local radial basis function approximation on the sphere · functions, the radial basis function...

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Local radial basis function approximation

on the sphere

Kerstin Hesse∗ and Q. T. Le Gia† and Ian H. Sloan‡

School of Mathematics and Statistics,

The University of New South Wales,

Sydney NSW 2052, Australia

November 13, 2006


In this paper we derive local error estimates for radial basis functioninterpolation on the unit sphere S

2 ⊂ R3. More precisely, we consider

radial basis function interpolation based on data on a (global or lo-cal) point set X ⊂ S

2 for functions in the Sobolev space Hs(S2) withnorm ‖ · ‖s, where s > 1. The zonal positive definite continuous ker-nel φ, which defines the radial basis function, is chosen such that itsnative space can be identified with Hs(S2). Under these assumptionswe derive a local estimate for the uniform error on a spherical capS(z; r): the radial basis function interpolant ΛXf of f ∈ Hs(S2) sat-isfies supx∈S(z;r) |f(x)−ΛXf(x)| ≤ ch(s−1)/2‖f‖s, where h = hX,S(z;r)

is the local mesh norm of the point set X with respect to the sphericalcap S(z; r). A numerical test illustrates the theoretical result.

Keywords: error estimate, interpolation, local approximation, mesh norm,native space, positive definite kernel, radial basis function, Sobolev space,sphere, spherical cap.

AMS 2000: 41A05, 41A15, 41A25, 65D05, 65D07.

∗corresponding author: phone: +61 2 9385 7074, email: k.hesse@unsw.edu.au†email: qlegia@maths.unsw.edu.au‡email: i.sloan@unsw.edu.au


1 Introduction

Radial basis function interpolation and approximation on the sphere is a topicthat has been of great interest over the last decade (see [15, Chapter 17], [4,Chapters 5–7], and the references therein). Since it is essentially a meshlessmethod that allows the handling of scattered data, it is of great interestfor applications. The development of more powerful computers as well asprogress in numerical methods have made it possible to perform radial basisfunction interpolation and approximation for very large sets of data.

In this paper we are concerned with establishing local error estimates forthe maximal absolute pointwise error of a radial basis function interpolant ona spherical cap in terms of the local mesh norm of the interpolation point setwith respect to this cap. More precisely, we consider the following scenario:

Let φ be a zonal positive definite continuous kernel on S2 × S2 such thatthe native space Nφ associated with the kernel φ can be identified with theSobolev space Hs(S2), where s > 1, with the norm ‖ · ‖s (for definitions seeSection 2). The space Hs(S2) is intuitively the space of all those functionson S

2 whose generalized derivatives up to the order s are square-integrable.Given the values of f ∈ Hs(S2) on the point set X = {x1,x2, . . . ,xN} ⊂ S2,the radial basis function interpolant ΛXf =

∑Nj=1 αjφ(·,xj) of f is obtained

by solving the linear system

ΛXf(xi) =



αjφ(xi,xj) = f(xi), i = 1, 2, . . . , N.

We estimate the maximal absolute pointwise error of the radial basisfunction interpolant ΛXf on a spherical cap S(z; r) of center z and radiusr ≤ π/2. The error will be expressed in terms of the local mesh norm hX,S(z;r)

of X with respect to the spherical cap S(z; r), defined by

hX,S(z;r) := supx∈S(z;r)


dist(x,y), (1.1)

where dist(x,y) := arccos(x·y) is the spherical (geodesic) distance between xand y. Under certain assumptions we show in Theorem 1 that


|f(x) − ΛXf(x)| ≤ ch(s−1)/2X,S(z;r)‖f‖s, f ∈ Hs(S2). (1.2)

If we compare (1.2) with the corresponding global error estimate


|f(x) − ΛXf(x)| ≤ chs−1X ‖f‖s, f ∈ Hs(S2), (1.3)


(see [6, Corollaries 2 and 3] with the improvement from [7, Theorem 13] and[5, Theorem 2.12]), we see that the local error estimate (1.2) has only half thepowers of the local mesh norm hX,S(z;r) compared to the powers of the globalmesh norm hX . (The global mesh norm hX of X is defined by replacingS(z; r) by S2 in (1.1), that is, hX = hX,S2 .) This loss of convergence order isdue to the fact that we use a local estimate for trigonometric polynomials,the Videnskii inequality (see [2, page 243, E.19 c]), in the proof.

Apart from this main result, we derive as a by-product an interestingstatement (see Theorem 3) which guarantees, under certain assumptions onthe local mesh norm hX,S(z;r) of a point set X with respect to a spherical capS(z; r), that we have a set of local functions (defined on this spherical cap)that provide a local polynomial reproduction on S(z; r).

Why is the local error estimate (1.2) not only of theoretical but also ofpractical interest? If we have a point set X for which hX,S(z;r) ≈ hX , thenclearly the global estimate (1.3) gives always a better result than the localestimate (1.2), and nothing can be gained from (1.2). However, if we have asequence of point sets X for which hX,S(z;r) = o(h2

X), then the local estimate(1.2) gives asymptotically a better estimate than the global estimate (1.3).

In particular, the extreme case is of interest, where we have only pointsin the spherical cap S(z; r) (that is, X ⊂ S(z; r)), or where we have onlypoints in S(z; r + ε), with ε > 0 small compared to r. In both cases wehave hX ≈ π/2 and so the global error estimate (1.3) gives no information,whereas the local one (1.2) still gives useful results.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce all the nec-essary background material about the sphere, function spaces on the sphere,and radial basis functions, and in Section 3 we formulate and discuss theresults. In Section 4 we present the proofs, and in Section 5 we prove an im-portant lemma (Lemma 5 in Section 4), about the geometry of a point set Yon a spherical cap S(z; r), expressed in terms of the local mesh norm withrespect to this cap. In Section 6 we present a numerical test that illustratesthe theory.

2 Preliminaries

In this section we introduce all the necessary notation and background ma-terial. In Subsection 2.1 we will discuss point sets on the unit sphere S

2,spherical caps, and the (global and local) mesh norm of point sets on S2.In Subsection 2.2 we introduce function spaces on S2, spherical harmonics,the Sobolev spaces Hs(S2), and related terminology. In Subsection 2.3, wefinally briefly discuss zonal positive definite continuous kernels, radial basis


functions, the radial basis function interpolation problem, and the nativespace associated with the zonal positive definite continuous kernel.

2.1 Point sets and geometry on the sphere

Let x · y denote the Euclidean inner product of x,y ∈ R3, and let ‖x‖ :=(x · x)1/2 denote the induced Euclidean norm of x ∈ R3. The unit sphere S2

of the Euclidean space R3 is given by

S2 :=


x ∈ R3 : ‖x‖ = 1



For any two points x and y on the unit sphere S2, the spherical distance

dist(x,y) is defined to be the geodesic distance, that is, the length of ashortest geodesic arc connecting x and y. (By a geodesic arc we mean anarc which is part of a great circle.) Since the unit sphere has radius one, thislength is just the angle in [0, π] between the two points, that is,

dist(x,y) := arccos(x · y).

For x,y ∈ S2 with dist(x,y) < π, the shortest geodesic arc connecting xand y is uniquely determined; we will denote that shortest geodesic arc be-tween x and y (which then has length dist(x,y)) by [x,y] (or [y,x], sincehere we usually do not care about orientation).

For a measurable set A ⊂ S2, we denote the area of A by |A|.For a point set X = {x1,x2, . . . ,xN} ⊂ S2 the global mesh norm, defined

byhX := sup




measures how far away a point x ∈ S2 can be from the closest point of thepoint set X.

In this paper we are interested in local approximation on spherical caps.The (closed) spherical cap S(z; r) with center z ∈ S2 and radius r is definedby

S(z; r) :={

x ∈ S2 : dist(x, z) ≤ r



For a point set X = {x1,x2, . . . ,xN} ⊂ S2, the local mesh norm hX,S(z;r)

with respect to S(z; r) is defined by

hX,S(z;r) := supx∈S(z;r)




2.2 Function spaces on the sphere

Let L2(S2) denote the Hilbert space of square-integrable functions on the

unit sphere S2 with the usual L2(S2)-inner product

(f, g)L2(S2) :=


f(x)g(x) dω(x);

the corresponding induced norm is ‖f‖L2(S2) := (f, f)1/2L2(S2). Here dω denotes

the surface element of S2.The space C(S2) is the vector space of continuous functions on the sphere S


endowed with the supremum norm ‖f‖S2 := supx∈S2 |f(x)|, and likewiseC(S(z; r)) is the space of continuous functions f : S(z; r) → R on thespherical cap S(z; r), endowed with the (local) supremum norm ‖f‖S(z;r) :=supx∈S(z;r) |f(x)|. For functions f defined on an interval [a, b] we will denotethe supremum norm by ‖f‖[a,b] := supt∈[a,b] |f(t)|.

The space PL(S2) of spherical polynomials on S2 of degree ≤ L is obtainedby restricting all polynomials on R3 of degree ≤ L to the sphere S2. Therestriction to S2 of any homogeneous harmonic polynomial on R3 of exactdegree ` is called a spherical harmonic of degree `. The linear space H`(S

2)of all spherical harmonics of degree ` (and the zero polynomial) has thedimension dim(H`(S

2)) = 2`+ 1, and by

{Y`,k : k = 1, 2 . . . , 2`+ 1} (2.1)

we will in the following always denote an orthonormal basis of H`(S2) (with

respect to (·, ·)L2(S2)). Since spherical harmonics of different degree are or-

thogonal to each other, and since PL(S2) =⊕L

`=0 H`(S2), we find dim PL(S2) =

∑L`=0(2`+ 1) = (L + 1)2, and the set

{Y`,k : ` = 0, 1, . . . , L; k = 1, 2 . . . , 2`+ 1}

forms an orthonormal basis for PL(S2).A point set X = {x1,x2, . . . ,xN} on S2 is called PL(S2)-unisolvent if the

only polynomial p in PL(S2) that satisfies p(xj) = 0 for all j = 1, 2, . . . , N isthe zero polynomial.

The spherical harmonics of degree ` satisfy the addition theorem (see [4,Theorem 3.1.3] and [10, Lemma 4.5 and Theorem 4.7]): for any orthonormalbasis (2.1) of H`(S

2), we have



Y`,k(x)Y`,k(y) =2`+ 1

4πP`(x · y), x,y ∈ S

2, (2.2)


where P` denotes the Legendre polynomial (see [13, Chapter IV]) of degree `.The Legendre polynomials P`, ` ∈ N0, are the uniquely determined com-plete orthogonal set in the space L2([−1, 1]) of square-integrable functions

on [−1, 1], endowed with the inner product (f, g)L2([−1,1]) =∫ 1

−1f(t)g(t) dt,

with the following properties: (i) P` is a polynomial of exact degree `, and(ii) ‖P`‖[−1,1] = 1 and P`(1) = 1. The normalization of the Legendre polyno-

mials is such that∫ 1

−1|P`(t)|2 dt = 2/(2`+ 1) for ` ∈ N0.

The union over ` ∈ N0 of all the sets (2.1) of orthonormal sphericalharmonics of degree ` forms a complete orthonormal system in L2(S

2). Thusany function f ∈ L2(S

2) can be expanded into a Fourier series (or Laplaceseries) with respect to this orthonormal system:

f =∞∑




f`,kY`,k, (2.3)

with the Fourier coefficients

f`,k := (f, Y`,k)L2(S2) =


f(x)Y`,k(x) dω(x),

and the series (2.3) converges in the L2(S2)-sense to f .

For s ≥ 0, the Sobolev space Hs(S2) (see [4, Sections 5.1 and 5.2]) is thecompletion of

⋃∞L=0 PL(S2) with respect to the norm

‖f‖s :=

( ∞∑


(` + 1)2s2`+1∑



. (2.4)

The linear space Hs(S2) is a Hilbert space with the inner product

(f, g)s :=



(`+ 1)2s




which also induces the norm ‖ · ‖s. We observe that H0(S2) = L2(S2).

For s > 1, the Sobolev space Hs(S2) is embedded into the space C(S2)of continuous functions on S2, that is, Hs(S2) is a subset of C(S2) and thereexists a positive constant c such that ‖f‖S2 ≤ c‖f‖s for all f ∈ Hs(S2).This implies that every point evaluation functional δx : Hs(S2) → R, definedby δx(f) := f(x), where x ∈ S2 is fixed, is bounded, and hence that thespace Hs(S2), with s > 1, is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (see [1]).

For more background information on spherical harmonics and functionson the sphere we refer the reader to [4] and [10, Chapters 4 and 6].


2.3 Zonal positive definite kernels, radial basis func-tions, and native spaces

Let φ : S2 ×S2 → R be a symmetric and continuous kernel on S2. The kernelis called positive definite if





αiαjφ(xi,xj) ≥ 0

for any N ∈ N, any vector α = (α1, α2, . . . , αN) ∈ RN , and any pointset X = {x1,x2, . . . ,xN} of N distinct points on S2, and if equality holdsonly for α = 0. The kernel φ is called zonal if there exists some functionΦ : [−1, 1] → R such that

φ(x,y) = Φ(x · y), x,y ∈ S2. (2.5)

In other words, a zonal kernel is essentially a function of one variable, since forarbitrary fixed x ∈ S2 it is constant on any ‘latitude’ {y ∈ S2 : y · x = r},r ∈ (0, π), with respect to x as the north pole. For any zonal continuouskernel φ : S2 × S2 → R, the function Φ in (2.5) is continuous and thus, inparticular, is in L2([−1, 1]), and can be expanded into a Legendre series

Φ =



2`+ 1

4πa`P`, (2.6)

with the Legendre coefficients a` defined by

a` := 2π

∫ 1


Φ(t)P`(t) dt, ` ∈ N0.

Substituting (2.6) into (2.5) and then using the addition theorem (2.2) yieldsthat in the L2-sense

φ(x,y) =



2`+ 1

4πa`P`(x · y) =






Y`,k(x)Y`,k(y). (2.7)

We will in the following only consider zonal positive definite continuous ker-nels φ. In addition we will assume that the coefficients a`, ` ∈ N0, in theseries representation (2.7) satisfy



`|a`| <∞, (2.8)


thus guaranteeing that the series in (2.6) converges uniformly to Φ, since theLegendre polynomials satisfy ‖P`‖[−1,1] = 1.

In [3], (building on earlier results of Schoenberg [12] and Xu and Cheney[16]) a complete discussion of zonal positive definite continuous kernels sat-isfying (2.8) is given: a kernel of the form (2.7) with the property (2.8) ispositive definite if and only if a` ≥ 0 for all ` ∈ N0 with a` > 0 for infinitelymany even values of ` and infinitely many odd values of `.

From now on let φ : S2 × S

2 → R be a fixed zonal positive definitecontinuous kernel of the form (2.7) satisfying (2.8). For a given point setX = {x1,x2, . . . ,xN} of N distinct points on S2, let the (N -dimensional)approximation space be

VX := span {φ(·,xj) : j = 1, 2, . . . , N} .

The radial basis function interpolation problem can be formulated as fol-lows: given the values f(xi), i = 1, 2, . . . , N , of a continuous function f onthe point set X = {x1,x2, . . . ,xN}, find the function ΛXf ∈ VX such that

ΛXf(xi) = f(xi), i = 1, 2, . . . , N. (2.9)

Writing (2.9) more explicitly yields the linear system

ΛXf(xi) =



αjφ(xi,xj) = f(xi), i = 1, 2, . . . , N. (2.10)

Because of the positive definiteness of φ, the matrix [φ(xi,xj)]i,j=1,2,...,N of thelinear system (2.10) is positive definite, and hence the linear system (2.10)has always a uniquely determined solution.

Consider the linear function space

Fφ :=




αjφ(·,xj) : αj ∈ R, xj ∈ S2, j = 1, 2, . . . , N ; N ∈ N


endowed with the inner product (g, h)φ of g ∈ Fφ, given by g =∑N

j=1 αj φ(·,xj),

and h ∈ Fφ, given by h =∑M

i=1 βi φ(·, zi), defined by

(g, h)φ :=N∑




αjβiφ(xj, zi). (2.11)

Because of the positive definiteness of φ, (2.11) is indeed an inner product

for Fφ and induces as usual a norm for Fφ via ‖f‖φ := (f, f)1/2φ , f ∈ Fφ.


The native space Nφ is now defined to be the completion of Fφ with respectto this norm. The space Nφ is (by construction) a Hilbert space. We willdenote its inner product also by (·, ·)φ and the induced norm by ‖ · ‖φ.

The kernel φ is symmetric, and Fφ contains φ(·,x) for all x ∈ S2. Fur-thermore, (2.11) with g ∈ Fφ and h = φ(·,x) yields (g, φ(·,x))φ = g(x), andthus φ is a reproducing kernel for Fφ. This property extends from Fφ to itscompletion Nφ with respect to the inner product (2.11). This means that(i) φ is symmetric, (ii) φ(·,x) ∈ Nφ for all x ∈ S

2, and (iii) the reproducingproperty holds, that is,

(f, φ(·,x))φ = f(x) for all f ∈ Nφ and all x ∈ S2. (2.12)

The native space Nφ is therefore a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (see [1])with the reproducing kernel φ.

From (2.12) it is obvious that the radial basis function interpolation prob-lem (2.9) for a function f in the native space Nφ can also be written asfollows: given the values of f ∈ Nφ on a point set X = {x1,x2, . . . ,xN}, findΛXf ∈ VX such that

(ΛXf, φ(·,xi))φ = (f, φ(·,xi))φ for i = 1, 2, . . . , N.

This means that ΛX : Nφ → VX is just the Nφ-orthogonal projection (withrespect to (·, ·)φ) onto the finite dimensional subspace VX .

It is well known that the native space Nφ associated with a zonal positivedefinite continuous kernel φ, of the form (2.7) and satisfying (2.8) and a` > 0for all ` ∈ N0, has the inner product

(f, g)φ =∞∑






f`,kg`,k, f, g ∈ Nφ,

and the associated norm

‖f‖φ =

( ∞∑







, f ∈ Nφ. (2.13)

For more background information on radial basis functions on the sphererefer to [4, Chapters 5–7] and [15, Chapter 17].

3 Local radial basis function approximation

Let φ : S2×S2 → R be a zonal positive definite continuous kernel of the form(2.7) satisfying

c1(`+ 1)−2s ≤ a` ≤ c2(`+ 1)−2s for all ` ∈ N0, (3.1)


with positive constants c1 and c2 and some s > 1. We observe that sinces > 1, (3.1) implies that (2.8) is automatically satisfied, and hence the seriesin (2.7) converge uniformly on S

2 × S2 to φ.

Under the assumption (3.1), the norm ‖·‖φ, given by (2.13), is equivalentto the ‖ · ‖s-norm (see (2.4)), that is,

c−1/22 ‖f‖s ≤ ‖f‖φ ≤ c

−1/21 ‖f‖s, f ∈ Nφ, (3.2)

with the constants c1 and c2 from (3.1). Thus the native space Nφ associatedwith φ can be identified with the Sobolev space Hs(S2), and is, in particular,embedded in C(S2).

The following theorem, which is the main result of the paper, gives localerror estimates for radial basis function interpolation on the sphere. Moreprecisely, for f ∈ Hs(S2) we obtain an estimate for the maximal absolutepointwise error of the radial basis function interpolant ΛXf on the cap S(z; r)in terms of the local mesh norm hX,S(z;r) of X with respect to S(z; r).

Theorem 1 Let X = {x1,x2, . . . ,xN} be a set of N distinct points on S2,and let S(z; r) be the spherical cap with center z ∈ S2 and radius r, where0 < r ≤ π/2. Assume that the local mesh norm hX,S(z;r) of X satisfies theestimate

hX,S(z;r) ≤tan(r/4)


1 + 2√3 cos(r/2)

) . (3.3)

Let s > 1, and let φ : S2 × S2 → R be a zonal positive definite continuouskernel of the form (2.7) with a`, for ` ∈ N0, satisfying (3.1). Then

‖f−ΛXf‖S(z;r) := supx∈S(z;r)

|f(x)−ΛXf(x)| ≤ crh(s−1)/2X,S(z;r)‖f‖s, f ∈ Hs(S2),

(3.4)with the positive constant cr given by

cr :=3√c2


π(s− 1)c1


1 + 2√3 cos(r/2)





where the positive constants c1 and c2 are the constants from (3.1).

Remark 2 Note that the constant cr depends only on r, s, c1, and c2, andthat cr → ∞ as r → 0+.

For the proof of Theorem 1 we need the following theorem, which isof independent interest. It establishes a condition on the local mesh norm


hY,S(z;r) of a point set Y ⊂ S(z; r) for the PL(S2)-unisolvency of Y and for theexistence of a set of local functions that provide local polynomial reproductionon the cap S(z; r). This theorem is motivated by a corresponding resultwhich guarantees local polynomial reproduction on balls in Rd+1 (see [15,Chapter 3]).

Theorem 3 Let S(z; r) be the spherical cap with center z ∈ S2 and radius r,where 0 < r ≤ π/2, and let L ≥ 1 be an integer. Let Y = {y1,y2, . . . ,yM} bea set of M distinct points on S(z; r) whose local mesh norm hY,S(z;r) satisfies

hY,S(z;r) ≤tan(r/4)


1 + 2√3 cos(r/2)


L2. (3.5)

Then Y is a PL(S2)-unisolvent set, and there exist functions uj : S(z; r) → R,j = 1, 2, . . . ,M , such that



uj(x)p(yj) = p(x) for all p ∈ PL(S2) and all x ∈ S(z; r), (3.6)



|uj(x)| ≤ 2 for all x ∈ S(z; r). (3.7)

Remark 4 Note that for a (global) finite point set X ⊂ S2 whose local meshnorm hX,S(z;r) with respect to S(z; r) satisfies (3.5), Theorem 3 can be appliedto Y := X ∩ S(z; r) and thus Y , and also X, is PL(S2)-unisolvent.

The proofs of Theorem 1 and Theorem 3 will be given in the next section.

4 Proofs

First we prove Theorem 3. This proof makes use of a lemma establishing ageometric property of a (local) finite point set on a spherical cap under someassumptions on the local mesh norm with respect to that cap. We also applythe Videnskii inequality, and a fundamental theorem about norming sets.The argument is inspired by arguments for Rd+1 (see [15, Chapter 3]) thatmake use of the Markov inequality and domains that satisfy a cone condition.

Lemma 5 Let S(z; r) be the spherical cap on S2 with center z ∈ S2 andradius r ≤ π/2, and let Y = {y1,y2, . . . ,yM} be a point set on S(z; r) whoselocal mesh norm satisfies hY,S(z;r) ≤ r/2. For every x ∈ S(z; r), there existsa point y ∈ Y with the following two properties:


(i) dist(x,y) ≤(

1 +2√

3 cos(r/2)



(ii) the geodesic arc starting at x and going through y and continuing upto the boundary of S(z; r) has length greater than or equal to r.

The delicate proof of this lemma is given in Section 5. Here we just want tointerpret the result. Since hY,S(z;r) is the local mesh norm of the point set Ywith respect to S(z; r), it is clear that for every x ∈ S(z; r) there exists apoint y′ ∈ Y with dist(x,y′) ≤ hY,S(z;r). However, we have in general noinformation about the length of the geodesic arc starting at x and goingthrough y′ up to the boundary of S(z; r). The lemma guarantees that thereis a point y ∈ Y reasonably close to x with the property that the geodesicarc from x through y up to the boundary of the cap S(z; r) has length ≥ r.

Remark 6 We also observe that the estimate in (i) easily gives an upperbound which is independent of r: since r ≤ π/2 we have cos(r/2) ≥ 1/


and thus dist(x,y) ≤ (1 +√


Remark 7 The second term 2/(√

3 cos(r/2)) in the constant in the estimatein (i) is asymptotically optimal, in a sense that will become apparent in theproof of Lemma 5 in Section 5.

After some elementary transformations, the Videnskii inequality (see [2,page 243, E.19 c]) reads as follows:

Lemma 8 (Videnskii inequality) Let ω ∈ (0, 2π). If

2L ≥(





+ 1



then for every trigonometric polynomial sL of degree ≤ L, the derivative s′Lsatisfies

‖s′L‖[0,ω] ≤ 2L2 cot(ω



‖sL‖[0,ω]. (4.2)

Let V be a finite-dimensional real vector space with norm ‖·‖V and let V ∗

denote the dual space of V consisting of all linear and continuous functionalson V . A finite subset Z of V ∗ with cardinality M is called a norming setfor V if the mapping T : V → RM defined by T (v) = (z(v))z∈Z is injective.

We will use [15, Theorem 3.4] (see also [6] for the original source of Theo-rem 9 below), which we quote (with appropriate adaptation to our notation)for the reader’s convenience.


Theorem 9 Let V be a finite-dimensional real vector space with norm ‖·‖V ,and let Z = {z1, z2, . . . , zM} ⊂ V ∗ be a norming set for V . Further, letT : V → R

M be the sampling operator T (v) := (z1(v), z2(v), . . . , zM(v)),where RM is equipped with the supremum norm. Then for every Ψ ∈ V ∗,there exists a vector u = uΨ ∈ RM , u = (u1, u2, . . . , uM), depending onlyon Ψ, such that

Ψ(v) =M∑


ujzj(v), v ∈ V,



|uj| ≤ ‖T−1‖ ‖Ψ‖V ∗.

Proof of Theorem 3. Let p ∈ PL(S2) be an arbitrary spherical polynomialsuch that ‖p‖S(z;r) = 1. Then there exists a point x ∈ S(z; r) such that|p(x)| = 1.

Under the assumptions in Theorem 3 it is easy to see using (3.5) thathY,S(z;r) ≤ r/2, thus from Lemma 5 and the assumption (3.5) there exists apoint y ∈ Y such that

dist(x,y) ≤(

1 +2√

3 cos(r/2)


hY,S(z;r) ≤tan(r/4)

4L2, (4.3)

and such that the geodesic arc from x through y up to the boundary of thecap S(z; r) has length ≥ r. For simplicity of notation, let us from now ondenote the point where this geodesic arc reaches the boundary of S(z; r) by q,and let r′(≥ r) denote the length of the geodesic arc [x,q]. The length of[x,q] is bounded from above by the diameter of the cap, that is, r′ ≤ 2r ≤ π.

The restriction of any polynomial in PL(S2) to a great circle is a trigono-metric polynomial of degree ≤ L. Let now P := p|[x,q] denote the trigono-metric polynomial P : [0, r′] → R of degree ≤ L obtained by restricting pto the geodesic arc [x,q]. The parametrization is such that P (0) = p(x)and P (r′) = p(q). Furthermore, let ρ be the value of the parameter thatcorresponds to y, that is, P (ρ) = p(y) and ρ := dist(x,y). Since L ≥ 1 andr ≤ r′ ≤ π, the estimate

2L ≥ 2 =






+ 1








+ 1


ensures that (4.1) is satisfied with ω = r′, allowing us to use the Videnskii in-equality (4.2) for the trigonometric polynomial P with ω = r′. Then the mean


value theorem, the Videnskii inequality (4.2) with ω = r′, ρ = dist(x,y), theestimate (4.3), ‖P‖[0,r′] = |P (0)| = |p(x)| = 1, and 0 < r ≤ r′ ≤ π imply

|p(x) − p(y)| = |P (0) − P (ρ)| ≤ ρ‖P ′‖[0,r′]

≤ dist(x,y)2L2 cot(r′/4)‖P‖[0,r′]

≤ tan(r/4)

4L22L2 cot(r′/4)

≤ 1

2. (4.4)

From (4.4) and |p(x)| = 1, we obtain with the help of the lower triangleinequality for our spherical polynomial p of degree ≤ L

|p(y)| ≥ |p(x)| − |p(x) − p(y)| ≥ 1 − 1



2. (4.5)

Now let V := PL(S2)|S(z;r) := {p|S(z;r) : p ∈ PL(S2)} be equipped withthe supremum norm ‖ · ‖S(z;r), and consider the sampling operator

T : PL(S2)|S(z;r) → RM , p 7→ T (p) := (p(y1), p(y2), . . . , p(yM)),

corresponding to point evaluation on Y = {y1,y2, . . . ,yM}, where RM isequipped with the supremum norm ‖v‖∞ := max{|vj| : j = 1, 2, . . . ,M}for v = (v1, v2, . . . , vM) ∈ RM . The operator T satisfies ‖T‖∞ ≤ 1 because‖T (p)‖∞ ≤ ‖p‖S(z;r) for all p ∈ PL(S2). From (4.5) it follows that T is injec-tive, since for every non-zero p ∈ PL(S2) we have T (p) 6= 0. By definition,this means that the subset Z = {δyj

: j = 1, 2, . . . ,M} ⊂ V ∗ of pointevaluation functionals δyj

: V → R, δyj(p) := p(yj), is a norming set for

V = PL(S2)|S(z;r). The inverse operator of T exists on the range T (V ) ⊂ RM

of T (since T is injective), and T−1 : T (V ) → V satisfies

‖T−1‖∞ := supv∈T (V )\{0}


‖v‖∞= sup

p∈V \{0}


‖T (p)‖∞

= supp∈PL(S2)\{0}


max {|p(yj)| : j = 1, 2, . . . ,M} ≤ 2, (4.6)

where the estimate in the last step follows from (4.5).Now we apply Theorem 9 to the finite-dimensional space V and the norm-

ing set Z = {δyj: j = 1, 2, . . . ,M} ⊂ V ∗ for V . Theorem 9 guarantees that

for every point evaluation functional δw : V → R, δw(p) := p(w), wherew ∈ S(z; r), there exists u = u(w) = (u1(w), u2(w), . . . , uM(w)) ∈ RM such



p(w) = δw(p) =



uj(w)δyj(p) =



uj(w)p(yj), p ∈ PL(S2)|S(z;r),




|uj(w)| ≤ ‖T−1‖∞ ‖δw‖V ∗ ≤ 2.

In the last step we have used (4.6) and the fact that the norm of any pointevaluation functional δw, with w ∈ S(z; r), satisfies the estimate

‖δw‖V ∗ = supp∈V \{0}


≤ 1.

Because (4.7) is valid for all p ∈ V = PL(S2)|S(z;r), it also holds true for allp ∈ PL(S2), since the sets are in one-to-one correspondence. This proves that(3.6) and (3.7) are satisfied.

It remains to show that Y = {y1,y2, . . . ,yM} is PL(S2)-unisolvent. Con-sider p ∈ PL(S2) with p(yj) = 0 for j = 1, 2, . . . ,M . Then (3.6) impliesthat p ≡ 0 on S2. Thus Y is PL(S2)-unisolvent. This concludes the proof ofTheorem 3. 2

Now we prove Theorem 1 with the help of Theorem 3.

Proof of Theorem 1 – Part I. The radial basis function interpolant ΛXfof any function f ∈ Nφ can be written in the Lagrange representation as

ΛXf =N∑


f(xj)`j, (4.8)

where the Lagrangians `j, j = 1, 2, . . . , N , are defined by `j ∈ VX and`j(xi) = δi,j for i = 1, 2, . . . , N , with δi,j the Kronecker symbol defined byδi,j = 1 if i = j and zero otherwise. From (4.8) and the reproducing property(2.12) of the reproducing kernel φ, we find for any f in the native space Nφ

f(x) − ΛXf(x) = (f, φ(·,x))φ −N∑


(f, φ(·,xj))φ`j(x)



f, φ(·,x) −N∑





, x ∈ S2.


The Cauchy-Schwarz inequality then yields

|f(x) − ΛXf(x)| ≤ ‖f‖φ PX(x), x ∈ S2, (4.9)

with the power function PX : S2 → R+0 given by

PX(x) :=

φ(·,x) −N∑






φ(x,x) − 2



φ(x,xj)`j(x) +








The equivalence (3.2) of the norms ‖ · ‖φ of Nφ and ‖ · ‖s of Hs(S2) and (4.9)imply that for every f ∈ Hs(S2)

|f(x) − ΛXf(x)| ≤ c−1/21 ‖f‖s PX(x), x ∈ S

2, (4.11)

with the constant c1 from (3.1). 2

It remains to estimate the power function PX uniformly on S(z; r). We usethe following well-known lemma:

Lemma 10 Let φ : S2 × S2 → R be a zonal positive definite continuouskernel of the form (2.7) with a` > 0 for all ` ∈ N0 and satisfying (2.8). LetX = {x1,x2, . . . ,xN} be a set of N distinct points on S2, and for fixed x ∈ S2

define the quadratic functional Lx : RN → R by

Lx(α) = φ(x,x) − 2



φ(x,xj)αj +






where α = (α1, α2, . . . , αN) ∈ RN . The unique minimum of Lx is achievedby the vector (`1(x), `2(x), . . . , `N(x)), where `j, j = 1, 2, . . . , N , is the La-grangian corresponding to xj, defined by `j ∈ VX and `j(xi) = δi,j fori = 1, 2, . . . , N .

Proof of Lemma 10. Computation of the partial derivative ∂Lx(α)/∂αj



∂αj= −2φ(x,xj) + 2





Thus ∇Lx(α) = 0 is equivalent to

φ(x,xj) =N∑


φ(xi,xj)αi, j = 1, 2, . . . , N,

which has a unique solution since the kernel φ is positive definite. Thisunique solution is αi = `i(x), i = 1, 2, . . . , N , since

∑Ni=1 φ(xi,xj)`i is the

Lagrange representation of φ(·,xj) ∈ VX . At this critical point Lx assumesa local minimum, because the Hessian of Lx is given by the positive definitematrix [2φ(xi,xj)]i,j=1,2,...,N . 2

Proof of Theorem 1 – Part II. Now we estimate the power function PX

uniformly on S(z; r). From Lemma 10, we know that an upper bound onthe power function is obtained when the `j(x), j = 1, 2, . . . , N , are replacedin (4.10) by the components of any vector α = (α1, α2, . . . , αN) ∈ RN . Toobtain a suitable vector α we apply Theorem 3. Consider the point setY := X ∩ S(z; r). For simplicity, we denote the M(≤ N) points in Y byy1,y2, . . . ,yM , that is, Y = {y1,y2, . . . ,yM}, and, after renumbering thepoints in X, we may assume that yi = xi for i = 1, 2, . . . ,M . We observethat hY,S(z;r) = hX,S(z;r), and we define

L :=



1 + 2√3 cos(r/2)





which is greater than or equal to 1 by the assumption (3.3) in Theorem 1.From this follows

L2 ≤ tan(r/4)


1 + 2√3 cos(r/2)




which is equivalent to the assumption (3.5) in Theorem 3. Thus we know thatY is a PL(S2)-unisolvent set and that there exist functions uj : S(z; r) → R,j = 1, 2, . . . ,M , such that



uj(x)p(yj) = p(x) for all p ∈ PL(S2) and all x ∈ S(z; r), (4.12)



|uj(x)| ≤ 2 for all x ∈ S(z; r). (4.13)


Now we fix x ∈ S(z; r), and choose the vector α = (α1, α2, . . . , αN) ∈ RN

to be

αj :=


uj(x) if j = 1, 2, . . . ,M,0 if j = M + 1,M + 2, . . . , N.

(Remember that we have renumbered the points in X so that xj = yj forj = 1, 2, . . . ,M .) From Lemma 10 we obtain then

PX(x) ≤(

φ(x,x) − 2



φ(x,xj)uj(x) +








(4.14)From the local polynomial reproduction property (4.12) we have for all ` ≤ L

P`(x · x) − 2M∑


P`(x · xj)uj(x) +M∑




P`(xi · xj)ui(x)uj(x)



P`(x · x) −M∑


P`(x · xj)uj(x)





P`(x · xj) −M∑


P`(xi · xj)ui(x)


uj(x) = 0.

Thus the terms up to (and including the) degree L in the series expan-sion (2.7) of φ cancel on the right-hand side of (4.14), and we can replace φin (4.14) by

φL(x,y) :=



2`+ 1

4πa`P`(x · y) =







This, together with |P`(t)| ≤ 1 for all t ∈ [−1, 1], the estimate (4.13), andthe assumption (3.1) on the coefficients a`, ` ∈ N0, yield

PX(x) ≤(

φL(x,x) − 2M∑


φL(x,xj)uj(x) +M∑







( ∞∑


2`+ 1



P`(1) − 2M∑


P`(x · xj)uj(x) +M∑




P`(xi · xj)ui(x)uj(x)



≤( ∞∑


2`+ 1

4πa` [1 + 4 + 4]



≤ 3√c2√

( ∞∑


(`+ 1)1−2s


≤ 3√c2√


2(s− 1)(L+ 1)1−s. (4.16)

Finally, since

L + 1 >



1 + 2√3 cos(r/2)





the estimate (4.16) implies

PX(x) ≤ 3√c2


π(s− 1)


1 + 2√3 cos(r/2)




h(s−1)/2X,S(z;r), (4.17)

for all x ∈ S(z; r). Combining (4.11) and (4.17) yields (3.4). 2

5 Proof of Lemma 5

The proof of Lemma 5 is done by a geometric construction. Note that inall our illustrations S(z; r) is depicted as a ball in R2, since this is easierto draw and visualize. However, this ignores the curvature of the sphere.In particular, this means that geodesic arcs appear as straight lines in ourillustrations and that any (seemingly planar) triangle in our illustrations isin fact a spherical triangle, that is, a triangle given by connecting the cornerpoints with geodesic arcs.

For purposes of explanation and description in the proof, we will some-times use polar coordinates for S2, given by

x(ϑ, ϕ) = (sinϑ cosϕ, sinϑ sinϕ, cosϑ) , ϑ ∈ [0, π], ϕ ∈ [−π, π]. (5.1)

We will also use the following well-known fact:

Lemma 11 Any spherical cap S(z; r) with r < π/2 is convex. That is, theshortest geodesic arc between any two points of S(z; r) lies in S(z; r), and isunique.


Proof of Lemma 5. First we discuss the trivial case x = z. In this casewe know that there exists a point y in Y with dist(x,y) ≤ hY,S(z;r), and thegeodesic arc from x = z through y up to the boundary of S(z; r) has exactlythe length r. So properties (i) and (ii) are clearly satisfied.

For the case x 6= z the proof is much more complicated. First we needa geometric construction of a ‘spherical cone’ C(x, z) which is a subset ofS(z; r) having a vertex at x, and which contains z, and which is guaranteedto contain a point y ∈ Y satisfying conditions (i) and (ii) in the lemma.

Without loss of generality, we may assume in the following that x and zboth lie on the equator, and that z has the polar coordinates (π/2, 0) (thatis, z = (1, 0, 0)) and that x lies west of it, that is, x has the polar coor-dinates (π/2,−ρ) with ρ := dist(x, z) ≤ r. In particular, this means thatthe uniquely determined great circle through x and z is the equator, andany great circle perpendicular to the equator passes through the north polen = (0, 0, 1) and the south pole s = (0, 0,−1). We denote the point given bythe intersection of the equator and the boundary of S(z; r) to the east of zby q; this point has the polar coordinates (π/2, r).

From now on we consider only r < π/2, and comment at the end on thecase r = π/2. Since r < π/2, the cap S(z; r) does not contain either thenorth or the south pole, and from Lemma 11 S(z; r) is convex.

For x ∈ S(z; r)\{z} consider a second spherical cap S(x; r), with center xand radius r. Since x 6= z, there are exactly two points p1 and p2 wherethe boundaries of the two caps intersect, and the geodesic arc [p1,p2] isperpendicular to the geodesic arc [x, z], cutting [x, z] in half (see left-handpicture in Figure 1). Since the two spherical caps S(z; r) and S(x; r) are notidentical, their union has an area which is larger than that of each individualcap. Also [p1,p2] cuts the union of the two caps into two mirror-symmetricregions of equal size, and each of these two regions has an area which is strictlylarger than |S(z; r)|/2. From now on we focus on the region containing z,and denote it by A(x, z). The set A(x, z) can be described as the part of thecap S(z; r) to the east of the geodesic arc [p1,p2]. Since its area is largerthan the area of |S(z; r)|/2, it has to contain the ‘hemi-cap’ {v = v(ϑ, ϕ) ∈S(z; r) : ϕ ≥ 0} which is the part of S(z; r) to the east of the longitudethrough z.

Now we construct our spherical cone C(x, z) as shown in the right-handpicture in Figure 1: The two geodesic arcs [x,p1] and [x,p2] cut the originalcap S(z; r) into a (smaller) part which does not contain z and a (larger) partwhich contains z. We denote the part that contains z by C(x, z). We willcall C(x, z) the spherical cone with vertex at x and ‘arms’ [x,p1] and [x,p2].

Since [x,p1] and [x,p2] are geodesic arcs, and since x lies outside A(x, z),


x zq




x zq




Figure 1: The region A(x, z) (left picture), and the cone C(x, z) with thespherical cap of radius r/2 with center in the middle of [z,q] (right picture),for r < π/2.

it follows that C(x, z) contains A(x, z). Hence C(x, z) contains in particularthe ‘hemi-cap’ {v = v(ϑ, ϕ) ∈ S(z; r) : ϕ ≥ 0}. Inside this ‘hemi-cap’ wecan place a unique spherical cap with radius r/2 so that its center is on theequator half-way between z and q, as in the right-hand picture in Figure 1.It follows that any spherical cap with the same center and radius h ≤ r/2 isalso contained in the ‘hemi-cap’ and hence in C(x, z).

Now we move the center of this spherical cap with radius h ≤ r/2 west-wards along the equator subject to the condition that the cap stays insideC(x, z). At some point the west side of the boundary of the cap just touches[p1,p2] as shown in the left-hand picture in Figure 2; we denote the centerof the cap of radius h ≤ r/2 at this position by u. We observe that

dist(x,u) =dist(x, z)

2+ h ≤ r


2= r < π/2. (5.2)

We now continue to move the center of the cap with radius h furtheralong the equator to the west until the cap just touches the arms [x,p1] and[x,p2] of the cone C(x, z). This is as far as we can go to the west whilekeeping the cap with radius h completely inside C(x, z).

Let us denote by z′ the center of this final spherical cap. Thus z′ isthe center of the spherical cap with center on the equator and radius h,lying inside C(x, z) and just touching the arms [x,p1] and [x,p2] of the coneC(x, z) (see right-hand picture in Figure 2). As in the figure, we denote thepoints where S(z′; h) touches [x,p1] and [x,p2] by q1 and q2, respectively.


x zq















Figure 2: The cone C(x, z) with the spherical cap S(u; h) (left picture),and the cone C(x, z) with the spherical cap S(z′; h) (right picture). In bothpictures h = r/2 and r < π/2.

We are interested in obtaining an estimate for the distance

h1 := dist(x, z′).

Obviously, from (5.2) one bound is h1 ≤ dist(x,u) ≤ r < π/2, but we needa bound of the form h1 ≤ γh, with a constant γ independent of h. For thispurpose we consider the spherical triangle ∆(x, z′,q1) with corners given byx, z′, and q1 and sides given by the shortest geodesic arcs connecting the cor-ner points (see Figure 3). Since [x,q1] is a sub-arc of the geodesic arc [x,p1]and since S(z′; h) just touches [x,p1] at q1, the angle at the corner q1 is π/2.Let us denote the angle at the corner x by α. We know that dist(z′,q1) = h.From the spherical sine theorem (see [9, Theorem 2.5.2]) we obtain

sin h1 =sin h1


sin h

sinα. (5.3)

The angle α satisfies π/3 < α < π/2. (This will be shown in Appendix A.)Since π/3 < α < π/2, we have sinα >

√3/2, and thus from (5.3)

sin h1 <2√3

sin h. (5.4)

Since h1 < π/2, we can use sin h1 > 2h1/π and sin h ≤ h, yielding with (5.4)




⇔ h1 <π√3h. (5.5)










Figure 3: The triangle ∆(x, z′,q1).

Since π/√

3 ≈ 1.8138, (5.5) provides the upper bound h1 < 2h which wenow use to improve the upper bound (5.5). Since we have h1 < 2h < π/2(with the last inequality following from h ≤ r/2 and r < π/2), from themonotonically decreasing nature of sin x/x on [0, π/2] there follows



sin h1

h1. (5.6)

Using sin(2h) = 2 sin h cos h we obtain from (5.6) and (5.4)

sin h cos hh1



sin h ⇔ h1 <2√

3 cos hh.

To obtain a constant that is independent of h, we use cos h ≥ cos(r/2) (fromh ≤ r/2 < π/4), and thus find

h1 <2√

3 cos(r/2)h. (5.7)

Before we continue with the proof we want to explain why (5.7) is in a certainsense asymptotically optimal : If we consider r → 0+ then the area of thetriangle ∆(x, z′,q1) shrinks and the geometry of the triangle gets more andmore Euclidean. In the limit case r = 0 we would have a planar triangle. Fora planar triangle as in Figure 3, we have h = h1 sinα. Since π/3 < α < π/2we have h1 = h/ sinα < 2h/

√3, with equality as α→ π/3+. This is exactly

the estimate that we obtain from (5.7) for r → 0+. Moreover, the limitα → π/3+ is achieved in the Euclidean case when x is on the boundaryof S(z; r) as we then have a triangle ∆(x, z,p1) with three sides of equallength r. Thus (5.7) cannot be improved when r is small.

Now we continue with the proof: Let h in the above construction be thelocal mesh norm hY,S(z;r) of Y with respect to S(z; r). We have establishedthat the distance h1 = dist(x, z′) satisfies the estimate (5.7) with h = hY,S(z;r).Moreover, by the definition of the local mesh norm hY,S(z;r), the spherical cap


S(z′; hY,S(z;r)) contains a point y from the point set Y . The distance of thispoint y from x is bounded by

dist(x,y) ≤ dist(x, z′) + dist(z′,y)

≤ h1 + hY,S(z;r)



1 +2√

3 cos(r/2)



thus y satisfies the property (i) in Lemma 5. The geodesic arc from xthrough y up to the boundary of C(x, z) lies inside C(x, z) and intersects thecommon boundary of C(x, z) and S(z; r). Since this geodesic arc crosses theboundary of S(x; r), it is clear from the construction that it has length ≥ r.

It remains to briefly discuss the case when r = π/2. For this case theproof follows along the same lines as for r < π/2, but it is much simpler dueto the particular geometric scenario. We briefly sketch the essential steps.For r = π/2, S(z; π/2) is a hemisphere whose boundary is the union of thelongitudes through (0, 1, 0) and (0,−1, 0); this boundary contains both thenorth pole n = (0, 0, 1) and the south pole s = (0, 0,−1). Now we considerthe spherical cap S(x; π/2). It is also a hemisphere, and its boundary inter-sects the boundary of S(z; π/2) in n and s. The union of the geodesic arcs[x,n] and [x, s] is just the longitude {v = v(ϑ, ϕ) : ϕ = −ρ} through x.Now we choose C(x, z) to be the part of S(z; π/2) to the east of this lon-gitude. Because in this case the angle at the vertex at x formed by thearms [x,n] and [x, s] of the cone is π (a degenerate case), the constructionis now much simpler. For fixed 0 < h ≤ r/2 = π/4, z′ is now the pointwith polar coordinates (π/2,−ρ + h), so that S(z′; h) lies in C(x, z) andtouches the boundary of C(x, z) just in the point x, and h1 = h. From hereonwards the proof continues analogously to that for the case 0 < r < π/2. 2

6 Numerical Results

In our numerical experiment we consider the function

f(x, y, z) := exp(x+ y + z) + 25x3+, (x, y, z) ∈ R

3 ∩ S2,

where x+ is x if x > 0 and zero otherwise. The function f consists of theinfinitely often differentiable component f1(x, y, z) := exp(x + y + z) andthe (local) component f2(x, y, z) := x3

+. The latter function has support onthe hemisphere S((1, 0, 0); π/2), is twice continuously differentiable, and is


in the Sobolev space Hs(S2) for any s < 3.5 (see [4, pages 123–126]). Thusf ∈ Hs(S2) for any s < 3.5.

As radial basis function (RBF) we use the zonal positive definite functionof Wendland type (see [14] and [15, page 129]) given by

φ(x,y) := ψ(√

2 − 2x · y), ψ(r) := (1 − r)4+(4r + 1).

The asymptotic behavior of the Fourier coefficients of this RBF is (see [8])

c1(`+ 1)−5 ≤ a` ≤ c2(`+ 1)−5,

and hence the native space can be identified with H2.5(S2).We compute the RBF interpolant ΛXf of the function f from the val-

ues of f given on a set X of uniformly distributed points on the polar capS(n; 0.1), where n = (0, 0, 1) is the north pole. These points were gener-ated by modifying Saff’s algorithm for partitioning the sphere into regions ofequal area and approximately equal diameter (see [11]), and then restrictingthe point set to S(n; 0.1); from now on we will refer to these points as ‘Saffpoints’. We stress that we do not use any values of the function at pointsoutside the cap S(n; 0.1). The arc x = 0, along which the function x3

+ ‘lackssmoothness’, cuts the north polar cap S(n; 0.1) in half. We may expect thelack of smoothness along this arc to be reflected in the pointwise error of theRBF interpolant.

N hX,S(n;0.1) err(X,S(n; 0.1))

500 0.007353 0.0015961000 0.005220 6.9838e-042000 0.003676 2.8189e-043000 0.003005 1.7838e-044000 0.002603 1.2306e-045000 0.002332 9.4106e-05

Table 1: The local mesh norm hX,S(n;0.1) of the set X ofN Saff points, and themaximal absolute pointwise error err(X,S(n; 0.1)) of the RBF interpolant onthe cap S(n; 0.1). (Note that X ⊂ S(n; 0.1).)

Table 1 lists the cardinality N of the set X of Saff points in the firstcolumn, and its local mesh norm hX,S(n;0.1) with respect to S(n; 0.1) in thesecond column. The third column lists the maximal absolute pointwise er-ror err(X,S(n; 0.1)) of ΛXf on the spherical cap S(n; 0.1). The maximal


absolute pointwise error on the spherical cap S(n; 0.1) was estimated by de-termining the maximum of the absolute pointwise error at those points of a241× 241 point evaluation grid that lie inside the cap S(n; 0.1). This grid isa rectangular region of a polar coordinate grid which has been rotated suchthat its center is mapped from the equator onto the north pole n.

We see that the maximal absolute pointwise error declines as the cardi-nality N of the set X of Saff points inside the cap S(n; 0.1) increases and thelocal mesh norm hX,S(n;0.1) with respect to S(n; 0.1) decreases.

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.40







log(hX(i),S( n;0.1)

/hX(j),S( n;0.1)














Figure 4: Plot of the logarithm of the ratio of the maximal absolute pointwiseerrors of the RBF interpolants on S(n; 0.1) against the logarithm of the ratioof the respective local mesh norms with respect to S(n; 0.1). All possiblecombinations of the data in Table 1 have been used.

We are interested in monitoring the decay rate of the maximal absolutepointwise error on S(n; 0.1) as the local mesh norm hX,S(n;0.1) of the set Xof Saff points declines. From (3.4) in Theorem 1 we know that

err(X,S(n; 0.1)) ≈ supx∈S(n;0.1)

|f(x) − ΛXf(x)| ≤ ch(s−1)/2X,S(n;0.1)‖f‖s,

where the X is the set of N Saff points inside S(n; 0.1). Treating the upperbound as an equality, and taking the quotient for any two different sets X(i)


and X(j) of Saff points with corresponding local mesh norms hX(i),S(n;0.1)

and hX(j),S(n;0.1) with respect to S(n; 0.1), we find that

err(X(i), S(n; 0.1))

err(X(j), S(n; 0.1))≈(




Thus we plot log[err(X(i), S(n; 0.1))/err(X(j), S(n; 0.1))] on the vertical axisagainst log(hX(i),S(n;0.1)/hX(j),S(n;0.1)) on the horizontal axis, for all possiblecombinations of data from Table 1, and we expect that the points lie approx-imately on a straight line with slope α ≥ (s − 1)/2 = (2.5 − 1)/2 = 0.75.This is indeed the case, but with a value of α much bigger than 0.75: thelinear fit of the data has the slope α ≈ 2.47. This suggests that the provederror bound is not the best possible. We observe that in Table 1 the localmesh norm condition (3.3) in Theorem 1 is satisfied for N > 3000 points butnot for smaller N .






x 10−5





x 10−8

Figure 5: The absolute pointwise error on S(n; 0.1) (left) and on S(n; 0.08)(right) of the RBF interpolant of f , computed from data at 5000 Saff pointslocated inside the cap S(n; 0.1). In each picture the error has been set tozero outside the respective cap. Note the very different scale for the error onthe smaller cap.

In the left-hand picture in Figure 5 we show the absolute pointwise er-ror on S(n; 0.1) of the RBF interpolant of f constructed from the 5000 Saffpoints. In the picture the error outside the cap S(n; 0.1) has been set to zero.We observe that the absolute pointwise error at the boundary of S(n; 0.1)is much larger than that inside S(n; 0.1) away from the boundary, a phe-nomenon that might be expected but is not predicted by the theory. Toexplore the evident faster convergence in the interior, we evaluate the ab-solute pointwise error of the computed RBF interpolant on the smaller cap


S(n; 0.08). The absolute pointwise error on the smaller cap is shown, on avery different scale, in the right-hand picture of Figure 5, using the same dataas before but now setting to zero the error outside S(n; 0.08). The right-handpicture in Figure 5 can be considered to be obtained by zooming-in to thesmaller cap S(n; 0.08) in the left-hand picture in Figure 5. The very differentscale of the second plot (differing by more than three orders of magnitudefrom the first) reveals a pattern of local error on the arc x = 0, arising ofcourse from the lack of smoothness of x3

+ along this arc.In Table 2 we show the maximal absolute pointwise error on S(n; 0.08)

and the local mesh norm hX,S(n;0.08) of the set X of N Saff points with respectto S(n; 0.08) for the same six values of N as in Table 1. (Note that the valuesof the local mesh norm differ from those in Table 1, because the local meshnorm in Table 2 is the local mesh norm of the Saff points with respect to thesmaller cap S(n; 0.08).) The maximal absolute pointwise error of ΛXf on thesmaller cap S(n; 0.08) is again seen to be much smaller than the maximalabsolute pointwise error on S(n; 0.1). It also declines much faster as thenumber N of Saff points increases. From this we conclude that to obtain agood RBF approximation of a function on a spherical cap from local data, itis advisable to take data of the function on a slightly larger cap. This purelyempirical observation is not reflected by the present theory.

N hX,S(n;0.08) err(X,S(n; 0.08))

500 0.005492 2.6626e-051000 0.003893 4.1698e-062000 0.002757 3.2151e-073000 0.002266 7.5403e-084000 0.001963 2.1394e-085000 0.001756 1.8779e-08

Table 2: The local mesh norm hX,S(n;0.08) of the set X of N Saff points insideS(n; 0.1), and the maximal absolute pointwise error err(X,S(n; 0.08)) of theRBF interpolant on the cap S(n; 0.08).

We have also computed the RBF interpolant of f for N = 5000 randomlychosen points inside the spherical cap S(n; 0.1). The maximal absolute point-wise error on the cap S(n; 0.1) was found to be comparable to the maximalabsolute pointwise error for RBF interpolation with respect to the 5000 Saffpoints, but the error in the interior showed more variability.


A Proof of the restrictions on the angle α in

the proof of Lemma 5

Now we show that the angle α in the proof of Lemma 5 satisfies the estimateπ/3 < α < π/2. Remember that we assume here that r < π/2 and x 6= z.

Proof of π/3 < α < π/2. Consider the spherical triangle ∆(x, z,p1) withthe corners x, z, and p1 (see Figure 6). We have dist(x,p1) = dist(z,p1) = rand ρ = dist(x, z) ≤ r, thus we have a triangle with two equal sides (andhence also two equal angles). Furthermore, since [x,q1] is a sub-arc of [x,p1],and [x, z′] is a sub-arc of [x, z] (or vice versa), the corner x of ∆(x, z,p1) hasthe same angle α as the corner x of the spherical triangle ∆(x, z′,q1) (seeFigure 3). Hence the corner z of ∆(x, z,p1) has also the angle α. We denotethe angle of the corner p1 by γ (see Figure 6).

α αx z








Figure 6: The triangle ∆(x, z,p1).

The point z lies to the east of x, and therefore the point p1, which lies onthe longitude which cuts the geodesic arc [x, z] in half, is also to the east ofthe longitude through x. For this reason, the angle α formed by [x,p1] andby [x, z] satisfies α < π/2.

It remains to show that α > π/3. To do this we make use of the factthat the area of the spherical triangle ∆(x, z,p1) is given by (see [9, Theo-rem 2.5.5])

|∆(x, z,p1)| = 2α + γ − π. (A.1)

First we discuss the special case ρ = dist(x, z) = r. In this case thespherical triangle ∆(x, z,p1) has three sides of equal length, and hence three


equal angles, that is, α = γ. The formula (A.1) for the area of the sphericaltriangle ∆(x, z,p1) is now |∆(x, z,p1)| = 3α− π, and since the triangle haspositive surface area, we conclude 3α > π, thus α > π/3.

Now we consider the case ρ = dist(x, z) < r. Let w denote the pointon the equator half-way between x and z (see Figure 6). The spherical sinetheorem applied to the spherical triangle ∆(x,w,p1) yields

sin r =sin r




or equivalently

sin(γ/2) =sin(ρ/2)

sin r=


2 sin(r/2) cos(r/2)⇒ sin(γ/2) <


2 cos(r/2),

since ρ < r < π/2. Moreover, because r < π/2 it follows that cos(r/2) >cos(π/4) = 1/

√2, and hence (since clearly γ/2 ≤ π/2, or γ ≤ π)

sin(γ/2) <1√2

⇒ γ



Thus both α and γ are not greater than π/2.Now apply the spherical sine theorem to the spherical triangle ∆(x, z,p1),

to obtain

sin ρ

sin γ=

sin r

sinα⇒ sinα =

sin r

sin ρsin γ > sin γ.

Because of the monotonicity of sin x on [0, π/2], it follows that α > γ. Fromthis and (A.1) and the fact the spherical triangle ∆(x, z,p1) has positive area,we now obtain 0 < |∆(x, z,p1)| < 3α − π, that is, 3α > π or equivalentlyα > π/3. This concludes the proof. 2

Acknowledgements: The support of the Australian Research Council un-der its Discovery and Centres of Excellence programs is gratefully acknowl-edged. We also thank Doron Lubinsky for advice about the Videnskii in-equality.


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