took her free will? Or was the devil just what

the scriptures said it was? Isn’t the devil more of the persuasion, thought, idea,

consideration, and/or decision based on free will to do something, such as a sin? Now,

let me ask you again what was sin?

Sin simply was and is anything that exists to the break down of the communication

between you and the Creator – God. It is anything that causes you to believe that you

can not, or are not worthy enough to enjoy the splendor and joy of being in perfect

communion with our Father. Sin is more than the action of sinning, like doing what is

wrong in front of the eyes of God such as breaking the 10 commandments. As Jesus

put it, sin is what comes from within and is not what exists outside.9 It is that which

exists inside the heart of man that makes the man unclean. It is every unclean thought

that must be washed and not simply the hands. Okay, now is a good time as any to

advice you to read or re-read the gospel of John; there is a reason why John was called

the beloved disciple.

9 In the gospel of Mark 7:20-23 Jesus says “What comes out of a man is what makes him ‘unclean.’ For from within, out of mean’s hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, slander, arrogance, and folly. All these evils come from inside and make a man ‘unclean.’”

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Alright, we started this chapter talking about ownership and got into the discussion of

how many relative points there exists on this idea alone to make anyone a little bit

confused. Then we said the most obvious, ownership is tied into ideas and feelings of

possessiveness, pride, envy, scarcity, abundance, fear, and relative love. And these

are really just a few of the ideas and feelings we can tie into the general idea of

ownership. We then determined that it was for this reason a whole lot of us decide to

give up the idea of ownership because we become overwhelmed with the pressures

that these other ideas bring to the table. At times we don’t like feeling possessive,

prideful, envious, fearful, etc. because these are feelings that make us do bad things.

These are feelings which are tied at the hip with the idea of ownership. These feelings

reside inside us and sometimes make us act in a bad way…Now, does that sound


We have simply assigned and attached feelings and other ideas onto the general idea

of ownership. It is like the legislation for a new bill gets tied on with other minor bill.

Then we approve the bigger legislative bill only to find that there were other smaller bills

that got tied onto it and are now laws. When it is all said and done, a set of laws were

passed and each law is equal, we’ve just tricked ourselves to think that we passed a big

law with smaller laws. Now we have to abide by all the laws that passed. Therefore,

ownership viewed as a relative point, gets put into and clumped into the assigned

feelings we added onto it. We also have to deal with these feelings and ideas of

possessiveness, pride, envy etc. when we look at ownership.

It is for the simple fact that we have tied other feeling and ideas onto the general idea of

ownership that we succumb to the idea that sometimes it is better for us not to own

anything, or have someone else own it and tell us how to feel about it. We basically

give up trying to deal with ownership head on because it is “bad”, it makes us have bad

thoughts that persuade us to do bad things. Now, let me remind you of something, all of

these bad feelings that you tied onto ideas are bad at your own discretion and reside

only in your mind. It is your mind that causes you to do bad things and not someone

else (like peer pressure) or the devil. You need to take ownership of your mind, you

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made it and no anyone else – not even God. Let me repeat this again, you created your

own mind and no one else.

Quit pointing the finger, as if you were in elementary school for what is in your mind.

You have allowed yourself to believe that other people, supernatural entities, life

experiences, your past, etc have created your mind to think for itself and overpower

you. But this is also a lie that you have fabricated. Yes I admit you have consented to

give others your authority, your free will to tell you how to feel about something, but you

did not have to – you simply chose to. By the same token, you chose to create your

mind and gave your mind authority to decide what ideas and feelings got hooked up

with what, in the realms of itself - your mind. Let me repeat this again, you created your

mind and gave it your authority to decide on things by itself with no consultation, advise,

and/or counsel from your true self. You created your own monster which you can not

control; in the same way as Dr. Jekyll. You created something that you have been

unable to control for the longest time and in fact, you didn’t know you created the


O.K. so how do we start controlling our monster – our mind?

Well, first admit that your mind is your own and no one else created your mind.

Therefore, take ownership of your mind as the being that created it. Take ownership

and accept the idea that your mind has created your relative and illusionary existence of

what you judge to be real and unreal.

Secondly, appreciate and understand that your mind, like any created thing wants to

live. It (your mind and any created entity) will do anything for its survival such as

tricking you, lying to you, stealing from you, coveting what is truly yours, deceiving you,

bearing false witness to you, and just plain hating you (by telling you are worthless etc.)

because it knows that if you found out the truth of the lies that sustained its existence

you would terminate it. Let me remind you of this reality in the following examples; in

the examples that follow your created realty (mind) will only be referred to as ‘it’ for


Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,

It is like the owner of the company that wants to grow so ends up assigning

executive positions to her staff. The company eventually grows and now to keep

growing the company “goes public” sells stocks and sets up a board of trustees

and directors. The owner for a time is the CEO. Then as evolution of the

company develops, the company’s board of executives elects a new CEO and

the owner has no more say as to the direction of the company. The owner is

seen as the creator (wanting to grow), but eventually loses his power and control

of the company. Evolution of thought has separated the creator from the


It is like the government that sets up a bureaucratic government (bureaucracy) to

deal with a certain problem; by the way, any bureaucratic government will fit in

this description. It would be like creating the Environmental Protection Agency,

EPA, to protect the environment. Initially certain monies were allocated to the

agency from the bigger government. The first year goes by and all is well with

the EPA, but then it thinks to itself I need to grow bigger because there such

more that I should do. The EPA that started lets say, taking care of the

environment by enforcing laws for decontamination of the waterways, then looks

into all sorts of other things that impact the water like; (1) the ecology of the

wildlife in the water and preservation of rare species found in the water, (2) water

filtration systems used along the waterways for proper functioning and free of

contaminates, (3) and any other add on to the waterways that the EPA could

grow on. So now the EPA goes forward with all its data that it collected (reasons

why it should continue as a bureaucracy) and proposes to the main government

that it needs more monies, more staff, more jurisdiction, and in short, more

freedom to preserve its existence. The EPA then continues to grow and the

problem that it was first asked to solve, has now grown to 101 million different

problems all unsolvable without the EPA’s existence.

Therefore, your mind (anything created by your mind) will do anything for its survival

and will trick you, lie to you, deceive you, steal from you, and just plain hate you if you

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found out that it was him that was to blame for every bad thought, bad action, and in

short, all sin that You (your true self) thought You committed. Your mind (him) would

hate this because then You would be in right sense (right mind) and could then decide

to either dissolve him, re-create him, banish him, trade him for another, use him to do

what you would like; in short you could then be free to do your Father’s will 24/7, which

is really your true self. Now being in the right mind or your right sense is your true self

and that would be what is considered the absolute and not the relative.

Let me explain this again, the relative of ownership stems from a runaway mind that you

have created that has lied to you for the longest time and has duped you into thinking

that you are your mind. When in fact you are much greater, much more perfect, and

always in the state of grace with God because of your eternal connection with your

creator. Your mind has created relative connections with the subject of ownership to

emotions. It has made the relative connections so that you would give up looking and

so that you would not take full ownership of who you really are; for fear that you may

see the lie that the mind has created and decide accordingly against the mind’s


The relative connections are tied in with painful emotion and therefore you scare

yourself from looking at any subject, including ownership. Your mind makes it apparent

that you can not look at anything because of these emotions that you feel could literally

cut you up and kill you. Explained a different way, your mind has duped you into

thinking that the emotions are literally going to kill you versus the relative you; which is

not the absolute you. Through the mind’s linking of possessiveness, pride, envy,

scarcity, abundance, fear, and relative love it has stunned your search for true

ownership. Your mind is the one that tangles all of the ideas, feelings, connotations,

references, and considerations into the idea of ownership. Being in the “right mind” is

allowing yourself to “own at will” and this is the absolute mind that functions with you

instead of against you. Being in the right mind allows you to disconnect the painful

emotions that your relative mind has tied onto any subjects, such as the subject of


Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,

The right mind is the God mind which is the Jesus mind. Ask anything in his name, in

accordance with the will of the Father and it will be granted. Right mindedness is

attainable if we allow ourselves to accept the mind of Jesus. Once we do this then we

will be better apt to deal with our mind. Truthfully, we don’t have a chance with our

mind, unless we have some help. So let’s call upon our divine brother Jesus to help us

clean up our mind to have it work the way that it should –to do what we will it to do.

In this way we can truly start to have ownership for ourselves, when we’re strong

enough to admit that we can not deal with our minds by ourselves. We will then truly be

in the path of our ownership when we give our mind over to Jesus and let him direct our

mind into the field of absolutes.


O.K. so let’s do an exercise that will help you come to terms with this chapter. Pick an

object in your house, in your office, or anywhere you feel you possess something. Now

look at the object and tell it “I own this ________________ (name of object) and I

feel ___________________ (emotion) because I ____________________(reason for

your emotion).” Keep doing this until you have nothing else to say about the object

and you feel you have exhausted/exposed every tie to that object.

Now tell the object “I chose to own you _______________(name of object) because

I want to.” Please, do not say the opposite because it will leave you with a sense you

are missing something – sense of not having. Now you can use the opposite “…chose

not to own you …” if want to lose your possessiveness to that object; like if you were

selling your car that you love. The main thing to get out of this exercise is that you have

the authority to chose and decide what you own and not the other way around.

Listen, you are bigger than your mind and you can chose to “tie up” your mind so you

can disengage its power over you. This is what is meant when Jesus said “…how can

anyone enter a strong man’s house and carry off his possessions unless he first ties up

the strong man? Then he can rob his house” (Mathew 12:29). Understand, Jesus will

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come as the thief in the night unbeknownst to the strong man of the house (mind), when

we are not afraid of our mind by doing your part. Because if the owner of the house had

known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would

not have let his house be broken into, so you must be ready (Mathew 24:43).



The last chapter should have left you feeling that a task of un-surmountable magnitude

has been placed on you. I don’t mean that you should take on this task or not take on

this task. Taking on this task is totally up to you (free will), but understand that if you

take this on, it will take more than just a weekend and that you can not do this alone.

Look, the current fields of psychology and psychiatry are flourishing for a reason. The

more we make it seem that things happen to us, the less we are able to deal with these


If you want to find truth first find it in yourself, then help others as they wish to be

helped. Jesus never projected or demanded that his teachings be followed, but if you

wish to find the way and the truth, then you would do well in following Him. Now, I ask

you, is Jesus the only way to find God, and be in true communion with our Father? If

God is all knowing and is in everything and everyone, then how can we be definite that

there is no other way? Does it really matter?

Look, it is okay to be curious about finding another way to God, but why would you want

to? It would be like going back to smoke signals to communicate with someone in

another city. Why do smoke signals when you can pick up the phone or better yet get

on the internet and send them an e-mail. The reality is that Jesus is the worm hole that

allows you to transcend space and time in a fraction of a second to meet and truly know

your Creator and Father. Why would you want to take the stairs to the 100 th floor, when

you can take the elevator? Get the picture?

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Besides, the reality is if you’ve continued reading this book this far, you are Christian

and have “sin” baggage with you that holds you down like cement on your journey

without Jesus. So be truthful about yourself and about what you believe. Jesus is your

savior, the lamb that was slain for your eternal forgiveness, and this is your truth, period.

So if you decide to take on the task of putting your mind in its place, know that you have

Jesus waiting on the side line to help you – like a lifeguard.

So the first step in reclaiming what is yours is to admit that Jesus is your savior and He

is the way and the truth. So learn from him; for his yoke is easy (to understand) and his

burden light (the ability to make action).10 So now, what is it that Jesus wants you to


The kingdom of God (kingdom of heaven) is at hand.

Is this something new to you? The idea that the kingdom of heaven is somehow about

to happen is something you probably gather from all four gospels. You read about

John the Baptist proclaiming this truth. However, you also get the image of John the

Baptist as a crazy and wild man that lived out in the desert ate wild honey and locusts

and liked to yell. The image of John the Baptist as a prophet, a cousin to Jesus, and a

crazy man is hard to accept, as someone who you would like to identify yourself with;

much less proclaim this truth. So you allow this truth to be difficult to accept. You allow

it to stagnate outside of you reality, because your reality does not allow you to be some

wild prophet, a blood relative to Jesus, and much less a crazy person that would live out

in the desert. You stop yourself from formulating this reality into yourself. You stop

your own development of Jesus in yourself. You stop allowing Jesus to give his full and

absolute truth. You have failed yourself from fully accepting all truth that Jesus was

bringing into you, when you have stopped the process of reconciling your relative truth

to the absolute truth of Jesus.11 In fact, you can not believe this reality because you

have failed to fully internalize and obey (believe) what Jesus said on this matter.

10 Jesus said in Mathew 29-30: 29. “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”11 Jesus said in Mathew 13: 51-52; “ Have you understood all these things? Jesus asked. “Yes,” they replied. He said to them, “Therefore every teacher of the law who has been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his store room new treasures as well as old.” .

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Let me remind you of what is written in Luke 17:20-21. Jesus said “The Kingdom of

God does not come visibly, nor will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the

kingdom of God is within you.” Now, I ask you, what does that mean to the most

important person on the face of the world – what does it mean to you? This will help.

Just answer the question, what was the good news that Jesus was spreading and at

whose hand was it placed?12

I am sure you could answer that the good news Jesus was spreading can be interpreted

in many different ways. You would be right in any interpretation that you would decide.

Any interpretation you chose would fit, because you would be defining yourself as who

you would want to be. In one hand, you could say that Jesus’ message was that he

was the Messiah, the Christ of God, the Chosen One, the Anointed One, the Savior,

and the Son of God that came upon the world to show everyone the way to the Father.

With this explanation you would then diminish, de-power, dis-entangle, and

disenfranchise yourself from accepting this realization for yourself. After all, you are not

the messiah, Christ, savior and divine Son of God. So therefore you would fit yourself

as a follower who takes on no ownership and inadvertently no rights of what he has

been given as a Child of God. On the other hand, you could also say that Jesus wanted

to be seen as God’s incarnate word; God’s word materialized into reality as a man.

Then you could determine that Jesus’ existence complete when he came and when he

left and there is nothing more to add on this idea.

But after both of these and any other explanation, one description would stand out at its

core - Jesus was the way and the truth. If you truly followed Jesus by denying who you

thought you were (your mind and your illusion of yourself) you could then know the

Father. You could then supplicate and exchange your will for HIS and in essence

materialize on earth what is done in heaven – the absolutes. The truth that Jesus

shared would not perish even after heaven and earth has ceased to exist. Now, would

be the reality; this instant would be the reality. You could then perceive the future as

right now, by simply turning over your horizontal time and space into the vertical

12 Jesus said in Luke 4:43; “I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.”

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(chapter 3). You could then allow yourself to perceive that you would no longer be

sleeping or dead, but be alive with Christ fully awoken standing up versus lying down.

Pretty neat, huh? I think that would be the good news that Jesus wanted every one to

know about, wouldn’t you? I mean, that would be something heard in whisper that

would have to be shouted on the roof top and highest mountain. Oh, that reminds me,

before we’re labeled like John the Baptist (crazy) let us look at this closely. We should

look at this real close and be very certain before we start making any wild claims about

the kingdom of heaven or kingdom of God. You know, we should view this heavy

theological consideration with earnest reverence. We should be very solemn. We

should entertain all of the esoteric applications and ramifications before the “memo goes

out.” Alright, here we go.

So, when did Jesus ever say that the kingdom of God was already here? Let us look at

what Jesus said in Luke 23: 43 when he was crucified and addressed one of the

criminals. Jesus said “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.” This he

said when one of the criminals rebuked the other criminal at the crucifixion. This same

criminal asked to be remembered by Jesus when Jesus would enter into his kingdom.

Notice Jesus said today, not tomorrow or in 2000 years from now or when your sins are

thoroughly cleansed as you work your way out of purgatory, etc. No, Jesus said today.

So you say, “yeah that’s right, but today is different than right now.” I would ask you

what is the best day in your life? Easily said the best day couldn’t have been yesterday

because that day already happened and tomorrow doesn’t exist, as it hasn’t happened

yet. So exo-facto, today is the best day and you can only exist during this moment of

today. Remember, you are asking yourself this question if you continued to view time

and space as a linear dimension. If you truly allowed yourself to understand about

relatives, you would understand about altering your perceptions and warping the time-

space continuum. You would allow yourself to understand that any moment used by the

Holy Spirit and Jesus could transcend space and time – the holy instant. If you need

more work on this reality just familiarize yourself with Albert Einstein’s work on relativity

and space travel.

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Now, if you do not wish to believe this reality then read what Jesus said in Matthew

11:12-15. Jesus said that it was up to you to believe. He says, “From the days of John

the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful

men lay hold of it. For all the Prophets and the Law prophesied until John. And if you

are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come. He who has ears, let him

hear.” In Malachi 4:5, we read the prophecy 400 years before Jesus came into the

world. We read, “See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before the great and dreadful

day of the Lord comes.” So who is the Lord in this reading and who is Elijah in the

Matthew reading? Again in these difficult questions, about life changing events we

should consult the true expert and judge. So what do you think? It is up to you to

consent, approve and believe to be valid that the Elijah was John the Baptist (that

prepared the way) and the Lord was Jesus (the way and the truth). So now, I ask you

again why did Jesus come?

Take a look at the book of Malachi again and it will tell you two things. Firstly, that the

Lord came to meet with us (his people) face to face; interpreted as to confront and to

judge. Verse 3:5 states “So I will come near to you for judgment.” Secondly, that the

Lord came to restore and create a new relationship with us; interpreted to restore the

establishment of his will on Earth. Verse 3:18 states “And you will again see the

distinction between the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God and

those who do not.” So now, what do you regard the second coming to be?

Look lets get some things straightened out. A kingdom does not simply mean a territory

that is ruled by royalty, nor does it imply serfdom. Jesus only wanted to give use life

and give it abundantly. Jesus always talked about the spirituality of man, the inner

purity, and that has always been hard for people to understand because we love this

physical world so much and we struggle to conceptualize a spiritual realm. You can see

an example of this when he talked with Nicodemus about being born again and

Nicodemus kept wondering what Jesus was talking about. In John 3:3-8, we read the

following: In reply Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of

God unless he is born again.” “How can a man be born when he is old?” Nicodemus

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asked, “Surely he cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb to be born!” Jesus

answered, “I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of

water [Jesus is the living water] and the Spirit. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit

gives birth to spirit. You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘You must be born

again.’ The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell

where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” The

kingdom that Jesus was talking about was a spiritual realm and reign under the

authority of God via the Holy Spirit.

This is why Jesus compared the second coming as lightening. He states in Matthew

24:27, “For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be

the coming of the Son of Man.” Lightening is in keeping with what John wrote in the

beginning of his gospel to describe Jesus. John writes in 1:4 “In him was life, and that

life was the light of men.” John also writes in 1:9 “The true light that gives light to every

man was coming into the world.” This is the reason that Jesus described the second

coming as lightening, because it could be seen simultaneously from the east, west and

throughout the world where man lives – in one instant. Again, this description is similar

to what John writes, cited in the paragraph above, “You hear its sound, but you cannot

tell where it comes from or where it is going.”

Alright, there is also another description of the second coming that you are aware of

described in both Mark 13:26 and Luke 22:27 in which Jesus says “At that time you will

see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.” But this again has

eluded us because we assume ‘cloud’ means a physical reality that we are comfortable

in accepting; a visible mass of condensed water above the atmosphere. It would

surprise one to know that the earliest use of the word cloud recorded in Old English

meant ‘a lump of earth or clay.’13 Now, what does that remind you of?

As the book of Genesis states in 2:7 the “Lord God formed the man from the dust of the

ground” – we are the “clouds.” Let me repeat this again, we are the lump of clays that

13 The Concise Oxford English Dictionary 11th edition documents that cloud is recorded in Old English, in the sense ‘a mass of rock; a hill’; from this sense arose a number of place names, such as Thorp Cloud, a hill in Derbyshire. Later it was used in the same sense as clod to mean ‘a lump of earth or clay.’

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have accepted Jesus and the Spirit, therefore we are the clouds. This is why Jesus

says in Matthew 24:40-41 “Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other

left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left.”

Now, your next question should be where is that people are being taken? Well, where

do you think?

Remember, Jesus said the following “The Kingdom of God does not come visibly, nor

will people say, ‘Here it is,’ or ‘There it is,’ because the kingdom of God is within you” in

Luke 17:20-21. Therefore, Jesus meant that there would be those who accepted him

and the spirit as those that have started to make the transition into the kingdom of God.

Now, those who have accepted Jesus unconditionally have denounced their own

illusion of who they thought they were, accepted themselves as true spirits in constant

communion with God, and have accepted the will of the Father as their own. These

people that have done this will truly materialize the Kingdom of Heaven in themselves

and on earth. This is what is meant in the saying heaven and earth will pass away –

they will cease to exist as two different entities. Heaven and earth will be meshed

together in a new existence.

Now, how do we now this is the way it is supposed to happen? Well, I would defer to

Jesus. But before you ask, Jesus, know that he has already answered you.

In both, Matthew 24:28 and Luke 17:37, Jesus said “Wherever there is a carcass, there

the vultures will gather.” Let us get this straight, a carcass is a body, but vultures are

not just large birds that eat carcasses. Vultures are easily described as contemptuous

people that prey and exploit others. Contemptuous means someone showing contempt,

which means someone that feels another is worthless or beneath their consideration.

The carcasses that are left behind for contemptuous people are not dead in the sense

that vultures would eat them, but they are people who have fully accepted their true

identities and now they are more than their bodies. Let me say this again, the people

that have accepted Jesus unconditionally, denounced their own illusion who they

thought they were, accepted themselves as true spirits in constant communion with

God, and have accepted the will of the Father as their own, have truly materialized the

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Kingdom of Heaven in themselves. And therefore those of us that have recognized that

our body is just that, a body, and that we can truly live in perfect love with our Father in

spirit, will attract those people that are contemptuous. In Jesus’ time, these people

actually killed him because these same people couldn’t truly understand this reality and

they were frightened by the light. As John writes in 1:5 “The light shines in the

darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.”

Jesus’ spirit was always in communication with heaven while he was on earth because

he always did what our Father willed him to do. This was also why Jesus saw and

understood our perfection while he was on earth as a man. Jesus demonstrated perfect

charity in seeing us for who we were when we didn’t even see ourselves in that same

way. This is why Jesus said “Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are

doing” in Luke 23:34, when he was being crucified. Jesus was and always will be

Perfect Love that is forever in favor (for) of giving - forgiving.

So now, the next thing you should ask is “Why is it that the world is still so screwed up,

if Jesus truly came back and the second coming has already happened?” Again, I say

the following, Jesus never left. Jesus is and has never left us since his inception and

existence as a man on earth. So now, you should ask, if this is the case then why is it

that we are still so screwed up? Well a few things come to mind like those things briefly

discussed in the previous 6 chapters, but two others still remain un-discussed. The first

is the title of this chapter “Strike your heel against Mine” and the other mentioned in

Matthew chapter 11, which will be discuss in the next chapter.

So what do you think? What does “Strike your heel against Mine” mean?

Now, if this sounds familiar to you that is enough to want to understand this better. Let

us look at Genesis 3:15 in which God talks to the serpent that was in the Garden of

Eden. He says “And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your

offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel.” Now, the

enmity is Jesus and from chapter 6, the serpent is really the monster that we have

created that thinks it is us. The serpent, is your mind (or anything created by your mind)

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that has tricked you, lied to you, deceived you, stolen from you, and has hated you

since the beginning. Your altered mind rightly thinks that if you knew your true self and

knew of it as an alteration of you, you would have put it in its place. You would have

properly identified it (the altered mind) as the rightful owner of every bad thought, bad

action, and sin that you have blamed your true self of committing. But remember, your

true self is blameless in the eyes of God, because you are perfect in your divine

relationship to our Father. This is why Jesus was and is able to see you for who you

truly are – perfection.

Now, that is why you should strike your heel, your altered mind, onto Jesus so that he

can ignite your mind with his. The word strike means two things here. It means to

deliver a blow onto something. Used in this way you would simply have to will your

mind to either fall onto Jesus or ask Jesus to fall onto it. That is what is meant when

Jesus said “Everyone who falls on the stone will be broken to pieces, but he on whom it

falls will be crushed” in Luke 20:18. Remember, Jesus is the stone that the builders

rejected in Luke 20:17. The other meaning of strike is to ignite, like when you strike a

match and get it lit. So if you want to be full of light just strike your mind onto Jesus so

that you can behave, act, and be like Christ.

There is another reason why I am bringing up your mind again, as that which is the

devil. This reason is stated in so many different areas and in different ways throughout

the scriptures that only one will suffice. John says it perfectly in 13:18 when Jesus says

“I am not referring to all of you; I know those I have chosen. But this is to fulfill the

scripture; ‘He who shares my bread has lifted up his heel against me.’”14 So now the

assumption is that this scripture is talking about Judas who would betray Jesus. But I

have to ask you, is this really the case? Yes, of course, throughout all four gospels we

are led to believe that it is only Judas that betrays the Son of God. But, again I ask you,

are really sure about this?

14 Psalm 41:9 states, “Even my close friend, whom I trusted, he who shared my bread, has lifted up his heel against me.” Job 19:19 states, “All my intimate friends detest me; those I love have turned against me.” Psalm 55:12-14 states, “If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were raising himself against me, I could hide from him. But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship as we walked with the throng at the house of God.”

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Let me ask you, what is it to betray? Is it simply to hand over the Son of Man to the

authorities? Or is betrayal, something much more common to us all that we have

accepted the idea of betrayal as part of the human condition?

To betray is to be disloyal to someone or something after you have pledged your

allegiance into. I’ll give you an example, I betrayed my wife, and my marriage when I

had an affair. I disowned and denied my wife and my marriage with this affair. I caused

the death of my marriage and the death of any trust that my wife had in me, as a

husband. Now, let me ask you, did I betray my wife and my marriage? Of course I did.

So now who else betrayed Jesus? Was it really just Judas?

Remember, what Jesus said to Peter in Luke 22:34 “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster

crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.” Now, Peter has always been

portrayed as the apostle with the strongest conviction about who Jesus was. Yet, Peter

denied, disowned, and betrayed Jesus three times before Jesus was put to death. The

main thing to understand about this betrayal business is that we all have denied,

disowned, and betrayed Jesus one time or another. But the good news is, you don’t

have to continue betraying Jesus. All you have to do is simply “strike your heel onto

Mine” – Jesus.

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I tell you with little faith like a mustard seed, you can move mountains.

Chapter 8

The kingdom of heaven has been advancing, but forceful men have laid hold of it. This

is the relative reality and delusion that we have been living with for the longest time.

You can understand that the kingdom of heaven could be here, yet you will still

persuade yourself that it can not be here. Let me remind you of something.

You are the one that puts meaning into any experience and situation. You have given

others the authority to persuade and project their ideas into you. You say that you are

not at the mercy of the elders from your church. You say you agree with your church

doctrine because it is your church. You designate and agree that your minister, pastor,

priest, pope, and all clergy are needed, because order and an administration of

hierarchy are needed so that you can understand, appreciate and train for servitude in

the kingdom of heaven. You have been raised by your family to believe that your

church is the only way and that it is the way to heaven. So you train yourself in joyful

anticipation for this day and accept your position as a follower, a servant of gentle

suffering, accepting, sacrificing, depriving yourself of sinful things. As a servant you fast

with prayer, you pray with your congregation, and you volunteer overtime for the “right

cause.” You designate yourself as a disciple of Jesus. You designate your actions as

“right”, and needed activities to know Jesus, God, and welcome the Holy Spirit into

“your home.” You designate Sundays as your Sabbath and honor the 10

commandments by going to church doing what is right in action. You know you are

doing what is needed because you are seen as upstanding person, and your family is

seen upstanding in the eyes of your neighbors, church, community, and in “your world.”

You know that you are righteous because you are a law abiding citizen and patriot of

your country. You know that you are righteous, because you both fear and honor God,

and keep all laws under God as mandated by your church’s doctrine.

You know you are saved because you know you are sinful and have accepted Jesus as

your savior. You know you are right because everyone has told you that you are doing

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what is expected of you as a faithful servant. You know you are right because it is right

to suffer and “bear your cross.” You know you are right, because you are truly humble

and do not think yourself worthy to admit, acknowledge or pride yourself that you can

completely know God and know what heaven will be like. You know that if anyone tells

you about God outside of your reverenced church that they are wrong because they

really don’t have the right credentials. You know what the right credentials are. It is

anyone who has dedicated his life to the holy pursuit of knowing God by accepting “a

calling”, made a commitment to be trained as a minister, taken on “holy orders” or taken

on a ministry as approved and acceptable under your church’s doctrine. You tolerate

other people’s viewpoints about spirituality because you know they are wrong and they

just need your help to get back into the right church. You reason, once everyone enters

into your church, then you’ll know that things will be better. You pray that everyone visit

your church, so that the whole world could get along.

Yes, you admit that at times your church is not perfect and they make mistakes, but

then you say who doesn’t. You admit no one can truly be like Jesus – sinless. You

accept you are only human and that you will continue to make mistakes and sometimes

sin. By this same reason you admit that your church has also made mistakes, but over

all it’s o.kay, because everyone is going to fall because that is how God made us -

imperfect. Overall, you feel that if everyone had Jesus in their hearts things would be

better, but you know that you are only one person. You know that if you could do

something about it you would. You reason, my family needs me, because someone still

has to pay the bills, has to work and in short, has to do the hard stuff at home. You

need your church because within it are the blessed clergy, ministers, church

administrators, theological scholars, and plainly someone that has sacrificed him/herself

to learn of Jesus and the scriptures. You genuinely ask yourself, how can you not have

a church? In this endeavor you ask yourself the following questions: (1) who is going

take on the role of doing all the sacraments, all the ceremonies, and plan for all Sunday

services? (2) who is going to pay the light bill of the church, keep the church clean, keep

everyone paid that works at the church, maintain church grounds, properly market the

church to attract more participants, plan for growth of the church, and in general

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administer for future sustainability of the church? (3) who else can be trusted to properly

decipher all historical, traditional, allegorical, and precise revelations of the scriptures?

(4) who else can be trusted to provide for my salvation and help me live the life that

Jesus wanted me to live?

You realize and have come to terms with your own short-comings again about your own

spirituality – you need help. You need your church to feed you spiritually, because you

still have to earn a living, and everyone knows you don’t have enough time to be as

dedicated and blessed as your minister, priest, clergy, choir, and as smart or intelligent

as those learned theological scholars, to even make sense of the bible. Your church is

needed and you respect your church because you owe your allegiance and salvation to

your church for helping you find Jesus as your Lord and Savior. For the finding of Jesus

you will be forever indebted to your church because you owe your salvation to them.

This is why you know that it is the right thing to show your church honor and respect,

just as you would your parents who gave birth to you, fed you, raised you, clothed you

and gave you all of life’s necessities. You have no reservations about giving your

church your authority and know that by doing so, you are not condescending or belittling

yourself - it is the right to do this. So you feel good about being part of your church,

being proud of your church, and favoring your church over others. This distinction you

agree to, that you are different from others. You have accepted that everyone is

different and that we should just all agree to disagree and things would be different.

This is just and anyone who tells you different is wrong.

O.K., sounds like a pretty good argument to say that this is the reason you really believe

that heaven is not yet here. Your argument stems again from the perception that you

are not perfect and that you will never be perfect and that admitting this imperfection is

a humbling experience and this is what Jesus calls us to be. So you allow yourself to

be humble to the point of extinction of who you are – a Son of God. You disqualify

yourself from the ownership of Jesus and of his scriptures. You rather not interpret the

scriptures because you are scared and afraid you might read in error and not

understand, after all this is what you have been told. But your quandary and anxiety are

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unfounded by your own reason. You say that you do not trust yourself enough, to

interpret the scriptures the correct way. You say you can not give the correct meaning

to the scriptures, because after all, you do not have the background of Jewish tradition,

historical context, theological training, and/or time to do these things. And by this same

reasoning you have done what you did not want to do, interpret the scriptures to your

liking. Let me say this again, by your own concession you have interpreted and given

meaning to the scriptures.

The truth is, you have given meaning to the scriptures by your own concession to follow

someone else’s interpretation of what Jesus said. Look, be honest about this to

yourself, you were attracted to your church for the beauty you saw in it and around it.

You could of have liked the architecture, the aesthetics, the tradition, the custom, and/or

the general feeling of unity and sense of belonging to that church. You may have

thought, well that church is where all the right, proper and/or beautiful people attend.

You interpreted that to know God, Jesus or the scriptures you had to attend that church.

Your have accepted the idea that everything happens for a reason and so therefore,

going to your church has reason. By default you embraced the church’s doctrine and

interpretation of what Jesus said, as the only way and truth. You therefore defend your

church and its teachings. But again, I ask you what did Jesus say about this?

John states in 4:21-24 that Jesus addressed a Samaritan woman (the woman at the

well) about this same question. Jesus said “Believe me, woman, a time is coming when

you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You Samaritans

worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the

Jews. Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship

the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God

is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth.” So now let us ask the

most important person in the world about this meaning. So what did you understand

from this verse?

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You say you understand it, and why can’t you just worship in spirit and truth at your own

church? Well, you can. You can do anything you want to. No one is going to tell you

otherwise. But again what did Jesus say about this?

Jesus said that there will be a day when the beautiful temple (church building) will be

destroyed, all laid in ruble. The true church and temple will be inside us and not

somewhere outside. You also understand this to be true. Just answer what is the living


Of course the living church is made up of all of us. In fact, this description has been laid

out before by saying we all make up the body of Christ and therefore Christ lives in each

one of us. But the portrait of the Christ has become stained by our own volition of what

it means to be a Christian, disciple, and/or Child of God. You say that you have

advanced in your thinking and know with certainty what is to be a real Christian or

follower of Jesus. You know who is a true Christian, follower of Jesus, and who has

faith by how they behave and in their actions in following your church’s doctrine. You

say you are a true follower of the faith because of your actions within your church - by

what you do. You feel that if anyone took attendance at your church and gave points for

actions undertaken by you to further advance you church’s ministry, then you would be

vindicated by your impeccable record. The problem with this idea is that it is the

problem. Jesus said this generation is like the children along the street corner that cry

out to themselves, “I played the flute for you but you did not dance, I played a druge for

you but you did not mourn.” Look, I know that you know this to be true. A golfer that

golfs to play the perfect game usually doesn’t do that well. A gambler that wants money

usually loses. It is only when you play for the love of the game that you win anything of

value. So start being a true follower of Jesus for the love rather than what you think you

will get out of it Seek to find instead of find what you seek.

Let me clarify this principle a little bit more if you will allow me. Those who seek will

find, but those that find what they seek do not. Yeah, sounds kind of backwards,

forwards, right to left, and left to right – confusing. But this again, you already know to

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be true in epistemology.15 For we say inductive16 reasoning is better than deductive

reasoning when it comes to the sciences but in truth and the truth is they are both the

same - they both find untruths. Deductive reasoning is piecing certain facts together to

make a whole. It would mean that all the facts, data, are given the same value.

Something similar to what Sherlock Holmes did in his detective work, or what Aristotle

did; a + b = c, a + b = d, therefore c = d. Inductive reasoning is finding the whole as you

piece certain truths together as best you can in the relative. It is coming to the best

conclusion possible with the best cumulative data so far. It would be like saying I

expect that the probability of this happening would be the summation of these

probabilities together. Inductive reason would then say that you will have 85.4%

assurance that you will be right 75.9% of this time, on this particular point. Both of them

are fallible but inductive is the least of the two evils. In both you will find what you seek

a relative truth and no absolute truth. To find the absolute you have to seek, seek,

seek, and continue to seek indefinitely. You will find the absolute if you just continue to

seek. Let us use an example within an example.

You say you trust a weather man that tells you how it will be tomorrow. You say a

trusted weatherman talks to you in probabilities. He tells you the probability of

tomorrow’s weather with probabilities – inductive reasoning. The weather man says

there is a 70% chance that a cold front will pass through our area tomorrow morning

and if that is the case then we will have a 30% chance of rain by the afternoon. If the

cold front doesn’t come into our area then there will only be a 15% chance of rain with

scattered showers in other areas. You get the picture, you think the weather man is

more right when he uses probabilities - he sounds more scientific. But what about the

weather man that uses deductive reasoning? He says the weather will be sunny

tomorrow based on yesterday’s weather which was sunny. He also bases this

assessment on previous years that contained the same date in history that were sunny.

Therefore, he says tomorrow will be sunny. You instantly judge this weatherman as

crazy. Now the absolute say that neither of the predictions are clear because tomorrow

15 Epistemology is the theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods.16 Inductive logic characterized by the inference of general laws from particular instances.

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doesn’t exist because it hasn’t happened yet. Moreover, the absolute would tell you

that the weather will not tell you what kind of day you will be having. It says, so what if it

is sunny or raining, your life is not dependent on either. Now, as you look at this closely

you can see that this makes sense because you have seen people either fear or love in

both sunny or in rainy weather. The weather had nothing to do with how they would

experience tomorrow at all. To attain the absolute you have to seek why you really

want to know the weather in the first place, and then you’ll see that it really doesn’t

matter because you will still be in tomorrow exactly how you want to be.

So you say, no I really want to know what the weather will be like, because I want to: (1)

go to the beach, (2) want to know if I should wash my car today, (3) want to know

whether I should roll up the windows of my car, (4) want to know if I should bring in the

dog, (5) so that I can know something that other people may not know and therefore

present myself as knowledgeable, etc. You really accept the idea that to know the

weather tomorrow is really of value to you, and will impact your actions today and

tomorrow. You say yes to the idea that the weather is hard to predict, but that

technology has advanced and therefore we can know with certainty tomorrow’s weather

today. Yet you still admit it could still rain on your house tomorrow even though the

weatherman says it’ll be sunny. Then you wonder what about the satellites, the new

tracking of storms, the computer generated probabilities that can predict with 90%

accuracy tomorrow’s weather. Yes, you believe there is truth to computer generated

probabilities. But then you admit these computers are dependent on the software, they

are dependent on the electricity and people to input the right data; therefore, the

computers can be limited by human error. What if I told you that human reason has

outlined clearer probabilities admitting our limitations in the face of numerous

possibilities? Yes, as the human mind has advanced we have gained a greater insight

into knowing when we have admitted our own unknowingness. Is this true you ask?

Have you heard of the Chaos Theory.

The Chaos Theory is true and allows us to predict the weather tomorrow with better

clarity, but still not definite. Just to remind you, the Chaos Theory starts with the idea

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that a butterfly flapping in the Amazon has an effect on the weather in the future of

some other geographical area, such as the Midwest of the US. It reasons for every

action that happens this moment anywhere on this universe, this moment in turn will

have an effect and be a cause of your future – and all future. Mathematic computations

can be done, of course to demonstrate to you and everyone else that even our best

reason is still limited.17 The interesting thing is that the chaos theory is better use of

reason to determine future behavior and events in complex systems, but only lets us

know better when we admit that we don’t know. But it is still only a guess, albeit a

better and more precise guess, yet still a guess none the less.

So then what is better? Are we really finding what we seek or are we seeking to find?

In the example above we talked about knowing the weather tomorrow so we were

finding what we sought. We wanted to know the weather tomorrow. We used

deductive reasoning and determined this was silly and wouldn’t be the best thing. We

used inductive reasoning and determined that this is what we use in life and credit those

who use it very smart, because they give themselves an ‘out’ since they use

probabilities based on all the best available data. We say the most credible

weatherman uses this method and we believe him. Then we determined that there is

another method called the Chaos theory that helps us better elucidate uncertainty, yet

still only a guess. What we have found was tomorrow’s weather, what we used was

inductive reasoning or the chaos theory. But what we have not done was to seek the

real reason we wanted to know tomorrow’s weather in the first place. So then I ask you,

what is the real reason you want to know tomorrow’s weather? So let’s talk about the


Now, you say that the reason you want to know tomorrow’s weather is maybe the

questions I have already outlined: (1) go to the beach, (2) want to know if I should wash

my car today, (3) want to know whether I should roll up the windows of my car, (4) want

17 The graph of course is deferent than the Cartesian coordinate system developed by French philosopher, Rene Descartes. This new graph is called the strange attractor, in the example of the weather it is called the Lorenze strange attractor, developed by the meteorologist Edward Lorenze.

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to know if I should bring in the dog, (5) so that I can know something that other people

may not know and therefore present myself as knowledgeable, etc. But then I ask you

why do you want to go to the beach? Isn’t really just to relax and have fun? But relax

from what I ask you? You were made in the image of God and Christ gave you peace

embedded into you so that you can relax by simply being with God through Christ. It is

the same old need to go on vacation and be somewhere else, but the real vacation is

vacation from your old self. I know you can go to another geographical place and feel

that you are different, but do not be des-illusioned your past self will still find you. It may

take 1 week, 1 month, 1 year, or 10 years, but your old self and all its baggage will find

you. Your mind will again start to react based on your old feed back loops that will be

re-stimulated by someone that you remember looks like someone in your past, the road

you drive will re-stimulate old memories of your old self, etc. Your past will catch up to

you. So know I ask you why do you really want to go to the beach? Isn’t it just to be in

a different existence than where you now exist. You want to escape your own existence

of how you are. There is no real reason to leave any where outside, if the inside is still

stained with your old self, this I know you know. Jesus said it differently but still in the

same light, “why do you wash the outside of the cup when the inside of cup is still dirty?”

The absolute is that you first have to clean the inside to make life worth living, and that

life is found inside – not outside. So now I ask what use is it to know the weather

tomorrow, when yesterday has already passed and tomorrow may never come? The

only truth is this moment being in divine communication with our Father and the Spirit.

You can move mountains. And if you truly believe what Jesus promised, then you’ll

understand that your car being washed or the window being rolled up on your car really

doesn’t matter. Bringing in the dog, although a good thing to do, doesn’t change your

relationship with our Father and the Spirit. Your self delusion of not being worthy and

thinking that people will judge you as not knowledgeable is your own illusion, because

our Father has never seen you that way. You are worthy, precious and perfect, for he

sent his only begotten son so that you may have life and have it to the fullest.

So when you truly seek you will find, if you knock the door will open, if you pick up a

rock he’ll be there and if slice a piece of wood you will find him. Now, does the weather

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seem that important? In the relative the weather seems important, but in the absolute

the weather is not. For this is why Jesus came into this world to show us that the body

is not important, it is only the spirit that true life is attained, because God is spirit.

So now, I ask you who are the forceful men that lay hold of your heaven? Yes, it is your

heaven, remember what Jesus said ‘in my Father’s house there are many rooms and

where I am going you can not come, but you know the way.’ So you ask, what can this

mean. Well it means the obvious, each path is equal, but different, and must be

respected, because they are all heading towards the right direction. Your path in life is

different in that you decide how fast you go, how you go, but I trust our Father that you

will be led in the right direction, even when you think you are not being led in the right

direction. Look, if you are tired of playing the game, remember life is a game, then

simply say I am tired. You could then either take up another game, or start on your

inevitable journey in seeking to find versus finding what you seek. The way of the

journey you know ‘seek to find’ and Jesus is the way and the truth. But you are the only

one that can go on that journey therefore you can not ride piggy back on someone

else’s back – ‘where I am going you can not come.’ Remember heaven is within not

outside that is why you can not go with someone else, because the real temple and

alter are within and not in structure (outside).

So again I will ask you, who are the forceful men that lay hold of the kingdom of God?

By now you probably just want me to tell you, but I can not because your path although

the same is different than mine. So now, let me ask this another way to who have you

squandered your authority? Yes, you have given someone else your authority. Alright

let us give an example of this.

Your authority is the knowledge of your divine identity. You have allowed someone else

to convince you about who you are and who you are not. You have given the authority

of your own definition of who you are. You have allowed yourself to be told who you are

and who you are not, and you believed them. God loves you so much in your

perfection, even when you didn’t see it for yourself, to send his only begotten son to

show you the way back to him – absolute truth. Yet you have squandered yourself with

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self doubt of who you are. You are more than what you have been told. But no one can

stop you from believing any untruths unless you allow yourself. It would be like if you

were wearing a white shirt and I told you that the color of the shirt was really black. You

would say ‘I don’t believe you that my shirt is black.’ I would sit with you for a few hours

trying to convince you of this altered reality, but what if I had 5 others with me and for

this matter 1,000, 10,000, 1 million, or let us just say the whole world telling you that

your shirt was not really white, but black. It would still be up to you to be convinced that

your shirt would be white or black – that is true ownership. It would be up to you to give

your authority to be convinced by someone else on your own truth about your shirt. The

problem with allowing others to convince you is that you have allowed doubt to enter

you and not truth.

So who are the forceful men that lay hold of the kingdom of God? Remember these are

the authorities that you have allowed by your own authority to fill your mind with lies

about who you are. Jesus never told you that you were less than he was, he even told

you the opposite. Jesus said that the least would be the greatest and that you would do

greater things than I. So who did you allow to convince you otherwise?

Look life is not supposed to be hard. One of the main reasons you and I, are both in

this world is to experience life and give glory to our Father by finding our way back into

his presence. We give glory to him because we can and will re-awaken - resurrect from

the dead. It is like the old adage you ‘can’t keep a good man down.’ God is good and

his essence is in you, but is up to you and Him to define the time frame of when you will

open your eyes to see the treasure that lays hidden in you.

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The owner and keeper of the kingdom brings out the new and the old.

Chapter 9

True reconciliation is much more than just forgiveness it is the ability to reconcile all

relative into the absolute, because the absolute is absolute truth. Jesus has already

told us that when heaven and earth passes by His truth will remain and not the least of

the pen stroke from the law would disappear, He meant it. That is why you must dig

deeper into the soil of your heart where the seed of the word has been planted upon to

yield 10 to 100 times more of the Kingdom of God. You are the entrusted servant,

manager, and obedient Son that must prepare and cultivate the soil; thereby tending to

your crop of goodness. No one else can build your temple and altar on which the

Father and Son live. You must produce and not ‘bewail the dead’ – regret. For to

regret is your inability to press out the dullness, inactivity, and sleep you have allowed

yourself to be in. You have to remain vigilant by working the fields of your heart and

mind to ensure a rich soil on which the word of our Lord has been implanted. On this

path you have to take your own kerosene to keep your lantern lit to ensure fullness of

the Lord. You can then be fully ignited and thereby place yourself onto the lamp stand

of your own house. This of course you should do before you should try to ignite another

lamp; similar to the teaching of take out the plank of your own eye, before you reach out

and take out the splinter from someone else’s eye.

You have to allow yourself to produce in abundance and by your fruit you will glorify our

Father. Your inability to remove the weeds, rocks, and prevent the birds from eating

what was sown or not watering your soil will never allow yourself to reap from that which

was sown. Your inactivity as a steward to the kingdom, tending your field, will be similar

to you as someone who is dull – dead. Therefore, you should repent, which means to

‘bewail the dead’ or to express (press-out) a strong feeling/thought against this inactivity

and dullness. In this way you can start to awaken from your slumber and prevent those

people and thoughts that would convince you otherwise to go back to sleep. As a

steward, servant, manager and son of the kingdom you could then practice ownership

and truly internalize that you are the only one that can stop people and thoughts to

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trample on your field where the seed of the word has been sown. You can then truly

understand and put into action your duty to ensure a rich soil in which the Kingdom of

God can grow unto abundance. You therefore must dig deep into this soil, your heart,

and bring out any of your old thoughts, ideas, considerations that have prevented you

from this work. You must look upon them for what they are, illusions of your true self.

You should not run away from them but look upon them for what they are, relative

illusions of the absolute. It is only when you till your heart’s soil and make known what

you do not want to see about yourself that you can truly reconcile your heart and mind.

If you do not and are unwilling then you would have prevented yourself from yourself.

You would then make real the adage ‘we have seen the enemy and they are us.’

Reconciliation is the ability to restore friendly relations between yourself and your mind.

The true source of reconciliation is in the hope you have in Jesus to help you re-

establish this balance. Jesus is the truth and way and his power which is granted from

above will allow you to proceed with this balance. The spirit directs the mind and the

body. Your spirit is greater, bigger-better, more perfect, and has always existed and is

in constant state of grace with our Father. Your spirit is the connection with all knowing

and un-knowing God. You can only be led to this balance by someone who knows and

is willing to help you – Jesus and the Spirit. Jesus has always said as he did in John

14:14, “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” In terms of

reconciliation, Jesus said in Matthew 13:52 “Therefore every teacher of the law who has

been instructed about the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings

out of his storeroom [mind] new treasures as well as old.” It is only when you ‘bring out’

the old contemptuous thoughts about who you are, that you can then look upon them for

what they are – error.

You will then be able to reconcile your true self (spirit) with your illusion of who you

thought you were (your mind) and erase it from your path. If you do not do this, then

your mind will persist; whatever you resist persists. This is similar as not knowing that

you are in your own prison because you are too close to the fence and do not know that

you are peering through the fence’s openings. The irony is that you built your own

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prison. You tricked yourself by forgetting that you built it, that the fence exists, and that

you live inside the fence. The worst part of this fence building business, for those of you

who know that you are in this prison, is the following: (1) you feel it is right for you to be

in the prison and suffer, because you have given your authority to the powers that be to

tell you that you are unworthy – a natural born sinner, (2) that you can and should

blame others for putting you in this prison, (3) that only people with the “right

credentials” can help you get out of this prison, and (4) that if you see the fence you

should run the other way as fast as you can (run from temptation). These are but a few

of the relatives that we all have grown accustomed with, but they should not ring true,

as they do not exist in the absolute. The absolute is what Jesus tells us, you have to

work the soil of your own mind and heart. You have to open your eyes and pick up all

the rocks, contemptuous thoughts of yourself, and throw them out from your field. You

have to dig deep. You have to search in the deepest and darkest places of your heart

about who you are, until they are no more and vanish. When you have looked at every

crevice, in every corner, in every secluded area of your heart you will then allow the

everlasting light of your spirit to shine and illuminate you again. Remember, this is your

true nature, you are of the light.

You have to be your own slave master. You have to persevere and make straight the

path by aligning your mind, heart and your body under your spirit. You have to submit

your free will to the will of the Father. Once you start doing this, and this true alignment

in all these aspects, you can then say that you will be in your “right state of mind.” No

one will be able to persuade you otherwise, because you will then, truly start being ‘one

with the Father.’

The truth is the truth and you will find it wherever you look. You will see the truth by

starting with a humble heart, being poor in spirit, and in genuine intention to be with the

Father. The truth will be found in all studies and crevices of this world’s collective

conscious. It will be found and understood in theology, philosophy, sociology,

psychology, physiology, mathematics, biology, neuroanatomy, astrophysics, newton

physics, neuro-cardiology, and any other –ology. The truth is the truth and is good,

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because it has been embedded with your imprint - your ability to create. Truth will lead

you to the absolutes that Jesus purported, exposed, discussed, taught, and lived. As

Jesus has said, nothing is unclean that goes into the body, but rather what comes out of

the body and mouth is that which is unclean. All foods should therefore be eaten and

no food determined unclean. By this same principle, it is not dangerous to study other

fields, but it is what comes out of your mouth that is important. It is better to reconcile

any teachings that you have learned in the past that linger in your heart and mind, to

that of the absolutes. Do not be the effect of your mind, but rather be the cause with the

Father. Reconcile your mind and heart with that of Jesus’ and the Father’s. Be true to

yourself and take out any fear, doubt, anxiety, hatred, judging, pride, arrogance,

contemptuous thought, and idea that you have used to construct your prison. Identify

the building blocks of your fence that contradict the will of the Father. Take it out from

your mind and heart, so that you will truly reconcile these things before they creep back

into your true self.

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I desire mercy not sacrifice18

Chapter 10

When Jesus was taken to his crucifixion the powers that be (at the time) forced Simon,

a man from Cyrene, to carry the cross for Jesus. Now, was this necessary? Is this

what Jesus really wanted? We have allowed ourselves to believe that the Roman

soldiers did this, because Jesus could not carry his own cross. We have allowed

ourselves to believe that either the Roman soldiers had pity on Jesus because he could

not carry his cross, or that the Roman soldiers did not want to carry the cross, if Jesus

was not able.19 We have allowed ourselves to believe that Jesus’ body was not able to

function any longer and this is why the Roman soldiers told someone else to carry the

cross for him. We allow ourselves to believe that the incarnate word of God, the only

Son of God, and the Christ Spirit needed help in carrying his own cross. We say Jesus

was divinity in the flesh able to heal leprosy, heal the sick, raise the dead, give sight to

the blind, feed thousands with a few loaves of bread and able to walk on water. In

confusion and in arrogance we say that Jesus needed help in carrying his own cross;

that he needs your help. We say we trust Jesus and what he said, yet we remain

incredulous on what he told us about his death. Jesus said he freely lays down his life

and takes it back up again.20 Yet we still say he was betrayed by Judas.

Listen, our savior Jesus was much more than a masochist and sacrificial animal. He

was the way and the truth into the kingdom of God. Therefore, let us ask a better

question, what does carrying the cross mean?

Many of us have agreed to the general consensus, collective thought, that the cross

implies carrying the sins of the world. It does not. Jesus’ body could have been killed,

sacrificed, in any other way. It just so happened, that that the Christ Spirit appeared in

18 Matthew 12:7, Jesus said “If you had known what these words mean, ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice,’ you would not have condemned the innocent.”19 Understand that in John’s gospel Jesus carried his own cross.

20 In John 10:17-18, Jesus said “ The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life – only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay id down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”

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physical form at the time of the Roman Empire, within the Jewish Nation. The body of

Jesus Christ was killed 2000 years ago by the Roman Government and the established

spiritual institution, with the use of a wooden cross. The cross was just that, a cross,

nothing more and nothing less.

Let us be truthful about something the Christ Spirit has come again several times before

and still comes into this world seeking a humble heart and resides in that house (body)

until the vultures (contemptuous people) persecute him, destroy him, or kill him. The

saints and martyrs are easily seen as being those bodies that house the Christ Spirit

and have been crucified by the powers that be; not on a wooden cross, but in their own

way based on their own times in man’s history. These designated saints and martyrs

are not special and should have never been idolized. Yet we still honor their graves and

in this, we still consent on their persecution and death. Unknowingly, we honor the

persecution of the body and therefore worship the body and not the spirit. Jesus said

this better in Luke 11:47-48, when he said “Woe to you, because you build tombs for the

prophets, and it was your forefathers who killed them. So you testify that you approve

of what your forefathers did; they killed the prophets, and you build their tombs.”

More importantly, the Christ Spirit continues to be killed by modern man, as a sacrifice

to an illusion of worldly wealth – in a body. It is amazing how solid we have made the

Christ, the Son of God, by binding him into a body – Jesus of Nazereth. The spirit of

Jesus, the Christ, never saw the body as the temple of God, although this is how it

became interpreted.21 The most important reason for his crucifixion was to demonstrate

to man that the body was not important. He took his body from the physical universe for

our benefit, so that we would never be allowed to idolize the body, but the

contemptuous powers that be, still want you to worship his and your body, by calling it a


You have consented that Jesus’ body should be glorified, but it should not. We should

glorify the Christ Spirit by accepting it for ourselves and we should simply acknowledge

that Jesus fully sanctified his body through the Christ Spirit in one life time. He wanted

21 In John 7:63, Jesus said “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing”

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us to understand and accept that a body is just that – a body. A body is not important

and it doesn’t matter what people do to a body. A body is part of the physical universe

and is equal to any material possessions that bind your spirit to this world. You must

deny yourself and the illusions of who you think you are – a body. Jesus has told us

numerous of times that God is spirit and that at the time of the resurrection beings will

be resurrected as spirits - not bodies. This is what is meant that at the time of the

resurrection we will be like angels and not bound by a physical body and/or physical

institution of marriage.22

Jesus, the son of God, the Messiah, and the Christ was and has always been a spirit,

greater than we can ever fathom in our limited language and conditional Christian belief.

He never wanted anyone to suffer in fact he wanted the opposite. He wanted you to be

free, have life and live to your fullest potential – abundant life. The cross that you

interpreted as his never existed and still does not exist. It is not a physical

manifestation of his spirit. He was the way and the truth to the Father. Not that you

should choose or repeat his mission as a savior by continuous suffering and your self

inflicted illusion of pain. He even told his disciples and everyone else, where I go, you

can not come, but you know the way. I know that this has often been forgotten and

misunderstood by the powers that be, in their pursuit of worldly wealth in owning a body.

But it is wrong to conclude that Jesus wanted you to suffer and exist in self inflicted

pain. He did not want you to carry his cross or any self debasement illusion of who you

are as in your own personal cross. His cross was the materialization of the collective

thought about sin as a barrier across the great divide that you thought up between God

and you.

The Father and the Holy Spirit materialized man’s general consensus and thoughts

about the Messiah. The materialized spirit of the Son of God, was the materialized

reality of the Jewish people, the “chosen ones”, but later encompassed all nations; this

is why he was also called the Son of Man. The Christ Spirit transcends all races,

22 In Luke 20:34-36, Jesus replied, “The people of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those who are considered worthy of taking part in that age [at the time of the resurrection] from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God’s children, since they are children of the resurrection.”

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cultures, ethnicities, geography, and in general terms space and time. He is bigger-

better, more perfect, and unconditionally absolute, so much so that we can not imagine

and or have words that can suffice.

God had to send his begotten Son, the Christ Spirit to fulfill the Jewish scriptures and

move us out of the Vengeful God Complex - illusion. The Jewish theology manifested

the thought about a savior that would have to be sacrificed as an animal to end all

sacrifices and restore friendly relationships with the one true God. Well, we can admit

Jesus Christ did his share to restore His Kingdom, but you have failed to do yours. Let

me repeat this again, we have failed to do our part in restoring the Kingdom of God. So

what is your part?

Simply put, your part is to demonstrate mercy and not sacrifice. So quit sacrificing

yourself with your self inflicted pain and suffering. You will never find peace looking for

it in the martyr, playing the victim, playing the masochist, or the general feeling of self

loathing that you deserve all the bad stuff in life. You are perfect, God loves you. As a

testimony to this love, God sent his only begotten Son to lead you back to the Kingdom,

but you chose not to see or hear Him. God demonstrated, values and requires mercy,

not sacrifice.

Jesus told you that Jesus told you that some in this generation would not perish in

physical form before seeing the Kingdom of God and you didn’t believe him. Jesus said

that you would do greater things than he did, but you doubted. Jesus said you can ask

anything in his name, but the Father will give you anything you ask for anyway because

He loves you. Jesus said that he was the resurrection of the dead, but you questioned

him on this. You keep thinking it is the resurrection of a dead body even though Jesus

told you flat out it was the resurrection of your spirit – not simply a body. You value this

world and all its physical manifestations, including your body, the right credentials, the

right church, the right people and anything that manifests in division and not unity. In

your arrogance and confusion, you believed other people whom persuaded you about

what and who God is. The Father is much more than the Son, the Son can never be

more than the Father, but he could be just like his Father. The Spirit of the Son is

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dynamic and continues to expand, just like the universe continues to expand. He is

calling on you in this great expansion to join him and materialize this speck of dirt into

His Kingdom, by practicing and manifesting the universal laws; serve God only with all

your heart, mind, body and spirit, and love your neighbor as yourself.23

Your relative reasoning, derived from your squandering of your authority to others have

told you that you are wearing a black shirt. You were born onto this world as a spirit

attached to this physical body and your true self has always worn a white shirt. You

have been lied to, fooled and duped that your true shirt is black – it is not. I can only

remember of one being in history, (under Christianity), that comes to mind as having

always spoken the truth about his white shirt; even though the whole word tried to

convince him that he wore a black shirt. Obviously, he was crucified because the

vultures gathered and did not want unity, but division. The powers that be held him in

contempt, persecuted him and killed his body; but they never killed His Spirit. The

powers that be acting out true evil turned the crucifixion right around and used it for their

own benefit. They used the crucifixion to enslave you by convincing you and

sometimes forcing you to believe that anyone’s true essence is a spirit meshed into a

body, and therefore a temple to be worshipped. The powers that be materialized that

you were just a body, eternally meshed with your spirit, for the simple fact of controlling

you and to build their own wealth. They diluted your essence with arrogance and

confusion, with their limited vision of how God exists. They told you and you bought into

the evil idea that God is a vengeful god who wants sacrifice.24

In confusion, you have let yourself go to sleep and have never been able to reconcile

Jesus’ teaching and the message about our Father. A Father who loves us

unconditionally, and sent his only begotten son because he so loved the world. He is a

father like you experienced in your own life. You have seen the parent, or are even the

23 In Mark 12: 29, Jesus said “The most important one, “ answered Jesus, “is this: O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”24 In Luke 12:4-5, Jesus said “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into he. Yes, I tell you, fear him.”

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parent, that loves his child unconditionally. It is a parent that loves his child even when

the child does or fails to do in their life. It is a parent will not be swayed one way or the

other by anyone in this love; this love neither, increases or decreases. Your love for

your child (or your beloved) would not diminish or increase if he were the President of

the United States or imprisoned for the rest of his life in a state pen. In this way, you

were truly made as the image of God, with the capacity and your true nature of

unconditional love.

Jesus came to free you, and liberate you from this world. Jesus came to spread the

good news that the Kingdom of Heaven was here. Yet, we are the ones that give the

powers that be our authority to tell us, when, how, why, and what this Kingdom means;

forceful men lay hold of it. The irony again, is that you have made up who these forceful

men are by your own definition of what is meant by forceful, who these men are, and

who make up the powers that be. Let me remind you, your definitions are your illusions.

You have defined your illusion by your definition on what ‘forceful men’ means and what

is meant by the Kingdom of God. You work hard to materialize your own illusions so

your powers that be can bind you in a body and exercise authority over you. Face it,

you don’t want the freedom that Jesus promised you, because you love this world and

everything it contains – a body.

In practical terms, you define your own problems, and that is the problem. What is

worse in this deep sleep that you have fallen into, you forgot that you even made up

these problems in the first place and you now blame others for your problems. You see

everyone else around you wondering why you have problems, but they don’t know why,

even though you explain ‘ad nausea’ about the rational explanations for having your

problems. How far can an illusion of a problem take you?

Let us say, an un-named Hollywood starlet breaks her fingernail while she is having

brunch in a café off of Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, California. Well, the broken nail is a

major problem to her, because she has defined herself as a Hollywood starlet whose

body must always be beautiful and must therefore be adored by all who see her – the

perfect and beautiful body. In her own definition of who she is, she defines her illusion

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as any body part (a nail) equally beautiful to her whole persona – the Hollywood starlet.

This illusion is at the center of the figurative and literal whirlwind and violence that

ensues there after, because she breaks her nail. In this illustration, she takes out her

rage of breaking her nail on the restaurant staff, on the person next to her and becomes

the problem becomes the catalyst for her ordering dry martinis before lunch time. This

starlet, as she has defined her problem, will later on that day drink some more, use

drugs and in her rage will drive recklessly her new Mercedes Benz sedan (forgetting her

children at home) only to be stopped by the police. We will see her mug shot that was

taken at the police station either the next day on television or read about her relative

problem in our tabloid magazines. Now what was the problem?

A problem is defined by you as a problem and it is up to you to un-define the problem,

so it no longer has the effect of a problem; and you can there after, do away with the

illusion of the problem. I know that this may sound backwards, forwards, vertical and

horizontal, but let me explain with the illustration of the Hollywood starlet; since this is

the intention of this book to make what was once impractical practical.

The problem of the Hollywood starlet was her definition of her own illusion of who she

thought she was the perfect body – the Queen of Sheba re-incarnate. She broke her

fingernail which was her illusion of her real problem. She claims her problem of

breaking her nail was the reason why everything went to “shit” while she sat minding her

own business at the upscale café in Beverly Hills, California. Her other relative

problems came up suddenly as she defined all her problems from the original problem

and blamed others for her incarceration. In her illusion of blame, the following are real

to her: (1) the in-efficient restaurant staff that to took a long time with her order and she

was then forced to strongly tap her fingernail on the stainless steel plate, (2) her boring

company who sat next to her and who also made her tap her fingernail on the hard plate

that broke her nail, (3) the extremely high alcohol content of the dry martinis, because

someone wanted to get her drunk, (4) the person that sold her the new Mercedes Benz

sedan and told her it was meant to be driven fast (like the Autobahn), (5) the stupid

police man that had nothing better to do than arrest an important person like herself,

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and finally (6) the paparazzi that managed to get her “mug-shot” that makes her look

un-beautiful like a run-away bride on t.v. morning news and in the tabloids.

Now, what could have prevented this starlet’s demise? I said that her problem

stemmed from her definition of the problem as the problem, and it was up to her to un-

define the problem, so that the problem would no longer be the problem. Now, the

illustration above is how the relative stands, the problem was a broken fingernail. You

would say I know many people who break their nails on a regular basis and none of

them get arrested for driving under the influence (drinking while intoxicated, DWI).

Moreover, you would say I know people who hit their thumb with a hammer and they

keep hammering away, even though their nail eventually falls off after the trauma. They

also do not get a DWI for that. So then we could say, a broken fingernail equals no

problem. We would hope that the starlet could input this equation into her mind next

time she breaks her fingernail, because you know, she could have really hurt someone

driving recklessly on the roads of sunny California.

However, I think she could do better than defining a broken fingernail equals no problem

as her solution to her problem. Just clear up the source and the origination of her

problem. The origination point of her problem is simply her own definition of herself as

a body. The starlet did not fully define herself as how she truly exists – as a spirit. She

therefore, failed to see herself as something bigger-better, and innately beautiful and

perfect as a spirit in eternal state of bliss with God, the Son and the Holy Spirit. She

allowed herself to be tricked, fooled, and duped into living a lie that has led her into her

prison (her body), based on her decision to accept the lies of others. Let me remind

you, her agent, her family, and those of us who are ‘awe struck’ worship her outside

beauty. We want to own her for ourselves; and some of us want to make money from

this illusion to boot. We have told her she has a beautiful and perfect body and that this

is who she is – a body. The real definition that the starlet is a body is done by none

other than the starlet herself. She allowed us to convince her that her beauty can only

resonant from her outward appearance – her outside beauty. This is why it is really the

starlet that eventually defines herself as a body.

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The starlet gave us her authority so that we could define her in this way and she

accepted by living out this illusion. This is similar like telling her that she has been

wearing a black shirt, so that we could adore her in her body. She allowed us to

convince her that she only exists as a body, so that we could idolize her and own her for

ourselves. She consented, for very good reasons, because she likes to eat at Beverly

Hills, drive a new Mercedes Benz, and wants to feel special. But the paradox is, once

she consented to just being a body and be defined as a body, she committed herself

into her own prison, albeit helped by others, but consented by her.

So now, if only the starlet un-defined herself as a body and defined herself as a spirit

she could potentially have behaved a little saner and could potentially have been in her

‘right state of mind.’ She could have clearly seen the oddity of a broken fingernail

equals incarceration for DWI - not a right computation. In fact, she could probably see

that driving around an expensive car, eating an upscale restaurant, and being a

Hollywood starlet really are meaningless and all fail to ultimately define her. If she

truly saw herself as a spirit that was in full control of her mind, and body, she could then

truly feel, see, hear and be peace that had eluded her all this time.

So now why would you want to be sacrificed, like this illustrated Hollywood starlet?

Why is it that you, having come into this world as a spirit with direct family lines to the

Divine (Jesus is your brother), still allow and accept that you too wear a black shirt?

There is no divine revelation in continuing your own self diluted illusion that you should

suffer, because other people have convinced you that your body should suffer like

Jesus’ body suffered. The wooden cross was just that, a cross and not important. The

Christ Spirit’s body has died and continues to be killed in various different ways

throughout man’s history, not only by a wooden cross. The sadistic and evil tendencies

of the powers that be have proven they have un-satiable thirst for a body. The powers

that be convince you that your spirit is bound to a body so that they can control you and

‘man handle’ you with any type of manipulation that they can think up.

The powers that be want to imprison the body, and never want the spirits that inhabit

these bodies to leave their prisons. The spirit dwells in the body, but it is not bound to

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that body for all eternity. For how can your essence be tied into this materialistic world?

This is what Jesus Christ, the pure Christ Spirit, wanted you to know so that you to

could be truly free and be liberated from all material possessions, including your body.

The irony is that no one can disintegrate a spirit, but someone can totally convince the

mind (of that spirit) that it should be lost for what seems like an eternity (next chapter).

We kill the body that the Christ Spirit lives in, we then blindly erect tombs for that body

as a testimony of our own deceit that the body was more important than the spirit or that

the spirit was encapsulated in that body. In so doing, we all flock to idolize a body

because we concur that all bodies should be worshiped (as they still contain a spirit),

once dead. In our illusion of arrogance and confusion, we concur with the power’s that

be that the tomb glorifying the body is good and thereby inadvertently condone the

death of the prophet. As Jesus said in Luke 11:47-48, “Woe to you, because you build

tombs for the prophets, and it was your forefathers who killed them. So you testify that

you approve of what your forefathers did; they killed the prophets, and you build their


Now, what is mercy? Is it not forgiveness? More importantly how did your Father show

his mercy? Yes, of course, he sent his only begotten Son (Christ Spirit) into our world,

manifested through the body of Jesus, to show us the way home. Jesus Christ we

could call him God’s Love Incarnate that saw us for who we were when we didn’t even

see ourselves as love – charity. Remember, he even said forgive them Father for they

know not what they do, when we killed his body. Jesus was always in favoring of giving

(forgiving) and that is what he did, he gave up his body for us. In other words, he

demonstrated that you are not bound by your body or any other material possession

that you have accepted to be real in your illusion of how this world exists.

That is why all illusions that this world holds dear, are just that, illusions. Jesus was not

afraid to confront the ‘wise and learned’ and properly credentialed theological teachers

of his time, because love has no fear. He didn’t fear them, because all truth (the

absolutes) is more powerful than any relative arguments that use formal ‘stuffy’ and

esoteric logic, because all man made reason are illusions of all truth. In our slumber, we

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have become drunk with our own delusional reason. This is why we can never be to

certain even if the weather man says that tomorrow will be cloudy, sunny, or rainy. It

could be either a combination of all three, but it still does not guarantee whether it will

rain on your house or not.

So now what is the greatest illusion ever played on you, by those who you held in high

regard, because of their sheep skins hanging on their walls?25 It is the illusion that God

is both merciful and vengeful, this is like saying God is both love and hate or the

following: (1) God is both love and fear, (2) God is both love and war etc. The worst

part is that we contradict the substance of what the Christ Spirit told us, you are from

the light. Jesus Christ did not say you are both from the light and from the darkness.

Jesus Christ did not say that he came to both give justice and to judge. Oh, I see, now

we are getting confused about this justice and the judging, right? Alright, let us talk

about this relative contradictory.

So what is justice? Is it not the administration of what is just? And who, you ask,

administers what is just weighing all sides equally for a just resolution? Well, let me

remind you about something the true absolutes exist in another world and are not of this

world. The absolutes are not what we have been accustomed to believe, that judging

(man made laws) administer absolute justice, but they do not. The only power we have

is that what is granted from above, and we do not practice the absolutes in any

meaningful way, yet. So therefore, justice which is all truth, is foreign to us in our man

made illusions of what is real and not real. Remember Pontius Pilate?

Most important Pilate in his worldly illusion, asked what is truth? Most high Pilate asked

this in light of what Jesus Christ answered that his kingdom was not of this world. Most

revered Pilate in his illusion prevented himself from seeing clearly what Jesus Christ

was talking about. Most honorable Pilate could not see the absolute truth that Jesus

25 Sheep Skin means a diploma, or certificate, meaning properly credentialed in either in all or in parts of art, science, philosophy, history, or practice in that field of specialty – Doctor of Something.

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Christ was a King and rightful heir of both Heaven and Earth. But we are like the

perfect Pontius Pilate living in our illusion, we can not see what Jesus already told us,

demonstrated, and acted out, justice – mercy. God sent his only begotten Son, the

Christ Spirit, to show us the way home. God demonstrated absolute justice. God

demonstrated absolute mercy. God demonstrated absolute love. In the absolutes, love

is all there is and both the elements of justice and mercy are part of the bigger

component love. Now how is this real?

Again I say, your parents love you, no matter what. You could be the President of the

United States or be imprisoned for the rest of your life, stuck in cell with guy named

Bubba. Your parent’s love for you does not change, it does not increase or decrease, it

just is. This parental love is not influenced by outside forces, such as your parent’s

neighbors telling them that they should love you more because you are the President or

love you less because you are a convict. Your parent’s love does not change, and they

weigh their love for you balanced, even when others try to sway their love for you

differently. Simply put, your parents practice the absolute. Your parents weigh you

against perfect love and find you in balanced. Your parents are blinded from any of the

relatives that want to tilt their scales either in favor or against you. The absolutes allow

you to be balanced in this life and the life beyond. You are perfectly balanced the way

God made you. You are part of the absolutes and in you there is no aberration that tilts

the scales one way or the other. The scales that are used in the absolutes are already

balanced. You simply have to get on them by yourself to see that God is a true Father

that does not judge. Perfect love is justice, interpreted in mythology by the image of

lady justice that is blind folded and holds the scales of justice in perfect balance.

So now what do you think? Are you or are your parents better than God? Let me

remind you, by your own admission you see that pure love is absolute, never swayed by

the relative – the illusions. So how can God be any less? Alright, again you doubt,

because your argument goes something like this, “well there are different types of love

anyway and therefore some are absolutes and others are not.” And I’ll remind you, love

is unconditional. Then you say “well, true love is unconditional, like the love between a

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man and women, the love of the parents and the child.” And then I’ll tell you, by your

own definition of what love is, you have proven that you still see love in the relative and

not the absolute. For if you saw and admitted what love was, you could see that we

have all tried to bind it and in this process corrupted love. Love is unconditional, period.

So again you ask, but what about the idea that the love between a married man and

woman is better than any other love?

Love is pure in its form. We have simply tried to give it form by setting conditions on it

to make it real in this world, and to prove it to us and prove it others that love can be

demonstrated. We should rather say that the love between a man and women can be

proven in the following ways: (1) they enter into the agreement (contract) of marriage,

(2) they will live together, (3) they will separate from their parents and become one, (4)

they will increase and multiple, bear children (4) they will live together and share

expenses, (6) they will wear matching sweaters on both Thanksgiving and Christmas

Holidays etc.

Look, love is love and there is no difference in your love for your children, parents,

spouse, neighbors, or anyone, the only difference is your obligations, agreements, or

conditions with those other entities. With regard to the love question on marriage, it

should be this, was man made for marriage, or was marriage made for man?

Obviously, Jesus said it better, but with the same intention he asked, was man made for

the Sabbath, or was the Sabbath made for man? Now, before you answer let us take

this apart to properly evaluate this, as we want to be very… very sure, before we go

around saying that marriages are not love and throw in the towel at the institution of


So again, was man (you can substitute woman for man) made for marriage, or was

marriage made for man? Now, if we say that man was made for marriage then we say

that man only exists in marriage. In other words, a man is a man only when he exists in

the institution of marriage. If this man does not exist in the institute of marriage, then he

is not a man. In this view, all men that are not married are not ‘real men.’ Now, if we

say that marriage was made for man then it is up to man to either enter into marriage or

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not enter into marriage. This man then has a choice to either enter into marriage or not,

and he will still be a ‘real man’ regardless.

So now, what is this ‘real man’? I think a ‘real man’ would be the absolute essence of

what God wants, similar to Jesus Christ embodied. Don’t you agree? In other words, a

man or a woman of God truly has free will and can exercise their choice to either enter

into an agreement, obligation, or any conditions if they so chose and they would still

retain their essence as how God sees them – pure love. Remember, the symbol of

Lady Justice? The scales would not tilt either in loving the man more, if he is married or

not. The tilt would be by the relative conditions or the illusions of what love is, in the

institute of marriage.

The illusion would have you believe, that there is such a thing as better when it comes

to love. This has often been the arguments of all us by the following sayings: (1) you

don’t know what love is until you’re married, (2) you don’t know what love is until you

have children, (3) you don’t know what love is until your heart gets broken, (4) you don’t

know what love is unless you truly have a loving parent, (5) you don’t know what love is

until you dedicate your life to serve Jesus in a secluded monastery located on the

highest mountain of the coast of Italy, that makes you give up everything you own and

abides by the doctrine of chastity etc. All of these ideas are a way to demonstrate love

and thereby control love. Let me say this again, conditions placed upon an absolute law

such as love, is not only a means by which to see and show love, but it is also a way to

control love. This I’ll term the conditional love syndrome.

By the conditional love syndrome we get into all sorts of wild illusions, some of them so

wicked that an attorney has to be hired to disentangle the love web. We say you need

to show me love by X_______________ fill in the blank with conditions. But in reality it

should be, sign your name here X_____________ and so that I can now own your body

and if I’m clever enough, I can have your spirit too. Of course the conditional love

syndrome is based on your definition of what love is or isn’t.

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By the conditional love syndrome, we also have other institutions weaving more wicked

webs to tangle your body, mind and spirit; thereby making you sick. We say, in order to

truly know about love or have love for Jesus/God you must come into our church

building and do the following: (1) do exactly what we say, and how we say it, (2) give us

money, because everyone knows that God loves money…oops, because everyone

must tithe and this is how we know you truly love Jesus, on and so forth. Listen,

I am not advocating the complete destruction of our glorious church institutions, but

Jesus Christ still does. I think you remember hearing Jesus say that there will be a time

when you no longer have to worship on a mountain or neither here or there, but only in

spirit. But of course you have allowed the powers that be to tell you that this has not

happened yet. You believed the dead sheep skins that are hanging along the beautiful

corridors of the stuffy building that you thought was the temple of God. Let me tell you

in plain language, you have been duped, raped, killed, plundered, stabbed, mutilated,

left for dead, burned at the stake, had your head cut off and finally crucified all for a

buck (money). The beautiful part of this whole wicked web is that it really tangles up

your body with your mind that you allow to be super glued to your spirit. Your spirit is

not going anywhere, because you have created yourself as automated spirit controlled

by both your mind and your body, in the relative. Now, any Tom, Dick and Harry can

push your buttons, and get you going. Therefore, it has been really hard living the way

Jesus intended – with complete mercy.

So now, who should show mercy and to who? Remember, what the airline stewardess

told you when you were about to ascend into the friendly skies. She told you in case of

loss of cabin pressure you must first put on the oxygen mask on yourself, before you put

it on another. This is similar to what Jesus said, first take out the plank of wood from

your own eye, before you take the splinter out of someone else’ eye.26 So this means,

first practice mercy on yourself before you practice mercy on someone else. In other

words, demonstrate and be merciful to yourself.

26 In Matthew 23:26, Jesus said the same thing; “ Blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the cup and dish, and then the outside also will be clean.”

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The word mercy means to demonstrate compassion and forgiveness on one’s enemy.

The first enemy that must be reconciled is yourself and you must demonstrate

compassion unto yourself. You must give to yourself the peace of God for it is within

you and not outside. The treasure that you should seek is in you and therefore what the

heart desires, there your treasure will be. If you truly desire what is rightfully yours then

you should seek deep inside yourself to find your heavenly reward. You should pass

through your illusions of suffering with enthusiasm. You should pass over the illusions

of yourself and those things that bind you to your old self. You should give yourself the

gift of mercy.

In this endeavor, accept the Christ Spirit for yourself. Completely internalize the Christ

Spirit and surrender your free will to the will of God who is merciful and just. Stop

pretending that you know more than the unknowing Father, maker of both Heaven and

Earth. Stop listening to the powers that be that only want to imprison your spirit into

your body, for money. You are worth much more than what you have allowed them to

tell you. You were made in His image and are the rightful heir to His Kingdom that is

within you and no where else. The Father and Son await for your transcendence into

the Kingdom of God. It is the Kingdom in which your spirit is part of everything, even

the process of transcendence (the pilot, the stewardess, the plane, the oxygen mask,

even the oxygen). It is up to you when you want to ascend.

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In Luke 22:14-16, Jesus said “I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you

before I suffer. For I tell you, I will not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the Kingdom

of God.” Now, I know that almost all theological scholars have, in all points in history,

interpreted this as the most obvious understanding that we know. We have accepted

that Jesus was the lamb of God and the sacrifice for all of man’s sin. The Passover was

done in keeping to Jewish tradition and memory of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt

and allegorically signified the blood laden doorway that prevented the death of the first

born from the wrath of God’s hand (in Egypt).

In this theological thought, the Passover has been presented as the Last Supper in

which Jesus Christ exists as the sacrificial lamb that we must eat from to have ever

lasting life. The sharing of food also signified the eating of the flesh and blood of Jesus

Christ as the way of atonement in communion with others to rid of sin and with it, his

instruction to ‘do this in remembrance of me.’ The second statement is the general idea

that to have eternal life we (you) would have to eat and drink of either the physical body

or in the present time, the symbolic physical body (Holy Eucharist) of Jesus Christ

(sanctified body). You then would have to eat of the sanctified body of Jesus Christ to

truly unconditionally internalize the Christ Spirit which was manifested in the body of

Jesus of Nazareth. Now, the other theological idea taken from the quote above is that

Jesus would only eat again with the disciples after the second coming in which the

Kingdom of God is restored. I know this has been the general understanding, thus far in

our Christian or spiritual evolution. However, just like Jesus Christ once told us, we

should continue to seek and to knock for those who seek will find and those who knock

the door will open. So let us do what our divine brother has told us and have another

look at the above quote. Allow yourself to seek again for a deeper meaning to get a

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more lucid picture of what he meant; you never know, we could sober up and really

become awake. Consider the following.

The Passover is clarified better by separating the words pass and over. Again, Jesus

was the way and the truth, and therefore, the worm hole or bridge into another

existence – a spiritual existence. Jesus was the bridge in which we could cross over

into the spiritual kingdom or the spiritual realm in which he presided over. Remember,

what Jesus said to Pontus Pilate my kingdom is not of this world. Remember, what

Jesus told every one else, ‘you follow me.’ In this light, Jesus Christ becomes the

Christian leader to lead others to our Father’s spiritual realm. Jesus Christ becomes the

bridge from this physical world into the spiritual, eternal Kingdom of God (Heaven) and

into a new reality – a new world.

The eating of the last supper and the acceptance of the body (as the bread) and the

blood (as the wine) was to unconditionally accept the Christ Spirit for ourselves by

accepting that Jesus embodied the complete Christ Spirit. With this idea, we were to

eat of him, because after all you should accept Jesus unconditionally. To remind you of

a general idea that we have, ‘you are what you eat.’ Secularly, you have accepted that

biologically, your body can not decipher or exclude what you eat. Just to make this

concept more practical, if you drink alcohol you will have alcohol in your body. If you

drink a lot of alcohol your body will be drunk and therefore impaired and not function

properly. By the same token if you eat fatty foods that are greasy you probably will

become over weight – you’ll get fat. So now the idea is to unconditionally partake of all

that Jesus Christ embodied when we eat of him. Symbolically, the ‘Holy Eucharist’ is

just that, entering into a holy communion with the holy trinity in a physical reality that we

can see (public display or liturgical), be in communion with like minded people (people

of faith), and continually repeat for traditional remembrance (part of ‘The Mother Church’

or any other Christian Church that does this).

However, another truth of what Jesus said surfaces that should be reconciled with the

theology of the body, God is spirit and God is looking for people that worship only in

spirit. Remember, what is in spirit you can not see but you know it is there, much like

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the wind that moves this way or that way, you know it is there but you can not see. So

now the eating of the flesh is just that, eating of the flesh and holds no meaning,

because we really exist in spirit and truly not bound in anyone body. Therefore, the last

supper is really coming to terms that ‘you are more than the flesh’ and that ‘you are

more than your body.’ Your true self exist as a spirit just like your true Father (because

God is Spirit) and like your divine brother (because Christ is Spirit). So now eating of

the body and blood (Holy Eucharist) is a testimony to this belief that the body is truly

meaningless and is not needed in the ‘new reality’ – Kingdom of God.

Another way of looking at this would be the following; if the consumption of Jesus’ blood

and bread was seen as the traditional ‘Eucharist’ offering of body and spirit meshed

together and not separate, then it would be self defeating that the Christ would want to

eat himself. Let me say this again, that would mean that Jesus Christ at the Last

Supper ate himself as his disciple ate with the consecrated flesh/spirit bread and wine.

This would be similar to the secular term that defines suffering from excessive longing

for something unattainable; ‘to eat one’s heart out.’ Or simply saying Jesus Christ ate

his own heart. An idea that would not only be masochist, sadistic, or perverted, but it

would be an aberration of what Jesus had already told us. To remind you again, Jesus

said that he was the way and the truth, and not the stopping point unto himself. Jesus

Christ was the Christ Spirit incarnate, God’s Word Incarnate, and never was self

indulging to keep himself from anyone that wanted to partake of his offering. Jesus

Christ was and always is in favor of giving and never in favor of getting; he always

forgave (in favor of giving) and never forgot (in favor of getting). Therefore, it would be

out of his character to self indulge himself or keep a part of himself unto himself, by

eating himself.

We have also assumed and accepted that suffering meant the body’s cleansing of sin

(purification) through the body’s own pain. But it was not. In Latin, to suffer means to

bear from below or just to tolerate or allow someone to do something.27 To suffer was

more than the material pain induced by the body’s nociceptor pain fibers to give a

27 The Latin derivative of suffer is to sufferer taken from sub which means from below and ferre means to bear.

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corpus sensation of pain. Remember, Jesus was in complete control because he was

one with the Father, therefore he knew the time of his death. The Christ Spirit that

dwelled in the body of Jesus knew all and could sustain all. The Christ Spirit could

sustain any illusion of pain that the body dreamt up to cause the sensation of suffering.

Therefore, what we have conceptualized as suffering, the body’s pain, is a very minimal

aspect and detail of what the spirit considers a problem; then again, if the spirit

considers or does not consider a problem a problem, it would be up to that spirit to

decide. I gather that the Christ Spirit, that was incarnate through the body of Jesus of

Nazareth, was much more concerned with all of us than himself about himself and the

physical pain of a physical body or even physical death. Let me remind you again about

the crucifixion and what was reported.

In Luke 23:28- 30 when Jesus was being led to his crucifixion and saw the woman that

mourned and wailed for him, Luke writes the following: Jesus turned and said to them,

“Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your

children. For the time will come when you will say, ‘Blessed are the barren women, the

wombs that never bore and the breasts that never nursed!’ Then ‘they will say to the

mountains, “Fall on us!” and to the hills, “Cover us!” For if men do these things when

the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?” Now this sounds to me like the true

Christ Spirit that was more concerned with the welfare and well being of others, and not

on the minimal and pity pain of a body. In fact, this sounds like the saying of a

completely rational mind that not only was concerned for others, but had true peace that

could remember actual scriptures verbatim.

You can now see the dilemma if we think of suffering as purely a bodily endeavor, any

person who thought they were their body would be unable to even think of anything

besides the pain of their body. A person who thought that their spirit was totally bound

to their body would probably be unable to make any intelligible dialogue with anyone

else because of the severe pain that they were in. It would be similar to the idea that

the only thing you could think about was your body and yourself if a car ran over you,

and you were in excruciating pain. You would probably just mutter, ‘Agghh…help..(sob,

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sob)…’ and so forth and so on. A person that thought they were a body would be

thinking of their body and not anyone else. Jesus Christ never saw himself as just

simply a body therefore his suffering was just the acceptance of what had to happen –

that his body had to die.

In Luke 23:34 when Jesus Christ’s body was hanging on the wooden cross, Jesus said

the following: “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Now,

again I ask is this a man that really thought his spirit was purely encapsulated and tied

into a body? No, it is the saying of the Christ Spirit that saw those that persecuted and

crucified the body of Jesus of Nazareth as perfections, even when they couldn’t and

didn’t see themselves as perfections. Those that crucified Jesus Christ, would be what

Jesus explained as the vultures, the misdirected contemptuous people that viewed

themselves with self loathing (original sinners) and therefore could not view anyone else

without this same self-loathing. These are the same people that view themselves now

as unworthy that see everyone else with the same viewpoint. It is the same view that

people of today still have when they self debase themselves, in general call themselves

the following: I am unworthy, I am not worthy, I am a sinner, I will never learn, I am bad,

I’m no good, I’m nothing, forth and so on. These people would never be able to

truly love themselves in peace and therefore, would never allow themselves to love

others as themselves. This is why we have truly loved others as we love ourselves,

because we have never truly loved ourselves to begin with. This is also why in the

beginning of the book I said stop beating yourself over the head before you really start

to bleed in this life, because you’ll eventually cause me to bleed. As you can see this

has continued to happen so many times before in humanity’s and in Christian history.

In John 19:26-27 when Jesus Christ body was still hanging on the wooden cross, Jesus

saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, John writes the

following: “…he said to his mother, ‘Dear woman here is your son,’ and to the disciple,

‘Here is your mother.” Now, again, just to remind you someone who thought that their

spirit was truly bound into a body, would probably be very concerned of their own death,

much less concerned with that person’s aging mother or her welfare. But again, this is

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not the case, because Jesus Christ really understood that he was really a spirit and not

just a body. He also referred to his loving mother as woman and the beloved disciple,

John, as her son. Interesting to note that the reference to his mother as woman, is in

keeping with Jesus’ teachings about the spirit as a liberated entity without ties to any

physical connection, agreements, or contracts existing in this world. The Christ Spirit

was not bound to any conditioned cultural, social, or political construct that existed in

this physical world. Jesus had been asked before who was his mother or his brother.

He answered my true mother, brother, sister, and in general, family are those that do

my Father’s will. The other interesting thing to note was that he regarded John as the

beloved disciple and all four gospels are littered with John as the beloved disciple.

Remember, John’s gospel and even the book of Revelations, have been considered by

many ‘scholars’ as the most abstract, symbolic, complex and just hard to understand.

The reason these scholars consider John’s gospel so complex is because out of all the

writers of the gospels, John was the only one that was better able to ascertain a clearer

picture of the essence of Jesus. John was able to capture the complexity of Jesus and

yet his simplicity – Jesus is Love.

So now it can be better understood what Jesus really meant when he said, “I have

eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer.” He wanted his followers

to unconditionally accept and truly internalize what he had already said before in John

6:63-64 “The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to

you are spirit and they are life. Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” And it

still is up to you not to believe or to believe. It is up to you to take back what you have

squandered on the powers that be. It is up to you to take up your authority and to take

back you true identity, from those you have empowered to tell you the relative on the

first quote that we started this chapter with. Again, when in doubt, I would defer to your

divine brother for he has never lied to you about anything and only wanted you to have

life and live it to the fullest – abundantly.

Now, as for the second quote that Jesus said about the Passover: “For I tell you, I will

not eat it again until it finds fulfillment in the Kingdom of God.” The same holds true, let

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us seek to find, and knock so the door will open. With God’s help we will allow

ourselves to open our eyes just a little bit more and maybe, hear a little more of its true

meaning. So here goes.

On the surface of this quote it simply means that Jesus will eat with us again another

Passover when the Kingdom of God finally becomes realty. At least that is what our

illustrious well mannered and extremely smart theological scholars tell us. But let me

ask the most important person in the world, what do you think? We have already said

and I have written in this humble book that the Passover is better understood if we

break down the word into pass and over. You have agreed, as any keen theology

student would agree, that the Passover allegorically signifies the liberation and freedom

of the enslaved Jews in Egypt unto their God given homeland – Israel. This would

figuratively imply the spiritual freedom that Jesus Christ wanted us to have. You have

also agreed, as any astute theology student would agree, that the Passover allegorically

signifies the passing away of the old covenant (God’s Wrath) from the first born from the

house that had the seal of blood from a slain lamb (Jesus Christ). Therefore, this

would imply that to accept Jesus Christ as the ultimate sacrifice for our original sin

complex we could then enter into a new covenant with God. Figuratively, the first born

that originally ‘sinned’ was Adam that got kicked out of the Garden of Eden for bad

behavior. So now, in unconditionally accepting Jesus Christ by eating his body and

drinking his blood we would enter a New Covenant with God. Thus, this New Covenant

was our only salvation from the original sin complex that plagued man’s existence

before Jesus Christ. But the only problem comes up as to why would Jesus Christ, the

Christ Spirit, want to have another Passover meal with us “…in the Kingdom of God”?

So as we ask this question, rest assured that God has already answered. Jesus said,

his kingdom will have no end. The problem that we have with this second quote is the

same problem we had with the time space continuum problem – its on the x axis. In

other words, the pass over bridge has originally thought to be used only once, to get us

into the Kingdom of God. The problem is that Jesus is telling us that he will eat with us

again another Passover. In other words, Jesus is saying there will be another pass

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over, another bridge, another evolution, and another re-awakening. Remember, we

solved the time space continuum by changing our perspective, viewpoint, or our eye

sight if you will. Therefore, let us take a step back and look at this again. Jesus, said

His Kingdom will have no end, and he will be with us always into eternality and beyond.

Mathematically, the only way to plot this concept is with either an infinity symbol (the

number eight laid on its side) or simply just a circle. I would suggest the true

mathematical symbol since you can really conceptualize the pass over as the cross

made in the middle of the eight and you then go around the other circle and come

across another pass over. Well, would do you think?

I believe most Nobel Laureates believe in the existence of God and mathematics is as

pure as any scientific field, can really demonstrate the existence of God. In fact, I

believe science will prove the existence of God with much more clarity and lucid candor

than any or all theological schools combined. Why do I say this? I say this, because of

911. The Muslim world said they were justified for attacking America and the Christian

world said they were justified in attacking the Middle East. Two different institutes of

spirituality in the same belief of God with two differing viewpoints of each breaking every

commandant ever created, by their one true God that they both pledge love onto. I

know you remember, thou shall not kill, and love your neighbor as yourself. Both clearly

broken, yet the hypocrisy and self righteousness still remains. Not just Christians and

Muslims say ‘we are better than they are, because God loves us more, etc.’ We have

this same self righteous condemnation between all religious institutions. One church

says it is the ‘Mother Church’ and all others are fakes, and the others say that the

‘Mother Church’ is the devil incarnate etc… Again, totally going against what Jesus has

always said, I did not come to judge, God does not judge, and finally, you should not

judge. Yet, all in all, members of all organized religions are careful not to be

blasphemous and say they are not gods when in fact they are being more of god than

the true one God. For God does not judge.

The Absolutes: Universal Laws

Chapter 12

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So now we get into my favorite chapter of this book, because it will be the last chapter

written in this book. Tomorrow is Easter 2008 and I started this book roughly 5 and half

weeks ago. I actually started this book back in May-June of last year and had a long

outline of what I wanted to write about, it wasn’t until 6 weeks ago that a patient of mine

gave me a book written in Spanish called “Conversations with God: an uncommon

dialogue” by Neal Donald Walsch.

Well, even though I know Spanish, I am not very fluid with Spanish and reading,

although doable, was slow for me. In other words, I really had to think about what I was

reading. Each word I read in Spanish I had to mentally think about, kick around in my

head for a while to make sense out of it. Anyway, good thing that I did, because I would

probably have laid the book down if it was in English, because I was raised Catholic and

I am currently a Catechist at my local Catholic Church. Anyway, as I read Mr. Walsch’s

book I was dumbfounded, for the same things that I had written in my own journal were

very similar to what was already written in Mr. Walsch’s book. So as I got into page 50

and realized this, I quickly bought the book in English. Needless to say that the original

outline of this book was quickly erased and other ‘bull shit’ that I had written on the first

topic of faith. Thereafter, the Spirit led me to other books that will be in the bibliography.

Anyway it is 9:00 p.m. on Holy Saturday before Easter and my eyes are weak from the

glare of the computer screen. I have gotten you to the last chapter which is the most

important and really is the book, making what was once impractical into the practical.

Just to let you know, I’ll be writing more books about other stuff to ensure our evolution

into the New World that Jesus spoke about, which is our rightful inheritance. Oh, and I

will also be starting a new research center and clinic called the “Native Abilities

Institute.” Alright, here goes.

The universal laws are the absolutes. The absolutes are genuinely practiced with those

people that are in their ‘right state’ of minds with ease and from the heart. They are

called universal laws, because they are how the universe, the Holy Trinity, truly function.

Since this book is mainly intended for the Christian theology. I will only discuss what

Jesus Christ told us about – which is pretty much everything. But before we go into the

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absolutes, let us first talk about what an absolute really means. If I were to ask you, do

you know what an absolute is? You would probably say yes. You would say something

like, if I drive 70 mph on a 55 mph street, I will probably get a speeding ticket and that is

an absolute. I would then say no, that is not a true absolute, because it could be next

year that the city commissioner or a new legislation would be enacted and that road you

got a ticket on would now be a 75 mph street zone. Simply put that street that you got

a ticket no longer exists because a natural disaster like a flood, tornado, hurricane etc.

would undo the street and therefore no more street – no more absolute. No, an

absolute, again in mathematical terms would be a thought, concept, consideration,

axiom, postulate and or an idea that exists independently of another thought. In other

words, the thought would be mutually exclusive unto another thought that existed in the

same area. So therefore, an absolute simply is without any consideration to any other


In Christianity theology, I defer to Jesus Christ and he simply gave us one powerful

absolute, God is Love (Love is all there is). He broke up this absolute into two similar

thoughts. You should love God with all your mind, heart, strength and soul (spirit) and

love one another as I have loved you. Two simple thoughts that together equate to God

is Love. Now, 2000 years later we have let the powers that be totally confabulate and

inject us with there venom of the relative ‘ad nausea’ thoughts for a simple buck

(money). Well anyway, we have to now slowly get up and get out of this manure and

filth. It’ll be fun.

Okay, so God is love, but the problem is that we are still dazed and groggy to

completely understand this completely. Remember, you have allowed the powers that

be to tell you that you can or should only use 10% of your brain, when Jesus really

wanted you to use 100%. Anyway, I’ll discuss this later at the institute that I’ll be setting

up so we can all really sober up. So let us take another look at what Jesus really

meant when he said love.

First of all Love comes from within and no where else. You can not go around blaming

everyone and their mother for not showing you love; although you could if you want, it is

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totally up to you. You first have to find it inside yourself and that is also the problem,

because of your ‘sin baggage.’ So I’ll tell you again, give your ‘sin baggage’ to your bro

Jesus Christ who is the only one that can truly help the Christian ‘sinner.’ Put your trust

in Jesus and unconditionally believe that he will deliver you from your sin – from


Alright, that could take a while, so I’ll tell you how to quantum leap yourself out of

yourself. Remember, what I had already told you, your problem is your problem by the

way you define the problem. So I am going to make the impractical, you cleansing

yourself with all the hardcore political Christian dogma that St. Paul littered all church

institutions with (taking you 1 year or your whole life time to be cleansed) into a holy

instant of true healing. Alright, here goes, just un-define the definition of sin and its

meaning to you and the sin baggage will leave you like bad diarrhea. You will literally

feel 10% lighter, trust me.

Now, what is it that you say? You are not Jesus? Well, let me remind you what our bro

told us long ago that is in the bible you use to hit other Christians over the head with, he

said what you forgive here on Earth you will be forgiven in Heaven. Now, that simply

entitles you as one of the rightful heirs to forgive anyone here on Earth for any

transgressions (sins) you think they committed unto yourself. Remember, the Lord’s

Prayer? “…forgive our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us…”

Also, remember that Jesus said the following: first wash the inside of your cup, then

wash the outside, take the plank out of your own eye before you take the splinter out of

someone else’s eye, judge not for you to will be judged, by the same measure you use

you’ll be measured, and heaven is not found here or over there, heaven is found

within.28 So let us look again at what sin really implies.

Sin is any barrier to communication between you and God. Sins are not really just the

10 Commandments, because as Jesus explains it; it is what is in your heart, because

28 In Luke 11:39, Jesus actually said “Now then, Pharisees clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and wickedness. You foolish people! Did not the one who made the outside make the inside also? But give what is inside the dish to the poor and everything will be clean for you.” He said this when he was pointing out the greed inside the hearts of the Pharisees in not giving to the poor. The cold heart that harbored greed would first have to be cleaned out, and in this way, everything else would be cleaned (body, actions, etc.)

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out of the heart comes adultery, envy, jealousy, hatred, murder and so and so forth.

Simply looking the part, acting out the part with your body not breaking the

commandments is not everything. In fact, these 10 commandments are not really

commandments but promises that you will not do these things if you truly surrender your

free will to God’s will. Look, I am sure every one has heard of the gentle, well meaning

preacher man, priest, etc. that gets caught with some kind of aberrated behavior

involving deceit, lying, martial adultery and or any other sexual deviance. Of course,

before they got caught they appeared, and pretended to be the most self righteous God

fearing Christian the world had ever seen.29 But eventually what happened was the

truth, they really had no truth in them and they just lost themselves within the relatives.30

In other words, they never really had the absolute internalization of unconditional love

for themselves. So now, I really want to help you with this, but I know you really do

need the Christ Spirit to help you and stomp out your aberrated mind and alteration of

what you think you are – sinful. You are not sinful, anymore than Jesus was sinful –

you are truly perfect.31 You are spirit and have always been and will always be in a

state of grace with our loving Father.

You simply get the idea of sin out of your mind, by simply un-thinking this idea. Another

way to look at this is simply un-define sin as the Christian sin, and no this is not an

invitation for a ‘free for all’ - sinning 24/7; truth be told, the universe will not allow this to

happen. Look, just talk to Jesus about this and like I’ve said he’ll squash your mind into

oblivion if you ask him, because after all that is who really is the devil – the Christian

mind who dreamt up the devil. Oh, and just to give you more clarity on this, have the

Holy Spirit guide you to find every nook and cranny for these thoughts that have littered

your mind. Okay, I’ll trust that you’ll do this completely and dig deep inside your self to

till the soil and make it very rich to let the ‘seed of God’ grow until it is a tree that will

allow anyone to rest under your shade, you know, for when it gets too hot outside. 29 In Luke 11:46, Jesus said “And you experts in the law, woe to you, because you lad people down with burdens they can hardly carry, and you yourselves will not lift one finger to help them.”30 In John 7:18, Jesus said “He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him.”31 In John 18:16-19 Jesus said “They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth. As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified.”

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Love is unconditional. That means you can not put self depreciating obligations,

conditions, requirements, and or contractual clauses onto love. Love is just, and just is.

Love exits in all its purity, untainted from any malice that a relative thought can paint it

with. You can clothe love in this physical world with conditional terms, obligations and

anything else you want to add as you enter into a contract of love; but understand that

this is just to see the love, versus it being the love. No physical earthly condition when

added onto love makes it better love or a lesser love than what love is, in its absolute

state. This means that there is no such thing as better love, therefore love is not the

X______________ fill in the blank or fill in your name agreement. Love just is and is

perfect unto itself.

Love is the aesthetic band that emanates from you to disintegrate your old self – kills it

completely and makes it certifiably dead. Love is Spirit and never ever physical. You

can therefore never, ever die in spirit because you will live for eternity as Jesus has told

you. God is love and is in everything, and is everything that is why you’ll be able to love

your enemy as yourself, because you are Love. And yes when you are one with the

Father you to will be just like the Father, as Jesus has already told you and prayed that

everyone that believes in Him will someday be one with the Father, like he was one with

the Father. Just to remind you, John writes in 18:20-23: “My prayer is not for them

alone, I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of

them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us

so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that

you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me . May

they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved

them even as you have loved me. Father, I want those you have given me to be with

me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved

me before the creation of the world. Righteous Father, though the world does not know

you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to

them and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me

may be in them and that I myself may be in them.”

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And yes, taken to its rightful course, God is in you. God is love. And when you truly

allow yourself to love yourself unconditionally, you will also be love. This would mean to

lay down your conditional existence of who you pride yourself to be or any preconceived

notions of who you think yourself to be; for that matter, this would imply laying down any

preconceived notions and/or conditioned beliefs on the Son of God (Jesus Christ), God,

or the Holy Spirit.32 Yes you too will know that you are also God because you are also

his Son, and will truly be one with God as Jesus already told you.

If you see this clearly then you can see and know how to truly practice everything Jesus

told us. You will be able to love everyone and everything. You will be able to turn the

other check when someone strikes you, for how can you strike God or yourself? You

will be able to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. You will not judge,

because God does not judge. You will not kill, because how can you kill someone’s

body when God and you reside in that body? You will not steal, because how can you

steal from God or steal from yourself? You will not commit adultery, for how can you

commit adultery against God or against yourself? You will honor your parents who gave

your body life, just like God gave you yourself – your spirit. You will honor your parents,

because how can you not honor God or yourself? You will keep every moment as the

Sabbath, for how can you stop loving or only love one day a week? You will have only

the one God, for how can you live without Love? You will not love graven idols, for how

can you truly love something that does not have a living spirit? You will not covet your

neighbor’s goods or any person that that family could offer, because everything

inherently belongs to you anyway as love and love has no boundaries. Plus you will

respect God’s family in all aspects, as you ask them to respect yours (husband, wife,

kids, etc.). You also will be respectful because you will see your brother’s path as

needed if he wishes to see his path as needed. In other words, you will truly

understand that all paths are equal, by accepting that all paths will eventually lead to

God. Therefore, if your brother in all perfection still does not see himself in this same

32 In John 15:13, Jesus said “Greater love has no one that this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command. I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master’s business . Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you.”

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light you can rest assured that he will eventually be led to this full realization about this

love and the perfection of God.

Okay, it is 11:40 p.m. on Holy Saturday and I think I have given you what you need to

find yourself. Remember, Jesus, our Father and the Holy Spirit are there for you waiting

for your move onto them, rest assured that they will help you. Just start on your own

journey home my prodigal son and you’ll see our Dad, he will come up to you and give

you a great hug and kiss. Next thing you know your brother Jesus will start talking to

you and will train you to fully internalize everything we have already told you. All of this

again, would not be possible if it wasn’t for the Holy Spirit that blows where it may,

always close to you and immersing you with its presence. The triple three will not stop

until you break through to your other side – the spiritual realm. The illusion that the

Christian Theology has created is that it is hard, it is a lie, a smoke screen, and not real.

God is real, Jesus Christ is real, and so is the Holy Spirit, they are the only things that

are the absolutes in this illusionary world we dreamed up; and I literally mean we

dreamed up.

Look, all the Sons (Daughters if you can think this up) of the Brotherhood are waiting,

for you to get into your heaven A.S.A.P., this physical world really needs you. Oh, and I

wasn’t joking about using 100% of brain it can be done, but don’t worry there won’t be

any tyrannical Hitlers that will make people do weird things with their powers, the

Universe will not allow it. So just give your free will unto God and only do His Will and

you will never be the effect of anything ever, you will be cause all the time; and also the

effect if you want. This book is given onto you so that you can truly wake up and

resurrect yourself from this world’s dead body. Thank you, for reading this book and

may God bless you now and for always.


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Chapter 13

These Chapters that follow are add-ons as I have agreed to take on many other things

than I previously thought that I would. Therefore, under my own counsel I have set

judgment on myself and therefore make clear this point – Love is Unconditional.


Chapter 14

So you think this will be easy? Establishing the Kingdom of God onto this relative reality

(illusion) that we live in? Maybe…….. Maybe not …….. Maybe…….Maybe not……

Maybe……Maybe not…….Maybe….Maybe not…..Maybe…….Maybe not ?????

Let me give you a conditional Universal Law, UL. Any decision is a good decision. Any

indecision is bad decision. As Shakespeare put it ‘To be or not to be’ that is the

question. You can literally get saner if you simply decide on something. You could

literally go ‘crazy’ if you do not decide on something; stick yourself onto indecision. In

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fact, you could get a person pretty messed up and in bad shape if you convince

someone on a decision and then you equally persuade him that the opposite decision

should be made. Then you repeat this mechanism indefinitely. It would be like asking

the same question over and over again with no answer – no motion. You would literally

bind this entity in a constant state of thought that is self defeating – no creation.

Therefore, the Universe (God) does not favor this type of activity; although you could do

it and is done to children all the time. It is a bad state to be in when you can not create

and therefore any decision is a good decision for simply the idea of creating. Whether

you create destruction, death, or mayhem it is good, because at least something was

done by this decision and now you can create something else. All Uls (at this time) are

cyclic which vary on your perspective. Therefore any decision is good, whether it

destroys or creates, it is a conditional perspective. With indecision there is only half

completion of the cycle and half the circle. It is not the optimum condition, because it

would take more energy to sustain this half circle.

That is why your sanity is dependent on your affirmation and conviction to decide on

whether you truly believe in Jesus about these two statements: that heaven is both

within you and is currently awaiting you. You have to be clear about this for your own

sake and the sake of those around you.

As I have told my patients, “look, do not be scared or fearful, you believe in Jesus and

what He has said, therefore believe what he said about the second coming; ‘he will

come in all his power and glory.’” Therefore, do not be scared that you’ll be crucified,

because that day has passed, people should fear you, as you come with all the angels

in heaven riding along side of you. Look, you are not going to topple, or hurt anyone,

but you should help as many people that want to be helped. I have always told my

patients, and now I tell you, “whatever you think I have, you can have 10 to 1,000 times

as much, because freely I have been given and freely I will give.” Listen to me, you do

not have to go anywhere. You do not have to go to: some monastery, a retreat,

mediate for years and years, go to the highest mountain, seek the oldest church

building, visit the Holy Land, shave your head, read the bible day and night, donate 1

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million dollars, stay quiet for one year, etc. You do not have to pay anything to anyone

(except initial purchase of this book), in fact if this is the last book you ever read, so be

it; you’ll still find yourself within yourself. No one will require anything of you, but be

open to the SPIRIT for it will guide you to places, people, things, situations that you

never thought you would go. Listen to yourself for your own truth about what else you

should do, listen to the Holy Trinity. You can do anything of what I have written or you

can do nothing of what I told you, but one thing remains you should BELIEVE either


Your belief has to be fueled by the strongest intention (hope) ever allowed on the face

of this Earth to penetrate the deepest areas of this Earth. You have to expand your

points of existence into the cosmos and beyond to indefinitely expand your being. You

have to allow yourself to get hot with passion on having Christ the Spirit and exchanging

your free will with the will of God. You have to persevere in your pursuit and not waver

but believe that you already have been answered. You have to make the greatest leap

of faith and state the “I am” statements as Jesus once did. You have to seek, seek,

seek, and seek again continuously for what you find may never be the same that you

thought it would be. Your intention has to come from the heart and must be without

static (envy, hate, depression, anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, self loathing, etc.);

emotions that will enturbulate your spirit, which you can let go at any time by simply un-

defining their definitions. And above all do not worry, because before you’ve asked He

has answered, remember this life is an illusion; life is a dream, until you wake up.

O kay, after all that understand that this is all a process that has to be experienced after

you have started. Let me repeat this again, you have to do, put action into your hope,

belief, knowledge, perspective, thought and therefore you guessed it, action. Now this

is determintel, as Jesus has always said forgive one another. That means always be in

favor of giving, or it is much better to give than to receive. Action, the doing part, is the

giving. The universe recognizes and awards you with only ‘good’ giving. Giving that is

‘good’ comes from the heart without need of anything in return, no applause, no money,

no thoughts of any sense of entitlement, etc. You have to give ‘with no strings

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attached.’ The funny thing is you will only be giving to yourself anyway so in realty the

universe is allowing you to be selfish as much as you want, because your neighbor is

you and you are really him. Once you can start seeing this, you’ll be on your way

constantly to another world. Oh, I did tell you the 2nd Coming is a continuous loop?

Maybe, you only allowed yourself to see it as a one shot thing if you look it at in its driest

sense. The number 2nd as a sequential number. Remember what I told you, the

Passover is a bridge that can be summed up better with the mathematical symbol of

infinity? I guess I did not tell you that it is continuous roller coaster that you ride

indefinitely, over and over again. In fact, when you barely start out, you sense its

impact. You sense its direction, intensity, sense of calm, etc. The next few times you’ll

notice other things that you may assume that you did not go on the same ride, because

you may not really note its direction, intensity, sense of calm, etc., anymore. You

should note other things like fire in the heart, heat between your eyes (even noticing a

red mark between the eyes), sense of chills through you body, etc. You will totally feel

new discoveries. Please, please and please do not discount them. Do not judge these

other feelings as not good, not the same, or invalidate them because they were not like

your first experience. Your job, if any, should just be to validate them as truth and

therefore experience them for yourself. Remember what I said, seek, seek, seek, and

seek to find. What I didn’t say is never get comfortable (conditioned) to what you might

find. That is how we got into this Institution of Spirituality mess called Institutionalized

Church. In other words, never ever be content on what you find, because it is never

going to be good enough for you (but of course only if you decide that it will). Look I do

not make the rules I am just playing by them; I’ll later explain this word usage, but for

now you have to trust someone.

Who do you think you can trust? Well let me ask you something what defines a leader?

Is a leader defined by the number of followers it has or by the number of leaders he/she

produces? Why don’t you ask your bro Jesus?

Jesus will tell you that you will do more than what I have done, that he gave you his

authority to drive demons out, heal the sick, etc. Jesus will tell you ‘I have prayed to our

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Father that you will be one with the Father as I have always been.’ Jesus wants

leaders, not followers. Let me say this again, Jesus is asking you to be a leader and

only follow him, period.

O kay with this you should have everything you ever needed to know and take it and run

with it and be able to cure anyone, anything, re-think up the ozone layer, re-think up the

forests, clean up the environment, stop global warming and influence people for

peace……… what are you waiting for? …………..maybe……..maybe

not………..maybe……..maybe not……maybe.

O kay that didn’t go so good too much was given to you but you still have doubt. So

therefore why don’t you practice what you know? Give to others whatever you got from

this book. Give it to others in your own language with your own explanation,

illustrations, etc. In short, make it yours, but give, give and give. Then come back for

some more stuff to help you organize your room a little bit more. Never think that you

should put more into your living room but simply allow someone to help you move the

furniture, organize it a little, so you can have more space to breath. That is what this

book continues to be about, making what was impractical (the illusion you’ve been

living) into the practical (the absolutes, 24/7).

So let’s make this real. I said any decision is a good decision simply based on the fact

that you made that decision and acted upon it. To clarify, you made that decision and

no one else. You therefore, should not blame others for your decision, when it gets you

into trouble or when it makes you into a success of reaching your goals. A decision is

decisive and without fault. A decision is your resolve to do something and only you can

make it happen. Therefore, do not be wondering how your going to feed the 5,000

when there is no food, because Jesus will tell you ‘you feed them.’ Do not be asking

Jesus, “and what about so and so that believe in you?” Jesus will say ‘if I chose to let

him live or die, it is no concern of yours; you follow me.’ Do not continue to doubt it will

only force you to be indecisive and you will get sick. Do not worry, because it will not

add a single hour to your life. In fact, by worrying you’ll subtract a few years to your

body’s life: stress, anxiety, and constant worrying will manifest into hypertension that

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can lead to a heart attack – will kill you. Never let others convince you that you are

wearing a black shirt, when you were born with a white shirt. Do not think you can ride

piggy back on your congregation’s faith, charitable works, or self righteous indignations.

You are better than that. It only takes one person to change the world and you can

manifest what Jesus promised.

So what is preventing you? Again, I tell you, you are the one that prevents yourself

from developing yourself and submitting yourself wholly to God’s will. One of the ways

in which you can internalize this for yourself is through action. It is only through action

that you can manifest and make your thoughts real. Remember thoughts are motion

and un-motion combined until you act upon them.

In the Mexican culture and folklore we have an image of a man with a large sombrero

(hat) that is sitting down leaning onto a cactus. It is an image that continues to appear

in art (anything from paintings, ceramic, to wood carvings). The general sense when

you look at this image is that the Mexican is sleeping, taking a siesta. So we go further

and say that the Mexican is asleep and that the reason he is sleeping is because he is

lazy. Our imaginations say that he must be lazy, sitting down while there is still light

(sun) and that he should be working. So he is sleeping because he is inherently lazy,

why else would he sit down onto a cactus when he could go home and rest? Anyway,

we plainly can see that he is not thinking, because we summarize that he is lazy and

sleeping. Now the counter idea is this, ‘he is not sleeping, but rather he is thinking.’

But how do we really know that he is thinking? Yes, we could perceive him as being

deep in thought, but how do we know for sure? The only true way of knowing what he

is thinking is by his action or inaction; the inaction is also action. Anyway, let us say that

he gets up and gives you a big hug and a kiss? Then we could say, he was thinking

about love all this time and that he was thinking. You see a thought is just that, motion

or un-motion, and not demonstrable until you see action. That is why it has been written

show me your deeds and I will show you your faith. Don’t get me wrong you can have

faith (a thought) without action (deeds), but it just makes easier on everyone else to

see, perceive, and understand your thought (faith).

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So in this endeavor, allowing yourself to own something, practice what you think. Start

by deciding on something. Make a clear stance that is unwavering. Weigh out all

choices, as Jesus, God, or Spirit for guidance and stand on your decision. Do not break

yourself later about the decision, but lovingly admit that your decision was the best

decision at that time with what you knew about yourself and others. Admit that it was

your decision. Stand by yourself in your conviction. If you saw that the decision was

not the best decision, then simply admit it. Move forward from that point of the decision

and be un-wavering of your conviction to have made the decision – own your decision.

True faith is the ability to see all elements of a situation as perfectly aligned in the goal

of peace and love. Let me say this again, change your paradigm about faith.

Faith is the ability to perceive all elements in a given situation as perfection in the

ultimate goal of love and peace. Ability is your capability and your capacity to make

something work, in this case faith. Perception is your ability to view. All elements are

all entities involved in a certain situation they include all elements a (people, inanimate

objects, situations, etc.). Perfection implies that the mechanism is without error and that

it is working together towards your goal. Ultimate goal implies that you may have had a

different goal at the time you made a decision, but that the goal was a subordinate to

the goal of love or peace. Love is God as Jesus is Peace, they are all the ultimate

truths. Paradigm is how you view the landscape. Belief that Jesus wanted us to have

peace and love feeds into and affirms this belief into faith. In this way, faith becomes

more practical versus impractical. Our paradigm for faith can thus be both motion and

un-motion; acted upon or not in the advancement of the Kingdom of God. Peace and

love that can be both felt by you and that could then be easily experienced by everyone,

based on your action or inaction. You could therefore be both the cause and effect if

you wish, or just allows be cause in the advancement of the Kingdom of God.

As you can see it is a full loop (circle). Belief feeds into faith, faith feeds into knowing

(true thought), knowing feeds into perception (becoming physical), perception feeds into

relative thought (now physical), relative thought feeds into action, and action feeds into

our belief (either strengthening or weakening our first belief). In other words, by our

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own action and/or inaction we will enforce, establish, hold true or make null and void the

belief we started with. In a nutshell this is what makes up a decision, ‘to be or not to


You either have to be or not to be a Son (Child) of God and further the advancement of

the Kingdom of God or not. But let me tell you a secret, you’ll eventually have to

participate and accept the Kingdom of God, because it will advance regardless of you

decision not to participate. Jesus has said that that he will not stop his disciples for

saying anything (doing what they have to), because if they do not do, ‘even the rocks

will cry out.’ Therefore, it would be like you swimming against the waves of the ocean.

Why struggle when you can join the brotherhood that are on the surf boards, enjoying

life? You know you can not win over the waves. You will get tired. The reason not to

struggle is that both the surfer (those that have accepted God’s will for their own) and

those swimming against the waves will both end up at shore (Kingdom of God). Those

of you who want to struggle against the waves should continue as this you think is right.

Those of us on the surf boards would like to see you get on your own surf board, but we

are confident in God that all will get there anyway. That is faith.


Chapter 15

Jesus said ‘whoever puts my teachings into practice, has built their house on solid

foundation’ no rain, wind, or flood will destroy this house. I believe Jesus and therefore

his teachings are practical and everything else that could harm his teachings from

practical use can not. Jesus said ‘you will do much more than I have done.’ I believe

Jesus and therefore we will do much more than he did. Jesus said ‘whoever does not

gather, scatters.’ And I believe him, therefore I will gather in His name. Jesus said

‘spread the gospel to the ends of the world.’ And I will do this, as I hope you will too; the

gospel is the good news that Kingdom of God has arrived. I put my faith in Jesus, as I

know you have too, in that he is ‘the way and the truth.’ I believe he is the way to our

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Father and the truth is that we should be ‘one with the Father.’ Therefore, we will create

the Kingdom as Heaven and Earth have now become one.

O’kay, so why is it that we are stuck with a toxic environment? We have littered our

planet. We have thinned out the ozone layer, polluted our water supply, increased over

all radiation (nuclear explosions) increased global warming, and have ingested too

much toxins into our bodies that even our off-springs are born with defects. We have

done this. No one else has done this except us humans. And I ask you, why do you

think that we all have done this? How do you reconcile all of humanities sufferings and

planetary sufferings with the new working paradigm of faith?

Ever heard yourself saying the following: my best work is when I am under pressure, I

always like a challenge, it’s when I am stuck between a rock and a hard place that I do

my best thinking, or it is when I am cornered that I am the most imaginative?

Remember, faith is the ability to perceive all elements in a given situation as perfect for

the ultimate goal of love and peace. So what do you think? Why did we create this

environment, we now live under?

I know the reason, but if I tell you, “I’ll have to kill you.” This means that your old self

truly has to die. Your old preconceived notions of who you think you are, must fall into

the cracks and be totally disintegrated. You have to deny yourself. You have to be un-

conditional in your faith and in your love with God, as God is un-conditional. You really

have to die, die, die, and die, again and again (many times over) to accept fully the Holy

Spirit – the Great One Spirit.

The reason we created this mess we are living in is to ascend into a fuller awareness

and existence. We have created this mess to quantum leap ourselves into our rightful

place as being one with the Father – to create. Yes, that means that we will be able to

create anything just as long as it is intended for the greater good. That is why Jesus

would and could not make a rock into bread for his own indulgence, that is why Jesus

did not fall from the highest point to be carried off by angels to simply prove to himself

his own divinity, and that is why he never wanted to usurp the power of God by

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physically ruling over all kingdoms of this world, because his Kingdom was not of this

world and intended it for all of us – not just himself. That is why I know no one can ever

use 100% of his/her brain, unless used for another; do unto others as you would want

them to do unto you. A person that used 100% of his/her brain would be like Jesus, but

could only manifest in the physical world what would be in keeping for the greater good

– God. Therefore, as a collective consciousness (group prayer) we could then just

collectively think up a new ozone layer, unpolluted waters, re-forestation, no radiation

(or radiation proof bodies), no more war, no more famine (or more food, or no need of

food) etc…so on and so forth. We could all create and create, and create, again and


Look, you have worked so hard as a Christian. You have suffered long enough from the

powers that be that kept you from the Kingdom. You have put your faith in the wrong

person, a mere human. You only have needed to put all your faith squarely in the heart

and spirit of Jesus, for you to have life. The apocalyptic idea of the end of the world is

not the ending that was intended; it was only John’s personal revelation. The end of

this world is much more beautiful than we could have ever imagined, but imagine again

and again as this is your true birth right. Never, ever condition yourself to who, or what

Jesus Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit are or will ever be. Once you have given God a

face you have conditioned him and have constrained him as an imperfection.

I call upon you Christian brothers/sisters, because your faith and your hard work ethic is

needed. You can move mountains but you must love un-conditionally and believe un-

conditionally. I call on you who pray day in and day out. I call on you who read the

bible day in and day out. I call on you who go to church without fault. I call on you who

work yourself to the bone in any ministry, missionary, or in any action. I call on you who

pray without tiredness. I call on you have developed a church either as a founder,

member or participant. Rise up and exchange your free will for God’s will. Live out and

truly practice the teachings of Jesus. Know that you could stumble, but rest assured

that you will never fall. You will see the Glory of His Second Coming in you and in your

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brother. We can create and our collective thoughts can literally change this world if we

chose it changed. This is your true birth right to be like your Father, a creator.

Listen I know you are in conflict with yourself, because you have deceived yourself in

finding a false nirvana, peace, or heaven with inaction, fear, and apathy. There is such

a thing as a natural opoid based narcotic that your body can make up, also called the

‘second wind’ phenomenon or ‘runner’s high.’ Physiologically, it is the release of

endorphions (long term) or enkeflains (short term). You can derive physical pleasure

from being either a masochists or sadists. But the “vengeful God complex” gets most of

its pleasure from self denial, fasting, unworthiness, self contempt, and constant self

humiliation; it is the Christian Dogma of I’m a sinner and therefore unworthy. It can be

ecstasy, because you will stop time, but you will have no motion. Just think of someone

truly apathetic they will not move at all. They could literally crawl up in the fetal position

in the corner of their room and not do a single thing throughout the day. This person

would swear that the day was long and felt like an eternity. That person in apathy would

be just that “not caring” and truly selfish with no motion. That person did nothing all day,

yet felt somehow that they experienced some sort of epiphany in pleasure. There was

no motion and nothing was done; this is different than spending your day mediating,

praying, or “deep in thought.” There was no conscious effort to entertain any action or

motion, only inaction and no motion were done and he fell out the other end (see


At the top end, true nirvana, peace, and a sense of heaven are experienced when there

is both motion and no motion. Peace is the equilibrium in both the ability to do and the

ability not to do. It is the ability to be able to do anything at all and the ability not to do

anything, both having the same result - peace. Love is a major part of heaven, when

you can literally freeze the moment, be the moment and exist wholly in the moment, by

allowing others to experience your feelings with ease. Other names have been given to

this nirvana when all energy free flows through you, called “being in the zone.” Being in

the zone is when you perceive all elements of a situation correctly as an integral part of

your goal and simply observing yourself heading towards the zone easily; others will

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notice when you are in the zone. Another name for this nirvana, heaven, is your ability

at any time to literally be out of your head and see yourself, noticing your body. It is

your true ability to be so aware of your body that you literally become un-aware of your

body. It is the ability to exist as each body part, exist as each organ, tissue, cell, and

atom all at once, sequentially or not at all. It could then be said that you truly exist as

your body, heal your body, move your body, and make your human body do anything

that you could think up for your body to do or not to do.

Alright, I know we can all get to this point, but the first thing we need to do is to give you

some background. I will have to give you this background and you have to allow this

background to form the substance to answer the how, why, what, and where questions.

Remember, you still are the most important person in this world.


Chapter 16

Every action or inaction that you have taken was derived from a thought. That is why

any thought can either be action or inaction. Any pure thought is just that action or

inaction, just existing as pure energy. There is no judgment to an absolute thought.

There is only judgment of a thought when the thought comes out from the state of super

consciousness into consciousness. I am using the word judgment as the actual

paradigm, or conditional power to form a sensible opinion or to make considered

decisions. Judgment used this way would be like a funnel that is used to collect a liquid.

Judgment in this example is both the funnel and the liquid, because in order to collect

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anything we have to both think of the substance we are collecting and the substance

itself. Therefore, pure thought or original thought becomes conditioned as we try to

harness its energy such as to create, sustain creation, produce energy, or be energy.

We have limited the amorphous vastness by our own definitions, conditions, rules, laws,

axioms, postulates, obligations, etc.

We limit ourselves from creation by our own self gratitude and self indulgence that

others give us by way of recognition, honor, respect, titles, etc. We self congratulate

ourselves and experience what we made. In fact, experiencing what we made is good,

this is part of the reason for living, but let us not self indulge in comfort after being

awarded the Nobel Prize. We should be able to kick around our idea with other people,

but let us dispose of it when it becomes worn out; when you’ve had enough of

experiences that the idea offered. Jesus said, you must hate your wife, children,

mother, father, and yes even yourself to follow me. The conditional definitions of who

you think you are must be denied, to get into a better and more real you. This is what

Jesus meant about general thoughts and ideas, you have to hate your most profound

idea the one that made you feel like home; this could be the theory of relatively, theory

of quantum mechanics, theory of antimatter, etc. You have to sharply criticize (rebuke)

your own masterpiece to get into what is real – original thought. This is why you must

seek, seek, seek, and continue to seek as you continue to find. Each find is limited by

your own definitions and conditions that you set on it for expression. You will be stuck

in-definitely in circular loop of non-creation. This would mean knowing what you know

because you know and now are stuck with only what you know; you would be stuck with

Newtonian Physics forever, because you were never allowed yourself to be open to

Einstein’s work, or Quantum Physics. In fact, you would create a living hell of the same

day re-occurring because of your inability and unwillingness to let go of your precious

thought, idea, paradigm, or just plain mechanism that you used to generate the thought

– the funnel.

Again, Jesus said it better when he said you have to deny yourself to follow me. You

have to deny any and all thought that is materialized and seen in this physical universe

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to truly follow Jesus where he may go. The vastness and expansion of the universe is

not in contradiction to the Christ Spirit, God or the Holy Spirit. The Holy Trinity exist as

one as we exist in the same oneness. We are microcosms unto ourselves and mirror

image the macrocosms. We can then start to think ourselves as the mirror image of

something bigger. We say we are a drop of the ocean. We therefore analyze the drop

of the ocean and admit that it can tell us about the ocean. Even though you can get an

idea about the ocean, by looking at the drop from the ocean, it can never replace the

ocean. In other illustrations, we say that a drop of DNA contains are whole being. We

say that we can know the person by his/her DNA. But this is also false.

Yes, we are microcosms from an infinite macrocosm, but we are not, unto ourselves,

this macrocosm. We are not the infinite, unknowing and knowing Being, because we

are still part of this physical universe; we occupy space in this body. For how can you

experience and look upon the beauty of the ocean if you have already told yourself that

you know the ocean by knowing the drop of water? You can not experience the

vastness of the ocean, the coldness of the water, the wildlife in the ocean, the breath

taking sunsets off the ocean or any other aesthetic and beauty by only experiencing the

drop of water. You really have to deny yourself to follow Jesus and that means your

latest and greatest thought, paradigm or parable. You can not constrict absolute

A thought is just that, a thought and although part of the whole absolute of thought is

never more than whole thought. The thought can be just like the whole thought,

illustrating certain truths about where it was obtained, but is not the absolute truth.

Jesus said the same thing when he said a servant can never be more than his master,

but he can be just like his master. You can be just like Jesus or God, but you can never

be more than they are. Now, that doesn’t mean that you can’t expand and also be

unfathomable in dimension. You can access all thought any time of the day and see

this thought, know this thought, and be the thought, but I would hope you never allow

yourself to take any credit for the thought for that would condition you and tie you up

with a thought; no thought is better than any other thought, because the same energy

was expended to obtain any thought – none.

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The thinking aspect of living is really a function of the mind, but the spirit already knows

everything. We therefore glorify the mind by artificially perceiving any thought as ours.

Instead of saying that this is my thought, we should say I have allowed myself to see

this thought and now I am bringing this up to discuss any relative truth that surrounds

this thought. We can only have a genuine unaltered and pure thought when we view

any thought as having equal weight to any other thought. In the metaphysical realm

there is only energy and all thoughts carry the same equal potential for energy.

However, in the biophysical realm these thoughts are judged as either positive or

negative. Positive thoughts are those we collectively call good or good will; not killing,

not stealing, not committing adultery, etc. Negative thoughts are the antithesis of

positive and are the opposite of let us say the 10 Commandments. In realty, negative

thoughts are colored, fleshed out, by the collective consciousness as not being

productive or existing in harmony with others. These thoughts (positive or negative) in

the biophysical realm then become charged with polarities and affect our physiology

and the physiology of the world in the same way. But in truth both dualities inherently

carry the same energy.

The title of this chapter “What were You thinking?” sums up this discussion. The idea is

that you recognize your thought as yours and that is the error. Let me say this again,

your assignment of ownership and possession to this thought is in error. You simply

have set your ‘eyes’ upon the thought. You have put it into form by your own

experiences, language, understanding, and formed it into its context. In this regard, this

thought is yours by the way you have colored and given flavor unto this thought. But

the awareness of the thought is really the You – spirit. You are the one viewing the

mechanism of thought formation therefore you are not the thought at all. You are the

being that views upon all thought and decides which one to view at any moment. In

fact, you are that which chooses which thought to look at, or how many thoughts to look

to consider at one time. You use your mind (formed by the collective mind) to finally

decide which thought should be manifested based on who you want to be at that time,

either ‘good or bad.’ The truth is that you do not have ‘…to be or not to be….’, because

you already are -You.

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You are the awareness of awareness unto yourself. In other words, any thought that

you might have is not really you, because this would imply that you are not complete

and therefore, you have to gather more thought to justify your existence which is really

not the truth, because you simply have existed before any manifestation of any thought.

Remember, you are complete and perfect and God loves You simply, because you are

– it is not conditional. There has never been, God will love me more if I only think of

good thoughts or just keep all the commandments through action. God loves you and

weighs you equal, in perfect balance with all others. Your existence is never to be

separate but always exist in unity with God, which is with everyone else. Now, your

distinction upon yourself to yourself and to others is by your own mind and its harmony

within the collective mind.

In this sense your mind is what individuates your spirit from the whole One Spirit. So in

reality all individuating of spirit carries with them an individual mind (collection of

thoughts, past experiences, emotions, etc.). In truth all individualized spirits are parts of

an individualized whole spirit. This would then mean that You are really all there is and

are currently manifested in all things that have life at the same time. This is why you will

truly live in harmony with yourself and with others, when you first recognize this in

yourself and see yourself in others.

Now, this might take time for you to start becoming and truly internalizing this principle

of Oneness. So let us talk more about the mind that you have developed to individuate

yourself with and the other reasons why you would want to come up with the idea of


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Control: Understanding its Mechanisms

(The Ego)

Chapter 17

Ever wonder why people are always trying to control you? Ever wonder why there is so

many laws, regulations, rules, obligations, conditions, paradigms, thoughts, theorems,

ideas, axioms, postulates, thesis, antithesis, and so forth and so on…? Had it ever

occurred to you that the real reason why there so many control mechanisms is that

others view you as a dangerous being, able to create and destroy at a drop of hat?

The truth about control is that you are really an amorphous being with all power to do as

you wish – will. Others are trying to control you for this reason and your perception on

this very reason is crucial to unlocking your full potential. You have given others your

consent in controlling you because you do not trust yourself with unlimited power. In

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fact, you still hide this idea from yourself, because then you would truly make yourself

responsible for you unhappiness and victim role.

Now, you may say ‘well I would think control is a good thing because people are

inherently evil.’ Then I would say: who told you that? It is a similar question that God

asked Adam in the Garden of Eden; Genesis 3:11 asks “…who told you that you were

naked?...”. Implying that if you recognize that which you are not (not perfect in

existence) then you would need to cover yourself up. And that is what control

mechanism do, they cover you up and clothe you with a ‘black shirt.’ Your true identity,

being, needs no clothes and therefore no control to exist. You simply are perfect and

inherently good. However, you still may doubt because you are still thinking that you

are your mind. Sigmund Freud said it better when he discussed the alteration of who

you are, the ego. However, he never really clarified who your true self was; as this book

seeks to uncover. So now let us discuss the ego in more practical terms instead of the

esoteric and the stuffy Vienna sausage meat factory of Psychiatry.

The ego is the alteration of how you are. In relative terms, the ego is a good starting

point to discuss control mechanisms. The first axiom on this relative thought is that your

ego is yours made by you to distinguish yourself from others. For how can you

experience your life and call it unique if you are indistinguishable from everyone else, if

you and everyone else are really One? It would be difficult based on this paradigm of

uniqueness, but I tell you that this paradigm has already had its day and will not suffice

in the new evolution of consciousness. As Jesus would say, as it stands this world

already stands condemned, but maybe you did not believe Him so let us talk more

about control and your ego.

Your ego is your own creation. It is your own Mr. Hyde, the monster of Dr.

Frankenstein, your own bureaucracy, your own institution, and your own realty. For this

the need would stand to control you, at least so that you may not harm yourself or harm

others. It would stand to reason that you would be functioning at a very poor state of

existence and function as purely the effect of your mind. Your actions would be the

output of a software program that had all sorts of gross miscomputation. Your actions

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would be at the mercy of this software package that kept repeating the same mistakes

from the past that inherently blamed others for your own limitations. You would truly be

easy to control because you would not see that you simply were a reaction of this

software program or physiologic reaction in a petri dish in a lab somewhere. You would

then say that you are just an error or a product of evolution made from mud, therefore

as mud, you would then be prone to a potter’s wheel of creation and a potter.

In this ego laden reality you then would say that the purpose of life is to be unique, to be

different, and/or to learn something new to distinguish yourself from others. Control

would then be very easy. It (control) would seek out your dreams, illusions,

desperations, and in short what you would consider real. In the poorest of states

anyone could control you, if they knew what you truly desired. They would seek out

what you thought of yourself was and then they would offer it to you. If you thought

yourself intelligent, well educated and knowledgeable, someone could just offer you a

title, ask you questions in your exalted field, or tell you how smart you were. In this

case someone could appeal to your vanity of ‘the distinguished professor’, and you

would fall into the grasp of anyone who wished to manipulate you. If you thought

yourself pretty, beautiful, and/or elegant. Someone would then just have to talk to you

about your beauty, ask you questions about beauty, compliment you on your dress/hair,

notice something different about your personified beauty, and/or offer you a

distinguished seat to an elegant dinner or show. Yes, you would like the way you would

be treated, because your ego (your alteration of who you saw yourself as) would tell you


The ego in its most fundamental state would simply want to feel unique, special, and/or

grandiose. Therefore any control would seek the underlying current of who you thought

you were. Operating from that you could only see yourself existing as a mind or body

with physical attributes. For those of you thinking that you existed as only a mind, you

would still be very easily controlled. And for those of you thinking that you existed

(intermeshed and super glued) as a spirit, mind and body combined it would be a ‘slam

dunk’ to control you.

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Control of someone who only thought they were a body would be very easy. You would

just kill the body and you would no longer exist. You could also offer all the ‘creature

comforts’ of the body such as satin sheets, 5 course meals at expensive restaurants,

SPA treatments, silk underwear, etc. You would easily succumb to the perpetrator who

provided all these things to you. You would be at the beckon call of either: a tyrant, or a

‘sugar daddy.’

Control of a mind would also be very easy. You would just control your thoughts by

convincing you that ‘this is the way it is.’ You can only think with 10% of your brain

because that is what science tells us and if you do not think so, then we will judge you

as crazy. Your only rights are those that we have set out for you in our constitution,

laws and by laws, and so on. You can only do as much as your mind allows you to do,

because after all, this is the only thing of value; for all great thinkers were just that

thinkers and products of their mind. You would then be at the mercy of any of the

current paradigms or thoughts. You would then say things are just the way things are

because this is what our collective consciousness tells us about ourselves. And you

would be judged as conscious only when you agree with any or of the following: all

scientific theorems that prove your existence, all Christian thought to be a true Christian,

all cultural distinctions, and in short the adage ‘while in Rome do as the Romans’ would

hold true.

You would exist as the effect of the latest thought, idea, and/or a scientific break-

through. You would say “I wonder why they haven’t thought about that, or I am glad

someone thought about that.” Thinking would be inter-meshed with your perception of

how you thought you existed. The greater the thought and your association to its

manifestation in the real world, the greater you would be. In this way there would

definitely be a better and worse, solely based on thoughts.

Now if the spirit, mind, and body would all be ‘super-glued’ together then in essence

they would all be equal and have the same weight. In other words, the same weight

means that they would all have the same value and if you affect one of them, you affect

all of them. The mechanism of control would simply be the axiom: if one of the three

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entities would be affected then all would be affected, either raised or lowered in

existence. Therefore, you would propose the thought that if you enslaved someone’s

body, you could also enslave that person’s mind or spirit. You would then equate that a

body imprisoned equals an imprisoned mind and spirit. With others consenting to this

axiom then all humanity becomes yours for the taking.

There would be no mystery to see how this mechanism would work on those who truly

tried to exploit those who did not know any better. This type of control however is a

false control, because the spirit, you the being, would know better and eventually figure

this out. You would escape this imprisonment firstly through your spirit then it would

eventually work its way into the physical environment – your body would cease to be

imprisoned. I say this, as if it could be done quickly (and it can), but what would make

this hard for you would be your self defeating mind. Your mind would convince you

otherwise; like telling you that you have to suffer, you deserve suffering, that there is a

reason why you are incarcerated, and that bodies can not walk through walls…etc.

Therefore, for many this mechanism would be a mystery. The mystery would be that

you must have deserved to be imprisoned and all your three entities/faculties

(mind/spirit/body) are naturally guilty. The unknowing quality of the mystery is that you

would continue to be confused about who you really were and are – a being.

This is why mysteries have always been the origination points to the confusion of how,

why, where and who of control. You are confused on who controls what and the most

confusion aspect is that you think you know, but you do not. For in mysteries we

deceive people on where fear comes from, submit people to the power of suggestion,

convince people to give us money, enslave people to do want we want,… and so on

and so forth. All mysteries therefore are done by all of us who thought up the mystery

and then who inadvertently submitted ourselves to the mystery; the irony of course is

that the entities that came up with the mystery are also being controlled and they also

do not know this.

So this invention of mystery first had its day in controlling people when there was only a

few people that knew about natural phenomenon such as the eclipse of the sun, eclipse

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of the moon, unusual dry weather or extremely wet weather, etc. So then a mystery

was a mystery as there were the least amount of people knew about the sciences like

astrology, meteorology (the weather), and/or scientific basis to explain any natural

occurrence or natural phenomenon. These elite and selected few monopolized the

science and understanding of any natural phenomenon to explain, demonstrate, or

make known celestial powers – the God factor. They gave off an impression that they

themselves had this power and which resided within the select few – the priesthoods.

In this way, the common people would be submitting to the unknowing of a mystery and

inadvertently to the select few – the priesthood. The priests could then say something

like “…we need more human sacrifices to appease the gods” or “…if we don’t appease

the gods then we will be in war, go to war, and/or die in war…etc.” The priesthood

could also say “…we need more money and penance from all our sinners…” or “…you

must thank God for his mercy that he has led you to this church for your salvation…”

Mysteries in themselves would be hidden to the majority and only be known to a select

few, the minority – the elite. It would only be the educated elect that would know the

truth about the mystery. Of course, in western history this has often been the gender

men. However, not all men or women for that matter would be so fortunate. It would be

‘men’ like these; those entrusted with being separate and worthy enough for the

‘priesthood’, those with money, those of royalty, those of privilege, the typical White

Anglo-Saxon Protestant (W.A.S.P.) in America, etc. Therefore, mysteries were really

intended for the masses that were not the educated or the elect. Now, let us be truthful.

Mysteries continue today and are a clear mechanism of control, because they institute a

state of confusion.

So what you may ask is a mystery that is practiced today that controls? Well, let me

ask you, what is it about today that is not a mystery? Let me make this practical…do

you know why gasoline has gotten so high in price?

I know you can rattle off a million and one explanations, but in truth it would just be

relative ‘mumbo jumbo’ - confusion. The reason is….. and you would explain ‘ad

nausea’ about the scarcity of fuel, the war in Iraq, the money hungry oil companies, the

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Bush Presidency factor (invested money), the cultural entrapment of the ‘normal’ middle

class suburbia SUV factor, the car industry pushing into existence the new hybrid

models to boost their pocket books, the global warming effect that is Mother Earth’s

backlash on gas gluttony, the real oil shortage, the make believe oil shortage, and then

the giving up and who gives a dam resolution to gasoline, by all Americans who are

exploring other fuels or no fuels for vehicular movement.

So now how are you controlled by this mystery – the gasoline crunch? Well, after

exploring endless possibilities for the answers for who is to blame, we just succumb to

the reality that we do not know. We do know, however, that we still have to pay the

asking price at the pump and you really do not know were all the money is going to

anyway. But of course you know something is terribly wrong when yesterday’s gas

price is now today’s new price since the barrel of oil in the stock exchange went up a

minute ago. What does it matter? You still have to fuel up your car to take the kids to

school, you still have to go to work, and you still have to pay the bills. You determine,

let the mystery be a mystery and who the hell cares anyway? You are controlled by the

mystery because it wears you out on an endless loop of fruitless thinking. It controls

you by inaction. You simply don’t care anymore. You are so confused (consumed in

the mystery to even know that you are in the mystery) that you just want to lie down and

go to sleep; to make the headache go away. And that is how you are now controlled.

You first gave your authority to the powers that be. The powers that be said this power

is good and we want to make more power, thus entering the mystery factor. You were

given the mystery, and told you were especially smart enough, that you could decipher

any mystery with relative science, because you were special. Then you mis-owned the

idea that you had enough information, because of science/technology, that you could

never be lied too – pride on your part. You then arrogantly assumed that you were not

controlled in any way, shape or fashion, and you knew all mysteries, because after all

you are more intelligent than your ancestors who lived in caves and stones. All the

while you made yourself more asleep with drunken arrogance and pride. You have

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been controlled by your own illusion of who you thought you were (your ego) and had

this used against you by making and accepting everything as a mystery.

If you doubt this control mechanism then hear your divine brother again. He said all

would be explained to you and there would be a day when He would stop talking in

parables and make everything known. No rock would be left unturned. This is the only

way you can understand what has been written. This is how you know that HE has

returned when you truly see HIS image and understand HIS words.

True Freedom

Chapter 18

Alright so what is freedom? Isn’t this what it is all about? Isn’t this what everyone says

they are fighting for…..freedom? Freedom from what, from whom, and if it is so

valuable, why isn’t it free?....... Remember, you can’t buy love and everyone has told

you that love is all there is and God is love. So why isn’t freedom, just like love, free?

Do you really think God is a dualist, a separate black and white entity? …..So then how

come love (which is valuable beyond belief) is free and freedom is not?

O.Kay looks like we have to revisit the Garden of Eden again. For it was in the Garden

of Eden that again freedom (among other things), became confusing; it became a


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Alright, God made the first man Adam. God made Adam in His own image and likeness

and put him in the Garden of Eve. God told Adam he could do anything, but for him not

to eat of the tree of knowledge. So was Adam really free? Could Adam do anything he

wanted to? Could Adam eat of any tree? Based on our original belief that God is a

militant God that orders his creations to do or not to do, we would decide that Adam did

have a choice, but was told not to eat of a tree to demonstrate his obedience to God.

We would then decide that Adam was disobedient when he did eat of the tree of

knowledge in complete defiance to the one true God. Now, we could understand that

Adam was stripped away from complete communion with God, grace with God, and was

ordered to leave the garden, for his disobedience. Adam was stripped of his natural

inheritance which included complete peace and presence before God. Now, you would

then say, this is the reason that Adam was not free anymore. He now had to toil and

mill the ground for food and therefore, not free. But I ask you again was Adam ever

truly free? ……a mystery? Maybe God, after all is truly mysterious? What do you


Well, I say God is much better than that…HE is not mysterious at all. God is love and

He is unconditional to all prodigal sons or daughters. So now if God is not a mystery

then how it could it be that He would create the first man and not trust him enough that

he wouldn’t eat of the tree of knowledge. In other words, if God was so perfect why did

He make Adam, an imperfection that was clearly disobedient? Why did God have to tell

Adam anything, like you should not eat of the tree of knowledge when God does not

make imperfections and all creations (especially someone made in His image) are part

of God anyway? If true love is unconditional then why is there a condition placed onto

the state of grace (Garden of Eden)?

Now, we know God is love and love is unconditional, but sometimes God places

conditions…..right? ……indecisions suck don’t they?

Look, let us be clear about something. God is love, right? Love is God, right? Love is

unconditional and God definitely is unconditional, remember He is the unknowing and

all knowing Being. God is perfection and is in everything and everyone. Now, how is it

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that we can truly know an unknown? Let us take a look at this again, by considering

what truth is.

Truth is seeing all selections as equal. It is simply a viewpoint of dimension. Now, this

could be understood by the following story. There once were three wise, learned, and

astute men (women if you please) that knew everything about the jungle. One day,

Mother Nature decided to introduce a new animal into the jungle. These three men

were going to decide on what to name the animal, but before they saw the animal they

were told that they were very smart and really didn’t need to see the animal to name it.

So these three women were blindfolded and were allowed to touch the animal. One

man touched the tail of the animal and thought to himself “…it feels like a monkey’s

tail…” The other man felt the ears and thought to himself “…it feels like a cow’s hide…”

The third man touched the tusks and thought to himself “…it feels like the horns of a

bull…” All three women sat down, took off their blind folds and all said what they

thought the animal to be and therefore name. The first man said that it was like a

monkey, the second said it was like a cow, and the third said it was like a bull. Now, the

animal of course was an elephant, a huge animal that the three wise men were only

able to lay their hands on. The assumption was that they could tell what type of animal

it was with only one sense, thinking that they knew enough to really know the animal.

Now, which of the three men were most right?

All three men were right. Their perspective was flavored by their certain space and

viewpoint – dimension. Their perspective was flavored by where they stood in relation

to the elephant; the elephant of course being God. The three astute men could only

comprehend based on their own experiences, like on how the different body parts of the

elephant felt to their relative standings. We could go even further in this example and

say that all three learned men were at their own mercy in their own paradigms of what

they thought an animal could be like, based on their current understandings of the way

things were (like the current animals that existed in the jungle). Now, I ask you, so who

wrote Genesis?

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Yes, of course it was Moses and yes, it was inspired by the Holy Spirit – by God.33 But

let me ask you something who was Moses? Before, we go any further I would like to

share something with you that a history professor once told our class in college. He

said when you read a book, any written material for that matter, always ask the question

what is the intention of the book; why was the book written? In other words ask yourself

what is the real reason someone wrote this book and also ask yourself what is the real

reason I am reading this book? He said, you’ll be surprised on who is benefiting from

the book, who put up the money for the book (you can get grants to write historical

books) and who is the guy (woman or man) that is writing the book. He said, pay

attention to the historical, the experiences, those people that knew the author and the

true intentions of the author, to really know what the book is saying and why it is saying

it in that way; I encourage you to look at my biography again.

So now, who was Moses? Let’s see…He was a Jew abandoned by his mother,

because his mother feared he would be killed and therefore left him in the river Nile.

The daughter of the pharaoh found the child and reared him (with the help of his true

mother as a nanny) and he was brought up as a prince of Egypt. So now Moses grows

up in favor with the pharaoh and operates under complete authority of the keeper of

Egypt. Moses has complete control and shall we say freedom to do whatever he wants,

as a prince. Yes, he is a prince, but he is also the safe keeper/servant to Egypt

(schooled in all the wisdom of Egypt) and therefore, has to abide by a certain noble and

honor system. He should be merciful and be of noble heart; like today’s commissioned

officer, executives, etc. That means no killing unless for the greater good of Egypt; like

to defend Her in battle, keeping slaves/tenets to build pyramids, etc. However, Moses

ends up killing an Egyptian that mistreated a Jew and tries to hide this fact, but he can

not. Obviously, Moses knows that what he did was wrong and flees from Egypt, before

being put to death by pharaoh. Now, does this all sound familiar?

33 It has traditionally been accepted that Genesis was written by Moses, understood at the direction of God – Spirit. However, historically it was understood that history itself was initially never initially written down but passed down from generation to generation – oral tradition. In this way Genesis is understood to have come directly from Adam to Cain/Abel, and so and so forth (the begat family…Adam begat Abel begat…etc.).

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Let us see, Moses (Adam) an assumed descendent of the pharaoh (God) was taught

(told) to be noble, merciful, servant/caretaker of Egypt and obedient to the teachings of

Egypt (the land of God – Garden of Eden). Yet, Moses knowing full well the rules of the

game as a prince of Egypt (should not eat of the tree of knowledge) kills an Egyptian,

because he takes it upon himself to be the judge, jury and executioner for a ‘wrong’ that

he sees being committed. Moses does this because he takes it upon himself to

establish just punishment as a rightful heir to the throne of Egypt. Moses exercises his

given freedom to do as he pleases after all he is the prince of Egypt. Now, he is either

banished by the pharaoh or he himself leaves because of this action. Sound familiar?

We have to remember that Moses is prided on being the messenger and deliverer of the

Torah, the Ten Commandments, and the establisher of monotheism for the Jewish

Nation and to all of us Christians. He was raised to be a prince of Egypt with all the

secrets on all control mechanisms, communication skills, mathematical skills,

architectural skills, grammatical skills, and among everything else Egyptian wisdom.

So now we should ask, would all of this add anything to the actual story of creation?

Remember, Moses wasn’t there when there was nothing but space, darkness, and only

water. Or was he? For that matter wasn’t Jesus there as well? Isn’t that what Jesus

said when he said before Abraham was, I am?

So now who do know to be there at the creation of time? Who existed with God that

could really tell us what really happened in the Garden of Eden? Who do you think was

there? Let me ask you like this, if you are really in Christ and Christ is in the Father,

then are you really just One? If you are one with the Father via Jesus Christ then you

must not be two or for this matter three. If one is one, then it can not be two or three. If

you are truly one with Christ and Christ is one with the Father, then you and the Father

are One…don’t you think?

So now, we can at least say this: Jesus Christ was the word that was in God at the

beginning of time. Jesus Christ told us that God is spirit and that he loves you

unconditionally, like He loved him. So now I ask, do you really think that the Supreme

Being is so small to need anything from anyone? God is complete and is not in need of

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anything; even the glorious Thomas Aquinas a doctor of the Roman Catholic Church

wrote about this.34 God is part of his creation, because His creation is a part of Himself

and an expression of Himself…yes? So then why would God punish himself and

banish himself from the Garden of Eden?

Now, think about this. Do you believe Jesus or do you believe Moses? For Moses

gave you only the laws. Jesus gives you the ‘mana’, real food and real drink – Himself.

Jesus never lied, and He is the way and the truth. So now who do you believe? Jesus

said that he does not judge so why do you still judge? Be just like Jesus and like God.

See the truth in yourself first, then tell others your truth and know that your truth can still

be littered by your viewpoint in dimension (see above).

True freedom is the ability to see all selections as equal. It is the ability to see a

paradigm of thought and having the guts to admit that the paradigm is no longer viable –

that it no longer functions or is practical. True freedom is to look at something

unwavering, without flinching. To look at something, standing on your own two feet

without regard to someone else’s opinion of you for taking a look. True freedom is your

divine birth right. True freedom is to be anything, to do anything, to have anything, and

to believe in anything, at will. True freedom is to stop yourself from being anything, to

stop yourself from doing anything, to stop yourself having anything, and to stop yourself

from believing in anything, at will. True freedom is your ability to change yourself from

being anything, from doing anything, from having anything, and changing your belief

about anything, at will. True freedom is the ability to exercise any kind of power

whenever, for whatever you choose. However, the truth is, true freedom can only be

34 Concerning the nature of God, Peter Kreeft, writes about Thomas Aquinas in his Summa of the Summa

(San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1990), pp. 74-77, 86-87, 97-99, 105, 111-112. That Aquinas proposed

five positive statements about the God qualities: (1) God is simple, without composition of parts, such as

body and soul, or matter and form. (2) God is perfect, lacking nothing. (3) God is infinite.(4) God is

immutable, incapable of change on the levels of God's essence and character. (5) God is one, without

diversification within God's self.

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attained completely when you choose with your own free will and self determinism to

surrender yourself to the will of the One Supreme Being.

For the absolute truth is that true power is given from above and the only power you

have is when you admit that true freedom was never yours to possess. True freedom is

your birth right and therefore is never earned but can only be received with appreciation

and recognition through humility. For those who humble themselves to the Lord God

will be forever and always exalted - clothed with power and clothed with freedom.

True Peace

Chapter 19

Alright, so what is peace? So we say that peace is really what it is all about. For this is

the reason we go to war to establish peace. Yes, peace is valuable. We will resolve to

fight for peace, because that is the right thing to do. We say we need peace and then

go after it with all the bombs in the world, because we, of course, are the only sane

ones that know about peace. In fact, we say that if it wasn’t for us, the rest of the world

would not know peace unless they were bitten. Of course then we have to do the biting

so that the rest of the world knows what peace is, because after all, we are a peaceful

nation. Remember, under one God, liberty, justice, and the pursuit of

happiness?....Yep, we sure are a peaceful nation…. if only the rest of the world could

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come into our nation, then they could see for themselves how we truly are peaceful and

so smart about everything.

Alright, again I ask, what is peace? And were do we find it? You know, this is

important. We need to know where to find peace so that we can patent it, package it,

market it, and sell it to the rest of the world, because it is really only the other side of

humanity that needs it. You know, the ‘third world’ countries that live in poverty, without

electricity and therefore, without ‘true’ American certifiable peace. Yep, I agree there

really is a collective Ego, isn’t there? A collective ego that makes us all certifiably

insane and full of ourselves to ethnocentrically think we are absolved from our own


Look we can not go making war somewhere and say we are doing it for peace. This

would be like a mother (or father) hitting her child to teach them about peace or telling

them something like: (1) “you better behave”, while striking the child’s body (2) “you

better apologize”, while hitting the child’s body (3) “I am doing this for your own good”,

while striking the child’s body, (4) or a Jerry Springer hologram acted out by an angry

spouse, saying “…I really love you” onto their partner, while hitting them or ‘bashing

their brains in’… etc. Acting out violence to demonstrate or establish peace/love is

idiotic, insane, perverted and foolish. There is no such thing as conditional peace or

conditional love.

So let us try this again, what is peace? Before you have asked, I would have answered.

Isn’t peace the same as power? Just look at the ministry of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ

embodied peace and was all power, unabridged, and unaltered – 24/7.

True peace, as in what Jesus embodied, existed as unabridged and unaltered power.

Peace by another name is the ‘Zero Effect.’ O.Kay I made this one up too, but we will

have to wait for the next book to really go into this completely. For now, know that

peace is the philosophical thought to the number zero. The number zero as you also

may know is the unending circle that stands for eternity. Of course, in mathematical

terms, the infinity symbol is the number eight laying on its side. And of course the

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Christian symbol for Christ is the fish sign that is ¾ of the infinity sign which means that

¼ of the infinity sign is made up of you in this world - true peace. Ever heard of this?

Don’t worry, about this symbolism stuff, it’ll be explained a bit more in the next book.

So, true peace is power. How so you ask? Well, remember Jesus Christ? O.kay he

was peace incarnate and yes, He had power. How is that true power, you ask again?

Well, have you ever witnessed the start of a fight between two people? It could have

been in your early years of elementary school, high school, or just somewhere else

outside of school – T.V. You see two kids about to go at it, but then out of the blue

either the sister or the little brother of one of the kids about to fight, comes out. The

smaller child stands up for the bigger kid and says “No”, and asks something like “.…

why do you want to fight…”? This smaller child values peace enough that he stands

unflinching between the two kids. This child values peace so much that he would like to

give it to both of the older kids by denying himself (without regard to his person),

exposing his body to danger of potentially getting hit. It is an example of a peacemaker

that has power enough to stop the fight simply by speaking out and offering his body for

others. The child is power, because he simply uses words to stop a fight. The use of

spoken language is power and if spoken by someone with deep conviction to lay down

his life for someone else, her/his words can move mountains. Now who else exhibits


In Western History, we can remember some figures that we were told exhibited peace.

People like: Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa, John Pope the II, Martin Luther King Jr.,

Oscar Romero, etc., and of course the most important of all of these…YOU.

So when was the last time you acted out peace? When was the last time you were

complemented on being peaceful? When was the last time you stood up for an injustice

that you saw happening? When was the last time you spoke up and were heard when

you saw an injustice happening? When was the last time, someone complemented you

on your use of words to resolve a problem? When was the last time you resolved a

problem without the use of the vernacular – ‘bad words’ or violence?

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Jesus said blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called the Children of God.

So when was the last time you acknowledged your self as a peacemaker? More

importantly, when was the last time you called yourself a Child of God?


Chapter 20

Now, this truly will be the last chapter in this book. I would like to congratulate you, on

your journey to this chapter. You have probably gathered that I am really on your side

throughout this whole discourse, because I have been and I am. I only want the best for

you and who ever you choose to include in your blessings; which I hope it may be

everyone in existence. I hope this book was some help to you and nothing too scary –

only practical. For Jesus has always said, that my true mother, brother, and sisters are

those that hear my words and put them into practice. So that was the intention of this

book to make practical what once was not.

Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,

Alright, truth, what is it? O.Kay all you Pontius Pilates,… what is truth? …..It is not too

hard, you know? Truth is truth and there is no other… what is it?

Truth is seeing all selections as equal. Let me say this one more time, truth is seeing all

selections as equal. Now, let us take this apart again. Well the first word is truth, which

is what we are trying to define, so let us leave it alone for now till we define the other

words. ‘Is’ is being. It is a word to denote the present state of being or existing.

‘Seeing’ is not just the biophysical act of seeing with the eyes. Seeing is the viewpoint

of dimension, implying looking at something to experience it with either of the senses or

just plainly the 6th sense; it is not the ability, but rather the doing. ‘All’ is everything and

nothing, because nothing is included in the dimension of everything; most people see

something but they perceive nothing. ‘Selections’ are just that, possibilities. However,

in order for a possibility to exist a person must have true freedom of self determinism

and choice to be, to do, and to have anything or nothing at all. Therefore, the

assumption for having selections is that the person has the power of choice. He/she

must see themselves as existing as a being with free will/choice. The person perceiving

upon the truth is wielding their own God given authority of self determinism, and that is

why a true selection exists as a true possibility.

‘As’ is a word that denotes an ‘as-isness’ to the whole matter and implies that you only

look at the selection ‘as it is’ and ‘as it exists’ in the present state. Therefore, for

anything to exist as an ‘as-isness’ you would have to look at the selection with

indifference and not with judgment of circumstance like time; you would have to be

‘just’. Do not give in to the temptation to judge the selection, for you may not know the

reason for its existence. Do not ridicule the selection in any way shape or form. Do

not consider other possibilities to be included in the selections or delete other facts of

the selection. And finally, ‘equal’ is equal. Equal is a word that denotes balanced with

no prejudice, no tilting; remember lady justice? Equal is another word for just. Now, let

us make this practical.

O.Kay so let us say that you and I are standing inside a patient’s room in a typical

medical/chiropractic office. The room is 6 feet by 8 feet and has a cabinet on one side

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of the room with a sink at its bottom. The room also has an examining table that you

are sitting on. Of course I get to sit on the cool stool with the small rollers. So then, I

tell you, I’ve been thinking Mr. or Mrs. so and so about truth. And of course you say,

what about truth? Then I say, well truth is seeing all selections as equal. And then, of

course you say… what? Then I say, yeah…truth is seeing all selections as equal. Let

me explain. You see the cabinet that is attached to the wall over there? You say yes,

of course. Well I say, absolute truth exists, but at this time we can only see relative

truth that is equal. I am sitting here on this stool, occupying a point in space – a

viewpoint of dimension. That means that the point that I’m occupying in this physical

universe is specific to my body, my vision, my colorful past experience, my language,

my syntax, my intonation to produce sounds, the way I look, etc. Therefore, my

viewpoint is colored lets say, with all of these attributes and also with the added

dimension of time, space and yes of course, thought paradigms. Now, you sitting over

there occupy a different point in this same physical universe. And your viewpoint is

colored with the same types of variables that I had – your definitions, ideas, thoughts,

paradigms, axioms, etc. So now I say, let us look at the cabinet and describe what we

see. I say that the cabinet looks a certain way from where I am sitting and you say that

it looks another way based on where you are sitting. We explain the best way we know

how about the physical properties of the cabinet, its height, dimensions, color, etc. Now

I ask you, who is right in their descriptions?

Of course you say, we are both right based on all the variables that we have laid out

which would be plenty, considering there would be countless more variables. For

instance, your eyesight is poor because you didn’t eat breakfast today etc. and I did.

Anyway, we come to terms that we both describe the cabinet the best way, based on

our different viewpoints of dimension. Now, I say, the cabinet represents the absolute

truth…yet we both are painting a very different picture based on all the variables that we

talked about – definitions, thoughts, paradigms, beliefs, perceptions, collective

consciousness of our arrogant ethnocentricity…. etc. But we are saying that we are

both right? Correct?

Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,

The reality is to truly know the truth we would have to occupy all the points around the

cabinet…but even then it would not suffice. For how can we know what the cabinet is

made of, its density, its molecular compensation, what is inside the cabinet, and then

enjoy its beauty of aesthetics etc.? So even if we did occupy all the multitude of space

around the cabinet it would still, only be a relative truth, because we still haven’t

included time and energy into this equation. Yes, I said time and energy.

The cabinet is dynamic don’t you know? It is not simply matter. Remember what Jesus

said, if you cut a piece of wood I will be there – you will see ME. So cut the cabinet,

again, again, and again, many times over until you can see all the electrons, neutrons,

protons, sub-particles, etc., moving at astronomic velocities. Yep, the cabinet is in

constant motion although appearing in no motion and has infinite energy. Just try

splitting an atom in the same patient’s room. I am sure the patient room would cease to

exist, as well as our bodies and bodies/buildings for miles around. So now what really

is truth?

Should we give up the search simply because now it seems that truth is becoming too

hard? But who really is making it hard? Is it me, is it you or is that simply the way

things are? .…a mystery? Who would say that it would be too hard? ‘Not I, said the

fox’, and neither do I.

Truth is seeing all selections as equal. The simple way to see something is to be it. Let

me say this again. The easiest way to be something is to see it. For how can you be

anything in this life if you first did not see yourself occupying that role, space or


It would be like if you were to jump into a swimming pool with 100 lbs of extra weight on

your body and had to swim to the edge of the pool. How could you arrive anywhere if

you couldn’t see yourself arriving at the edge of the pool or worse yet didn’t even see

the edge of the pool? Let’s face it you would drown without knowing where to go,

because you disallowed yourself to see yourself existing at the end of the pool. So yes,

you would first have to see it to be it. You would have to see yourself as a doctor to be

Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,

a doctor, you would have to see yourself as a teacher to be a teacher, you would have

to see yourself as a firefighter to be a firefighter, and you would have to see yourself as

truth to be the truth. Now, again who does that remind you of?

He said, I am the way and the truth no one comes to the Father except through Me.

……man, what conviction! That is why our bro Jesus Christ could be anything, do

anything, have anything, and exist as anyone, if asked.

So what is holding you back? And more importantly, who are You waiting on?

“And I say blessed is the man who sees Me coming for He truly is the Son of God” –


BibliographyBraden, Gregg, “The God Code: The secret of our past, the promise of our Future” 2004. Hay House Publishing Co. ISBN 1-4019-0299-5

Calleman, Carl Johan, Ph.D., “The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness,” 2004, Bear and Company, Rochester, Vermont ISBN 1-59143-028-3

Csikszentmihaly, Mihaly “Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention,” 1996 HarperCollins Publishing.

Pinchbeck, Daniel “2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl,” 2006 Penguin Group, New York, ISBN 978-1-58542-592-1

Tolle, Eckhart “A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose,” 2005 Plume, Penguin Group, London, ISBN 978-0-452-28996-3

Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,


I am Ramiro Torres and I am of Mexican descent, yet born in the U.S.A. and am very

American. I am 38 years of age, divorced and currently work as a Chiropractor in the

Southern Region of Texas, called the Lower Rio Grande Valley. I am a Persian Gulf

Veteran from both Desert Shield/Storm and participated as a Navy Corpsman with the

Marines in Saudia Arabia. I received a Bachelor Degree in Science, (a major in Biology

and a minor in Chemistry) from the University of Texas – Pan American in Edinburg,

Texas. I finished my third year of medical school in the University of Texas - Houston

Medical School, but was denied completion because of a legal matter that questioned

my integrity as a future medical doctor. I finished all course work for a master’s degree

at the University of Texas – Houston School of Public Health, but did not finish my

Dr. Ramiro Torres, D.C.,

thesis work. I finished a doctoral degree from the Texas Chiropractic College in

Pasadena, Texas, and became a licensed Chiropractor in 2002.

Since this time, I have owned a million dollar practice as a Chiropractor in Houston,

Texas and both started and closed a clinic in Brownsville, Texas. I am currently married

to Maria Elena for the last 14 years. I have two girls a 3 year old, Marlena Andrea and

an 8 year old, Arabela Regina.

The book Lifeguard: In Search of a Practical God stems from my unquenchable thirst to

know and most recently, my desire to know the truth. Raised as a Roman Catholic and

migrant field worker, I internalized the idea of hard-work, never submitting and always

preserving. It has been several years now that I have returned to “the faith” and have

continued on my pursuit for peace. However, my true spiritual awakening has come

about 8 weeks ago and thus, this book and many other ideas on how to make practical

the teachings of the Christ Spirit - God. It is my intention to study, research, and make

practical the inevitable quantum leap of man into higher awareness and oneness with

the true One Spirit - God.

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