looking for-love

Post on 11-Aug-2015



Self Improvement



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Looking For Love…

Brought to you by: 411Flirt.com

Let me start by saying that I understand most of my readers are very busy

people who do not have too much time to spend reading an instruction manual.

So, I have come up with something that requires just a single glance to get the

gist of it, like reading the headlines of the newspaper. Don’t let that mislead

you; this is a comprehensive guide that will almost guarantee your success.

This may be the most important 10 - 15 minutes of your life. Even if you only

take away one tip, you will learn something you probably hadn’t thought about.


Are You Tired of Looking For Love and Not Having Any Luck? .......... 4

The Online Dating Profile ........................................................... 8

When You Start Talking ............................................................. 9

4 Ways To Tell If Someone Is Lying ........................................... 10

Meeting For the First Time ....................................................... 12

Places to Take Your Date ......................................................... 13

Things to Talk About On A First Date ......................................... 14

Body Language ...................................................................... 16

Getting That Second Date ........................................................ 18

Credits .................................................................................. 22

Are You Tired of Looking For Love and Not Having Any Luck?

First you will have to forget what you think you know about a few things.

You have to keep moving forward, don’t dwell on past failures.

Your life as you know it is about to change for the better and you will find that

relationship you’re looking for. Love is something different to everyone but

getting what you want and need from a relationship is at it’s core.

Let’s examine your approach.

Are you still using cheesy or insulting pick-up lines?

- These may have worked at one time, but today’s woman is looking for

much more from a man.

Do you have an online dating profile?

- Today’s world is centered around the online social and dating sites.

Are you texting girls? Maybe even getting shot down over and over?

- Even those that don’t answer the phone will respond to a text. If you’re

not texting, it’s time to start.

Do you get the first date but can’t seem to get a second?

- It should only take a few small changes to help make your 1st date

enjoyable enough to easily get the second.

Let’s polish up your act with simple tips that will get you results.

These tips will not only help you with the first date but also with getting that

fulfilling dating life or romantic relationship that you are looking for. These are

changes that won’t take a lot of time or effort but will have a major impact on

your results.

You can’t just sit back and hope that love will find you. You need to put yourself

out there and do it in the right ways.

Staying at home in front of the computer or television won’t work.

Sitting in a bar and hoping that that beautiful girl comes to you won’t work.

Setting up your online dating profile the wrong way is going to get a lot of

unwanted results or none at all.

Step outside of your comfort zone with confidence and open yourself to new

opportunities. No one will know that you have been a dating loser unless you tell

them. The things you are going to learn right here in this report are simple but

powerful. They will change your way of thinking and get results quickly.

There is no check off list to finding the true key to seducing a woman. This

report is an easy to follow guide with tips that should help you be more

successful. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that you will be; there is no step

by step guaranteed method.

Getting the woman you want may not be as difficult as

you think. We see couples all the time that may not

look like they belong together and wonder what they

see in each other.

Develop The Guts To Talk To Anyone…

The Online Dating Profile

Rewrite your dating profile to make yourself more attractive no matter how good

your picture is. The hardest part of this is, capturing the interest of a woman and

it is also your biggest challenge.

You need to set yourself apart from the crowd.

The user name is the one thing that you cannot usually change so, consider

it carefully and have fun building your online dating profile.

It’s okay to use a profile picture that is a couple of years old, if you say that

it is not current

Be upbeat and positive when describing yourself

Talk briefly about things that you’re very interested in not about everything

you’ve ever done

If you have trouble coming up with things that you have done that are

interesting, talk about the things that you would like to do.

Be honest and be brief, don’t write a novel

When You Start Talking

You have captured her attention and she contacts you. How do you know she’s

for real or if she is really someone that you are interested at all?

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people that prey on the weakness of others.

People who are just “looking for love” are among the most targeted. Many

people are fooled into thinking that every picture is real or that every person is

telling the truth.

Talk a little more about some of the interests you listed in your profile

Talk about the interests she has listed on her profile

If it’s a long distance meeting describe your town and talk about current


Share pictures of you enjoying your favorite things

If she’s for real, she should be able to respond to each of these items with

something similar about herself, including additional pictures that include her.

Getting to know someone and seducing a woman should be an enjoyable process

for both of you. Being in a rush could make you seem needy and discourage her.

4 Ways To Tell If Someone Is Lying

It’s easy to be taken advantage of online. The person that you are talking to is

anonymous so it’s easy for them to say anything that comes to mind. Be careful

not to be their next victim.

1. Talk about their interests and goals

- If you don’t get an answer or if they change the subject you should be

cautious since their intentions are probably not good. People love to

talk about themselves. Usually, when you give them an opening, they

have a lot to talk about.

- Take notes on the answers that you get and check your notes. It’s easy

to get caught up in the moment and lose track of what is actually being


2. If they are in a foreign country or a different state from their profile and

need help getting back.

- Someone that is honest and needs money certainly isn’t going to be

asking anyone they just met online.

- If they act like you are the best thing that has ever happened to them

from first the day they stumbled on your profile, they are either

extremely desperate or phony. Most likely, phony.

3. If your profile picture is an everyday guy and hers is that of a supermodel.

- If this is the case, you can be pretty sure that this profile is a fake.

- Guys get easily impressed with the “model” profile and are targeted with

profiles that are sure to suck them in.

- These are the profiles of young, beautiful women that have been

developed especially to try to get men to fall in love with the idea of this

woman. Usually, just enough to get you to sympathize and send her

money for one thing or another… a broken down car, tires, a visa,

schooling or any number of other items.

4. Act like you have chatted before and you remember her.

- If she easily goes along with it instead of questioning you, this is yet

another clue that you should be cautious.

- Anyone that is honest will ask questions to try to figure out where or

when you “met”.

- If she’s quick to “remember” you, this may be another of the scam

profiles. They may be hoping that you haven’t quite given up yet.

Meeting For the First Time

You really want to put your best foot forward here. She will be just as nervous

as you are so try to relax a little.

Shower and pay special attention to your fingernails be sure they are neat

and trim. Make your hands more touchable by using lotion.

Don’t overdo it on the cologne but don’t go without it. Scent is the

strongest sense linked to memory so, leave something for her to remember

you by.

Dress appropriately for the season and the destination.

It is important that you are a gentleman but don’t overdo it.

Keep the conversation light and changing, try to make her laugh. They say

if you can make a woman laugh she will do just about anything for you.

It’s no fun to be around a person that is always complaining and doesn’t

have anything positive to add to a conversation

Confidence is a very attractive quality for both men and women. Careful

preparation for your first date will give you the confidence you need and leave

your date wanting to see you again; it is also a shortcut to help decide if you

want a second date.

Places to Take Your Date

It’s always difficult to decide where to take someone when your on your first

date. This is just a few ideas that should help get you started finding some

interesting things to do that you will both enjoy. The best part about these simple

ideas is that they offer plenty of opportunity to get to know one another.

This is usually someone that you have talked with, at least a bit. Finding

something that you have in common should be fairly easy from these


If you met online and just can’t remember, now would be a good time to check

your notes if you took them.

- If you both like to cook, you could prepare a favorite meal together

- If you both enjoy the outdoors, how about a picnic at a local park, or a

stroll through a scenic area if there is one nearby.

- If you both happen to be dog lovers, you could take the dogs to a dog


You should get the idea here. Something simple that allows quiet time for talking

and a light activity to help fill any gaps in the conversation. Nothing


Things to Talk About On A First Date

Most people are more than willing to talk a little about themselves and, asking

the right questions will give you the information you need to decide if you are

interested in a second date.

To get a good conversation flowing, you should ask open ended questions. Ask

questions that invite a response then listen to the answer. Your goal should be a

fun conversation that let’s you get to know each other a little. Don’t ask

questions that could start a heated debate or ones that are too personal, at least

not the first couple of times you meet.

Learning to talk to anyone is something that we learn as babies. There’s nothing

wrong with planning what to say. Carefully crafted questions will supply you with

a lot of insight and help you avoid awkward moments of silence. Confidence is

attractive, but don’t overdo it.

1. Where did they grow up?

2. What kind of work have they done?

3. How many brothers and sisters?

4. How many children do they have?

5. What do they do in their spare time?

6. Where do they like to vacation?

7. Do they have any pets and what kind?

8. Mention something that makes you really happy and ask what they do that

makes them instantly happy?

9. If they have trouble falling asleep what do they do?

These are all questions that will give you a bit of insight into a person without

getting too personal. Based on their answers you will quickly be able to decide if

you have anything in common. Every question is designed to allow for more

conversation and every answer should require more than just a one word answer.

A conversation should be two sided and these questions will allow you to talk a

little about yourself also.

Body Language

It is important to relax, have fun and be yourself. Use good humor and clean

jokes to leave a lasting impression. Being able to talk about a variety of things

and make people laugh will leave them looking forward to their next conversation

with you.

There are many confident male body language signals that you can learn to

easily master. Practice these steps and you will find they actually come quite

naturally when you relax.

1. Be calm and composed, even if you really aren’t, don’t over react to her

signals, be calm and smile this will let her know that you are confident

and she will naturally follow your lead

2. Move slowly and with confidence, pay attention to how you sit, stand and

move in general, showing that you are confident and composed will help

her relax. If you act nervous she will pick up on that too.

3. Don’t let yourself be hidden by those around you, claim your personal

space with your body but, don’t be sloppy about it

4. Smile and be friendly

5. When you speak always speak clearly but, speaking more softly will

force her to listen closely.

6. Don’t laugh when you shouldn’t, or too much

7. Smile when you make eye contact but don’t stare

8. Not too much touching

Confident body language and well directed conversation can create a sexual

tension that is as intense as the satisfaction. If you don’t contact her soon after

the date, it’s possible the damage can’t be reversed.

Many of our fears are unfounded and we often hold ourselves back because of

them. Have you ever seen a man laughed at or embarrassed for talking to a

woman? We only seem to notice the guys that are successful not the ones that


The goal is to seem confident and relaxed, even if you aren’t and the better you

master the skill of confident body language the more natural it will become.

Remember that women are nervous too. Your goal right now is to create interest

and conversation.

Getting That Second Date

The easiest way to assure that your date is interested enough for a second date

is to make a good impression. When you plan for success it’s easy to achieve it.

Planning a good first date can be nerve wracking, but it will help you be more

relaxed if you know what the plans are for the evening. A word of advice: don’t

plan the evening so well that you become pressed for time.

Trying to fit too many things into a date can cause stress for you both. Allow for

relaxing conversation instead. It’s a good idea to have a little something extra

planned in case you need it, but make sure that it’s nothing that can’t be


We all have busy lives, and unfortunately, we all have bad days. Just because

you have selected a day and time to go out, it doesn’t mean that your date will

be in a great mood when you show up.

If this happens, don’t take it personally. Keep in mind that you are still going out,

so they must be looking forward to getting to know you better.

Act nonchalant about it and keep the conversation light. This will help draw them

into a lighter mood and give you an opportunity to shine. Any time that you get

the chance to improve someone’s day, they remember that you made them


Being spontaneous at this point will add fun to the relationship and increase your

chances of success. It may take a few tries to get them out of the mood, but

your efforts will be well worth it.

If you are not sure if she is interested enough to accept a second invitation, or

are hesitant about asking, there is a solution…

You can “arrange” a meeting at another time. Simply pick an evening that you

will be out (or plan to be out - just for this) and let her know where you will be.

You can mention that if she’s interested she is welcome to drop by.

This method leaves you wondering and waiting, so it may not be suitable for

everyone, but it can work very well.

Recommended Resources

Learn to capture her attention and

have her chasing after you.

Inside the course, you will learn things


How to attract gorgeous women

How to make small talk

Never run out of things to say to


The secret to making her laugh

What to say to get her thinking

about you in a sexual way

Conversation topics to use to build

sexual tension


This is the most comprehensive report on

improving your dating that you will ever

read! Not only does it include timely tips

and advice on understanding why

romance is so important to successful

dating but it will also provide you with

tons of specific ideas.


Learn to talk to anyone.

There are only a few things you need to

know in order to speak effectively with

just about anyone. The most important of

them, of course, is confidence.


Cover Image by: Mart1n

Chapter Image by: svilen001

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