london futurists - the future of self hacking - mazes. design. cybernetics. script

Post on 26-Jan-2015



Self Improvement



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London Futurists - Script Audio available on SoundCloud:


Mazes Design Cybernetics August 2014 Length: 18 mins GET RELATED Well met! I would like to share with you my insights and discoveries in personal informatics and lifestyle design in relationship to mazes and blindspots that impede performance, health and longevity on the path to immortality. IMMORTALITY REALISATION STORY – DEEP SHARE I would like to share with you my story and give you an insight into what drives me. I value life – my life and the lives of others, and have deep compassion, commitment and love for all people and animals – which is why I am dedicated to being free from death, and empowering others to be free from death. For nearly 2 and a half decades there is one question that never leaves me - How can I stop death from occurring in the fastest and most effective way possible? INCIDENT This question – ‘How can I stop death from occurring in the fastest and most effective way?’ has been with me since I was a child. I

remember I was about 5 looking up at my mother in the hallway of our family home as she was explaining to me that my dog – Sherry – was sick with cancer – and had to be put down. I was told that ageing and death are natural and that everyone I knew and loved would eventually die. RESPONSE I was shocked and appalled that the universe and world I had been born into presently worked like this, and that my mother so easily resigned my dog, herself and everyone else to the fate of ageing and death and accepted it so readily. I knew the universe and world should not be like this – because life and people are the only thing that matters. That night I have a series of visualisations where I see and imagine what it would be like to lose everyone I loved. I am unimpressed that the world and universe is as it is, I do not accept that it will always be so and I vow to myself that I would change the way that bodies, minds and the universe work. IMMORTALITY REALISATION STORY – PERSONAL INVITE You can see that it was something shocking, painful and personal that deeply affected me and made me see what was really valuable and what I wanted and what I was willing to do and become. I would like to invite you all to think about those in your life that you have lost, could lose and also about who you are willing to become and what adventures you are willing to go on to show your love to the world to substantially speed up our being free from death. BLINDSPOT REALISATION – DEEP SHARE I would like to share with you from my personal experiences with blindspots, mazes and traps and what I think gets in the way of fast and efficient attainment of immortality. MAKING WRONG I would like to start with sharing with you about what I have in the past made wrong about myself, others and the world that was not effective towards my goal of immortality.

What better place to start with than myself. I had made many elements of my life or possibilities for my future occur to me wrong or bad. I had been coming from a place of making ‘where I was at the time’ wrong and never good enough, without realising that now is the time to immediately change reality and that immortalisation is a process, and this process can be created in an enjoyable way. I had made showing my love to humanity wrong – and had begun backing down from my stance of being on an immortalization process – to a far less powerful and useful goal and declaration of lifespan extension and increased longevity. I had made my intelligence and vision wrong, through fear and resentment – and had attempted to fit in with a scientific community that was not serving their own interests or my interests fully or quickly enough. I had also made personal wealth, fame and sharing my inner self with the world wrong – when I believe these are part of an empowering path to take. Others – I had made others wrong regarding my vision for immortality. This is not to say that what many people are doing presently is not slow or ineffective for immortality, but I was coming from a place of making and keeping others wrong – which was not empowering to them and not a way to come to a positive resolution and move forwards. Now, if I want to enroll others in my vision, I meet people where they are at, speak to their listening and show them what might be possible for themselves and others in a way that inspires, delights and moves them and holds a space for possibilities they cannot see or hold themselves yet. MAKING IMPOSSIBLE Related to making wrong, is making impossible – that is to say, by our repeating actions, identity, lifestyle and creations – what are we making impossible for ourselves and others by making something wrong, or doing something else so that what we want is always out of reach or in the future? I would like to presence you to not only what I made impossible, but how I made it impossible.

By wanting immortality so much – I closed off the very people, world, lifestyle and love that would get me there – including family members and mentors. I selected a mixture of rebelling ineffectively, being a consumer and critic which got me nowhere, and because of fear, kept doing what I thought would look good or what people who didn’t want immortality would praise me for such as working on the projects of other people that don’t want to live forever or are not serious and do not have integrity about the fastest path to immortality. All the time creating inspiring and delightful breakthroughs and transformations in others can be immediate and one conversation away! Now I have started to have some of those critical conversations – I now have support from family and also more mentors in the immortalist community in a way that is making a difference for me and opening up opportunities I did not even know existed before. In many cases I was also waiting for someone else to do what was needed or expected others to sort out planet-wide problems that would get in the way of immortality when we need to be going around the planet and sorting that out! Why let threats to your immortality remain in existence on the planet? Other ways I have in the past made immortality impossible include logging metrics that are not the most critical for immortality which would just lead me around in circles or to have a mundane life that would only lead to death. This has led to me doing dangerous diets or over-focusing on physical exercise in a way that does not serve my goals. Whereby low heart rate, low body fat and having an astronautics ready body would serve my goals. GIVE IT UP Giving ineffectiveness up is one of the most important devices to consider. Giving up ineffective steps in order to decrease the steps between here and immortality. Once you are in a space where you know what you want and you are uncovering parts of your identity, daily activities, thoughts,

communications and lifestyles that are making what you want impossible to attain what you are making wrong - you can start living from a space of ‘what ideas and lifestyles am I free to give up, drop, and walk away from that are not serving me or others for immortality’. GET OUT OF OWN WAY One of the hardest parts of this can be to admit to yourself and others that something you are doing is just not working. If you come from a place of being free and easy to give things up to empower yourself and others there is no shame or fear – especially because you can communicate to others the process you are using – so they can see where you are heading and that you are trying on ways of being, actions with freedom and ease to find what gets you to immortality. Is your stubbornness to give something up, not admit it to yourself, keeping making something wrong or impossible stopping you from achieving it because repeating ineffectiveness? Are you getting in the way of your own immortality? How many times are you responding with – ‘No that is wrong, impossible, and not me/for me?’ and how many of those times do you think you are getting in the way of your own immortality and that of others? IDENTITY Identity-wise I have identified with many titles and ways of being – A student, an atheist, a transhumanist, a scientist, a futurist, a philosopher, an academic, an entrepreneur, a speaker, an immortalist. I found that most of the titles and identities lacked empowerment, positioned me under people, and did not integrate what I needed, give me the freedom I needed or combined practical creation with big thinking to be immortal. Most of these identities weakened me

and put what I wanted in the future – and would happen to me someday – rather than starting to create them personally now. Creating new powerful personal brands and identities lead to powerful possibilities. Of the many ways I think of myself I like to think of myself as an immortal. In that from the time I am born and for infinity I will not die – and thus at any point in-between I can be said to be immortal. I also have freed myself to do anything at any given time in order to sustain my life and that of others– and have cast aside limitations that will lead to death. This has lead to a sense of ease and excitement in my life. BLINDSPOT REALISATION – PERSONAL INVITE Where in your life can you see blindspots after I have shared ones that I have seen? What mazes and traps have you entered into or created that you can now see that you are free to give up and move on from. What have you been making wrong or impossible for you personally? What powerful identity would you like to create for yourself and how is your current identity limiting you? LIFESTYLE DESIGN – DEEP SHARE Many people resist lifestyle transformation - communicating from certain what is okay with what they are doing, or how it is better than something really ineffective or out-dated – instead of thinking about how to make it even better or just give it up and swap it out. What are you telling yourself is normal or okay but really isn’t empowering you? Lifestyle experiments I have performed include going nocturnal for a month, solitary for a week, eating only for psychotropic/nootropics effects, being hypercritical, going to many coaching/personal development courses, doing and being opposite of how I see myself. Some of these gave me insights but were not sustainable – all the same – living a lifestyle of experimentation has allowed me to find answers and unlock parts of myself so that

I can utilise more of my intelligence and resourcefulness – and break down more imposed limits on my body, mind and time. What is worth experimenting with in your lifestyle? Here are some elements I am experimenting with and I see as part of my future: Viral content. Mass Media. Botnets. Raising finance. Scaling. Personal analytics. Publicity stunts. Designing new futuristic lifestyles and lifestyle designs. Entrepreneurship. Enrolling. Creating technology. Picking the quickest path to immortality- and then having a significant role in making that happen. Partnering with most apex people and brands in world. Being at centre of action. Lifestyle experiments have really worked for me leading to new opportunities to create philosophical and mathematical theories, find friendships and great people, improve my health, intelligence and create scientific projects. It has really made a difference for me. What have I taken out and am taking out of my lifestyle that I do not think are working for me? Suburbia. Non-global cities. Academia. Being a critic or spectator. Sitting in offices. The finances of a student. Coming into contact with too many spectators and people not part of fastest path to immortality. I cannot stress the importance of seeing lifestyle elements as replaceable modules that you are free to give up at any point if they are not working for you. LIFESTYLE DESIGN – PERSONAL INVITE What new lifestyle elements can you see that you could add? What lifestyle elements, practices, traditions, ways of interacting and event types could you give up, disrupt or evolve? If we are honest – which repeating events in our lifestyles are not empowering us as much as something could if we swapped it for something better. How can we give up more old fashioned lifestyle designs – and move and communicate in ways that lead down the fastest path to

immortality – botnets, drone swarms, global hackathons, swarming up on the problems of our species and world. If speaking at events is not effective for me. I can easily give up being a speaker as part of my identity and lifestyle – and focus attention elsewhere – science, AI, self-experimentation, investment, entrepreneurship, hacking. A speaker is not who I will be until I die, it is a lifestyle design experiment. PERSONAL CYBERNETICS – DEEP SHARE I am experimenting with which are the critical markers and metrics I need to be tracking and optimising, how to validate them, how to optimise them and how I want to interact with them as a signal and cybernetic feedback loop – and how I do not want interact with them and what is not workable or high performance. METRICS When thinking about what specific metrics are important I imagine who immortality would be achieved by first and fastest in order to create metrics, lifestyle, identity and values around that. Levels of fame, wealth, investment, heart rate, asset types, training courses, critical spaces and resources open to you, telomere lengths, rates of progress. ANALYTICS Having selected some critical metrics you can then start to think about how to analyse them – in real time or upon reflection and what else to do with the data, such as sell it, make an AI with it, share it or create cybernetic feedback and bio-feedback technologies for your immortalisation strategy. A great starting point is too see what you doing when things are going well and fast for you, and what you are doing that is slowing you down. Personal analytics also allows you to reveal more blindspots and unknown unknowns. I like to check my heart rate as well as how

many ideas I am recording per day, as well as what led to my best business and personal opportunities – such as speaking at conferences, utilising cognitive enhancers, all night hackathons and the utilisation of cybernetics and botnets to automate important tasks. CYBERNETICS How you want to be interacted with and create changes in those metrics and immortalisation strategy in mind - requires cybernetics, botnets and AI take it to the next level to speed through to your endpoint. I have utilised botnets for social networking and also implemented cybernetics to alert people when I divert from doing exercise or enter a certain geofence. AI could also be used for your R&D and investment strategy as part of your immortalisation strategy focusing on the areas you think are important, as well as upping your fame and finances and reminding you to do activities that will lower heart rate and increase longevity. PERSONAL CYBERNETICS – PERSONAL INVITE I invite you to think about what metrics are really important to you – and to start with focusing on a few vital metrics to really live a bigger, longer life and then what cybernetics you would create to speed that up. CROSS THRESHOLD TO NEW WORLD To cross over to a new way of thinking and being – I am not asking you to come to more events, buy a book or donate. I am asking you to do something more valuable than that in your life and for those in your life and whom you want in your life. What I am asking is something that is harder but I feel much more valuable. I am asking you to start something – experiment with some changes in your identity, lifestyle, give something up, get out of your own way, create challenges, ask for what you want. And communicate that you are doing this with those that know you,

respect you and love you so that they can understand you, support you and join in. We can pretend this is a talk about the future – and a nice weekend lecture where we can fantasise about the future and then go on living like cavemen or 1930s bankers or whatever mixture of decades and centuries your identities and lifestyles came from. Or we can invent the future together, today, and communicate about the process and narrative we are using to do it.

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