local seo why isnt your website ranking number one 08 20 2010

Post on 20-May-2015






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Local SEO Why Isn’t Your

Website Ranking Number One

Part Two Understanding


The purpose of this video is to cut through the


When it comes to understanding

SEO or Search Engine Optimization.

This video is part of a series that

has been developed so you

can DIY (Do It Yourself)

DIY all the way to the top of the Google search


This video has been specifically

developed for those who have a local or niche


But before I go any further we should develop a working definition of what

SEO or Search Engine Optimization


Some people seem to think that SEO

as being part science and part art but I am not

one of these people.

I believe that SEO is a game, a

game to be played

and won.

To succeed to must do certain things on and off website better

than your competition.

So then what the heck is SEO?

SEO is the process of optimizing your websites content

and source code to acquire the highest

possible search ranking.

It also includes

another component

called Off Page SEO or link building.

These links or backlinks are the equivalent to the

internet highways road


The generic links which just

include a url act simply as a sign with an arrow.

They basically are saying “Go here for more information.”

Your competition locally likely has

little or no knowledge about backlinks or how

SEO works.

It is extremely important that these

links include your targeted keyword

phrase for the page that is being linked too!

Links that include your

targeted phrase are called anchor

text links.

These anchor

text links are the most valuable

links if they are Do Follow Links.

Links or backlinks are themost difficult

aspect of SEO to comprehend.

Links are the foundation of the

Google algorithm.

For now, we will just say that

links are really, really important!

Links or the lack thereof are likely

one key reason for why your website is not ranking number


So you might be asking where should I start.

Every effective SEO campaign starts with a

detailed review of your


Then you need to do what they have done then you need to do

it better.

This process is about

understanding your

competitions weaknesses and


Once you know what your

competition has done you can then build a

winning game plan.

This is why I say that SEO is a

game because it is a competition.

Except in this game it is never over. You must

actively work your game plan to maintain your


SEO is never a one and proposition but since your business

is local obtaining that coveted

number one position is a

realistic goal.

Are you ready to do what it takes?

So in closing I must ask why are you not

ranking number one? Too be


This concludes today’s video

Local SEO Why Isn’t Your Website Ranking Number

OnePart Two Understanding


The next videoLocal SEO Why Isn’t

Your Website Ranking Number

OnePart Tree The

Competitive Review

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