loker’s favorite quotes i have spent much of my adult life studying successful people. allow me to...

Post on 24-Dec-2015






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Loker’s Favorite Quotes

I have spent much of my adult life studying successful people. Allow me to make a

difference in your life. Open your mind and trust that I want you to be successful.

• “This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind…let it be something good.” Author Unknown

• The decisions you make today determine your opportunities of tomorrow. Author Unknown

• “Your life today is a result of your thinking yesterday. Your life tomorrow will be determined by what you think today.” – John C. Maxwell

• People don’t plan to fail. But, when you fail to plan, you plan on failing to achieve success in the way that you potentially could. Developing personal goals, and a plan to accomplish them, is a critical step towards reaching your true potential and fulfilling your dreams and goals. - Various authors

• Pictures hold life's experiences. And with every experience you learn something. Therefore, you learn something with every picture you take. - Anonymous

• Proper planning prepares you for prosperity. - Lokerism

• “Joy is choosing to see the beauty and blessings no matter what comes our way in life. It doesn’t disappear because of the circumstances. Happiness is circumstantial, but joy builds in your life over time.”- ED YOUNG, from his book Outrageous, Contagious Joy: Five Big Questions to help you Discover One Great Life

• “Life is like an EKG. Without ups and downs, you’re not living.”- submitted by Guideposts reader DEBRA EVANS, of Chico, California

• “Hope is not about everything turning out okay; it is about being okay no matter how things turn out.”-CAROL KODISH-BUTT, founder of the Edmonton Bereavement Centre, in Alberta, Canada

• “Even when you are striving, stumbling and struggling, it’s exhilarating if you sense you are growing.”- Former high school teacher BRENDA POINSETT, from What We’ve Learned So Far, a collection of women’s reflection upon turning 50

• “When things are good, say good things. When things are bad, say twice as many good things.”- Personal coach and painter R. TODD MICHAEL, from his book The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle

• “The pessimist looks for the difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist looks for the opportunity in every difficulty.”

• “The pessimist looks for the difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist looks for the opportunity in every difficulty.”

• “The difference between can and cannot are only three letters. Three letters that determine your life’s direction.” –Remez Sasson

• “Obstacles are fears that need to be transformed. When you have successfully released and transformed them, you are one step closer to your dream.”- Aleta St. James

• “Failure? I never encountered it. All I ever met were temporary setbacks.”- Dottie Walters

• “Every exit is an entry to somewhere else.”- Tom Stoppard

• “Pressure can burst a pipe, or pressure can make a diamond.”- Robert Horry

• “You learn nothing from your success except to think too much of yourself. It is from failure that all growth comes, provided you can recognize it, admit it, learn from it, rise above it and then try again.” – Dee Hock

• “We talk about defining moments, but I think nothing can define you. They’re all refining moments. You’re constantly refining yourself and refining your life.”- Sheryl Crow

• “Gratitude, like faith, is a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows.”- Alan Cohen

• “Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.”

• -submitted by Guideposts reader Azalee G. Redd of Honea Path, South Caroline, who hasn’t let osteoporosis stop her from running biking or hiking. This quote from renowned basketball coach John Wooden inspired her.

• “You are here to enrich the world and you impoverish yourself if you forget that errand.”

• -words by Woodrow Wilson engraved over the entrance to New Cabell Hall at the University of Virginia.

• Happy people are beautiful. If somebody walks in the room and they’re drop-dead gorgeous, they’re fun to look at. But if someone is giving of their spirit and they make you laugh and feel good, that’s a whole other level of beauty. –actress Drew Barrymore

• “If things are tough, remember that every flower that ever bloomed had to go through a whole lot of dirt to get there.”- Barbara Johnson, author

• “The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it.” –Debbi Fields, who, as a young housewife with no business experience, started a small cookie shop, which went on to become the world-famous chain Mrs. Fields

• “You can’t be a smart cookie with a crummy attitude.”

• - John C. Maxwell, Leader expert, author and speaker.

• “If you’re waiting to have a good idea before you have any ideas, you won’t have many ideas.” –from Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen, management consultant and consecutive coach

• “What I like most about change is that it’s a synonym for ‘hope’. If you are taking a risk, what you are really saying is, ‘I believe in tomorrow and I will be part of it.’” –Linda Ellerbe, TV journalist and breast cancer supervisor

• “You have to treat your goal the way your dog handles a bone: grab it, dream, grip it tight and don’t let anyone take it away from you.” –broadcaster Mort Crim

• “Tomorrow I will be better than I am today… better as a golfer, as a person, as a father. That’s the beauty of tomorrow. There’s no such thing as a setback.” –Tiger Woods

• People who feel positively think differently. They think better.” –Deborah Norville, host of TV’s Inside Edition and author of Thank You Power: Making Science of Gratitude Work for You

• “Expose yourself to as much as possible. Attend conferences no one else is attending. Read books no one else is reading. Talk to people no one else is talking to.” -19 year old Ben Casnocha, founder of a million-dollar software company and author of My Start-up Life: What a Very Young CEO Learned on His journey Through Silicon Valley

• “She was my hero growing up. It was a blessing to watch her overcome every obstacle- she had a job and would come home on the bus by herself and help with dinner. You could only imagine the hurdles she encountered every minute of the day. She was a role model to get me ready for life.” –actress Eva Longoria, on her older sister, Liza, who is disabled

• “The quality of my day can turn affect the quality of someone else’s day. What it comes down to is this: You might be somebody’s only angel of the day, and you can’t take that for granted.” –David Wagner, hairstylist, and author of Life as a Daymaker: How to Change the World Simply by Making Someone’s Day

• “Leadership is getting someone to do something that they wouldn’t have done until you encouraged them to do it.” –submitted by Guideposts reader Jeff Rebraca, a personal trainer and high school soccer coach in Youngstown, Ohio

• “To worry is to say God, ‘You’re not big enough to solve this problem, so I’ll deal with it myself.’ Peace disappears when you try to do something about something you can’t do anything about!” –Richard Daly, from God’s Little Book of Peace: Words of Comfort and Reassurance for weary Souls

• “Your mind is like a parachute. It works much better when it’s open!” –Kurek Ashley, from his book How Would Love Respond

• “Make a game of finding something positive in every situation. Ninety-five percent of your emotions are determined by how you interpret events.” –Brian Tracy, self-help author and motivational speaker

• “Wealth isn’t always measured in dollar signs. We each have time, talent and creativity, all of which can be powerful forces for positive change. Share your blessings in whatever form they come and to whatever level you have been blessed.” –Jon M. Huntsman, philanthropist and founder with his wife, Karen, of the huntsman Cancer Institute, from his book Winners Never Cheat: Everyday Values We Learned as Children (But May Have Forgotten)

• “True happiness is when the love that is within us finds expression in external activities.” –Mata Amritanandamayi, also known as the “hugging saint,” who has hugged more than 27 MILLION people across the world over the past 30 years

• “It’s simple: When you haven’t forgiven those who hurt you, you turn your back against your future, when you do forgive, you start walking forward.” - Tyler Perry, who forgave his abusive father, and works the theme of forgiveness into every play and movie he writes.

• “Be more concerned with your character then your reputation.” - John Wooden, UCLA basketball legend who coached his teams to 10 NCAA titles.

• “ If you can’t excel with talent, triumph with effort.” -Dave Weinbaum, self-described ‘One-Line Philosopher’ and restaurant owner in central Missouri who had written more than 38.000 original quotes featured in more than a dozen books including The Forbes Book of Business Quotations:10,000 Thoughts in the Business of Lif.

• “Something awesome happened when you do things out of love, especially toward those who have wronged or upset you. God is love, and every time you demonstrate love, you demonstrate your connection to him.” - Creflo A. Dollar, pastor, from his book 8 Steps to create the Life You Want: The Anatomy of a Successful Life

• “Goodness in other people and what they contribute inspire me. I love it when someone is gifted and shares it in some way so that it has a trickle-down effect” - Actress Renee Zellweger

• “When we are weak, we can still be strong. When we’re under the greatest challenges, it may be the best day of our lives, for God is working to make us into the people he wants us to be.” - Casey Treat, from his book How to Be Your Best When You Feel Your Worst: 5 Steps to a Great Life!

• “One of the very first things I figured out about life… is that it’s better to be a hopeful person than a cynical, grumpy one, because you have to live in the same world either way, and if your hopeful, you have more fun.”- Barbara Kingsolver, novelist and essayist

• “See a need- perform a deed.” - Submitted by Guideposts reader Joe Fleming of Sun City, Arizona, who says he uses this quote as a ‘booster for action’ in his life

• “People worry about careers, but rarely spend half that energy managing their lives. I want to make my life the best it can be.” - Reese Witherspoon, Academy Award-winning actress and mother of two

• “A person who never makes mistakes seldom makes anything else.” - Submitted by guideposts reader Christine Friberg of Wheat Ridge, Colorado

• “The core principle for feeling at peace in the present moment is to act or accept, but never stay stuck.” - John Kuypers, author of What’s Important Now

• “Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.” - Archbishop Desmonds Tutu

• “The person who has good memories is never alone.”

• -Felix Maldonado legendary scout for the Boston Red Sox

Doing little things well is a step towards doing big things better.

Do your work with your whole heart, and you will succeed.

If you want to add value to your life, take care of every moment.

Admire those who succeed, and learn from their success.

• Knowledge helps you make a living; wisdom helps you make a life.

• If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.

• Opportunity knocks on your door every day - answer it.

• Your road to glory will be rocky, but fulfilling.

• Don't give up. The best is yet to come.

• Begin with the end in mind. Stephen Covey, Seven Habits

• "It is only the ignorant who despise education."

• Do what you love. Love what you do.

• “Learning is like rowing upstream: not to advance is to drop back.” – Chinese Saying

• "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are.

• I don't believe in circumstances. • The people who get on in this world are the

people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them."

• • George Bernard Shaw

• Lost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever.

• Horace Mann

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