liver transplant surgery and procedure

Post on 06-Aug-2015






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Liver Transplant Surgery

The liver is a large, meaty organ that sits on the right side of the belly. Weighing about 3 pounds, the liver is reddish-brown in color and feels rubbery to the touch. Normally you can't feel the liver, because it's protected by the rib cage.


Function of LiverStores vitamins, sugar and iron to help give your body energy

Controls the production and removal of cholesterol

Clears your blood of waste products, drugs and other poisonous substances.

Makes clotting factors to stop excessive bleeding after cuts or injuries

Produces immune factors and removes bacteria from the bloodstream to combat infection

When we require Liver Transplant Surgery?

Biliary Atresia

This condition occurs from either absence of the bile ducts or abnormal development of the same.

Acute Hepatic Necrosis

This condition is caused because the tissue in the liver dies.

Metabolic Disease & Liver Cancer

This is a condition, caused from the chemical activity, caused by the liver in the cells.

Liver Transplant Surgery Procedure

A liver transplant is a surgical procedure performed to replace a diseased liver with a healthy liver from another person. The liver may come from a deceased organ donor or from a living donor.

An entire liver may be transplanted, or just a section. Because the liver is the only organ in the body able to regenerate, a transplanted portion of a liver can rebuild to normal capacity within weeks.

Risks Associated With the Liver Transplantation

Blood vessels blocked in the newly transplanted liver


Block of bile duct Bile Leakage

Liver Transplant Surgery Procedure

A liver transplant is a surgical procedure performed to replace a diseased liver with a healthy liver from another person. The liver may come from a deceased organ donor or from a living donor.

An entire liver may be transplanted, or just a section. Because the liver is the only organ in the body able to regenerate, a transplanted portion of a liver can rebuild to normal capacity within weeks.

Cost for Liver Transplant

$50000, 20 Days Stay

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