lls & lf - jps 2007 - construction of physical reality

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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  • 8/7/2019 LLS & LF - JPS 2007 - Construction of physical reality


    JPS, Amsterdam June2nd, 2007 Salvador & Ferrier 2007

    The construction of physical realityThe construction of physical reality

    by phase locking processesby phase locking processesamong perceptionamong perception- -action cycles.action cycles.Towards a psychological theory of brainTowards a psychological theory of brain

    Luc Luc- -Laurent Salvador Laurent Salvador

    LIRDEF, Montpellier, France LIRDEF, Montpellier, Francesalvador@ext.jussieu.fr salvador@ext.jussieu.fr

    Laurent Ferrier Laurent Ferrier LAMECO, Montpellier, France LAMECO, Montpellier, France

    L aurent_.ferrier@laposte.netL aurent_.ferrier@laposte.net

  • 8/7/2019 LLS & LF - JPS 2007 - Construction of physical reality


    The body of reality The body of reality

    Reality is a construction (Piaget, 1937)Reality is a construction (Piaget, 1937) What is the bodys role in this construction? What is the bodys role in this construction? Why does bodily interactions with the world give Why does bodily interactions with the world giveus such a strong feeling of us such a strong feeling of experienced objectivity experienced objectivity ? : ? :

    Why are pinching ourselves in order to believe that Why are pinching ourselves in order to believe that what we live is real ? what we live is real ? Why do the realist philosopher tend to knock the table Why do the realist philosopher tend to knock the table with his closed hand when he pretend to tell the with his closed hand when he pretend to tell the truthtruth on on reality reality ??

  • 8/7/2019 LLS & LF - JPS 2007 - Construction of physical reality


    R elativism as a constructivismR elativism as a constructivismN o independant reality N o independant reality Circular causality subjectCircular causality subject mm objectobjectPerception depends on actionPerception depends on action


    subjectsubject objectobject

    actionactionHow does the individual builts a feeling of having accessHow does the individual builts a feeling of having accessto to the real thing the real thing ??How does How does objectivity objectivity becomes a psychological reality ? becomes a psychological reality ?

  • 8/7/2019 LLS & LF - JPS 2007 - Construction of physical reality


    The construction of reality : a consensus is needed The construction of reality : a consensus is needed

    RealismRealism direct perception of direct perception of objectivity objectivity

    The same cause, same effect principle as epistemological intersubjectivity The same cause, same effect principle as epistemological intersubjectivity

    realism realism

    ConstructivismConstructivism objectivity objectivity comes fromcomes from intersubjectivity intersubjectivity ::

    Psychological intersubjectivity leads to attributional consensus Psychological intersubjectivity leads to attributional consensus

    :: observer observer

    :: agreement process (social validation)agreement process (social validation)

    :: (attributed) causal link constructivism (attributed) causal link constructivism

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    P hysical reality as a social constructionP hysical reality as a social construction

    T he ecosystemic approach : T he ecosystemic approach :O rganism = hierarchical and organized population of scheO rganism = hierarchical and organized population of sche

    Perception is multimodalPerception is multimodal

    O bjectivity O bjectivity agreement among different schemesagreement among different schemes(crossmodal consensus)(crossmodal consensus)

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    The The binding problembinding problem

    O bject = united perception of shape, color, scent, texture,O bject = united perception of shape, color, scent, texture,firmness, weight, soundfirmness, weight, soundHow are different sensory flows integrated in one uniqueHow are different sensory flows integrated in one uniqueperception?perception?How do we realize this crossmodal consensus?How do we realize this crossmodal consensus?

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    O rganization P aradigmO rganization P aradigmReproduction as the basis of organization :Reproduction as the basis of organization :

    stability ( stability ( assimilation assimilation ) )

    plasticity (differential reproductionplasticity (differential reproduction accommodation accommodation ) )

    Each thingstrives to persevere in its being Each thingstrives to persevere in its being . Spinoza, Ethics III. Spinoza, Ethics III

    Circular reaction = Circular reaction = a reaction which tends to maintain, repeat or reproduce its own stimulation a reaction which tends to maintain, repeat or reproduce its own stimulation (Baldwin(Baldwin1906:333)1906:333)

    Assimilation cycle = Assimilation cycle = cycle of physicochemical and cinetic processes which, in continual relation with tcycle of physicochemical and cinetic processes which, in continual relation with t

    generate each others generate each others . (Piaget, 1936:11) ( . (Piaget, 1936:11) ( tr. auct.tr. auct. ) )

    Functional organization of the living Functional organization of the living

    Evolutionary perspectiveEvolutionary perspective

    Unity & integrity of the organizationUnity & integrity of the organization

    Unity with the environment ( Unity with the environment ( U mwelt U mwelt ) )

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    O rganization as a perceptionO rganization as a perception- -action cycleaction cycle

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    A utopoesis & environment A utopoesis & environment

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    O rganizationO rganization of of the environmentthe environment

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    MM onism of the cycleonism of the cycleand phaseand phase- -locking phenomenalocking phenomena

    M onism of the cycleM onism of the cycle = there IS nothing but cycles, i .e., to be anything is to be a= there IS nothing but cycles, i .e., to be anything is to be a

    cyclical organization which functioning leads to reproduction or self cyclical organization which functioning leads to reproduction or self- -maintenancemaintenance

    P hase and frequency locking is a general phenomenaP hase and frequency locking is a general phenomena among physical, chemicalamong physical, chemical

    and biological cyclesand biological cycles (Winfree, 1980 ; Glass, 1988 ; Strogatz & Stewart, 1993, Strogatz, 2003)(Winfree, 1980 ; Glass, 1988 ; Strogatz & Stewart, 1993, Strogatz, 2003)

    Psychological cycles are no exceptions . See e.g . locking phenomena in :Psychological cycles are no exceptions . See e.g . locking phenomena in :Animal chorus (cicadas, frogs, etc . ) Animal chorus (cicadas, frogs, etc . )FirefliesFirefliesGroup behaviorsGroup behaviors

    Locomotion : schooling, flocking, herding Locomotion : schooling, flocking, herding

    Construction : termites, ants, etc .Construction : termites, ants, etc .

    Any kind of mimetic processes : Any kind of mimetic processes :Social facilation, contagion, etc . (yawning, sport, violence, suicide, etc . )Social facilation, contagion, etc . (yawning, sport, violence, suicide, etc . )

    Crowd phenomena (lynching, fashion, bubbles & crashs, wars)Crowd phenomena (lynching, fashion, bubbles & crashs, wars)

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    A ssimilation A ssimilation ImitationImitation LockingLocking

  • 8/7/2019 LLS & LF - JPS 2007 - Construction of physical reality


    O ur hypothesis :O ur hypothesis :

    O bject as theO bject as the locus locus of of locking locking processesprocesses

    among among differentdifferent sensorimotor loops sensorimotor loops

  • 8/7/2019 LLS & LF - JPS 2007 - Construction of physical reality


    Illustration ici ?Illustration ici ?

    Q uelque chose comme un faisceau de bouclesQ uelque chose comme un faisceau de bouclesaccroches sur un objet ? A vec la convergenceaccroches sur un objet ? A vec la convergenceen miroir au niveau de la reprsentation ?en miroir au niveau de la reprsentation ?

  • 8/7/2019 LLS & LF - JPS 2007 - Construction of physical reality


    Ticks crossmodal integration of its prey Ticks crossmodal integration of its prey

    Cet animal reconnat sa proie mammifre grce Cet animal reconnat sa proie mammifre grce trois stimulations (von Uexkll, 1934) :trois stimulations (von Uexkll, 1934) :

    1.1. lacide butyrique mis par les glandes sbaceslacide butyrique mis par les glandes sbaces2.2. la prsence de poilsla prsence de poils3.3. la chaleur corporellela chaleur corporelle4.4. le sang le sang

    La tique,La tique, par son activit, par son activit,fait apparatre ces stimulifait apparatre ces stimulidans cet ordre prcisdans cet ordre prciselle elle saitsait quelle a atteint son but lorsquils se quelle a atteint son but lorsquils seprsententprsentent en mme temps en mme temps

  • 8/7/2019 LLS & LF - JPS 2007 - Construction of physical reality


    Intermodalit : quelques recherches rcentesIntermodalit : quelques recherches rcentes - -LL

    Leffet McGurk Leffet McGurk (McGurk & McDonald, 1976) :(McGurk & McDonald, 1976) :O n voit la prononciation dune srie de O n voit la prononciation dune srie de gaga O n coute une srie synchrone de O n coute une srie synchrone de baba O n entend une srie de O n entend une srie de dada

    The nose smells what the eyes seesThe nose smells what the eyes sees

    (Gottfried & Dolan, 2003) :(Gottfried & Dolan, 2003) :

    La dtection dune odeur est facilite par un indiage visuelLa dtection dune odeur est facilite par un indiage visuelcongruentcongruent

    Sekuler, Sekuler et Lau (1997) montrent lSekuler, Sekuler et Lau (1997) montrent l hallucinationhallucination dun choc entre deux formes qui se croisent sans contact sidun choc entre deux formes qui se croisent sans contact siun bip sonore est peru cet instant . un bip sonore est peru cet instant .

    Watanabe Watanabe etet ShimojoShimojo ((19981998) ) obtiennentobtiennent lele mmemme effeteffet avecavecuneune stimulationstimulation tactiletactile..

  • 8/7/2019 LLS & LF - JPS 2007 - Construction of physical reality


    The temporal consensus hypothesis The temporal consensus hypothesis

    The realist position The realist position : direct perception of the real : direct perception of the real synchrony synchrony betweenbetweendifferent sensory modalitiesdifferent sensory modalities

    The constructivist alternative The constructivist alternative :: construction of synchrony construction of synchrony by by synchronization synchronization processes among perceptionprocesses among perception- -action cyclesaction cycles

    The gist of the argument The gist of the argument ::Synchrony between different modal input is physically impossibleSynchrony between different modal input is physically impossibleSynchronization processes are necessary Synchronization processes are necessary

    to explain subjective synchrony between modalitiesto explain subjective synchrony between modalitiesoour perception of reality is a constructionur perception of reality is a constructiontthe causal perception model is falsifiedhe causal perception model is falsified

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    O bservations O bservations Battement synchrone main ou pied avec un signal sonoreBattement synchrone main ou pied avec un signal sonore(mtronome) :(mtronome) :

    Prcession de 30 50 millisecondes pour la mainPrcession de 30 50 millisecondes pour la main

    Prcession de 45 95 millisecondes pour le piedPrcession de 45 95 millisecondes pour le piedBattement tempo spontan avec synchronie mainBattement tempo spontan avec synchronie main- -pied :pied :

    Prcession de la main de 15 ms environPrcession de la main de 15 ms environ

    Battement synchrone des deux mains : 1 2 ms de diffrenceBattement synchrone des deux mains : 1 2 ms de diffrenceseulementseulementPaillard (1948)Paillard (1948) la prcession vient de la diffrence dela prcession vient de la diffrence delongueur des trajets nerveux et de la ncessit de lalongueur des trajets nerveux et de la ncessit de laconcidence des codes crbraux (CCC)concidence des codes crbraux (CCC)

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    C onclusions C onclusions Asynchronie ngative Asynchronie ngative la synchronie perue estla synchronie perue est hallucinehallucine Pas de synchronie relle possible en Pas de synchronie relle possible en percussion de tablepercussion de table

    Le sujet opre une concidence des codes crbraux sansLe sujet opre une concidence des codes crbraux sansconcidence des vnements dans le monde qui y concidence des vnements dans le monde qui y corresponde ncessairement :corresponde ncessairement : This This raises raises the the question question why why the the system system should should not not be be efficient efficient enough enough toto establish establish veridical veridical event event coincidence coincidence (in (in the the world)world) and and why why it it should should stickstick toto the the less less efficient efficient principle principle of of code code coincidence coincidence (in (in

    the the brain)brain) instead instead.. A A tentative tentative answer answer is is that that achieving achieving event event coincidence coincidence is is computationally computationally much much more more demanding demanding than than achieving achieving brain brain code code coincidence coincidence...... Though Though establishing establishing brain brain code code coincidence coincidence is is simpler simpler than than establishing establishing world world event event coincidence,coincidence, veridicality veridicality is is the the price price toto be be paid paid for for that that simplicity simplicity .. ( Aschersleben( Aschersleben && PrinzPrinz 19951995::314314) ) ( ( c'est c'est moi moi qui qui souligne souligne ) )

    La perception est une hallucination vraie La perception est une hallucination vraie T aine T aine

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    Trois niveaux Trois niveauxontologiquesontologiques - - LLLL

  • 8/7/2019 LLS & LF - JPS 2007 - Construction of physical reality


    P sychological theory of brainP sychological theory of brain - - LLLL

  • 8/7/2019 LLS & LF - JPS 2007 - Construction of physical reality



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