long ago the bald eagle had large feathers covering his head

Post on 21-Jan-2016






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Long ago the Bald Eagle had large feathers covering his head

The Bald Eagle was one of the largest birds back then.

He controlled all of the littler birds who where smaller than him.

The Bald Eagle had just one enemy the Blue Jay who thought that he should be king of all birds

One day Bald Eagle said “I think I will get a new hair cut.” Blue Jay over herd this and came up with an idea for him to king

Blue Jay dressed up like the barber and when the Bald Eagle came , Blue Jay asked “ What type of hair style would you like?” the Bald Eagle answered “ anything that you think would look good.”

Blue Jay shaved off all of the Bald Eagles Large feathers off of his head. Blue jay also put anti growth gel on his head so the feathers would not grow back.

When Bald Eagle saw this he was very ashamed of him self and left the thrown so no one would see him and laugh at him. Blue Jay became the king of all birds and was very happy with himself.

And so that is why the Bald Eagle is so bald.

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