local charity retail learning forums

Post on 19-Mar-2016






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Our idea for Local Charity Retail Learning Forums for managers of charity shops. Starting in Arfon, we see this model being adopted in areas across Wales.


Idea Brief:

Local Charity Retail Learning Forums


Connecting Learners is Unison’s lifelong learning project for the 3rd sector, funded by

the Welsh Government’s Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF) and hosted by Cartrefi

Cymru in North & Mid Wales and Community Lives Consortium in South Wales. We

organise lifelong learning opportunities in following the areas:

Basic ICT;




team building & confidence building;

communication skills.

We also provide advice and guidance to 3rd sector organisations on improving the

skills of their workforces, including Learning Needs Analysis and Basic Skills

Awareness. In addition, we facilitate support for organisations going through change,

including redundancy support sessions and social media training, and are involved in

an EU Grundtvig project, INCLUSIVE, to promote best practice in social media for

adult learning.

Examples of our wider work include:

Co-creation of a communication & team building skills course, “Knowing Me,

Knowing You”, originally designed for Cartrefi Cymru social care staff but

adapted for volunteers in schools in Wrexham

Social Media training for Flintshire County Voluntary Council, other WULF

Projects and the RSC Wales’ wider e-learning community

Bespoke Prezi training for key members of Cartrefi Cymru staff

Creation of the Connected Learners Cymru social network

One of the key objectives underlying the Project is to “Target employees at the lower

range of employment in the third sector to gain a greater understanding of their

learning needs and to offer a range of learning opportunities that are relevant in

terms of level and content.” We see the idea of creating Local Charity Retail

Learning forums as a potential means of achieving this objective and enabling

more staff & volunteers to access the benefits of WULF.

The Spark....

We recently had places to fill on a “Money Matters” personal budgeting and money

management course (numeracy), otherwise we would have had to cancel. With just

a few phone calls to Charity Shop Managers on Bangor High Street we had 3 new

learners recruited to the course, all of whom attended and seemed to value the


We have provided copies of our current learner brochure to many of the charity

shops in Bangor and had informal conversation with a number of shop managers to

find out more about the training and learning opportunities afforded to their staff &

volunteers. There certainly seems to be interest in the opportunities we have on offer

already and we are keen to build on this positive reaction as quickly as possible.

The idea

Charity Retail outlets play an increasingly large role in the social & economic life of

towns across Wales. Connecting Learners wish to propose the creation, in

partnership with WCVA and CVCs, of Local Charity Retail Learning Forums for

the managers of Charity Retail outlets operating in towns in North & Mid Wales. The

forum would allow managers to come together to identify, discuss and act upon the

learning needs of their staff and volunteers. The forums would be designed to

complement lifelong learning opportunities with the existing staff & volunteer training

opportunities available to the charity retail workforce.

Proposed Structure & Responsibilities

A pilot forum would be created in Bangor, as this is where Connecting Learners is

based and where the greatest contact has been made between the Project and the

charity shop managers. The forum would meet on a quarterly basis and the

membership would ideally include representatives of local CVCs. If successful, the

model could be rolled out to other towns and counties across the region.

Connecting Learners would organise the forum, facilitate and host meetings at

Cartrefi Cymru’s modern training suite in Dean Street, Bangor. Connecting Learners

would also provide the forum members with an advice, guidance and signposting

service, including Basic Skills Awareness training for managers. Connecting

Learners would then be in a position to respond to and meet the identified needs by

either signposting to our existing free-to-access provision, external opportunities with

local colleges or the Open University and organising bespoke, fully-funded and

accredited lifelong learning courses to the staff and volunteers.

In addition to the forum meetings, a secure members-only online space for fourm

members would be created on Connected Learners Cymru, the social network for

lifelong learners in Wales. The direct costs associated with the creation and running

of the forum and the provision of courses will be met by Connecting Learners. WCVA

and CVCs would be responsible for promoting the forums and providing information

to the members regarding the training & development opportunities available to


Expected Benefits

Below is an overview of the expected benefits that may come from the creation of

the forum and the resulting learning.

Individual learner (staff member or volunteer)

Charity shop Organisation

Increased confidence Benefits of economies of scale

Increased revenue

Increased skills, including employability skills

Enhanced team-working

Volunteer Recruitment, Retention & Progression

Becoming a “lifelong learner” Increased motivation and satisfaction

Fulfilment of organisational ethos

Social benefits of meeting new people; networking.

Reduced errors Recognition of success

Qualifications; accreditation of learning; recognition of prior learning & voluntary work

Increased customer satisfaction & revenues

Creation & development of lasting partnerships

You can also see the Welsh Government’s overview of the benefits of improving

basic skills by clicking here.

Existing Training Provision

In addition to in-house training programmes, we have identified a range of

organisations and training providers offering training to 3rd sector organisations in


We are fortunate that our local County Voluntary Council, Mantell Gwynedd, offers a

range of training courses focused on compliance (for example, Food Safety &

Emergency First Aid) and organisational development (for example, Asset Based


The WCVA, through Courses for Communities, has a well established and

successful suite of training for 3rd sector organisations focusing on area of

organisational and corporate development such as Employment Law, Marketing,

Fundraising, Management & Trustees, etc.

Charity Retail.org also offers e-learning opportunities for managers in areas such as

Health & Safety and Security alongside best practice guides for organisational


Figure 1: Training & Development in Charity Retail

What’s next?

The path towards realising this idea, as envisaged by Connecting Learners, is illustrated below.

Proposals for changes and additions to this pathway are encouraged and will be welcomed by the

Connecting Learners team.

Figure 2: The pathway to Local Charity Retail Learning Forums

Contact : Richard Speight, Connecting Learners Project Manager

01248 363175 – 07799116193 - richard.speight@cartreficymru.org

Skype: richard.speight3 - Twitter @CL3Project - Facebook www.facebook.com/connecting.learners


Courses for Communities (WCVA/CVCs)

Sector-specific bodies (e.g. Cymorth Cymru, Care Council for Wales)

Retail Managment/Volunteer Development

In-house training programmes

Charity Retail Association e-learning


Connecting Learners???

Shop staff & volunteers

CSV/CVC training

Informal, on-the-job training

Adult Community Learning (ACL) opportunities with local FE providers

Government schemes (i.e. DWP Work Programme)

Connecting Learners???

Step 1:

Initiation Meeting between Connecting

Learners, CVCs, WCVA and one or more

Charity Retail managers

Step 2:

Forum Meeting arranged and

invitations to join the forum sent to charity

shop managers

Step 3:

Informal & formal Learning Needs

Analysis carried out & analysed

Step 4:

Courses organised by Connecting Learners &

promoted by forum members

Step 5:

Courses take place, delivered by local FE

and/or private providers

Step 6:

Analyses of Evaluations of learning and

informal feedback presented to next

forum meeting, further courses arranged

Briff Syniad:

Local Charity Retail Learning Forums

Elusen Fforymau Lleol Dysgu Manwerthu

Background Cefndir

Connecting Learners is Unison's lifelong learning project for the 3 rd sector, funded by the Welsh Government's Wales Union Learning Fund (WULF) and hosted by Cartrefi Cymru in North & Mid Wales and Community Lives Consortium in South Wales. Cysylltu Mae dysgwyr yn Unsain brosiect dysgu gydol oes ar gyfer y 3 ydd sector, a ariennir gan y Llywodraeth Cymru Cronfa Ddysgu Undebau Cymru (WULF) a gynhaliwyd gan Cartrefi Cymru yng Ngogledd a Chanolbarth Cymru a Consortiwm Bywydau Cymunedol yn Ne Cymru. We organise lifelong learning opportunities in following the areas: Rydym yn trefnu cyfleoedd dysgu gydol oes yn dilyn y maes:

Sylfaenol TGCh; llythrennedd; rhifedd; cyflogadwyedd; adeiladu tîm a magu hyder; sgiliau cyfathrebu.

Rydym hefyd yn darparu cyngor ac arweiniad i 3 ydd sector sefydliadau ar wella sgiliau eu gweithluoedd, gan gynnwys Anghenion Dadansoddiad Dysgu a Sgiliau Ymwybyddiaeth Sylfaenol. Yn ogystal, rydym yn hwyluso cefnogaeth i sefydliadau mynd drwy newid, gan gynnwys sesiynau cymorth diswyddo a hyfforddiant yn y cyfryngau cymdeithasol, ac yn cymryd rhan mewn prosiect Grundtvig CYNHWYSOL UE, i hyrwyddo arfer gorau yn y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ar gyfer dysgu oedolion.

Mae enghreifftiau o'n gwaith ehangach yn cynnwys:

Cyd-greu cwrs sgiliau adeiladu tîm a chyfathrebu, "Mae gwybod Fi, gwybod i chi" , a gynlluniwyd yn wreiddiol ar gyfer staff Cartrefi Cymru gofal cymdeithasol ond eu haddasu ar gyfer gwirfoddolwyr mewn ysgolion yn Wrecsam

Cyfryngau hyfforddiant Cymdeithasol ar gyfer Sir y Fflint Cyngor Gwirfoddol, Prosiectau WULF eraill a'r RSC Cymru 'ehangach e-ddysgu yn y gymuned

Pwrpasol Prezi hyfforddiant ar gyfer aelodau allweddol o staff Cartrefi Cymru

Creu o'r dysgwyr Connected Cymru rwydwaith cymdeithasol

Un o amcanion allweddol sy'n sail i'r prosiect yw "Targedu'r gweithwyr yn ystod isaf o gyflogaeth yn y trydydd sector i gael gwell dealltwriaeth o'u hanghenion dysgu ac i

gynnig ystod o gyfleoedd dysgu sy'n berthnasol o ran lefel a chynnwys. "Rydym yn gweld y syniad o greu Elusennau Lleol fforymau Dysgu Manwerthu fel dull posibl o gyflawni'r amcan hwn a galluogi mwy o staff a gwirfoddolwyr i gael mynediad at y manteision WULF.

Mae'r Spark ....

Yn ddiweddar cawsom i lenwi llefydd ar sail "Money Matters" cyllidebu personol a chwrs rheoli arian (rhifedd), fel arall, byddem wedi i ganslo. Gyda dim ond ychydig ffôn alwadau i Reolwyr Siop Elusen ar Stryd Fawr Bangor oedd gennym 3 dysgwyr newydd eu recriwtio i'r cwrs, pob un ohonynt yn bresennol ac yn ymddangos i werth y cyfle.

Rydym wedi darparu copïau o'n presennol llyfryn dysgwr i lawer o'r siopau elusen ym Mangor ac roedd sgwrs anffurfiol gyda nifer o reolwyr siop i gael gwybod mwy am y cyfleoedd hyfforddi a dysgu a roddir i staff a gwirfoddolwyr. Mae sicr yn ymddangos yn diddordeb yn y cyfleoedd sydd ar gael gennym eisoes ac rydym yn awyddus i adeiladu ar hyn ymateb cadarnhaol cyn gynted ag y bo modd.

Y syniad

Allfeydd manwerthu Elusen yn chwarae rhan fwyfwy mawr ym mywyd cymdeithasol ac economaidd o drefi ar draws Cymru. Mae dysgwyr Cysylltu dymuno cynnig creu, mewn partneriaeth â CGGC a'r Cynghorau Gwirfoddol Sirol, o Elusen Fforymau Lleol Dysgu Manwerthu ar gyfer y rheolwyr o allfeydd adwerthu Elusennau sy'n gweithredu mewn trefi yng Ngogledd a Chanolbarth Cymru. Byddai'r fforwm galluogi rheolwyr i ddod at ei gilydd i adnabod, trafod a gweithredu ar anghenion dysgu eu staff a'u gwirfoddolwyr. Byddai'r fforymau cael eu dylunio i gyd-fynd cyfleoedd dysgu gydol oes â'r staff presennol a chyfleoedd hyfforddi gwirfoddolwyr sydd ar gael i'r elusen gweithlu manwerthu.

Strwythur Arfaethedig a Chyfrifoldebau

Byddai fforwm peilot yn cael eu creu ym Mangor, gan mai dyma lle dysgwyr yn seiliedig Cysylltu a lle y cyswllt mwyaf wedi cael ei wneud rhwng y Prosiect a'r rheolwyr elusen siop. Byddai'r fforwm yn cwrdd bob chwarter ac y byddai'r aelodau yn ddelfrydol yn cynnwys cynrychiolwyr o Gynghorau Gwirfoddol Sirol lleol. Os bydd yn llwyddiannus, gallai'r model yn cael ei gyflwyno i drefi eraill a siroedd ledled y rhanbarth.

Byddai Cysylltu dysgwyr yn trefnu y fforwm, yn hwyluso ac yn cynnal cyfarfodydd yn Cartrefi Cymru yn ystafell hyfforddi modern yn Stryd y Deon, Bangor. Byddai dysgwyr Cysylltu hefyd yn darparu aelodau'r fforwm gyda, gwasanaeth cyngor, arweiniad a chyfeirio gan gynnwys hyfforddiant Ymwybyddiaeth Sylfaenol Sgiliau ar gyfer rheolwyr. Byddai dysgwyr Cysylltu wedyn mewn sefyllfa i ymateb i ac yn diwallu anghenion a nodwyd gan gyfeirio naill ai at ein presennol-am-ddim darpariaeth mynediad, cyfleoedd allanol gyda cholegau lleol neu'r Brifysgol Agored a

threfnu pwrpasol, a ariennir yn llawn a chyrsiau achrededig dysgu gydol oes i'r staff a gwirfoddolwyr.

Yn ychwanegol at y cyfarfodydd fforwm, byddai diogel aelodau yn unig lle ar-lein ar gyfer aelodau fourm yn cael eu creu ar Cysylltiedig Cymru dysgwyr, y rhwydwaith cymdeithasol ar gyfer dysgwyr gydol oes yng Nghymru. Bydd y costau uniongyrchol sy'n gysylltiedig â chreu a chynnal y fforwm a darparu cyrsiau yn cael eu diwallu gan Cysylltu Dysgwyr. Byddai CGGC a'r Cynghorau Gwirfoddol Sirol fod yn gyfrifol am hyrwyddo fforymau a darparu gwybodaeth i'r aelodau ynghylch y cyfleoedd hyfforddi a datblygu sydd ar gael iddynt.

Budd-daliadau Disgwyliedig

Isod, ceir trosolwg o'r manteision disgwyliedig a allai ddod o greu y fforwm a'r dysgu o ganlyniad.

Dysgwr unigol (Aelod o staff neu wirfoddolwr)

Siop elusen Sefydliad

Mwy o hyder Manteision arbedion maint

Mwy o refeniw

Mwy o sgiliau, gan gynnwys sgiliau cyflogadwyedd

Gwell gweithio mewn tîm

Gwirfoddolwyr Recriwtio, Cadw a Dilyniant

Dod yn "ddysgwr gydol oes" Mwy o cymhelliant a boddhad

Cyflawni o ethos y sefydliad

Manteision cymdeithasol o gwrdd â phobl newydd; rhwydweithio.

Llai o wallau Cydnabod llwyddiant

Cymwysterau; achredu dysgu; cydnabod dysgu blaenorol a gwaith gwirfoddol

Mwy o foddhad cwsmeriaid a refeniw

Creu a datblygu partneriaethau fydd yn para

Gallwch hefyd weld trosolwg Llywodraeth Cymru o fanteision o wella sgiliau sylfaenol drwy glicio yma .

Darpariaeth Hyfforddiant Presennol

Yn ogystal â rhaglenni hyfforddiant yn fewnol, rydym wedi nodi amrywiaeth o sefydliadau a darparwyr hyfforddiant sy'n cynnig hyfforddiant i 3 ydd sector sefydliadau ym Mangor.

Rydym yn ffodus bod ein Cyngor Gwirfoddol Sirol, Mantell Gwynedd, yn cynnig amrywiaeth o gyrsiau hyfforddi sy'n canolbwyntio ar gydymffurfio (er enghraifft, Diogelwch Bwyd a Chymorth Cyntaf Brys) a datblygu sefydliadol (er enghraifft, Datblygu Asedau Seiliedig).

Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru, drwy Cyrsiau ar gyfer Cymunedau , mae ystafell sefydlu'n dda ac yn llwyddiannus o hyfforddiant ar gyfer dysgwyr 3 sefydliadau yn y sector 3ydd canolbwyntio ar maes datblygu sefydliadol a

chorfforaethol fel y Gyfraith Cyflogaeth Marchnata,, Codi Arian, Rheoli ac Ymddiriedolwyr, ac ati

Retail.org elusen hefyd yn cynnig cyfleoedd e-ddysgu ar gyfer rheolwyr mewn meysydd megis Iechyd a Diogelwch a Diogeledd ochr yn ochr â chanllawiau arfer gorau ar gyfer datblygu sefydliadol.

Ffigur 1: Hyfforddiant a Datblygiad mewn Manwerthu Elusen

What's next? Beth nesaf?

Mae'r llwybr tuag at wireddu'r syniad hwn, fel a ragwelir gan Cysylltu dysgwyr, yn cael ei ddangos isod. Cynigion ar gyfer newidiadau ac ychwanegiadau at y llwybr yn cael eu hannog ac yn cael ei groesawu gan y tîm Dysgwyr Cysylltu.

Ffigur 2: Y llwybr i Elusen Fforymau Lleol Dysgu Manwerthu

Cysylltwch â: Richard Speight, Dysgwyr Prosiect Cysylltu Rheolwr 01248 363175 – 07799116193 - richard.speight@cartreficymru.org 01248 363175 - 07799116193 - richard.speight @ cartreficymru.org

Skype: richard.speight3 - Twitter @CL3Project - Facebook

www.facebook.com/connecting.learners Skype: richard.speight3 - Twitter @CL3Project - Facebook www.facebook.com / connecting.learners


Courses for Communities (WCVA/CVCs)

Sector-specific bodies (e.g. Cymorth Cymru, Care Council for Wales)

Retail Managment/Volunteer Development

In-house training programmes

Charity Retail Association e-learning


Connecting Learners???

Shop staff & volunteers

CSV/CVC training

Informal, on-the-job training

Adult Community Learning (ACL) opportunities with local FE providers

Government schemes (i.e. DWP Work Programme)

Connecting Learners???

Step 1:

Initiation Meeting between Connecting

Learners, CVCs, WCVA and one or more Charity

Retail managers

Step 2:

Forum Meeting arranged and invitations to join the forum sent to charity shop managers

Step 3:

Informal & formal Learning Needs Analysis carried out & analysed

Step 4:

Courses organised by Connecting Learners &

promoted by forum members

Step 5:

Courses take place, delivered by local FE

and/or private providers

Step 6:

Analyses of Evaluations of learning and informal feedback presented to next forum meeting,

further courses arranged

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