linskey way solidification/stabilization project case...

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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Linskey WayLinskey WaySolidification/StabilizationSolidification/StabilizationProject Case StudyProject Case Study

Presented by: Michael Bachand P.E.Presented by: Michael Bachand P.E.

Presentation OutlinePresentation Outline Background Investigation Program Solidification/Stabilization Bench Scale Testing Design

Design Constraints Proposed Layout

Construction Construction Sequence Monitoring Program Pilot Program Phase 1 and 2 Full Scale Production

Summary Questions



The Massachusetts Department ofEnvironmental Protection (MA DEP) requiredmitigation of a DNAPL (Dense Non-AqueousPhase Liquid) layer under Linskey Way inCambridge, MA.

The site was previously used as amanufactured gas plant.

The site is located in an urban area under acity street.

The project involved solidifying/stabilizingapproximately 2,000 cubic yards of DNAPLmaterial.


DNAPL layer rested at the bottom of a naturalsand stratum and on top of a low permeabilityclay stratum.

Material was located 15 to 20 feet belowexisting ground surface.

Thickness of impacted soil ranged between 1to 3 feet.

The impacted material was located along acity street under numerous utilities includinggas, water, sewer, electrical and stormwaterlines.





Investigation ProgramInvestigation Program

A subsurface investigation program wascarried out on 10/17/2006 to collect samplesto be used in the bench scale program.

Three test borings were advanced at the sitedown to a depth of 30 feet below groundsurface.

Investigation Program Investigation Program –– Boring BoringLocation PlanLocation Plan

CDM Borings


Investigation Program Investigation Program –– Soil Profile Soil Profile

Investigation ProgramInvestigation Program

During the investigationprocess, 3-inch diametersplit spoons wereadvanced to increasesample quantity.

DNAPL was detected inthe split spoon samplescollected as shown.


Solidification/Stabilization Bench ScaleSolidification/Stabilization Bench ScaleTestingTesting

Prepared three mixes: Mix 1 – 8% Cement and 2% Bentonite Mix 2 – 10% Cement and 4% Bentonite Mix 3 – 12% Cement and 4% Bentonite

Used: Soil proportioned by strata thickness Cement - Type 1 Portland Cement Bentonite - Premium grade natural untreated sodium cation

Tested permeability and DNAPL mobility (10 and 28 day) foreach mix.

Solidification/Stabilization BenchscaleSolidification/Stabilization BenchscaleTestingTesting

The intent of the test was to determine theoptimum mix required to eliminate themobility of the DNAPL in the grout-soil mixduring the field program.

Prepare mix similar to the proposedconstruction process.

All mixes were tested using ASTM D 425 – todetermine success.


Permeability ResultsPermeability Results

Bench Scale ResultsBench Scale Results

Optimum jet grout mix was determined tohave a minimum cement ratio of 10% and abentonite ratio of 4% by weight of the jetgrout/soil matrix

Proportion and injection was determined tocreate grout columns with maximum target 7-day permeability of 1 x 10-6 cm/sec


Summary of Centrifuge TestingSummary of Centrifuge Testing

All mixes passed centrifuge tests.

Design ConstraintsDesign Constraints

Avoid impact to utilities. Avoid encroachment on or under adjacent

buildings. Contractor staging and prep areas were

within city streets.


Design Design –– Proposed Layout Proposed Layout



Construction SequenceConstruction Sequence

Pre-clear all jet grout hole locations Install monitoring points Perform pilot program Perform full scale jet grouting

Pre-Clearing ActivitiesPre-Clearing Activities

Prior to start of full scale grouting, column locationsvacuum extracted to 6-feet below grade.


Monitoring ProgramMonitoring Program

Install utility and surface monitoring points. Required to monitor utilities within a 50-foot active


Monitoring ProgramMonitoring Program

Deformation monitoring points assignedthreshold levels of 0.125-inches

Ground surface monitoring points assignedthreshold levels of 0.25-inches.

Thermal expansion limits were 0.06-inches.


Monitoring Program Monitoring Program –– Utility Layout Utility Layout

Gas Line

Electrical LineSewer LineWater Line

Construction Construction –– Pilot Program Phase 1 Pilot Program Phase 1and 2and 2

The Phase 1 program was implemented todetermine : Optimum grout mix Radius of influence of the grout columns

The Phase 2 pilot program was implementedto increase the radius of influence of thegrout columns by: Increasing the grout pressure Reducing the rotation rate Reducing the lift rate


Construction Construction –– Full Scale Production Full Scale Production

Construction Construction –– Full Scale Production Full Scale Production

Geo-Con was contracted to install the groutcolumns at the site.

Full scale production commenced on03/10/2008.

Grout column diameter was set at 3.7 feet. Center to center spacing was 3.12 feet.


Construction Construction –– Full Scale Production Full Scale Production Final layout of grouted columns


The full scale grouting phase tookapproximately 6 weeks to complete.

Of the 699 columns planned, 568columns were installed.

96 columns could not be installeddue to underlying obstructions andcould not be moved, 35 columnswere located outside the property.


Summary - Differential Movement Chart; Gas LinesSummary - Differential Movement Chart; Gas Lines

Summary Summary –– Total Movement Chart; Gas Lines Total Movement Chart; Gas Lines


Summary Summary –– Differential Movement Chart; Other Utilities Differential Movement Chart; Other Utilities(Water, Sanitary Sewer, Electrical)(Water, Sanitary Sewer, Electrical)

Summary Summary –– Total Movement Chart; Other Utilities Total Movement Chart; Other Utilities(Water, Sanitary Sewer, Electrical)(Water, Sanitary Sewer, Electrical)


Summary Summary –– Differential Movement Chart; Differential Movement Chart;Ground Surface Monitoring PointsGround Surface Monitoring Points

Summary Summary –– Total Movement Chart; Ground Total Movement Chart; GroundSurface Monitoring PointsSurface Monitoring Points


SummarySummary Setbacks encountered during the program

include: Discovery of abandoned high pressure

gas lines. Discovery of a buried railroad track.

Based on utility monitoring data, no totalmovement in utilities observed during theconstruction phase. Only movementobserved was mostly due to thermalexpansion.

After completion of the project, pavement andsidewalk were restored to original condition.


Current condition of thesite



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